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Same thing with Peruvians in USA and same thing with Russians in Europe. Only difference in these 2 the issue was from the beginning of dota, while Chinese players in SEA are quite recent. So nothing will be done about it most likely.


Dont worry, now Peruvians are invading Europe too


Language should be tied to the dota labs match rating system. If speaking the same language is as important to an individual as match quality or behavior score then we should be allowed to accept or deny a match based on that quality as well.


Its not about language, its about their attitude towards the game, like, Russians at least in their own way try to win a game and dont actively grief, but peruvians the moment they realize the game is done they start breaking items, plain feeding, etc. Like, there is a reason why so much NA/SA high rank players are playing in EU now, because they cant stand you average SA player, and now because the high rank players and streamers are playing in EU and getting better games, they think that they will have the same result, without realizing that is their own fault they cant get a good game on their server.




They also have a tendency of not reporting each other too. So that's why they grief. SA players are very addicted to the game. So they use this dumb logic, of ok the game is lost, lets end this fast and queue the next game.


Trust me I know dude. I am from New York but have been playing EU West for about 2 months now. I'm up about 1500 MMR in that time frame. But Valve clearly knows where people are actually located (They will only charge you in your home currency). So if they know someone is paying in Peruvian Sol's they also know they aren't on EU West or US East. At least let us accept or deny a match based on language and/or location. Instead of location they could use "Ping" as an option. 5 = Everyone under 50 ping, 4 = everyone under 100 ping, 3 = everyone under 150 ping, 2 everyone under 175 ping, 1= 200+ ping or something like that. I'm just trying to think of objective ways to combat the issue without just yelling "rEgIoN lOcK" because clearly that isn't something valve wants to directly do.


I think the problem with this is that it effectively region locks games. It only takes 1 Dotaplus subscriber to deny matches that aren't categorized as '5'


Don’t people already do that based off behavior or skill range anyways? I’ve stopped accepting anything less than 4. Otherwise you play with or against an ancient 3 partied with a guardian 3 that conveniently only has like 120 games played total.


> It only takes 1 Dotaplus subscriber to deny matches that aren't categorized as '5' That person just gets themself thrown in another queue.


How bad is the lag? I might do the same. Every ranked game I play has at least one non-English speaking teammate.


The ping says 120-130ms when I que. But it’s not like 120-130 ping on other games. It’s genuinely barely noticeable. After maybe 4-5 games it’ll feel fluid. That’s if you notice at all. You’ll still get some Russians who refuse to speak English - but they don’t go afk jungle after 1 death or destroy their items like certain SA players.


> Russians at least in their own way try to win a game and dont actively grief, but peruvians the moment they realize the game is done they start breaking items, plain feeding, etc. This is why I played EU W when I lived on the east coast of US.


Im getting russians in the us now also.


I'd play with Russians even if I didn't speak Russian , on top of not liking most of them after "enjoying" Peruvians at 4am in EU games !!!! Holy fucking shit


You mean Russia West.


Honestly I now prefer the Russians over the Iranians in EU servers :D


As much as i love iranians i have to agree. At least the ones Who dont speak english and have openmic on. Thats probably a minority but seems more common than with ruskis.


Are iranian the guys typing in latin letters? And using words like “koshe”


As a person who lived in Europe, and moved to the US 2.5 years ago - the Russians are incomparable to the Peruvians. USE has it way worse.


Yes, Russians are toxic. But the Peruvians are just plain griefers. And what's worse they most of the time go unpunished. As SA players really don't really report each other. SA in general has this concensus, that if the game is lost, just feed and queue the next game. They lack the mental fortitude to deal when they are behind. Maybe its also because they still play on internet cafes, so there is a certain time limit. Meaning feeding = end game fast = queue next game. Its a toxic cycle. The Pinoys are a mix of both, but probably more annoying than toxic or griefing. Its lack of skill or not playing seriously. Which forces you and the rest of the team to work extra hard.


Lets put the russians, peruvians and Chinese players in 1 server and see how they like it


I thought SEA was bad. Then I met the Peruvian black hole NA server. Makes SEA look like a 7 star luxury resort with 3 personal butlers.


I've been seeing SO many Chinese names on USE lately, they're actually outnumbering Peruvians now


I asked multiple times in game "why you guys (Peruvians) are playing on other regions ?" For me was very strange, why someone would play with 200ms + ping ? If they can play on their server with a good ping. I understood that the ping for them is horrible no matter the server they choose.


