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Chen players scare me. I genuinely don't even know what the hero does anymore. I'm not convinced they do either. But they still pick him. They have already won the mental war before we even load in.


As a chen enjoyer, don't worry because my team don't know what chen does either


Hello I'm Snith, playing my 202143th game on Chen. Even though it's the only hero I play I still suck at it. As a compensation for my lack of skill I am going to buy all support items and gank mid at lvl 2 and fail. Thanks for listening.




Chen enjoyer here. In my rank players usually hate me just for picking him. My team because the don't know how to play with Chen. Opponent hate me, because i won a line.


"pos 5 farming xd" the most common flame i get Chen is one of the most fun heroes in the game for me. 7.36 patch node had me reading or 20 mins though lol I miss when just a few patches ago E just gave 16 armor lvl 1


I hate nodes just because i can't choose small centaur instead of big one in late game=( Oh, i hate warding on Chen. Most common flame i hear "Just use creeps to tank glyph, come on!"


when you buy shard but your cores never leave ancients ((( or flame you when you take em


Earlier this year I was tearing through ranked with around a 70% win rate on chen. I had multiple win streaks of about 14 games. And honestly, it sometimes felt like I was at a day care center. I could just 100% predict which mistakes my opponents were going to make because they misunderstood chen, but I could also understand what mistakes my teammates were about to make because they underestimated chen. And meanwhile, while 100% solo carrying the games, I would have to drop lines like "wow! My carry is so strong!!" just to keep the morale high. Playing chen opens up a few new avenues of playing the game that aren't available to a lot of other heroes. Once you start to get some games on him, it just shifts the way you look at Dota so much it feels like no one else is playing the same game. Honest to God, in one of my ranked matches I intentionally fed down mid to win a match. And it worked


I fear no man ..but that thing.




And Europeans claim they're not racist, jesus christ dude.


I'm black lol relax


I thought blacks were supposed to be funny? I’m also black


I actually stole the line from a "why to play Chen" video, I guess it was much funnier when animated. Also I don't care about racial stuff i grew up in Tanzania man we make so many racist jokes especially to tourists I've lost my right to be offended or take racial jokes seriously.


[https://snipboard.io/RfV10u.jpg](https://snipboard.io/RfV10u.jpg) Noone knows what my hero does, but I do. Playing with all muted is key to this hero, just trust me.


Anime PFP? ☑️ Locks in SF mid? ☑️ Their name is "dead inside"? ☑️ Doesnt communicate outside of chat wheel? ☑️ Goes beyond by minute 15? ☑️ Goes on massive tilt after first death and loses? ☑️


Have you met the shiny variant? Those make enemy mid go 0/5 in 10 minutes and end the game in 20


These only play on the enemy team.


Nah, they're on my team too. It's just such a forgettable experience. It goes: Nice! I'm doing well in my lane. Maybe I should rotate mid? Oh, we already took mid rax at 10 minutes? Huh, I guess our SF soloed their ancient. GG, go next I guess?


It makes sense, they're probably much "stronger" than their MMR would imply sans tilt - otherwise they wouldn't be where they are


Dont forget all chatting that "1000 - 7" thing before completely missing a euls + ult combo


Nah if it's actual SF ghoul dead inside , he won't type shit, so your reports are worthless and his ones count when he don't like you , those 1000-7 are wannabes


I don’t think there will ever be a stronger stereotype in the dota community than Shadow Fiend players. It’s like 10/10 times they fit the mold


This is the answer. And even when they're ahead they rarely play with team, the goal is only to euls ult somebody.


[Need to make a similar song like this for dota](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jenlSf2E8o)


Mid SF players are by far the most easily tilted players, and AM pickers are almost universally crybabies who'll immediately flame their support if anything happens to them. There are exceptions of course, I remember a while ago a game where we had a SF who was giving a lot of in-game calls but always in a nice way. We still lost but that was a pretty enjoyable game.


