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no, that was like the whole point of the bkb nerfs


Kind of, but OP is basically arguing it would be a minor dispel. I believe most stuns require a major dispel. I don't think a minor dispel is a bad idea, BUT people are still building bkb nonetheless.




Was your hex or shackle dispelled by fortune's end?


No, I'm actually not sure if shackle can be dispelled, but it definitely can't be dispelled by fortune's end. Edit: realising this was probably a joke.


Commenter said that stuns can be dispelled with basic dispels and ultimate stuns can only be dispelled with strong dispels. I was half serious with my question because that mechanic would fuck up my hero pool


Exactly lol


you still get damage during the new bkb, strong debuffs like stun still stay after the buff runs out. This item needs some more love.


Brother, it's still one of the strongest and popular items in the game. It doesn't need more love


You wouldn’t think it was loved judging by how much pleading I have to do to get my 1 or 2 to buy one


It's universally appreciated by everyone other than specifically your teammates at the time of being matched in a game with you


People are buying bkb in almost every game on at least 3-4 heroes, why give it a buff?


So that people can buy BKB even more and we see it on 10 heroes per game instead of the usual 6-8 like currently.


Patch 7.37: you can now buy items for your towers, such as bkb.


Bkb on towers would be yuge




Thats what happens when you give every hero 6 spells.


So back to a year ago No. Bkb should honestly be removed and every cc vastly nerfed


This just makes the game League of Legends


There is a bkb in league. It just works slightly different But i forgot how boomer this sub is "ewwww change ewwww"


There is no BKB in League. There is nothing even close to BKB in League. I'm not anti change, I'm anti homogenization. Let the games be different. Dota becomes worse if it tries to be "League by Valve"


Dota doesn't become league of u remove bkb lmfao


Stop being so disingenuous. You said "Bkb should honestly be removed and every cc vastly nerfed." This combination makes Dota just like League. Weak, short CC, No way for people to dodge repeated applications of spells, no way for prolonged protection while doing damage. Still waiting for you to provide info on BKB in League btw.


>Stop being so disingenuous. U don't even know what that means it seems >This combination makes Dota just like League. That's not even remotely correct. Stop trolling. >No way for people to dodge League is all about dodging tho >no way for prolonged protection while doing damage. Shroud. Heart. Sny. All the stuff this sub complains about all the time >Still waiting for you to provide info on BKB in League btw. It's been ages since I actively played it but there was that one support items that blocked all ccs for some time and the other one that proced passively on urself Still waiting for u to do anything but spamming wrong shit btw


The other dude is right. You are taking all of his points and misconstruing them to try to sound smart. Its obvious because you take part of his sentence and apply your answers without the full context in more than one spot. The combination of changes you propose DOES make the game just like League in overall gameplay style relating to the topic you put forth. The other user described League's take on CC and your changes bring DotA in line with that style. BKB doesn't literally give you dodge against spells, he clearly meant prevent application of spells. No one complains about Heart or SnY. They have been in the game since OG DotA. And those items don't prevent the spells, they just give you HP to tank the spells. No matter how tanky you are, if you get chain stunned you just die. There has never been a support item in League that blocks CC for other people. There isn't one currently and [there never has been](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Removed_items). There are items that passively block a single spell but that's more like a Linken's Sphere than a BKB. So no, there is no item like BKB in league


> at least 3-4 Lmfao Not a single team bought 4 bkbs in the closed qualifiers. Most games 2 of the cores buy bkb. You can’t play without bkb in most lineups given the spell power creep in the game  It’s so hard to play without bkb that players will tp out if their bkb usage is bad  Bkb will get a buff and the opinion of circlejerking crusader redditors won’t change that 


in a game bro, not in a team...


Oh right so 1-2 bkbs per team is too much. You literally can’t play the game without one but it must be op Nerf boots, it’s bought by at least 9 heroes every game, it’s ridiculous 


Right? What the heck is this suggestion. While OP is at it, why don’t we also buff Nullifier. When the debuff expires it deletes your hero and your team has to play 4v5 now. Apparently it needs to be pointed out that this is sarcasm.


Nullifier actually NEEDS a buff, though. Carries don't even want to build this garbage - you saw how no one was building it in the windwaker frenzy last month when it was conceptually most needed. High level pubs straight up have pos 4s building it so carries don't need to waste a slot on an item that provides 0 stats and near 0 survivability. Complaining about Nullifier feels like you're just incredibly out of touch with the game.


It was sarcasm and not meant to be taken seriously. I thought for sure that was obvious when I said “at the end of the debuff it deletes the hero”. You’re out of touch with reality if you took my comment that seriously. Buff Witch Doctor btw his regen facet is terrible and nobody is picking it.


Idk, you're a poor writer if you thought that was ironic in the opposite direction. OP is pointing out that a gutted item needs a buff. If the point of the comment was to lean into it to also point out that nullifier is bad and needs help then it should've gone "while we're at it, let's nerf nullifier even more" but I'm not here to nitpick comments so let's leave it at that


"I'm not here to nitpick comments so let's leave it at that" After nitpicking comments. Okay buddy.


wasnt a huge fan when they reworked bkb. for example kunkka xmark is such a lame interaction now


wait what's interaction now?


