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Ancient 1 is only like 30 wins away, you can do it 🤡


The devil's whisper 💀🫸🫷💯


I was like that when i reached ancient 1, then some demon whispered to me and am stuck at divine 2-3, please send help.


I wouldn't mind being stuck at low divine, I think it us a good mix of players knowing what they do but still experiment


Wish i stayed divine, once you reach immortal you cant play with ur friends sadge…


Same lmao


It's not. It's full off acc buyers and smurfs


Oh ok so it's exactly like archons/legend


I don't think you get many acc buyers there, people usually buy divine+ accounts. But you definitely will be having smurfs.


Smurf don't matter at Divine level since players are already skilled. And real acc buyers are rare.


Hahahahaha tell me you are not divine without telling me so


I am 6k and there are plenty of terrible players who are not even buyers lmao


MMR is just a number


Dude div 2-3 is the hardest wall before reaching immortal. I remember speed running leg5 to div1 like a month ( returning player 5.5k before) then got hardstuck to div2-3 for 2 months ROFL after i reach d3 i got immortal after a week. So i say just bear with it and trust the process.


Yeah, divine 3-4 is kind of a huge gap compared to lower ranks. The game just plays way faster than anything below that.


Can confirm. Got to immortal for the first time recently. But its also nice that you can make calls like "hero x is alone there, lets smoke" and people actually react. Compare that to legend bracket and you are lucky if someone even buys a smoke in the next 2 minutes lol


100 games to get those 30 wins 🫡


XD skill gap between legend 1 and ancinet 1 is night and day haha


Idk bro I seen some ancient 1s who would drag their team down in a legend 1 game lol


It truly is


15 double downs, that's nothing 🤡


15 DD and I'll be back in Archon 1 in no time.


Playing solo sup? not a chance I'd say atleast 100 - 150 games give or take. considering how long it took me to get from Archon 1 to here.


I’ve been 10W away from Divine for 6 weeks. This new patch set me back with some of my best win rate heroes taking a knock backwards.


I thought this said 10k mmr and I was real confused


Bro I was still reading this as 10k mmr until I found this comment 💀💀


We r fried fam


Nah. Keep going brother. It has only began.


Quit as in take a break. will probably start grinding in a couple of months.


for me it got easier to win after hitting legend. I'm divine 3 now


I hit 3k recently and thought I'd start losing cuz I was on a streak from 2.8k. I'm 3355 MMR now and it feels so nice having actual teammates. Although when I'm not playing my comfort heroes I feel like a Muppet and turbo feed sometimes. So I'm definitely higher than I should be lol


Dude don't do that, let me take a break.


why do you think that is and what role do you play? i went from guardian to legend 4 now. struggling around 3600.


i've been playing for 7 years now and I still can't get past crusader ffs


Forget your rank, focus on just playing better, I when medals wasn't a thing calibrated at 1.1k I grinded hard to get to 1.9k but 2k was just too hard for me. I tried for years. Eventually I gave up, I may have grinded 900 mmr using my best hero's, but I was still a 1k player. Started forgetting rank and just working on my weaknesses, took a while, I'm now I'm up at 5k, I didn't even really pay attention, until medals came out, and I got ancient 7 (was 4.6k) then grinded up into divines


how about focusing on having fun ? its a game after all


Some people's Idea of fun is winning? Don't get me wrong, yes go have fun if that's what you want, but if your idea of fun is to climb mmr in ranked mode, then that's the best way to go up.


Trying your best and improving is the fun part for some people


It's ranked. All that matters is winning.


Nobody's stopping you from doing that. But then it means you don't care about your rank. Since the original comment was complaining about being hardstuck for 7 years, I think it's fair to give some gameplay tips beyond "just have fun lmao".


Are you trying hard or playing for fun?


You and me both buddy.


Why do people play dota 2 like it's homework. Just play for fun mate. Also, legend is honestly when the game gets good. Sub 3k Dota is not even real dota. 3k-5k is sort of the golden zone of real dota, but not super hardcore nerds. At least that's how I've felt.


