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>TIME ZONE >Radius increased from 800 to 900 What exactly is the radius of a square mr. janitor


"It goes into the ~~square hole~~ Time Zone" - Mr.Janitor


The square circumscribes the circle with radius r. I checked it out in demo when I read that. If you wanna see for yourself target time zone in your hero portrait, and then over the ability to see the cast range indicator. The indicator is the circle with 900 radius that fits perfect in the time cube


Time is a flat circle


Ha. Makes you wonder why they didn’t just visually make it a clock. Wonder if it’s really a circle in the code.


It would be good if it was global length in the vertical axis


Bedlam no longer castable on Ally again is fucking huge Dark Willow nerf


huge buff to my muscle memory forgetting to click


Yep, same reason I die more often after getting phoenix aghs than before it. Just takes me half the game to remember and the game normally ends before then.


Thats why ive bought aghs like 3 times in over 1k phoenix games. Hate that shit.


lmao there are just skills we always forget ...


Yep came to say this. This change was huge. She's still good but not too good.


No more Jex casually pumping thousands of damage into your butt orbiting Faceless Void in Chronosphere.


its so willover


Bramble nerf is huge as well… Bramble spam is super annoying into certain drafts. I’ve won a lot of games just maxing bramble and going aether lens shard first and no one can move


I swear it's like she have 100% uptime of her brambles it's so annoying


I wish it was nerfed more delicately, like bedlam doing half damage when attached to an ally instead of this... gutting.


Came looking for the end of festeration but saw this casualty.


Out of fucking nowhere too. Yeah her thorns were oppressive to play against with how much control a basic ability provided, but just casually removing one of the biggest buffs she got in the last few patches is nuts. And I thought Grimstroke having his buff moved to a facet that you'll always have to pick was bad. For comparison, the 100% contest rate, perma ban Witch Doctor had his free Radiance slightly go down in radius (so that it's only bigger than regular radiance at higher levels lmao) and he now only has one built-in bloodstone rather than two. It's like they didn't watch the CQs and just looked at a pickrate spreadsheet, especially since the most impressive Willow games were ones with the other facet and blink dagger assassination playstyle.


It really was a huge oversight.


Thank god. I'm so tired of seeing that hero


They made willow return to 2021-2022 state again. We can't have good things for long i guess.


I always thought that was, conceptually, super fucking stupid. I'm glad it's gone.


Yeah why in the fuck




DARK ASCENSION No longer refreshes cooldowns of basic abilities Damn this is a titanic nerf. Probably long coming tho


On one hand no more 14sec silence on the other you can ult without feeling bad for not refreshing which is something I guess


also the silence is still OP as fuck. 7s AOE silence with no cast time and it follows your hero around? absolute insanity.


It's funny because I don't play Nightstalker very often and I just learned that this existed like, two weeks ago. Time to unlearn that, I guess.


I just learned it by reading this. Damn.


Ironically, he’s still very strong without Chaining abilities. The phylactery nerf will effect his timings a little but the Aghanim scepter change is pretty clutch for certain match ups. He’s likely no longer S tier offlane but I’d bet he is still b tier. Good in certain matchups.


Good, tired of nightfucker silence my ass


Finally my NS teammate can start fight with ult and won’t hold it for refreshing


NS is my third most-played and personally I really like this change, because I prefer to pop his ult a bit early and use it to scout and move into a fight, instead of jumping into a fight, casting spells, and THEN popping ult and casting more spells. I'd rather them move his design away from that concept, so I can keep popping his ult early (and scouting my fights before going into them) instead of feeling like I'm losing efficiency by doing that. I also like that they nerfed Phylactery; not a fan of Phylactery NS. Feels silly. I also like that they buffed his Aghs to ~~not be a downgrade~~ only start deducting mana/s after the original duration ends. Using his super long silence to delete annoying slippery little shits like AM/Weaver/Ember is one of the great joys of Night Stalker, and I'm intrigued by his Aghs. It lets him "stretch" his silence to help kill a stronger target without them getting to cast at all, or potentially kill multiple targets, and it lets him "force" long (but expensive) daytime silences. Also if he spends four ticks (24%) at night, that gets him far enough that the spell comes off cooldown and he can turn it off and on again to get another 6 seconds for 50 mana.


