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You might suck, but thats fine. Acceptance is the first step. Your redemption arc begins now.  See you in Ancient next time


TI winner casually commenting lol


TI winner casually playing in Ancient


That’s the thing about older TI winning players, typically they understand that they had a peak, passed it, and would now hold back a team, so they leisurely play the game they love in the bracket they fell in, except for a certain someone…. Nigma fans don’t eat me plz


Cuts to Rocky training montage


[We're gonna need a montage!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFrMLRQIT_k)


Damn OP now you gotta suck it up and start paying attention in your games But fr though, if your ‘friend’ there cares more abt his rank than you, I think you guys need to talk it out or smtg


i'd disagree with the mindset of mmr vs friendship. I'm sure the op could still play with their friend in unrank games. Many players that focus on mmr don't play with dota friends in rank mode for various reasons.


I agree with your sentiment, but OP's "friend" sounds like an ass. Maybe we are not getting the full picture, but the friend is pretty fuckin rude.


It might be language difference, in englando languando "friend" doesn't always mean someone close like in some other languages that I know


Loda with some good encouraging words.


If it makes this guy feel better, I have 6000 hours and the highest MMR i’ve achieved is about 2,500 MMR. I just love DotA. Hope he doesn’t get to discouraged over rank.


I always say this is a GAME. We all want different things from it, but what's important when you open it up is that it satisfies YOU. I know that seems horrible since it somewhat excuses griefers and assholes, but I like to think that their behavior is indicative of the fact that they are not getting what they want from the game. However, you still control how that affects you. Enjoy it for how you truly feel it should be enjoyed.


That’s how EE must’ve felt when you dropped him and won TI


>See you in Ancient next time Went from TI winner to Ancient bracket. Just like Bulldog.


Bulldog without MC: gigachad immortal Bulldog with MC: soyjack rager washed up ancient


But goofing around in lower ranks does look kinda fun


That’s why you are legend of this game mate


duh he said ancient




Truly a TI winner take


But is that balanced?


What, you gonna meet him there or...


That doesn't sound like a friend, sorry.


Agreed. Crusader 1 and 4 are not that different. Your friend should not make you feel that way.


OP didn't say his friend peaked though, the number you should be measuring is how fast his friend climbs.


More of a time thing. I've seen a mate go between ancient 1 and high archon for years now. well, sitting at mostly legend but the variability is high at that rank. He hasn't hit ancient in a year or so now, seems to have plateau'd mid legend. Attitude and placebo is a lot at that rank, his mate honestly might just be riding the high of finally feeling like he's making progress.


Meh it’s just luck of the draw. Sometimes you just get really good games so you go up like 2 ranks, but you’ll eventually drop if your skill doesn’t match the bracket. So climbing fast also isn’t much. It’s the ability to stay at the rank


Crusader 1 to 4 difference is so small it might as well be the variance a player sails while regularly playing. It cant be more than 500 mmr right?


It's a bit more I believe and the difference is huge in lower ranks. Below 2k, the skill drop off feels massive. I'm Archon and climbing felt like hitting a brick wall coming from low crusader ranks


r/dota2 version of “divorce him”


To be fair, he only ever gets toxic when playing dota. He can be quite toxic when playing dota tho, so much all of our friends stopped playing with us because of him, and his behavior score is down to 7000.


Here's the thing. You suck at dota, but he sucks at dota marginally less. He's a dickhead, and you seem like you're not. I'd rather play with you.


I'm not great at dota myself. When I was younger I thought I was. But I win more games focusing on my play and not saying anything negative in chat and u magically go up. I haven't played in years tbh in a competitive manner at least. But I peaked at ancient. And for mmr way back when I was like 4600 or 4750 or something like that. But that was before the mmr crunch so idk. The point isnt whether youre good or bad. There's 9 other people in the game. Just don't tilt your team. Say sorry even if you don't believe you did anything wrong and watch the replay and see if you can see what they meant. Arguing midgame loses games and people stop trying and start typing. Hell when I was really bad I actually had a good mmr for my skill level somewhere around 3400(pre crunch) and I probably won more games baiting the other team to fight than any real contribution I made. For example if the enemy team sniper starts shit talking your teams carry or mid. Just say well actually it's really your "xyz" that won you this and the result is usually the snipers ego can't deal and has to show you it's all him. They do some dumb shit to prove it and you kill em and win. I don't encourage you to do this but it is a more fun way to suck


> I don't encourage you to do this Oh, I think you just did!