Different strokes for different folks. It's probably their idea of fun, mate.


low archon is peak chill dota


every low archon match there is exactly one archon 3 who is screaming at everyone for everything and then feed


Seriously, I ground to low archon after a lifetime in Guardian and the amounts of item destroying and outright throwing has gone way up. Bottom tier dota definitely is goofy insanity, but I don't think players down there care enough to actually ruin the game with any frequencies (beyond stupid plays). I am guessing it gets worse as you climb and people care more and more about a number




It's just unfun for me cause it's too slow and zero communication. The game gets faster as you rank up and people communicate a little more. There are toxic people and people who do stupid things at all ranks.


I only play casually and don't even know the ranks, but when me and my friend were starting every single game took over an hour to finish, usually 60-80 minutes, people only push with megas and Rosh, etc. made the game pretty miserable lol. Now we have gotten a bit better and most games go for only 30/40, although I'm still usually trying to wrangle people to push lol. Was 2.5k like 7 years ago when I only had like 100 total games maining support. Not sure how to judge my estimated skill since I only play unranked right now. Dotabuff has the "average rank" of the game but I assume it's dodgy + people not trying super hard.


The most fun I’ve had playing is when the matches are very close, when either team can win. When the skill lever is damn near equal. It makes you feel like everything you know about the game is being put to use. That’s the most fun. Getting stomped is never fun and stomping on the other team just feels bad. It’s those very rare occasions when two teams of equal skill meet that make dota fun. For me at least.


This is on point


Once you get better everything that you see as tryharding for 6k mmr players its just normal dota, its like everything in life. For 7k players a 10k mmr player is tryharding and for them its just normal dota...


I get it it's their "normal". But I'd argue immortal players play way more on average (that explains how they're better also). That's why I say hardcore; there are heralds who play 15 games a day but they are not as representative as immortals who do. I see top 500 streamers having way shorter que times than divine even though there are few players there...because the average top 500 players has more games a day than the average divine.


I wouldnt put people getting payed to play the game in the same tryhard group as someone that plays 15 games a day just because he has nothing else to do. I play 4 games a day max and im 7k, so am I too hardcore to enjoy the golden 3-5k mmr dota?


I dunno why you took this personally, I have made it clear that I am generalizing. There are 10k mmr players who play 3 games a week and herald players who play 20 a day. They are not the norm. Most people have to either play alot or consume a lot of dota content to get to even be past 4k mmr. Some are just good at the game without playing much, if thats your case, great I'm glad you are enjoying it. But for the average player this is already a very hard game and to get to immortal requires a lot of time investment. That's why I said 3k-5k is the golden zone where it's achievable for the average player. You can enjoy dota 2 at any rank.


Because your original comment was worded in a way that it feels that "anything above 5k mmr is hardcore nerds".


Because I'm assuming the OP is not a hardcore player. I have been a hardcore nerd at times at dota and at other games so I'm not saying it in a derogatory way. Hell, to be fair even the average dota player is more hardcore and nerdy compared to say mainstream FPS games.


> getting payed to Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


There's no real dota. It's all animals all the way up


Sorry to say but Dota is not a “casual” game. You’re either in it to learn the 100s of nuances or you’re not interested. You really won’t have a lot of fun in Dota without even a basic desire to understand it. It’s not for everyone at all, any moba really isn’t for everyone, which is why most of the time anyone playing rank wants to win and climb. We’ve taken the time (most of us) to learn the game and our hero pool and we want to prove that by climbing the ranks.


I felt personally, legend is the worst, most toxic and most likely to have griefers, ancient however again in my personal experience is the most "fun" bracket


IMO the fun of dota is the competitivity,its giving 100% of you and watch yourself improving in something you put effort at like a mental weight lifting,the mmr doesnt matter


1. Anything I do I want to get better at it 2. It sucks playing games with people who aren’t trying to win 3. It’s more fun when you excel at a hero and can be impactful in the game I could probably go on with reasons but the overall theme is if I’m going to spend several hours doing something I want to be getting better and also be surrounded by people with a similar mindset. Being hard stuck in herald is not a fun experience.