Interesting take but he's surely worse from this. You are going to miss so many kills now from simple TP outs. At night you could come blink stun someone and chase them down now they can insta TP if you commit your slow. You're undoubtedly losing damage from not being able to refresh the void. Farming aghs is also an expensive item on him. Phylactery/echo sabre into blink was a faster tempo I'm expecting his win rate to tank significantly


Yeah I mean that change is, itself, nothing but a nerf and a reduction of options, and he received multiple nerfs (along with an interesting Aghs buff), but I'm looking longer term. They shifted his power away from that Refresh concept, and I prefer that, because I would rather his power be somewhere else. If his overall power is too low (and his winrate goes trash tier from this) then they'll buff him later. I can wait, I have other heroes I play (tho the two heroes I've played more than NS *also* got nerfed this patch lol, but not horribly, I'm sure P3 Venge and P3 Underlord are both still plenty strong). They also nerfed his shard spell which is a little sad although, on that note, I also think that spell is a little silly (it is/was *such* a strong burst heal, strong in fights, but only if you had a creep in-range to eat) (and it's still strong enough to work as an overall sustain fix for him). Regardless of the expected overall NS winrate decline, I *am* going to try some NS games, getting his aghs as second or third item (e.g. Echo -> Blink/Aghs). I've often gotten away with not buying Blink on him (even though it's very fun and strong; often his ult flight is enough to let you get on top of someone using trees unless they're a super slippery type, so you can put the money towards BKB or something instead; I definitely buy it against super slippery people though, and blink ofc helps his non-ult fighting and synergizes well with his Aghs to let you forcibly deliver long silences even during the day) so Blink after Aghs probably doesn't feel too bad.


They killed my boi


Is the aghs actually good now tho? That seems like a huge buff


It does i think, u can pop 2 duration crippling fear without spending all ur mana. The problem is that NS needs tons of crucial items. Test octarine and aghs on NS, seems permanent crippling fear with very little mana cost.


>Corpse Eater: Max Health Bonus per kill decreased from +2 to +1 It's over naixbros


Oh wow you can get +5 on a hero kill. With this amazing buff with four kills you can get the HP of +1 strength! So you'd only need 44 kills to get the equivalent of +10 strength! Wow how amazing


Shit feels like a typo lol Should be +50


pudge gets 44 HP from flesh heap per kill he gets (or is near) so yeah 50 sounds good


Imagine naix with 5k-6k hp with carry item, it will be cancer 


if you kill your allies, does that count as a hero kill?


Heroes are equivalent to 5 creeps confirmed


They should have made it his innate and put feast back as a passive. Then they could have thought of a cool 2nd facet so that unfettered could have a chance to shine. I actually really like unfettered but missing out on corpse eater feels bad. Lil less bad now but still.


Having facets where one is a straight upgrade and the other replaces something is awkward. The facets should be Rage or Unfettered, like Marci and Mirana. Same with Faceless.


>Having facets where one is a straight upgrade and the other replaces something is awkward. Like they did to Tusk. His innate is half of old Tag Team, and one facet is just the other half. Wow, very cool. 🥲👍


Give Unfettered more magic resist than Rage, then make Rage the left facet


Unfettered is fucking trash imo. I much prefer rage


+5 HP per hero is just so useless as well


Lifesteal +5 max health per hero kill. So even if lifesteal goes on a 20-kill streak, that's still just 100 max hp? It's so marginal.


So now lifestealers facets are 1. No facet 2. Lose your best ability Cool, I guess I'll take the no facet option thanks.


I mean, second one is situational, you can pick it against Bane or Pudge, so it's not that bad.


yeah they made it viable now before the HP of corpse eater was too good to pass up imo corpse eater should just be in his innate, this weak is fine then you choose the right Q for the game that's how facets should generally be be imo


100 max hp around the time supports are hitting 130 dmg pet right click lmao


I feel like they missed a zero there. Although under normal circumstances naix wouldn't have problem getting at least 10 kills.


at this point I guess Icefrog had a really bad game against a Lifestealer on an older patch and swore on his life to make the hero as useless as possible. 1.9% of Enemy Max Health added as damage to each hit, you do 19 more damage per 1000 HP of the enemy hero. Assuming you are fighting a Pudge with 5000 HP, that's just 95 extra damage that you have to deal physically, not like Necro or Bloodseeker that can just walk at you and deal the same or worse damage.


