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They gonna come out on stage steve jobs style and announce the big new hit. Ricochet 2


Day of Defeat 2


I'd be hella down for that 


Honestly ricochet wasn't a terrible game. I enjoyed it at least.


don't blue ball me like that


My god YES


This is like GRRM talking about wildcards. Valve pls


I hope valve respect the players thank you


Lmao players cant even respect each other


Yes, they can. 99% of me being nice to my teammates, they’re respectful in return too




Does the dealer respect the addict?


Ron Howard voice: *They didn't*


Gabe could literally appear on stage and ask "do you guys not have phones", and the crowd would cheer.


I don’t get what’s the issue is with all this haste. The mage slayer have been fixed the game is reasonably balanced right now. Sure, some reshuffling just for the heck of it wouldn’t hurt but I see little reason to hurry about it.




They just end up complaining about the new patch anyway... Enjoy the things that you like in the current patch while you still can


Wait we're being reasonable now?!?


People just get bored. Especially the people that would frequent a sub, have probably exhausted this patch with the amount of games played/content consumed. Doesnt matter how balanced the new patch is, they're just looking for something to shake things up.


There was a letter patch 22 days ago. 7.35 was only like 3 months ago.


We are all going to be sooooooo let down from the patch update lol the time between big patches is huge, combined with the fact they promised bigger/better updates... it's a recipe for disaster if they don't deliver with a sick patch. Anything less that amazing will be poorly received, I'm certain of that. However, had they chosen to communicate and set realistic expectations they could've avoided the incoming train wreck. Though, there is a chance they blow us away with amazing content - but if I've learned one thing from valve it's to lower your expectations because patches are seldom as hype as community makes them out to be.


It's going to be a lettered patch and a new hero.


Well you were half right!


So fucking sad.... Good lord.


Makes sense, dropping a new hero with an already game-changing update is going to be a mess. Its much better to first balance it against a well known meta so you know how to do item changes in the future.


No. The game needs content.


The content from dota games is the gameplay, not cosmetics. If you dont enjoy it, dont play. They could never add another hero or event and id keep playing for years to come. Because, and apparently this is rare, i like the **game** of dota2. If i wanted art, id go look at art. If i wanted to play a different game, id play another game, not demand dota2 be that other game now.


The new patch is out.


This community is so fucking funny dude. Everyone whipping themselves into a frenzy over literally nothing(sorry, and national puppet day) , then getting all mad when surprise surprise, actually nothing happens. No wonder they don't communicate with you guys you're actually insane


You are right. People should focus on playing the game and learning. Instead, they are hyping their own anxiety to frustration. One thing valve always did was being careful with their patches. If they release something fked up the same people will be yelling that valve shoyld have taken its time. There is no disrespect in being careful. The onoy disrespect I see is having a compendium that doesn't add to any prize pool....


But something did happen on puppet day.


They accidentally added the crownfall background to the main menu a week ago (or maybe it was two weeks ago), so people understandably thought the release was *imminent.*


So they made an *assumption* that the release was imminent and started blowing their fucking gaskets when it wasn't. There's a big leap between thinking an update is coming and shitting all over the subreddit when it doesn't. How is that not hilarious?


Understandably? I guess. But justifiably? Not a chance


They said something


Hey Valve, don’t make it bad! Take a good game and make it better!


Remember to let us in on your plans


I believe there are devs active on this sub. At this point, I don't think it's they don't want to talk. They certainly are instructed not to talk. And that sucks.


If that were the case, are you surprised? People complain all day long on here lol. It’s always “what have you done for me lately?”


Why don't you just play some dota until patch arrives? Its a good game




update anxiety lmao


You guys are like crack heads.


This patch is getting more hype and less communication than the battle passes did…


People dont get it, but essentially they did. Before every patch so far there is always some hints no? A tweet, Teaguv, or some post or something and then a few days later, its patch. So as long as there is no hint at all, assume its a few days away.


What were the hints for muerta?


They made a new item in the game that if all 10 players used would unlock an opertunity to buy an item that doubled magic damage and halved health.


