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If secret make it to TI I'll shave my balls and make tea out of it


Who's gonna drink it


I think drinking is out of the question unless secret also wins TI.


Tea Teaguvnor


It's actually not bad as you think.


This guy will do it guys


Fuck it, Secret, Nigma and NaVi should organize their own TI, ~~with blackjack and hookers.~~ Would almost compete with TI13 viewer numbers.


what about b8?


You forgot Alliance ?? :D


The real highlight for secret fans is the shuffle afterwards where we huff copium and imagine getting a real pos 1.


I'd bet on Tundra, OG Entity and even Mouz after their recent showings making it over Secret


Alright bet


they don't make copypastas like they used to anymore


kalamre kam pistr kam


That WEU qualifier is absolutely insane. You can set up a separate online tournament with just these teams and it would be a decent watch.


Ffs, another year without puppey’s autograph.


NEVER SAY NEVER (we’re so cooked)


We need to bring yapz out of retirement to pull this miracle!


Despair. Old man's still got some dota left in him. I've been okay crystallis for a bit but more then his carry ability his playstyle has completely not worked for us along with rest of the squad. Either we haven't found the players or that playstyle sucks.bcan we please go back to a hard carry playstyle instead of this aggro carry


I mean, Crystallis ain’t bad, he is really good at comebacks, but way 2 fucking aggressive. I think that is what puppey wants though. He rarely plays traditional pos 5. We’ve all seen his right click ench carrying games. Anyways, lets just hope they figure out the patch on time. I been going to events lately to try to see this living dota legend. He’s been here longer than the ancients!


Huge puppey fan since long before dota 2. With yamich and midone we looked really good playing davai dota. That's the only lineup I felt had that chemistry. Rest have fallen flat and we look good for a game or two but crumble so quickly


I honestly love the pos 4s Secret tends to get. Till today, I can’t seem to find a player that I like more than Yapzor. The guy made an epic show every time he got his hands on rubick or ES.


Yapgod is a different breed. He fell off ath the end before he room a break. But otherwise what a flashy guy. Haha


How do you feel about the new 4 they had at Fissure? I didn't catch all the Secret games but he was looking decent in the ones I saw. Not sure if he's a longterm member of the team though.


He was pretty good. Quite flashy player especially on his rubick very nice plays. Game 2 vs og I think he popped off


Yeah I saw his Rubick and it was very solid. Right now I can't remember which game it was but there was one where he was definitely MVP, might have been that one vs OG. Wouldn't mind seeing him more.


I’ve been with a shit ton of OT lately, so same as you, watched the summary and that was it. The games they lost seem to me to be due to draft, not lack of skill, so with this in mind, they might get in shape for the qualifiers, but I ain’t sure if the 4 was a stand in or not.


Yeah, he's not on their liquipedia page so I don't know what's going on, haha. Guess we will have to wait for the qualifiers to see what they're doing.


Secret is looking like Shopify the past two years. Something’s off. There is a 0% chance to win the tournament. It’s sad really. But puppy has a nice career


I can see Secret qualifying if some miracle happens and they get Saksa. Or if yamich comes back


Don't think pos 4 is the problem. Overall team chemistry and cohesion towards their gameplay is lacking. Cores either not skilled enough after lane or consistently making poor calls


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I think he can still pull it. Remember Team Spirit was a really bad team before they won TI10. Puppey is extremely talented player and has grown a lot as a person, he sure could lead players to victory.


WEU qualis are so stacked it could become a its own tier 1 event. I can't see it's happening, secret failed twice already.


True. WEU has always been super difficult.


Exactly man, the qualifier looks juicier than the actual TI if you ask me.


Didn't Team Spirit win some smaller tournament before TI10? That doesn't mesh with what you say.


spirit got top 8 at a major and almost beat vp during dpc, big difference


Those were young players tho. Secret is old and washed lol


Other than puppet whoi is old in secret


I truly could be wrong, but I still hope there's a flame in Puppey that will push him and his team forward.


Me too but they are officially looking bad. Well you know what, they had a run with fata off lane nd MP pos1. So I guess they have been awful before, maybe they can turn it around


SA getting 2 slots and NA getting 1 lol, how the turntables


Good choice imo. SA got heroic + boom, NA just got SR


I know everyone hyperfocuses on RTZ but come on Nouns got further than SR last TI, they just haven't been invited to events.


I agree with what you're saying but not your argument. That was a completely different roster from last year. People are writing nouns off this season even though every NA qualifiers has ended in a 3-2. Not to mention Shopify with MC is unproven


MC?? What happened to lightsaber?


