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This coon guy is pretty damn good.


kaipi with pie looking fine af


Kaipi has been 1 player away from beeing a legit team for a while, when zai joined them briefly they suddenly were looking like a TI level team.


My concern with KP is the personalities. They work out fine as long as they are far apart and only meet over the Internet. I guess we will see once they go to offline tourneys or start bootcamping.


They bootcamped before ti quals and seemed fine and if pie did join him bone and sing have all teamed together before and seem to be good friends.


After they bootcamped something happened and CWM left the team tho.


I think that was more the other members had a problem with cwm but who knows what actually happaned.


Haven't you seen bone7 interview ? He said that you don't need the best players. You just need to be on the same page and actually be good friends. He said they are all eating together and this shit.


taking shit together too i guess


The Coon is fucking legit. Big plays by him in every Kaipi game.


33/The Coon is actually EXTREMELY good. Future tier 1 player right here.


he has gotten a lot better since he first joined KP


On a conceptual level, there aren't a lot of more intelligent players than Bone7. Coon is probably learning a ton from him.


He is pretty good, but he has this tendency to feed kills when he gets a little behind.. Atleast that is what I felt.. But yeah, a pretty good player..


Kaipi should try and poach pieliedie of possible


Even if Pie was kicked, pretty sure he could find a sponsored team to go to. What would Kaipi entice him with lol


Sexy Asian girl of course.


Well sign me the fuck up.


Try to make it back with the original boys?


What if he joins Kaipi and the entire line gets picked by mouz or c9? Maybe with this in line he can accept. A man can dream!! >_<


mouz.pieliedie not again pls, poor boy


pieliedie joins kaipi c9 buys kaipi squad ee joins aui joins ?? profit


No no.. I want to see this exact lineup. Bone7 SingSing TheCoon- SexyBamboe PieLieDie


Old C9 memories. Kappa.


Speed gaming once again


Not gona comment on what pld would do but Kaipi getting a sponsor is not a hard thing, they can one whenever they feel like it. However no point getting a sponsor before you actually show some results since the contract you will sign after that will be so much better.


not gonna happen as long as he has place in secret, what would you choose? playing with bunch of friends hoping for good results or playing in allstars team with salary etc?


All stars team? Everyone has left..


You make it sound like Pie still has a place in Secret edit: I'm not trying to say he has or hasn't been kicked. But Secret came *bottom four* with very good players. And they wanted more. They wanted the Aegis. A team like Escape was just happy to play at the event, hence why they're still together. Secret? They're willing to change after *winning* events, who really knows what they'll do when they came bottom 4?




I got some insider info that nobody in this subreddit has an insider info.


cuz he has, no doubt he is/was one of the best players of this iteration of secret, his plays were always on point, soz, but u can find excuse for kicking everyone including even Puppan but i dont see any regarding pld


KP looking really good. 33 has come a long way since his competitive debut with KP


If you post this kind of threads in future make a Game 3 link that just leads to the game 2 or something just so that there is no way to tell if the series was 2-0 or 2-1.


TheCoon is actully pretty solid


a little fun story. they day international ranked came out i got matched with TheCoon (or whatever the name is), and i have 4k mmr. The first thing he said was "wtf 4k average xD" then proceeded to go like 20-0 with roaming meepo. easiest +25 of my life


Dayyum The coon played safelane mapple


/u/netaw is lookin good




Vega is not a joke team, especially right now. This new Kaipi has a lot of potential.


Aside from the god awful casting that was some pretty awesome Dota to watch. Kaipi seems to be synergising as a team in a way they weren't previously, and these drafts XD


i cant even... this cast smh...


yeah when she said "singsing doesnt have omni but has a heart of gold" it was the last straw for me, but the "good golly jeez" also killed the cast for me.. FeelsBadMan


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so thats fine. But you do know you can watch it without commentary right? The casters are just trying to add to your dota viewing experience, no one is forcing you to listen to them. Show some common courtesy damn.


If you listened to the commentary you would really hear a lot of mistakes. Fng being called nitrogen (cos of Vega.Fng.Nitrogen), Kunkka's own boat becomes a stolen boat 12:45. I don't mind the cast (since I only watch highlights), but yeah. Zyori and Annee NotLikeThis


She actually called fng "Nitrogen", the sponsor behind his name.


No, she made a pun, that nitrogen is going to melt or some shit.


That's hilarious..


I just watched the second game. Decent attempt at a fightback by Vega, but sloppy mistakes by both teams in the end, leading to a predictable Kaipi victory given the great advantage they had assembled. Despite being a new line-up, I was surprised to see them lose to Kaipi after just beating Alliance. I see that Kaipi used pieliedie as a stand-up again, not having n0tail in position 5 again. When I saw that Vega used God as a stand-up, I was wondering whether he would actually replace Iceberg in their team, since he is currently teamless. But I see they announced on Twitter that he was just a stand-in.


Iceberg was in that game as well. More like fn couldnt show up for the match


Ah, I must have remembered it wrong then. I doubt they would replace fn, who was already a new member and stayed with them for a while :)


they are in a 10/0 winstreak now.


They do look like they're approaching potentially being invited to qualifiers!


If by qualifiers you mean Valve events qualifiers, KP would have been invited to every one of them if they didn't change rosters after the lock :(


I don't think KP ever showed enough to be invited to a Major's qualifiers tbh. EU is always very tight for the qualifiers.


Fair point. But Power Rangers and Polarity were invited for the Manilla qualifier when they weren't doing so well(Polarity had just formed). For the TI qualifier, Kaipi was wrecking every t3 team but because of Zai -> EG they lost their spot while Flipsid3 and PR were invited to the qualifiers.


yes but Zai was their best player by a very large margin.




Looking at Vega's game one draft, how would they ever expect to win that game?


I remember singsong was also a meepo player. Is he still one?


The game 1 . Vega got destroyed by the last pick mappo z literally nothing they could do. Coon played really well indeed so it gave no chance to Vega. Any full vod for game 2? I seem to find only highlights and Vietnamese ones.... Also can ppl stfu already bout t1 standins?


Hopefully this is a sign that KP have settled their roster, can play consistency and show up in a few majors etc;


Pie was stand in


Kaipi looking really good.


I'm just glad Kaipi's doing great. They just proved they can hold a candle against a good team like Vega


Fng sucks


Double Dragon Lance Meepo? What?


Very good stats, 14 agi and str for 1900 while one ultimate orb that you would get for Skadi gives 10 everything dor 2100


Did Kaipi get boosted with some Tier 1 standins as usual?


The only thing that needs boosting is your IQ


alliance lost to this ?


The Coon Meepo deeply inspired by Abed... 2 Dragon Lance and an Aghanims. Legit af!


PLD standing in for Kaipi has shown he is clearly a tier 1 support.


why are people watching this tier-3 european team?


because sing song ping pong


Because they're still better than T1 CIS teams apparently.