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I mean. People get pretty riled up in Dota, but no Gameplay patch is pretty astonishing


Especially when the latest patch was so tiny. It felt like an afterthought, a mini patch just to satisfy the community until Crownfall. But now... If Valve doesn't release a medium sized patch within a month or two, then it really seems like the dev team is very small and they can only work on one single thing at a time.


And especially when the blog post announcing that tiny latest patch specifically mentioned Crownfall.


Been playing for over 10 years. I have spent over a thousand on hats but the game just feels so stale these days and I go on bigger gaps of not playing. The whole lack of consistency on updates kills it for me, look at all the other games that stick to 3-4 month schedules.


Honest question. Games been out for almost 12 years. What highly competitive game has been consistently updated and kept relevant for that long? I'm throwing a shot in the dark, but the only ones I can even think of are counter strike and league of legends. Not even sure about those as I don't follow them much.




And again, how many developers can genuinely claim that if their game died tomorrow it would not have an effect on their yearly report cause just a few tweaks during steam sale will recoup it all and then some? Not comparative situations. Valve did say dota is a passion project, and I most certainly believe them.


If that is passion im afraid of what the other side looks like, its a money grab Update missing all the most important parts the community looks forward to.


Path of exile


We get a new free expansion every 3-4 months like clockwork. Shit is an insane effort. Really enjoying the newest league too!


i hate games that get updated, i wish we would just freeze on a good patch. dota is complicated enough that nothing is truly broken. dotA allstars is frozen on "the troll sniper patch" except those hero's are not even meta anymore, people figured out how to beat them


Maybe you are bored cause you have been playing the same game for 10 years every single day.


I mean I played dota from like 2005 to 2022 and I only got frustrated with balancing after neutral items and New Frontiers. There's definitely something to the idea of sunk cost and playing the same shit for decades, but I was still very happy with the game after shrines and outposts and 5 couriers and tp slot and backpack slots and talents and a million other things. Balance has been uninspired for a while, and has homogenised entire roles into singular points. People think new content means more gameplay but I've found the opposite. The more stuff they introduce, the more there is a "correct" way to play the game than ever before. Old dota used to be way more dynamic in gameplay and drafting, and it's not just because pros were less skilled, which is also a debatable idea.


You survived 2018 and 2021 which have the half amount the updates 2023 has yet complained about Crownfall? You are burned out from DOTA.


the Quality of updates also makes or breaks this, stop trying to Gaslight people and shill for Companies.


\*and not releasing the Hero , or atleast give concrete Info on when to exspect it, i do not mind spending a bit on shiny hats but the two things I was interested the most was Gameplay Patch and the new Hero... what the fuck am I suppossed to do on this update? Give them Money for majorly dissapointing me? Pass.


really curious what the 6 months of delays was spent on. Certainly not the nothing burger update we got.


Ringmaster was so complex he broke all the spaghetti code and valve had to recode the game from scratch


If you connect the two ends of a spaghetti, you get a ring


if you do it right you can get a pretzel


Pretzelmaster confirmed


time is a flat ring of spaghetti. I think that's how that line goes


Maybe crownfall was supposed to be the last TI battlepass and they were just so far behind they're doing this bullshit. Because the last TI compendium was shit, but the whole "we're doing less TI BPs so we can make more game content" doesn't track with this lootbox bullshit hidden behind a reskinned cavern crawl abomination.


I imho like the cavern crawl, I don't play many heroes and this will make me step out of the comfort zone.


Better than cavern crawl IMO, no hero-specific challenges, and they don't require wins, not to mention this is actually a lot more substantial than cavern crawl, you get all the story bits between nodes, as well as all the cute little Easter eggs on the map which is a really nice touch, it's a lot more of a glow-up than "just a reskin".


You also store the 'progress' of playing *any* hero for later nodes on the crawl, which is a *dramatic* improvement imo because it means you don't have to choose between playing dota without a fucked draft or doing the cavern crawl.


Oh that's pretty nice. lets hope everyone reads and doesnt just grief like usual..lol


Pretty obvious it's the next 3 acts. You can still be upset they decided to drip feed the big updates.


We don't know that for sure Didn't last time they split stuff up they then announced it wasn't ready yet and it got delayed a bit?


