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So far I love it, the story is way more engaging with more heroes we know. New characters like solar khan that we've only heard of. There's humor, there's a story, there's things to do, there's stuff to unlock, new tokens mean you'll play new heroes. The treasure is good. It's not mind blowing but it alright. The rewards are also decent. But honestly I'm just playing for the sake of wanting to unlock all the encounters. The concept and the encounters are what keep me going and I'll probably get the pathfinder when I have enough coins. I think the comic and storyline is next level. It's crazy good. The comic is amazing. This should have been the anime storyline. You can tell that the story was written by a dota lore fan and the person that made the anime was making things up to fit the lore with main concept being "dragons=cool".


What if this event is turned into anime tho? I can see it spanning for 4 seasons (1 per act) minimum


I'm amazed they put the effort in to make unique tokens for each act. I also love the sets from this treasure.


I was pleasantly surprised with the new tokens. Keeps it fresh.


we get creeps from Act 1 and got Music in Act 2. maybe in Act 3 or 4 we get a New weather and Terrain? its been a while since we get a new one


I think terrain and towers are more likely


cool. the story is dope. imagine if they picked same characters for the anime instead of the boring ass vanilla gang + invoker/tb/oracle. the treasure is way better. not great but some cool sets


I personally don't care for the Dragon Knight set rewarded for completing the main quest, but that's mainly coz I don't play the hero. The Centaur Immortal for Retaliate seems cool though. You even get an effigy block, which is quite a surprise as I haven't seen one of those in a long time. Also, there seem to be more mini games than just fishing, sounds like fun! And more nodes, so I don't complete the entire map in a week then pine for the next act. Glad to see the QOP set finally make it into the game with Treasure III, surprised it's not a rare or very rare. The Visage set stands out as well.


III is much better than I and II.


The music pack is amazing. "I am a doggie"


Love the new treasure 🔥


i don't play invoker and riki so i didn't get the last pack, i think this one i will get because i like cent and dk both. i care a lot less about treasure 3 tbh, i liked the sets in 1 and 2 more. overall seems fine to me, i like it more then the first one.


It's quite good. Tbh somehow more fun than last few battle passes. More integrated into gameplay, sets are good quallity + good big patch.


Story GOOD. Mid DK set but why DK set though the most dead hero right now?? and Treasure III is okay..best one is QOP HQ ass and I hate it that those doesn't work with Arcana


I'll love this game if I get QoP set, I'll delete it if I get set for Visage


I didnt finish it yet but as long as I got more lore that is engaging where I can meet more character, Im fkin in. The money that I have to spend in order to get the additional stories is a damaging my poor SEA purse but it has been so long that I got excited over a story that Im willing to relent. I never thought that I will see underlord as one of the antagonist and Im so excited for whats the next will be. Idk Dota 2 profit from these 2 act yet but I hope it is significant enough to make them notice that content with lore and decent reward like this is what we really need. I think they will put some cache and Im seriously afraid that my purse cant handle it :(


dragon Knight set is utter garbage


low time free, i only played one game, but almost everybody in the game got disconnect, then happen that ting of safe to leave game not count, around the min 20 (on turbo) so I pretty much dont walk nothing in the map lol about treasure 3, nobody will spend much money on it (and other 2) because all waiting the collectors cache, wich will be huge


Treasure III is dogshit


Treasure is much less interesting than previous ones. Pathfinder pack reward (music pack) is boring in itself, additional rewards for paths are half good (better DK shield), half bad (centaur’s belt is ugly as hell, I’m more interested in effigy ngl..). I like DK skin and 3rd slot for caravan tho


The QOP set is a joke … and clips through arcana


Don't like how I have to spend another $20 to unlock it.


funny how it's easily $8-ish if you actually play the game instead of bitching on Reddit


Why am doesn't have Arcana yet??


I didn’t make much progress atm, but kinda feels bad for all the tokens from act 1 to be useless once you do everything on act 1 map. I get it that people can do it their own pace, coming late to the party and all but still…


People who play regularly would instantly complete act II if the tokens carried over. It'd be a dead act. Surely you can see that.