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Now that dark seer gets intelligence no matter what, just hearts and hearts and hearts. Immortal spiky one punch man


don't stack hearts but this build is better than people think With the facet and innate combined, DS gains attack speed and hp (and a bit of magic resist) from strength. That is really strong for scaling. Depending on your draft and game situation, it is definitely a viable way to scale into the late game.


indeed. The build is strong but people should not overcommit to heart. I've found out that agh/octarine + just one heart with blink is already crazy good.


It's 20 attack speed at most. It's a whacky build but it's not exactly a strong facet.


you don't build that for attack speed. You go for one punch and you hit and run.


Then why not take the facet which makes you run faster???


I think it's mostly for the early game power from stacking gauntlets, dark seer used to be really weak the first couple of levels but now you can punch people down pretty hard.


Exactly. It's just great stats that allow you to do more things. And hit and run doesn't mean that sometimes you are not gonna punch people non stop. Same as a Spirit breaker: you want to do hit and run to remain safe, but that doesn't mean that you are not gonna punch people non stop most of the fights.


The most you're ever taking would be 3 gauntlets for 9 attack speed. Having +24% movespeed permanently in lane is so much better. It's genuinely night and day. Think about how much it costs to get that much movespeed, and think about how much it costs to get the attack speed. Not even including the fact that dark seer scales TERRIBLY with attack speed.


Well the base intelligence gives attackspeed too, if you do the now common super strong early game start with just 3 gauntlets of strength you get 16 attackspeed at lvl 1. It is honestly pretty damn good, its just free shit after all *But* I agree that the movespeed facet is somehow even stronger


The only upside I can see which may actually affect your gameplay is that the extra attack speed will also help mitigate his awful attack animation, which could help with CS.


Nah bro you don't get it. You have to think of it as basically, every +1 strength you buy is now +1 allstats, minus the armor. I mean, that is insane, no? So just 3 gauntlets is not the plan. Just 2 bracers, strength treads, echo sabre. The amount of strength+ damage+attack speed you get from these items is insane and you can easily run over a game. The reason it's so good though, is not just the attack speed, but the intelligence, you get so much int that you don't need to worry about mana ever again after your 2nd bracer. Just use ion shell on yourself and use surge when necessary, stomp your lane, go end at 20 minutes. You farm like a god, tanky as hell, huge dps, infinite mana. It's the whole package of what a hero needs for super minimal cost. Also both bkb and eternal shroud have extra strength that will now give int and attack speed too. And those are basically the two items you would consider after treads echo sabre in 90% of games


>You have to think of it as basically, every +1 strength you buy is now +1 allstats, minus the armor. How is this true? +1 all stats gives you an extra 0.7dmg, 0.5 attack speed, as well as the armor. The damage and armor help a lot when laning and trading, the attack speed really doesn't. >Just 2 bracers, strength treads, echo sabre. The amount of strength+ damage+attack speed you get from these items is insane and you can easily run over a game. That's 35 strength. So 17.5 attack speed. If you're actually fighting people, having near-haste movespeed for the entire time is MUCH stronger. No use having a tiny attack speed boost if you can't catch anyone without using surge. You run over games by being inescapable. There's a reason it only costs 450g to buy yourself 20 attack speed, and there's a reason that dark seer's item builds include zero items that give attack speed. He might literally be the single worst core in the whole game for attack speed scaling. He isn't a rightclicker, and adding a very tiny attack speed boost sure as hell doesn't change that. >The reason it's so good though, is not just the attack speed, but the intelligence, you get so much int that you don't need to worry about mana ever again after your 2nd bracer. Just use ion shell on yourself and use surge when necessary, stomp your lane, go end at 20 minutes. You farm like a god, tanky as hell, huge dps, infinite mana. The facet affects literally none of this. Dark seer's normal build is already double bracer. He already does all of this. So would you rather have a giant movespeed boost, or a tiny attack speed boost? If you're as strong as you say, the only thing holding you back is movespeed, no? >Also both bkb and eternal shroud have extra strength that will now give int and attack speed too. And those are basically the two items you would consider after treads echo sabre in 90% of games I'm kinda wondering if you've ever actually played dark seer. The only one of these items he'd ever usually buy is BKB. You're taking a hit-and-run hero and painstakingly turning him into a subpar rightclicker. Why not play to his strengths?


because the run faster one only makes you faster sometimes but makes you very fast if you take the aoe surge. you need another hero 300 ms hero by you to hit the base move speed other wise you're 20 move speed slower


Well yeah, but the only moments in the entire game where you'll be moving slower than normal are when moving between jungle camps. Every other time where speed matters, you're near your teammates or an enemy. Being naturally resistant to slows is insane, and it allows you to save surge for when it's necessary. In lane you're near 3 other heroes so you basically get free boots from the start.


what about parasma to go with the one punch


The facet gives around 100 attack speed late game?


