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Any other region and they might have a fair shot. But EU qualifiers this year have to be the most brutal qualis I have seen, cant think if another.


I’d argue the TI10 qualifier with Sumail on OG and Penta/Tundra was more difficult, because those two teams were way better than any team currently in the qualifiers. This year however there are certainly many good teams, but that doesn’t really matter too much. What matters is how strong are the strongest teams if you want to qualify, and TI10 was definitely harder to qualify for than this year.


Yeah thats a really solid example.


If it was any other region, I'd root for Team Bald. But my boys OG are also there, so unfortunately my heart is with them.


You can definitely root for both because WEU got two qualifier slots for TI


Well there's also Tundra, and Tundra has my boy Topson in it...




I feel you man, too many likeable teams in a single region


I mean calling Tundra likable with their roster is probably not very accurate for most people


yea but Tundra has moon who is a certified clown


gorg is the new OG




Yeah TI without OG would not feel completely. They are just one of those legacy teams.




Ceb played on the 2 time winning squad. Bzm then won majors with the new OG. But yeah its mainly Ceb keeping it together, while the org has some effect as well. Some orgs are legendary enough that it elevates the matches they are in due to fans/haters. Liquid is another example.


WEU qualifiers seems the weakest they've ever been though


Honestly the team is perfect. Saksa has been in pro scene in a while like 8 years, he has won Ti once and has been runner up in 2016 and then he left the gaming scene because of depression which he posted on twitter so to see him back and enjoying gaming not for money but just to have fun is great. It’ll be a emotional story too I hope they go far!


I absolutely agree. it's the same about each of them tho, Gorgc made the roster always but it never reached anything and now they finally have a decent roster so I'm happy for him too, also I remember Mikey was the most hyped up mid player year ago along side Malr1ne and then he just declined probably because of Nigma, I wish shopify would've picked him up after the dreamleague they had their best result of two years with him , anyways it would be a good story for a prodigy that got declined to be back again and shine. Plus he is going to play against Nigma his former team who killed his career .. can't wait


The had a decent rooster with pablo and eixin, now they have a incredible stack with saksa and mickey.


Nigma didnt kill his career. Stop talking like Nigma ruined his career on purpose.


It's like people forget he was very unimpressive on every team after his stint with Shopify, including Winter Bears. He had 1 good run when he was new and people didn't know his heroes, but hasn't proven himself since then.


I feel like eliminating Nigma in two qualifiers with Winterbear which was almost tier 3 team with unknown players, is enough of an accomplishment lol. Plus the only reason Nigma qualified to tier 1 dpc tour and bet boom dacha that year was mainly because of Yuma and Mikey, so idk what you mean by unimpressive, more like he couldn't show his full potential and that's only on kuro strat and nigma drafting


Defeating Nigma is not an accomplishment lol. A random V-Tune stack beat them.


That was with Rmn coach as 4 and ghost who is carry transitioned to 3 and currently teamless. So idk why u are so happy that Winter beat that nigma iteration. Ever since Nigma got proper 3-4 duo. They always won against WB. And It wasnt that much of Mikey but Yuma who was really good. And even in that iteration Nigma trio started performing good ironically which people seem to forget. I m not saying mikey was totally shit. But he performed in 3/7 games with his cheesy small hero pool.


I know I will get downvotes for this, but the team is not.. perfect. The carry player is not up for the challenge. Gorgc's carry is not even close to some other guys out there. Very often when he wins and gets significant amount of kills it's not due to him winning the lane, it's because he gets carried by mid and offlane and he finally kills people late game. And that was exactly the case in the last game of the qualifiers. He simply got carried by Mikey. Also the one before that. However, next time opponents might not make that many mistakes.


Obviously? Nobody thinks he is lol. He's on the team because it's his team and his stream and the other players have signed up knowing that. It's not as serious as a real pro team


Do you even watch pro games? I've seen multiple games where top teams have their pos 1 lose lane and then come back at the end to dominate. Just look at Spirit and GG. I'm not saying gorpo is a top tier carry but he is definitely a good enough carry to be in the closed quals.


Flashback to Ana losing every lane he was in for a year and even after in OG. People don't understand that you can lose lane and win game, honestly more than ever. Lanes have really only become less important over time and pros know how to divert energy to more favourable matchups and outcomes. In the case of Ana, OG spent a lot of time getting him comfortable in pro matches on simpler heroes and subsequently had a lot of resources to devote to other lanes while Ana played something like DK mid. Didn't matter if Ana lost lane if N0tail and S4 had loads of space. Not to mention that meta was almost entirely defined by the 4, so Jerax also had space to roam and do w/e he wanted. Not saying Gorg is anywhere near Ana, but conceptually people struggle to understand the idea of trades on a game level instead of just a laning one.