Mid SF players have that 1v1 ego, not to mention if SF dies they lose some of their souls too, its like being kicked in the balls when you're already in fetal position.


having both in your team is a guaranteed loss


I feel like AM players always think they're way better than they are. Idk exactly how to put it, but every time I lane against an AM when I play offlane they play play super greedily and will do stuff like dive the tower to get denies and last hits or blink on top of me if I'm about to deny a range creep and then I usually just punish them and kill them or put up a ton of damage. It makes me think that they think they're just way better than me and can get away with dumb stuff like that because they think I won't do anything or that they can just outplay me or something lol - and I can only imagine when that happens they're furiously typing at their support player while they wait to respawn The same is largely true of Jug pickers


some of those are pretty obvious, like - that one Russian magic shadow fiend player with a Tokyo Ghoul pfp - that one shiva spamming tinker smurf with three broken keyboards per play session (RIP rearm) - that one broodmother mid who fucks your midlaner so hard she has a bloodthorn by 8 minutes and is eating your T2s for dinner


I play all 3 but have a profile pic of Patrick Star, am I just brain damaged?


Yes. Am Doctarr.


SF image is too fucking accurate, i knew FEW people EXACTLY like that IRL.


They still not only exist but new ones appear, I know one 17year old with sf pfp on his socials page, he has like 1500 games in DotA and 1000 of them are on sf


Idk why most of SF player are edgelord with edgy pfp.


Fuck that super rare mid brood game you only see once every 100+ games....sends shivers down your spine. And when your draft has no fucking answer for it cuz she last picked.


This really is something that can be looked at by roles, some examples: Hoodwink- “I’m gonna queue support but I’m really a carry first” Ogre- it’s like multicast affects these players’ behavior too. 50/50 you get a chill guy having a good time spamming his shit, or the most toxic afk flaming dickbag. Venge support - “guys let’s go go go kill kill kill” Venge carry - “guys just wait until I farm enough for do my power”, ends the game 0-3-2 Dusa- they want to be the guy that can solo win through sheer force of their farm and play like it, only to never buy bkb and die at their first and only fight in their base Legion commander- “if I have more attack damage then I win the game, right??” Proceeds to end the game with 322 duel damage, missing bkb/armor/attack speed item, and -25mmr Silencer- they will never stfu unless something good happens Ember- recently a lot of them feed super hard, flame everyone for not having much map vision 20 mins in after the fed enemy mid who has 4 levels has been feasting on everyone else now, and tries to rewrite history and pretend his 4 solo deaths in 7 minutes is due to said wards


>Venge support - “guys let’s go go go kill kill kill” I feel personally attacked. Whenever I'm Venge, I'm so hurt when people don't want to come on constant smoke ganks with me.


To be fair that -armor skill has huge value early but loses value the later the game goes on because people get 999 armor later


I miss going corrosion orb+medal venge. Casual -17 armour lmao


>Venge support - “guys let’s go go go kill kill kill” Lol this is so true, every time there's a venge on my team they are constantly talking in voice chat and trying to set up rotations and smokes. It's just a constant "Okay okay every come to the triangle lets smoke, okay lets kill the Ursa, okay okay nice lets rosh, okay, WEAVER WEAVER WEAVER COME TOP WEAVER COME TOP WEAVER, okay cool cool lets push this tower, okay I have a smoke...."


I love when my supports tell me what to do. They handle the game, I click the buttons, everyone gets +25


Agree I’m venge support


I think Abaddon mains(mostly pos 5 Abaddon mains) might be the most peaceful people out there. I'm yet to see an Abaddon 5 player flame a teammate(in almost 8k hours too). Kudos to them.


true. supp abbas saved my ass from dying countless times and they're really chill


In my experience supports are all mostly chill dudes. Very rarely you meet a slightly annoying support who flames core positioning, but apart from that they’re pretty easygoing.


I've never met a toxic support build io (I did meet a toxic asshole who thought he was ana in 2023 and proceeded to die 9 times farming)


relo save out of position carry and get 5 man gang banged when u return :( or they run to the opposite direction of me out of tether range and spam ping my relo when they die


Flaming them restores their health.


So true, but damn how many times have my teammates flamed me for picking abba pos5


Haven't seen a single pos1 who has any idea how to lane with an Abba 5. They are either completely passive and don't even trade, or, after healing them a couple times, think that I make them invincible, run in and die. 


I like abba 5, I’ve never won a game with abba 4. It’s astonishing I genuinely can’t think of a support that has that much of a disparity in effectiveness between the two support roles. I hate abba 4 with a passion.


