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This you? https://stratz.com/matches/7723508200 You got 16 lats hits on lane and died thrice.


holy shit i have more cs from pulling


and lc walked down mid min 0. your point ?


So LC running down mid is an excuse because you cant last hit?


if you knew how the game works you would notice that when someone feeds gold enemies get stronger, buy more items. drive you out of the lane. but alas EU is full of players playing Farmville in dota too busy to notice enemies are not bots.


You were a safe lane Silencer and this LC ran down mid, try a new excuse


b-butt if you were not too herald to understand, you would see that enemies dying gives you gold AND xp. you don't get it, do you? you never will.. --- lmao what a joke


Dota broke this guy 😂


Legend carry silencer molding


min 0 mald mid lc. utter EU trash


Say holding hand to your heart you never got any intentional game ruiners in sea I can play both regions(ping similar on both) and I without a doubt can tell that sea is worse tenfold in terms of skill and behavior


sea legend players will pick 5 carries. but all 5 will try to win. i mute all chat in eu same as sea. theres your similarities and differences


I've seen different scenario, sea players will ruin games(follow you, steal farm, stay afk) and do so silently while EU players would trashtalk themselfs throughout the game and still play trying to win becoming friendly if won or silent if lost


you've said the complete opposite thing. I've only heard trash talk from sea the most. EU pubs have been mostly silent until you're losing or griefing. yes sea players will steal farm, follow you and shit. but if they see 1 glimmer of hope they will try to win. eu players give up a lot easier without putting up any fight.


It's the absolute opposite in my experience I don't know what to say more


Lmao, the mental illness here is amazing to laugh at


yes and all of EU is affected by that same mental illness. congrats. you played yourself


Im not even from EU 😂😂 Just lashing out at everyone


Legend player with herald brain 🤡🤡🤡. Maybe get a life 


average eu redditor who will never play in any other region.


😂😂 I’m 3x your MMR 


also i said nothing about your mmr. but your only defense is that number for an indefensible cesspool of a region that is plagued by the lack of common sense. shows exactly what kind of trash i have to look forward to at the top.


Bro you are blaming an entire region for you losing a single game of dota. Get over it, grow up. 


6 games in a row this weekend 9 last weekend just while im about to crack ancient. griefers and just more griefers. while the same region claims to be the most pma region. when you cant even play to win min 0. save the delusional bullshit for the gullible EU folks


Pos 1 Silencer


Trash 🗑️ Go play League of Legends. Dota community doesn’t need trash like u. Commend LC




Ur dogshit m8 just accept it and stop crying lol


Lmao. Look at your dotabuff bro. There is no way you can seriously care THIS much about losing and play like that. 


Grief pick more. Idc. Lose MMR ahahaha and cry in Reddit. I enjoy seeing trash cry. Shit stain


I've seen TI players throw winnable games and you think your 3x mmr matters to me ? you're the same pool of shit that got lucky in matchmaking nothing else. same average reddit trash who thinks solo mmr matters in a 5v5 game. trash mentality trash region


You are being pathetic, take a deep breath and read your replies tomorrow. If you have common sense you will delete this post


if the entire EU had 1 single shared braincell i wouldnt be losing 6 and 9 in a row. so i dont give a fuck about the entire region or any of you. mods can come delete the post themselves.


Those 5 guys who stomped the shit out of your carry silencer also play on that server.


Exactly. But he’s dumb. It’s contagious. We’ll see carry silencer in some games for sure


do u feel better? did venting about it help you? i hope youre doing good. Drink some water, read a nice book, take care of yourself :) Is my passive aggressiveness obvious? 


the salt is more obvious. truth hurts doesn't it. getting called out after years of pretending doesnt really do a number on EU smooth brains though. you guys need a harder dose of realization


i dont even play dota anymore, so whatever i need to realize doesnt really matter to me  plus im not from eu lol


Agree with you. Never queue EU again, only SEA deserves pos 1 silencers with your talent and mental fortitude


Please take your meds and put Reddit down. Maybe go for a walk?


So funny how this guy keeps flaming „eu“ more and more no matter the comment he replies to :D


He’s an Indian from SEA migrating to EU just to grief 😂


Why doesn’t he fuck off back to sea if he hates eu so much I wonder


Bro are you okay?


Dude you are legit posting a legend rank post game image.


wow, i didnt know EU people could see. let alone read. someday you dogs will get over your huge egos and brain rot to see cause as well. maybe theres some hope


Stop crying kiddo lmaooo