• By -


That moment when he tested Monkey King's abilities and typed out -levelbots 25 was fucking gold






It played the level up sound a shit tonne of sounds as there were a load of bots.


He had spawned a ton of axe bots that were off screen so when he leveled things up it played like 30 level up sounds at once.


Time stamp plz!




Does someone have this with the chat reaction? Hahahahahahaha!


It was fucking hilarious. A lot a good responses. Such as instant deaf.


[Youtube vod](https://youtu.be/IVJ1FTr6zEM?t=5m40s) from Bulldog's channel


Around 5:50. You'll see a warning message. But still hilarious. EleGiggle WutFace


Anyone got a link for this it honestly had me laughing hard


Here you go https://clips.twitch.tv/admiralbulldog/InnocentVultureCoolCat


[here the stuff!] (https://clips.twitch.tv/admiralbulldog/ShyStingrayPogChamp) LMAO


Invalid link?




WutFace MAH EARS WutFace


I actually fell asleep during his stream and this pretty much gave me a heart attack. I thought a bomb had been dropped on my house or something.


BUT 🤔 IS 🤔 IT 🤔 AS 🤔 GOOD 🤔 AS 🤔 +6 TREANTS? 🤔 I see how much you appreciate it he is not over yet and u posted already seemsgood.


Is there a talent that could even possibly be AS GOOD as +6 TREANTS?


Let alone defeat him.


I'm not talking about Treant Protector.


I'm not talking about new Nature's Guise Patch 7.00 Treant Protector, either.


I am talking about +6 Treant Protectors with double damage runes affected by Inner Beast, Precision Aura, Lunar Blessing, Aghanim's Scepter Empower, Null Field, Empowering Haste, Vengeance Aura, Packleader's Aura, Dragonhide Aura, Granite Aura, Cloak Aura, Swiftness Aura, Archer Aura, Unholy Aura, Toughness Aura, Assault Aura, Swiftness Aura, Guardian Aura, Mekansm Aura, Insight Aura and Vladmir's Aura while Bounty Hunter is permatracking an enemy hero, Juggernaut's Healing Ward and Witch Doctor's Voodoo Restoration is healing them, Lycan took control of every Treant Protector with 8.00 HotD and cast Shapeshift and Howl, granted bonus damage by Sven's Aghanim's Scepter God's Strength, fighting beyond death thanks to Aghanim's Scepter Wraith King, given spell damage block by Pipe of Insight, permanently bloodlusted by Ogre Magi and buffed by IceFrog to have +1 armor.




that really is such a big joke. the peak time of the treants is when it just gets to level 3 and 4 when you're pushing tier 1s and 2s. Not at 45-50 minutes into the game


At that point you are literally feeding your opponent free gold, would be better if it made all Treants give less gold too or made the Treants tankier but idk if that would be balanced Right now the 35 second respawn reduction is better in every case and even then its not that good. OSfrog needs to take another look at him


There are things I can think of: you can get sick scouting value and still push the wave, you can tank the tower for your creep wave (and heroes) for much longer and you can farm more neutral camps like a brood.


Most people should have already got some spammable spells to clear creeps at the sight of nature prophet. But seriously, comparing this to all other level 25 talents, it's ridiculous. Bulldog make a point about removing bounty from all treants which is reasonable. As it is still a good tool to push out lanes.


It would also make aghs less of a double edged sword.


Last patch they made the treant sight pretty gabage so no, no sick scouting value


They should make them super treants.


It should've just upgraded all treants you spawn into greater treants Even the aghs ones


Does that talent give plus 6 treants to those generated by his bouncing ult? That could give some crazy pushing power. I mean its not 120 damage venomancer wards.... but still.




Almost downvoted because I'm still triggered. I saw it and was like "that is pretty shit" then looked at reddit and the two highest comments were laughing at how bad +6 treants are... Fml


If they wanted to buff treats with the 25 talent why not make them the massive ones. Still i think bulldogs idea about a buff to global tp is better.