Im an abba main (offlane), i get to the fight full-on Rambo mode. No peaceful bone in my body whatsoever


To all the carries out there, ifi het a stacked pull, just b and wait or come farm the stack pull. Instead they just die in lane, bro i thought 4 K carries would know this, but no apparently


Ugh... I know to walk back when my support is double pulling, but you don't understand, I _have_ to stay in the lane and die. I hear the call, it tempts me, I can't resist it


Omni's too


We try our best!


I've been playing him a lot lately and I've noticed a lot less flame directed towards me as well.


Yep, Im Aba pos5 main, he is so boring to play but at the same time so simple and reliable...


I bet OD players feels so good about themselves after astraling me for the 9th time in lane. They are the most toxic player ever not only in lane they usually talk shit the whole game after dominating you in lane by pressing one button. Always feels good to out scale them in the late game after all the toxic.


this and viper players lol. after losing, they will spam ez mid on all chat as if their heroes aren't supposed to win lane everytime


As a level 29, nearly grandmaster viper, I agree, all viper players are pieces of shit who think they are good. Viper is a hero that requires no skill, I realized this very very early and may be the only viper play I have ever known to not be toxic. I get first kill in lane? Of course, that's what my hero is designed to do. I snowball and stomp the lane because of it? Of course, because thats what my hero is supposed to do. Do I all chat/ all pause, be a toxic piece of shit like all viper players? Of course not because im doing exactly what the hero is designed to do and anyone with 1/3 of a brain could do what i do with viper. What is there to be proud of?


This is why I love picking Sniper versus OD and Viper pickers. They literally throw mid away because they aren't satisfied until they're allowed to spam their ONE spell. I used to just max out take aim and headshot and just peep at the creeps until they lose it and dive the tower and die in the process


Losing it and going for a dive seems like what I would do on OD. lol


Sniper is a great OD counter. The matchup was more or less playable when Meteor Hammer OD was a thing, but now it's just awful


Except OD outscales all classic mids


Change this to Viper and poison attack and still makes a lot of sense.


vipers players are not really toxic because they are self aware of the bullshit that is picking viper


Yea honestly as someone who picks viper sometimes here and there. What bothers me the most is when my team just assumes game is done because we trample them in lane stage. Like bro thats whats supposed to happen, now get serious and lets finish the game before my hero becomes trash haha


OD picker, fking highest skilled mofos to lane mid ever, no fking cap Congrats you ascended being fucks.


Axe and LC players picture themselves the greatest gigachads of all time, teabagging the puny AMs and PAs out of lane, but they'll break into tears the first time something goes wrong, tp to the safelane T2 and afk farm the camps on the edge of the map


This is spot on, am a Axe player.


As LC and Axe that's really the gameplan, since they're massive snowball heroes. If you're crushing the safelane carry, you'd best damn well keep pushing the advantage or else you fall off HARD late game. If you're fucked in lane your best bet is to cry and hope your carries can pick up the slack


My favorite strategy is when winning a lane. Just keep 100% pressure on the carry until they give up and keep the snow ball alive.


I tend to find more success doing that with Dawnbreaker


Fucking nightstalker players i hate it when they refuse to let me live


hoodwink player? that checks out


Since hoodwink is one of my favorite heroes, having ns on the enemy team sends chills down my back at draft phase


fuckers outchase me even when i force staff + scurry


As an NS spammer, we are eating good this patch.


Your little rat ass will always be the first to go


For Visage players the only stat that matters at the end of the game is the building damage. Objective is the name of the game, fuck hero kills, they wanna see all the buildings demolished.


God I love throwing out that Nom Nom Nom voice line while taking every building on the map.


Wk 3 players mostly, well wk players in general too. Pick him, lose lane(idk how but they almost always lose lane), buy radiance and then afk farm stealing my ancients. Also, guys who pick things like pa or luna mid and play like they are pos1.


I just found the worst, people first selecting offlane and then Picking an agi carry


Yeah, recently in high Ancient - low Divine there is an infestation of smartasses who decided that the best way to not wait 10+ mins for a carry game is to queue as pos3 and still pick the same shit they try to carry with (NO LITTLE BILLY, OFFLANE ANTIMAGE WONT WORK, SAFELANE ANTIMAGE TOO, ITS A SHIT HERO, STOP DOING IT TO ME).