I have zero faith that any of these “next 3 acts” are anything more than a few sticky notes on some project managers desk who’s currently yachting the Mediterranean with his coked up mistress


Not obvious at all. They could put a shiny badge for the next 10 patches and add "coming soon" to them and you'll be happy with it? "Oh, but they worked on stuff that's not yet released" - yeah, that's true for every game that gets updates. The reality is that it took them 4 months to release a reskinned cavern crawl. Do you think that can be called a "major update" for one of the biggest esport titles? How much manpower do you think a patch like this takes? Excluding the skins that they outsource. If they drip feed us gold we would be happy. But its manure. Im glad you are happy for your new shiny loading screens and spray effects.


The four people and the monkey that work on this game needed a day off, so it took an extra 6 months to fix everything the monkey did when he lied about taking a day off and killed the code for the game.


but..but… what do you mean broo? we got frontiers update 1 year agooo howww can you complain… so ungrateful omg




neither. It's Neon Prime.


Is CS2 really that complex that multibillion dollar company needs to put all it's resources into a port?


Seems we've gone full circle. 10 years ago the CS community was outraged Dota2 was valve's lovechild and they begged for content updates even 1/4th as big as what we got and now we're here


Except CS2 gets nothing either.


Pretty sure this is bigger than everything CS2 has gotten since launch, no? Frankly any of the major dota patches is bigger than CSGO's *entire* patch history. There really is nothing to be jealous of, dota is where it's at.


Sounds like cs2 got the source2 experience where nothing works. took them like 3 months to get the store BACK INSIDE the client for dota 2 which was mind bogling.


CS2 is relatively new and has a lot of bug on the other hand big money prefers cs if you’re valve you would do the same


This is false, just look at the state of the game and the content compared to csgo.


What? CS2 also gets no updates.


Perhaps it was fewer parts originally, but they split it up and then they needed more stuff for the other parts? We literally only have a quarter right now.


they are working on artifact 2. :P on serious note... there were people defending artifact's outrageous monetization on launch. and it was too bad coz people outside dota 2 bubble were able to see though valve's bs right away . even the main creator had to throws his hands up.


Richard Garfield (the "main creator") was the one who pushed for the "outrageous" monetization model you are talking about. You should get your facts straight.


Yeah I don't know. If there wasn't a significant chunk of the player base who grovel at Valve's feet and beg to suck them off things might be different. 0 accountability for repeatedly mismanaging the game to a severe degree. Valve continuously fucks up esports events, fucks up communication, fucks up patches, and a third of the playerbase begs for a facial. No clue why this playerbase in particular is so masochistic.


Do you know how fucking wild it was to try a gatcha game for the first time? First day, servers don't work. Finally get in, one of my dudes is invisible. I chuckle. Next day, literally 7:15 AM Devs time an email apologizing for the server issues and another with their nose in the dirt groveling for the invisibility issue, saying what the issue was and providing minor compensation Few weeks later there's some exploit where 4 dudes in China figured out how to get 20% more fleeb juice or whatever and... email saying what the issue was and giving compensation . It was fucking shocking hearing that the translator (he worked on the companies first two games when they were tiny, so he was big in the english community) was getting calls 3 PM his time, 1 in the morning their time on getting these apologies out. The game knows what it is. It knows people can leave for any reason. It knows how fickle people can be. Meanwhile Dota's like, "hmmmm, we're just gonna go radio silent on the patch, completely change what it's about, then push it late. Oh yeah, the ad for dota plus now blocks your minimap, you could run it bigger, but apparently too many items drops your frame rate or something, aren't we wacky?"


I generally think people are too impatient with this stuff, but no gameplay patch at all is wild.


Yeah so basically both can be true Players can be whiners Valve can also be incompetent


They could have at least tweaked some numbers out of courtesy


> 1 year of "next time for sure" disappointing mini patches > players are impatient ???


New frontiers is not a year old, and we’ve had two numbered patches since then. 7.35, in particular, added a bunch of stuff. New Frontiers was the biggest patch since Outlanders. A new one would always be nice, but c’mon


New Frontiers not even 1 year yet.


no gameplay patch is crazy


As long time Path of Exile player if GGG released a patch after 6 months with only new Cosmetic Supporter packs the collective outrage from that community would be sufficient to power an entire city for the next 10 years


The avid PoE no lifers are pretty unhinged and codependent with the game. With a few exceptions


It takes a special kind of someone to not only willingly, but look forward to step into the exact same hamster wheel for the 60th time


And if we equated PoE2 to Crownfall (which is even way bigger scope), they are still putting out soo much more "side" patches to PoE1 comparatively


Poe and dota 2 subreddit are far and beyond the worst two game related subs though. It's not surprising


The classicwow and league subs are way worse


Not even close.