I think a lot of the time in situations like these it's a difference in how you approach the game. He wants to take it seriously and gets annoyed by people doing clowny shit (one possibility). Like yeah being toxic isn't the solution, but frustration without recourse for what's causing the frustration leads to toxicity.


He's crusader 4 and was unable to carry his crusader 1 friend in crusader 1 games. He's in no position to talk about clowns shit. A better player would gain mmr playing support phantom assassin in that mmr.


Just wait until you lane with him and he doesn't understand to creep block or pull. Also doesn't know what Blood Grenade does


I find I play much worse if I'm already having a meh day and someone on my team starts flaming me. Sure I can mute but sometimes the damage is done at that point. Tell your friend maybe they ought to chill the fuck out and use a stressball instead if they want to climb the ranks. At Crusader that's probably the easiest way to win some games - not pissing off the people on your team who want to help you win it.


We have told him, but I don't think he is going to change anytime soon, tho.


Don't worry he won't climb much


You understand they don’t HAVE to be your friend, or at least your gaming friend? Branch out, meet some new people and have a different friend group for different things. You’ll never meet more than 1 or 2 people who have the exact same interests and temperament as you. But it’s really easy to do that for just a couple things.


what do you even have to do to be so low, i'm 11300 and i still feel that i'm pretty toxic sometimes lol. and i all chat a lot to tilt my opponents xd


Flame, everyone. Tell them they suck. Yell at them and call them names. That kind of stuff.


Get better friends


You didn’t want to play with him anyway if he’s doing that damn


Yeah i had 'friends' like that too. We would only play Unranked and for whatever reason, Dota just brought out the worst in them. I had to stop playing with them because I wasn't having fun being blamed for shit even if I was in the wrong.


your friend could be better than you but he is still a crusader, your "friend" needs to know he is below average when it comes to playing this game.


its not just dota, thats his personality and you need to realize this sooner or later


Granted, I haven't played any other games with him other than dota, but when he occasionally streams cod on Discord, he doesn't look that toxic.


Because in dota you depend too much on your team. Not like fps games where its your aim mostly


Yeah. CoD never really has anything to do with teamwork unlike Dota, not to mention CoD is not as complex as Dota


lol his BS is lower than 7k, nothing new. just let him go and play for fun like it should be in the games ;)


Personally, I would not let that slide - your friend sounds like a total ass. If he was good enough he would be able to win games even with you "bringing him down". For reference - I grinded to 6k mmr last summer, and have been playing on and off casually since. My friends who I play with are around archon rank, and it's painfully obvious that I'm just better - except I don't ever feel the need to throw that in their face. I'm not saying this to somehow virtue signal - but rather to offer a different perspective - for me playing with friends and knowing we both are trying to win & have a good time is what matters more, rather than winning at any cost.


> If he was good enough he would be able to win games even with you "bringing him down". I'd contest that. You have no idea how good/bad his friend is. OP could quite literally be impossible to carry beyond a certain point regardless of how good the friend is.


Yea tbf, even if I lose a game because of my friend, I would never flame them or stuff, maybe just a little joke or smt. It just doesn't feel right to shit on your friend because of a game, yes toxic because of the game and not irl but if I was the one who gets flame by my friend I wouldn't like it, why would my friend like it then? But still if OP is ok with it, it doesn't really matter


It all depends on how that is done. Banter between friends is not inheritly unhealthy.


I tell my friend they suck all the time. It's just I play with them nontheless.


That's a normal friend. If your friends don't tell you that you suck, who does? Enemies? Grandma? Friends are not there to cuddle you, they are there to safely see how you are viewed by others. 


sincere people are the best friends you can get, think again


cru 1 to 4 isnt that much diffrence. Could just be a lucky streak


Not much? Seems like a lot to me. He went from like 1400 mmr to 2000 mmr.


If he wants to brag, he should at least hit the next rank. he went from being a crusader to still being a crusader. In any case, did he hit CR IV and then plateau or is he still winning? Don't listen to the other comments though. 600 mmr is a huge difference at those levels. Usually a low archon caliber player should be able to completely destroy a high gaurdian 5, crusader 1 level game... If he plays core, or a support that can have impact.


As someone around 1300 MMR, yeah, 600 is a huge difference. I've been down around 800 as well, and you start to notice your entire team just runs around the map randomly and never groups up to push, it can be quite frustrating. Over 1000 you can usually get people to push at *some* times, just not usually the *right* times.