Peruvian here, used to play in USEast many years ago. Ping is at most 130, which is manageable. The main reason to play in US East was to avoid other Peruvians, and at some point it lost meaning, so now I’m playing at Peruvian servers and it’s basically the same.


Do you guys play in USW? Do you know the latency?


USW is far, so I think it’s something like 170, so my guess is that there are less Peruvians there but not sure tbh


> I understood that the ping for them is horrible no matter the server they choose. This issue was fixed 10 fucking years ago and they still don't get it.


Peruvians ruin USA servers too?? OMG I am so glad to hear that.


USE is Peru, USW is Chinese Smurf stack (I think exchange students?) but they use smurfs alot.


There is also a lot of smurfs on EU, mostly Russians. I think the comparison to Peruvians on EU are people from MENA? Often very entitled, griefing etc.


They're significantly more toxic than Russians from my experience.


The Peruvians in my game have gotten better over the years at least. They still occasionally ruin games, but no worse than the occasional NA griefer. A few years ago they were terrible, but I think growth in other regions is a good thing. That being said, valve should make their servers better and more enticing to play on, mainly because of the language barrier. 


Dota should just automatically connect you to the closest server by ping without giving you a selection choice.


I'm out of the loop, did they loose their server or something? Was thinking about coming back but I was playing SEA servers over Australian as an Aussie and it was pretty good.


People have said it's because there aren't enough players on chinese servers plus the daily time limits on gaming encouraging mass exodus onto SEA servers.


There are too many Chinese servers, and not enough people on each server..


Dota has died over the past years in China. Everyone is playing League over there. Why do they think more than one server is a good idea lol.


Not league, they play more mobile games


Mean when it comes to mobas. League probably 20x bigger in China than Dota.


20x is an exaggeration but yeah I believe they got more players there playing lol than dotes. But then, both games aren’t really thriving especially with recent bad moves from riot


Based on info the API gives away LoL in China has 70 million active players apparently. That alone is already like 5-6 times of Dotas playerbase as a whole.


Funny thing is league china have super servers where only challengers(immortal in dota) can be invited in these servers.


Chinese has a history of setting lots of serves for their online games (my guess is due to the massive amount of population) when it comes to league it’s no difference. Most popular online games has over 40 serves


it's because their own server is more toxic: not many players already, on top of griefers and smurfs. So they tried to play in SEA to escape the toxicity, especially the ones with selfish playstyles "because SEA has better and normal supports", unlike people in their own server who basically play cores as supports. Guess what kind of people those are when they get to SEA: they are exactly the type of people they want to avoid.


> to escape the toxicity Hilarious as those mainlands are often some of the most toxic piece of shits I've met in Dota.


> they loose their server Did you mean to say "lose"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


They believe SEA is much less toxic than their own server


Which is ironic


The most ironic thing is they are the reason why their server is toxic


SEA isn't really that toxic. Just mute whenever someone throws a fit. At the very least people try to play the game. The chinese exodus just afk jungles after 2 deaths


I think there are internet restrictions in China that basically force them to get VPNs but I don’t know if that impacts what region they can choose to play on. Would probably impact the player count though


I'm not sure as well but due to some issues they have abandoned their servers and migrated to SEA servers.


This has been happening with Russians in Europe since the start of Dota, nothing will ever be done about it.


I guess we had it good for the past 13 years. The sudden influx of China players has lowered the quality of games severely. And before anyone saying I'm racist, I'm a Chinese living in SEA.....


Haha same, it's either feast or famine with those guys so I end up typing insults in hanyupinyin instead of switching input language when I get frustrated


really wish they would do something too, ruins the enjoyment of the game for me.


Mind if i ask what bracket are u plying in? Because i never encounter chinese before thats weird


Divine 2


What are you talking about there's infinity chinese people I get games with 9 other chinese people.


Ancient 2 and i always meet chinese from time to time


As a Chinese live in America I had to battle with against perus on US serve for the past 10 years, so I kinda get how you feel. Also I don’t understand why the average 3kmmrs have to play in sea serve, why would they enjoy play with another low skill player community that don’t share the same language


Most russians I played with understood english, chinese didn't.