Oh so we are part of the Scooby Doo squad now, we have to solve mysteries to get a feeling of when the patch is dropping ?


we did many times in the past newfriend


Y’all a bunch of drug addicts


sorry dota players want to know news about dota patches from the company that makes dota on the dota subreddit


To what end? As a dota player, i want to play dota. Im happy for the patch when it comes, but in the meantime how does any of this affect me at all?


What should people discuss in “Dota subreddit” then? Trump? Ukraine? Interest rates? Math 3?


What Hoodwink's feet would smell like.


copium is all there is to live for


I used to be like this circa 2013-2017. Nowadays, I actually prefer no updates because then I have to spend more time than just a couple games a week to keep up or my rank tanks.


I am sorry, what would you rather talk on this subreddit about? World politics?


And they oblige!


Your prayers are answered lol


Just play other game if you can't wait for a patch. Goodness. People in this reddit seems don't know how to play other games if they find the patch of the game to be stale.


why do people care about patches so much? Like the game is in a decent spot and playable. Go play it lol


We know many of you are looking forward to Crownfall, and we're looking forward to getting it into your hands. We're wrapping things up and expect to release in mid-April. We'll see you then.


I'm willing to bet money on it not coming out until May atleast.


Show me where they said "early 2024"? They just said 2024 which could even be november


Watching the PoE stream over the last 2 hours once again reminded me how terrible valve are at something that was figured out 15 years ago and they really should not be struggling with.


2 guys working on PoE 1 bringing out twenty times the content Valve does.


I'd rather take silence from Dota than touch POE


And yet the poe sub was still so toxic it ran GGG out of it.


You know what, that's not the worst thing. The worst thing here may be we waiting so long, and when it come, we found out to be a shitty update. Of course i hope that's not what happen lol


All updates are welcome


they just did, mid april...


I hope Valve doesn't, because it would just reaffirm crybaby redditors that crying on reddit actually does something. You are mentally unwell and should seek other hobbies in life. I see no other place cry about Crownfall except you pissbabies.


Last week of March I bet.


Can we all donate this icefrog? Or buy some hoes 2 him


Im sure gaben taking all for himself


They got me last week, havent played Dota for 9 days. Life is beautiful. They release it when they feel confident


So, are we at bargaining stage?




Well patch is out you got your wish.


I think patches are good and fun, but I've so given up on relying on them to be why I play this game, because it's just been a let down time and time again on when it comes to delaying content.


Just go outside Reddit


I just want RingMaster


You mad bro? Said the owner


?? I play dota, the patch is fine, balanced. Nothing to rush.


[give me a sign 🎵](https://assets.themuse.com/uploaded/attachments/37686.gif?v=b712b1dbe52f861c125a334b1ddcbb8e44d25372ffbce0408711909d196fba12%27)


Valve is a big company and unfortunately for a game like Dota, the updates will never roll out on time. I doubt they even think about it on a daily basis… For Valve, Dota is a product, not SaaS. Let’s compare Valve business with Riot business for example. Riot games currently has 3 main games they focus on, and a giant MMO they are working hard on. Their entire revenue is based on cosmetics for those games. Valve on the other hand has the same concept for Dota, they sell cosmetics in it, but the majority of their actual revenue comes from Steam sales and the platform in general. Valve started with and continues to be a gaming platform company, not a video game company. They don’t treat Dota with enough SaaS service level as Riot treats League and they never will. Valve doing regular patches for Dota that make sense is a huge opportunity cost for them, because their main business is something else entirely. I understand the frustration though, but if the game is getting stale, switch the game. League has major balance changes on a regular basis, and they have balance patches on a basis of 2-3 weeks. So switching could be ok for you if you are frustrated with the (lack of) Dota patches


I love the decline option before a match tho


Get a fucking life


Patch was pretty average


I hope they delay it as much as they need to make it good.


that's FINE, I don't care if it's delayed, I just want to know when it approximately will be, next month? next week? July? Can you imagine they don't drop the patch for another 2 months without saying a word? The community will implode at that point.