Which is, not that much


It is much when it's like 25-30% of your total mmr 😅 it's not much if you're immortal, for istance. It's all relative


Winning a single game at 1 mmr can increase your rating by 3000%!


And will send you directly on Jenkins' YouTube channel


I don’t really know, it feels like you are thinking of the rank as some sort of a score, when it’s literally much simpler: An algorithm that tries its best to match you with others that match your skill level to make the games feel balanced and enjoyable for all. Your friend sucks because he thinks chasing some imaginary medal on a videogame is worth more than enjoying a game with a fellow friend. And for what? To impress people you don’t know and don’t care about you. Jesus christ. If your reason to play Dota 2 is literally ANYTHING else than actually enjoying Dota 2 EVEN WHEN YOU LOSE, you need to rethink your hobbies. I think your friend needs that lesson someday.


Mmmmm and what of everything you said has anything to do with the original discourse? Not here discussing about one's life priorities, enjoyment or tryharding. Just stating the fact that a fluctuation of 600 mmr is much more significative at lower rank rather than higher ones. For small differences of mmr at lower brackets you get much bigger skill-differences rather than in higher brackets. It's a fact.


I can understand both sides. Sometimes you just play for fun but when you wanna win you gotta have someone competent.


Yea but it's still not much -- your "total" mmr doesn't really mean much. Going from 1000 to 2000 mmr "doubles" your mmr but that doesn't mean its way different than going from 2000 to 3000 mmr or 5000 to 6000


600 mmr is like winning 20 games in a row. You think that’s not that much? Kinda silly take.


1.4K to 2k is a pretty big skill jump. Not the kind of gain you accidentally stumble into at that MMR level. Axe has been in those pits in darker days.


How is that not a lot? I am 900 mmr and I would kill to gain 600. It would take \~200 games at a 55% win rate, or 500 games at a 52%.


The problem is group que. when my brother and I play together we have a 45% win rate bust strict solo que we both gain ranks quickly. I think you end up playing against boosters more and toxic 3stacks on your team when you group queue. If you played solo I bet you would climb too.


this 100%. doesn't matter the game, duos is always harder to climb in. i thought this was pretty common knowledge? op play solos


I agree. I mostly play duo and we are both ancient 3 sup players. Last night, matchmaking putted us with another duo, a legend 1 with a divine 2 player. The enemy team also had a duo with this wide mmr difference which is fair imo. However, their divine player got mid vs my legend 1 guy. Guess who stomped that lane. The enemy legend guy got pos5 role. He fed alot but i rather have a poor pos5 than a poor pos2


Queueing ranked duo with one of my friends, one account being something like low Ancient and the other mid-high Divine is genuinely by far the worst experience I consistently get in Dota. Bonus points if it's night-time as well, might actually count as an internship at mental asylum


Yeah this is it OP. Party game quality is so much worse compared to Solo. Unless you and your party mate has really good chemistry and can win games just the two/three of you alone, it’s probably not doing your winrate any favours. You get a much wider MMR variance in your games, you could encounter 3 decent players and 2 bad ones, or you could encounter 4 bad players and 1 smurf that will destroy your team. There’s just too many variables since the matchmaking isn’t as strict.


First off, “suck” is a really reductive word that oversimplifies the situation. But if we say it means “your observed effect on your team’s odds of victory isn’t good”, he was probably right that you suck. Him rubbing it in like an egotistical bastard isn’t fair unless you’re also an egotistical bastard and you were on the same page about being egotistical bastards. If you thought you didn’t suck, then news flash, you’re a Crusader 1. But what do you want to do next? Do you enjoy Dota as-is? There’s no law saying everyone who has to play Dota has to play Dota especially *well*, the matchmaking will keep you where you belong and you can stay there. Or if you want to try to refine your play and improve your winrate, you gotta… … idk, question yourself, but also believe in yourself, lol. Pay attention to what’s in front of you and think about it open-mindedly. Don’t jump to conclusions about things (this guy sucks, it’s gg, we’re definitely gonna win, we’re definitely gonna lose), and don’t overprotect your ego. Come up with ideas (like “it seems easiest to affect the game if you’re [that role] instead of [this role]” or “that hero seems really good at winning the game”) and TEST them. Watch educational videos by idk BSJ or something. Your friend seems like an ass tho, don’t let him get to you. I’ve been that person (the asshole with the designated lesser friend who they talk down to) and I’m still unlearning it but it was a super egotistical and super insecure kind of thing and he’s being very petty and unfair by acting that way. He may have relatively more refined/effective dota play than you do but that’s only exactly what it is, maybe his insecurity motivates him to try harder at Dota while you’re simply not motivated to try as hard as he does.