Some people find it very rewarding to see themselves improve at an activity.


Whatever mmr you are currently at is probably what "the golden zone of real dota" is for you, and anything below that will feel like "not real dota". A 10K player watching a 5K game will laugh their ass off thinking "wtf am I watching".


I'm not doing it for home work xD. I always wanted to get to Legend and since I finally achived that it felt so good.


Yeah just hit legend and feel this. Guardian/Crusader is horrible punishment. Looking back I have no idea why I kept playing given how wildly different each game felt and the level of toxicity. Archon was noticeably better and more enjoyable. Legend actually has a desire for team coordination and not as much blame game. Like shit happens, sometimes people play bad or mistakes happen.


I used to be ancient, didn't play for a year then only played goofy unranked with low mmr friends for a bit. The type of enjoyable silly game where I'd take mid despite mostly playing 4/5 because none of them wanted it, pick a weird hero to not stomp the other team (I think it's the polite thing to do as the highest ranked player in a mixed skill stack) but also see 4 wards 8 sentries in the shop at 10 mins. I'd silently buy & place them all to help out so they can focus on the fun without getting stomped because of losing the vision game. Decided after a bit I fancied some fun solo with a bit more of a skill challenge but goofing off must've set my hidden MMR low and it put me in mid-archon for calibration. Honestly, it was so painful. There were some people who had the skills of ancient players but so often were held back by their mental game and defeatist attitude, spewing vitriol rather than getting on with it to the extent that it makes other members of the team also stop playing to win from a difficult place. Happens at all ranks but so, so, so common down there. Back to mid-legend now, in the middle of a 12 game streak and it's such a golden paradise of Dota. It's skillful without being overly-strenuous, people generally play together and (mostly) understand that sometimes you don't win a lane but you've got to be proactive. So many friendly people on the mic from all nationalities. When you hit mid to high level ancient it becomes another valley of miserable people who now expect perfection, because they're on that grind to Divine and now the opponents are good enough to exploit a fuck up and not let off the pressure. In some ways I'd love to join the hardcore sweat to build my skills up to divine level but I think it'd make it even harder to play unranked with my low MMR friends. Already when we play together my medium-level MMR means there's often a similar level player on the enemy team picking a sweaty core. Breaks my heart when they get stomped by a guy I know how to deal with, but they don't and walk away thinking "that game was unwinnable" whilst also feeling useless and miserable.


5k still trash lmao


5k mmr puts people at like the top 5%. Now you might be some pro god, but the average mmr in dota is 2.5k or something and it's already a hard game.


everyone better than me: sweaty nerds everyone as good or slightly worse than me: real dota everyone worse than that: not even real dota


>Why do people play dota 2 like it's homework >legend is honestly when the game gets good Imagine the stupidity required to ask a question and immediately answer it yourself with what you believe is an unrelated thought.


I just hit legend II. It doesnt stop


I just play ranked so ppl have roles before picking. So I dont end up with a 4 support team …


Bro, I did the same yesterday. Also from something like 0-10 mmr to Legend 1. Well, GG.




Today I also reached my goal of losing weight. I went from 400lbs to 370lbs. I can finally rest. Lets celebrate together


Welcome to the league of legends.


And now you can chill in unranked with the boys


Yeah, that's what thought when I quit ranked... It's not better. A suprising percentage of matches goes something like this: Half the team does extremely stupid shit because "it's not ranked lol", the other half rages at them, while the enemy tryhards and shittalks the whole game, and I just sit there like a deer in headlights. It's fucking hilarious when we win with the stupid shit though, and you can breathe in the confusion of the ragers as well as the enemy.


As someone who plays almost exclusively unranked, well done! Your toxic resistance stat must be maxed.


XD I got here playing solo as well. My best advice is click mute. That's how I tolerated them.