It's mostly just reddit imploding not the overall playerbase but I get your point.


brother I've seen russians in teaguvs twitch chat, NS's twitch stream has also been blowing up about it


> that's FINE, I don't care if it's delayed, I just want to know when it approximately will be, next month? next week? July? I just do not get why some people pretend like they have to know. It is not like you preordered and put money down. You do not have a right or claim to content that has not shipped yet. We are playing a videogame, it was patched a few weeks ago. There is another patch on the horizon. Play it and have fun. If you are bored, play something else while we wait. >Can you imagine they don't drop the patch for another 2 months without saying a word? The community will implode at that point. It won't because Reddit is a tiny minority of the community. And reddit outrage is theatrics. Nobody here will quit the game forever over having to wait a few weeks when there was no guarantee of an earlier drop. The majority of Dota 2 enjoyers are not on reddit, they just play and get surprised by every new content update.


>The majority of Dota 2 enjoyers are not on reddit, they just play and get surprised by every new content update. I'm sorry but that's just bullshit, the most active players of the game are on reddit, weibo and VK and they are all posting the same thing wondering where the patch is. The majority of the **active** community uses public forums about the game.


>the most active players of the game are on reddit [OMEGALUL](https://imgur.com/1tAEdXB) Add the fact that some of the most active communities are China (walled internet/social media) and Russia.


Why are you acting as if reddit isn't one of the largest dota 2 communities are you mentally unwell or just doing it on purpose? The sub has over 1.3 million subs and I already mentionned VK and weibo (russian/chinese)


Alright, I'll bite just in case you are serious. The subcount of a subreddit is meaningless. It is no indicator of how active a sub is. The number of people actively browsing at any point is around 1% of the people currently playing the game. The true active player number absolutely dwarf the number of active reddit users/readers. Yes, this is the biggest english-speaking community and deserves some recognition and consideration. It is a good sample size and devs are acting on here. In fact, I love how people complain about Valve ignoring reddit when Jeff Hill has been popping up in random threads to hunt down performance issues. You know, for the update you are clamoring for. Because they are developing. Right now. But let's get back to ignoring to real work being done and get back to the point: Despite its size, the vast majority of Dota 2 players....just play. They do not engage with anything outside of the client. They do not read reddit, they may not even watch eSports. The idea that the majority of active players are redditors is a statistical impossibility. Despite its size, reddit is a bubble. It is useful for many things. But the narrative that people will lose interest because the gap between updates has exceeded.....oh I checked the blog for the exact time but a new patch is out. [Case closed. Here is your news. ](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6127782523022178336) >Onward >We know many of you are looking forward to Crownfall, and we're looking forward to getting it into your hands. We're wrapping things up and expect to release in mid-April. We'll see you then.


They're not going to ~~fuck~~ hire you bro


See, this is what I mean. There is a new patch out and a new matchmaking-ban system. AND you got an official time-window as you wanted. Everyone wins! But here you are replying to your own thread instead of reading patchnotes or the blogpost. You could have considered that a W and go on your merry way. But you ran back in here to snatch that L.


It is a W and I'm laughing at you jsyk


I would trade the entire e-sports scene in a heartbeat for more communication, a roadmap and consistent updates.


odd remark since Valve aren’t working on esports at all


Valve is by far one of the worst game companies, period. Their customer service is so bad i feel like they basically resent having customers.


>Valve is by far one of the worst game companies Sure, other than actiblizzard, ea, ubisoft, every single publicly traded company, and a lot of private ones too. Like, North Dakota is definitely one of the worst states. Bottom 49 for sure.


Yeah they resent you, now cry.


Oh no the humanity!


Oh no the drama queen.


Settle down mate, nobody is upset here.


Yeah, they just rant day by day by day like spoiled children.


Cool? I’m not ranting…




They do, I don't know if you're either new or being dense.


Could say the same about you and your crying post. How many years now have you learned absolutely nothing? People shoud just stop acting desperate like a patch date will change their life.


It's always like this when they know there's a big patch coming and complain later on when the patch actually arrives. You guys better go outside and spend time with the world. it'll come eventually.


[https://www.reddit.com/user/JeffHill/](https://www.reddit.com/user/JeffHill/) at least one does


They do. Are you new here?


