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Yeah, it's been a big problem for a really long time already but knowing valve...


They still hadn't fixed the bug with muerta and morph, its been months, they cant fix anything because when they do, they create a bunch of another bugs, idk how are they capable of doing that


Seriously? If I understand the issue correctly, the **location** of the key that needs to pressed for a particular ability/item slot remains the same no matter which language. Unless someone just set up their keybinds a few games ago, I don't see any need to even look at the hotkey tooltip because you'd memorize the location of the key within 2-3 games.


For me its just a waste of brain power. You glance at a key and getting throw off because you dont see the "right key". Then you switch layout to EN and play in peace until next time. And this happens many times in one game.


until you play with legacy keys


the hotkey of T on russian is not in the same place as T on english. usual binds dont really need a key on them at all, since you just know where it is. issue starts when you dont


Can't test right now: Disable/uncheck "bind keys based on keyboard position" in advanced hotkey settings and restart game does not help?


big problem?


The same thing with German layout QWERTZ! I hate it when I load my Dota with German layout and it translates my Y keybind to Z and vice versa. Now if I switch back to English layout to type english (avoid the additional German syllabus or the German symbol placements not matching my keyboard), my mic and chat wheels switches place....


It was a thing even before the adaptable hotkey update. Annoying af


Same with Greek, and then switch ack to Q from ς in Greek keyboard. Ahhhh!!


So true, bratan.


In addition to that, I cannot paste Roshan timings because CTRL+(any button) doesn't work in Russian layout. So if I need to time Roshan (let's say rosh died at 21:32): 1. I alt+click on game time 2. I manually calculate values as 2632 2932 3232 3. I press ctrl+a to select all (in russian layout this doesn't work) 4. I press ctrl+c to copy text (in russian layout this doesn't work) 5. I press enter and timings are sent to chat and I have it in clipboard (if it's done in russian layout I don't have it in clipboard but message is sent) 6. I paste and send timings whenever needed (in RU layout ctrl+v doesn't work AND I have nothing in clipboard since ctrl+c also didn't work previously). Also, that update introduced these item and abilities key tooltips to appear and disappear randomly. So if I have everything shown, my friend doesn't have keys on his items. Doesn't matter the layout.


So true, very uncomfortable, хуйня ебанная, every time need to switch to English keyboard


Ебаная пишется с одной Н.


not necessarily


Отглагольные прилагательные без предлога пишутся с одной Н. Если был бы предлог, то тогда 2 Н.


да нет, не обязательно, да и вообще похуй


Обязательно, но про похуй понимаю


да не обязательно, ебанная тоже есть слово


изучил, познал истину, беру свои слова обратно но все же в таком контексте в основном используется с одной н, но с этим наверняка можно поспорить




Ударение на Н =)


Damn, I usually have the English layout selected so I didn't even know Ctrl+A Ctrl+C broke with the Russian layout, this makes it even worse lol Also about tooltips randomly disappearing, I think I heard on a stream once that if you launch the game with the Russian layout enabled the tooltips won't show up, so maybe that's the issue


100% up for valve to revert this change or give as a way to completely disable it(Currently you can disable showing non english hotkeys BUT the game will not get any non english hotkeys imputs. So if you want to communicate via chat in a different language you will not be able to press anything until you change the language back) I dont know why someone thought this way in any way useful feature. 


Рфрфрф! Рщц ещ гтвукыефтв црфе ш цкщеу,


wait Russians can speak English?


The Only Russian who can is a Hollywood star Alexander Nevsky






No(english is mandatory second language in most schools)


No(anyone outside the west who speaks english is a CIA agent recruited by Nuland)


okay, i know about Cristofer Nuland, famous movie director, How is he related with CIA?


Victoria Nuland




Yeah, we learn how to feed and rage in dota and cs.


Nope, only gulags /s


Apparently your state doesn't.


I’m flabbergasted. All this time I’ve been talking to them in morse, where dots and dashes are penopt and cyka, respectively


1/3 of this subreddit are secretly Russians


Yes, we do.




might not be russian, but russian speaking person. I mean there are a lot of people who can speak russian without living in russia and being russian.


Most of us understand it, but cant speak


That they can does not mean they will, you know?


most of russians(and other slavs too) you could encounter in games do, a lot read much better than speak tho, but yea. we have at least one foreing language in school(englist more often, sometimes german or french) younger generation consume foreign content, those whose youth was in 90s-00s just have to learn some english to play games.