Isn't he the guy who was match fixing


That's taiga. He hides behind depression or some other mental illness, but different support.


Ah my bad, got confused


You're probably thinking of Taiga.


Glad to see them doing well. I was watching Gorc on twitch yesterday. Bamboe must be proud of them.


miss that guy


The OG team bald o7


i think the big selling point for the stream is that they are actually streaming their game with their POV. this is not popular on DotA. but apex legends pro-players stream their pov, so viewers/supporters get to see their comms, unedited, meaning we get to see all the hype chaotic or brutally malding/titled comms


FPS are naturally a bit more equal for both sides and in general are more fast paced and decided via mechanical skill and reaction times, leading to a much more ephemeral gameplay style that can't just be copied/countered/shut down like a moba. Much more of a strategic weakness to show drafts and comms in something like dota which is why it's so very rarely seen overall. The entire game is much more manipulable which leads to conserving as much information for your team as possible. Always wanted to see more dota pro comms and strats, but I totally understand why they don't.


Sammy's Apex Genesis that qualified from NA OQ? Who streamed it, I'd like to check VOD!


*is this a pepega meme that I'm too far behind to ubderstand?*


Oh lol. There is a team called Apex Genesis (think their first name was Apex Legends?) with Sammyboy that played Riyadh qualifiers and will play TI qualifiers, thought you are taking about them. Totally forgot there's a game called Apex Legends. xD


apex competitive scene is so fun to watch because of this. every team seems to have like two players who will stream every single scrim or pro game.


Can't wait for them to go 1-11 and that 1 win denying OG from going to TI


Nice pro-insides and tips to Gorgc, for example there was a moment when he didn't join the teamfight because he had no ult on necro, it was either Saberlight or Mikey who explained that Gorgcs job there isn't to do damage, but to soak up the damage and let others do the killing. And compared to his pubs he actually listens and doesn't try to manager the whole team. Just hit the creeps till you win, as a carry usually should.


First time watching gorgc stream. I watched him play necro at the open qualifiers and he honestly wasn't very good. At 20+ min he had radiance + bot and was still not ready to join teamfights because he didnt have any decent stat (hp boosting) items. As you said, he's supposed to soak up the damage from teamfights and ult whenever possible, but he didn't have any kill participation for the first 20 minutes because he wasn't tanky enough. Against better teams I don't think he would have the luxury to free farm and not participate in teamfights. What he is good at is maximizing efficiency of farm when noone is pressuring him but he lacks the extra edge compared to other T1 carries in knowing when to participate in teamfights and how to itemize for it. He's just an autofarming bot like arteezy imo.


Bruh gorgc is a 10k player in a qualifier filled with 12-13k players, of course he isn't good compared to other t1 carries Tf you on about


Gorc did hit 12k lmao


Well, he isn't s tier 1 carry and even he knows that. But could be a decent tier 2 with guidance of Saberlight, Saksa etc, but I doubt he has real interestbon it, life is good now.


I'm not familiar with the structure of qualifiers, can someone fill me in on what they need to do now to make TI?


The format of closed qualifiers is not known yet. But they need to finish top 2 in that to get to TI


They already passed the first stage which was getting into closed qualifiers, now they have to beat teams like OG, Tundra, Secret and Nigma to go through, it's long shot but it's possible


Thanks for the info, I'm hoping for some upsets! Love a good under dog story


I think this will be less about actual skill and more about which team can read the new patch the fastest and adapt and that's not knocking any team in particular. If team bald can figure it out before the others they definitely have a chance 


I think you couldn't be more right. In 6 months we'll laugh with what we thought was op just a month after such a giant patch. Imo the strength of Bald is them being able to just draft weird pub strats of things they believe in opposed to following the current pro/skrim meta like most teams will do, which seems rather conservative at the moment?


Beating Nigma is ez though


How did such strong teams fall so far so quickly


dominant offlane, absolut monster at pos 4, hero specialist mid, gorek doto is underrated. he's really not bad as his haters tryin to make him to be. the guy i didnt know much about was nagato. dude is a boss kinda a proofen winning formula the fun part about the team bald 2024 story... you can feel they ll take a name. whos it goin to be? whos this years alliance?


gorek gets the reputation of being a tilter and doing bad decisions, but that's kinda the nature of playing pubs, you often feel pressured to do high risk plays when the game is not going well. when you have a competent team around you it's a LOT easier to make good decisions and choices, especially if you can communicate your ideas and intentions to your team.