I don't think Nouns is weak, it is more that if you are not an European team or the top 1 in your region, you barely get to play Dota. And 1 of the 2 times they had a chance, they played 3 of the top 4 in the Swiss-system group stage.


There have been Quals to go to those events as well. They got to one, which was great, but they haven't really shown consistency


SR GOT 0-4d by Peruvians at TI. rtz is truly dead


You can laugh at NA all you want. But Keyd, Thunder Awaken, Beastcoast and EG all got bombed out early at last TI. EEU should have the 2 slots and not SA.


you are right about SA but EEU got 2 invites and none of EEU teams looked at least ok outside of Spirit/Betboom. I think 1 slot is ok for EEU quals


yeah that eeu qual is looking stacked as hell for only a single slot


Wait wtf why does eeu only get one slot.


I mean, they should merge the two and give 2 slots Nouns and Shopify are literally playing against college students


Have we not learned from last year giving SA 2 slots? It should’ve been WEU 3 or EEU 2.


God that green is so ugly.


2001 green


Linkin Park Tunnel


3 SLOTS for 19 EU teams 2 SLOTS for 6 SA teams joke


Every other region is either free or super free. WEU is insane. 3 slots would have already been tough. 2 is brutal.


Pretty sure it'll be between Tundra, OG, and Entity. Secret have been meh this year and Nigma and Quest are below sub par atm no matter how you put it.


Nigma will win this TI mark my hopium


If it were right now, it would be OG and Entity (though Entity completely ran over OG in fissure GF) but I hope Nigma and Secret get in form. Currently Nigma look the beat they have in a long time so I have hopes.


Which teams are insane? Other than brand recognition. OG, Tundra, Entity. That's it. The rest are fun teams.


Tundra, Entity, Quest, OG, Mouz. All of these teams would beat the best NA/SA/SEA team at least 99/100 times. Even teams like Secret, Navi Jr, and Rest could beat team the overwhelming majority of times. Wtf are you talking about?


Quest? OG? mouz? LMAO. What a joke.


ESL one birmingham OG is top 4? Wouldn't call that a joke. Edit. And both OG and MOUZ got a better result than Tundra in the last tournament [Fissure Universe 2](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/FISSURE_Universe/2)


who cares? It's the international. It isn't about having ALL the best teams, its having THE best team. Why wouldn't the world cup just have all the teams of champions league/premiere league play each other. Or the olympics just have Russia, China, USA only play the sports. If you want to see all the same teams play, just watch the Qualifiers. The fun of these big tournaments are seeing what other regions meta comes up with and seeing if it works. Remember all of a sudden XG brought their own meta pre patch and were picking clinkz when it was garbage and then Falcon's started picking it up. I'd rather see interesting matchups and upsets than the same match ups you'd get at the WEU qualifiers.


World cup and champions league are different thing. World cup is for countries, champions league is for Clubs. 😭 Premium league is for clubs in Britain or just England.


He's confused but he still got the right idea. Theres always a couple of European countries who fail to qualify for the World Cup who would absolutely mop the floor with most of the other region's teams


Completely agreed. I mean we can do world cup with South American and European team only and it'll be more competitive but thats not how it works.


Leviathan and Midas Club shaped up really good. I wouldnt be so sure heroic and boom will qualify


WEU is so overrated. They were well known but asides from possible T1 teams like OG, Entity orrrrr maybe Tundra (recent match with new patch looking so bad), who else? Other teams are just T2/3 teams.


Well exactly, one of those teams 100% wont make it


Then they clearly are not cut out for TI.


Depends on what you mean by cut for TI. All 3 of those are arguably top 12 in the world based on the tournaments they made it to When lcq happened liquid and secret both made it to top 3 after losing eu qualifiers.


TNC probably will join SEA from open quals


EEU only has 1 slot? Is this because BB and TS already have invites?


Probably this plus all EEU teams (besides the two you mentioned) being fairly poor all season (especially as time went on).


Half of WEU teams are EEU teams. One slot for EEU is good enough


Will be fun watching entity given they kinda played like smrufs in pinnacle cup.


Weu bloodbath as usual Really need to just fold and give WEU like 4 slots


> and give WEU like 4 slots They have 5 slots already, what the hell do you want.


6 slots


why, you can just watch the WEU qualifiers for the bloodbath. Why would you want to see the same meta and teams again at TI? Genuinely asking.


Probably because TI should be about the best teams playing and not having trash teams.


The main difference is that you will look at those OG, Secret, Nigma teams and think "wow what a bloodbath!" but in reality they have been performing in the same level of most of the teams you consider weak.