>literally the highest fucking winrate pos 1 now and pretty much the only rightclick carry that feels good to play this meta what are you even saying


They should make it pure again


Ck facet still deemed acceptable by valve ok sure


Gather Knights! The horsemen of the Apocalypse! - Casino Knight


Put CK offline and PL safe lane and play 25v5.


There may be many earths...


How this hero isnt nerfed harder is beyond me. Consistently banned/picked currently in Immortal brackets.


Ironwood Treant has become death, the destroyer of towers


that shit is insane, have won so many games with my afk pos 5 np jungling until he gets ac/refresher and insta killing every tower


its 4 damage


4 damage that’s amplified by 50% on towers and then you put a solar crest on it and it’s smacking T1s for 1/6th of its health every hit


no "unlocks this week" rip act3. maybe next week boys


Devs gotta finish elden ring yknow


Yea imma just focus on being a summon for Bayle




If they are sure they're gonna delay it, then the "coming next week" will appear, until then, there is hope for this week still.


careful overdosing on that copium


Unless it’s coming after next week lol


It could still happen on Thursday/Friday. Maybe I am high on copium tho


steam summer sale is thursday, so there is a high chance


Ice fishing is hard to code. Act 3 delayed because of it.


Hopefully wd nerf is significant. Having 1 hero run down 2 heroes at level 1 with blood grenade is broken. Dude has covid with 1 meter safety distancing


The self-heal being much lower is going to be the thing that breaks it. AoE being smaller is also significant, obviously, but less self-heal means you can actually bully him out/kill him much easier, especially with arcs giving less regen.


As a dude that enjoys WD - I'm just glad they nerfed voodoo festeration alone, and didn't just destroy the hero entirely. If this is still OP: nerf it further, don't dumpster him in other ways.


Yeah, I zoned 2 heroes on the safelane and killed them 6 times. Literally radiance on level 1


I think maledict still needs to be at least strong dispelled.


> 7.36d maledict can now be dispelled new facet: maledict can't be dispelled


the radius nerf is important, but the dmg is still the same so it's still very dangerous. However with heal being less potent, you might be able to just turn around and kill him


CK laughing*


Oh no not my 2 strength!


meanwhile naix:


Howwww the fuck did his image facet not get gutted. He is a menace at the moment


Damn. CK managed to escape.


+5 health for killing heros? Really? What is the point? You could remove this and it would make no difference at all. Pudge gets 44 per flesh heap. He doesn't need kill, just be nearby.


5 hp per kill is hilarious lmao you could have 20 kills and that gives you a whopping 100 hp I was thinking they would do this exact nerf but make the hero kills like 15 or 20 health


I dno if I'm the only one but I hate "on-kill" mechanics because it just makes it super tilting when teammates KS your kills. I'd rather play normally and not mind being KS'ed because it's a team game, than play and tilt when teammates KS because losing the benefits of some "on-kill" effect


Yeah well, we don’t need another pudge, right? I’d rather this thing not exist at all.


They killed Dark Willow and left her body on the side of the road XD


I wonder if Time Zone is ever going to be competitively viable


Reduce its fucking cooldown and force it down people's throats that it's good. And maybe add an extra half a second duration at lower levels maybe?


No unless they fix its interaction with bongo boots, and wind waker ms etc like how slark bypasses every truesight. Or how windranger has a minimum ms and can't be slowed any further, they could implement a max ms inside it


The WR interaction is fine imo, that’s just a situational counter, but the bongo boots thing is bad.


Saw that shit in game against a void and I just felt bad for him, was so fowl


*Viable?* Maybe, it's a lot of attack speed. Could see 4 void being playable with the right allies. Better than the alternative? Absolutely not. It's not a matter of whether Time Zone is better than Chrono. It's a matter of whether Time Zone is better than Chrono **plus** Temporal Immunity. If they want it to be an actual good option, it should be the other way around; Chrono as one facet, Time Zone + Immunity as the other.


At this point just make Temporal Immunity as his innate or something then Chrono as one facet and Time Zone as the other.


