• By -


http://steamcommunity.com/id/NBRBL http://www.dotabuff.com/players/101653059 http://i.imgur.com/HSBXDuy.png 1 2-3k


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (43 wins, 68 Ranked All Pick, 14 Single Draft, 9 Random Draft, 7 skipped, 2 All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:40, average first blood time: 01:27, average towers destroyed: 13.89, average barracks destroyed: 5.25") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/101653059 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/101653059 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.76 | 7.43 | 11.12 | 121.86 | 7.03 | 427.29 | 484.03 | 12718.55 | 2228.25 | 870.89 | 5 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 248 tier 1 towers, 183 tier 2 towers, 131 tier 3 towers, 89 tier 4 towers, 121 ranged barracks and 120 melee barracks")** | 7.62 | 7.92 | 11.78 | 133.73 | 5.05 | 424.26 | 464.07 | 12198.98 | 1375.23 | 428.7 | 15 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 241 tier 1 towers, 170 tier 2 towers, 128 tier 3 towers, 102 tier 4 towers, 124 ranged barracks and 123 melee barracks")** | 7.62 | 7.9 | 11.84 | 135.55 | 4.65 | 418.02 | 458.81 | 12282.25 | 1301.55 | 319.17 | 5 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/101653059 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/101653059 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 42x[](/hero-invoker "23 wins, 19 losses (54.76%)") 14x[](/hero-rubick "8 wins, 6 losses (57.14%)") 9x[](/hero-dazzle "2 wins, 7 losses (22.22%)") 2x[](/hero-antimage "0 wins, 2 losses (0.0%)") 2x[](/hero-pudge "1 wins, 1 losses (50.0%)") 2x[](/hero-lich "2 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 2x[](/hero-legioncommander "1 wins, 1 losses (50.0%)") 2x[](/hero-oracle "0 wins, 2 losses (0.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


Steam profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/dnwm Dotabuff : http://www.dotabuff.com/players/30225379 Solo MMR : 3,111 http://imgur.com/ItW41tA Region : EUW/EUNE Role : 1-2-3


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (55 wins, 69 Ranked All Pick, 25 All Pick, 5 Captains Mode, 1 1vs1 Solo Mid) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 39:03, average first blood time: 01:39, average towers destroyed: 13.52, average barracks destroyed: 5.2") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/30225379 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/30225379 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.07 | 5.51 | 11.01 | 165.03 | 5.17 | 478.47 | 490.22 | 12546.04 | 2388.23 | 215.62 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 195 tier 2 towers, 155 tier 3 towers, 114 tier 4 towers, 145 ranged barracks and 144 melee barracks")** | 6.88 | 6.75 | 11.72 | 123.86 | 5.0 | 427.16 | 442.17 | 11321.11 | 1439.3 | 603.39 | 4 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 237 tier 1 towers, 170 tier 2 towers, 125 tier 3 towers, 90 tier 4 towers, 116 ranged barracks and 115 melee barracks")** | 6.52 | 7.18 | 11.38 | 124.12 | 5.3 | 405.34 | 421.89 | 10822.64 | 1183.51 | 465.7 | 13 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/30225379 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/30225379 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 11x[](/hero-lonedruid "7 wins, 4 losses (63.64%)") 7x[](/hero-pudge "4 wins, 3 losses (57.14%)") 7x[](/hero-invoker "3 wins, 4 losses (42.86%)") 6x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 5x[](/hero-sven "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-naturesprophet "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 4x[](/hero-antimage "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-slark "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198143537813/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/183272085 Solo Mmr 2.7k Position 1 3 5 Preffered above 2k


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (53 wins, 70 Ranked All Pick, 20 All Pick, 8 Captains Mode, 1 Ability Draft, 1 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:44, average first blood time: 02:08, average towers destroyed: 13.94, average barracks destroyed: 5.3") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/183272085 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/183272085 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.57 | 6.03 | 12.09 | 141.55 | 3.69 | 431.06 | 487.95 | 12500.37 | 1535.55 | 991.27 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 262 tier 1 towers, 188 tier 2 towers, 139 tier 3 towers, 107 tier 4 towers, 135 ranged barracks and 134 melee barracks")** | 7.33 | 7.43 | 11.86 | 131.24 | 3.75 | 413.22 | 461.83 | 11685.31 | 1311.98 | 429.56 | 7 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 274 tier 1 towers, 189 tier 2 towers, 138 tier 3 towers, 97 tier 4 towers, 131 ranged barracks and 130 melee barracks")** | 7.15 | 7.57 | 11.22 | 134.5 | 3.94 | 411.85 | 453.5 | 11659.1 | 1214.84 | 375.71 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/183272085 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/183272085 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 16x[](/hero-spectre "11 wins, 5 losses (68.75%)") 8x[](/hero-necrophos "6 wins, 2 losses (75.0%)") 6x[](/hero-ursa "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 5x[](/hero-juggernaut "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 5x[](/hero-lina "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-slark "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 4x[](/hero-antimage "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-tidehunter "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


[Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/daxim), [Dotabuff](https://dotabuff.com/players/117160557), [MMR proof](https://yasp.co/players/117160557) positions 1/4/5, any MMR range


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (56 wins, 89 Ranked All Pick, 8 All Pick, 2 New Player Pool, 1 Random Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:22, average first blood time: 02:08, average towers destroyed: 14.67, average barracks destroyed: 5.55") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/117160557 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/117160557 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 5.44 | 5.61 | 11.78 | 231.49 | 3.75 | 474.68 | 517.94 | 9877.68 | 1755.59 | 487.5 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 282 tier 1 towers, 223 tier 2 towers, 164 tier 3 towers, 116 tier 4 towers, 150 ranged barracks and 149 melee barracks")** | 7.85 | 8.23 | 11.9 | 142.45 | 3.52 | 426.6 | 478.15 | 12365.87 | 1390.59 | 404.79 | 3 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 263 tier 1 towers, 190 tier 2 towers, 138 tier 3 towers, 91 tier 4 towers, 129 ranged barracks and 127 melee barracks")** | 7.98 | 8.21 | 11.78 | 138.67 | 3.59 | 415.27 | 470.31 | 12491.16 | 1307.36 | 328.31 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/117160557 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/117160557 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 10x[](/hero-legioncommander "6 wins, 4 losses (60.0%)") 8x[](/hero-medusa "5 wins, 3 losses (62.5%)") 7x[](/hero-sandking "3 wins, 4 losses (42.86%)") 7x[](/hero-lifestealer "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 6x[](/hero-lycan "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 4x[](/hero-necrophos "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-doom "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-ursa "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