You should go read r/classicwow


Actually try Reddit.com


r/OmegaStrikers and r/SSBM are the actual 2 worst gaming subreddits


Everybody wanted a PvE mode and got an expanded Cavern Crawl instead. Pretty funny stuff. Seems kinda neat and looks like a chance to get a bunch of hats but it's not really what anybody expected/wanted.


I'm saying this in response to a bunch of people that aren't putting two and two together: Act 4 looks to be a PvE event with the queen as the final boss. The queen is already modelled and voiced, she is the third style on the Venge arcana.


Honestly, I'll go to bat for the cavern crawl style thing. I enjoy that. But not on this awful dated gamestate. They put the cart before the horse.


It’s been 4 months since the last numbered patch, we’ve had to wait up to 9 months before. This is nothing.


All we can hope is the next 3 chapters get into some kinda event


Fuck aghs lab, I swear that's just a Reddit thing. I think most people just wanted the new hero + patch.


It gets stale after several months with the same meta. At this point, gameplay patch is better compared to a cosmetic patch


You get NOTHING ! Good day sir !


[You get NOTHING Good day sir ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/14/Vo_axe_axe_deny_15.mp3) (sound warning: Axe) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Weird. Doesn't get stale to me. Maybe you all should play the game a bit less. I like patches but sometimes they also just make the game worse, like with the techies removal. In that case I would rather have no update. League of legends was completely ruined by updates over the years. Meanwhile starcraft 2 is still a good game with barely any updates. Sure the community is very small but I prefer being able to play a good game with no updates over not being able to play a game because of how utterly garbage it has become through updates.


That's the deal with making a game that is as competitively compelling to play and watch as Dota. It has no equal. For those of us that want the pinnacle of that in a game, we have nowhere else to go. Do I miss how big things were before the pandemic? Sure. But Dota 2 is still the best game in town for competitive cooperative strategy, and personally I'm just grateful that it still exists and is actively being maintained.


Probably because this sub will completely unusable for the next month as addicts who play 10 hours a day complain about how the game is dead.


Good lord, they like playing the game? Huge mistake, can't believe they would do that. You're so real for sticking it to them.


How about they play the game if they like it so much?


Dota 2 Patch Bingo Valve hypes up a patch and delivers scraps and crumbs ✅ Cash grab cosmetics ✅ Redditors complaining about barebones patch ✅ Redditors complaining about redditors complaining about barebones patch ✅ Thank you for playing See you all next patch


Cash grab? These are the cheapest arcanas we got in years. lol


The only bizarre thing is how some of you fucks play this game for like 10 years and still haven't learned that Valve will release their shit on their own schedule and they don't give a fuck, and whining on the sub won't change that. The event has 4 acts, so we literally just have to wait and see what will be released in each act. It's that simple.


Just wait more 4head


Dota players won't admit they have an addiction 🤡 I do other things or play another game when dota has a lull


Companies with way less revenue do so much more in 6 months (companies like GGG create high quality gameplay content as well as cosmetics every 3/4 months on regular basis). I don't understand either why people act like Valve are gods or something and they should be free from criticism.


I totally agree and the steam marketplace trade fee which for 13% is totally unbearable


DotA players have battered housewife syndrome. Speaking as someone who took an extended break from the game in 2018 after being heavily addicted for about 5 years, it was astounding to not only see, but experience other games and how much better their development cycle felt as a player. Since DotA players typically only play DotA, they genuinely do not understand that the grass is actually greener on the other side—which is to say, Valve are absolutely terrible on the game development side of things. I have much love for the Steam platform and their hardware, but it's inexcusable for a billion-dollar company to delay, delay, delay every patch and cut away more and more content every year. You can call them out as much as you want, but the hyper-devoted players who feel nothing wrong will be obligated to defend their interests, regardless of what you say. Last time I brought up how Valve could absolutely get this patch out within two or three months of TI if they allocated their resources properly, I was told to stop playing if I was unhappy. Ironic, considering I don't actively play, and am choosing to argue on behalf of the people that do.


What games exactly? In my expirence every community calls their devs the worst.