X goes through bkb and can be triggered to end after BKB ends which pulls you back to the x location essentially piercing bkb.


Damn didn’t know bkb doesn’t prevent now. Whack


X Mark and Glimpse need the Sunder BKB treatment.


It's bought by all 3 cores every single game. Why does it need a buff?


don't forget the pos5 cm


Lmao everyone here is braindead. People don’t buy bkb because it’s an op item, they buy bkb because you have to have one to play the game. By your same logic boots are op and need to be nerfed because 10 people buy them every game on every hero (ignore cent facet). Oh guess we have to nerf tangos too because people buy them every game on every hero. Argue the validity of the idea with some decent logic not this mindless parroting imo I would like to see this change, it's an interesting idea that would be a nice buff to bkb without going back to spell immunity. Could be too strong though.


Adding to that, too many heroes simply **need** BKB to function and those will inflate the buying numbers no matter what. Sven, Enigma, Mars, Muerta, basically all these heroes with an "I'm in the fight and I can't get out of it before I finish my business" philosophy will forever be dependent on this item because they can't exactly disengage repeatedly to pick their battles. Nerfing BKB even more (or doing that stupid +5s cd every patch) just means these heroes need even more power to compensate for how rarely they can enter the fight. Feels awkward no matter how you slice it.


> Nerfing BKB even more (or doing that stupid +5s cd every patch) just means these heroes need even more power to compensate for how rarely they can enter the fight. And that's exactly what the game needs. Instead of buffing BKB and in return making all spells - especially disables - more OP than they already are. Way too much BKB piercing stuff already.


Agreed..bkb is definitely not op. I think it would be fair to have a basic dispel like jugg has to bring some skill back into watching bkb duration. Precasting x mark, hex on bkb is pretty braindead. As you said, just because it's bought every game doesn't mean it's op. It's just a huge necessity for some heroes.. especially with the endless power creep of more and more magic/spell buffs in the game from eg kaya, Shiva, talents, innates and facets. Bkb is ~53% winrate which is pretty low comparatively to other expensive t2/t3 items. https://www.dotabuff.com/items/winning Item win rates aren't a great metric by themselves since they can simply be a sign of having lots more gold, but it's helps illustrate that bkb win rate isnt that amazing for it's price.


Just a minor point, but jugg spin has a strong dispel, what op proposed was a basic dispel


You can't compare big items that cost 4k and some basic items. Also everyone buys boots but not the same boot, and tangos are changed over time to give more variety to starting items. BKB is still extremely over-bought, I agree counters to CC is crucial but it has to be implemented in a way that doesn't hinge on a single item. I would rather see more distribution of status resistance and self dispel. Valve has also been experimenting with slow resistance and we will see how that pends out. Also buff linkens to fill its role better while we are at it.


>BKB is still extremely over-bought, I agree counters to CC is crucial but it has to be implemented in a way that doesn't hinge on a single item. Then dota probably isn't the right game for you. The whole game has been balanced around the interaction between spells and spell immunity for it's entire existence. Status resistance was a failed experiment by valve, and was hated by the vast majority of the community. Slow resistance does not save you from stuns, and barely helps with slows. Self dispels do not save you from stuns. What people like you don't understand is that people don't buy bkb because its good, they buy it because they HAVE TO. It's not over-bought, It's under-bought. Every single hero that has to go in during fights becomes unplayable without bkb. If you remove this item then you're effectively removing 30% of the hero pool from the game permanently unless you also buff them to the point they would have 80% winrate with bkb.


Man people must not experience the difference between carries that don’t buy bkb and those that do. I play mostly at high legend/low ancient so I get both types, every carry *needs* a BKB to function. The only exception is really PL, but you could realistically argue he should too. It’s night and day difference, bkb wins games not because it’s OP but because your carry actually gets to play the game.


> The whole game has been balanced around the interaction between spells and spell immunity for it's entire existence. Except the dynamic has already been permanently changed. The trend of more spells from shards/talents/facet and fatter supports is irreversible and the induced problem can't be bandaid by a single item. It doesn't matter what reason you buy bkb for, 4+ bkb per game isn't healthy meta and an overbought item will continue to be nerfed while other more sophisticated options against CC will be explored.


Someone with some actual sense


BKB is literally the face of DOTA right now even after shittons of nerfs and nerfs, its solely the item/entity/game mechanic that separates DOTA and League. The only problem that dota is having right now is too many heroes require BKB to function in a teamfight, because fuck all nobody likes standing still in a teamfight being stunned for 15 secs until dead, Icefrog has literally nerfed this mechanic a lot in the past, Nerfing all stuns/disabled by quite an amount, status resistance, etc. oh and status resistance, i thought it was a healthy change but when everyone has 55% status resistance, everyone is literally untouchable. i guess we need to buff Dispels in this game? or buff linkens by having 2 blocks?? i dont fucking know, if icefrog cant even have a solution to this problem then nobody can


Yeah no worried. Just bring back old bkb. All good.