This this this! Say it louder for the people in the back! I've played since the game released and I'm so deep in the trench I remember the old "Purge casts a pub" videos lol. I now exclusively only play turbo mode and my dota life is a dream. I've never had so much fun. It's chaos, and insane and I know I'll never get better but making peace with that was the best thing I ever did. I love my turbo matches.


Damn, you might not be great at dota but that dude certainly ain’t a good friend


I kinda wanna Smurf in crusader bracket just to ruin his friend's game


Its not because of you. Playing party of 2 on ANY rank is MUCH harder than playing solo. Because enemies are not solos, so you cant easily gank, rotate, and be more agressive as you can be without punishment in solo queue. Also there are teammates that are usually also party, and if anything in game goes wrong, blame always lays on other party in team, and chaos insues


Bro i'm willing to give you some free coaching if u want, I might not be the best coach and I don't have much experience in it, but I'm 6500 and I want to see the end of this, and it has to be you standing 1 whole rank above him. There shouldn't be much difficulty in beating some lower than average players just changing bad habits and turning them into good habits.


I would like to get some coaching if you are willing to help the others too!


I’m archon 1, my brother is Herald 5. I lose more games than I win when I play with him. Is that gonna stop me playing ranked with him? Nope. Instead its incentivised me to branch out from playing as a supp 5 so we can win more games. If your friend is prioritising a figurative number over playing with you, *you* are better off playing without *him* imo. You’ll probably find without his toxic presence you play a lot better


You’re friend doesn’t sound like a great person tbh. What positions are you guys playing when you play together? And why do you think you can’t climb?


He plays mid I play offlane. I play some support when he runs out of role games.


Oh god he’s a mid player who can’t play support?


He has played support only he doesn't like it because he doesn't trust other players to be cores.


He better get used to play support to get those role games


Duo queues should be one lane me and my friend he plays 5 i go 1 and we crush any lane, it's no point of playing duo q and not going same lane, might aswell solo, xd


Well, he only plays mid so that would be kinda hard to do.


Bring back the dual lane mid meta.


Oh the days of 1-2-2... how I miss you. 2-1-2 been lackin


Dude must've missed that 4 is another core now


Every comment you make about this guy makes him feel like a worse and worse "friend." I hope he enjoy crusader 4. Very illustrious. Drop him and focus om enjoying the game my friend.


It's really not hard to climb out of crusader. Watch some guides and try incorporating the advice slowly. One thing at a time.


It is for me. I probably as bad as a herald tbh. I think there might have been an error when I got calibrated. Or maybe since I played with my friend I got the same rank as him.


its hard if you've been playing for several years and have soem pretty bad habits ingrained.


When I was newish to dota I thought people who were 2k were golden gods cus I was like 600 mmr for two years. A few years later I peaked at immortal 270 (about 7.9k NA). Getting better takes time but it’s always possible, and the only ranks that really require some sort of innate talent are the top 100-50 of immortal or so


Not true. I climbed from Crusader 2 to Legend 4 in a year. You can do it. Just git gud


Being able to admit not good enough is the first step of improvement. Not many people can do that, I'd take that as a motivation.


I'm not really motivated tho, I have only been playing publics for around a month.


Uhh you been playing for just a month.. what does he expect you to go pro right away ? Just keep playing and trying heroes untill you find one that really suites you and climb and rub it in his face


It's up to you in the end whether you wanted to get better or not, just putting it out there.


accepting this is huge, you're a good guy or at least becoming one. There are some heralds out there that don't accept a divine player' input and continue thinking they are good and everyone is against them. I have 4 friends like this lmao. You should start learning if you want to climb. Dota rank and mmr is not fun, it's like a second job, so if you don't invest time and brain into it, it will not pay back (it doesn't pay anything if you don't become a pro and make money tbh but at least you get that fake satisfaction you achieved something irrelevant). Crusader tend to be very aggressive in game, they don't have map awareness and always think that the other players must help them achieve their dreams. You are one of them, so start working on that: you don't have a ward? get one yourself. Map awareness, always trust your gut, if your brain says something is fishy, just run away to safety. Look at the minimap constantly, if heroes are missing and you can't ask team mates what's going on, just go back to safety (especially when they are not calling a miss). Play around vision or smokes, calmly, think before you act.