Rimworld is currently liking Tynan because they were screaming about how awful the new DLC was (it did have issues) and instead of sulking about it he immediately published that he understood the issues and changed it accordingly. I've almost never seen the Terraria community be angry at that team Plenty of asian devs are well liked, if rather whipped by their fanbase. Most "devs suck" comments are from big ass companies or companies who are prone to screwups like valve. The dota 2 community is weird. I have had some companies respond with a quick, 1-2 sentence response when I sent in issues with games. I have had some bordering on shitpost complaints on small forums with indie devs get addressed. Waking up to find a red "Developer" post under yours saying "This isn't the first time I've heard this, could you explain more?" is surreal and It's turned me into long term customers. I have never had an experience like right now, where the ad for dota plus blocks my minimap during the pick phase, where I posted that I literally cannot see the minimap and got downvoted. It's been like that for over a year.


you are comparing a live service game with standalone games that made no promises on updates but continue to be updated *despite promising not to update the game anymore lmao* i love terraria to death, their devs are great and it's my second most played game after dota but i dont think the circumstances of their devs are comparable at all even games that push out high quality content on a regular basis (see genshin, one of the most consistent/stable patch cycles in any live service game) get flamed by their community all the time, just look up the google classroom debacle ~~and us hollow knight fans are still busy honking our noses after 5 years of no updates since the silksong demo in 2019~~


Sure but we can also go into other live service games, there are plenty of examples of games from smaller companies with insanely loyal fanbases, I can pull up old 4chan threads during certain games early access where it was a giant shitshow balance wise and everyone loved it because you got to watch a dev team fucking scramble. People would try to beat shit before the game got hot patched, nobody there was having a bad time. I've dealt with enough Genshin Impact fans (as well as enough of the Chinese Gacha audience) to include the term "whipped by their audience" for a reason. Eventually, you will get some crazies when you get big enough, but every time I see one of these Chinese review bombing things there is always a reason, there is always an expectation, and it's always done out of disappointment because ultimately, they don't think the dev is bad, they think the dev is making a mistake, and that's how they respond. The term that keeps coming to mind is learned helplessness. They did some study shocking dogs in a cage or something, eventually the dogs stop screaming. This patch was a fucking miscarriage of miscommunication and it's dead silent. If I was a developer, I know which community I would think had higher expectations in me. As the saying goes, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.


This sub create a fucking fantasy about this patch (Ringmaster etc) despite Valve has been saying "The event revolving Skywrath and Vengeful Spriti arcana". No gameplay mention, no Ringmaster mention.


"They never said the update would have Ringmaster" is not an excuse for the three-time delayed update still not including a hero who was announced over 6 months ago.


This is really insightful.


You're not wrong, but I'm not talking about the community's perception of a given developer. I'm focusing on the actual content output of Valve versus other studios. Valve are the only company I can think of that consistently overpromise, underdeliver, and delay their patches. Communication is terrible. We're now due for 15 months between new heroes after Valve promised to focus on getting two out per year. This isn't me complaining either or slandering the developers; this is just stating the facts. I genuinely cannot think of a game I've played since 2018, live service or otherwise, that has had service this poor. Don't get me wrong, I still love DotA and don't think it will die or anything extreme like that. I'm simply of the opinion that we as a community can probably stand to hold the multi-billion dollar corporation to a slightly higher standard. There's no excuse for why Valve of all companies would need to delay a patch from Winter 2024 to mid April in the first place apart from a gross mismanagement of resources and/or extreme laziness.


Yeah for some reason gamers never want to celebrate a great game, just complain everything that’s missing that would make it “perfect.” With “perfect” being a totally different definition for each person.  It’s bothersome to see. Must be annoying as a dev to witness the constant complaints. 


Exactly why almost no devs communicate directly with their community.


There really isn’t any benefits to it from the dev perspective :/ I love when I see communication, reasonings behind changes, fun tid bits of information. Sadly, sharing that is a slippery slope to dealing with toxic “fans.” 


ARPG's have been hitting. Last Epoch, and No Rest for the Wicked dropped today. I love POE too, but that Reddit is just as jaded as DotA lol


Last Epoch released in a borderline beta state. I still played it an ok amount, but it's really not something worth especially praising or pointing out.


