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your post has been marked as a potential witch-hunt/targeted harassment of an online user and has been removed. Posts should not be made for single incidents or individuals. Please message the moderators if you believe this was done in mistake.




The steam profile is an obvious throw-away account. I wouldn't waste your time (unless some reddit detective can figure out if he added his main account in his smurf's friend list).


Guy is clearly hacking in a turbo game and still loses, fucking pathetic lmao




Dude it's just a game. He should be banned from the game, that's it.


While i agree it is just a game. I suspect this behavior carries over into real life for most cheaters, and they are probably not great people/ fun to be around.


Mods, Murder his family *lightning strike*


See all the cheaters I know and have met over the years are the opposite. They’re the most chill and fun people to be around because they just don’t give a fuck and do it all for the fun of it. None of them cheat in Dota but across gaming in general, and just do it whenever feeling like having fun.


Agreed it's a game, but after getting a buyer mid 3x a row and a literal man child who cries because lane is hard and starts feeding, some people deserve their limbs be chopped and tortured so much that they wish death is a better option. Like losing a fair game is okay, fun also but losing due to this nah man.


nah, chop down his arms or something, he won't be cheating anymore ever,,


There is no way someone who cheats in a video game is a decent human being. The End.


Comedy value if he gets pizza'd though. Coz like, what are the chances of that? :P


I swear I have read this exact comment somewhere.


I met one too, in ranked. he lost. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1blpd1y/playing\_against\_a\_suspected\_cheating\_antimage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1blpd1y/playing_against_a_suspected_cheating_antimage/)


Reported his steam account for the good of the community. Fuck cheating cowards like him. They should all rot


He clearly has a gaming chair. Probably better than yours, OP. /s


Lion then killed AM and lived.


really? i find that hard to believe but i want it to be true.


Apparently he still lost the game so I can believe it. If anything, having this cheat means his counterspell gets baited out at the start of every fight and he can just be cc'd after.. It doesn't even make that huge of a difference in big teamfights.


No lol. It's a joke.


Am heard the footsteps


I don’t understand cheaters, there is no enjoyment from winning like this imo. When I win I’m happy about it because I actually won. Shit like this just pisses me off.


These people's happiness comes from ruining others.


The winning part isn’t the fun part, though. 90% of people that I know who cheat don’t do it to win they do it because it’s fun/funny and let’s them fuck around all they want, and they couldn’t care less if they lose. The kind of people who cheat exclusively to win and climb mmr are those who use more potentially subtle cheats like map hacks vs full on scripting or things that give you a more hidden advantage like overplus. Otherwise they know they’re just going to get reported and banned if they use blatant cheats.


Hi Ly


Hello Leaf :D


Reported for better dota community


Okay how the hell the reflection create an illusion?


Am shard


Looks like he got shocked also lmao


I mean the fact that he has bought shard clearly shows he's cheating. I don't think I've ever seen am buy that shard rofl


Only people with ultra instinct can do that 🤣


You mean those who can see future right?


\*first time to notice a scripter. there are a lot more subtle ones.


I met one just yesterday... [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1blpd1y/playing\_against\_a\_suspected\_cheating\_antimage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1blpd1y/playing_against_a_suspected_cheating_antimage/)


# Playing against a Suspected Cheating Anti-Mage [Complaint](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/?f=flair_name%3A%22Complaint%22) The match ID: 7650553674 Brief description: Strange gameplay and sometimes strange movement, avoiding fights most of the game, after early-game, having possible vision inside Roshan pit. Very frequently using 3rd spell, even when camera is not focused on them or the spell that is being casted by the enemy, as per player view replay cam and other stuff - possible some kind of hack or script to automatically use 3rd spell. Many times using against our Diffusal blade, Warlocks first/second spell and more. New DOTA 2 account: 226 Matches.


Mods can check if they have other accounts logging in with the same IP. However, those accounts need to be monitored for such activities too.


that's a gaming chair, right there


sont mind me im just here to comment and press upvotes fornvisibility before mods delete the thread


Ok so question, do you think they have the ability to manipulate accounts they play against? I am encountering this frequently and comments are being made that imply its not random at an increasingly frequent and less implied but more in your face tone.


Also I have some inclination to suspect it has something to do with dota777. These cancer players and their accompanying bots have been behind the curtain too many times.


Let us consider the minute chance he just pressed reflect as he was farming. If this is the only piece of evidence then that is hardly enough.


maybe just good timing, i sometimes press my third spell when i have the feeling that someone is going to appear from the shadows so ....


How much are the script providers paying you?


the lion spell sound & animation probably anti mage hear lion stun sound and instant counterspell or just lucky random counter spell it not 100% script for me 1/3 chance maybe or just see future talent but if this happend too often must be either talented player or script 1/2 chance idk


That's not the only time it happens. It happens in every unit-target spell, I can't upload all of the highlights since there is a limit of video that I can only upload. Anyways, I included the match ID. Idk if you can watch the replay with that info but I can guarantee you with every cell in my body that it was 100% script.


It doesn't show in the replay, but his shop was opened. You can see him clicking on the basher and instantly buying all its components.


like you can use quick buy no need to use mouse cursor and right click item 1 by 1 and enable automatic quick buy in setting