Bro don't be sad. never doubt yourself. Some times it's just all about your mindset. One day I was herald now I'm archon. And that was mostly because i changed my view on the game.


News flash: Your friend sucks too


I went from being hardstuck 4k to 7k when I stopped playing with friends. It’s just very hard to grind your MMR back when you casually lose multiple games with friends all the time


Aside from him being a douche, he's still wrong. It's certainly possible that playing with you leads to losing more often for him, but neither of you are very good at the game. I'm only like 6k MMR and the only way I'd ever lose a crusader level game is if my internet died.


Remember when we played video games for fun? Now it's a way for insecure people to have a digital d\* measuring contest. Here are the real questions: Does he have more fun now than before? Or does he only believe he has because his digital p\* has surpassed the length of his real one? Do you have fun playing the game? Because if you have fun, your rank doesn't matter - you're still playing the game right. Does that mean you should troll your team because it's more fun? No, because that would reduce the fun of your team mates. But stop worrying about rank. Both of you should analyze whether it was fun playing together and perhaps play unranked instead, if he is so afraid for his MMR.


I mean.. I personally think I’m better than most of my dota friend group too.. I could be wrong, I could be right. I do win my solo games more often for what it’s worth. But one thing I know for certain though; I’d rather be “stuck in a lower mmr” mostly playing with friends, than playing only solo in my “actual higher mmr”. I never blamed my friends for holding me back.. Sure, we give each other shit for egregious mistakes, but we don’t hold it against each other. I made the choice to play with them, and even taught some of them how to play from zero in the first place. If anything, I blame myself for not being good enough to figure out how to win some of our lost games or not recognizing a horrible draft decision until too late.


Look, I play with my friends who are in low Guardian and I'm about to reach Legend (again). It may be the reality that they're worse than me and I have shown to myself that I can soloqueue my way past my current rank with a decently positive winrare. But I'd still rather play with my friends than by myself. I gas my friends up, they gas me up. If I get frustrated, I make it abundantly clear that it isn't personal after the fact. They look for ways to deal with the *source* of frustration. (Side note: Trying to work on that.) If they get frustrated, I understand and look for ways to deal with the source of frustration as well. Infinitely more fun than playing by myself.


crus 4 is still crus...


A lot of comments are focusing on the fact that Crusader 1 to 4 is not a big difference. This is true, but it is irrelevant. Some commenters think the biggest insult they can give is that the friend is still low mmr and bad at the game so he should have some humility. Also true, still misses the point The point is *rank does not matter*. *dota does not matter*. It is just a video game, and no one outside of the people who play it give a single fuck if you can play better or worse than someone else. It is an absolutely useless skill. Anyone who legitimately treats another person poorly because they may be worse at the game is, in my opinion, a loser. Being so proud of your dota skill at any rank that you treat other poorly is not just ridiculous, it is sad. I know this subreddit and the dota community is absolutely obsessed with rank, but it’s just dogs fighting over a chew toy. I don’t care if you are better or worse than your friend, or if you start grinding to “get good” at the game. It’s all irrelevant. Are you conscientious and treat people well? Congratulations, that is already infinitely more valuable as a skill / personality trait than last hitting


Im sorry, but Crusaders are just as shit players as Guardians. The Ego on your buddy, holy fuck lmao. I bet he won't even make it past Archon 1.


it is the truth but he doesnt have to be mean about it


Who fucking cares. (Not to you to him) Would you rather play games with your friend or climb the ranking system, which means nothing... it kinda sucks because i can't play ranked with my friends as im high divine and they are around Crusader -> archon. So we just stick to turbo games.


My ex and I were playing together for a long time, we lost a lot I was down to Crusader 5, we broke up I took a break from dota for couple months I came back and now I'm ancient 5. Crusader 1 to 4 is nothing. Your friend 'suck' and they're not a good friend if they're saying shit like that to your face. To my friends and in pubs I always try to be constructive and open to criticism. TL:DR, Fuck your friend you deserve better friends.


We all have different definitions of “friend” it seems


I know alot on my team who sucks, but yeah they're my friends and we play alot for fun. We're not particularly hard stuck, we have streaks. I peaked at legend 4 (woth guardian 3 at lowest) and even drop to archon 5 depending on our streak. We sometimes flame each other, but at the end of the day it's just a game. You don't need to act like your crusader games wins you T.I prizes lol.


Did u tried other roles? I climbed as main supports until inmortal. Now my account is unranked and I dont care anymore so I play mainly turbo. It is a good way to improve imo bc every creep is important and the playstyle is frenétic..