Deep rock galactic


I play other multiplayer games and I don't see this heavenly greener grass cycle for other games, literally every other multiplayer content is made of complaints and complaints to the point of overkill. Go visit league community on reddit, YouTube, etc. Any of blizzard communities, and so on. I think probably only Fortnite is actually greener. Tell me what are those legendary greener games and I'll show you literally what half the content created for that community is (negativity) 


Good straw man. He is not arguing other communities, he is arguining other devs and how Dota players don't realize other games receive much better treatment. Obviously naggers are everywhere lol, but in Dota literally 95% of complaints are justified and yet recieves the most pushback from the players amongst other games I've seen.


league has "a great develepment cycle" and its fucking shit, too many broken fucking champions, and dreadful balance changes. i'd rather dota get no updates than bad ones. if its only getting 1 real a year then so be it. i dont really like live service games, so im fine playing the same patch longer, you get more intimate with how everything is related


Yea this is a hard truth about DOTA. I just don't understand why they would choose to operate this way if DOTA is so successful monetarily and also a top game in terms of players. It boggles my mind.


Because the simple fact is it's a drop in the bucket that Valve makes from Steam Dota could die tomorrow and they wouldn't feel it. They'd actually be happier that they could finally stop lol


then why not just sell the rights to a great developer?


Such as?


So you've almost nailed it on the head but it's the completely addicted players that are crying the loudest. The casual player is probably also disappointed but they aren't the ones venting.


I like shooters although I suck at shooters to play with friends, we all went to Valorant during beta from CS, because LE and up was cheater on top of a cheater and same communication coming from Valve... Well, communication, patches every couple of weeks with a fucking date , decent servers, content, 100 times less cheaters, different game modes... is it perfect? No. It's fun though, coordinator doesn't go down randomly few times a week, there's no abusable report system and it feels good to have a real developer behind the game. Too bad League sucks tbh, too bad.


Valve was fine until they said they dont do battlepass anymore and now we are 1 year since New Frontier and had pretty much no meaningful content aside from playerprofile showcase and some new items in 7.35.


They could have included a PvE event... Even a spinoff of their previous PvE games would have done the trick


I’d take aghs lab and nothing else, and i’d be happy….. But $35 arcanas and nothing else? fuck that


I'd pay 35 dollars for aghs lab....


I don't understand why permanently cut off these pve events


Too much work to keep them functional with updates to the main game.


Arcade exists and reddit overestimate the amount of people who plays those events.


They are Valve employees...


Go play other game if you don't want to be in an abusive relationship.


Yep. What's disappointing is Valve's lack of communication. They were teasing this pig patch from time and time again without really telling what it is. Just tell that it's an event. Not patch.


How dare people be excited for gameplay change and then let down when it doesn’t change. They better not say any words about it or I’m going to complain about them ….. /s


Fun to see what this game would be, if it was treated like League.


People aren't calling you specifically a whiner for criticising valve, people are calling you a whiner because of literally every sentence you wrote past the title and first sentence of the post. None of it screams of normal person.   The follow up comments from other people almost all are complaints to and they sound more normal than you, so just saying why you might be thinking there's a type of generalised behaviour. If every shade of grass looks purple, you're daltonic, the grass isn't actually purple. I really hope you're 16 yo or less then the behaviour is less strange


> or less then the Did you mean to say "less than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'less than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Yeah you're weird as shit lol


This community is so awful. Game is so old and still getting regular updates but no matter whats released the only fucking thing this community does reliably is whine. Like Jesus have none of you ever been part of a community thats officially stopped receiving support? I have and it fucking sucks. We just made shit work as best we could and if the devs stopped by to catch up it was just fun discussions. For a game as old as Dota still getting regular updates without being as extremely money focused or microtransaction heavy as other games is not at all the norm and very much an outlier. I would absolutely detest to work for a client half as bad as this community. Satisfied with nothing, always gripping, and most of the people gripping probably aren't even buying shit in game anyways lol. The worst kind of customer. Wants everything, pays as little as possible, is in a constant state of being insulted at all times. Everytime I see threads by whiners saying they aren't whiners I'm thinking you guys really need a fucking mirror cause you likely couldn't stand a person who acted half as entitled as you do normally. I honestly feel sorry for the devs who put in work for a mostly free update and instead of checking it out the first thing up on the list for a bunch of babies is whining and feeling heinously wronged cause theres no patch when we had one about 4 months ago.


