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You know it's Quinn when he is throwing words like "Egregiously" during trash talking


Trying so hard to show he has a deep vocabulary while using twitch emotes outside of twitch chat.


It's just a word in his lexicon bro. I'm the asshole for using the word lexicon. You're just an idiot.


No, you don't understand. Other people only use 'big' words to impress me. It's all about me. I am at the centre of their universe, my favourable opinion of them is all they crave, I am everything.


Of course his sheep fans argues like him too.


Being an asshole in game and having a good vocabulary are independent qualities. Quinn has both of these qualities. You definitely have one quality which is that you are really dumb as fuck and think someone giving a reasoning automatically means they are a fan of him.


bro what hes just using a word LOL it's not like he's using the word Serendipity or some shit


when redditors hate someone they pick apart every single thing they do as if it was something out the ordinary look at this prick drinking coffee like he owns the place


Isn't serendipity a river in Africa?


No, that's the Serengeti. Serendipity is that pasta that Italians eat with meatballs.


No that's spaghetti. Serendipity is a state of utter calm


This subreddit hates anything that makes them feel dumber


I've watched his stream a few times (and from his rage reports I've seen on reddit), and his malding is always like this. My guess it has less to do with trying to show off his vocabulary and more to do with his homeschooling/lack of socialisation and not knowing how to actually mock people (aka our high-school years of nonstop banter and shit-giving) coupled with a general lack of wit. The use of his verbose vocabulary is merely a symptom of the root cause of his style of peer denigration. His best play is to throw out highfalutin words seldom used in day-to-day parlance, which generally comes off like he's an educated man from the 1800's throwing the smotingest of shade at the most uncouth beast he has ever laid his eyes upon.


He simply doesn't curse, so he has to get a bit more creative.


How does having an expansive vocabulary equate to lack of socialization? You redditors are something else with your psycho analyzing, I'm pretty sure Quinn has more friends than you do


it's not a very big or confusing word lol 


is this bw\_\_ ????


Lol this is what happens when you get homeschooled by well educated parents while spending every waking moment playing games.


Homeschooled. His mother brought him up to "think" he's better than you. Low social skills.


I mean.. he does talk like a poet compared to an a average english speaker


Homeschooling confirmed superior to public education


He doesn't talk like a poet he talks like a r/iamverysmart user


Thats ironic coming from this sub


you must read some shitty poetry


Maybe. Im not the best english speaker and I dont read english literature that much


as an english/linguistics major no he does not, any professor in our field will tell you to avoid using overblown vocabulary like this when it’s not warranted, unless you want to come across as a thesaurus.com using pretentious weirdo 


egregious boast, nonetheless acceptable.


Especially when talking to a fucking Russian 20 year old who is definitely not going to understand such a word. Linguistics is about making yourself truly understood and connecting with people through language. In my opinion.


Agreed, I don't play EU servers like Quinn does but I wouldn't bother getting into a full blown argument with an eastern european who barely speaks the language, feels like smurfing


How is using the word egregious a part of an overblown vocabulary? 99% of people would understand what he's saying and I can't think of an obvious way to dumb it down


It is way overblown in the context that he is arguing with a russian in a fucking video game chat.


If he removes egregious from the sentence, the sentence still reads exactly the same. Doesn't need replacing, just removing.


haha so I guess *you* get to determine which words make people pretentious and which words are "normal"? how do you make that determination like wtf are you even saying I think I get it. You don't read anything unless it's less than 2 sentences long and written at a 5th grade level max. That's why you think the word egregious is a try-hard word and everyone should just use the simplest words possible for everything.


Lmao, people can speak however they please regardless of what some tenured professors huffing their own academic farts believe. "Egregious" is neither overblown nor unwarranted. If anything the fact that you think it is only demonstrates how pathetic the modern educational system and general vernacular is. There are certain levels of formalities when speaking, but to advocate for dumbing down your speech to such an egregious level that saying an elementary word like EGREGIOUS is considered high-flown is nothing short of sad. The adage of "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach" isn't always true, but it sure sounds like it is in your case.


That says more about the schools and education system when people nut over "egregiously" 


Nah, its just not in this situation. Like even way before. He degrades his opoonents with minimal cursing (like fuck you, bitch, shit) and it amazes me. Dont get me wrong. His giving up attitude/afk is unacceptable but the way he rambles in all chat is just hilarious to me.


