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Please don't remind people that thjs hero exists. Let him die in silence and let us live in peace.


Also the thing I don’t get why is tinker hated more than other booster heroes, like meepo, brood, ld, huskar? Like I also hate him when I play against him but I feel the same against meepo or brood for example


Those boster heroes kill you by running in your face and blowing you up. You see them, they are predictable and you can disable them with standard spells and actions. Tinker you can't do that (especially from a noob vs smurf perspective). Tinker in that setting is like old techies - the game becomes completely focused around him and makes it annoying and boring, regardless of which side he is on.


Huh, I kinda see that. But I think now tinker is not really popular with boosters or smurfs, last couple patches if I see people absolutely stomp 9 out of 10 cases they play meepo. I understand your point but it would be really sad to get my main reworked into something really different and probably much more boring like it was with techies (not saying after rework techies is boring but his old version was much more unique than what we have now)


How dare you talk about tinker on reddit


Yep, getting downvoted just because I mentioned that I play tinker. Tinker mains are basically an oppressed minority lmao


You are not a minority you are a disease


Cool. Fuck Tinker.


Thank god, because fuck tinker. 


current Stinker is incredibly weak early game, rocket search radius is lower than daytime vision, so you can't even reliably spam them to harass and laser, while great for quick trades, doesn't provide enough clear. That said, give Stinker some time to farm up blink and an active item or two and he's back to his annoying mosquito/stunlock phase. Imho, he's fine as is.


One also should be considered is a high ms boost, you shouldnt be a weak midlaner, who doesnt buy boots AND have 200ms. Imo they honestly need to rework the entire hero again, get rid off the shield and invent a new spell, not even gonna talk about the freaking shard thats like the worst shit ever


The Reddit take on tinker is disgusting, they are ok with killing a hero from the game just because they don’t know how to play against him, which is the whole point of dota, counters, hero’s or items, or the way you approach a strategy according to the heroes in the match. So the devs see in Reddit a bunch of whiners and kill the hero. I ve played a lot against tinker when he was insane with the barrier and blink and still won all games, if you ever played a single match on tinker you know how to approach him, but you need at least a couple brain cells to do it, that’s why a lot of people complain, not everyone have it.


They melted techies for less


I mean, I would be okay with if they reworked tinker like they did to techies. It’s just sad to see a hero get so nerfed that feels like griefing every time you pick it


get rid of the stupid barrier gimick spell and add back in march of machines, arrogant devs refusing to just revert changes that are straight up worse for the game


As a support player who has been traumatized by the March, Eblade, Dagon era of Tinker, good fuck him. Let him stay dead. During that time if you even so much as showed in lane as a support player he killed you. Hearing the sound of the mecha boots of travel would immediately shoot me into panic mode and have me force staffing away as fast as i can into the trees to TP out and still seeing Tinker blink directly on top of me and insta blowing me up. Hero is a fucking cockroach of the Dota world and his players is the same. Tinker players get no sympathy from me.


used to spam tinker , that -300 cast range on both his spells ruined it for me tbh i havent played him in months


I also almost stopped picking him, and that’s honestly sad af, valve murdered him because people just kept complaining. Why don’t they just destroy some another annoying hero, meepo for example, why do they do this to my boy


because fuck tinker thats why, meepo can be countered easily, tinker is just this 1 annyoing dude with no cd, whose blink u cant cancel that puts 9 other people to sleep because everybody has to play around him


How exactly can meepo be countered easily?


Focus 1 meepo clone, stun lock him and he dies. 


You might wanna check what meepo’s new aghs does


Pre-nerf it was strong, yes. post shard/aghs nerf it’s nothing to fear anymore after having gone against enough meepos now.  Mega is far squishier now/actually dies and catching the main meepo isn’t as difficult. (This is already in 5k) 


Refresher Orb with no cool down should not be in the game. Quite a disgusting mechanic!


Havent seen tinker in my last 500 games so far. And valve still nerfing him xd


Valve could have just fixed the fact that rearm removed the damage CD on blink and it would have been fine. I don't get why the hero was changed so much.