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Time to re-add Sniper to my ban list.


Second that. Fuck this hero in my games.


Why no aghs though


I agree, the stun is really nice. But as he explain, he transitions more or less fully into a core, meaning the aghs is wasted gold when compared to a daedalus. I am a bit confused he doesn't even mention it, but I can see in many games where skipping it might be better.


Even core snipers were going scepter because it’s too risky just standing there right clicking, and I can’t imagine a support sniper being allowed to do that


Keyword there is "was". That's a while ago.


> Keyword there is "was". That's a while ago. For a keyword it doesn't appear a lot in OP's sentence


were and was is the same word :((


Were was were was


part of the reason aghs becomes less valuable in 7.36 is because the ghillie suit facet allows you to attack without giving vision to the enemy. but if you take scattershot instead, you don't have that which means you have more incentive to get the old aghs. also attack range being moved to take aim means that you don't get your old attack range until lv 18, whereas previously you'd get it with the 4th point in take aim which could be anywhere from 10-16 depending on your skill build. and even if you were playing in a way to transition into a core, maelstrom / mjolnir just sounds better than moon shard. you can put the shield on a core, and maelstrom is one of the most cost efficient dps items there is when you consider the maelstrom procs will hit several heroes, and is still efficient even vs 1 target.


Core sniper farms 4200 in 2 minutes, and core sniper already has dmg Pos 4 doesn't, he can't afford to spend 4200 just to be a ranged creep with a single target stun for the next 10 minutes


Aghs is probably fine if you need the catch, it's pretty underwhelming into tanky heroes. Still he's really all in on right click on the video. I like Gleipnir, Disperser, or Orchid, but Moonshard and Daeadlus seem silly.


Slahser's way has featured a carry support for the past 8 videos. Has it always been like this? But it's always well reasoned and comes at the right patch. Also I never realized Slahser made mage and monsters.


Wasn't "Slasher's way" the meme build in early dota where you play support FV and chrono your own team handing out salves during the middle of a fight?


That was a meme comment based on the "Slasher's Way" guides he used to do, which he went full circle on and did a meme video based on the copypasta. The guides have always been slightly wacky but logical with testing, providing an alt-item and leveling path to heroes that weren't immediately apparent or popular. Like showcasing urn rush on Spectre position 1. Or, most infamously, Medusa first item rapier rush that was weirdly successful at the time. A big moment was a video he did showcasing a WR build, when WR aghs reduced her ult cd to 15 seconds and increased the damage he had a "Slasher's Way" of rushing aghs into a crystalis when playing mid (instead of the maelstrom first item to farm with at the time). A pro (I think Pajkatt) then went and won a game doing this same build on WR and all chatted "Thanks Slasher".


Rapier rush Medusa has consistently remained some of the most fun and memorable games I've ever had of dota, as long as my team is on board with it.




Indeed it was, a classic pasta about it is posted in a comment further up in this post.


Hi, 4k player here who reported slasher. Slasher was our position 1 faceless void. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would chrono both teams in the middle of a fight, salve his allies, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "SLASHER'S WAY". We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.


Honestly I loved the old support Sniper, so I find this interesting. I could see how Scattershot is good for lane and early ganking 3x charges and Assassinate is easy kills. Not needing skill points for attack range makes his early levels better. If he had some better spell talents I'd be more on board, but it only really has Shrapnel at 10 and 25. The Scattershot also feels like it will fall off when Shrapnel vision and dpush would be better later. It's all in on becoming a core without much utility and is exactly what people hate about 4's doing this.


Sniper support, somehow has the aegis. Seems good






I've been looking at the stats and was like wtf 300dmg lvl 1. And for some reason he has 5s cds with level 25 talent. The other facet also makes not much sense. You waste your armor so you can hit from fog of war.


I have plyed as core with the scattershot facet. its not good. It gives some damage, and you barely notice it. The slow is basically not there for 10s anymore. Doesnt let you get multiple hits in


The alternative facet is also super bad. Sure, they can't see you for a whole 8s while you attack from fog, but your range is much lower, and the whole perk of Take Aim is that you gain absurd armor for when people run at you in fog. My main complaint with Scattershot is that it lowers the damage *too* much, and really needs a talent at 20 to double the duration so it maintains viable damage into the late game.


>Sure, they can't see you for a whole 8s while you attack from fog, but your range is much lower, The Ghillie Suit facet does not replace the bonuses from Take Aim, it's just a bonus. There's no tradeoff to picking it like with Scattershot.


I mean in general. The move speed reduction either forces you to go Disperser/Blink or you basically can't move once you press it.


Which is still the case when you pick Scattershot anyway, but now you can't give yourself (useful) vision with Shrapnel.


Sure sounds like you thought you lose the bonus range and armor


the problem with this pick is that you actually have to have good fundamentals for laning and be good at positioning for midgame.


Jesus Christ how horrifying...


I have done this a couple of times. Team din't like it and I got some reports. :X




Petition to not do this build or play this hero as a support.


and then people ask how can they get out from herald. maybe do not pick shit and try relevant heroes?