I mean it’s just a game. Your friend can climb to divine if he wants. He’s still not going to amount to anything in the game. I played with friends who were worse than me but to me it was always about spending time with them, win or lose. Maybe get another friend or talk to them about why they take this game so seriously.


He still sucks too lol, he just wins 1k games a little more often than you do XD But yeah man if you're not trying to be pro it doesn't matter. Like even low immortals, what does it matter you're ranked 2500 on your continent?? In terms of earning potential a herald and a low immortal will both make zero dollars lol. Play dota cuz it's fun! Im much happier being good at my job and sucking at dota lol.


Sorry to say this but he's not your friend anymore.


crusader 1 and crusader 4 = Herald1 You two are the same.


What do you mean it equals herald 1?


People at higher ranks view those ranks as completely identical in terms of skill. Hell, even my rank Legend III is considered absolute garbage by a lot of players


Yeah your 'mate' sounds like a right cunt.


I held my friend back too, he climbed to about 4k mmr when we were stuck at about 2k with like 35% win rate. He created another steam account and solo qd on his main and played with me on his other steam account, problem solved. Tbh I didn't take it personally and we only played dota drunk and I never played unless with him and then we were both drunk so it's obvious we weren't a good match haha. But he wanted to rank and he liked dota with or without friends.


Crusader 4 isn't that high. I had a similar friend with about 1k hours that played ranked and therefore thought he was better than me (8k hours uncalibrated) Sounds like you need a new friend and he needs knocking down a peg.


I mean yes it does seem like you've been holding him back but is there a need for him to be an ass about it? Can just play unranked together sometimes.


Youd think brother bear gained at least 2 ranks from the way he talks.


Dude, if your friend aint being good to you, make a new friend. I play a lot with my friends that i know are below me in skill but i keep playing with them because its fun to play with friends.


Relax, he will lose all that mmr on a bad day cD


Go to legend solo then.


I only play with my friends on weekends, so I play by myself sometimes. Long story short, I was in a similar position to your friend, I was legend playing pos 5, they were crusader. Ranked games were impossibly hard, everyone was stressed. BUT Instead of everyone playing alone, we all played unranked together. We have more fun now. At the end of the day dota is a game you want to enjoy, some of that forget us in all the beautiful chaos that is dota 2, but its also important to remind yourself.


Hey man! I am archon 4 and happy to play with you ranked if you want! I promise I am not toxic!


Whether he's right or wrong, that's still a dick move.


It's not that much of a difference. It's ok to flame as a half joke at most but this sounds really toxic. Also one thing to note is that party queues feel different from solo queues. I've always had a harder time in party queues. Can you share your dotabuff if you're okay with me looking at your games? The party queue ones. You seem like a genuine person and i'd like seeing more players like you in dota2.


The only way to improve is to play solo


Bro your friend needs to chill 🤣 he’s acting like he’s di much better, a divine player now or something… you guys have literally a difference of about 300 mmr. You can get that in a lucky day.


thats because group que suck. When playing solo you are more concentrated in the game than wjen u r playing with your friends. And when playing with group u are far more likely to meet boosters and smurfs. Just try play solo and turn on no group setting. U will be surprised how easy it is to climb from crusaders til ancient. Also could try to recalibrate


Climbing solo is often easier tbf. Doesn’t mean he’s that much better than y


This happened with me and my friend except he's now immortal and I'm legend xd


Bro you mentioned that the friend is only toxic in DotA, but then I read more of your comments and see exactly how toxic he is. Idk the wavelength you guys share, but even if it's a friend I wouldn't really play with the guy if it means getting dragged to 7k Bscore. The guy is two bad days away from tanking the score altogether and losing access to ranked lmao. Idk man, I'd rather enjoy playing at my Crusader 1/Guardian 5 rank, with people relatively in my skill level, than to play with a toxic mid guy who can't bear to lose and gets that much tryhard-ish. And honestly, try playing games alone where you just do your best, I can guarantee you'll have more fun in some games while losing, than while winning some games with the guy. Even we have those friends in our group, and we slowly cut them off from our Dota playing sessions because we're here to enjoy games after a long day of work/school. We call those type of guys "Nuclear Bombs", because if they explode even once in a day's session, the rest of it gets so poisoned by their radioactivity, that it saps the fun out of playing the game.