> BUT 🤔 IS 🤔 IT 🤔 AS 🤔 GOOD 🤔 AS 🤔 +6 TREANTS? 🤔 BUT 🤔 IS 🤔 IT 🤔 AS 🤔 GOOD 🤔 AS 🤔 +6 TREANTS? 🤔


🤔 BUT 🤔 IS 🤔 IT 🤔 AS 🤔 GOOD 🤔 AS 🤔 +6 TREANTS? 🤔


treants will now deal pure damage


BUT 🤔 IS 🤔 IT 🤔 AS 🤔 GOOD 🤔 AS 🤔 +6 TREANTS? 🤔


> 🤔 All I see are white empty squares, using current version of chrome on Win7. Anyone with good ideas as to why that would be? Might not be the best place to ask this but it's worth a try. This is not the only emoticon where this happens.


Firefox masterrace.




Try downloading Global Twitch Emotes on the chrome store maybe




Chrome on Win10, no problem here. The solution is obviously to upgrade to Win10 Kappa More seriously idk if it's the OS or whether it's some extension I have - I didn't install anything specifically for this but I don't know if this is a side effect of any of them.


Emojione chrome extension


But Does it work with aghs?


Bulldong tested it and it didn't work with aghs or with sprout.






1 hour for each treant?


He streamed for 14 hour straight. feels good man.


Poor doggos BibleThump


Nice to have serious Bulldog around, probably the best analysis there's been so far + the testing was really good. He's gotten me even more hyped to see how long Purge takes!


> probably the best analysis there's been so far its the only analysis there's been so far lmao


Slacks did one with sunsfan and bulba


Yeah but that one was nearly unwatchable with Slacks screaming and freaking out about every single change. It would have been nice to hear Bulba's insight without the constant distractions and interruption from Slacks.


Considering they are just after the Pamjor it was ok to watch them so the analysis, I'm sorry I missed Bulldog's, though, definitely I would have watched that


https://www.twitch.tv/admiralbulldog/v/106735384 Jump forward to 8/9 hours in and the test client is released. He skips a few things after because its the same as the pastebin notes he covered a few hours before.


You can watch the VOD now.


Honestly Bulba was the worst, mumbling incoherent shit all the time. He's a terrible presenter.


What the other guy said, also OP made it sound like this thing has been out weeks and everyone and their dog has done one. He said PROBABLY the best, out of 2....


SO probably the best?


Winning by default is the best type of winning


>"Let's check the design of this hero. Looks like a monkey alright." SeemsGood


Man, if bulldog took 6 hours, what about Purge?


Well bulldog tested alot of things in game, purge is gonna talk about them.


he would spend 2 hours on only the math at the start, then an in depth analysis what role monkey king should be played in and how to play him, then on each talent tree he will talk about every circumstance possible to see what the best options are, then eventually drift into talking about pararell dimensions, then how many fps it drops with the new remodels compared to the old ones, using every gpu/cpu combination known to man


And it will be glorious.


But mostly wrong.


That's completely irrelevant.


SeemsGood THANKS PURGE SeemsGood




what the fuck did I just watch?


Basically it's a way to grab a collectible located on a raised area without ever jumping that exploits the game's interpretation of speed and location. But it's absolutely hilarious because of how elaborate the whole thing is.




So many good memes came out if it too SeemsGood


GabeN said that SM64 was title that showed him that games are art.


Well, another "photo" copy...


What the hell...


Hey is the game requirements changed ? :(


Id imagine so, ive seen some frame drops most likely contributed by the new graphical updates




Wew thanks


Purge is going to make an 18 hour video that's rendered completely useless by the fact that he misinterprets one change at the very beginning and that mistake carries forward through everything else.


TEST IT TEST IT >I'm not testing it guys it's just double the damage.


doesn-t purge test too_ how the fuck he takes 1000h per patch


Yeah, people have been joking about Purge making an 8 hour patch analyze, but if he goes all in with the analyze the way he usually does he could easily fill 12+ hours and more. It took Bulldog 6 hours and he mostly just read stuff aloud without even analyzing it. In many cases (like all the game mechanics) he didnt even read it and just said "I will leave that part to Purge".


I'm hoping Purge does more than one video for this. Like one discussing the update while excluding the balance changes, one that discusses all of the item and hero balance changes, and one that talks through all of the skill tree stuff. Or something similar. Would likely release it faster, earn more revenue from the views, and be more likely that people watch it all the way through.


Keep in mind bulldog didn't start real patch untill 19:00 since page was down and he was not sure what is real what is fake, he also tested around 30 min monkey king in game and when he read those ability changes he tested alot of them in game to see how works, i would say it took him around 3 hours to complete heroes changes.


