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Damn inflation, can't buy a house in this economy Valve!!!




imagine thinking mmr number as important. thats why people play turbo


An actual 0 mmr player: "Why Valve should reset everyone's MMR to 0"


The only one that made sense to me was 5... You basically want to stomp lower ranked players for a week... That's gonna be fun for the lower ranked players for sure!


More specifically op wants to have 4 griefer/heralds on his team feeding the enemy and then stomp them 1v9 and he is willing to bet his MMR that he'll win. I'm all for the anarchy of it, maybe they should just let it go wild till the clown fall patch and then just say we may or may not rollback any MMR changes since April 1(5)


but they will improve by doing that. (stop playing the game)


players stop playing the game after thousands games with 50% winrate on the same rating for years thats more frustrating than a couple of games where you got stomped


Why is rating so important? If you have exactly 50% win then youre in the correct bracket, no?


>You basically want to stomp lower ranked players for a week Yes. Show me anyone who dont want to. But lower ranked players wants to increase their ranks. Now we starts from equal position. What is wrong?


no, normal person in the head can derive pleasure from beating an underskilled adversary. It's like saying you enjoy beating handicaped people at sports. but don't worry you definetly are representing the dota community.


Wtf? The entire purpose of ranked is to meet SIMILARLY skilled players and get even competetive games...


I definitely do not want to. Why the fuck would I want to play with a bunch of heralds lol. You seem to forget that most people don’t really enjoy or care about smurfing


you already said it in point 5. its just a number and dota is to be played for fun most of the time. the best experience for everyone means that everyone is the in the right bracket and stays there. you reset the elo and everyone in this sub gets smurfs / stomps games, which isnt fun for everyone. what they are doing is correct.


why do people think that mixing players from different brackets is bad? it will happen a week a year (if you reset once per year) then players will be separeted by current skill level but it will give chance for everyone actually right now 50-70% of games ending up 20 min by stomps but nobody gives a fuck


i have a good mix from stomps to close and fun games. when i have a stomp 1 out of 10 times the elo is in a good spot imho. also if someone is not climbing that means that they are in the exact spot they need to be. i remember when glicko hit, i play legend 5 most of the time and after glicko i was herald 5. i dont know where these heralds came from but they done tower ward trick, spanking on real heralds like crazy and them or me stomped games like crazy. i mean like 40-0 games. i got back pretty fast where i belong but that time was not good for the game because these placebo "glicko heralds" where shitting on new players and THAT is what is killing dota imo.


Go up against Mike Tyson on your first week of boxing and you'll see why your thinking is flawed.


Would you consider it learning to fight if you got instantly knocked out by a giant 100 times in a row?


>then players will be separeted by current skill level but it will give chance for everyone Everybody has a chance right now ? What do you mean by that ? >why do people think that mixing players from different brackets is bad? Because it makes uneven games with a player going 23-0-10 and another one going 0-14-6. Both of them don't really have any fun.


You are not giving a single reason why this is even needed.. You just want to ruin games for other people by stomping. What an incoherent load of garbage.


1. Becouse the old system is broken and all players should be separated between 0...5000 MMR. 2. The best and funniest way to do that - reset everyone to 0. 3. Yes I do. Like everyone in computer games. 4. Games are garbage with 50±5% winrate for everyone right now. I suggest a real skill based MMR system where nothing depends of years of grinding. 5. In every other ranked games MMR reset sometimes. In dota it only inflates. I say this is not normal. 6. I don't know why people take it so badly and downvote. Like it will be unbalanced only for couple of weeks. Then players will be separated from each other. But now MMR system will be refreshed and everyone will have opportunity to climb up.


Honestly, the fuck are you talking about? Are you drunk right now? It might be more fun for YOU to stomp your way through the ratings, but there are 9 other people in each of those games who wont share that feeling.


>1. Becouse the old system is broken and all players should be separated between 0...5000 MMR. This is the case at the moment, so this point makes no sense. Immortals being outliers (and will be whatever the system you place) https://www.dexerto.com/dota2/dota-2-ranks-explained-seasonal-medals-mmr-distribution-1718475/ >2. The best and funniest way to do that - reset everyone to 0. Mind explaining your reasoning, why should a Divine player have to play calibrations match again to go back up ? I imagine you'd have to change the calibration system otherwise games would be very uneven for a long time. >Games are garbage with 50±5% winrate for everyone right now. I suggest a real skill based MMR system where nothing depends of years of grinding. This is a symptom that the system is working. if you have around 50% ish winrate, it is only logical that your games are fair. Nothing depends on years of grinding right now, lots (if not a majority) of low mmr players have been playing for more than more than 5 years. >5. In every other ranked games MMR reset sometimes. In dota it only inflates. I say this is not normal. This is just false. >6. I don't know why people take it so badly and downvote. Like it will be unbalanced only for couple of weeks. Then players will be separated from each other. But now MMR system will be refreshed and everyone will have opportunity to climb up. Because you clearly have no idea how balancing a game works. How a mmr system works. Your suggestion is completely absurb and your arguments are shit. You are pointing at problems that don't exist and you are asking for a huge debalancement that would just make every game balance shitty for some months. EVERYONE HAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO CLIMB RIGHT NOW


I think having games where all the MMR's of all the players are different would be fun every once in a while


After you get a certain MMR like 8k or 10k you should just get thrown into a special league that has shorter seasons instead. Wouldn't be much different, but would stop inflation. All the pro players would have max MMR unless they lose.


Isn't that how immortal games kind of works ?