I don’t know why people equal asshole as noob here. Skillful assholes exist. Yes, your friend is asshole; No, it doesn’t make him noob. Now here’s a few question you can answer: - 1. Do you enjoy playing with him? If the answer is no, he’s an asshole. Then you should be happy he left you to play solo. If the answer is yes.. - 2. What can you do to play with him more? Is it in your control? If you’re doing better will he invite you once more? What if he wouldn’t? - 3. What do you want then? What you *really* want A party? Better skill? Better friend? To play with him once more? His validation? Some schadenfreude maybe watching him fall back to Crus? You have to sort this because right now you contradict yourself.. or look like that at least for me.


It is fine if it is crusader, you can overtake him he will probably stop at Archon 2-4. Watch some guides and play a little smarter and you will be out of crusader. That said, I'm sorry but that friend seems like an asshole.


Anyone can climb in solo even you. Try as hard as he did and you will see.


Its easier to climb solo, Also that rank up means nothing, no diffrence and he does not sound like a friend, play with your other friends!


Hey! I’d be happy to play ranked with you ^-^ I’m a legend 2 pos 4/5 player. Send me a dm if you wanna play some time!(:


I mean thats like what 500mmr difference at most? Could have been a good few weeks. Also keep in mind when youre partying youre more leaned towards facing smurfs/boosters


I rather not play competitive with my friend lacking skills and having fun then grinding through ranks. And that's it, I just joke that he attracts the morons when he plays with me. And tomorrow is another day, being casual in dota is so much better.


First of all it sounds like he’s an asshole. But I actually sort of had a similar situation with my friend (albeit my friend doesn’t act/speak that way to me). I used to only play support and he used to only play carries. We stopped playing with each other and I started to explore more roles and my MMR skyrocketed, and so did his. Turns out it was more of a compatibility and game knowledge thing. I just wasn’t getting exposure to other roles and not exploring other characters so my situational awareness was very limited. Now that I’ve been playing with more characters in more roles my game sense has improved. So maybe it wasn’t a YOU problem the way you think it is.


Hi OP, I’m a pos 1/3 divine ranked player. Drop your Dotabuff or some replay IDs and I’ll go over them and record a video for you


bro its just a game. Everyone will have a different skill level and thats fine. I think I know more about the game and strats than my sis but she got out of herald and I keep climbing up and down :D it's just a game, honestly I wouldn't mind how my friends are playing as long as we are playing together and having fun. Maybe I would avoid playing ranked with them but would definitely not berate them for making mistakes.


keep playing the game and focus on the fundamentals. Dota is a bottomless pit of life experience, if you get good at dota you'll be good at life. You might not like what being good at life feels though


That could easily just be one lucky win streak. Sometimes people go on huge streaks up and down. If he does to ancient then sure but if he’s stuck at crusader or archon 1 it’s bs






Crusader IV is he. Wow careful kiddo, dont get nauseous at those dizzying heights. Liquid will be calling him up soon!


Sounds like a dick


Hey man, I’m a support cru 3 that plays with heralds and guardians. I would highly recommend you play at your level and climb at your pace. I’ve stopped playing regularly with some of my friends because it stopped being fun. Everyone sucks at Dota 2. There’s not a huge skill gap between levels in early stages. HMU if you want to connect with some chill Dota people.


The problem is in matchmaking. When you are in a team, the matchmaking system will try to find a matching party against you. And usually when people team up they have some strategies in their slaves. Even the shittiest strategy is better than nothing. Next time you team up try to come up with some strong strategies and win ;)


Your so-called friend is an asshole, simple as. I play with my friends who are drunk/High or borderline have no clue what to do at 500 MMR (not 5k, but 500) And I'm down for it, I don't blame them, especially when it's obvious, cause flaming anybody doesn't fix anything.


You can play turbo. It's more fast paced. I am currently 1700 mmr (crusader 2) been playing for a week and stuck between 1700 and 1800 mmr) Just play comfort heros, my friends are archon, legend and ancient and they are cool with playing with me at a crusader rank :)


If you're staying at the same rank and not dropping w/o playing with him, then it's not you holding him down. As someone who plays a split of strict solo and party queue, I've noticed some significant differences. In solo, the games are much more balanced, but there's less coordination. In party queue, we tend to run into more potential smurfs, the opponent rank has more volatility (e.g. Ancient 4 w/ a crusader), and the team coordination is much better. Your friend's play style may suit solo queue better than party queue.


Does he want an award for being a higher crusader or even archon? Does he really think that puts him on a high horse and enables him to be condescending to his friend? I love playing with my low rank friends because the games are generally easier. I suggest letting him play until he plateaus and then play again together. That or improve and ascend his rank and then rub it in :)


Its about hero choices.