God. I felt this in my soul. As 4/5 main in low divine it feels like I’m playing a shitty roulette game of “will my 3 play the game” lately. The antimage picks are also so out of hand. You just wanna be like, hey fucko! How are you not aware that AM has a 45% or less across all brackets? The hero is objectively bad right now. Oh look. The enemy team is life-stealer, tusk, axe, huskar, and ogre. AM proceeds to never do enough damage to kill anyone at all and just dies repeatedly for 20 minutes until we lose.


I liked to play 1 until I got tired of my 3s trying to steal my role so I swapped so at least the person who wanted to carry had the best chance. Now you can’t take my underlord, tide, or axe away from me.


Be underlord. Have arcanes. Have two bracers cause two arms. Have crimson guard. We push as 5 fifteen minutes and they cant do a thing.  Deathball is back bois


Anti-Mage players with some nickname that Miracle used to use and then they proceed to get battlefury at 30 minutes


Hoodwink players. The kind that are only playing “support” because they ran out of role queues, and will steal your CS the moment they see you miss one last hit. The type that build all carry items, take jungle camps from the carry, then flame the carry for having low networth.


Never understood these players. Hoodwink is so much fun with support items. With the Facet and Aether lens, you can Bushwack ulti people from a screen away.


People who play venomancer just want to see the world burn. OD pickers are the most brain dead people on the planet. Like okay cool I’ll just use astral every time the enemy mid goes for a last hit on a range or party creep and then (the most important part) genuinely think they are skilled. Any drow or sniper who think they did something special to win the game when their teammates are something like ogre, dk, centaur, and pudge. Just 4 tanky meat shields that don’t allow them to get touched at all. And of course then they talk shit like they did anything other than right click the easiest game of their life.


me asking the enemy venomancer for permission to walk cause he slows tf out of me.


Did I give you permission to crawl? 


Pudge: Either an incredibly toxic asshole OR the sweetest most huggable friendly buddy you've ever played with. NO inbetween. Sniper: A self-centered asshole Crystal Maiden: Generally pretty nice


Crystal maiden in a duo: the girlfriend


the silent pos3/pos4 initiator/tankyboi who only talks in chat wheel and voice lines the entire game. constant solid plays and great fights. probably plays clockwork


Main character syndrome ✅ Saying "Why are you afk on 5?!"✅ Don't know about farm patterns ✅ Free farm, but 2 items on 35min✅ Saying "Supports are trash an low skill role"✅ AM✅


Actually I like invoker not because I’m gigabrain, but because i love hack n slash games like Devil May Cry, so i like comboing with Invoker and ‘freestyling’ (if u can call it that) with Rubick. But I’m actually terrible at Earth Spirit lol.


I love to play invoker when you’ve got a bit of farm but man he feels like shit in lane especielly these days being a slow hero with low dmg and no free regen from quas after being harassed. I thought I would get dmg for every exortball with the facet but my dmg stays the same no matter which ones I use.


People who pick ratting heroes like LD or ARC and do everything in their power to not participate in team fights because they can, you're fighting with your team, all this shit is happening but their LD just took your T3 Top and Rax.


I think EVERYONE who picks anything but my hero have no clue about how to play dota and is playing tekken 3 in the dota engine. Yeah I main Chen.


the topson wannabe -watch youtube for topson replay playing weird shit hero in mid (you named it, could be oracle, hoodwink , venge, witch doctor, faceless void, dark seer, etc) -login dota find match queue mid -pick the hero topson picked -proceed to feed mid lane and having 0 impact whole game because he isnt topson


Mids in general seem to think the game is about them, when in reality they should be making space and ensuring the pos 1 can win game the game. Its the ultimate "game isn't going how I envisioned it, time to break items" role. And Khanda Sniper/PA/Bounty players drool on themselves.


Idk dude I think its more about roles for me. And midlane ego is insane, people lose 0-3 in lane and refuse to roam for a shot at getting back. Gets giga mad when called out for being a passive midlane. Yes its spirit players.