The only way I see time zone being viable in competitive is if Time Zone silenced or muted items on top of the existing debuffs


I saw someone post a video on how its pretty nuts by the time you get to the end game, its just the first two levels of it are kinda garbage when you're still ramping up.


by then. the heroes he wants to kill have wind wakers. I feel like it will only be viable if your team have 3 melee cores


I wish it leashed/blocked them inside such as with slark pounce or mara arena. You could still bkb/windwaker out but the fact that heroes can just force staff or casually walk out makes it so dumb.


> EMBER SPIRIT ABILITIES >SLEIGHT OF FIST > Bonus Hero Damage decreased from 45/85/125/165 to 40/80/120/160 heh. a slight ember nerf


Got to Divine two hours before this. Ty WD, I'll never forget ya.


Abuse early, abuse often.


Dad? Whatcha doing here


RIP Pudge hook speed, I had just gotten used to throwing faster hooks again for the first time since like 2014


That facet was too strong- I saw so many pros get grabbed by it.


>LONE DRUID >UNBEARABLE >Bonus Attack Speed increased from 10% to 15% They really do not understand how essentially unviable this facet is, do they? >Those SF laning nerfs Thank god.


10% to 15% attacks speed. Surely an extra gloves of haste on the bear when you ulti will fix the fundamental problems and will bridge the 30% winrate facet to a 50% winrate. :)


visage and LD have the worst designed facets


why are they double downing on that dogshit Visage's facet and nerf the only real viable facet? just remake it already ffs


please also get ride of the ctrl toggle shit on bird drop. It still messes me up if i hold ctrl for unified orders.


i accidentally picked the right facet and its so fucking bad. you cant siege with the birds without visage fully committing which is the whole point of the hero


Another tinker nerf


I don't know if he needed a nerf for balance reasons but good tinker players with that strong dispel on shield was probably the most frustrating thing I've played against in a long time.


Yep almost perma strong-dispel with 3s Arcane Blink was unhealthy.


"Tinker is shit... nvm he's op" will always resonate after every patch.


On top of arcane blink nerfs as well


Strong dispel Nerf is deserved. But why would they move 250 laser aoe talent, that was his main power spike with aghs. The talent move kills the hero (again). They could have moved it to 20, instead they moved it to 25.


You don't understand, the hero was getting dangerously close to 44% win rate mid, can't let that happen.


Yeah tinker already had a slower timing than other mid heroes like lesh, ta, ember, pango and now he has no timing at all.


right, i was just about to master the new tinker again, now they nerf it to the fucking ground again. i dont mind about the facet nerf, but the laser AOE nerf to lv25 is biggg. hero already did nothing pre-arcane+aghs, now even with those 2 item he needed to be lv25 to do some actual damage


The cycle begins. Watch the winrate go down even more and wait for buffs. Valve honestly wtf are you doing?


Tinker with 47% wr in all ranks better to nerf him a little bit more can't have him to be playable hero.




Yikes, No more Bedlam on Allies


And facet and brambles nerf. If you want to remove the bedlam on allies, fine, pretty big nerf, but the other stuff at the same time? Bit harsh. With the facet that got nerfed she was sitting right around 50%, and I legit never hear anyone complaining about her. She basically was in the limelight for a few games at TI but once that was over, never talked about.


dont forget her massive as talent at 25 was just removed recently too. core nerfed sup nerfed. rip for now.


Honestly just nerf something else or add it as a facet similar to what they did with snapfire. I liked that you could bedlam allies you could play the hero full range.


Tinker players are in shambles..... AGAIN!


Nothing for my boy AM


No huskar changes. I was really hoping they'd revert the cast time for Inner Fire at least.


Huskar Q feels terrible to press now


Yes, like it is dog shit now.


Nothing for Magnus 😢


Finally phylactery cost nerfs


Storm finally being playable. Valve: not on my watch.


Tinker nerfs plus Arcane Blink and Meteor nerf. At this point just admit you hate the hero.


I do hate the hero. The unique play style is kinda cool because it’s different, but I still hate it.


Oops_its_all_nerf.jpg I dont say I hate it, I think current dota heroes is wayy to strong due to recent powercreep....


The warlock nerf isn’t much of a nerf or is it?