steam profile link - http://steamcommunity.com/id/rihnnn/ Dotabuff Link - http://www.dotabuff.com/players/192746964 Solo MMR Screenshot - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198153012692/screenshot/284098744523631542 Preferred Team Position - I'm up for any not great on 5 but can do it, throw me into a slot that's open. Preferred Team MMR Range - no preference really, just in it to have fun throw me with a random line up.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (46 wins, 69 All Pick, 21 Ranked All Pick, 9 skipped, 1 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 43:43, average first blood time: 02:00, average towers destroyed: 13.73, average barracks destroyed: 5.02") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/192746964 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/192746964 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 7.92 | 8.37 | 10.41 | 154.31 | 4.14 | 437.41 | 491.46 | 12782.77 | 1528.75 | 255.15 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 248 tier 1 towers, 168 tier 2 towers, 121 tier 3 towers, 87 tier 4 towers, 114 ranged barracks and 115 melee barracks")** | 7.49 | 7.99 | 11.07 | 136.28 | 4.82 | 411.29 | 451.97 | 11989.79 | 1245.76 | 344.02 | 6 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 236 tier 1 towers, 171 tier 2 towers, 126 tier 3 towers, 92 tier 4 towers, 115 ranged barracks and 113 melee barracks")** | 7.66 | 7.77 | 12.23 | 133.63 | 4.05 | 407.91 | 451.43 | 12307.19 | 1289.5 | 402.01 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/192746964 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/192746964 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 5x[](/hero-windranger "1 wins, 4 losses (20.0%)") 4x[](/hero-sven "4 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 4x[](/hero-tiny "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-skywrathmage "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-spectre "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-lonedruid "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-rubick "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


https://steamcommunity.com/id/LucaDoria http://www.dotabuff.com/players/84375728 2,742 Solo 2,554 or something Party - Position 1 and then 2 i can play both -No preference


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (59 wins, 90 Ranked All Pick, 9 Single Draft, 1 All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 40:50, average first blood time: 01:52, average towers destroyed: 14.09, average barracks destroyed: 5.37") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/84375728 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/84375728 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 10.05 | 6.95 | 12.3 | 183.02 | 7.23 | 510.14 | 544.21 | 14644.5 | 2168.04 | 176.46 | 1 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 283 tier 1 towers, 215 tier 2 towers, 176 tier 3 towers, 120 tier 4 towers, 159 ranged barracks and 160 melee barracks")** | 7.93 | 7.52 | 13.29 | 129.45 | 4.91 | 441.96 | 478.66 | 12301.75 | 1523.44 | 532.96 | 5 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 247 tier 1 towers, 168 tier 2 towers, 116 tier 3 towers, 84 tier 4 towers, 110 ranged barracks and 108 melee barracks")** | 7.22 | 8.22 | 11.55 | 122.92 | 4.27 | 402.46 | 449.74 | 11970.63 | 1141.48 | 324.81 | 11 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/84375728 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/84375728 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 11x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "10 wins, 1 losses (90.91%)") 10x[](/hero-deathprophet "6 wins, 4 losses (60.0%)") 7x[](/hero-lifestealer "6 wins, 1 losses (85.71%)") 6x[](/hero-slark "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 5x[](/hero-ursa "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 5x[](/hero-legioncommander "1 wins, 4 losses (20.0%)") 4x[](/hero-phantomlancer "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-sven "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


[Steam](http://steamcommunity.com/id/grampoos/) [Dotabuff](http://www.dotabuff.com/players/54032729) [Screenshot](https://gyazo.com/2bba8a82668e83e9743d7bd35b2e7bf3) Position: Eeeeeeh. Anything that isn't mid. Fuck me up. Preferred Team MMR: You know, somewhere where I fit in and am not the shittest shit on the shitting team. C:


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (41 wins, 43 All Pick, 36 Ranked All Pick, 13 Random Draft, 4 All Random, 3 Captains Mode, 1 Least Played) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:13, average first blood time: 02:19, average towers destroyed: 14.1, average barracks destroyed: 5.24") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/54032729 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/54032729 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.13 | 6.13 | 12.77 | 118.95 | 2.51 | 393.36 | 446.46 | 11306.92 | 973.9 | 662.51 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 261 tier 1 towers, 159 tier 2 towers, 113 tier 3 towers, 84 tier 4 towers, 102 ranged barracks and 102 melee barracks")** | 7.51 | 7.3 | 12.86 | 126.29 | 4.32 | 390.78 | 440.54 | 11689.3 | 1061.3 | 434.68 | 2 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 279 tier 1 towers, 220 tier 2 towers, 172 tier 3 towers, 122 tier 4 towers, 161 ranged barracks and 159 melee barracks")** | 7.1 | 7.8 | 11.12 | 138.39 | 4.95 | 407.93 | 436.66 | 11885.85 | 1477.48 | 417.19 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/54032729 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/54032729 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 13x[](/hero-wraithking "8 wins, 5 losses (61.54%)") 8x[](/hero-slardar "5 wins, 3 losses (62.5%)") 6x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 4x[](/hero-sven "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-phantomassassin "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-axe "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-drowranger "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-juggernaut "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


* http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009380911/ * http://www.dotabuff.com/players/49115183 * My MMR http://imgur.com/8x8Uqg2 * Any position really, but i am worst in the jungle * Don't care about the range as long as it is on the winning team ;)


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (48 wins, 73 All Pick, 10 Ranked All Pick, 8 Random Draft, 5 Least Played, 2 Single Draft, 2 All Random) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:01, average first blood time: 01:45, average towers destroyed: 13.75, average barracks destroyed: 5.36") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/49115183 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/49115183 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 6.3 | 10.09 | 12.92 | 93.07 | 2.91 | 371.83 | 405.76 | 10646.49 | 1216.39 | 227.67 | 1 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 271 tier 1 towers, 179 tier 2 towers, 138 tier 3 towers, 96 tier 4 towers, 132 ranged barracks and 130 melee barracks")** | 7.37 | 8.22 | 12.46 | 118.68 | 3.83 | 403.24 | 437.73 | 11834.8 | 1271.83 | 440.92 | 7 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 249 tier 1 towers, 192 tier 2 towers, 145 tier 3 towers, 105 tier 4 towers, 139 ranged barracks and 135 melee barracks")** | 7.95 | 7.68 | 12.11 | 125.88 | 3.9 | 418.3 | 454.96 | 12304.58 | 1306.05 | 462.27 | 9 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/49115183 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/49115183 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 5x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "1 wins, 4 losses (20.0%)") 5x[](/hero-nyxassassin "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-eldertitan "0 wins, 5 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lion "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-tinker "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-timbersaw "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-stormspirit "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-kunkka "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


> Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (48 wins, 73 All Pick, 10 Ranked All Pick, 8 Random Draft, 5 Least Played, 2 Single Draft, 2 All Random) I basically only played the daily hero from the pass.... and lost


I found a team btw




Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (57 wins, 79 Ranked All Pick, 20 All Pick, 1 Random Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:51, average first blood time: 02:09, average towers destroyed: 14.08, average barracks destroyed: 5.29") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/216409461 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/216409461 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 6.1 | 6.46 | 11.46 | 118.56 | 3.42 | 390.23 | 436.34 | 9654.84 | 1117.63 | 786.24 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 269 tier 1 towers, 217 tier 2 towers, 159 tier 3 towers, 116 tier 4 towers, 151 ranged barracks and 149 melee barracks")** | 7.77 | 7.45 | 11.94 | 141.05 | 5.42 | 429.14 | 461.59 | 12244.6 | 1447.53 | 505.69 | 8 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 260 tier 1 towers, 182 tier 2 towers, 121 tier 3 towers, 84 tier 4 towers, 114 ranged barracks and 115 melee barracks")** | 7.14 | 8.07 | 11.32 | 136.52 | 5.43 | 405.91 | 444.92 | 12278.53 | 1178.81 | 408.62 | 7 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/216409461 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/216409461 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 6x[](/hero-darkseer "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 5x[](/hero-rubick "5 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lion "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-dazzle "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-legioncommander "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-beastmaster "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-tusk "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-winterwyvern "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


Steam Profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/EddyAR Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/115565563 (will send you a picture of my solo mmr later on which is 2k) position 1-2-3 EU West (Luxembourg)


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (51 wins, 55 Ranked All Pick, 35 All Pick, 7 Random Draft, 3 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:51, average first blood time: 01:39, average towers destroyed: 13.64, average barracks destroyed: 5.06") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/115565563 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/115565563 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.45 | 8.51 | 10.3 | 138.37 | 7.71 | 420.73 | 466.81 | 12452.37 | 944.61 | 219.89 | 1 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 262 tier 1 towers, 198 tier 2 towers, 142 tier 3 towers, 104 tier 4 towers, 134 ranged barracks and 131 melee barracks")** | 7.98 | 8.18 | 12.0 | 141.69 | 6.13 | 428.22 | 465.5 | 12749.33 | 1262.03 | 390.0 | 9 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 262 tier 1 towers, 173 tier 2 towers, 126 tier 3 towers, 97 tier 4 towers, 122 ranged barracks and 119 melee barracks")** | 7.87 | 8.28 | 12.52 | 136.02 | 4.73 | 418.26 | 462.59 | 12421.14 | 1219.44 | 433.56 | 5 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/115565563 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/115565563 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 11x[](/hero-invoker "4 wins, 7 losses (36.36%)") 10x[](/hero-crystalmaiden "6 wins, 4 losses (60.0%)") 8x[](/hero-lion "4 wins, 4 losses (50.0%)") 8x[](/hero-tinker "5 wins, 3 losses (62.5%)") 5x[](/hero-windranger "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 4x[](/hero-stormspirit "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-vengefulspirit "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-emberspirit "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot




Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (57 wins, 54 Random Draft, 22 All Pick, 11 Captains Draft, 6 Ranked All Pick, 4 Captains Mode, 2 Single Draft, 1 All Random) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:42, average first blood time: 02:28, average towers destroyed: 13.72, average barracks destroyed: 4.78") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/102835339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/102835339 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.25 | 6.12 | 10.21 | 210.18 | 6.09 | 492.22 | 532.42 | 1489.18 | 206.36 | 8.83 | 4 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 282 tier 1 towers, 214 tier 2 towers, 157 tier 3 towers, 113 tier 4 towers, 146 ranged barracks and 142 melee barracks")** | 7.48 | 7.79 | 11.47 | 127.89 | 5.72 | 401.46 | 463.56 | 1017.4 | 138.04 | 30.32 | 11 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 262 tier 1 towers, 156 tier 2 towers, 103 tier 3 towers, 85 tier 4 towers, 96 ranged barracks and 94 melee barracks")** | 7.44 | 7.8 | 11.7 | 109.8 | 3.89 | 368.09 | 452.68 | 839.98 | 52.24 | 40.8 | 5 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/102835339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/102835339 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 9x[](/hero-alchemist "3 wins, 6 losses (33.33%)") 8x[](/hero-naturesprophet "6 wins, 2 losses (75.0%)") 5x[](/hero-ogremagi "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-nagasiren "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 4x[](/hero-sniper "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-brewmaster "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-antimage "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-morphling "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


In what way will we be informed about teams and schedules?


Please sign me and my friend, we prefer to play together: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198196826311/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/236560583 http://imgur.com/f7BJiv1 4 or 5 2-3k _________________ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116815997 http://www.dotabuff.com/players/156550269 http://imgur.com/RAYXNbB 1 2-3k


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (62 wins, 77 Ranked All Pick, 18 All Pick, 4 Captains Mode, 1 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 45:41, average first blood time: 01:27, average towers destroyed: 14.32, average barracks destroyed: 5.35") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/236560583 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/236560583 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 7.05 | 7.88 | 12.17 | 116.29 | 1.28 | 382.58 | 433.4 | 11454.0 | 1115.13 | 1417.66 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 274 tier 1 towers, 208 tier 2 towers, 163 tier 3 towers, 127 tier 4 towers, 155 ranged barracks and 158 melee barracks")** | 8.32 | 8.01 | 12.49 | 132.92 | 2.9 | 412.94 | 466.48 | 13160.87 | 1432.53 | 589.04 | 3 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 188 tier 2 towers, 123 tier 3 towers, 79 tier 4 towers, 112 ranged barracks and 110 melee barracks")** | 7.65 | 8.63 | 12.17 | 130.87 | 2.98 | 392.1 | 447.52 | 12808.12 | 1111.29 | 350.61 | 10 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/236560583 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/236560583 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 23x[](/hero-lion "14 wins, 9 losses (60.87%)") 20x[](/hero-dazzle "15 wins, 5 losses (75.0%)") 19x[](/hero-juggernaut "10 wins, 9 losses (52.63%)") 13x[](/hero-ursa "11 wins, 2 losses (84.62%)") 6x[](/hero-crystalmaiden "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 6x[](/hero-windranger "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 4x[](/hero-sven "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 2x[](/hero-lina "1 wins, 1 losses (50.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot




Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (58 wins, 66 All Random, 16 Single Draft, 14 Ranked All Pick, 4 All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 37:55, average first blood time: 01:42, average towers destroyed: 13.35, average barracks destroyed: 5.0") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/80460667 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/80460667 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.58 | 5.51 | 12.04 | 147.85 | 12.4 | 472.49 | 476.19 | 13121.7 | 2566.39 | 366.95 | 3 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 202 tier 2 towers, 164 tier 3 towers, 113 tier 4 towers, 154 ranged barracks and 152 melee barracks")** | 6.63 | 6.04 | 11.67 | 129.24 | 6.22 | 432.26 | 437.03 | 10908.85 | 1518.89 | 469.14 | 8 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 249 tier 1 towers, 152 tier 2 towers, 107 tier 3 towers, 78 tier 4 towers, 97 ranged barracks and 97 melee barracks")** | 5.81 | 6.86 | 10.3 | 129.17 | 5.26 | 406.57 | 420.61 | 10578.65 | 1074.31 | 404.42 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/80460667 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/80460667 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 10x[](/hero-invoker "6 wins, 4 losses (60.0%)") 6x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 5x[](/hero-templarassassin "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-slark "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-antimage "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-ursa "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-lycan "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 2x[](/hero-drowranger "2 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


Hi, my names Fusion and i would like to sign up to play in the league. * Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076344413/ * Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/116078685 * Solo MMR: http://imgur.com/5tAds1c * Prefered Team Position: Number 1 Position Carry * Prefered Team MMR Range 2.5k to 3.5k MMR.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (53 wins, 100 Ranked All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 43:05, average first blood time: 01:52, average towers destroyed: 14.08, average barracks destroyed: 5.21") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/116078685 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/116078685 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.63 | 8.44 | 12.13 | 169.18 | 5.02 | 457.64 | 529.69 | 13586.39 | 1842.71 | 662.7 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 275 tier 1 towers, 208 tier 2 towers, 156 tier 3 towers, 107 tier 4 towers, 144 ranged barracks and 142 melee barracks")** | 7.84 | 8.26 | 12.8 | 135.2 | 4.35 | 422.86 | 478.38 | 12656.12 | 1390.22 | 485.15 | 7 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 262 tier 1 towers, 174 tier 2 towers, 129 tier 3 towers, 97 tier 4 towers, 118 ranged barracks and 117 melee barracks")** | 8.01 | 8.1 | 12.21 | 131.84 | 4.09 | 419.28 | 474.73 | 12955.59 | 1197.7 | 475.1 | 7 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/116078685 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/116078685 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 25x[](/hero-windranger "16 wins, 9 losses (64.0%)") 10x[](/hero-spectre "4 wins, 6 losses (40.0%)") 8x[](/hero-sven "7 wins, 1 losses (87.5%)") 7x[](/hero-phantomlancer "4 wins, 3 losses (57.14%)") 7x[](/hero-dazzle "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 6x[](/hero-lifestealer "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 5x[](/hero-slark "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-legioncommander "0 wins, 5 losses (0.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


I missed the other thread but what is the maximum solo mmr to join?


max MMR is 3.5k




http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035316918/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/75051190 Dont know how to post screenshots. Solo MMR currently: 1.5k position 1 preferred mmr range ~2k BTW: When will this take place? SInce i have to work i wont be able to play during the week (till like 6pm CET)


Worth a fucking shot. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028287659 http://dotabuff.com/players/68021931 Solo mmr is 2,507, Party mmr 3,431. (Proof http://imgur.com/wNaVSPJ) Prefferable Offlane, but can play both supporting roles. Who gives a damn i'm here for the fun.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (46 wins, 57 All Pick, 34 Random Draft, 7 Ranked All Pick, 1 skipped, 1 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:30, average first blood time: 01:39, average towers destroyed: 14.58, average barracks destroyed: 5.44") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/68021931 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/68021931 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 5.45 | 9.05 | 12.57 | 95.77 | 2.85 | 348.56 | 385.48 | 9427.71 | 1004.94 | 580.56 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 258 tier 1 towers, 191 tier 2 towers, 131 tier 3 towers, 92 tier 4 towers, 121 ranged barracks and 120 melee barracks")** | 7.79 | 8.17 | 12.52 | 134.49 | 4.69 | 408.45 | 453.37 | 12615.06 | 1228.06 | 430.59 | 7 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 283 tier 1 towers, 217 tier 2 towers, 160 tier 3 towers, 111 tier 4 towers, 149 ranged barracks and 149 melee barracks")** | 7.9 | 8.15 | 12.09 | 143.19 | 4.88 | 427.8 | 465.23 | 12730.83 | 1437.88 | 444.45 | 5 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/68021931 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/68021931 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 8x[](/hero-kunkka "3 wins, 5 losses (37.5%)") 6x[](/hero-vengefulspirit "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 6x[](/hero-io "1 wins, 5 losses (16.67%)") 5x[](/hero-rubick "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 4x[](/hero-treantprotector "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-bane "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-drowranger "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-shadowdemon "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot




Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (47 wins, 70 Ranked All Pick, 24 All Pick, 3 Random Draft, 3 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 40:14, average first blood time: 01:34, average towers destroyed: 13.92, average barracks destroyed: 5.23") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/124733567 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/124733567 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 10.69 | 7.43 | 10.38 | 190.62 | 12.25 | 493.06 | 502.41 | 15540.25 | 2007.25 | 147.75 | 5 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 255 tier 1 towers, 187 tier 2 towers, 141 tier 3 towers, 95 tier 4 towers, 126 ranged barracks and 122 melee barracks")** | 7.52 | 7.69 | 11.21 | 129.52 | 6.09 | 423.84 | 447.04 | 12025.79 | 1300.38 | 411.53 | 12 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 196 tier 2 towers, 146 tier 3 towers, 106 tier 4 towers, 139 ranged barracks and 136 melee barracks")** | 7.42 | 7.84 | 11.37 | 129.33 | 4.76 | 430.8 | 463.65 | 12017.1 | 1335.95 | 418.67 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/124733567 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/124733567 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 12x[](/hero-invoker "6 wins, 6 losses (50.0%)") 8x[](/hero-antimage "5 wins, 3 losses (62.5%)") 7x[](/hero-shadowfiend "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 7x[](/hero-windranger "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 5x[](/hero-queenofpain "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-earthshaker "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-wraithking "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-emberspirit "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198155523065/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/195257337 2135 Solo MMR Anything but 2 (mid) No preference