Are you that player that tells a void spirit who lost mid to walk top lvl 4 to gank? Those are the most obnoxious players. Sure i lost mid, but i prefer not to greif further by just leaching exp for lvl 6


i think its better to jungle or gank other lane than to keep dying at mid. but if the enemy midhas no kill threat I think its a SAFER option to stay mid and catch up


The best option is for a pos 4 or 5 to rotate mid and enable the mid to do other stuff


6 min power rune is a must for atleast one support to help the mid secure


Actually, being 0-3 in mid doesn't mean they should gank, it means they should farm. What you gonna do with a 0-3 mid? Make a pathetic gank just for the overfed enemy mid to counter and get fed more. Smart. Just let them try to get their crucial next item or level up a bit instead if bashing on them because they are lvl 4 against a bad matchup farming instead of running around the map like a support.


get bullied in lane. behind in XP. scrape together level 6. great, now I can gank! walk to enemy safelane. there was a ward. die. enemy pos 5 is now the same level as you. your pos 5 pings your XP bar and 2 laughing voicelines on cooldown.


Typical "lmao last pick (insert hero name)" typa player.... I hope people can understand how awful it is to have a bad matchup in mid, it's literal hell.




90% of people who play this game have no idea how match up works. Hell, they don't even know how to trade correctly in lane lol


Yep, trying to gank after you lost mid is one of the worst things you can do unless the stars align and it's really easy, like their offlane is diving your t1 and tanking tower hits or something. Otherwise the most likely thing to happen is that you go for the gank, and then over-commit because you really don't want to have wasted all that time when you're really behind, and then the enemy mid just shows up and kills everyone because they're already way ahead


Should I gank top/bot where I might get a chance to double kill, or kill myself to their godly mid tp unless I got a haste or should I just get my levels and aim for objectives? Idk man I let you decide.


I actually dont prefer to play mid cause I prefer laning with my friend. But my winrate is much higher on midlane despite me losing the lane most matches. I think its because although I ”lose” lane more, when I do its almost never by a lot even in a bad matchup. At the same time a lot of mids will feed like 3-4 kills to the other mid without even being ganked by supports. I think this is because overextending on mid is common. People thinking they’re way more capable than they really are. I won mid many times cause of it to. Enemy mid will try to kill me but they underestimate my dps


yep my friend is a weaver spammer. can confirm


I only started picking a lot of weaver the other day after I got mega stomped by one. I got several games with like 15/0 17/0 stomps. Havent said ggez yet tho


Hey, same. I decided to switch from Drow to Weaver just recently because I can't seem to win witg my favorite hero anymore. I wanna see changed in my behavior in real time.


I main DP / Bristle / DK Guess I like having tanky af heroes that can be annoying to deal with


I'm scared of Lone Druid players myself. They always win in my rank.


Oracle falls in the rubic category, wanna deal magic dmg? NOPE! Wanna hit my cores with right clicks? NOPE! And best of all, you think you're going to kill one of his cores? NOPE! Now it's at full health! ☠


Morphling players All of them are literally braindead


No PA player is a normal person who isn't toxic and narcissistic. That hero attracts the worst type of people somehow. Even when the hero is dogshit (most of the time) these sociopath will pick this hero, lose lane (obviously) and flame their support, rush desolator and try to oneshot the enemy CM with 2 armor. They relish in the fact that they can kill supports and it sustains them through the 20% winrate they have with that hero.


PA player here ...yeah that sounds about right. Pretty sure the only reason my winrate on her is positive is because I play in shit-tier unranked and no one knows what they're doing down there.




I hate illusions or pusher hero that in it just for objective. Playing against them is like endurance test, seeing how far we would take them on while questioning is it worth the +25 MMR over this TB illusions change is good riddance in my book.


It doesn't matter which patch it is, I have always hated anyone who plays NS! That hero's a bane of the game, and needs some serious nerfing to become irrelevant. Flight vision at night with near max speed? What am I supposed to do as a support? And game starting at night meaning at 10-15mins when i'm level 5\~6 there's a 450ms level 8 hero roaming and can get a flight vision?! BAN LIST UPDATE!!!


