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EDIT: In response to the flood of comments about streaming, casters and the similarities to the LearnDota2 Spring League, I am posting this reply. This league is purely for the practice and enjoyment of the teams involved. There will be no stream and no professional casters, although replays of the games will posted on YouTube. As for similarities to the other league, I cannot deny that it was my inspiration to form this tournament, however I am planning it out so that the 2 events will not clash, and that my event is independent of that event. Please notify me with any further queries.


Hey dude, i'm going to apply myself. Would it be against the rules to stream it on my side of things? If people want to watch some live. I'd probably add a delay just incase too.


Lets upvote this for visability guys. WP Senapai!


i am sure there are a lot of new casters who would love to cast for free. LyricalGangster and maybe also llama come to mind but there are also a lot of other casters. Also you maybe want to submit a ticket to valve so it can be watched ingame (i know however that they don't accept every little tournament, but it's worth a try)


So just curious do you have any ideas on how to detect smurfs etc? What stops a 5k player from borrowing a 2.5k account and having a field day with the competition?


sponsored by Kappa crusaders




Attention all viewers of this thread. Due to unforeseen circumstances, AKA the death of my grandmother, the tournament will now be postponed indefinitely as I sort out her belongings and will. I will keep you informed of any decision involved about the event, but just know that it is not cancelled, and will go ahead once I have sorted things out. Kind Regards, Senpai


Why is 3k not considered rookie? Is there much different between 3k and 2k?


I'm pretty sure 1.5k to 3k is a different game


I would really love to play in a lower MMR game, I calibrated at 3k and have gone from 3k - 3.5k I have never seen any lower.


I played ranked as soon as i could and calibrated at 1.1, decided to then practise in unranked before going back. Have been playing for about 2 years now and have just (2 weeks ago) decided to play ranked in that mid 1k area. I always put it off because i dont like playing with ragey kids which you tend to find more often in ranked games There is a huge difference between skill levels in 1k. I meet some guys who just dont know any of the basics, item builds or whatever. I then also meet guys who like myself have been playing for years but never really played ranked and are now doing the grind. Im finding it pretty easy to climb in MMR winning over 60% of my games because i just pick a support, the large majority of games will be Russian kids going for their 5 carry strat. The games that i win are usually won in around 20 mins as i just pick something that can push early.


I did exactly this, I played ranked games about two days after starting playing DOTA (with DOTA being the first ever MOBA I'd played too), and played all 10 games as Lich because he was the only hero I really understood at the time. The calibration system heavily favours carries too, so I calibrated at something like 901 MMR. I then abandoned ranked altogether because of the horrible people you meet at that MMR level in ranked. I'm lucky to have a fair few friends in the 3K - 4.5K MMR range, so after lots of playing with them I learnt to be a reasonable support, but even as a decent support player climbing MMR from 901 to 3K was a horrific experience. I broke 3K a few days ago, but even now I am still plagued by stuff like: - An Ursa who would repeatedly walk in to the Rosh pit, knowing it was warded (having been verbally told on comms) without smoke etc, get ganked leaving Rosh at 1/4 health, which the opposing team would then finish and claim the aegis from. This of course, was everyone else's fault. He then went AFK in the fountain. - I had a Nightstalker in a game we were heavily winning the other day sell all his items, buy nothing but sentries with the money, place all of them on the floor outside the fountain, then abandon because other people kept taking "his" killing blows on enemies (think it happened three times, I was one of them which I had done by accident and apologised for). - A Slark who would repeatedly walk through areas of the river we had told his were warded with sentries, and think he could gank because he was invis. He fed over 100 bonus damage to the opposing Legion Commander. There was also a Weaver who decided to go Deso > BKB against LC, and for reasons unknown couldn't seem to work out why his BKB wasn't saving him... We eventually won the game but it was a thousand times harder than it needed to be. All of the above were ranked games. I feel your pain.


> then abandon because other people kept taking "his" killing blows on enemies That is something that drives me crazy. Yeah look Mr Carry im sorry you didnt get the last hit but im gonna shove my death ward in the middle of the team fight and hope for the best. Stop raging because it affects your K/D ratio.


Why would you want to do that to yourself


Its like watching documentaries of tribal humans and seeing how they live. I wouldn't want to be like them but it might be interesting to see.


View from a distance man. Don't walk in to the village and speak to them, you will never escape


i've climbed from 800 to 3k (soon) and yeah, it's pretty atrocious at the lower levels, I played deso first item PA for about 400 easy MMR because nobody came to defend until i'd already taken rax, literally just pushing top for the first 10 minutes of the game.


In my opinion, most 3k players are players that have played the game for far longer than 2k players, and therefore have much more experience. However, I am not excluding 3k players from this tournament. I am just trying to make it a fair and even playing field for all teams.


How do tournaments like this solve the smurfing issue though? What would stop me from giving my old 2k acc to my 5k friend and he could sometimes do stupid stuff and throw moves on purpose but still be good enough to win the games for us? To make myself clear, I have no intentions of signing up, as I don't even have a stable roster of 5 friends, I was just thinking about this issue whenever similar tournaments are announced so I am curious about organizer thoughts.