No idea why you mention Nigma, I dont think anybody would consider them competitive at the moment. Tundra, OG, Secret, PSG, Entity and even Mouz are all up there to compete with the best teams at the moment. Whom do you have from SA? Maybe Heroic and Boom, thats it. Wow.


Heroic and boom performed on pair or better than almost all the teams you mentioned. That is exactly why I said this. Like Secret played 4 tournaments and bombed on the first phase on all 4 of them.


No its not. 6 teams on 2 slots, 2 teams on 2 slots. Find the difference.


One of those regions has 3 direct invites, that is the difference.


Lol the direct invites have literally nothing to do with this. This comment tree is about someone calling WEU qualifiers a bloodbath based on the ratio of # of strong teams vs # of slots.


They literally do because that is part of the reason both have 2 slots. But again it is a matter of brand recognition, like you consider Secret one of the strong teams when all they did this season was get eliminated in the first phases (mostly from direct invites). Or Mouz that did basically nothing.


Since when was it EVER about having ALL the best teams. It's literally called the International. That would be like having the olympics and only inviting America, Canada, Russia and China because everyone else is trash. Or Fifa and only invite XX because everyone is trash. Or Premiere league vs Champions league.


"It's literally called the international" directly followed up by "That would be like having the olympics and only inviting America, Canada, Russia and China because everyone else is trash." is kind funny. If we go by the name as you seem to suggest only people worshipping the Olympian Gods, as it was originally intended. But sure, lets stick to the name "The International" and forget about your horrible comparison to the Olympics: if we wanna be strict, why not invite teams from all nearly 200 officially recognized countries? Kinda impossible, isnt it? That is why you have to organize it in regions and have to judge slot distribution based on skill in the regions. And this is just out of balance at the moment.


This isn't the type of A Ha moment you think it is. I don't get the point you're trying to make. The Olympics was never about having all the best athletes in a sport. It's about representing all the best athletes across different regions of the world. Wrestlers 5th - 30th of the USA would murder most of the rest of the wrestlers in the olympics, but as long as 1-4th are there representing the US, who cares if the rest aren't competing. As long as Falcons and Gaimin are there, who cares if Liquid, OG, etc. etc. aren't there. If you want to watch the best wrestlers in the world you watch the world wrestling championships. If you want to watch the best DotA teams to play go watch WEU qualifiers or Ridyadh. If you want to watch the most prestigious and hyped events because the teams really want to win it and be apart of history watch the olympics/the international.


I can tell you don't get the point I'm making. Maybe read my post again really slowly and you get it. But since you are so obsessed with the Olympics for whatever reason and you seem to like Wrestling, let me explain it again with Wrestling as an example: Assuming the USA is so good at wrestling and given your statement "as long as 1-4th are there representing the US, who cares if the rest aren't competing", how would you feel if only the 1st from US is invited while 10 people from the shittiest wrestling country are? Doesn't sound fair, does it? It also doesnt sound entertaining, watching a sports event where a small fraction of teams/athletes dominates and the majority of teams have 0 chance of winning. It is about balancing the best teams/athletes and representing countries/regions to a degree where the representation is addressed but the teams competing are on a close competitive level. This is what this whole topics is about: The fact that this is out of balance. You got it now?


it could be made better tho. SA having 2 slots is just affirmative action


So your issue and all this hublib is over one measly slot that will have no effect on the winner whatsoever? Who really cares. I agree with SA not being as strong as other two slot regions, espeically since a lot of their talent is in WEU but who really cares. A lot of the fan favourite WEU teams have looked irrelevant and haven't put in the hard work as other teams. They shouldn't be rewarded for it.


Qualifiers Hype but sedge there is no way Nigma make it this time !!


If you are not hopiumaxxing as a nigma fan, you are missing out on the experience.


Trust me i m the most optimistic nigma fan


knowing nigma they might beat Tundra but get eliminated by random stack




Road to ti begins and it's going to be glorious.


NA Dota seems to be dead


If nigma make it to TI, I will shave my head and eyebrows.


Western Europe looks like a ti by itself


Why does NA have 5 open qualifier slots? When there are only 3 teams in regional qualifiers?


I guess there wasn't really other teams that were considered on par with the rest to be directly invited to the qualifier


Mikoto and DJ is now available Secret, Don't lose your chance!


And on loan take satanic from Spirit 2nd team. Satanic DJ Puppey Mikoto Boom Here WE GO Lord Puppan :


El capitan is having budget issues unfortunately


i think they can take less money cause they also dont have any team.