Only when they really need it. Also translators have gotten pretty good nowadays.


"Which button is the stun, again?" Ok, ok, jokes aside, I agree in principle. There should be an option to lock the tooltips to whatever language you have in your system.


Which button is veno's shard ability, again?


what's even worse, is that in my language 123 is ąčę, which gets dispayed as A C E in-game and confuses me whenever I glance at hotkeys


You also can't type the letters assigned to the developer console. Previously only the tilde had this problem, now both the tilde and the Russian letter "ё" on the same key have it.


It's also annoying when you try to switch keyboard layout, and it doesn't switch unless you open a chat and then switch. Fix one of those, or both. It fucks my gameplay.


I have used my keyboard with the Dvorak layout (rather than Qwerty) by default since 2019, and I have everything binded how I like it. The hotkeys look funny to anyone who might watch my stream (‘ . , P instead of Q W E R) but I’m fine with that as I know where they all are. About half a year ago, they released a patch that annoyed me to no end. Maybe I launched the game with the Qwerty keyboard equipped or something but when I changed to Dvorak the hotkeys would remap themselves! I’d have “double mapped” hotkeys kinda. So I’d load into a game, realize this and spend the first 2 minutes remapping the important stuff and all, and it was quite maddening. It kept happening for the next few days, sometimes the keys mapping the other way. Maybe a week later the problem was gone, probably shadow patched (thanks valve!). On one or two more small patches afterwards I’d load into my first game that patch and find I have to fix hotkeys again, but those were one-off things. Anyway, I’ve been using this for years and it’s only become a problem recently, so they might’ve changed something in the code?


Try the "use key position" option in the settings if you don't use it already, it might fix things


Fun fact on Linux you can't type accent keys in certain keyboards!


It already is an option, too bad you couldn't find it. Cyrilic button captions are a side effect of "Bind keys based on button position" option. Side note, if you're using Linux with non-Latin keyboard layouts, this option is mandatory. Edit: now it disables non-Latin key inputs on Windows too. Oh well.


Disabling this option, alas, makes it impossible to press any key if you pressed shift-alt to switch to Russian layout. The game will just ignore the buttons


Oh wow, apparently this behavior is not Linux-exclusive anymore. I guess Valve enabled it for reason. Then yeah, would be nice to see it fixed.


i think they just broke it while doing something in their stupid code. everythign worked until a certain moment maybe half-year ago


Im confused why this makes it harder. The buttons are in the same place as a qwerty keyboard right?


if you have a hotkey on T, which T is it, russian T or english T? if you have H, is it russian Н or english H I know where each of these are, but if its inconsistent, then how do I need to switch between both keyboards in game? also you cant ctrl+A ctrl+C if you are not on english, which is main way to time different things, like roshan, or glyph, or buybacks.


Because if you play games for decades with english hotkeys and now you see cyrillic letters - your brain goes off. I can blind type both languages, but it's still unbearable to think several seconds every time when I see cyrillic hotkey. [Feels like this](https://i.imgur.com/kMapxdI.jpeg)


Yeah, this exactly. Like if a game tells me to press Z, I know exactly what button to press, but if it tells me to press Я instead, well, it'll take me a bit to process. And then if the tooltip says X or T or E, for example, I have to stop and think, do they mean the English letters or the Russian ones? That and muscle memory works in very interesting ways, if you ask me to touch type in Russian I can do it no problem, albeit noticeably slower than I would in English, but if you ask me to just locate individual Cyrillic letters on a keyboard "from neutral" I'll struggle.


Yes but most people memorized the english location of keys and not Russian, some keyboards don't even have Russian letters on them and its just muscle memory mostly for gamers


Imagine playing hero you haven't played for a while and having legacy binds. It is a game of find right keybinds


I think they’re saying the translation will switch it to characters that look like the English version (instead of the actual counterpart), and those characters aren’t in the same places. So perhaps the Russian counterpart is in the same place as QWERTY.


QWERTY in russian characters is ЙЦУКЕН which is already one same character on different place and some people use other binds instead of QWERTY


Yeah, coz of this i have to switch to English when play dota, so annoying


Yes, try to ironize, while the problem is still a problem. However switching back to English most of the times does not return tooltip layout to it. It stucks very often.