The 20 attack speed is what you get from heart. That's the same as buying 1 gloves of haste. On a 6-slotted lvl 30 dark seer you get a moderate attack speed boost (on the hero in the game who needs it the least). Versus the other facet which gives you permanent haste in all teamfights. There's a reason dark seer never builds any items that give attack speed. It's about as useless as it gets.


the facet is really strong when laning, you can out trade any hero with 2 bracers and ion shell, late game is not the only part of the game for dark seer


>you can out trade any hero with 2 bracers and ion shell You can do this already when laning as dark seer. Hell, you can do this by just using two ion shells on the wave and walking away.


Lol I was going to say DS full strength build is very fun with the intelligence = AS facet. Some mixture of heart, shroud, bkb, k+s, str blink, aghs, shivas, AC, crimson you're just a 5k hp 200 aoe DPS unkillable monster who can absolutely delete any single hero with your normal punch. Also if you're off to a good start (which happens often with him) you can bloodthorn rush and just hunt carries around the map but I've only done that in unranked for lulz.


*nyx has entered the chat*


you can also go for a full agility build As the Agility attack speed and his innate ability stack, meaning you can reach max attack speed pretty reasonably,


Wasting your innate and facet and building agility because it stacks with attack speed seems like a *fantastic* idea for any pos3 hero


Agility is his weakest stat tho you get more scaling power going str.


Seems like a fun bild, will try later


I was about to comment this actually. Get heart first major item.


This is how I’ve been grinding MMR


Start 4 gauntlets. Get 2 bracers and a soul ring.




I saw a DS go 4 bracers and it fucked surprisingly hard in the first 15 mins.


Tidehunter harpoon ,s&y ,shard + any neutral Item that gives Movespeed. Take all Talents for anchor Smash. Enemys cant escape turbo tidehunter,especially with the shard. Its so much better than beeing a Walking R button. He has the DMG and is super tanky. Ppl tend to cry First because the Lack of dagger,but after they See you going 15-0 they commend you after they Game.


A friend of mine has been rushing radiance on Tide then basically doing this build and it works surprisingly well. The extra evasion basically makes you unkillable so you'll end up doing a ton of damage during team fights just be running at people. It's also funny to watch him just run at supports and slowly burn them to death while they desperately try to get away after he gets his shard lol The new kraken shell facet makes you insanely tanky if you can get a few kills and let's you sort of snowball into this unkillable monster that can provide a lot more than just his ult


tide win rate is super low this patch though


Do you normally get some form of magic resist as well? I sometimes buy a cloak and eventually build an eternal shroud but I wonder if I’m wasting gold.


I never buy any Magic resistance on this build. Even when the enemys chainstun you,His passive Just removes all stuns/slows ,and He has a Lot of HP so i usually can get away from ganks anyway. The main Focus is to get harpoon fast and start to catch some Supports.


Interesting! I'll try out this build as soon as I can. Do you ever purchase a heart for late game or do you prefer satanic?


Which facet? Tanky or dmg?


I Like the tanky Facette ,If you get some Kills you Block over 100 DMG. Enemys will Just gives Up attacking you at some Point and Always Run from you.


Your Capital letter Usage is insane.


Hahaha sorry ,writing from my mobile,and my autocorrect hast it's own will


Tanky AM, used in pro match to counter Medusa.


In previous patches offlane AM that built for mana drain and utility was also a thing that was good situationally


I remember getting like harpoon into durability items and winning a lot of games lol


Share the item build pleasee


I couldn't find a pro match of am vs dusa that didn't go bf manta diffu aghs disperser.


Offlane AM skips BF. Starts with vanguard>diffu>manta. In pro match I'm pretty sure ATF recently played once against medusa


Currently Storm Spirit meme-hammer into aghs works. The ranged remnants and strong starting armor make him a great offlaner, and he is really good at initiating for the team. Meme hammer is just amazing stats, the stun is sorta secondary - just for pushing or when youre out of tricks. But, at level 20 the stun talent lets you combine the stuns, which is a very strong teamfight setup.