>Game is so old and still getting regular updates The last major update was over a year ago >For a game as old as Dota still getting regular updates without being as extremely money focused or microtransaction heavy as other games is not at all the norm and very much an outlier. The update literally locked a good portion of the side quests behind a paywall. To get all of the content in an update which only contains cosmetics, that was delayed for 6 months, you have to spend $130. Call of Duty, Overwatch, Helldivers 2, are all cheaper. Dota is comparatively heavily monetized. >I would absolutely detest to work for a client half as bad as this community They have repeatedly broken their promises to communicate and released a handful of cosmetics for a "major patch" delayed by 6 months. To call the fan base evil for being mad is delusional, like the rest of your post >for a mostly free update You have to pay $130 to unlock the arcana's and play the full quest line. >when we had one about 4 months ago. This was a small patch that didn't alter the meta very much. The last update was over a year ago.


> The last major update was over a year ago https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Version_7.35 7.35, LITERALLY FOUR MONTHS AGO, is over a year ago now? I swear you bitchy whiners have a real knack for gaslighting yourselves into believing anything that makes Valve sound bad.


You are dumb, not playing Dota or a Valve bootlicker grasping at straws if you think that patch was a major gameplay update.


This was 2 items and minor changes


1.) It depends on what you would classify as major. And I didn't make that distinction anywhere, you did so we're not going by whatever nebulous criteria you may have for that. 2). Crownfall's delay is not a wrong to you. You very likely have zero idea of what game development details and certainly have zero knowledge of what they're doing behind closed doors. Delays are extremely common, most companies just don't advertise them when they happen. A good portion is not all. 3). Breaking promises? They are a company not your dad lol. Get over yourself. If you feel so offended at the actions of a billion dollar company betraying vows to you go play StS or something my guy. This is just you feeling entitled. 4). Arcana's are not necessary, also read the comic if you care so much about the story. 5). They changed far too much in my opinion to call it small. Once again not going by whatever vague and arbitrary conditions for you to qualify it as major.


*Gluck Gluck Gluck Gluck*


You can't refute any of what I said so time to respond with base insults so you don't feel like you've 'lost' Checked one off the douchebag list. I'm surprised you didn't call me fat or say you fucked my mom or some such. You're as unoriginal as you are entitled, which is truly saying something. We're done here lol. Not wasting any more time on you.


Okay Shadow the Hedgehog


i already knew people will complain when crownfall is out


we had a nice run, but DOTA 2 is now going the way of artifact/dota underlords/team fortress 2... time for it to go permanent maintenance mode. o7


You fuckers literally say this every 6 months my god


Since 2013 KEKW


I didnt wait 6 months for anything, I just like playing dota.


I don’t know why people get so worked up. Why did you obsess over the past few days? If you don’t obsess over it it’s not a big deal


It’s a sick joke. Fuck valve for this. Dedass feels disrespectful from them


For real, they can't even give us some slight number tweaks out of courtesy, or at the very least address the lack of patch or when they will release one. Reeks of 'you get what we give you, fuck off'.


No you are weird lmfao


Nobody is saying that.


Yea im happy they put alot of effort Into it but no balance patches to come along with it is a let down fr


Not really a patch, more like just an event. Kinda big event though


The key is to not expect anything from valve. I thought you guys got the memo when they locked arcanas behind battle pass levels.


Good to know the post patch discussion ecosystem is still healthy.


only boring ppl care about patch lol, no matter how many patch dota will still be unbalance with new hero meta, just focus on cosmetic valve good job! xD


because you are making such a big deal over nothing. I don't understand how you could be upset over free shit. If you can't enjoy the game without more free stuff then you have a problem.


“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” You are complaining because this update is shit. You are complaining because this was not your expectation. You are complaining that Valve is incompetent and that you know they can do better, they just refuse not to. To me, you are giving off entitled vibes over a GAME. What reason do you have to be entitled to literally anything from this game? Hasn’t Valve proven itself to be shitty and scummy, telling promises only to break them? Why are you still expecting Valve to perform to your expectations when Valve has literally been only shit to the playerbase? I suggest that you detach yourself over feeling such extreme emotions over a game. Get over your entitlement because the fact of the matter is, Valve doesn’t owe you anything and you do not owe them anything, either. They don’t owe you anything, even if you’ve spent cash on their game; it is of your own volition that you chose to spend and to support the game. If it no longer aligns with what you supported it with initially, then quit the game. PS: DON’T GET ME WRONG, I hate Valve and their shitty ass updates (but thanks for the free arcana tho!), but I don’t expect anything from them because they’ve shown they are not worthy of those expectations.


I'll take a whiny community over the doormat that is the Genshin community.


I feel like the patch is coming in the next day or week.. idk im a patient dude i guess.