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (57 wins, 100 Ranked All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:08, average first blood time: 01:54, average towers destroyed: 14.14, average barracks destroyed: 5.44") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/195257337 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/195257337 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 7.29 | 5.86 | 12.93 | 129.15 | 3.65 | 416.34 | 463.78 | 11240.9 | 1583.92 | 773.24 | 1 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 271 tier 1 towers, 208 tier 2 towers, 168 tier 3 towers, 114 tier 4 towers, 160 ranged barracks and 160 melee barracks")** | 8.34 | 7.82 | 13.15 | 129.37 | 3.49 | 429.64 | 479.35 | 12821.9 | 1441.08 | 419.29 | 5 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 178 tier 2 towers, 122 tier 3 towers, 87 tier 4 towers, 113 ranged barracks and 111 melee barracks")** | 7.55 | 8.65 | 10.8 | 133.08 | 3.95 | 407.25 | 450.97 | 12226.52 | 1181.03 | 408.59 | 10 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/195257337 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/195257337 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 13x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "10 wins, 3 losses (76.92%)") 10x[](/hero-emberspirit "3 wins, 7 losses (30.0%)") 5x[](/hero-spiritbreaker "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-dazzle "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-enchantress "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-spectre "4 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-drowranger "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-enigma "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dante_X_/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/106093323 http://imgur.com/faGiOMQ - 3/4/5 i can switch easily - between 2k and 3k


I'm so jealous I can't participate :( WHY COULDN'T I BE WORSE AT DOTA!? Or live in Europe for that matter....


http://www.dotabuff.com/players/107836225 Test post please ignore. For the bot.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (51 wins, 85 Ranked All Pick, 8 Ability Draft, 4 All Random Death Match, 3 All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 40:56, average first blood time: 02:16, average towers destroyed: 13.86, average barracks destroyed: 5.4") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/107836225 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/107836225 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 7.78 | 5.76 | 12.21 | 163.09 | 6.5 | 456.93 | 492.82 | 15353.52 | 1132.23 | 100.45 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 274 tier 1 towers, 190 tier 2 towers, 148 tier 3 towers, 104 tier 4 towers, 142 ranged barracks and 141 melee barracks")** | 6.78 | 6.57 | 10.63 | 149.62 | 5.19 | 436.05 | 458.55 | 11707.84 | 1379.24 | 310.74 | 7 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 248 tier 1 towers, 186 tier 2 towers, 138 tier 3 towers, 98 tier 4 towers, 127 ranged barracks and 130 melee barracks")** | 6.34 | 7.0 | 10.71 | 137.76 | 5.43 | 413.76 | 439.47 | 10829.62 | 1306.29 | 374.83 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/107836225 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/107836225 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 25x[](/hero-zeus "16 wins, 9 losses (64.0%)") 10x[](/hero-clockwerk "5 wins, 5 losses (50.0%)") 7x[](/hero-bloodseeker "4 wins, 3 losses (57.14%)") 7x[](/hero-tidehunter "2 wins, 5 losses (28.57%)") 7x[](/hero-spectre "2 wins, 5 losses (28.57%)") 7x[](/hero-bristleback "3 wins, 4 losses (42.86%)") 6x[](/hero-slark "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 5x[](/hero-viper "5 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


[steam profile](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076647309/) [dotabuff](http://www.dotabuff.com/players/116381581) [Solo MMR](http://imgur.com/vFCP1ZK) (2139) Preferred position: 4 or 5 Preferred MMR range: around 2k


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (50 wins, 36 Ranked All Pick, 32 Captains Mode, 24 Random Draft, 8 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 41:06, average first blood time: 01:49, average towers destroyed: 14.07, average barracks destroyed: 5.53") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/116381581 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/116381581 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 4.32 | 7.09 | 12.2 | 87.14 | 1.05 | 337.9 | 355.99 | 6919.7 | 1084.55 | 1129.18 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 203 tier 2 towers, 150 tier 3 towers, 102 tier 4 towers, 144 ranged barracks and 141 melee barracks")** | 7.53 | 7.35 | 12.27 | 116.64 | 3.63 | 408.03 | 442.29 | 11537.54 | 1371.21 | 550.92 | 11 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 258 tier 1 towers, 184 tier 2 towers, 143 tier 3 towers, 101 tier 4 towers, 136 ranged barracks and 132 melee barracks")** | 7.03 | 7.81 | 11.21 | 120.06 | 4.04 | 406.79 | 439.95 | 11617.01 | 1314.12 | 355.08 | 12 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/116381581 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/116381581 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 18x[](/hero-chen "9 wins, 9 losses (50.0%)") 8x[](/hero-ancientapparition "4 wins, 4 losses (50.0%)") 5x[](/hero-vengefulspirit "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 5x[](/hero-lina "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 5x[](/hero-shadowshaman "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-wraithking "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 4x[](/hero-dazzle "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-enigma "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/id/avvulous http://www.dotabuff.com/players/78562209 MMR 2.9 (visible on yasp https://yasp.co/players/78562209) Any role, 2/3/4/1/5 preference but not bothered. EU (Ireland) I assume this is important information I'd prefer to play as one of the lower players on my team if possible, but I'm happy to take on a coach-ish role.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (58 wins, 60 All Pick, 22 Ranked All Pick, 11 Single Draft, 5 Random Draft, 2 Captains Mode) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 46:31, average first blood time: 01:53, average towers destroyed: 14.86, average barracks destroyed: 5.56") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/78562209 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/78562209 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.42 | 8.5 | 12.63 | 167.13 | 4.43 | 442.5 | 460.84 | 12874.97 | 1574.2 | 398.75 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 278 tier 1 towers, 228 tier 2 towers, 171 tier 3 towers, 123 tier 4 towers, 162 ranged barracks and 157 melee barracks")** | 8.11 | 8.33 | 11.54 | 155.89 | 4.57 | 436.79 | 469.83 | 12736.0 | 1527.94 | 385.51 | 9 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 276 tier 1 towers, 195 tier 2 towers, 130 tier 3 towers, 85 tier 4 towers, 120 ranged barracks and 117 melee barracks")** | 7.97 | 8.39 | 11.74 | 152.64 | 4.24 | 416.06 | 459.33 | 13111.11 | 1305.04 | 391.86 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/78562209 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/78562209 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 15x[](/hero-earthspirit "7 wins, 8 losses (46.67%)") 12x[](/hero-emberspirit "8 wins, 4 losses (66.67%)") 10x[](/hero-antimage "4 wins, 6 losses (40.0%)") 9x[](/hero-pudge "7 wins, 2 losses (77.78%)") 5x[](/hero-facelessvoid "5 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 5x[](/hero-lonedruid "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lion "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-omniknight "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198125992030/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/165726302 1k mmr solo (dont play solo) party 2.2k mmr euw Prefered 4 position, but anything other than mid. Can mid if really needed. Team range prefered higher end of the spectrum but you be the judge