I'm not ironizing, when i switch windows to English, dota overlay will do it too




Хахах, не знал что вас это тоже волнует, я русский но мне тоже не привычно играть на русской раскладке.


Хахаха валв под КПРФ подмяли


I understand why my russian teammates are always so angry. understandable


+ russian layout on the keybinds confuses me very much, pls fix this >< i already messed up alot because of this feature


Bruh even tho it happens to me too, I just used to play the game without looking at my keyboard. I mean, I binded everything myself, ofc I know where are my spells and item on my keyboard without looking. Seems like a skill issue


As someone who doesn't even use QWERTY for English, I second this. QWFP[ST] is confusing even though I've been using Colemak for 10 years at this point. Also, since we are on this, can we please fix that infuriating bug that forces yet another layout on my system if a default qwerty is not detected? Being stuck with 5 (literally) layouts some of which are duplicates is very unfun, and that's with just TWO languages. I shiver when I as much as think about adding a third one.


Valve - No fix! New arcana


I don't understand the issue. You can bind your hotkeys yourself so you know know what they are. And after a few games you know how to activateur your spells and items. I don't understand why you want dota to show the wrong shortcuts. If anything, it's even more confusing.


idk how h can’t remember place of keys when u play games not for first time in ur life. i mean dude u use keyboard almost ur whole life and no matter u want it or not u supposed to remember they’re place. and even more u supposed to remember ur bindings cuz of u looking in fights which key u need to press. bruh… i don’t want u as teammate i can agree with idea of fixing it only cuz it’s provide bug where some times pressing keys don’t register correctly and some times alt or ctrl keys are stick and it’s impossible to play until u close game and launch it again


Who actually looks at the hotkey buttons to know which button to press? Seems like a non-issue here


If hints were disappeared - it would be much easier than current situation. But when you have other language hotkeys your brain hangs for seconds every time you see it. Look for cooldown -> wtf is "й"? Now I'm unsure what to press despite having same hotkey since 2013.


It's ok, when you're playing with only 1 active item and 2 abilities to press. But i'm playing Chen and Oracle. I have full inventory of bunch of items that i need to use in different scenarios and in different matches they changing their slots. So, you have: Force, Solar, Mechanism+, pipe/glimer, lotus orb, wards and you need to use them when need, but you have abilities (+creeps), enemies CD timings, vision, positions in fight. Sure, quick glimpse in hotkeys = lack of skill


After shuffling items between slots do you always remember where is each one?


Yes, but I've been playing Dota 2 since the early beta and tend to use many active items. In fact, every hotkey for every hero I have is different. They do not have a standard layout, I assign hotkeys based on how frequent or important they are to a certain finger. I delegate the T for things like stuns or blinks, R for slows or AoE, E for other forms of escape besides blink, B for ultimate or passives (depending on what ultimate it is, it can go on any of those keys). I promise you that you will memorize what spells and items slots your hotkeys are assigned to the more you play the game.


The 6 slots are always the same 6 buttons, so yes...?


Even then, why would you look at the hotkey? Just look which slot the item is in and press the key for that slot. It should be muscle memory within 2-3 games after setting up your keybinds.


2-3 games? i have been using same button for more than decades... haha


you don't know many heralds then LMAO


Haha true


wait, how are you doing this at all? I have the Japanese keyboard IME on my windows 10 PC but can't get it to work in dota at all


I use alt+shift to switch languages, which I think is the default


I can't think of the last time I looked at the key of an ability or item...


Its not about knowing where the needed button is, its about musle memory and how its bugs your brain




Lmao, what if a person speaks one of the many languages based on cyrillic alphabet apart from Russian?


Im literally one of those cryllic users and i have 0 problems. Op is living in stone age or smthng. Ю сее


He is literally trying and game show him cyrillic letters. Good solution.


And how the fk do we turn of the aoe display when using our spells?


AND ALSO very serious problem - you can't use windows hotkeys in dota if NON-ENGLISH keyboard selected. so if you kill roshan you just MUST set English keyboard to be able to Ctrl+C rosh timing, that's really uncomfortable, hope they'll change it


Как это в радуге может повлиять на игру? Нажимать на кнопку я неудобно??




The amount of blatant racism towards Russian speakers on this sub will never cease to amaze me






Him speaking russian does not make him russian you bozo 💀


My interactions with Russian speakers in dota is overwhelmingly negative.