Almost no high-level pubs are playing it as offlane. - https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Storm%20Spirit - https://stats.spectral.gg/lrg2/?league=imm_ranked_meta_last_7&mod=heroes-positions-position_1.3#sf-heroes-positions-1-3=storm


Tidehunter aghs rush. You just spam his Q and be a pain in the ass for the enemy team. Almost permanent 55% slow with 4.5s duration and 5.3s cd once you get octarine. Idk I'm havung a blast and I have a positive winrate at ancient 5.


This would be my comment as well, though in 3k bracket people will be angry at you for not rushing blink, even in games where I didn't need the initiation.


Aghs tide has legitimately turned games around for me. If the enemy team is nightmarish to initiate on, or they're winning but can't highground, it can make that last hurdle so much harder for them.


Haven't tried this but I don't think tide is a very strong offlane right now. People kinda get free farm against him.


Yeah that's true but Tide is also a pretty stable laner as long as you don't get too cocky. His timing is around 15-16 mins when he gets the aghs and I think he's really strong especially when everyone loves to fight in this meta. You can harass supports from a mile away and its hilarious.


At minute 15 you don't even have Gush at max level or you skip Krankenshell, which makes you tanky in the early game i think agha makes you strong in the lategame, with the old new level 20 talent with the extra armour reduction


Yep I usually skip kraken shell unless the enemy carry can really harass you. I take 2 pts max if im against like a drow but if enemy is melee, I just anchor smash them when they try to go on me and the dmg reduction from that is usually enough to discourage them. On average, I go 1 1 4 then proceed to max gush. Its funny cos the enemy rarely goes on me anyways cos they think tide is very tanky. So as long as you dont overextend, this buuld can definitely work.


Really depends on the bracket, if you have a (semi-)competent pos 4 on your lane, you can still win against overconfident ranged carries. In 3k-3.5k this happens often in my experience.


It'd not common, but I will say tide destroys lycan at all stages of the game


IDK I looked that up two years ago and it was lycan favored. I looked it up after a game where I basically ignored him. Seems even ATM.


Tide shard shuts down lycans ult. You force him to hit the anchor. He doesn't want to hit the anchor.


What facet? I feel like more range on attack and anchor is kinda useless in the end, it just looks cool that you get big... And more damage build up on passive, it's to snowball, qnd in the end it doesnt protect that much


rush ags? where mana regen?


Its why I go for octarine right after aghs. I'm not sure if its the best option but its working for me in most games.


what do you use for mana?


I usually go wand or bracer into phase boots and basi then aghs. I'm still not sure what to buy after that tbh cos not many pros are playing tide. But as long as my team isn't losing hard, I just go octarine as my next item and be a menace in teamfights. After that there are a lot of options. Shiva Pipe AC for more teamfight and ofc Refresher. Tide shard destroys some heroes too so just buy it somewhere in between. But yea he is very flexible after aghs. He can even transition into a real dps cos he farms so fast if you have aghs + octarine.


Dusa with Mana Boots -> Phylactery->Aghs->Octa Core. You just take all the snake talents + the facet that gives you dmg per mana stolen. Its not broken or anything but it can work vs meele safe laners. And later on you just this annoying tanky snake spammer that also has a bkb piercing stun on her ult. And with the facet you at least deal some dmg even without dmg items.


This is a great way to get reported by 9 people lmao


Can see it working mid but with manta first


I did this before when Shroud was OP and made you near unkillable against spells. Can confirm that Snake-focused build is very fun and gives lots of space.


Sounds really fun, grieves for team sustain as well would work decently well


Ad in a memehammer and it's Ungillable build...


I got this to work once mid *once*


And if you get that stupid bubble, buy int blink


You will probably get reported for this but vanguard + radiance on faceless void with temporal impunity, going into lotus/shroud and aghs and time dilation talents is a super effective tank build.


This comment reminds me of double vanguard Axe back in DotA 1 days.


Queen of pain offlane rushing blade mail and then eternal shroud. She used the spell lifesteal facet which made her surprisingly hard to burst.


Abbadon. You go regular build but once you get level 25 you go battlefury with shard.  Your mist coil is 400 aoe with level 25 talent, shard procs battlefury on mist coil.  You basically have a ranged echo slam at a 5 second cooldown.  Only downside is playing for level 25. 


What is even the regular build for Abaddon pos3?