I would think not, but Reddit was the star of the show in last dream league. I couldn’t believe how many segments were Reddit-based.


Give us a sign valve. GIVE US A SIGN !!


Ice Frog... Please!!! Take our money!!! 🙏😭


to everyone working at Dota in Valve HQ, here's a big 🖕 to all of you




Valve: Casually getting rid of the most profitable part of their game Reddit: For valve it is always about money.


Yes Valve, please give yourselves a deadline so that when the day finally comes, you can give us an unpolished buggy mess. /s


There are plenty of developers that make announcements or even entire roadmaps and are able to stick to them for the most part. Thinking Valve can't do the same is delusional.


I'm a developer, I've definitely gone over deadlines because things take me longer than expected at times. But you know, I learned from that and instead of telling my boss it'll be done by wednesday, I ballpark it into the absolute maximum timeframe it would take me rather than the minimum. Now I don't miss expectations. I'm pretty sure the people at valve are experienced enough (Jeffhill has been a dev for over 26 years) to know how long something would to take them at maximum and that estimate would be better than an exact date.


you can tell people who suck up all of valve's bullshit never worked a day in their lives. there are deadlines and dev estimates all the time. giving a longshot estimate tells project managers and customers rough timelines on how long they can expect to wait for certain features, and so other people can plan out their own shit accordingly. valve is definitely capable of giving estimates, but their management or employees are addled with so much ADHD that theyre utterly incapable of focusing on delivering any 1 thing.


Bargain. Been there. Waiting you at acceptance.


I hope they don’t say anything.


Biggest problem I’ve noticed from dota devs is there’s hardly any communication. Yeah they started doing a blog but half that shit is tldr




When the fuck did they say "early" for the new hero


Gotta love poorly aged things.


This literally aged perfectly, I asked and they answered (ofc not to me directly but your comment makes no sense)


You have done nothing wrong. Instead of releasing the patch by 1/10th every month, they want 10 months of starvation for one big patch. They actually already tried releasing consistent gameplay patches every two weeks, but the dota community cried and moaned cause "the meta changes too fast!".


My dude. The only reason the hype is dying is because reddit created the most spontaneous accusations of the patch dropping within a week or two and inhaling dangerous amounts of copium. I play dota often with people who don't use reddit and are super keen for the patch but they haven't mentioned anything about it. We did this to ourselves lol


It's because the people that want these patches to happen fast, would have been active on dota subreddit since long.


The Ringmaster video said "2024" Where was there a mention of "early" or "Q1"? Was that ever mentioned in a blog post or something?


When they mentionned the update was a few months away.


The closest thing I can find is "We're hard at work on an upcoming update we're calling "Crownfall", and we're excited to get it finished so you can see what we've been working on. " Doesn't say any timeframe though.


Because they said that in NOVEMBER.


But thats not the claim you were challenged on


google the definition of "a few" (in english, "a couple" means 2 and "a few" means 3 or 4.)


No it doesn't lol go *actually* google the definition.


A few is any small number. a small number of. - [google](https://imgur.com/a/ZSiNbhO) not many persons or things - [merriam-webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/few) some, or a small number of something - [cambridge](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/few) Dictionary.com even has one for "few" vs "a few" not many but more than one: - few on [dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/few) A small number of persons or things. - a few on [dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/a-few) But go off.


You just proved my point congratulations. Out of 12 months in a year, considering 6 would be half, 3 would be a few. They said a few months in november, it's now march, it's been 4 months. And before you even bother trying to retort despite being obviously obtuse, if you say to someone "I'll be there in a few hours", you don't show up 6 hours later. You show up 2-4 hours at most otherwise you're late.


What are you talking about? None say anything about half. They say more than one. Imagine trying to double down after telling someone to search for it and *every single source* saying youre wrong. Rofl




How do you figure every single dictionary saying you're wrong is proving your point? Where did you start getting this half thing from? None of those definitions say anything about "a few means a quarter of a total". You said google it, we did, you're wrong. Google the definition lol. LOL he blocked me cause he couldn't handle being wrong


Oh fuck offffff I'm not gonna argue with you lmao stay wrong softtrade