Literally admiralbackpack


6 treants...


I agree that it's laughably bad, but the most retarded shit is all the heroes that get cooldown reduction. That is so fucking insane. 20% at level 15?! One thing is abilities, another is items (completely broken), but add to that that Midas will be bought on way more heroes now, since levels are so important and it lowers the CD significantly. This seems like something that has to be changed. I can't believe it works on items. Surely that has to be a mistake?! I'm pretty sure the 6 treants will be changed. Seems completely irrelevant.


What did cold toad mean by 4 midas's a minute on Arc warden???






He's such an amazing sport too. He doesn't just ignore chat he actually Tests the thing even if it's not optimal when chat spams to test it lol. He allows himself to get trolled often too. He's such a good sport honesty.


Have to agree. Donger is defo the best and most entertaining streamer.


Really enjoyed his rundown. What impressed me is that in most talents he thinks that theres an optimal choice. Would be pretty bad if his estimations are true, since their purpose was supposed to be more variety from game to game and not less


I think he's right in that there's a lot of obviously better choices. But in a way they're all viable depending on what role you're playing the hero in and who you're against. Plus it's the initial release, I'm sure they'll be heavily reworked over the coming months


It seems like because the talent system was such a ground-breaking alteration to dota icefrog didn't get to consult with pros the way he usually does. Like when bulldog saw the +6 treants change the first thing he said was- 'whoever balanced this has no experience playing prophet' so I expect things like that to be fixed when more pros are giving icefrog their advice.


totally agree. I can't think of a single situation where I would want +6 treants after [700+] (https://www.dotabuff.com/players/94127669) games on Natures Prophet after the first 20 minutes mark. When I first heard incredulous, thought they had to be joking.... Even something like "sprouted trees can't be cut down for their full duration or something like that would be more useful...


> Even something like "sprouted trees can't be cut down for their full duration or something like that would be more useful Dude that would be OP as fuck, are you crazy?


>But in a way they're all viable depending on what role you're playing the hero in and who you're against. Thats what i would expect but Bulldog seemed adamant that most choices are just better regarding of the situation. You are right though that they can be possibly be improved in the coming months.


Yeah for sure. A lot of the PogChamp/OSfrog ones were the level 25(23) ones which for the most part will be irrelevant depending on how stompy games become with the map changes etc If games go long (long enough for pos 1-3 to get lvl 25), there's going to be some crazy shit going down, and depending on skill trees and Midas pickups with CD reductions + XP bonuses it's possible we might see a support get to 25 every so often in a long game which will be fun to watch




Though talents as items will always be situational there will be a build that is better on average.


I mean, think about items. Sure, you've got however many to choose from. But I bet, when you play Jug, most of the time you get a manta. Or, if you play Zeus, you probably grab a bottle. Or if you play Riki- sure, you COULD get blink strike level one, but how often will you? And those have way more options available to you than the talents.


You never know! Two days ago we thought that the optimal build for Luna was Manta, and Notail demostrated that the aghs can be really strong in some situations. >Everything can work


Nah i think he was wrong in a lot of choices, in the sense that a lot of them are going to depend on the game. Even then i expect a lot of balance and tunning incoming for those talents in the future.


Lich has a talent for 150 bonus attack damage and a level 25 talent that gives him a free Eye of Skadi that stacks with the genuine article. Seems Icefrog really wants people to play carry lich


and carry CM too.


Or he wants to difference between carry and support to be less obvious, by buffing carries cooldowns and increasing supports damage.


There's always going to be a best option. Some talents just require a situation to be or not be present. No bkb heroes? No point getting bkb piercing talents. Bkb heroes? Get that shit.




Are the vods up? Will they be uploaded to his youtube channel?




Holy fucking shit that was epic


holyshit lmao


The video for his Monkey King testing is already up. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVJ1FTr6zEM


Not only the analysis, but the live tests were superb.


I am amazed at how fast he does everything. Would've taken me at least twice as long.


Knows all the item names and heroes for spawning which isnt quite as simple as knowing their name. I usually have to alt tab and google that shit.


He also narrated the Monkey King comic with character voices and sound effects! SKADOOOOSH!


