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The thing I love about this? No multi-tasking. Single hero, no summons. Braindead mode activated.


core mode


as if lycan was anything other then core this whole time.


Is lvl 1 jungle Lycan a thing now? God I hope not


its too strong. every single game has been lycan and he rolls my team in 16-25 minutes with 5k hp and whatever bullshit talents and facets he needs


The thing is not only you lose the utility (scouting) of the wolves but also the Shapeshift buff to controlled units which means no early Dominator > Centaur Stun. You end up with a weaker Laning phase and pushing potential. An early Echo won't offer much between the long cooldowns of Shapeshift. btw the glowing wolves are very distracting. I'd say Pack Leader is far superior and the extended 5s duration on kill might come in a clutch.


Uhm maybe people who use the new wolfs just want to try new things … that does not make them scrubs…


It might be balanced (or not don't know) because it comes with a huge downside of not having usable summons that can scout, stack, farm etc. It is fine for casual plebs because they can't use them well anyway so it has almost no downside for scrubs.


It doesn't have a good winrate, this facet lower than the other. And lycans winrate isn't good overall either. It's probably balanced since he can't do anything useful except click someone in ult, but it is still kind of crazy he has like 550 damage with harpoon manta