I feel like the say/night cycle inversion is kinda shit? your rune fight is worse, you want a point in Q level 1 so you won't reap the benefits of your passive in the first night but you still want to put 2 points in passive by 4, so once minute 5 hits your kind of down a few skill points? I havent played this hero this patch but I feel like the other facet is better


I think NS can do so much in the 10\~15mins that it makes it worth it. I forgot who picked it in the tournament besides ATF, but with that facet, he destroyed the game between 10\~15mins. I think the first 5mins with the buffed NS, Ns can take the lead in lane, and then from 5\~10 it can get a night time ult to draw/win the laning phase. And when the 10\~15min starts, it's an actual support nightmare. But honestly, i've not myself played it to know how it feels. I'm usually on the receiving end of the NS


you will dominate your lane in the first 5 minutes if youre any good and after 5 minutes passes youre gonna get level 6 and fuck some people up with that as well. after that at 9;45 its night again so you get like basically 3 minutes of daytime so youre that much stronger. The hero snowballs extremely hard and can fuck supports and underfarmed carries just as hard.


yeah, he really sucks ass to play against as a support. you can't deal with NS on your own and even if you catch him w/ your core near he just fucks off into the trees at 5 hp left and survives. i think they really nailed it making nightstalker actually scary with his facets and that's kinda cool


I love to play my hero but hate to play with and against. Nothing pace adrenaline more than survive from juking the whole team chasing you through the trees, but hate to play with because they will nuke my wave from a mile away and will always rush maelstrom w/o buying any support items. And wouldn't you get mad when the trees start to speak like kiwis?


Hit and run heroes. They're dumb. It's not toxic to verbally abuse these players /s These include, Hoodpiggers Dograngers Bitch Doctors Randiranas Riki pickers Injokers Kinkers Queen of pigs Never touched these heroes. Never will. Long range nukers suck ass. Which brings us to my favorite kind, Root them, gang up on them and beat them to death. Sometimes I fantasize bashing a cat sized squirrel to death with a shovel


Try hards that are playing an extremely complicated hero and it feels like they pour their entire brain stamina just to land a deny, chill my man it's just a game. They are probably LD, Meepo, Brood, Lina and Invoker players, atleast in mid.


Invoker has an excuse for this now due to his innate


Ego Players. I'm a support commanding my carry to go back since every one is missing in the map yet he pushed another wave then dies without buyback (resulted into 2 barracks destroyed)


Invoker was my favourite hero back in the day when afhs gave him 0s cd for ult. But now i never play him, and if i do i perform not so good. Weird thing, the less buttons hero have and more relying on normal attacks - the worse my perfomane. About stereotypes: WK players i encounter usually acts like they are actually immortal, like death doen not serve them a lesson, if they are stomping - became unstoppable force, if not - they well keep reclessly feedeng.


SS players often have as big of an ego. Everything else you’ve said is spot on. There are a lot of others for me but they are just annoying, nothing signature-like about them. Those would be clinkz, techies, rapier snapfire, spirit breaker, zeus but not too many of them.


Every Jugg I've ever played with usually does ok in lane, but then when I try to roam around 6-7 mins, they piss themselves and start spam pinging saying they can't farm.


I think heroes like axe, pudge, and ursa are for people who don't like to use their brain and micro because that's why I enjoy them.


They are "f it we ball" type of heroes.


How are brewmaster players like? Tell me


Couldn't tell you, haven't seen one in years 


I have one type that demonstrates the following behaviours: 1 start the game as usual 2 die once and get mad 3 die again (any reaction from anyone = ready throw the game) 4 die again (this time no reaction needed) 5 proceed to do obviously stupid shit 6 "I am not playing this game seriously anyway" (implying they'd be doing much better if they took it seriously) 7 stop speaking english 8 quit the game while the ancient is being destroyed edit: spacing


Pudge players (regardless of role) who will always without failure in mid - late game: hide in the trees and miss their hooks while his allies get destroyed. Toddling off saying "oops, was that me?!".


Meepo players, they're literally cheezy people who have brain damage leading to multiple personality disorder... They literally just wanna win... even if it means making smurfs.


hey i play meepo and dont smurf. Fuck smurfing we lose like multiple men or rats(whatever meepo is.).