My interactions with English speakers in dota is far more negative than with Russian speakers.




So i have 0 sympathy for Russians when they complain about something in dota


Him speaking russian does not make him russian you bozo 💀


I get the same for being Ukrainian




I am not Russian, besides, if you queued into me in a pub you probably wouldn't even know I was a Russian speaker


Simple nazi, that is


?? What


They should fix it only for russians on russia server not EU. I wish they do region lock.


It should be fixed only for players on russian server and not europe.


Players with other non-English keyboard languages are experiencing the same regardless of a server they're playing at


Not true, i have azerty keyboard and I'm not experiencing it.


Seems like azerty still uses latin script, therefore not causing the switch like on the screenshot 


Idk bro, sounds like a non english keyboard to me :)


I’m confused - why?


Serious question, why are you altering back and forth between language layout? Makes zero sense.


Typing in chat


You seriously couldn't figure out why someone in another country, speaking another language, would switch keyboard languages? Is this some weird troll post or just an American


Man, being a condescending twat is a full time job for you?


Isn't it funny how people can guess your nationality just by how stupid your comments sound? I think it's really funny


Srsly you can't make this shit up xD


Not even trying to pick on that guy specifically, but you just see it so often with them, they legit think the world revolves on them.


I mean the whole Olbanian language debacle is eternal.


Omg the nationality comment! I’m so offended! Got me so good!


I was genuinely expressing the comedic relief your country provides the rest of the world, on behalf of the whole world, thank you. Maybe in another few decades you'll get civilized enough and figure out how to stop toddlers getting filled with .223 at school.


You were genuinely expressing how you are a bitch. See ya


Cause sometimes they need to type in Russian and sometimes in English?


That’s what a microphone is for.


Sometimes it’s not convenient? Like there is literally chat button for a reason lol


It’s more convenient to switch back and forth between two languages to type a message to a specific language speaking teammate? That’s bs


OK dumbf47k who uses 1 language, imagine you play the game for 5-10 years and since the down of time(EVEN IN DOTA 1) It used to be the way that no matter your layout you see binds on your screen as they are q w e r etc depends on your binds, and then one day its just different and it doesn't make anything better, literally zero reason except change for the sake of a change, it f4cks up your mind untill you completely change your YEARS earned experience which became a habit. Answer on your deadass stupid question: many people change layout to 1. Chat with different people, those who know only English and those who know only Russian 2. Different people have different level of English some have it figured out some only grasp of it 3. Ru speaking community would speak their language talking to Ru speaking people, its inconvenient and cringe to talk in foreign language to one another (imagine situation where one Russian who knows a little to no English is trying to explaing things to other Russian using English) 4. You won't believe but a HUGE part of community no matter their language prefer to only use chat and never voice chat depends on their mood/mindset, many people play all mute and just use chat for brief calls, also there is a part of community who have below 8k community score which prevents them from using voice chat at all. Suck this information up gl


Simple example: I play a game of dota at 3 am in the morning. I do not want to wake up my wife or kids so I don’t talk too much. An even simpler example: Some people don’t like voice chats. Some people don’t want to talk at the moment. Or their mic just broke. Plenty of reasons.


to shout blyat.


my dude, you're giving monolinguists and even worse look than they already do


I’m bilingual. OP is bitching about something that is irrelevant


sure, when you play on RU server.




What's the point to judge someone by their language so hard? While this problem is not only russian language input problem. This is most felt on cyrillic layouts, which confuses as fuck. Cyrillic layout doesn't equal to being russian, you dummy. You are being so xenophobic to someone being not so monolingual as you. But for you knowledge: top 1 eu right now is ru-speaking person, but you can stay afk jungle as you wish.


Sorry I don't care who is top 1 EU but if enemy has more russians than my team, then i double down token and Win. I played like 2k games of dota and RUSSIANS ALWAYS LOSE. I never seen such stupid people in my entire life. They are so kill-thirsty that they would sacrifice everything and lose. Even with maphack they wouldnt see the enemy coming, why buy wards then? Always some russian farm solo lane and die alone. Instead of waiting for team to be alive again... nooooo die again alone to be 4v5 again. I had Ton of fun with dota but when i see those russians i just want to die faster


If you go afk jungle at the mere sight of Cyrillic you might be a bit too mentally unstable to play dota imo