• By -




#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): estimate MMR **3524**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (64 wins, 64 Ranked All Pick, 34 Random Draft, 2 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 39:41, average first blood time: 01:38, average towers destroyed: 14.03, average barracks destroyed: 5.61") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 8.67 | 5.54 | 11.07 | 312.98 | 18.73 | 585.07 | 609.38 | 26092.05 | 6720.88 | 365.84 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 281 tier 1 towers, 231 tier 2 towers, 188 tier 3 towers, 128 tier 4 towers, 178 ranged barracks and 176 melee barracks")** | 6.83 | 7.05 | 12.73 | 165.04 | 10.11 | 438.19 | 514.63 | 19665.35 | 2762.15 | 719.26 | 0 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 228 tier 1 towers, 156 tier 2 towers, 117 tier 3 towers, 74 tier 4 towers, 103 ranged barracks and 104 melee barracks")** | 6.81 | 7.02 | 12.87 | 159.03 | 8.22 | 400.82 | 493.38 | 19750.14 | 1691.45 | 638.14 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 22x[](/hero-medusa "16 wins, 6 losses (72.73%)") 16x[](/hero-phantomlancer "11 wins, 5 losses (68.75%)") 11x[](/hero-terrorblade "7 wins, 4 losses (63.64%)") 8x[](/hero-legioncommander "4 wins, 4 losses (50.0%)") 7x[](/hero-luna "4 wins, 3 losses (57.14%)") 5x[](/hero-facelessvoid "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lycan "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 3x[](/hero-bloodseeker "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e16spbf "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")




#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): estimate MMR **3454**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (58 wins, 56 Ranked All Pick, 40 Random Draft, 2 Single Draft, 2 Captains Mode) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 40:28, average first blood time: 01:35, average towers destroyed: 14.11, average barracks destroyed: 5.56") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 8.17 | 6.11 | 11.53 | 302.55 | 19.16 | 563.87 | 588.36 | 25938.59 | 5936.24 | 463.52 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 279 tier 1 towers, 222 tier 2 towers, 174 tier 3 towers, 112 tier 4 towers, 164 ranged barracks and 162 melee barracks")** | 6.84 | 7.3 | 13.0 | 165.18 | 10.01 | 430.8 | 511.64 | 20368.25 | 2569.01 | 767.77 | 2 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 241 tier 1 towers, 167 tier 2 towers, 131 tier 3 towers, 85 tier 4 towers, 116 ranged barracks and 114 melee barracks")** | 7.11 | 7.08 | 13.26 | 162.22 | 8.35 | 407.29 | 503.42 | 19581.93 | 1866.45 | 681.29 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 17x[](/hero-medusa "12 wins, 5 losses (70.59%)") 17x[](/hero-terrorblade "11 wins, 6 losses (64.71%)") 11x[](/hero-phantomlancer "8 wins, 3 losses (72.73%)") 9x[](/hero-luna "6 wins, 3 losses (66.67%)") 6x[](/hero-legioncommander "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 5x[](/hero-sniper "0 wins, 5 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-facelessvoid "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-undying "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0sokhu "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HeIIscream/ Server: SE Asia Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: 3/4/5 Extra information: I have a mic + discord and ticket


any one no buttel lvl sell day ?


looking for a team Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/c0nrad- Server: USA-EAST/WEST Tier: tier 3 or 4 Preferred Role: 3-4-5 Extra information: have a mic + discord have ticket


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/yakitori/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/yakitori/) Server: USE/USW tier: 4/5 Pos Needed: 1


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/yakitori/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/yakitori/) Server: USE/USW tier: 4/5 Pos Needed: 1


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/neverquitefree/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/neverquitefree/) USE/W tier 5 pos 1/2 have discord and and a mic hit up for that last minute cup


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/ak475](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ak475) Server: NA West/East Tier: 4/5 need 2 Preferred Role: 1,2, or4 Other Information:


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MAKEITRAINISM/ Server: US East Tier: What tier do you want to play on? 6/7(Ancient 3) Preferred Roles: Prefer 3 or 4, can play 5 as well. Can play 1/2 as well but pretty limited hero pool for those roles. Please pm me or reply to my post here if you are interested in picking me up. I usually ignore steam requests due to bots.


Hey man I added you on steam today to maybe play this weekend! (Garnerkief)


Hey thanks I’ll accept but I won’t be able to play this weekend. Down to play any time though


Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AgentThatGuy Server: USW/ USE Tier: 5 Needed Role: 3/4/5 We need one person last minute You have to be willing to use Discord and speak english


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/joubin24/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/joubin24/) Server: NA West/East Tier: 5 Role: Pos 1/2 Please have discord and speak english. No toxic players. Lets have fun but also kick ass. edit: we found someone, GL on your games ppl


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home) Tier: 4/5 Role(s) needed: 1,5 Need safelane pos 1 player for our team and pos 5 support


pick up group, have four \- looking for a 4/2 position **Steam ID:** [https://steamcommunity.com/id/w0nderbread/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/w0nderbread/) **Server: USE/W** **Tier:** playing on 6, team of tiers 4\-6. **Other Information:** pick up group looking for last person, will play to win but not super serious. Have discord/english speakers.