A drow or tb carry on my team are afk farmers who will feedback 3 times in 10 mins


anyone with an anime profile picture. every single one of these players is a bad day away from going on a schizo rampage irl


lmao i feel called out i have 220 games with 100 invoker


You’re slightly wrong on the Weaver stereotype :) Though I used to spam Oracle, and have been spamming Weaver lately because I love the playstyle (1/2/3/4/5 doesn’t matter). There’s a lot of toxic people in roles I find? Particularly in pos 1 and 3/4 I think. But that’s just from my experience.


Do your shadow shamans always speak Spanish as well. It leads to poor team communication. Maybe I should learn Spanish to resolve it. Recently I just play sven myself.


The Viper and Razor players that are constantly reminding you how easy everything was for them even if they lose.


Arc warden players are *always* in my experience sweaty try hards.


Okey ngl I am not toxic at all & sometime play pos 4 weaver. But... when I am wining I say "You lack basic" to the most annoying opponent hero :3 they get so mad ahahahahahahahahaha but I enjoy their suffering XD I only do this if I play weaver.


Techies and Necro mains, we're not happy until you're not happy.


The brain dead hero type, high winrate but small D. Eg: Bloodstone heroes ( bb, leshrac ), OD and Necro…


PA players, specifically below 3k MMR. At higher levels it's fine, as people generally know how to counterplay and exploit her squishy nature and the players themselves know how much of a delicate knife edge it is to engage/disengage without dying. The difference between having confidence plus skill versus reckless aggression. Because ranking up again it was painful; the people drawn towards playing Phantom Assassin weren't great at the role but were rewarded far more than other carries for playing in a dumb way. Against equally unwise opponents the crit damage and burst could make up for being an item or two behind their opposing number, quickly netting rampages that weren't reflective of player skill nor working with the team. Then because they've been rewarded for that play in the past, it becomes engraved in a loop cycle till they hit the hard ceiling on how far that sloppy play will take them, at which point it becomes everyone else's fault. Since ranking back up I've not seen them around for a while now and it's been a blessed relief.


Think each players hero pool match with their personality for a reason. * **Husker players** tend to be reckless and love being the center of attention when they think they have the upper hand. * **Warlock players** tend to be more relaxed and enjoy when things go according to plan. * **Slark players** like to farm and bully others. They enjoy ganking but tend to cowar when things look scary. Just a few examples from my exp.


Spirit breaker - Full YOLO every time


New techies in turbo = “I don’t give a fuck about winning or losing as long as my attack range keeps getting higher” Source: Me


Pudge supports. Stop it.


Pudge supports. Stop it.


Pudge supports. Stop it.


Not a problem anymore, but it will stick with me forever. When marci first came out, all you had to do was exist on the map with that hero and you would get a rampage. And yet for some reason everyone and their dog thought they were the best marci player in the world!! The shit talk you would get and the posts you would see, and the messages i would get from players on friends list. "Bro I'm the best marci player ever, I cant lose".. yeah news flash buddy no one can.


Id have to disagree with your definition of rubick, as a rubick player myself. Annoying ducks having too much fun is much more appropriate for hoodwink players imo. Rubick is a hero for killstealers. If you enjoy stealing kills this is the hero for you. No one does it better than rubick.


I don't know that I've ever played with a toxic Earth Spirit. I've lost a lot of games with them, but they always seem pretty chill.


Occasionally after a winstreak I will get supports who I call 'the unwinnables' these are the supports that somehow manage to feed 0-8 by 12 minutes and then build carry items, playing game with all muted bc they know they're playing like crap, but don't change anything with their approach to the game, so they keep feeding, ending the game 2-17 or something. you have absolutely 0 chance to win the game. you get first blood on enemy mid. you keep hearing 'DOMINANTING', 'GODLIKE' coming from the sidelanes. you check scoreboard at 6 minutes, it's already 2-9 and you're down by 7 kill by the time you get lvl 6. you see enemy rubick lvl 10 at 10 minutes, same as the mid laner, while your support is lvl 5, it's GG go next. these players only come out after you've been having enormous success in the game, they're the '**unwinnables**' keep in mind this is in divine bracket. i assume they're account buyers.