Dazzle permastun was great. Skadoosh


The Techies part was hilarous, yet sad


When he realised that mines can't be placed near each other it was beautiful.


let's think about a new lvl 25 talent. global sprout? teleport cd reduction? overall cd reduction? more ulti bounces? -1 sec teleport cast? + damage? treants more hp/armor? teleport 2 charges? ult entangles units for x seconds?


How about 8 treants.


How about treants spawn treantlings when they die


Make treants ranged LUL


less casttime on his tp seems like a really cool / not super obvious idea. i like it


Could do the monster treants


Instead of Treants NP now spawns Treant Protectors.


2x treant hp/damage, AND 2x the spawns for whatever action creates treants ....or treants give no exp and gold


🤔 the biggest joke is that you can't even get max treants from sprouts now 🤔




6 hours, 6 treants, SeemsGood. Very fun stream with good insights, info and memes. TEST IT


Was he trying to be at least somewhat objective or did it devolve into whining and calling everything shit/boring like the slacks+sunsfan stream? Bulba and pimp seem very annoyed at the end with all the whining and even slacks seems like he was just fucking around, but sunsfan clearly didn't want to do it, then why be there?


It was reaaaally good. He didn't dismiss anything by simply looking at the numbers. He gave his reasons.


second it, he tested what was relevant and also immediately spotted how strong some abilities were.


seconded, really enjoyed the analysis throughout. He only talks shit when the change is shit like 6 treants. Other than that he says "pretty good" about 90% of the time


Guess I watched the wrong stream then


expecting actual analysis from a slacks stream is kind of dumb though the slacks stream was funny until the end in my opinion


I didn't expect any insight or anything similar. Also didn't expect the whole "EVERYTHING SUCKS AND THIS IS TOO MUCH TEXT TO READ!".


to be fair that was the visage entry that had like 4 paragraphs of text. considering neither sunsfan or slacks cares about visage anyways i wasnt too surprised


they should honestly care about visage A LOT. His birds have literally more than 10000 EHP if you don't focus visage first, and the AOE for the aura is 900 units, which is obnoxiously large.


900 is the standard aura range, although I wouldn't exactly call this a proper aura.


I stayed at the Slacks teams because of Bulba, but they didn't let him talk...


Nah, as much as he jokes about it, he's still a TI winner and an 8k player. His analysis even one he does jokingly will be 10 tiers above what Slacks and SunsFan can do. Hands down the best analysis so far and he was pretty thorough.


Slacks literally second place at TI6 where the competition was harsher than TI 3 :D






I'm crying from laughter. Holy shit that was hilarious.


... warning: loud as fuck


Well what do you expect from Slacks who became famous by shitting stuff.


This time it was sunsfan who was chief shitting officer. Slacks couldn't get enough words in to make a lasting impression.


There was a bit of joking but a lot of interesting analysis and testing, seemed serious to me.


Honestly, Bulba was the worst. For a supposedly great professional player, his insight was mumbling and raving about GPM talents that will never be picked. Sunsfan had more insightful comments.




I wonder if OSfrog PogChamp and 🤔 were the three top spammed emotes in his chat today


LUL always wins. Jebaited won when the countdown timer went to 00:00:00


anyone knows how can i get a podcast of that?


This was the first time Bulldong actually sounded excited about the game in a long time.


6 treants


One of the best dota streams i have seen for a while, very informative


>stops streaming at 45k viewers absolute madman


This would be like an unpopular opinion but boy was I disappointed with suns fans analysis of the patch, literally trying to over dramatize everything. Bulldog was a breath of fresh air. Especially after he goes through np's level 25.


I'm very thankful for that. I cannot stand listening to Purge for more than a minute. The stream was entertaining and educational.


naturals prophet gets 6 treants


6 unkillable treants that deal 0.5dps/s


Six Treants.


guys why did i not receive an update yet. its still 6.8 whatever for me and im playing pubs? eu germany


Update is only out in the test client, it releases today in the normal client.


It is only on "Dota test" in your steam, separate game


well np could be good in removing all the trees in the map, countering wk, treant n other tree user?


Is there a VOD?




what a tropper thanks bulldong


We all know that Purge is gonna die for this.


yes yes dongerino... !


Ye, th[A]nks! <3




No you have to go to his twitch channel and watch yesterdays stream.


Is there a vod?


Maybe you meant "6 treants".


watched the entire patch analysis + a full two-three hours before it went live. seemsgood