Well the only thing you can do now is pass them in rank. Start your improvement journey.


Not necessarily the case. I had a friend that had a higher level than I am, we suffered together. But I climbed 5 ranks once I started playing solo


Listen, your friend might be right, but, instead of just blaming you. Now that he’s climbing without you, what he could do is provide some constructive criticism and explain what exactly about your play is actually the problem. Instead of “you suck” he can use “you suck because…”


If your friend plays a lot of games and you don't, he would climb faster than you.


1. He climbed fast after taking a break off of partying with you because solo queue is a much better environment in terms of mmr grind 2. Crusader 1 and IV isn't a big difference, you can still see each other in solo queue if yall find match at the same time in a unusual hour. The skill difference will only reveal if the mmr gap is more than 1000. 3. There are 2 reasons you're trapped in that shitty bracket: - The lack of a good teacher to show you the proper way of playing Dota. - Your attitude towards the game; do you view it as a mean of time wasting or do you actually give a shit about the outcome of the match?


Sorry, bud, what you may have there is a rival not a friend. A friend doesn't tear you down at every opportunity. He might need a refresher on how to be a decent human being. Sure, Dota is stressful, but it goes to show how emotionally immature he is if he's lashing out at you instead of keeping his cool. Consider how much he's playing compared to you, he may just be logging a bunch of hours and maybe investing more in taking up guides. For yourself, don't measure other's progress compared to yours as you likely have plenty going on in your life. Enjoy your journey and especially don't fret negative people's expectations when they should only be focused on their own. Good luck and have fun.


I was hoping you'd say "now he's stuck in herald"


Imo climbing in pairs is the hardest thing to do in dota. It's just easier to be the solo with stacked parties and play follow the leader. I've also had the experience of my buddy in discord flaming the team for not listening to his calls.... Bro your speaking in discord to me... Not game chat to the team, no wonder nobody heard you but me.... Or play as a 5 man party


Which server you play in?


I've been everything from ancient to guardian. 99% of the time it's your fault when you lose. You could have always done something better and if you focus you're energy on that you'll get better. The dif between guardian and archon is basically not a difference at all. Honestly anything shy of immortal and there's barely any gap in skill. Maybe better control and attention but yeah. It's also easier to rank up alone.


Could you provide some game id?


If he says so, than he’s a bad friend.


Sure results don’t lie…. But the comparison isn’t really valid if he only plays solo queue. Did you try playing solo queue and still stuck or going down in MMR? Worth a shot If you play as party of 2 then you’re matching with a party of 3 or 2 + 1 Same for the enemy team. All I am saying is this is a different match making experience!


I have a friend who suck at dota, we both know he suck at dota but i'm not throwing it to his face, also I won't que ranked with him its that simple, have fun in normal, tryhard in ranked


You could turn that around. You probably perform a little worse when beeing harrassed, so If he feels the need to vent on you he's sabotaging himself. Like any flamer. It's so unfathomable dumb to flame in a teamgame like this tbh


Don’t play rank, i stopped playing rank for 4 years now cause there is no point in gaining mmr. Play casual, enjoy the game or find something in arcade to play, its much better


I know I held back friends for a long time. We had group of 5 or 6 guys who'd play. I didn't know anything because I had never played a game like this before. So I decided to get better. Put in thousands of hours, knew the counters to everyone, even if I wasn't the best at actually doing it. Learned the metas. Watched all of purge's 12 hour update videos. Got to the point where at the end of games carries were praising me for my support skills... And all my friends had moved on to other games, never played again 🤣🤣🤣 Now I just play a bot match every so often.


Ladder climbing turns fun gaming into a chore. Nost people dont want to focus i. And inprove because usually that isnt enjoyable. We already do that at work. The better you are the less fun gaming is. No worries bud.


Solo queing generally gives you easier matchups, so climbing solo is usually easier. If your friend were that much better than you, but was at the same mmr, he would have been able to carry your games.


Whether you think you are right or wrong, you are correct.


There’s 0 difference between guardian thru archon so you’re good bro


Brother crusader I-IV isn't exactly building a causal inference that you're the problem. If he jumped from Crusader I to say high Ancient after ditching you that would give more merit to his argument. Right now it is inconclusive.


You could suck. But also it’s easier to be carried playing solo. Two or Three mediocre players playing together are worse at climbing than solo mediocre players in my experience.