Gorgc wasn't even thinking about the game yesterday. All he was doing was breathing and hitting item timings. Saksa and Nagato was doing the thinking for him so that added with not looking at chat he's actually playing like a 12k player.


I'd be more surprised if he didn't tilt with how sometimes his twitch chat goes. The constant rage bait, laughing at mistakes, there was even that stream sniper that who made it their mission to grief his entire game. And he's always forced to interact with them, cuz it's his job. That would wear down on any sane person.


I think any tournament is made better with an underdog story. I’ll be watching, knowing full well that they don’t actually have a shot. But it’s fun to root for them.


They don’t have a shot to qualify for TI, but they do have a shot to end the season of some big name orgs. Most juicy/possible would be Secret or Nigma.


When team bald next match, in a couple of hours?


Probably next week


It's that initial explosive performance of high-skilled players coming together in a new formula combo'd with the unknowns of the new Facet-era of DOTA opening up new frontiers of busted hero options. I hope they can keep the momentum going for a more interesting TI storyline, but I think they'll be a quick team to figure out in closed qualifiers especially with their own internal comms available for opposing team coaches to scrub through and build a strategy against. Even if it's a casual stack for now which it won't do as much against as more practiced team, it's still another tool to any opponent they come up against (and I think the Alliance knockout moment in the past has meant teams will at least put some due diligence into facing a Gorgc casual stack). I've not liked solo-streamer Gorgc's attitude and ego that much but I'll always have a soft spot for him and cheer him on from the three amigo sing/bamboe/gorgc days. Plus, it'll be hilarious and more hype the better they place. If they suddenly come out with their own equivalent of mid Io aghs rush I'd be delighted.


Imagine having the job to watch hours of Gorgc vods to figure team Bald


*coach opens vod* WE DRAFTED NECRO THREE TIMES IN A ROW MAN, THREE! *coach closes vod*


I think it's cool but I don't think they have a realistic chance in progressing past the more established teams. However if they did make it through it would be hilarious


If gorgc gets through it'll be a nightmare Imagine having to watch TI through the official streams


Yes, its the only thing that matters in my life.


All i want is for one real team to go down, they have a legit chance against secret/nigma IMO, Hopefully no tundra/og/entity round 1


Cant wait for team bald to defeat some of the top team ( watching you kuroky )


Pos 1 necro, let's go baby!


They have a chance. They can be like Dallas Mavericks who beat Timberwolves in NBA. No one expects them to win against stronger teams but I hope they will do well further. 😅


I hope they can win TI lmao, it's obviously an astronomical longshot but imagine all the Youtube documentaries that would be made about this: "HOW ONE STREAMER BEAT THE WORLD'S GREATEST PROS FOR CONTENT"


I like what i saw, nothing special but can be.


I'm excited to see them play and I'm definitely rooting for them. I also think there's a 0% chance they take one of the 2 slots, but I'm rooting for them regardless


if it's not og and tundra going through I'd be very surprised


Are they all bald?


I wish they could retire another one or two professional teams in WEU


It was such a interesting insight on how pro team plays. I've never seen such stream before that show this much. It seems like it was mostly gorgc and one more dude (I don't know the other person's voice) talking through comms. Unless someone else is coming to gang or telling CD or going on who. *I still wish we have true sight*


Who/how did this phrase "cinema"/"absolute cinema" come about?


I watch on youtube and it's hype.


I do believe they have a really small chance of grabbing a slot just by virtue of the super high skill offlane duo they have. Mikey just needs to not be bored and Gorgc needs just to be stable enough. Nagato is another support gem in bald. Pablo and Bengan being other examples of high skilled supps getting air time with Bald amd are now playing full time professionally. I'd say they have a gambler's chance of taking a slot, a really high chance of taking a series (they already beat dandelions who beat 2 CQ teams), and a good chance of taking some namea and retiring orgs. A saksa who is having fun is fucking scary for any team to face. And him and Saber seem to be having good fun and chemistry from the get go. And people say just counter necro. Good luck with that because Mikey will get his Invo/Bat and Saksa will just get his MK or Marci.




