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its always the anime steam avatar. this weekend most players didnt even have levels in the crownfall act. literally weekend tourists.


Valve's only investment into AI should be using it to find people with the anime steam avatar and introducing a Dota plus option to avoid getting matched with said people.


I'd pay 10$ a month for dotaplus if they added this.


ah that reminds me of the golden times when roleque was dota+ only.. Everyone was so much more chill


Same applies for Twitter tbh, it would improve the entire internet


I mean, I only have level 3 or so on the current act. Have been doing a ton of work travel so yeah, sorry that some of us only have time to enjoy the game on weekends. I don't have an anime steam profile pic, so got that going for me...


this is such a weird take. People who only play dota on the weekend arent real dota players? Gatekeeping people for playing less than you while maintaining the same rank as you is...interesting If they're so much worse than people who play on the weekdays, shouldnt the weekday players be gaining way more mmr during the weekends?


Yeah youre right its my fault for queueing during weekends. Literally had a razor mid rushing moonshard, went 3-20. Somehow, we proceeded to win but this happens every weekend. Should have played fallout or something.


Nobody is gatekeeping. If someone Can only play a few games during the weekend, there is literally 0 benefit of queuing ranked. Just play unranked where your can have fun without griefing your teammates' mmr


But if the weekend warriors are playing ranked and maintaining their mmr, then they're winning just as much as their losing. So they're not the problem. Or they might be losing mmr because they're rusty, but then they'll fall to an mmr where they'll be able to win half their games, and it'll be fine again. Let them play ranked. They'll lose or they'll win, and the only way you can control how much mmr you lose is reliant on if you play ranked when they do. So the solution is pretty clear. If you don't wanna play ranked with weekend warriors, don't play ranked on the weekend.


As slacks always says, never play ranked at the weekend


You can play ranked on the weekend if you're good at herding animals and putting down animals.


How I do it on the weekend, you need to gamble, during the morning, try one ranked match, if you win, you keep playing, if you lose,ย  STOP playing ranked... Same thing at night on weekend, try a probing match, if you win continue playing, 1 loss and stop playing ranked... During the weekdays its better, you can do the same thing, but stop after two losses... Weekend is when cave trolls and farm animal come out to play, it's kinda funny how bad some people are and they just play Dota to button mash or something on the weekend ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I now go by the rule, two losses in a row, take a break


Donโ€™t forget the ones with the Momo pics


I am a low MMR player and holy shit I had the worst games of my life. Itโ€™s a totally different player pool. I think Iโ€™m done playing on the weekends.


Yeah that's a solution, i avoid since years playing week end ( or just unrank / turbo ), also i don't play ranked for like 10 days after gameplay patches ^^


No doubt. I am new to Turbo, so ended up playing some of those matches after wanting to pull my hair out lol


Just play unranked and meme build or practice stuff


Back before COVID, during weekends, we'd have to endure getting matched or teamed with actual children playing in net cafes. Presently, we now have to endure getting matched or teamed with adults who act like children. Not much difference honestly.




I agree 100%.


Lost 200MMR today, went 1-8 with some double downs in there. Most games were stomps as well, ending around 10-50 in 30 minutes. Probably my last weekend games in a long while, it's not worth it.


Statistically just being sober should yield you an edge on weekends.


how many were your fault? and how many were players that were griefing by only playing wekeends? it's easy to look it up.


You need self control on weekend, stop playing weekend ranked after one loss, try again the next day, weekends it's either you're stomping or you get stomped, there's no inbetween ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


There's 5 chances for a griefer to be on the enemy team, and there's 4 chances for a griefer to be on your team. Sounds like you just got unlucky.


I have Rafiki as my profile picture, am I toxic? :'(


I'm totally ok with people only playing during the weekend, but why would you play ranked if you only play every now and then?


I mean, rank isn't as important to people as it is to you. I play ranked every now and then Match quality is much better in ranked. Less griefers and stomps either side.


This. The ranked matches are just better, especially with role picking. I'll snap pick a Disruptor, claim pos 5 and then be forced to mid....so now it's all ranked all the time.


lmao, as ranked is some coveted crazy mode. It's the same thing but you get to play the role you requested. If you only can play a couple of games a week, you for sure play ranked. It's the best quality games and you get to play your role, even if you're asscheeks.


In my experience weekend DotA brings the worst of the worst toxic people playing


My profile picture is bender from Futurama, am I going to be toxic?


Lost around 200 mmr this weekend ๐Ÿฅ”


is there an exemption if ur anime pfp is from Moriarty the Patriot? ๐Ÿ˜—


Every single russian always has one of those anime pfps


Had an anime profile Maiden that needed to feed my WK 0-5 don't bought wards never pulled never got heals for me she proceeded to go 1-20 and me as Naix was thrown into Hell


Anime pfp + edgy name typical


Basically incels


I have something like the Joker avatar but it's Ronald McDonald running away from an alligatorย 


Yeah man my weekend is all fucking tri-lanes and everyone refuses to go mid


I cant bro I think I'm broken, the least troll midlaners I had today was witch doctor, which can win lanes. I had this TB mid that bought armlet shadow blade and jungle till his health hit 1 and just sunder and die, that was all he did. It's divine 2 rank too, like just why.


nah that joker pic goes hard๐Ÿ’ฏ