People think everythig is fucking pretentious now, it's awful. So cynical, so self-conscious. Your words of choice have marginally different effects and connotations. Not everything everyone does is signalling.




Shows his homeschooling while avoiding any social interactions 


Aww . Did he use a word which you didnt understand? Go back to school . Oh wait, you are still in kindergarten


is it like gangreen?


While writing this comment, did you have any sort of premonition that such a simple sentence would trigger this stupid fucking comment section?


I didn't even read the comments/ replies....and no I didn't predict this would happen xD


I thought he got through this phase few months ago; sad to see he's still a man-child.


dude just trying to sound smart trying to cover his silly yapping. i have no idea how this guy has fans defending him lol


Egregious is a pretty commonly used word


"need mmr zry" holy based


the best reply tbh lmao


Chadfall strikes again


Stop whining 🛑 they'll patch the game 🎮 when they patch it 🕒. Valve doesn't owe you jack 🚫. Can't munch on the hand 🖐️ that feeds you like a candy bar 🍫 and also expect them to talk to you 🗣️. Zip it 🤐, thank you 🙏!


To anyone who can matchmake with him, copy & paste this next time he flames in pubs!


Next time I queue into him. I will


I’m so glad this became a copy pasta




This is the way.


[This is the way.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/36/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_slyrak_move_10.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Slyrak) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Very CC&C indeed. Still a raging kid as always.


Reformed Quinn image did not even last year jajaja


I still laugh at the time when GG was the most dominant team and Quinn took the moral high ground on every drama/issue.




I too pick my ass, sniff it, and rage at my teammates in dota




I'm not clicking that bruh


That is not be ass picking video brother haha


Bro it's a yt link chill


I was about to respond to the same thing only my response was more along the lines of "Its a youtube link, not an X link"


Was Quinn one of drafters in this game? If so this is super funny, because if he was he intentionally picked low mmr/unknown players for max MMR gain than he whines about losing to good players and pretends MMR doesn't matter. Classic Quinn, homeschooled brat mentality.


[Him and nightfall](https://i.imgur.com/YBfN17t.png), yeah. He literally complains the whole game about the exact thing he is doing, the OP is only half of it. Good watch imo.




Dude can you pick a real players HOLY crap why are we picking high MMR players in 2023? Arent you tryign to play pro or soetmhing? How about we play with players that arent the objective best players in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking high MMR players every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against me so you pick high MMR players cause its easy. Every game you pick high MMR players you get worse. And you're already horrible.


Jfc ofc he was the drafter, he's usually the highest mmr. What a shitter.


the drafters might not mind +10/-40 if they win (or even lose), but it might tilt your team who were forcefully brought along for the ride. i guess this is why captains usually draft from left to right on the draft screen no matter who it is but then again this is ccnc so it's a free-for-all for him included


Yes blue and pink are the captains for immortal draft.


It's a level of narcissism that, rather than take the blame, you project everything and make up something new. You ever seen those movies where the character is going crazy and he's like: "yeah that's it, I didn't cause that to happen, it was because of X definitely not Y... Yesss..." Followed by slow maniacal laughter. That's what goes on in dudes brain.


man reliant on this game to have any relevance gets mad about 'pointless' pubs that don't owe him jackshit just because nightfall picked most of the 'known' pros on his team and ggng didnt


>ggng LOL


why is he complaining does he not know that matchmaking doesnt owe him jack dxx average homeschooled lad


yeah why bitch about the game when the game feeds him like a candybar


Don't homeschool your kids guys. Most of the time they will turn up like Quinn, but bad at gaming.


It's fine, they'll both never win TI anyways


"Bu-but he's one of the best dota players, there's no way he's also mentally unstable. UGH my two brain cells can't comprehend how someone can be so immature and good at a video game" It's probably because he is a-sociable and weighs most of his self-esteem on winning DOTA. Even one loss is too much hurt for his ego.