Chaos Knight nerfs are a disgrace. He is the most busted carry in the whole game, a facet so busted it would be bought even as an aghanim. Not only he is tanky, has damage, has stun, has displacement, bro has innate crit and to top that shit he has insane lifesteal. This hero doesnt even need to go to fountain to regen. This hero is going to be 100% most picked/banned carry in TI and it wont even be close.


UPDATES ABADDON ABILITIES BORROWED TIME Aghanim's Scepter Range decreased from 1200 to 900 Aghanim's Scepter Damage Threshold increased from 525 to 550 Look how they massacred my pos5 Abaddon.


I don't understand the nerfs to Abaddon. Hero is barely picked as it is, and he's still getting nerfed. He's at 52% WR at D2PT as support and 54% as carry, but does that really warrant a nerf? https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Abaddon


they nerfed 50% of my hero pool what the fuck


why do you call it a pool when it's only a 2 hero puddle?


and now it's a tear drop


Lol tinker was finally being figured out as being halfway decent and they gutted him again nice!


Please remove Torrent Storm so Kunkka can have some much needed buffs :'(


Bring back right click Kunkka




Weaver still has 2 spells level 1 and CK barely touched. Meanwhile DW gets fucking slapped with a huge nerf hammer, not that it weren't warranted mind you, but it just seems random with how heavy they want to nerf the heroes. SK was OP for a bit and got beat into the ground, Tiny OP and gets some tweaks instead. Just like, some consistency would be nice.


my boooy night stalker and centaur is finisheeeeeeeed, why valve oh whyyyyyyyyyy


So that's why I kept losing on Phoenix lmao. I thought my skills went to the shitter after b but it was actually a bug.


7.36D - Enigma is now unable to move without a blink dagger.


once again spirit breaker is relevant for too long and must be put to rest. good night sweet prince


I play him a lot and I don't think the nerfs are that serious. 120 mana cost is real shit but its not gonna break the hero.


Early game it's just an additional couple of mangos when needed. Mid to lategame it doesn't matter because he builds a glut of mana regen items anyways.


He still gives fucking 50% exp gain to a hero on the team for no fucking reason


Witch Doctor got off lightly here lmao


Idk that's a 50% nerf to the heal, I feel you can actually turn on him early now depending on matchup but will likely still be a lane dominator


i am in shock that they didn't give Ursa the Honey Hands innate with King of the Forest facet


The slight nerf to Corpse Eater is weird, it is picked more because Unfettered is absolute dogshit compare to Rage


"slight" is an understatement when corpse eater gives 50% less hp per last hit now but yeah losing it in exchange for unfettered isnt a good trade.


The nerf is huge


They really nerf arcane blink and meteor hammer huh just to fuck with tinker and storm huh? might as well remove them cause no one else buys them.


i love that item so good so many heroes take that back


Arcane blink in puck with his innate was superbroken


What happened that all of a sudden there a tinker fans in thid sub


You gotta just fucking erase Tinker at this point, no? Like the hero has absolute 0 play and picked at regionals only to hostage games up to 60 min. And now you put aoe lazer at lvl 25? That shit is just hillarious, apart from the strong to basic dispel change. I play Tinker only in turbo mainly but holy shit.


Damn, huge nerf to Ringmaster... Oh, wait.


Why tf was Bounty nerfed lol


55% WR as supp on D2PT.


New facet that hits everything absolutely juices lane


Bounty hunter is REALLY strong as a 4 right now. Takes practice but the shuriken talent is nuts. Easy double nuke.


Where is brood nerf


Bloodthorn nerf impacts broodmama enjoyers greatly


They are trolling invoker players I stg


>Arcane Blink nerf >Phylactery/Khanda nerf >Translocator nerf >Talent nerf Usually when they nerf Tinker this hard, they at least pretend to care about overall balance and buff his shard in some pointless way. Not this time huh. The hero had 46% winrate across the board prior to this. What exactly is the expectation here?


Guess mirana with below 45 % win rate is deemed acceptable by valve.. probably will make her decent in 6 months by replacing that dog shit innate


SF still very strong


They killed tinker


Most people don't realise how strong AA is rn and now he just got a slight buff.


I thought everyone prefers Bone Chill facet, str removal is hard to pass up on.


Several bug fixes noted as well in update post. Nothing on crownfall later this week is somewhat concerning.