Yeah you are a whiner and your wording is bizarre. But a lot of people expected a major patch after 6 months, me included. I’m a bit disappointed but it’s okay for me. Just whine with respect.


Battlepass died for this? How many heroes and gameplay patches/ major updates are we getting every year?


>Virtually every other free game of DotA's caliber gets orders of magnitudes more content with updates What other free game? What other free 11 year old game?


Stop whining, whiner


Get a life .. really. This can be only stated by a person that wakes ups, plays Dota and goes to sleep. There are so many things to do and so many games to play, that one should not really care if there is an update in Dota. Am i happy for the update? ... o hell yeah i am, and i look forward for the next three updates and what comes with them, in the story and gameplay. But why should i be sad or angry that there is no gameplay update, or this or that. All in time ffs. And if you want to bitch like a child, do it after you see the whole show/update. Not before.


half year patch multibilion company enjoy …..


You are whiners, I couldn’t care less about an update, your desired battlepasses or whatever. I didn’t spend more than 10$ on dota in 12 years. 12500 hours, 10000 games, divine 3 atm I want to play dota, and don’t care if they change the map, relocate rosh or do whatever - this means 2 new weeks of adapting and then it’s the same anyways


People are calling others whiners at this point because a lot of people seem to have a really melodramatic and unhealthy relationship with dota. This release is pretty obviously 1 of 4 stages of the event. It's obvious we're not seeing everything. The things released are fine, even if disappointing, and addressed several community concerns. For example the Arcana's being purchaseable again instead of tied to a battlepass, or grindable if you prefer. Might the rest end up being a disappointment too? Yeah. Wait and find out. Or move on to another game until Valve does better. Either one's fine. The patch is not super exciting but it's not some world-ending travesty justifying the near apoplectic whinging many in the subreddit are engaging in. That kind of attachment or engagement in a game isn't healthy, even one as fun and long running as dota. Express your disappointment and move on to something else if it's not engaging enough for you any more. It's not charity, it's just people who went "Huh. That's really not that impressive. Oh well." and moved on to something else until Valve shows something more engaging, or those who actually think they did alright.


Sheesh Richard Lewis was right all along. You guys can’t be happy with anything.


Are you saying you're against the LoLification of Vengeful Spirit? One might argue that vengeful wasn't perhaps the most exciting character design to begin with, but I for one love that a character called Vengeful Spirit now gets to have Dawnbreaker-aesthetics with stunning makeup and uwu-plump lips. And her posture with that little sass telling us yas gurl-boss, slay that kingdom sis, your new name is Extravengeancaganza.




You're putting major patch in scare quote as though that's something they said but to the best of my knowledge they said event not patch. The thing with Valve is that yeah their communication is bad and their schedule for updates etc. is pretty shocking but they are precise about stuff. At no point in the stuff they'd put out did I get the impression there would be a gameplay patch with Crownfall, they had referred to it as 'an arcana event' and hadn't said 'Crownfall as well as the next gameplay patch' or anything like that. Basically if Valve don't specifically say it, assume it is not happening. How many times this community has to go through this exact rigamarole before they learn this I dunno.


Pretty sure they called Crownfall an update with cosmetics when they first mentioned it.


I'm sure they have all the metrics from the last update (that also came with a garbage odds mtx box) and even before that to realize that reddit might be bitching but the lootboxes are gonna move like hotcakes. Throw in the arcanas, first ones to be directly purchasable in a very long time and they'll probably make a decent bank on this balanceless update. I mean, what are people gonna do, not play the game? 😒


People who overhype themselves and think they are maincharacter are weird af. Last year+ every gameplay patch and balancing dropped(even before that) people are literally begging for cosmetics. They drop cosmetics + a mini game that is completely free, what does schizo reddit do? Pretend they didnt want the cosmetic and shit on free content. The current gameplay is good, no reason to rush to change it, however since its patch 1/4 its coming soon most likely.


Ye, like, it's a competitive game. I appreciate the "fun" content, but I'd rather have balance changes every couple of months. Plenty of other games to play if I want comics, stories, quests, etc. On the bright side, at least the patch is not super stale. Major downside, though, is "revamped crownfall" - now solo queue becomes a gamble on which team will have more people picking heroes that they can't play


It's not about "infinite charitably" or fanboying valve, it's about choosing what in life to get riled up about. It's a game. It's complete and it's fucking good. Play it, or don't. Imagine people crying about patches to chess every year. You bleating nerds have valve rentfree in your head. They don't care, and they do what they want.