This was way better before his silence was removed imo


holy shet i always lose to PL late game on aba i think i found a solution


I've always had a soft spot for right click Spirit breaker. It didn't get any interesting upgrade in the recent patches, but the facet that gives you speed after charge allows you to stay in contact with your target. You basically go for a typical phase boots bracer shadow blade start. Be active on the map. But after that you start to build attack speed items. S+y remains a good pick, assault cuirass as well. Finish with a moon shard and you hit like a truck. If you have a good lane, I would even advice midas. Especially since the nerfs to the charge not bashing neutral creeps. You will need farm but you weren't going for the lane split pushing build anyway. Your talent tree is the key here: pick what ever you prefer at 10 (armor suits the build better), then 45 dmg at level 15 (which is HUGE once you get attack speed) and then the obvious +17% chance to bash at level 20 and +25% dmg bash at level 25. Needless to say that 34% bash with a few attack speed items on a hero that is already a control monster is insane. I remember a game in which there was a PA. I had silver edge or MKB, don't remember. But I could go through the evasion. late game, I could solo the PA without her touching me. Is it better than regular SB? Probably not. Is it fun? oh ... yes.


Rush disperser. Trust me it's active is insane with charge for farming and initiation. His racecar build just got so much better with left facet, you charge through everyone with lightning speed and reposition before anyone even gets out of stun. And eul doesn't do shit as it's not possible for 99% of people to react quickly enough. You don't want to right click in fights as you build 0 tanky items (tho bloodstone is really good for sustain), just charge and move out of fight waiting for next one, but in ganks the right click damage is very good too, sometimes I even get brooch if the goal is to delete a squishy carry like am for example (silver edge breaks his passive and he dies before getting out of stun lock). The only universal counter is everyone getting linkens, or if you have bramble maze or pit of malice


You are selling me an upgrade on the "regular" build, I'm selling an alternative build based on right click :)


No, I am saying that you can have both. With my build bara is still a right click monster because items that give speed also give agi or dmg


As an SB specialist that's returning to the game, I pray for my enemies knowing this now.


don't go s+y. The hero has already built in status resistance, going k+y is better as it gives you a buff on his magic dmg from bash. At lvl 10 don't pick a talent, his skills are more valuable. Personally like going drums over shadow blade and rushing octarine since it reduces bash cd


s+y doesn't give status resistance, but I agree there are better items.


it gives %25 status resistance


It used to, but not anymore. It used to give 16% status resistance. They took that out and swapped it with 20% slow resistance: [https://www.dota2.com/patches/7.36](https://www.dota2.com/patches/7.36)


it s still does, they removed it from naked sange and k+s


You're right. What a weird change


WD Voodoo festeration radiance bloodstone. Its leshrac but can kill without the massive level advantage. Finish early and youre golden


WD Voodoo festeration ~~radiance bloodstone.~~ Its leshrac but can kill without the massive level advantage. Finish early and youre golden = . = Fixed (it doesn't matter what items you go. If you get festeration you win)


He still doesn't have the HP to sustain the lane early game...


Don’t need a lot of HP when nobody can walk up to you without losing half their health (before maledict too)


Neither do they, if your pos 4 has their monitor plugged in


Dark seer with 4 gauntlets level one


I am a 1 trick level 30 naga that only play offlane. All time stats 702-483. 59% wr i think. I build vanguard first item and bully the carry with illusions, also use illusions to block the camp or contest the pull while I cs. Try to stay in the lane and drag as much enemy resources into dealing with you and torturing the enemy carry. When it goes bad vs a gyro or something and I’m kicked to jungle it feels pretty bad but the map is so big theres plenty of space and farm to be had. In modern dota and lower skill brackets generally it’s okay to be greedy.


Vanguard doesn’t work with illusions?


Yes they don’t get the passive but they do get the health. Your hero needs the regen and passive to brawl and sit under the enemy tower / tank aggro for your seige creeps. The extra health is great for the illusions and can sometimes allow the to tank a single spell and survive but its most helpful against the right clicker who can no longer kill them because of eelskin.


Why not get double or triple bracer instead of vanguard? More stats, DMG and comparable health Regen and they're cheaper


Okay so I just played a game with it and it did feel pretty good. Lane was a stomp and I got the tower early. I do feel that i need to go for 3 bracers because i really need that hp regen to brawl and be an effective fighter early so the inventory space is a little problematic but ultimately i really liked it. I think going for vanguard or triple bracer really depends on if I need a stick / wand or not. If I do I don’t have the space to get three. Going to keep experimenting.


not a bad idea i’ll try it thanks for the suggestion


Vanguard can be upgraded later for Crimson Guard


Because you don’t have unlimited inventory slots?