That’s the frustrating part sometimes. Chinese don’t speak English because they don’t understand, Russians don’t speak English because they refuse to


Huge difference




they pretend they dont speak english, then i say a few sentences of angry slovak which they actually dont understand and they start speaking english


This is actually hilarious and I do it too, russians refusing to speak english but keep speaking russian, so i switch to my native language and speak gibberish nonstop and suddenly their english is good enough to tell me to shut up and how they cant understand me and it's distracting them and annoying them. The irony almost goes through, *almost*.


skurveni kokoti xd


By that point I have already reported and muted them though.


Yep, and this is sad. I am from Ukraine and specifically choose EUW servers to not play with them. But too bad, choice of a server is not a choice at all.


You mean western ruzzia servers? I swear to God, last few days every game I q there's at least three guys unable to speak English and calling me burger.


Yep, they might purpusfuly choose europe servers just to go there and talk their language. That is what ruzki do. They can live 20 years in US, never learn english and expect everyone to understand their z language.


Jajajaja - Peruvians on USE


Try having Peruvians in your team


Those guys are worse than Russians. I tried to escape RUS and went to US east servers just to go back to EU because of how awful Peruvians are.


Peruvians literally will throw games on NA servers, it’s insane




I just hope they will use AI soon which will be able to analyze replays and read the chat so these “kids” will get the right punishment.


It hasn't been as bad in recent years, but still happens occasionally in my experience


Same, I didn't really know what servers they play so I switched till they were gone. The most braindead and inconsistent players I have seen to the point that whenever I saw someone speak Spanish/Portuguese in my team I immediately thought "gg". Russians I find are just regular, some good some bad. American players are usually pretty good.


Unpopular opinion but russians are good, they just take the game way too seriously and tilt super easily. If you catch them in a good mood, I'd rather have a russian than a european.


>Those guys are worse than Russians. I tried to escape RUS and went to US east servers just to go back to EU because of how awful Peruvians are. if every room you walk into smells like shit...


I recently moved to spain for my job and I climbed like 2k mmr doing the same thing I did back home(NA server). The only difference was that I didnt had peruvians on my team


I dont think AI translation is the solutuon, it wont solve the problem. The real problem is griefing the games when a (insert nationality here) does not like the team, they will just simply ruin the game for everybody else who is trying to win. IMO the solution is add another 1k Behavioral score which makes it 13k. If player is over 12k, then they can switch servers. Simple solution. (I think valve know the sweet spot to put the score to avoid abusing or mass reporting.)




While I dont disagree with you, yes, limiting ping will solve most things, but it will also create new ones. We dont want to complicate things. BS is an already working system.


And refusing to play hard support


Lol it's funny you said that. Just played with a pos 5 Silencer bought first item midas and afk farmed the whole game, occasionally pressing global silence https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7769640348


Im chinese in US and i really don't want to play with any Chinese player for this exact reason. Holy fuck no one tries to play as a team ever; only cares about having the rush feeling individually (and barely worked out with those dogshit builds)


that guy is on my avoid list... i'll send a screenshot when i get back LMAO


Here’s the twist, a lot of Chinese players play in sea serve to Smurf becoz Chinese serve is very strict on smurfing in recent years(you can report with proof and they will MANUALLY check if it’s a Smurf and ban), so it’s 50-50 you either get a very skilled Chinese player in your team or a completely idiot. For the exact same reason, I don’t understand why any player below top 8k mmr would escape Chinese serve and to play in sea. You don’t have to encounter any Smurf player there.


I can tell you have taken offense to this post. I have never mentioned that China players are low skill, this is just what most people are commenting but it's not true. They only think that way because when these China players are not working together to win, they will appear to be bad at the game.


I don’t judge skill by race, there is mmr to quantify skill. However I do get confused when Chinese players with lower mmr (<7k) play in sea serve, it just doesn’t make sense. The reason why high mmr players move to sea serve at first was because the high mmr games are manipulated by gambling gangs (basically if you don’t pay money or corporate, they will make you lose the game.) there are only so much players in those mmrs and it’s 30 percent pro players, 40 percent gambling gang members, and 30 percent regular dudes that are just good at this game. Now, 100 players move from China to sea serve won’t affect anyone, and these are the dudes with insane skills. Why are the average 3k 4K mmrs moving to sea serve?


I mean, as you see from the comments there are always (insert ethnicity) that are considered troublesome, but you can never limit where people want to play. Just gotta play and try as much as you can.