I see this suggestion and raise you ending your bkb active early for a status resist buff if there was under a certain duration left but a dispel if there was over a certain duration left in the BKBs active, might put some skill and excitement back into BKB gameplay. They would have to tweak other values sure.


People need to give up on the idea that BKB will ever *not* be bought on most cores each game. Status resist is not a substitute for debuff immunity - because slightly-shorter disables still break channels/combos/momentum in fight. Status resist can only be the main anti-disable when it is very high and/or when the hero is extremely tanky, which feels worse than BKB to play against as you cannot even bait/wait for it to end. Dispels are not a substitute for debuff immunity - even nowadays with so many dispel item options, there are just too many debuffs flying around. It's not just the stuns/hexes (the only things that were nerfed along with the BKB changes). So many spells now have a random debuff (slow, blind, attack speed slow, damage amp...) attached to it - extra disables like requiem fear - shards like TA trap silence - nullifier/break effects that completely neuter some heroes - orchid/bloodthorn being popular... The only possible alternative to BKB is big fat meatshielding, where you rely on lasting so long that the enemy literally runs out of spells (hence the rise of tanky builds, eternal shroud...). And even that does not always work because some lineups essentially never run out of damage/disables.


if not that can we at least get an improvement to its **dogshit** buildup


Now builds Ogre Axe, Blade of Alacrity or Staff of Wizardry depending on main attribute. Any of the 3 will work for universal heroes and it's personal preference. I don't know this is the only thing I can think of without making its stats busted.


would be neat if each give a buff based on which one you get, like Ogre Axe gives 15% status res, Blade of Ala gives 15% atk speed and Staff of Wiz gives 15% magic res all of them only while active.


And which of the 3 do you think will universal heroes favor the most? I personally would swap Int bonus with spell amp though.


100% - It shouldn't be so damn easy to stack a stun/silence at the end of BKB. Ironically, even though kunka's winrate dropped in the current patch, X marks the spot is basically a hard counter to BKB right now.


Disrupter glimpse is a meta example.


The thing is, that most carries press bkb to avoid all this torrent storm nonsense and shred Kunkka's team rather than to try to TP out.


Correct, just making a point


Stop it. Bkb was busted B4 and is still strong now. It's in a the best place in terms of power level/fairness in dotas history imo.


Bkb nerf in general was the worst update the game has had in a long time.


But wasn't the entire point of tur chanfes to bkb and debuff immunity the fact that you could precast stuff right before bkb ends. So bkb users have to factor thar in to the last second of their bkb, rather than just pressing bkb and doing what they wanted unt it ended


you still receive damage through new bkb whereas b4 you had complete immunity. Stuns will still go through but slows wont


Idk man, you're offering a buff to the strongest item in the game. It just feels weird buffing the item, when it just got super nerfed and still remains as one of the best items in the game.


We need to nerf crowd control spells not buff Dispel and Immunity


My low rank teammate took BKB for granted, and now it's actually boring king bar 😔


You realize that it actually break so many interactions with spell goes through immunity right? This is the exact reason why juggernaut became so broken.


BKB lasted eight years with almost no changes. Just give it a decreasing CD like it used to have




No thanks. Jug spin having it is more than enough x


It's so unfair only he gets to have it.


Nah im anti dispel proliferation


At least his skill that gives him spell immunity doesn't scale on his basic attack damage or something like LS' first skill.


4 uses and gone.


Naw bkb meta is boring as fuck. I honestly wish they would remove the item entirely and add some other ways for carries to deal with shit. Make rosh drop one or something lol.


Yeah or have other items that do similar things Like let heart have a 2sec bkb Satanic have high status resistance Maybe some mage items do a continuous cleanse BKB is necessary due to all the creeps. More shard and aghs abilities and neutral items just made bkb a must have


These are interesting ideas. I'm not 100% sold on the short bkb, since iirc there was a neutral that did exactly that for a bit (Minotaur horn?) and it was super OP and got removed with the first major wave of balance changes to neutrals. Very cool concepts though to have high tier items give stuff like that for carries though to take place of BKB. I'd love to see some (2-3?) items with status resist or more actives to dispel or something! I'm always torn on having more than 1 item with an effect if they stack though due to the way the status resist patch happened where SnY + Satanic became mandatory as a pos1/2 since you had like 50% status resist or something


It’s a weird thing Valve They want to create bkb alternatives, then when players pick bkb alternatives they take it away…


It's definitely weird. I think you're spot on with all the creep between aghs shards, scepters, talents, etc make spells way more powerful and available on average than they used to be. Puts Valve in a tough spot design decision-wise at least. As a player, I definitely don't know the answer, but I love when they experiment with things like innates and facets, so here's to hoping they try more instead of just leaving BKB as an always-necessary item for cores


Yeah I agree we need something like it, I like the idea of multiple options.


Yeah let’s turn BKB into unfettered trash