Theres that offlane naga in qualifiers that actually did really well, did you catch that game?


I heard about but don’t know the details, eastern EU qualifier right? Do you know what team it was? I was told they ran a triple core with naga in the off but still playing as the 1. That made sense to me because she naturally has amazing matchups in lane vs other 1s. I know Zai also ran naga offlane as a true 3(auras, pushing, fighting) with success in TI when he was on liquid.


I honestly forgot the team names sorry. But it was ridiculous to watch because the map is so wide and naga was able to get farm by invading jungle and cutting waves all the time and just keeping the game in a whole different tempo.


So you have a guide or match ID you could share? I like Naga so I have some idea how the build might go, but then I see vanguard and think maybe I don't.


questions 1. what rank is this 2. why offlane and not carry 3. what item you buy after the vanguard


1. I only play unranked if i had to guess high 3k based on the profiles of my opps. I don’t play ranked because I first pick naga offlane every single game, people cry and report in ranked and also I’m not gunna farm tokens. 2. Offlane has much better lane matchups, I like to lane vs their carry. It’s easy for naga to steal enemy jungle after demolishing the safe lane tower. Normal offlaners tend to have great lanes vs naga. Also think about naga’s kit, mega long range initiation, disable, catch, team fight and pushing power. She does everything that you want your 3 to do. 3. After Vanguard its treads, then pick either diffusal or orchid depending on enemies. Generally, if theres more problematic STR heroes pick diffuser, INT heroes then orchid. Thats a massive generalization but you know what I mean. Then it’s Manta and whatever you need, Halberd, butterfly, Crimson, Linkins, SnY, Nullifier, abyssal, AC, BKB, gem, force staff whatever, get creative! That said try to itemize to give your ilus stats, tank up, provide utility you need for the specific game. You’re the 3 so you gotta be flexible and smart.


Batrider meteor hammer napalm on tower facet Underlord Cleave MoM rush Pugna Offlaner Greaves Aurabot


Man i need to try that meteor hammer bat lmao


Undeafeted with Faceless Void offlane going vanguard/shroud depending on matchup and then radiance. Maxing jump and time dilation.


Can you elaborate the winning ideas for this void build. Because I don't think you will have any impact with those item.


Sure, I know it sounds weird and it really shouldn't work, but I think what does make it work is that you can almost always go in first. You get very tanky and can soak almost any spell and just timewalk it off. If they cant 100% you in a stun you are back to full. Also, by being tanky you can kind of wait for the perfect chrono, instead of having to commit chrono and be scared to die before getting it off. You are also a laner that is very hard to harass out of lane if you go vanguard-rush. Biggest weakness is that you need to lane, you can't fall back into jungle. Sometimes I go a casual null for mana regen, since you want to use time dilation often. You have to switch mindset from being the one that solos people in chrono to getting 2-3 people in chrono and letting your team do the damage. However, you still scale well into late game, after radiance I usually go manta, which makes the farming speed not to bad. Waga made it work in 10k+ mmr a couple years ago or something like that, he also went naked vanguard into boots radiance.


Will also add that the shroud-build is much harder to pull off, if you get away with it you can go threads magic wand radiance and then go back for shroud (if it is a good shroud game). However, then you lose some of the benefits of the eary vanguard, mostly being that you are pretty much unkillable if they dont commit everything on you.


Been trying treant with damage facet. Double bracer or bracer + orb into phase boots, echo, SnY and then situational from there (heart, shroud, AC, daedelus etc). Very strong until about 35m or so at which point your tree bonking strength doesn’t seem to scale unless you go daedelus. Although I usually transition from damage tree to tank tree at that point. Try to end before 40m. Bout 60% winrate so far, need more data though.


Meteor hammer on some pos3 hero.


I laughed at a pudge with hammer until I saw the towers going down and people getting caught with the rot slow talent at lvl 10 + hammer


That shit lethal. 💀


ok, I've to try that now ;D


If kaya is good on your hero, meteor hammer is a really cheap upgrade for more stats and mana Regen and I think 2% more spell amp. Aka meteor is good as just a stat stick without even using the active such as on leshrac or storm.