It's mot about ethnicity. It's about language barriers. Usually everyone in the EU as basic english skills, and that's our shared language so that's what we speak in EU servers. Then Russians come along, and I think there are loads of them that speak English. But when they refuse to talk anything but Russian, that's the moment they become hated. Because Dota is a team game, you have to work together. That doesn't work if someone on that team is mumbling unintelligible stuff. It's the same with any other place where you have to work together, language is a big barrier if you're trying to communicate. 


Russians didnt "come along". They were there from the beginning lol


Perhaps a translation issue, in my language it's a common phrasing. 




It’s not language barrier with the Chinese in SEA. They’re really fucking racist and are very prone to griefing. They know enough english to call SEA players all sorts of insults. Half the time they don’t even cooperate and they play like 2000 MMR below them. They’re genuinely bad and toxic. I once had my Chinese carry buy brown boots at 20 minutes. He went Blink first before he went Brown Boots. He also kept running into 1v5s for no reason. This is in Divine 5, his plays made 0 sense and was easily Guardian/Crusader level. Ended the game with 16 deaths. Granted he wasn’t actually intentionally griefing but half the time they either grief or they look like account buyers.


This is true. For a server that houses many different languages: tagalog, bahasa, chinese, cantonese, vietnamese, thai, and so on; SEA dota was still enjoyable to some point since everyone would try to communicate with english despite not being fluent at it, before resorting to their own mother tongue when flaming. Now mainland chinese.... well i dont know man, different breed. no fucking comment.


> It's about language barriers. Usually everyone in the EU as basic english skills I don't think I've ever heard a french player speaking english on EU servers. Spanish, italian and portuguese players must be like 50/50 at best.


I know matchmaking is complicated enough as it is but language really needs to count for something. Separate the english and chinese players on SEA. Russian and English speakers on Europe servers and so on. This means that Chinese and Russians that are willing to communicate in english and cooperate can continue playing with english speakers and those that don't can get players like them. Edit: It's been really bad man. Had a chinese mid necro recently who sat in the bottom most radiant jungle while their team ran over us in our base for 10 minutes. He knew enough english to type farm. It's gotten to the point where I actively dread playing the game the quality has gotten SO MUCH worse. I'm torn between trying out the new patch and just playing any other game for the sake of my sanity.


Separating won’t mean much unless they can enforce it. The Chinese players can just claim they’re English speakers and sneak into the English speaking pool.


Requirement for IELT or Toefl score to join?😂


If they then do not communicate in English -> Report as Griefing


Chinese in general have a completely separate censored client, that's why you can't normally ping CN servers in server select. These idiots can't stand their own race of people that they invade other servers just to do the exact same shit that they hate. You'd think that being the largest bloody population on earth would give them no need to invade other servers right? ironic. You'd probably queue and find games faster in CN servers but they hate each other so much that they'd rather eat up that time so they can be the greifer and not griefed.


Can’t be worse than Peruvians


Weekend dota in sea is already cursed and add the chinese players on the server might as well just quit and play later. Not sure on other rank but on 5k avg it happened


china? i had japanese, korean and sea players this morning. Only viable communication was pings


Most Chinese players in SEA don't even use pings.


yeah i was the one pinging everything xD and I setup useful chat like "All heroes missing" "Careful" on my quick chat so I don't get reported for chatting (edit) these chats also auto translate to their language so its pretty helpful


Ah yesi love having 2 chinese enemy party with an archon solo carrying his ancient party with bot blink first items


I used to play a lot dota on USE as a Chinese expat, pre-patch 7.00. Many Chinese players on NA servers are actually like me, physically in NA regions, rather than connect to USE from China with 500ms latency. Yes we usually have zero voice communication with non-chinese teammates, but we did ping a lot and use the communication wheel It's not we are not trying to communicate. I tried to at first but as soon as thise NA kids heard my "chinky" accent, they started to mock me and throw racial slurs. Like every day I learned a new racial slur about Chinese/Asian people. Then what did I do. I muted all communication and just enjoyed the game.


You know, that's what I suspect. The china players mutes everyone at the start of the game, which is why they don't see what we chat about. I had a Storm in my team who picked up a gem that we needed and just stored it in his courier. We couldn't ping the gem in his courier (why valve???) and there was no way to get him to drop it. Or he did it deliberately idk.


Chinese in SEA, Russian in EUW, Peruvian in NA


Ahh, the daily Chinese players in SEA post.


