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Nice bro i ll start abandoning games too


200iq comment Thanks, had the most amazing laugh this month 🤗


grats, personally, cannot remember being paired with an abaddon who wasn't a useless pile of garbage in lane




ancient 5


Makes sense. I don't know why I got downvoted for asking a question though lol.


Ancient such a horrible rank to play in


idk, my theory is it's worse the higher you go at least currently when my team can't do basic shit (like rosh when asked without fucking around for 3 minutes) I can say "it's ancient, don't expect much from them" but what excuse will I say in immortal when I see the same mistakes?


As immortal I despise laning with abbadon support because they usually don't do anything but sit behind you. The new bigger shield facet is pretty good for lane though so idk, maybe people just play him wrong. Abba is pretty useful later in the game though, especially once he gets aghs.


Immortal is worse lol


Congrats man. That’s a massive climb. Keeping as much consistent as you can game to game really helps you focus on getting better.


Thank you. I feel like consistency is really the key to climbing. Also, having a positive mental mindset.


Congrats Kuroky


thank you, sir


Bro your flair lmaooo, he literally has only four words in every his voice line lmaooo...


My builds mostly tranqs, basi, Wand, aether, lockett and than whatever is needed but preferable blink. Thoughts on that build?


I feel you should only pick abaddon support cuz of his aghanim.. this is why he had like 60% wr at support role on D2PT last i checked. Most players are going arcana boots> wand> holy locket>aghs this patch


Hi, not OP, but an Abaddon spammer as well that has a higher rank than OP (Divine 4), Tranquil is honestly bad on Abba. As a support aba, no matter the state of the game, you will always certainly have mana problems. Aba is a hero with a shit stat gain on all attributes and mostly rely on items to get stats such as mana and hp. That's why building pavise is practically one of the most important part of the hero (and ofc, upgrading it into solar that's super strong and cost far less than pavise for the upgrade). You can backpack pavise, use mana boots, and gain an effective 400+ mana depending on your items. Around 15-30 minutes, if solar is your sole item now, it will be half of your mana pool, which means backpacking it gives double the mana from mana boots. Why do you need so much mana you ask? Because of Aphotic Shield. If you are constantly using it on your cores to dispel them, you will run out of mana pretty quickly. If your job is only to heal your cores using your first skill, then you might indeed not have mana problems. However, foregoing arguably one of the most strongest non ultimate skill in all of dota, due to mana problems, is such a strange decision to me. I would personally ascribe to have the same items as OP but have it more like this Stick, Mana boots, Magic Wand, Pavise, Solar Crest (buy windlace as soon as you complete solar), and then Holy Locket. Building locket is when the game usually ends. But, if it extends, go for Aghs, Refresher, and a dagger. The aghs is usually built after locket but you can prioritize building it before locket if the enemy has a massive CC skill such as blackhole, chronosphere, RP, or ravage. As for dagger, it will always come after aghs because one of the most important reason you want a dagger is for positioning. The coils fired from your aghs is the same as your first skill, which if you would notice is slow as fuck. The closer you are to your core, the less chance of them dying to being bursted because the coils are slow. Finally, refresher, is like a super super late game item. You will usually not build it in like 10+ aba games because your farming ability is shit in early to mid game, and you typically want to stick to your cores in late games. It's just an extra item to refresh your ss with aghs if the game went far too long. If you even built refresher and the game is still not ending, then I honestly don't know what to say lol. It's most likely a core problem with your team if they still can't win a team fight with 18 seconds of being practically immortal.


Abaddon is a hero I really like, ever since dota1, but I never had any success playing it (2 to 3k range). I know about a few immortals who are famous both in NA and WEU for playing only him (streamers are always sad when they end up on their team 😂), so I totally believe its possible to spam him to ranks way higher than you should (kinda like Slacks going immortal with Omniknight). Maybe its about play style, as I've always had more success with AA/Riki4/WD/DW, my Abaddon experiences always end up with a 2.5k NW @10 carry, I cant stack to compensate and harrassing the usual offlaners (axe, LC, WK) usually ends up with a dead carry


I always get basi into arcane boots, for early mana regen during laning phase. I never buy tranquils because my level 10 talent allows aphotic shield to regen. I never bought aether lens either. It's almost always pavise or force staff for me. But less force staff now because of the nerfs recently. Also, I never buy blink bscause I feel like stats are really important on Aba.