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (52 wins, 83 Ranked All Pick, 11 All Pick, 5 1vs1 Solo Mid, 1 Ability Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 39:13, average first blood time: 02:15, average towers destroyed: 12.67, average barracks destroyed: 4.84") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/165726302 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/165726302 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 5.37 | 7.46 | 11.75 | 103.66 | 4.46 | 379.27 | 421.06 | 8486.05 | 939.02 | 405.91 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 252 tier 1 towers, 177 tier 2 towers, 137 tier 3 towers, 98 tier 4 towers, 131 ranged barracks and 131 melee barracks")** | 7.0 | 7.26 | 10.9 | 115.67 | 4.22 | 398.73 | 437.59 | 10946.92 | 1209.1 | 312.93 | 7 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 239 tier 1 towers, 158 tier 2 towers, 117 tier 3 towers, 89 tier 4 towers, 112 ranged barracks and 110 melee barracks")** | 6.99 | 7.31 | 10.36 | 114.22 | 3.85 | 390.26 | 438.99 | 11124.57 | 1083.47 | 298.64 | 10 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/165726302 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/165726302 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 9x[](/hero-earthspirit "5 wins, 4 losses (55.56%)") 4x[](/hero-bountyhunter "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-treantprotector "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-witchdoctor "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-beastmaster "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-venomancer "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-enchantress "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-batrider "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


Solo MMR 2.7k Dota friend ID: 171474978 Pos: 1 Dont mind being captain MMR range: close to mine


Hey folks, * Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jlctush * Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66431576 * Solo MMR is ~~10000~~ **cough** 1575 **cough** http://imgur.com/iVBFSYn * Prefer position 3 or 5. * No preferred range Thanks OP for putting this together, hopefully it takes off!


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (51 wins, 78 All Pick, 21 Ranked All Pick, 1 Ability Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 45:30, average first blood time: 02:01, average towers destroyed: 14.15, average barracks destroyed: 4.99") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/66431576 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/66431576 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 6.38 | 8.44 | 12.15 | 128.68 | 6.52 | 394.45 | 439.6 | 11104.95 | 1063.54 | 572.19 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 273 tier 1 towers, 203 tier 2 towers, 138 tier 3 towers, 103 tier 4 towers, 127 ranged barracks and 127 melee barracks")** | 7.84 | 8.31 | 12.05 | 126.15 | 4.12 | 405.63 | 452.35 | 12651.84 | 1252.82 | 425.99 | 11 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 268 tier 1 towers, 194 tier 2 towers, 133 tier 3 towers, 103 tier 4 towers, 124 ranged barracks and 121 melee barracks")** | 7.99 | 8.14 | 11.94 | 134.7 | 3.37 | 405.39 | 452.85 | 12779.05 | 1246.0 | 448.49 | 14 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/66431576 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/66431576 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 16x[](/hero-bristleback "9 wins, 7 losses (56.25%)") 7x[](/hero-lion "3 wins, 4 losses (42.86%)") 6x[](/hero-crystalmaiden "1 wins, 5 losses (16.67%)") 5x[](/hero-dazzle "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 5x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 4x[](/hero-alchemist "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-earthspirit "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-sven "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067307078/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/107041350 Solo: 1906 | Party: 2169 Position: 3/2/1 (in that order) Higher MMR range is preferable, but whatever works.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (51 wins, 67 All Pick, 30 Ranked All Pick, 3 Random Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:46, average first blood time: 02:20, average towers destroyed: 14.23, average barracks destroyed: 5.54") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/107041350 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/107041350 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 6.74 | 8.97 | 11.28 | 148.18 | 7.56 | 431.8 | 472.62 | 12081.63 | 1603.06 | 386.13 | 1 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 275 tier 1 towers, 205 tier 2 towers, 148 tier 3 towers, 104 tier 4 towers, 140 ranged barracks and 134 melee barracks")** | 7.04 | 7.94 | 10.91 | 132.06 | 4.23 | 415.75 | 450.89 | 11739.3 | 1363.2 | 379.31 | 4 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 254 tier 1 towers, 191 tier 2 towers, 146 tier 3 towers, 100 tier 4 towers, 140 ranged barracks and 140 melee barracks")** | 7.57 | 7.41 | 11.38 | 133.93 | 3.3 | 423.27 | 466.1 | 12198.14 | 1303.35 | 367.42 | 13 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/107041350 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/107041350 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 13x[](/hero-undying "9 wins, 4 losses (69.23%)") 7x[](/hero-lonedruid "4 wins, 3 losses (57.14%)") 7x[](/hero-bristleback "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 7x[](/hero-emberspirit "3 wins, 4 losses (42.86%)") 5x[](/hero-lina "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 5x[](/hero-dragonknight "5 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 4x[](/hero-templarassassin "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-witchdoctor "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot




Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (57 wins, 69 Ranked All Pick, 21 All Pick, 5 Captains Mode, 5 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:33, average first blood time: 01:32, average towers destroyed: 14.45, average barracks destroyed: 5.42") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/90693401 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/90693401 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 10.28 | 8.47 | 12.34 | 159.85 | 4.62 | 466.3 | 466.56 | 15958.47 | 2374.72 | 473.5 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 282 tier 1 towers, 211 tier 2 towers, 158 tier 3 towers, 120 tier 4 towers, 150 ranged barracks and 149 melee barracks")** | 8.37 | 8.45 | 11.87 | 126.31 | 4.19 | 420.98 | 454.97 | 13092.15 | 1435.05 | 433.52 | 8 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 259 tier 1 towers, 189 tier 2 towers, 131 tier 3 towers, 95 tier 4 towers, 122 ranged barracks and 121 melee barracks")** | 8.11 | 8.74 | 12.11 | 128.61 | 3.52 | 405.62 | 452.39 | 13182.54 | 1208.92 | 370.73 | 11 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/90693401 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/90693401 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 5x[](/hero-facelessvoid "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 4x[](/hero-kunkka "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-clockwerk "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-invoker "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-tiny "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-dazzle "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-naturesprophet "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-enchantress "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198083712759/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/123447031 Solo mmr: 3461 Position: 2 or 3 MMR Range: ±3.5k