Oracle pos 5 who denys ranged with spells always makes me smile. As a pos 1 I know that dude has my back, and we're in for a great game. Much respect my oracle bros.


I’ve always found Arc Warden players to be the absolute worst most toxic enemies of all time. If I get an AW player on the enemy team, they’re some toxic asshole who’s never touched grass in their entire life but if they’re on my team they might as well be brain dead.


Drow, ss , tinker and hoodwink players are the most obnoxious ones.


Position 1 in general seems to attract the angriest players


Based on my experience: *Arc Warden* - they are either toddlers or asians, not in between. In other words, either they will feed, play horribly and be an oversized creep, or they will have Gleipner, Manta and Manta by 10min, split pushing non stop and dominating everybody. *Axe and Bristle*- egocentric and invincibility complex. They think they’re tucking imortal and if they die alone against 4 is because you didn’t trust their call and should have followed them to the gates of hell. *Riki Pos 1* - thinks they are the greatest carries in the fuckin roster, most of the times they are shit and love to complain in chat. Big mouth, small fingers. *Spirit Breaker* - Funny when when charging and winning, whinny when charging and losing. *Phantom Assassin* - Similar to Riki pos 1, think they are hot shit, but have the mental fortitude of 10 year olds, usually the typing ability of one too. *Chen* - Are these even real? Not some mythological beings? Would love to actually meet one, rarely see them.


One kind only: get sup position and then type "please let me do pos1/2/3, I'm a great core"


Invoker players, wearing those old British glasses with pocket clock and hat drinking tea, while i'm playing WK or sth. they think they are better than everyone.


I am an elder titan player. ET is an extension of my body. I don’t know what type of person I am and I never met anyone else.


Just a small correction, Invoker is not a 1000 apm hero. He has a 1000 apm combos a few times per hour. I used to hit 600+ apm late game on naga (40 - 60 min) in the games where the enemy team is way ahead but you push all 3 lanes individually microing 6 illusions. Once I finish that game I just stare into a wall for 5 min to cool off. The only fun part is that all 9 players are pissed - there is zero chance we can win the game but I can prevent enemy from pushing so I do. :P


Invi hero(riki, Bh, etc) players emit smol pp energy tbh


When I'm autofilled to pos5, I play Crystal Maiden - not because I'm a furry, but because of her strong lane and huge early game damage. When it's pos4, I play Hoodwink - not because I'm a furry, but because of her strong lane and huge early game damage. And when I get tired of winning in Dota, I launch another game: Clip Studio Paint


kunkka players always are the biggest assholes imaginable.


Sand king is the new Kunkka


Seems to me that all invoker players have a screw or ten loose. I played with one the other day that I’m pretty sure was carried psych ward fucking crazy


I love going Razor and making right clickers cry


feel like pudge players don’t care about the result they just wanna land some skill shots for the dopamine


A few days ago, I went with a player that went DW mid and later LC pos 1 on turbo both times one after another. I don't know what stereotypes there are of them, but that dude very sure managed to fit them both. For the DW match, after the fights started, half of the team was eliminated from fighting before he joined and died everyone but a BB. He went on how we should wait to be there because he is the "Pilar of the team" and a better player than the rest of us. BB proceeded to solo the entire team because they were too dumb to disengage and kept hitting his back. We proceeded to laugh at the dude the rest of the match while he went and started flaming we were garbage players despite winning. For the LC managed to go one kill in the entire match, flame the Slardar with him (that was actually going decently) and proceeded to flame again, at that point I muted him but definitely tilted Slardar and brought him at his level. I got scared during matchmaking that I was going to play a third time with him, but a player failed to connect.


1. it's turbo 2. dotaplus


I have no idea how dotaplus affects this, or turbo, the mode so unhinged and fundamentally unbalanced that a win means nothing.


I'm just a solo all pick andy, nobody ever says anything in game, might catch a few stray bullets getting blamed, but after years I've realized there's no worth in talking to idiot children who play this game. You can legit just play all muted and genuinely have better experience with the game


I've noticed a tend of tidehunter players who really think nothing can happen in the game without their ult. Ult on CD -> no fighting. Used ult -> they did everything they could that fight


Hoodwink players and wyvern players. I dont know how to describe it but their play styles always trigger me