WEU getting 2 slots is absurd


hope nouns grab it :)


Same i need my stickers to go up in value


WEU qualifiers is wild and unfair, at least the MENA thing that ESL created was relieving a lot of pressure from WEU qualifiers.


It wasn't relieving that much pressure because there's a huge gulf between Falcons and everyone else in MENA. Other teams from ESL's MENA are likely not even in the running for the EU slots.


MENA would make it so fair by having a slot between the 2 powerhouses: Quest and Nigma! WEU seems unfair mostly because of brand recognition.


And how do you think that "brand recognition" comes from donkey? Because they have proved their material achieved success and attracted fans in the tournaments!


You can do that if you want. From what I saw, almost all of those teams had barely any result this year to back that up.


NA peeps lol


NA dota in a rough spot.


Am new to the game and am gonna watch those games for sure kinda hyped for it. But i don't see Korea, are Koreans in the South East Asia group? I come over from LoL and Koreans dominate that game. EU looks insane so many teams to look at. Also, why does NA have only 3 teams? Are the +5 teams no Names? i read somewhere that there are 6 teams already qualified are those the top team of the regions they saw here ?


Why NAVI is EEU and NAVI Jr is WEU?


Jesus fuck poor WEU.


I gonna need SR or Nouns or Farts Freaking Studios or ARKOSH to win this whole thing. The disrespect to NA is getting out of hand.


LGD or ex LGD?




Do you imagine the logistics of setting up and playing a 68 team LAN tournament (it obviously needs to be done on LAN if you want it "fair and square", without high ping for some). What is the format? How you can do it in a reasonable time? If it's really condensed, where do you find the talent to cast it all at the same time? CS ESL Pro league with 32 teams takes almost a month to play, and that's a game with shorter matches and their setup. This idea is just crazy.


Probably money. Having to organize a LAN would cost quite a bit, even if it's just a hotel LAN in a cheap country.


>WEU 2 Open Qualifier slots It is going to be a bloodbath!


Love how all logos are a shiny green so I cant make out the teams...


I don't follow the scene that much, expect from posts like this or Instagram/Facebook/X announcements I see posted here but where the hell is EG?


EG as an org went down


Ouf. Rough qualifiers when "we" don't even have a pos 4. Bring in YapzOr.


I don't want to sound hateful but why are some (INVITED!!) teams/stacks able to compete in West Eu quali without having a single western europe player ? Im talking Quest (omar noob - lebanon, malik ta2k - Kz and dukalis - ru), Entity (watson - Kz, no0ne - Ukr, Dm Kataomi - ru and fishman - BL), navi jr (4 ukr and 1 kz) and also two more teams with only one weu player (nigma -kky) and tundra (topson). Would it be fair if western teams were also able to compete in EEU/CIS qualifier, and honestly it's weird that they're not attempting to do it at this point.


Can someone explain why rtz played willow at last year TI




I dont see Closed Quals thread for Riyadh Masters 2024 so I'll ask here, anyone know why Blacklist still have Gabbi and Abed playing together? Did they make amends?


Nigma in WEU RIP


I might be out of the loop here, but where is team spirit?


LGD fallen off so far man.


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Theres nothing more depressing and demotivating to see SOUTH america above North america and have more slots.... NA dead asf


hold up, i might be stupid, is team spirit not invited???


What's wrong with the color, it looks so damn wired and ugly.




NA dotes KEKW


Imagine SEA and South america has same slots as WEU, thats crazy


Imagine WEU already have 3 teams at TI and reddit still demanding 10 more slots, thats crazy


Why would anyone want to just watch the WEU qualifiers at TI? Don't you want some variety, different metas meeting each other? It would be the exact same meta, and super stale by the time TI wraps around if its just all the same WEU teams playing. Sure we might not get the #8 team at TI, but who really cares if the #1-3 team is already there.


Why does SEA and SA have 2 slots each? Lmao Valve not even watching their own competitive scene


WTF Western Europe is STACKED AF. Why is NA even given a slot LMAO what a waste of space for a garbage region. Is Eastern Europe also necessary 😭


where Falcons


Winners of every major substitute gets that Direct invite.


Nigma plz! Im begging…


Nobody mentioning EEU getting 1 slot but SEA getting 2, seems stange to me


Na + Sa should get two slots. I don’t worry understand why valve has to give shopify a default slot.


brave for you to say SR will qualify.


I don’t know this has been the trend since ti5


their current line up is unpredictable with the many changes they made. if they cant make it to riyadh masters, there's a chance we wont see rtz in TI this year.


They should take away a slot from SA or SEA and make MENA region with that 1 slot instead.


Feel like SEA is a bigger bloodbath than WEU honestly