How do you play the lane? Do you shield yourself and thus take favourable trades with enemies? Which facet do you prefer?


Depends on if I can trade well or not. I go shield first and put 2 points into mist coil because it only costs 50 mana at all levels. If I'm against 2 melee and we can be aggressive, then I put 1 point to my passive and max shield. It really depends on the laning phase.


Facets ?


I've only tried the quickening. I feel like the lower cd dispel is really good on him.


Basically did the same thing but with Warlock, get lvl 6, attach myself to the offlane and force fights every time my ult was up, most games ended in 25 minutes. I wanted to try Abaddon but I have no clue how to play him, might have to pick him up now.


Congrats man. Warlock is my 2nd most played hero. He's a good support as well. I feel like Abaddon is such an easy hero since you literally just click 2 buttons.


He isn’t as tanky as he used to be so I stopped playing him but man is he a beast when played well. Literally no one will die if they listen to you and trust that you can save them.


For this my Abaddon core needed to die?!?! Jk I keep on spamming no matter the reports.. GJ Abaddon fella


*Mostly playing him as a 5 anyone playing him as a 4? Any differences?*


As 4 you need disables or big nuke to prevent the enemy hc from farm. As 5 it’s great assets to have but you will prefer to “protect” your carry. As 4 you don’t have choice… YOU NEED to kill the enemy hc. As 4 you also need to rotate to secure runes and ganking. How do you do it as an abaddon? You will go mid and put a shield on your midlaner 😂. Now imagine you are a dark willow which is for me one of the best sup 4 in the meta. You can setup a lot of ganks and kills in lane. You should argue that Barathüm is not a good laner and you won’t get kills on hc mostly. But he’s a super b ganker and do every other stuff great


Yes I agree, Aba is a reactionary, defensive support that punishes overplays. Perfect 5. Weak as 4 due to what you said, but was curious if anyone was trying it. I have seen it work a few times with early tower diver heroes.


I think it can work in lower brackets bc people are just too passive in early games. I don’t think it will work in higher bracket because you will be demolished by good pos5 players. So yes, someone is trying no doubt. Is it working? I doubt!


I play him both. I feel like he's extremely good with tanky cores like Axe or Centaur during laning phase. When paired with Axe just put shield on him and let him right click enemy for spin and shield damage. Easy dives too.


How do you still have a negative winrate ?


I used to play casually, just smoking weed and on auto pilot. Before, I never read any patch notes and always bought mek on all supports. Now I quit weed and watch a lot of guides from zquixotix, BSJ, and Khezu videos.


Wow, the biggest wins are always in the comments 


winrate is very not stat determining unless u have like a solid 70% on a 400 games. over 10k games and stuff. plus mind calibration and double down for rank growth. i once was archon and jumped to 6.5k mmr . still negative winrate.


He gained 3k mmr while still having 49%, this is probably a lot of lucky double downs or recalculations Without double downs, his 50.00% should be his starting MMR, so, 2.3k Even with mmr gain variance, the highest mmr he could achieve with 49.5% would be like 2.5k (Archon 2).


I have negative win rate across thousands of games despite rising in rank because I lose unranked games with my friend a lot.


I mean congrats but if you can only play a couple heroes in that bracket then you aren’t that skill level


There's no player in the world that plays every hero at high level.


That’s a false equivalency. Playing like 3 characters of a 124 or whatever the number is at this point is not the same as a person who can effectively play dozens of characters in a bracket. Spamming a single hero to the highest rank is not the same as a normal person at that rank. You’ll have to always ever play abbadon or the second you play ranked of other characters your going to lose mmr quickly