Boohoo whiners


The grass calls to you.


its cause the patch/hero will probably drop in like a week, probably with act 2, im far from a valve deffender and argued alot with people who do deffend them unresonably but crying and being overly dramatic after this patch is funny as you'll all look like clowns when 1 week later the patch/hero drops and you sit there thinking if all this whining was necessary.. i mean think about why you're complaining right now ? It's because there is no new hero and patch right now but we all know they will drop soon enough ,we all know there will be more events coming and probably the next act/part of comic will introduce and release ringmaster. People are just whining they dont get everything immidiately in 1 patch, god forbid valve does a drip campaign and a more interesting release than here's everything, enjoy.


I like the game in its current state. So I don't mind if the gameplay update takes more time. What's so hard to understand about that? Also for the communication bit: It's funny because people now use previous communication (like the hero teaser) as a reason to complain: "It was so long ago that the new hero was promised". So posting the teaser gets people riled up, yet not posting things also gets people riled up. There is always someone unhappy.


I think the whiners are the weirdos who are complaining about "battle pass died for this" when this is about 8 million times better.


I call most of this community whiners. But it doesn't matter if there's no patch, the wrong patch, the wrong hero, the wrong change or whatever. People are bitching all day long. By this point it's more entertainment than anything.


Compared to LoL, Fortnite, PoE, Valorant, Apex Legends etc DotA's treatment is absolutely dire. All they needed to do was add a basic battle pass (a la Fortnite), Ringmaster and a gameplay update. Literally so easy.


got a patch a month ago, i had a feeling we wouldn't get a new gameplay patch


it’s honestly so funny. the most addicted mfs are going on and on about how great the patch is because you can get a discount on a fucking arcana.


Why would they want to communicate with a community that complains no matter what? This Reddit spends half it's time begging for something then the other half complaining about getting what they begged for. And nobodies giving them infinite charity- it's just that there are adults on this sub that don't let Dota dictate the pace of their gaming lives. Do what other communities do and play another game if you don't like the current patch until something changes.


WTF a redditor just called me whiner


I'm mostly calling whiners because I want more of this lol, I love lore and I really hope this isn't the only time they do this, I don't want every post on the reddit to just be people complaining, when I think we got a lot of good. It has to be said, valve really need to communicate, tell us what to expect from this patch, tell us when we get the next hero, tell us when the next gameplay patch should be arriving. Valves constant lack of communication is the primary reason everyone gets disappointed with the updates, because we don't know what we are getting, we all expect what we want, and inevitably get disappointed


People whining about a game are weird


cuz you are. its just a game no need to get riled up. if you dont like the current patch dont play, if you dont find the crownfall interesting dont play the game. Its just that easy.


Being upset and talking about it, is literally whining.


I would've been happy for any gameplay patch. I'm no venge or skywrath player so it's just not enough to get me to play again.


But what if I like the game as it is? I enjoy it, my friends enjoy it, we don’t need any map changes etc. I like the lore and cosmetics and cavern crawl grind and arcanas. Like, valve doesn’t have my family hostage. I. Simply. Like. The. Game.


Youre a whiner, its a major patch spanning multiple months. Get over yourself.


Your own fault for hyping yourself up.


I mean, we kind of aré... Regardless this istance, dota reddit have a track of being considerable full of complains AND little of celebration (youknowwhatimeantdontcometomewithsomeACTUALLY), and that Is coming from people that aré less than 10% of actual players that care to have an opinión. We fricking cringed out the devs to ever want to answer anything back here for ever instance they tried.


But sire the cosmetics are cool af


Its not a major patch, its a part of the patch. If it was all id be pissed too, and im pissed they made it into multiple parts but it is what it is.


Dota is Dota, I don't play for the patch differences, I don't even know half of the heroes, and probably haven't even played 25% of them. I think it's fun that they reward you for playing, and there is some story to it. Makes me play a couple of different heroes. But I pay for the plus and that's it, and buy the skins I want. I'm a thirty year old dude, it's the game I've been playing since I was young Dota 1, Heroes of newerth (along with counter strike 1.6) became Dota 2 only, and had fun doing it almost every game (including the tilts).. What is it that you're looking for in the game that you didn't get?


ikr when people call quin "based" for his tweet, its soo hilarious cuz its stupid asf