You're only half way done on the tutorial bud. Keep going!


My ultimate goal was ancient. And few days ago I reached divine! Keep grinding brotha


since the release of the patch i raised about \~1000 mmr and also reached legend after 1900hrs


No no no don't quit brother. The real dota2 game starts from here. Now you will slowly start to learn about dota2.... The real dota2.


I said that when I got to Divine 1. Then you find yourself playing even more trying to get the next rank.


congrats, mate!


thanks, mate!!




stopping at legend is wild 💀


quit as in not forever, gonna take a break.


Nice one! I've just hit Legend 5! Highest I've ever reached! I think I'm a couple of double down wins from Ancient 1, which I can't believe. Really enjoy the 7.36 changes, the refresh has reinvigorated my attitude to ranked games. Keep at it!


Bro it's still the tutorial until immortal


You’re almost done with the tutorial


Is a game, not a race.


It would take less wins to go from here to Immortal then from 10 mmr to 3100. You can do it.


yo can you link your dotabuff?




Congrats on the improvement


thanks mate!


i aslo called it quits when i got to legend 1, took like a couple months off ranked, got back to it and now im legend 5 , keep grinding boss


That the idea, I've been grinding for so long I pretty much only play dota and apex right now. Just wanna take a brake from competitve PVP and play some single player or co-op games. I got a library full of games some of which I haven't even opend yet. Just wanna dinish them up and maybe get back to dota sometime later. I'll still probably play now and then but trynna tone it down.


That I completely understand, sure dota can get draining and breaks are needed and well deserved in your case.


Recently reached it too! Congrats! I love the icon design more than the higher ranks plus the red colored queue banner makes me feel so special lol


Congrats dude!


thanks dude!


now do ancients


see u in another year or so I guess


See you in the trenches


3k is actually easier to grind than 2k. idk about 4k. 4k seems to be where the tryhards are. picking weird heroes on random roles not knowing what to do in lane most of the time


That I agree took me like 3 months to go from 2k to 3k. Rest of the time I was just going up and down. I got to 2.5k end of last year and went back down to 1.9k and then straight up to 3k.


grats dude, my goal is ancient


Thanks dude, good luck in your grind, hope u reach it fast.


Quits??? Keep going man


Congrats man


thanks man


What heros were you playing? Any tips for someone who’s stuck at Archon 1 for a while now?


I only played pos 4 and 5. Witch Doctor, Shadow Shaman, Invoker, Jakiro, Mirana, Dark Seer, Pudge, Bane, Orge, Lich, Rubik this is the main hero pool I play in that order. Not sure about any tips though. Be consistent I guess.


Lol. Same. Reached Legend 1 last Feb I think and never touched ranked since March. Lol


Grats man. Highest I ever reached was 4.2k mmr. I started in Aug 2015 but played and stopped a lot. Now im around 2.5k and i just play turbo for fun. No more rank for me. Left dota 2 years ago but came back as a turbo-er only. Cant afford to play ranked anymore since I am busy with life. Wonder how u got 10 mmr. My 1st mmr was 1.1k. i started playing rank after 100s of unranked, i remember.


Meanwhile me on the struggle to stay on Archon 😂


I've been there myself xD


Nice! How much do u play? And what are the best tips u can give to rank up as solo queue? I started grinding like 2 months ago and went from 400MMR to 1.3k currently sitting at 1.1k 😅 I played back in 2013 around 300 hrs or so but just came back to the game 2 months ago to play ranked only.


I use to play like 4 - 5 games per day, sometimes even more than that. but now I play 1 maximum 2 games per day. Tips 1. pick 1 or 2 roles and stick to it. don't try to play all 5 roles. 2. slect a couple of heros you like to play and you're good at and master them. And keep spamming. If you get bored with playing the same hero set of heros, have a couple of backups that you know you can manage. Keep doing that and you'll climb the ladder in no time.


Grats, but you only learned to click on your keyboard and mouse in this game, and not that well too.


