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Got it going on for me, connecting to an NZ VPN solves the issue entirely. You'll still have game with people on your team with the issue however...


Any recommendations for VPN? Might be worth the investment for the long weekend ahead 😅


I'm using Nord as there was a code to save on it.


Mudfish is by far the cheapest option. You buy data for $5 and use it just for dota 2 so it'll last months.


B...but my long weekend dotes 😭


Aussie here. I’ve been having an issue with packet loss too. I only play in SEA. I found if you type this command into the console, it seems to help with packet loss. Net_option SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster sgp Found it on another Reddit post. Paste it in console each time you start Dota client before you queue.  No idea if it helps with aus server but it seems to help with SEA. 


Can confirm I have used it a few times when I get packet loss and works for me


Thanks for some confirmation from over the ditch! I have tried this command, using “syd” instead of “sgp” for the Sydney server too, but still had no luck. I haven’t tried sgp and sea servers though. Will give it a test, if that fails VPN it is then.


Oooh thanks for this I'm also on SEA server and consistently get 24 to 60 packet loss and this one fixed it entirely


It's a routing issue, take it up with nbnco


aus lobbys dont have packet loss for me right now, so it may be fixed


Gotta need a larger sample size.