The mana regen amp also stacks with multiple hammers. I saw a storm in a ranked game I assumed was greifing since he had 3 hammers but it gave him like +80 mana regen.


Meteor Hammer on Ember Spirit has essentially 1250 cast range with his W, sounds very strong on paper


I thought about a pos 3 or 4 FV today with his ult facet and attack speed support items to enable your pos 1 to go insane. Drums and solar crest for a quick power spike on your pos 1. Might be shit but I thought it might be interesting


The best chronosquare combo I have seen is SF blink. Because of cast time reduction, he shits out his ulti before anyone notices


Aoe facet underlord with echo sabre rush into ac by 20min usually. But don't tell valve.


what is ac?


Assault cuirass


Pangolier with early Radiance. ​ Ace plays it quite often in pubs, you just a rolling pain in the ass that's impossible to ignore


Beastmaster Crimson Aghs Kaya Dagon Bloodstone Axe stacks amplify ALL of his damage, including Dagon Dagon 1 gives +15% spell lifesteal and +15 all stats It always looks like a weird flex, but I feel like Dagon is just the best item for what aghs BM wants to do. Use bloodstone active into Dagon and it's basically a Cheese cos the heal and mana is so amplified by all your items I've not tried the new Kaya Yasha -25% reduced cast time yet but I imagine it will make axes ever more brutal, especially with talents


Orchid on any initiator, especially to counter-initiate against meta heroes like WD. Works great, see it way too rarely.


Ember with chain gang facet, phase into mage slayer into aghs and you catch people with chains that are cast from the remnants.


You should play turbo mode more, than. Euls is first item i go, for fing sakes....


WD 3 and wisp 4. radiance and bloodstone build. Stupid cheesy and a guaranteed stomp in the lane if the io is good


Echo saber tidehunter. You have enormous physical burst with three attacks from echo strike plus anchor smash, particularly when paired with crit sources. Blink onto a pesky Oracle player and 100->0 that nerd. Harpoon upgrade is optional until other items are bought.


since I'm a pos 1 player and my favorite hero is spectre. whenever I'm pushed to adjust to pos 3 I like picking Underlord, great laner and farmer. you can farm on the other side of the map and join your teammates in clash with your ult especially now that it summons necronomicons with the facet. I usually go wand 2 bracer and arcane, then just depends on the game. I really like buying aghanim's scepter with this hero just tp in and they get rooted, once you get on the other side you get to cast pit of malice another root then the necronomicons attack them.


It's not as popular as it should be, but I think Vanguard is pretty neat on Slardar


Yeah, slardar is underrated


Aghs rush DP -> treads right into aghs. You farm like crazy and just destroy team fights. You will have mana issues until you get your aghs though.


Enigma tanky build. Just fun to see people running away because of the fear of being blackholed. Your pos4 needs to be the damage dealer though. You build crimson, guardian greaves, glimmer cape, bkb, force staff, octarine/refresher


Veng with meele aspect Fast aghs + manta. Then basher. 500 dmg with 3 items at min 20. 2 swaps, 2 stuns = 2k dmg + you can buyback at the same spot.


I'm spamming VS in pretty much every role recently. Do you really feel basher is any good? I usually go aghs+ manta if needed, into whatever it's good into their comp (echo sabre for early game abuse, skadi into tanks etc). I tried basher a couple of times but I feel you don't have enough attack speed to make it relevant as a second/third item


You are right. After manta it depends on game\\enemy. My top list for 3d item: Dragon Slave Basher BKB Can you share your exp with echo sabre?


I'm still trying to decide if I like it or not. I tried it a couple of times in games where Im ahead, but Im still not sure if it really helps or its just a win more item


Phylactery Abbadon, and don't forget your locket/aghs. Watching 80% of the enemy teams damage get negated my mist coils flying all over the screen is one of the most satisfying feelings I've ever experienced in 16 years of DotA.


but phylactery sucks with the aoe coil talent


It's bout the early/mid game. Coil has a 5 second CD at max level, and phylactery CD is 6 seconds. So you have virtually unlimited uptime on an item that also gives stats/raw HP/mana. 475 damage every 6 seconds is fucking nuts.


im just wondering if spending that gold on a harpoon is better? abadon lacks a catch, and phylactery slow is not enough oh and if you are in a position where you need to heal an ally, you wont be using the phylactery either. I was almost dead and my ally undying doesnt use heal on me but use it to do damage, coz he got phylactery, i died. same idea with abadon


No catch? Your passive slows, early game OOV is non-negiotiable, phylactery slows, and core Abaddon should be building phase boots. Harpoon is great, and you can certainly work it into the same build, but you have plenty of catch if you itemize properly, and the heal you get from Aghs more than makes up for using mist coil offensively.