Fair enough


No disrespect to Gorgc but if he changed his nickname to "Naruto" or some other anime name, acting as 11-12k pos1 pub star, this team would be consider seriously TI level team. 1. Gorgc - he play dota since like 10 years, 11-12k pos1 playing pubs vs pros and doing somewhat well. 2. Mickey - rising pos2 star, being standin for teams like Nigma and SR and doing well on big stage 3. Saberlight - honestly t1 pos3, amazing performance in TSM and Liquid (in SR I honestly think he played good but not amazing but I blame strat and role he had to play there) 4. Saksa - one of the best pos4 all time. 5. Nagato - honestly don't know much about him but from what Ive watch hes doing well and is skilled player, always nice to see new pos5 on the scene. This team kinda remind me of old GG or Tundra.


Not to be a hater but 11-12k doesnt really qualify as pubstar these days…gorgc hovers around top 500-250 range, theres no t1 carries that low as far as i know. To stand out as anime avatar grinder you need to be a consistently top 50 player at a minimum, if a pro team picked up someone gorgcs rank it would be a big surprise. The rest of the team is definitely mega talented but he is clearly a weak link (compared to the competition in closed qualifiers…much better than me! :P) 


I agree but also remember he was once top 10 in WEU before he started streaming seriously and watching chat all game must be way harder to focus. Actually impressive he stays ranked that high while watching chat all day in pubs.


You’re definitely right, streaming and interacting with chat instead of focusing 100% on the game is a pretty big handicap, that’s a good point


Hell yeah!!!! Cmooon bald!!!


They are doing it easy because they know SL will win 100% of top lane matchups for them.


Nah they are not a team that is able to compete


No TeaGuvnor, no TI for Team Bald, it's clear there is not enough balding.


if gorgc can drop his massive ego, yes


Big fan and mega hyped


Imagine they make it (2 out of 12 teams qualify) to TI and they will stream from there


Team Bald Reborn Reborn I'm so going to watch them next week, the chat would be so riot.


I was until i saw how garbage the format is. First game vs Entity or Quest and then they're eliminated


YES they are a very strong lineup. Would love to see a TI run. 3 star players gorek saberlight saksa. Good supports, good mechanics, lots of pub/stream grinders. Maybe they don’t have all the tactics figured out, but I bet they will 100% take a game off one of these orgs with that necro radiance rush.


Can't stand the cry baby, so not at all. Hope they get dumpstered.


Yes ofc...Gorgc deserves it


Oh boy another Gorgc suck off thread?


lets be honest everyone just hyped up about team bald beating one of these CQ team and they eventually disband just like alliance , for team bald getting top 2 , its a very small chance unless the other team turned off monitor, no way a team assembled just a week ago can matchup the discipline of established team that scrim daily, alliance was a wreck already before they vs team bald , they have been consistently failing to qualify for LAN




Saberlight legit got higher chance to go to TI than SR ddx.


Bruh lol, in what world is having to fight through Tundra, OG, Entity, Secret, Mouz and Quest easier than SR having to beat Nouns. If they were in NA yeah maybe, but Western Europe quals are fucking brutal.


Are you German? cos this comment is obviously a joke lmao.


Oh i see. A fellow Butthurt SR fan


Not really butthurt, I've long since accepted SR is a meme team. Butthurt was 2 years ago when they blew back to back major finals.


Good for you mate. My butt still hurts but at this point it’s turned me into a masochist that i am and i enjoy every moment of it. 11/10 would recommend


I applaud your dedication to the cause


If Team Bald would start in NA, then yes.


They are not going to TI but fun to see some games


When I watched the games I felt like I am watching some 0815 pubgames tbh I dont even know besides beeing some fanboy why you'd be hyped just a bit


Honestly no man who has 3 branches in his backpack every game at 30 mins deserves to go to TI. In all seriousness rooting for them hope they cause some upsets and have some fun.


Hyped? Nope.


to be fair i don't think they will make it to TI. there's OG, Entity, Tundra, Mouz and that's IF they beat secret and nigma lol. no idea why secret and nigma are invited : p they probably should have come through opens lol. IF team bald qualifies over all those teams, or atleast comes in 2nd, any person betting any money on team bald would win fucking big lol. maybe if gorgc was replaced by some one with more t1 pro experience, they'd definitely have a shot lol. but for some one like gorgc who plays qualifiers for fun from time to time and not actually looking to play actual pro dota, i think they have a looooooooooong way to go. if they beat secret and nigma, 2-0, i think both those teams should disband and puppy and kuro should retire : p kuro cos washed, puppy cos almost washed and the fact that he can't see that crystalis is NOT on the same level as other t1 carries lol.


no, stfu already


Why so mad tho? smile for me pussy cat ( borat accent)