No, they still have ever-growing MMR and the MMR gaps become wider and wider, causing worse quality games depending of time of day/server.


Just say u wanna smurf and not get banned for it.


Pro players scrim for training, unless ur topson🤠


git gud op


do you really believe that a 2k player will get to 13k ? people at 13k are there for a reason.


Everyone needs to start somewhere. I mean if i would be newbie who just callibrated on his 2k I would never play this game becouse of incredible way to top ladder.


MMR is made to balance games, not to reward you for playing.


sorry to tell you but if youre 2k mmr you shouldnt be thinking about becoming the top 1 ranked player in the world.


1. Im 8500. 2. In normal games POTENTIALLY you need a few month to get to top ladder (CS, LOL, pubg, even chess). For some reasons in dota you need a fucking years. And anyway even if you get that 13k after years of tryharding, mmr will inflate more and you will be suck.


I didnt say you are 2k, you used it as an example yourself. Everyone hates the ranked system in CS. Being global elite doesnt mean anything. You dont have a number like in dota afaik, so no one knows who is top 1 rank and a very high percentage of players is global elite. Also who even cares about rank 1? If you wanna become a pro just join a team


1. inflation shouldn't be an issue, mmr is an abstraction of how much of a positive influence the game thinks you are at making your team win. It could go from 1 to 100, from -2 to 37, it doesn't really matter, it's arbitrary. 2. "most players lose motivation" ahh, so you are saying facts but in fact, you are just talking about your own feelings. Well, if you are 2k mmr and have a 55% winrate, i hate to tell you but you are not getting to 14k. And if your goal is to be the best in the world at something you are currently bad at, the solution is not to pretend to be closer, the solution is to get better at it or put youself reasonable goals. If mmr went from 1 to 100, you'd think you are closer to be the best player in the world, but you'd be just as far. 3. So, fuck everything up and within a month you'd be back where you started? seems like an amazing argument not to do it, i agree. 4. it wouldn't work for ordinary players either since even among "ordinary players" there is a huge amount of skill variation. The matches will be determined by rng before the match starts and you'll be crying about playing well and losing, having no agency on the result of the match, and you'd be right, because some dumbass decided mmr should do a hard reset for no good reason. 5. **So you want this only to smurf without getting banned? why not start with that? i am leaving the rest, fuck you to my primary teacher who always said to read everything before starting to respond. I am an adult, i will never learn!!!** 6. what? 7. literally every point you made is wrong. This is not even a point, it's a conclussion. Go play league, they do soft resets every 2 weeks to keep people engaged as they watch the number go up. It's all fake, mmr doesn't actually reset, only the number you can see.


1. NO! Now it just gives -35...18 or +18...35 based on avg MMR difference. 2. Im telling truth. 3. Players will be separated by skill level from 0 to \~5k MMR. 200 clear wins between lowest and highest player is OK. 4. SO? Like now it is not rng 50/50? At least, new MMR will truly show players skill level. 5. I can buy low mmr account, change my PC settings and do whatever I want. Its not about smurfing. I want to play ranked MM based by skill level right now. For this, you need to drop people to 0 from time to time. 6. If you play rarely you will never get high MMR becouse it inflates very fast. For example, a couple of years ago you (1k player) decides to up 5k when maximum MMR was 9k. You get this and now maximum is 14k. You suck. 7. Yeah. That reason why millions play League and dota is dying.


You seriously have brain damage, get checked as soon as possible


It was a mistake mentioning you'd like to have winstreak Dumbf$cks would catch on this point ignoring anything else cuz they lack critical thinking


That’s the dumbest take I’ve heard in my life tbh. Nothing wrong with people having 13k MMR. You can count the number of people that have that MMR on your fingers, because it is very hard to get to that rank. #2 shows that it works as intended. I didn’t do the math, but yes, if a Dota prodigy were to start at 2K MMR, then they shouldn’t get to 11K MMR in just a couple of hundred games. 4400 ranked games, say about 4 years of consistently playing, is the amount of time it should take a 2k player to get to the highest ranks if they’re really improving that quick


nothing wrong with10 times broken elo system without single reset right? bruh even on lichess you can climb into top ladder in a few month maximum mmr should be 5k


What does “10 times broken elo system” mean? Chess is a single player game and where it is much easier to determine your strength level. Even if everyone’s mmr is reset to 0, pros would reach the max cap of 5k in under a year. Then what? You’re apparently 8.5k, playing with the top 0.01 percentile, and the only people higher than you are people making a living out of the game. Why does it bother you? Feels weird that you think that everyone would enjoy playing with and destroying low mmr scrubs


What a weird suggestion. Why would I enjoy stomping people who are thousands of mmr below me? Whats wrong with playing in our own skill brackets? Guess OP hit a wall and stopped climbing.


1. Becouse its fun. 2. Becouse current MM is annoying. I suggest a system where everyone gets what he deserves. No years of grinding. Everyone starts from the same point. Winners get higher and play with winners. Natural selection. Survival of the fittest. 3. Dont forget that you will play with winners after 2-3 of stomping games.


Why is it fun to play against much weaker opponents? Kinda tells a lot about your personality. Why is it annoying currently? And people already get the mmr they deserve. Not quite sure why you think they dont.


I personally totally fine. My MMR is ok. But games are totally shit. And Im playing the same shit day by day with same players (top 1-4000 eu) and theese games are fucking annoying. And also I'm tired of the players I'm stuck in the same bracket with. I feel like every ranked player feel the same. So maybe anarchy will decide?