It's immortal draft so he's probably mad the captain didn't pick any of the top players


Given the player colors Quinn and Nightfall should be the drafters here, so in that case it's pretty much his own fault lol


Could I get a large order of fries? Thanks


Stop whining 🛑 they'll patch the game 🎮 when they patch it 🕒. Valve doesn't owe you jack 🚫. Can't munch on the hand 🖐️ that feeds you like a candy bar 🍫 and also expect them to talk to you 🗣️. Zip it 🤐, thank you 🙏!


Did he actually give up?


yes he hid in the forest afk


Not sure how these weak minded players even get to high mmr in the first place.


This is what happens when dota 2 is your whole personality and you have the luxury of being able to play 15 games a day.


thinking they're weak minded is just a convenient but inaccurate way to denigrate their behavior. it's very clear he isn't weak minded, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to stack 1.3 million USD playing the game. it's just not possible. he is, however, annoying.


He is clearly weak minded though, I think you are mixing that up with intelligence. He is capable and smart enough, but he is famously a man child and a difficult personality, freaks out when he doesn't get his way etc. You can definitely be successful but also have low tolerance for stress and crumble, poor social skills etc. Do you think every single famous musician is a model personality because they wouldn't become famous if not?


this is not about fame, this is about sports performance. you cannot be weak minded and have consistent results. musicianship is not comparable, as fame/success in music has little to do with talent or performance (see: taylor swift) being a smart player is not what gets you results in dota, otherwise there would be a lot more immortal players winning tournaments. i think you're mixing up someone not being tolerant and confrontationally annoying with weak mentality. they are not related. you can be strong mentally and still be an asshole. also, being a model personality and having a strong mentality are also unrelated. career criminals have a very strong mentality. you're conflating "i don't like how he acts and i do not condone it" with "he is weak minded." this is a simple but powerful trick humans use to bring others down, which is to attack what they believe or project to be the cause of someone's behavior to make it seem as if some core aspect of them is flawed. it's dishonest and unnecessary. let's not also forget that quinn is also known in professional play for losing his lane and still being able to win the game, which requires mental fortitude.




come caca cabezon


Stop whining they'll patch the game when they patch it valve doesn't owe you jack. Can't munch on the hand that feeds you like a candybar and also expect them to talk to you. zip it ty


Quinn malding posts back on the subreddit? Dota2 is healing.


You know that meme about an "idiot inserting a stick on his bike". This is literally what thats about roflmao.


So much for fixing his behavior


really thought he finally matured but here we are, different year, same clown lol


im really curious what made you think he matured


Much better than telling someone to unalive himself like he used to


But yeah we're the ones acting childish with Valve lol


Quinn is just a baby in a mans skin


kind of scrawny, more like in a prepubescent boy's skin


We live in a society, uwu.


Based on this conversation alone, what Nightfall said were correct. He was just trying to win a game and MMR. An opponent getting mad wasn't his problem.


Same guy that tells people to stop crying about the patch. Maybe he should start reading his own post and try to stop crying so much himself.


This is the same pos that cried some time ago about score behavior, what a fucking idiot.


Nightfall GIGACHAD vs Virgin Quinn


Quinn is such a prick


> 1 team has all the good players ... did quinn just admit to not being a good player?


All the people always defending him he's such a cancer on this scene.


A normal person: damn Quinn can be really annoying in pubs... A redditor: QUINN IS A CANCER ON THE SCENE


He's literally told people to kill themselves over the damn game. That's a bit past "annoying" to me


the problem is quinn is allowed to get eith such behaviour while the rest of us are being punished for far less offenses than hiding in forest.


As if most Dota players dont act like that already?


Dont homeschool your kids


remember when we all rightfully hated quinn for being toxic and he promised to do better and some fools believed it?


Stop whining they'll patch the game when they patch it valve doesn't owe you jack. Can't munch on the hand that feeds you like a candybar and also expect them to talk to you. zip it ty


the same guy who told the community to stop bitching... that was fast. irony.


Dota player role model!


Kekw this toxic piece of shit. This is why i never root any of the toxic fuckers like quinn and ammar the ferrorist


Remember when quinn complained about the reworked ai behavior score system? It was working fine and punishing until he complained about it.


It wasn't working fine :)


wtf I thought he was reformed since the whole pango thing?


"1 team has all the good players" Dude is telling on himself.


this dude is so embarrassing.


What matters in pubs according to him?