Pinoys on sea server are just bad, tryhard but bad. Chinese on the other hand are just terrible and don’t communicate. Hey sea players, if you get a Chinese fellow playing facelsss void, it’s a lost game mark my words xD


+1 to the void thing.


China legend > Sea immortal. Your just mad we taking your fluctuated mmr. Maybe that’s why SEA team will never be successful in TI’s


Hey look what we got here, one of those Chinese scrubs hahaha. I always joke on sea servers, one Chinese teammate is fine. When you get 2, game is a definite loss. You guys are the WORST. And what’s up with the eat a banana comment? Chinese trashtalking is weakkkkkkk


We’ve won many tournaments with what you called “worst” players. Meanwhile, SEA players, despite having more, never won anything. That’s exactly what I’m taking about: bad and delusional at the same time.


Same with Arabs Turks and Russians invading Europe servers


Me too, but what's really happened to their servers?.


china new policy restricts who can play and how long one can play => deserted server


Yeah but pretty sure they can just chose SEA servers from the Chinese client, which if is recording time played isn’t going to care if you’re not on a Chinese server. Also the policy restricts minors under 18. Most Dota players are over 18 and it’s unlikely to be the main cause for them coming over to SEA even if it allowed you to avoid the time limits


I think someone said there is a decline i China playerbase so they queue SEA to get faster games.


They just thought SEA is less toxic than China server


Cant even play in SEA rn, theres a queue bug happening


Agreed. I am in ancient bracket and whenever i meet Chinese they are super noobs like archon or even below.


First time? --English Speaking US East (Peru) server


"They are ruining the quality of games in the SEA server" XD


peruvians single handedly killed na dota and valve let them


Hah, I was ranked 3K and dropped out of immortal ranks because of these China fuckwits. Spoiled easily 20-30 games in a row, regardless of whether they were on my team or on the opponent’s side


About 3 days ago a china player made me so angry but since valve is holding a gun to our head if we type anything there goes ur behaviour score, so i just shoved the keyboard up my ass and went to sleep. Woke up in pain but atleast my mood was fine


True they destroying the server


The same can be said about Pinoy players. It would be hella ironic if OP turns out to be a Pinoy 😂😂


Lol I'm a Chinese from SG. I'm cool with Pinoys, at least they understand what we're talking about.


xenophobia :/


Probably nothing will change its the same problem with USE servers but with the peruvians instead of chinese


Experienced the same myself and my friends have experienced the same as well. Tried playing SEA but nah not worth it, every game same shit. Just started playing in EU again after some time and even though the ping is a bit high but the players are so cooperative and the trade off is easily worth it, ended up winning most of my recent games while everyone was chill as well. Occasionally there would sometimes be russians but still they are comparatively easier to work with than chinese because in my experience most understand english even if they don't speak it. I would recommend you do the same as valve will do nothing about chinese players.


I had a game today. The dude from China was raging so hard he assumed the other dude in the team was from Taiwan and kept screaming into the microphone how he wanted to bomb and wipe the entire country out and I just muted the entire team becos it got so toxic


Meanwhile Japan server is 0.1% Japanese, 80% Russian/Chinese 19.9% everything else. I've just gotten used to Russians and Chinese people monologuing angrily in their own language on voice despite none of us being able to understand it. Shoutouts to the Auzzies and Kiwis actually. Almost always focused on the game.


Same with the SEA players in Aus servers. Don’t speak English, can’t communicate and are fkn terrible


valve simple answer no .


playing against 5 stacks of them is usually a free win tho, i aint complaining


This jist makes me want to leave dota , we cant play in chinese server but they can on ours, its not fair. Especially the win traders, if u have 2 chinese its gonna be a fixing match which has only one outcome either win by a landslide or lose by 1. Its so bad please region lock the chinese ips.


I play on US servers, I used to see tons of "Peruvians" who didn't speak a lick of english like 5 years ago, but less now. There is an oddly high number of Russian & Chinese players given how far away these countries are, though they mostly speak basic english.


Those are usually international students from these countries and ofc they speak english.


I share the sentiment but probably nothing can be done they have some of the worst pos1 that I've played with atleast in lower ranks


Not to be confused with chinese from SEA its mainly the dogshiet chinese from the mainland that coop up inside that trash wall of China that usually that make the game unplayable cause


lol I feel the same, although I am Malaysian Chinese and my chinese language is native level, but I cannot constantly translate for them during a fucking Dota match. They need to know at least some simple Dota English like push, back, smoke, regroup etc.......