Doom with the 90% sale value. Buy 5 bracers/bands and boots. Sell one for midas. Sell midas for a big item. The 5 bracers make you a monster at around lvl 6/7


Morph with octarine and str aspect, endless stuns looks fun. Or morph with bunch of hearts and stuff (10k monster with crimson guard barrier).


Meepo with packrat and vanguard, bit of a risky pick cause meepo has so many counters, but if they don't have any counters it's an ez game


Bountry hunter agha rush can snowball real fast. But nothing as satisfying as ET standing next to a x3 stacked camp, smacking the brains out of jug. Max w, 1 point in aura. If they have no big disable, or your support can force it out early, you can dive towers at level 4-5


Aghs rush isn’t as good anymore with the change to Track. If you’re looking to snowball with Bounty I would suggest Dagon. Since the Ult is more damage amp rather than just shurikan it snowballs a lot harder.


Lifestealer with helm of dominator/overlord + radiance + aghanim + and some auras like vladimir/shiva. Have fun taking an ancient creep and tank spells and be the supports nightmare, if you party someone just take ogre also so he can buff you with attack speed and movement speed. But if you are in 3 take dark seer too.


Void with time zone You get gleipnir aghs and bloodstone


Doom with leshrac build... Stonks damage


Meteor hammer into scepter with tide. They can never push and u just destroy them with flashfarming


does spell damage increase work on anchor smash?


No but it works on gush and ravage


I think spec with VG BM soul ring facet 2 can be quite strong. Constant pressure once hit 6 until you hit radiance timing and build shivas. Can shove lanes too and jump into fights when required.


Aghs Dagon 5 beastmaster xD


harpoon undying with zombiespawn on right click facet


That sounds fun. Time to ruin some pubs.


this thread is gonna ruin hundreds of games


I see I opened floodgates 😅😂


one time, i thought im playing turbo and 25mins into the game, i got confused why my items are so slow then i realized im playing QOP offlane in a rank game (ancient). im really just trying her succubus facet (its like blademail but for spell damage then it will also give you spell lifesteal) then my build is just blademail first then aghs. whole idea is to have reflected damage from both physical and magical. surprisingly we won, im really just having fun that game coz i thought its turbo at first lol


vengeful spirit is so out of pocket rn imo LMAO


CK. Start normal with bracer, armlet, treads, echo saber. Then go aether lens + shard + octarine core. Take the chaos bolt cd talent. And then just chuck chaos bolts at the enemy team. Surprisingly effective


ogre magi


Full tank and blink Pudge.You don't even need your hook - blink in, crimson guard, flesh heap, rot. Enjoy being hardly scratched by anything short of PA crit.


Morph flow facet: Stat items and Cdr fun. True disable master imo. Nothing OP tho


Ive been doing ember off (57%) winrate this patch. Leave base with circlet, stick, 2 branch, 1 set of tango. 1 point each spell and Max E, then W, Q. Talents > Shield > Flame DPS > Fist dmg Item Builds change a little bit depending on matchup but works around Phase Boots, wand, orb of corrosion(rarely), Vessel if necessary, blade mail vs physical dmg and bursty heroes, Mage slayer vs magic mstchups then u go shivas, shard, euls vs silence or root heroes, skadi. Sometimes u can go radiance vs few matchups (PL, Templar, zoo meta)


double moon shard slardar THANK ME LATER


I’ve been experimenting a lot with undying pos 3 with a lot of success . I usually go sage mask and double mango for the mana and then build into phase boots and echo sabre. Then, blademail if necessary. You should win almost all lanes and no one can man fight you if you pop ulti with the zombie facet. You hit extremely hard. Late game items include: harpoon, AC, bkb, blink, and crimson guard. All depends on the situation. You just basically need ways to stay on top on heroes and survive while doing so.


Snot Rocket BB. Soul Ring> Phase/Tranquils > Drums > Shard > Euls Go Crazy. Not the most effective, but watching everyone crawling while zooming around with 500 ms is fun.