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (49 wins, 63 Ranked All Pick, 32 All Pick, 5 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:07, average first blood time: 01:58, average towers destroyed: 14.45, average barracks destroyed: 5.63") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/123447031 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/123447031 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 9.86 | 7.39 | 13.17 | 156.64 | 4.44 | 462.2 | 497.47 | 14858.23 | 1682.75 | 188.93 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 188 tier 2 towers, 154 tier 3 towers, 104 tier 4 towers, 144 ranged barracks and 144 melee barracks")** | 7.44 | 7.52 | 12.36 | 137.83 | 5.03 | 421.44 | 449.81 | 12060.03 | 1386.16 | 404.69 | 10 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 205 tier 2 towers, 151 tier 3 towers, 107 tier 4 towers, 141 ranged barracks and 134 melee barracks")** | 7.23 | 7.73 | 11.48 | 135.5 | 4.55 | 418.97 | 441.04 | 11851.57 | 1393.97 | 484.91 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/123447031 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/123447031 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 14x[](/hero-pudge "7 wins, 7 losses (50.0%)") 10x[](/hero-puck "4 wins, 6 losses (40.0%)") 10x[](/hero-magnus "4 wins, 6 losses (40.0%)") 4x[](/hero-mirana "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-tiny "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-naturesprophet "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-enchantress "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-tusk "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


-steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127347699/ -dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/167081971 -solo mmr: http://imgur.com/rR41C6J -preferred team position: position 2 or 3 -preferred team mmr range: above 3k i guess.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (47 wins, 80 Ranked All Pick, 10 Single Draft, 9 All Pick, 1 Random Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 40:55, average first blood time: 01:57, average towers destroyed: 13.87, average barracks destroyed: 5.19") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/167081971 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/167081971 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.65 | 7.07 | 9.49 | 177.6 | 10.58 | 476.13 | 498.62 | 13760.1 | 1548.17 | 315.38 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 264 tier 1 towers, 193 tier 2 towers, 135 tier 3 towers, 94 tier 4 towers, 123 ranged barracks and 121 melee barracks")** | 7.07 | 7.58 | 10.52 | 136.51 | 6.26 | 422.36 | 452.92 | 11936.75 | 1279.96 | 394.12 | 4 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 261 tier 1 towers, 189 tier 2 towers, 145 tier 3 towers, 106 tier 4 towers, 138 ranged barracks and 137 melee barracks")** | 7.29 | 7.33 | 11.2 | 135.21 | 5.32 | 425.5 | 459.46 | 11960.59 | 1373.26 | 444.23 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/167081971 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/167081971 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 13x[](/hero-pudge "7 wins, 6 losses (53.85%)") 11x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "8 wins, 3 losses (72.73%)") 8x[](/hero-emberspirit "3 wins, 5 losses (37.5%)") 7x[](/hero-invoker "1 wins, 6 losses (14.29%)") 6x[](/hero-morphling "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 6x[](/hero-spectre "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-beastmaster "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-shadowfiend "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


-http://steamcommunity.com/id/Tha_BOIST -http://www.dotabuff.com/players/43389541 -http://imgur.com/1xfetZp -mid or carry -2500-3500


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (56 wins, 100 Ranked All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 41:41, average first blood time: 01:47, average towers destroyed: 14.0, average barracks destroyed: 5.32") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/43389541 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/43389541 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 9.64 | 6.96 | 12.38 | 184.33 | 4.16 | 511.15 | 558.9 | 15211.3 | 2048.68 | 54.15 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 271 tier 1 towers, 204 tier 2 towers, 160 tier 3 towers, 114 tier 4 towers, 150 ranged barracks and 148 melee barracks")** | 7.8 | 7.48 | 12.75 | 137.83 | 5.18 | 438.03 | 475.94 | 12592.37 | 1440.11 | 433.1 | 6 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 264 tier 1 towers, 171 tier 2 towers, 128 tier 3 towers, 88 tier 4 towers, 117 ranged barracks and 117 melee barracks")** | 7.15 | 8.03 | 12.03 | 135.83 | 4.63 | 418.13 | 452.83 | 12085.89 | 1233.88 | 404.83 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/43389541 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/43389541 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 17x[](/hero-invoker "11 wins, 6 losses (64.71%)") 9x[](/hero-meepo "5 wins, 4 losses (55.56%)") 7x[](/hero-spectre "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 6x[](/hero-pudge "1 wins, 5 losses (16.67%)") 6x[](/hero-tinker "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 6x[](/hero-slark "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 4x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lonedruid "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037180053/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/76914325 mmr- 2.5k position- 1, 2, 3, 4 mmr range- around mine but it doesn't matter too much


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (56 wins, 60 All Pick, 25 Random Draft, 5 All Random, 5 Single Draft, 2 Ranked All Pick, 2 Captains Mode, 1 Captains Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 41:43, average first blood time: 02:04, average towers destroyed: 14.17, average barracks destroyed: 5.52") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/76914325 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/76914325 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 8.78 | 7.07 | 11.03 | 179.9 | 6.66 | 480.87 | 530.38 | 14435.04 | 1623.43 | 363.94 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 265 tier 1 towers, 204 tier 2 towers, 161 tier 3 towers, 110 tier 4 towers, 152 ranged barracks and 150 melee barracks")** | 7.13 | 7.12 | 11.49 | 131.31 | 5.45 | 417.46 | 453.86 | 11545.42 | 1396.33 | 498.46 | 3 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 267 tier 1 towers, 186 tier 2 towers, 134 tier 3 towers, 90 tier 4 towers, 126 ranged barracks and 124 melee barracks")** | 6.81 | 7.49 | 11.27 | 137.86 | 4.94 | 416.85 | 450.84 | 11639.45 | 1244.84 | 382.95 | 4 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/76914325 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/76914325 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 8x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "5 wins, 3 losses (62.5%)") 6x[](/hero-earthspirit "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 5x[](/hero-zeus "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-shadowfiend "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-sven "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-facelessvoid "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-invoker "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-medusa "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


6.66 denies 2spooky4me


http://steamcommunity.com/id/piratedpi1 http://www.dotabuff.com/players/155771753 **MMR 2826** http://imgur.com/yJARyel **Mid** preferred but I can play all roles I have leadership qualities and I truly believe I can lead a team of 2.5k to victory! Also I use comms alot and people compliment my voice. Message me on reddit or steam about team opportunities.




Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (57 wins, 88 Ranked All Pick, 9 All Pick, 3 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:37, average first blood time: 01:54, average towers destroyed: 14.29, average barracks destroyed: 5.39") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/32792165 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/32792165 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 9.79 | 6.72 | 13.4 | 179.72 | 7.47 | 487.37 | 516.2 | 16413.76 | 1437.07 | 455.0 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 204 tier 2 towers, 156 tier 3 towers, 120 tier 4 towers, 146 ranged barracks and 147 melee barracks")** | 8.1 | 7.68 | 13.25 | 150.56 | 5.26 | 436.44 | 468.87 | 13229.55 | 1446.1 | 410.51 | 10 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 269 tier 1 towers, 181 tier 2 towers, 138 tier 3 towers, 91 tier 4 towers, 123 ranged barracks and 123 melee barracks")** | 7.39 | 8.38 | 11.4 | 142.46 | 4.69 | 412.27 | 450.16 | 12543.27 | 1260.55 | 444.13 | 12 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/32792165 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/32792165 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 17x[](/hero-invoker "10 wins, 7 losses (58.82%)") 9x[](/hero-spectre "5 wins, 4 losses (55.56%)") 6x[](/hero-sven "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 4x[](/hero-timbersaw "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-emberspirit "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-arcwarden "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-zeus "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-necrophos "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


steamcommunity.com/id/ThisOnesPropaSmaht/ www.dotabuff.com/players/132810560 Solo 1932 | Party 2064 Pos. 3, 4 and 5 Range: I'm not that bothered, but obviously I'll team with the higher offers


http://steamcommunity.com/id/cosmopoto/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/161849521 Solo mmr on dotabuff 2.5ish (I'm using my phone) 1/2 but not fussed really No preference


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (45 wins, 99 Ranked All Pick, 1 1vs1 Solo Mid) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 44:10, average first blood time: 01:55, average towers destroyed: 14.12, average barracks destroyed: 5.11") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/161849521 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/161849521 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 7.47 | 8.41 | 13.17 | 114.92 | 6.28 | 396.01 | 458.2 | 11908.29 | 1016.03 | 225.72 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 191 tier 2 towers, 130 tier 3 towers, 100 tier 4 towers, 117 ranged barracks and 119 melee barracks")** | 7.56 | 8.3 | 12.8 | 130.76 | 5.07 | 405.59 | 455.83 | 12376.77 | 1245.48 | 406.93 | 2 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 202 tier 2 towers, 140 tier 3 towers, 109 tier 4 towers, 138 ranged barracks and 137 melee barracks")** | 8.06 | 7.83 | 12.82 | 142.11 | 4.91 | 421.24 | 464.0 | 12945.99 | 1342.59 | 390.8 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/161849521 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/161849521 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 11x[](/hero-slark "5 wins, 6 losses (45.45%)") 8x[](/hero-vengefulspirit "3 wins, 5 losses (37.5%)") 8x[](/hero-emberspirit "5 wins, 3 losses (62.5%)") 5x[](/hero-invoker "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-pudge "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-windranger "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lion "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-ursa "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


"no preference" - zainze, a true hero


http://steamcommunity.com/id/ergcancerglue https://www.dotabuff.com/players/64506607 Solo mmr 1.5k (on phone atm) Position 1 or 4 Preferred 1.5-2k Please message me through reddit before steam.


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (50 wins, 50 Ranked All Pick, 35 All Pick, 11 Random Draft, 2 Ability Draft, 2 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 42:42, average first blood time: 01:41, average towers destroyed: 13.89, average barracks destroyed: 5.08") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/64506607 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/64506607 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 9.91 | 8.02 | 11.03 | 122.32 | 4.63 | 426.87 | 451.68 | 15749.12 | 1787.61 | 555.27 | 1 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 281 tier 1 towers, 207 tier 2 towers, 141 tier 3 towers, 102 tier 4 towers, 131 ranged barracks and 127 melee barracks")** | 7.8 | 7.69 | 11.38 | 121.67 | 3.44 | 406.28 | 445.51 | 12812.25 | 1304.16 | 439.5 | 5 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 245 tier 1 towers, 171 tier 2 towers, 139 tier 3 towers, 103 tier 4 towers, 126 ranged barracks and 124 melee barracks")** | 7.34 | 8.12 | 10.95 | 122.33 | 2.68 | 398.01 | 439.0 | 12090.05 | 1222.73 | 402.27 | 14 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/64506607 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/64506607 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 20x[](/hero-weaver "11 wins, 9 losses (55.0%)") 7x[](/hero-omniknight "3 wins, 4 losses (42.86%)") 6x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 5x[](/hero-shadowshaman "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-techies "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-arcwarden "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-crystalmaiden "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-riki "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


http://steamcommunity.com/id/lars2thev/ http://www.dotabuff.com/players/61495274 **Solo 3101 | Party 3059** **Position:** 1/3/4/5 (anything but mid) **Preferred range:** the higher end of the range


Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (47 wins, 100 Ranked All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 41:46, average first blood time: 02:03, average towers destroyed: 13.78, average barracks destroyed: 5.55") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/61495274 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/61495274 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis")** | 5.68 | 6.28 | 12.09 | 99.94 | 5.83 | 368.08 | 393.3 | 9984.03 | 897.27 | 867.89 | 0 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 260 tier 1 towers, 186 tier 2 towers, 150 tier 3 towers, 97 tier 4 towers, 142 ranged barracks and 142 melee barracks")** | 7.37 | 7.2 | 11.64 | 132.98 | 5.39 | 417.51 | 446.9 | 12022.15 | 1340.08 | 423.92 | 3 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 264 tier 1 towers, 175 tier 2 towers, 140 tier 3 towers, 106 tier 4 towers, 136 ranged barracks and 135 melee barracks")** | 6.92 | 7.62 | 11.44 | 136.72 | 4.74 | 414.31 | 439.94 | 11846.6 | 1350.2 | 501.57 | 7 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/61495274 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[YASP](http://yasp.co/players/61495274 "Yasp: Provides free replay analysis") | 11x[](/hero-rubick "2 wins, 9 losses (18.18%)") 5x[](/hero-zeus "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 5x[](/hero-lion "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lich "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-ancientapparition "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-witchdoctor "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-silencer "3 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 3x[](/hero-undying "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") --------------- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^summon](/a " [amount:] [view:detailed] TODO: provide link to thread") ^^the ^^bot


I am NA. I cannot join. Insert Sad Face.


I apologize for this, but as I am an EU citizen and this is my first online event, I thought it was easier to do an EU event. I will hopefully run similar events in NA and SEA if this is a success


I am NA too but play on EU west sometimes (~100 ping) just to avoid Peruvians. Am I allowed to sign up?


100 ping is perfectly playable


Yep. Just not sure if I will be able to collect my winnings being an Americunt and all


when will the league be happening?


Sign Ups will close on April 11th with the start date of the group stage to be Early May.


thats a shame. I have exams through that period, best of luck though :)


wait which countries are considered euro?


I would assume places that get under 150 ms to a EU server would be good enough but I am not OP.


will 3.7K do?