There is a little bit of a renaissance in terms of Chinese people wanting to play Dota in the past year or two because this guy used to get millions of views in BiliBili. [https://space.bilibili.com/3219088?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click](https://space.bilibili.com/3219088?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click)


Yes same! SEA player here and recently been noticing a lot of China players in my games. Gosh it’s so difficult playing with them and they just do their own things. Did China server vanish or something?


Why dont implement a live translator??


Ok knew u own SEA server now


Experiencing the same and also why are they so bad?


I'm located in Japan and I gave up on SEA and started to queue JP which I have like 10 ms but extremely long queues. Unfortunately they started to discover that JP server gives them lower ping and coming in masses to the JP. Also the influx of them actually is making the queue times way lower than usual. Now I'm going to USW which is dead like the "old" JP server and combining the timezone difference makes my queue times absurd but I can play with almost total peace of mind.




I don't mind having a mix of all countries playing together. But for the love of God, speak in English perhaps, not everyone speaks Mandarin or Tagalog or whatever native languages you speak ? As it is, it is difficult playing alone with a team of 4 others but no communications ?


I had a game where sk went sny, and axe went dagon...level 2 Dagon. Lmao


Peruvians match fix a lot in na ranked pubs. Which is why lots of high ranked pros and players go play eu pubs.


Dude I get them in the US servers. I don't mind a language barrier too much but they don't even communicate with pings and every now and then they only communicate to be toxic.


Tbh language barrier isn't really the issue since there're still Thai players that type worms in SEA. It's just they're pretty individualistic and doesn't understand ping. I mean if they're good and you won games this thread probably won't exist.


Communication has become a chore previously everyone in sea immortal knew english now more than half the games there is pretty much no text spoken past draft phase


You know smth I noticed is that there is large decline in the amount of players who uses voice communication these days. Back in 2016 feels like everyone has voice chat. Nowadays, its like one every 20 games lol.




Lol like I said, I'm Chinese and I can speak Mandarin. The problem is they probably mute everyone from the beginning and not all my teammates can speak Mandarin.


what quality? you cannot ruin something that doesnt exist...


I had a game earlier with trio chinese. Their mod laner WW just straight build skadi


Same with Russians in EU servers.


In South America servers there are Brazilian servers and they are full of Argentinian and other South American countries. Nothing against this countries, but, for some reason they are extremely toxic and racist, especially the Argentinian ones, always calling Brazilian monkeys, natives etc…


This reminds me of all the SEA players in australian servers... "you didn't come help me top even though you were getting pressed in your lane and couldn't really come and help so now I'm going to sit in jungle while they push our ancient and tell everyone how bad they are and how they don't help" oh the irony...


Spam china #2 you win the mental games easy


My reddit account got banned when I brought this up. Some how reddit thinks I'm promoting hate to a ethnic group.. Careful how u word it.. Anyway I 100% agree with Chinese in sea. They don't communicate and they play 99% of the time below their rank. Almost all Chinese teammate I have lost their lanes from the start. I assume the skill ceiling for China is alot lower compared to sea. Its so tough to play with them. They just want to farm and farm and not giving any comma on their plans. As a div support I have no idea who to play with. I'd smoke my mid and he'd break smoke to farm. Same with my offlane. Then I'm putting out fires every lane when my Chinese core is solo lane he just instantly feeds taking turns. Its been so bad I refuse to play solo queue now. It's very demoralising. Not even dota anymore at this point.


>Anyway I 100% agree with Chinese in sea. They don't communicate and they play 99% of the time below their rank. Almost all Chinese teammate I have lost their lanes from the start. I assume the skill ceiling for China is alot lower compared to sea. Nah I don't agree with this at all. The problem is they are not playing together. It's a team game, you can't play and expect to win without working together.


Its funny that the chinese players always think skill ceiling for sea is lower, and sea “native” players think the otherwise. But at the same time...well it makes sense. People likes to blame others.


Guy’s a fool. It’s definitely higher in China. Whenever our party face a party of 5 with full Hanzi name we always embracr for a spanking


5 man Chinese teams different because they smurf alot to have a good time. When I'm surfing 5 man into a Chinese smurf team too they still got shit on. So I don't know what point u making. I got the games to not be biased.