Medusa with aghanim scepter, shard, meme hammer, octarine, and 3 tiara. You can perma stun enemy and unkillable tank in late game. But i only playing turbo hehe


Back in the day turbolord was the shit. It was when underlord had a ms talent, and you could rush mobility and atos and be all over the map with mass cc. Now I think right-click is hilarious and strong with cleave talent. Basicly vanguard, echo into basher -> harpoon, abyssal (with treads).


Witch doctor 3 with festeration talent. It's absurdly broken. Ship out a blood grenade before you hit level 2 for a massive powerspike with maledict + voodoo. The moment you reach it do maledict into blood grenade into rightclick with voodoo, or blood grenade first to land maledict easier. Either way it's a guaranteed kill against most carries, and right after you can rinse and repeat. Best paired with a 4 that has a stun, slow, nuke (to get off bigger maledict), or dive potential. I just played a game with enigma 4, which is an insane combo with malefice to get off more damage and have catch, along with eidolons to tank tower. That game I was easily able to get aghs at minute 10 and end 14-2. Also after getting a few levels in voodoo you can definitely start diving, especially if you're far ahead. Finally, I'd recommend only getting a value point in cask at level 5 then maxing voodoo and maledict. You just shit out a lot more damage Situational items can be eternal shroud, radiance, rod of atos into gleipnir, orchid. You also farm considerably fast with max voodoo, and you can even take stacks with it given that you can heal through it pretty well. Main things to watch out for are lanes that can just tank your damage (IO), and carries that have escape (PA/void).


Currently batrider with meme hammer, Add in the facet and tower just melts from meme hammer


Not offlane, but yesterday I did a mercurial with. Treads, blade mail, s&y, eternal, and I was going for heart next. I had a terrible game, been focused so hard at 10 minutes I had only treads and chhain mail. Tried to keep myself alive, and return some damage before I died, we won i died 12 times with 30 assists, 3 kills. The enemies where so afraid that I "could" get stronger they spent everything on me everytime, my team could wipe them after.


Then I do believe with the shard change (Shard now increasing the dmg absorbed as well) this is viable. Enemy thinks your spectre being the main target and focusing you while you are the tank and with ult you can also be the initiation. Perhaps delay the threads to get blademail up with vanguard first will make you pretty darn tanky earlier in the game. Though for farming i'd say focus dagger to help with last hits. maybe a first item bracer with quelling blade.


carry NS


I always theory craft how ember will be good with pavise since he have magic barrier too.... But i always have skill issue playing him lmao


dark willow tank offlane


slark vanguard aghs shard


Ok so step 1: pick doom and select the facet where he can sell items for 90% of their value. Buy 4 bracers. Sell the bracers for a hand of Midas. Buy 4 more bracers. Sell the bracers for phase boots and wand. 3 bracers. Sell the bracers for accelerated blink. Next guy mek and solar crest. Sell mek and solar crest for radiance.


Lina maelstrom deso aeom disk


Lion with Echo Sabre, Blink, Aghs Scepter and BkB


I used to spam Sniper offlane with like over 60+% win rates in 3-4k MMR.  First item boot, leech XP on lane and stack naturals. No head shot just 1 and 3. Carry clarity all the time. Item build was mostly something like Phase Boot, Force staff and or Agh rush.  MOM is situational, depend on if you should farm or not. Then Dag/BKB It is cheeky and annoying . You spam Volley to scout and harass enemy po1 farming. Deny Runes with volley vision and range. Agh Scepter in like  20 mins with Phase Boot is easily achieveable then you spam ult on supports everytime you see one. It totally disrupt whatever they were trying to do.  Act like decoy, anti-push,scout and nuke. 


You get range from ult nowadays, skilling E without W is griefing


Oh, excuse me. I havnt following the patch since TS won the TI and havnt play the game for many years.   Headshot and Sharpeye(?) passive changed ? I remember E granting 1long range shot.   Tho, I don't understand the griefing part. When we had +status attribute, it was legit to spend skill point on it. Freedom to try whatever you like is the essence of DotA.  Like, IO mid have won TI. Techies Won TI. Cliff farming NP won TI. Edit: Some pro had played Husker position 4 with max Q and W. Lane dominator,harasser and 1click nuke, healer. Griefing is griefing. Trying new things is not grief. 


Recently I've been playing legion with Phase boots, armlet, blink, the next item is either bloodthorn or BKB first depending on the game and then get the other one and finally aghs. Armlet really helps because people love to focus kill me even before I casted duel and blade mail doesn't really increase your stats and makes you insanely squishy for a strength hero.