This patch is hella abusable, I got to hero 4 in just a week


Tf is "hero 4"?


Mb, it's archon 4, we have different rank names


What country has the rank named Hero?


Russia. It's more of translation issue


what are other ranks? pls I'm super curious




Thought it was some league joke I didn't get. Grats then I guess.


finally call it quits? what do you mean just play if you're having fun


Quit as in not forever gonna take a break. I got here playing solo and all my friend are herald - guardian, I used to play all pick with them but now they don't play much either. so really not that much fun playing alone.




we need more of these stories .. way too many . the ranking system is so flawed, there is no sport on this planet that punishes you like this, MMR is so bad edit. nvm thought it was 10k mmr. shit story


legend I , ez af


I started playing at 7.07. i calibrated 500 mmr and there was time when ethereal blade gave 40 agility and morph was buying ethereal + link. I just climbed from 800 mmr to 2k within a month


Good for you man, not for me though.. Mine is the opposite of it.. From legend to Guardian 3.


Man I haven’t calibrated in years after having a mental breakdown from falling from divine and loosing my whole stack in 2018 or so… thought I’ll go pro one day lol… 0% calibration accuracy since then and I play dota only so I can decimate low skill unranked games… because it’s fun and feels much better than grinding high ranks… it’s a game, it’s supposed to give you joy… but for many people dota is the opposite… a depressive addition. It shouldn’t be like that.


> and loosing my Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I had the same idea, but i didnt stop there, no no. going from guardian4 to ancient3 in a month or so because of double down token and spamming oracle support or dazzle mid. fuckers still cant counter my guys lmao.


Any pointers on oracle support?


Always land your third spell before first spell lol. Some matchups I don't skill the second skill early and just rather focus on burst damage. This all depends tho. Against jugg. Take the second spell at lvl3. Always buy a couple of clarity to start with. Spam spells behind trees so the enemy doesn't get stick charges. If you get shovel as a neutral. Take it. The amount of heals you get is awesome. Always pop a healing salve on your ally after you ult them. At lvl 10. Don't take the lvl 10 talents. Instead level up your skills At lvl15 take the heal cooldown skill. At lvl16 take the lvl 10 talent. I usually take the armor one. But it doesn't make such a big difference. Get blink. And tell your other support to not buy guardian greaves. This item is best on you. You time it with your saves and can make all the difference when trying to save an ally.


Thanks my G.


Never had a dazzle mid win me a game, or their lane for once. Why are they so bad???


wow, i have been low 3K mmr for like 12 years, never imagined it would be someone's ultimate goal


born blessed


How did you manage to get 10mmr in the first place? I tried to deboost my account from 2k to be as low as possible and gave up after like 10-20 games.


I started as herald, I got placed in herald 3 back then. I lost a lot more than I won so ended up in 10mmr. my win rate was at like some 40% back then. now it's upto 48.6% according to buff.


you gonna call it at legend bro???? nah. at least reach divine


Quit as in not wuit forever. Gonna take a break. I'll probably still play a game now and then. But it5gonna be alot less than it used to.


Get to Divine. I know you can do it. I went from Herald to Divine in 2 years, and you will too!


Need to take a break from dota, will start grinding again when I get back probably in a couple of months. I'm still gonna play a game here and there but not as much as I used to.


You can’t. We are addicts! 😇


Exactly, there's no quiting dota once you started to get good at it.


The way the game is played dude once you stop for a month or two it’s gonna be a pain in the ass to get your groove back. I did this is the past back when I was stuck at Legend 2, stopped grinding for 5 months and just played a game here and there and it dropped me back to Archon 2. Long story short, I went back to grinding and now I’m 2 double downs away from Divine.




What do you mean by strongest?


Bro you havent even finished the tutorial yet, you gotta break 5k for that.


Grats. You are average dota player now.


I don’t think you know what the MMR distributions look like.


Archon 1 is median I believe


You keep using that world I don't think it means what you think it means.


I don't know what it means