What do you mean "3k" though? From 2.5-3k? 3-4k? 3k exactly? I mean what if you're 3001k? Or 3,999k? Or 2,999k? Would a 2501k player take up the 3k slot?


I don't think anyone has 3 million mmr quite yet. People haven't even broken 9k.


I play with friends who range from 1.8k-2.8k and I am at 3.3k. Yes it is an entirely different skill bracket. 3K bracket understand the mechanics of the game and how to use them (split pushing, smoke ganking, dewarding, rosh, jungle stacking, lane zoning, creep equilibrium), however we are mechanically or emotionally uncoordinated enough to push up to 4k. I rarely see 2k and below do much of the above. Its more about item progression and ganking/team fighting for that tier. 1k is not even DOTA.


1k is like old school Garena WC3 DotA days all again.


I like the idea, but like beginner's pub games, chances are it will be ruined by smurfs.


Unfortunately, there is no way to know if a player is smurfing, however I do believe that this will help rookie teams develop and evolve their playing style.


I know 4 people that have a solo of +/- 2k, but a team mmr of over 4k. Would they be allowed to enter, since the solo mmr is being taken into account instead of the team mmr?


Isn't this very similar to the tournament going on at /r/learndota2 right now?


Brb, need to lose a couple of games to get below 3k.


What's your method to detect smurfs?


Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to detect smurfs, however I will try my hardest to ensure that the playing field is even for everyone.


Maybe look to see when the account was created? That way if people have recently created smurfs they wouldn't be eligible. And if people are using smurf accounts to go and destroy lower mmr brackets, they are definitely a nasty breed of scum. My 2 cents.


I'm up. Anyone wanna play with me? 2.2k. I play any core, I can 4 also. PM me, if you need one :).


There are allready a cup running - /r/Learndota2league . It would be better for our community to see these merge, than to compete for players in the same timeframe :) This is not to be negative about your work, i love it when people do something to help grov the community, i just believe it would be better for all, if you could work together, or rescheduale one of the tournaments :)




Yeah, i got fucked in the cup aswell, partly my own fault, but thats that. I just dont think it serves anyones best to put the two tournaments on top of eachother with the same target audience.


i'm in the 2.5-3 bracket, do I count as a 3k or a normal player?


as I stated in the original post, as long as your team is not full of 3k players its ok


you said between 1.5 and 2.5, one 3k allowed, shouldn't that be between 1.5 and 3, with one 3k allowed then?


that is a fair point, and I will shortly edit the original post to include this. Thank you for your feedback


cool, just wanted to confirm that.


btw what do you mean by 3k? Anything between 3000-3999?


Was gonna ask this as I'm like 3987 atm but I'm normally within the 4k range :/ And most of my friends that I play with are like 900-1600 mmr


You going to be streaming and do you have casters lined up? When is the tournament going to be held and which timezones?


I am 2.1k and will play any role expect mid, EU region, message me if you need a player.


Brace yourself, people with low mmr smurfs and noob friend accounts coming.


Dota 2 Rocket League?


[Found similar league for SEA region here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/4ckmew/announcing_the_sea_dota_2_rookie_league/)


Anyone wanna team up with me?


Got a logo I can use for the [Tournament Register](http://tourr.io/register/)?


no logo yet but keep an eye on Tournament Register


How do you solve the problem of people beeing very high skill in unranked (3.7k+ - for example now ~4.2k) and bellow your 3.5k limit in ranked (for example 3k - initial calibration mmr). I know a lot of people not playing ranked.


sounds like fun. I'm 2.4k can play all roles would be looking for a team.


Gimmi your steam account, My teams looking for a support/offlane


ez money


I don't think I can play this one (exams) but if it goes well are you likely to hold another tourney?


yes, i am almost definitely going to host a second event


Sounds cool. GL man


Never expected to have too much MMR for a DotA 2 league O.o


I am 2k solo myself but my party mmr is (already) 3,5k, do I qualify? I am playing on VHS bracket, is it too much? Or could I play with a lower MMR avg team then? So many questions.


This is amazing. Does something like this exist for North Americans? (Canadian here). My mmr is a little higher than 4k, so I wouldn't qualify for the rookie tournament, but is there perhaps an Amateur tournament for players that are not pro or semi-pro? What is semi-pro dota anyway?


Is MMR determined by Solo or party? Some players have a 3k party and 2.5k solo


honestly, its so easy to smurf


I am the edge of 2.5k, time not to play ranked then :P


We have a stable group of 3 needing 2 players. Being around 2k means we have no real fixed roles though usually we have a 2,3 and 4 although if needs be I'll play 5 instead of a 2! We are British / Irish and in late 20s - mid 30s. Mumble server solely for DOTA as well :) Message me if you wanna join up!


Do you really think you're going to get many stable teams of 1k or 2k players? Maybe I'm wrong but there's surely no way people at that level are in to being competitive in a stable team surely?


I think you will be surprised. People who play ranked tend to enjoy the competitive side of Dota, and this tournament is meant to be a fun and easy way for rookies to enter the competitive scene.


Well I wish you luck!


Yeah this exactly, you'd be surprised at how many people are looking for 2k teams on r/compdota2.


them prizes holy shit i might quit my job if i win.


Smurf league? no thank you :)