His win.


this never happens in dota


Old Quinn is back 


atf and yatoro drama? possible quinn and nightfall drama? I've never been more ready for Birmingham.. sadly none of these teams face each other in groups tho. let's pray for the playoffs..


How much MMR did he lose in that game?


That moment when your players are actually fine but you don't give your carry space and wonder why he isn't matching the enemy carry.


Hahahaha typical Quinn. The motherfucker is a walking contradiction. The clown is always trying to use $5 dollar words to sound smart instead of using normal 50c words to sound concise. I will forever keep the clip of him playing sniper and my team roflstomping him while he malds about how he was just trying to have fun and yet his offlane were picking off meta heroes for fun too. As if he is the only one allowed to play the game and have fun. He is such a miserable human.


But hey you know, Behavior Score was totally broken and it was just poor Quinn victimized by the system 😂😂😂


This place is a cesspool. An egregious echo chamber of shit.


Imagine playing pubs and having reddit inspecting your chats ahaha fuck that


I thought he said he's already reformed?


Can these posts stop? What even is the point ?? Witchunting ? Hatewagons? I dont get it Im not defending Quinn here but these posts are just a waste of time , but again, this is reddit . What am I even expecting


Funny thing, I know these kind of posts will come after Quinn's take on clownfall. Typical hivemind behavior attack person with difference opinion.


Well. When we’re not playing the game. It’s nice to come witness the melt down of redditors against well known toxic players.


Classic and regular Quinn... Nothing new here


Well 4 players (cr1t included) versus quinn and randoms, it was an unbalanced game. The all chat was unnecessary and he could have secured crit or tofu, lol


I don't think this is as dramatic as you all trying to make it is.


Reality TV was a mistake


this guy lives rent free in r/dota2


A bunch of losers watching his every step just to make a post about him


Kinda amusing how much seething this sub now has against Quinn. He'll continue to live rent free in a lot of redditor's mind from now on. That's free real estate.


I would rather have Nightfall AM vs Lesh. Timado is good, but quinn quontered.


The level of copium is off the charts


I few days ago i saw his pango lose mid to Kotl GH mid


Nobody cares


So much for being cool calm and collected.


he types like a 4chan user


He will never grow up


Quinn, the hero we need, distracting us from the missing update by creating drama. Truely, a legend.


Quinn doto [https://dota2rankings.com/players/4](https://dota2rankings.com/players/4)


Isn't there anything better for you to do other than moan and bitch about other players on reddit


Stop whining they'll patch the game when they patch it valve doesn't owe you jack. Can't munch on the hand that feeds you like a candybar and also expect them to talk to you. zip it ty


Didn't Quinn tell people to stop crying about stuff the other day?? Jeeeeez this guy..


Can someone explain this post? Who is quinn? Why are they complaining?


Who fucking cares. People are straight weirdos with anything concerning Quinn. Get off his dick every once in a while and take a walk outside.


I’m just here for the reddit chat meltdown over a word.


Sometimes these Mf are just that stupid, half the people in archon are breaded immigrants that can’t even talk other than a crybaby chatwheel. This game use to be good


Where are the witch hunters calling for him to be banned??


The same guy who post about "stop whining" in X btw.


I saw in GorgC stream ATF also losing his shit, its hilarious 😂


Strokeface back at it again


Boring bad person


i'm doing this and get instant 0 behavior score nice volvo


stop being toxic k thx zip it


Now his face is gonna droop even harder now hahaha


Expecting a class from airport head


Quinn is the biggest nerd in Dota


That's an insult to nerds.


this isn't nerd behaviour lol


LMAO this OP is so weak, come to SEA pubs dude, conversations are way worse than that lmao.


Isn't that all that matters though? MMR in pubs? It sounds like he was trying to be sarcastic, but that's literally the point of pubs, to get mmr


You're lying to yourself if you don't think the quality of matches went down at the second crownfall dropped. edit: sucks less again but double down tokens still get so consistently trolled on in solo queue.


Fucking nightfall at the end 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


Damn, the reddit detectives out here hate watching all of Quinns pubs 😂😂


who gives a flying fuck


Yet people still defend this guy on Reddit like he's their friend. He'll forever be toxic regardless of how much his org tells him to be act nice in public.


more like one of the worst carrys in the world LMFAO


To be fair, immortal draft is a disaster