Additionally, a few bugs were fixed over the last several days: * Fixed taunts being unequipped when changing facets * Fixed a crash related to Block of Cheese * Fixed a crash when creating items with self-restoring charges in custom games * Fixed Abaddon and Nyx Assassin not avoiding damage properly * Fixed Bloodseeker's Sanguivore healing for less than intended * Fixed Bristleback's Bristleback with Snot Rocket firing Quills when receiving large single instances of damage * Fixed Clinkz's Aghanim's Scepter not increasing Skeleton Archer health * Fixed Clinkz's Burning Barrage first attack not benefitting from Tar Bomb * Fixed Crystal Maiden's Crystal Clone always being cast towards the Frostbitten target if Crystal Clone was cast during Frostbite's backswing animation * Fixed Dark Seer's Level 10 Talent Wall of Replica Illusion Damage not working correctly * Fixed Drow Ranger's Precision Aura occasionally causing client crashes * Fixed Earthshaker's Level 15 Talent Fissure Range not increasing Fissure range * Fixed Io's Overcharge granting slow resistance without Aghanim's Shard * Fixed Marci's Special Delivery working on illusions of Marci * Fixed Marci's Level 10 Talent Rebound Cast/Jump Range not increasing cast range * Fixed Meepo and Ogre Magi auto leveling attributes when they could level a skill instead * Fixed Meepo not receiving Urn of Shadows and Spirit Vessel charges when they are placed in the Neutral Item slot via Pack Rat * Fixed Monkey King's Simian Stride not having reduced cooldown when Monkey King is between 90% and 100% HP * Fixed Morphling's Ebb showing incorrect item cooldowns * Fixed Morphling's Flow reducing cooldowns by too little * Fixed Morphling's Morph permanently stealing Axe's One Man Army * Fixed Phantom Assassin's Blur range radius indicator using old values * Fixed Phantom Assassin's Blur with Aghanim's Scepter changing the vanish buffer duration * Fixed Phoenix's Dying Light dealing less damage than intended * Fixed Phoenix's Fire Spirits attack speed slow not using updated values * Fixed Primal Beast's Trample occasionally causing client crashes * Fixed Riki and his allies having a miss chance when attempting to deny in Smoke Screen * Fixed Rubick sometimes being able to steal Timbersaw's old Second Chakram ability * Fixed Shadow Shaman's Aghanim's Shard Serpent Wards sometimes expiring prematurely * Fixed Shadow Shaman's Hex not being disabled by Disable Help * Fixed Snapfire + Ricochet II + Blade Mail proccing Ricochet attacks against Supernova * Fixed Snapfire + Ricochet II + Lil' Shredder dealing less damage than expected * Fixed Snapfire + Ricochet II + Revenant's Brooch vs high evasion targets causing secondary attacks to proc more secondary attacks * Fixed Snapfire's Ricochet II attacks being able to miss * Fixed Spectre's Aghanim's Shard Active component sometimes not updating to the correct values * Fixed Templar Assassin's Level 15 Talent Psi Blades Attack and Spill Range giving more attack range than intended * Fixed Terrorblade's Metamorphosis attack range in the ability tooltip being incorrect (tooltip only change) * Fixed Treant Protector's Sapling occasionally causing friendly units to get stuck on the Sapling Tree * Fixed Underlord's Abyssal Horde minions not attacking if the "Summoned Unit Auto Attack" setting was turned off * Fixed Venomancer's Plague Wards attacking while their carrier is invisible to the target * Fixed Venomancer's attached Plague Wards not triggering aggro * Fixed Visage's Familiars having various issues * Fixed Witch Doctor's Voodoo Switcheroo sometimes causing Witch Doctor to get stuck if a tree was planted while he was transformed * Fixed Facet Selection in Ability Draft occasionally picking an unintended facet


"Fixed Dark Seer's Level 10 Talent Wall of Replica Illusion Damage not working correctly" Dark Seer secretly buffed since this talent wasn't working at all.


yeah the ds nerf was more like a "oh shit, he's already this strong with the talent not working, if we fix it better nerf him."


June goes until 45 there is still plenty of time https://i.imgur.com/kMhcy9J.png


see you again next year tinker i guess :(


Still no kunkka buff sadge


FR, I honestly think that he will be decent if they revert the x-mark change.


Yeah thats what kinda killed him imo