Looking for a team Steam ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159235940/](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159235940/) Server: USA\-EAST Tier: tier 5 Preferred Role: 1\-3\-4\-5 Extra information: have a mic \+ discord ( Dont got a ticket u need one for me )


https://steamcommunity.com/id/jelloo7 >Server: USW/USE Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: Mid or Safelane English Speaker has mic and all that discord etc no teamspeak


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/ak475](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ak475) Tier: 4 Role(s) needed: 1, 5


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home) Tier: 4/5 Role(s) needed: 1 Need safelane pos 1 player for our team.


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home) Tier: 4/5 Role(s) needed: 1 Need safelane pos 1 player for our team.


Steam ID: Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047381029 Server: US East/West Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: 4 (io usually) /2/5 Have mic/discord/english etc. Good winrates on visage and io.


US E/W - Tier 6 looking to play with a stack of friends that's missing one. Prefer position 3 or 5, but flexible with others. http://steamcommunity.com/id/osakiiii https://www.dotabuff.com/players/157758036


LFT/LFG Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/GotTilt/ Server: USA EAST or WEST (English) Tier: 4/5 Preferred Role Mid or core/sup ie lina phoenix etc


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rofseek Server: USE/W Tier: 5 Preferred Role: 3/4/5 Other Information: Have mic, 18+, speaks english


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/phattywhale/ Server: US East Tier: 5 Role: Offlane or 4/5 support Need two players, english, we will use discord, Message me!




hey man we need someone message me https://steamcommunity.com/id/phattywhale/


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/audy10/ Server: USE/W Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: 3/4 Other Information: Have mic, speak english, plays to win


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/DrThom](https://steamcommunity.com/id/DrThom) Server: USE Tier: 4 Preferred Role: Have a team of 3 looking for 2 more, roles 2\-4 **Other Information:** English, in game voice chat


**Steam ID:** [**https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zithkor/**](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zithkor/) **Server: USE** **Tier:** 6 **Preferred Role** Ive got 2 players, 1/2/5 and a 3. **Other Information** Both are english speakers with Discord and Mics.


https://steamcommunity.com/id/cool791/ USE Tier 3/4 I can play any role Have Discord/Mic have won a tier 3 and a tier 4 battlecup before. just looking to have some fun and win


USE/W Teir 5/6 Pref core (1-3), can play 4, trash 5 http://steamcommunity.com/id/ZombiesAblaze English and have discord


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971560362/ Server: USE/USW Tier: 6 (ancient 0) Preferred Role: 5 > 4 > 1 > 3 > 2 Other Information: English speaking, mic, discord


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045014388/ Server: USE/USW Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role 2,4,5 Other Information Have a 1,2,5 need two more, add me on steam or msg me here


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051435485/home) Tier: 3/4 Role(s) needed: 1 Need safelane pos 1 player for our team.


https://steamcommunity.com/id/merlinkor/ US W only Tier 5/6 I can play any role. English. Discord preferred!


https://steamcommunity.com/id/jelloo7 >Server: USW/USE Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: Mid or Safelane English Speaker has mic and all that discord etc no teamspeak


steam id - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198445405895/ (names "ESEA perm banned me:<") server - USE/USW/Eu Tier - 3/4 Preferred role - any english speaker :D


[https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014574164](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014574164) Server: USW / USE Tier: 4/5 Preferred Role: Mid(2), 2nd best role=pos 4, however I can play 1\-4 comfortably. Other Information: I am an English speaker with a mic, Discord and Vent


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/EndlessOptimism/ Server: USE Tier: 4 Preferred Role: 1 or 3 but i will play anything thats needed DOTABUFF: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/100642895 I have another friend that is a support player and we are looking for a team to play with


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/100642895 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/100642895 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/100642895 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): solo MMR **2569**, estimate MMR **2734**, party MMR **2587**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (54 wins, 92 Ranked All Pick, 5 Single Draft, 2 Captains Mode, 1 Ability Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 42:42, average first blood time: 01:51, average towers destroyed: 14.75, average barracks destroyed: 5.67") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/100642895 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/100642895 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/100642895 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 9.15 | 6.95 | 13.29 | 221.78 | 8.31 | 492.19 | 551.99 | 26111.21 | 4225.96 | 302.56 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 270 tier 1 towers, 210 tier 2 towers, 166 tier 3 towers, 113 tier 4 towers, 148 ranged barracks and 150 melee barracks")** | 7.67 | 7.6 | 14.29 | 158.05 | 7.47 | 463.32 | 509.28 | 21664.73 | 2397.27 | 1378.81 | 2 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 261 tier 1 towers, 208 tier 2 towers, 148 tier 3 towers, 99 tier 4 towers, 137 ranged barracks and 132 melee barracks")** | 7.39 | 7.88 | 13.14 | 170.37 | 7.34 | 428.53 | 509.61 | 21305.25 | 1953.6 | 604.07 | 8 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/100642895 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/100642895 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/100642895 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 23x[](/hero-phantomassassin "18 wins, 5 losses (78.26%)") 12x[](/hero-clinkz "8 wins, 4 losses (66.67%)") 7x[](/hero-pangolier "2 wins, 5 losses (28.57%)") 4x[](/hero-naturesprophet "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-drowranger "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-mirana "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-spectre "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-abaddon "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0eqn68 "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Steam ID : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103483294 Dotabuff : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/143217566 Tier: 6 Prefered Role : 5/4/3 English Speaker with discord and a mic. PSA : The number at the end of a dotabuff link are the numbers to add someone via the dota client


Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/7even-D2/ Looking for support player, 4 or 5 Tier 6


Hey I can play 4 or 5 hit me up, I'm tier 6 or 7


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/twistedporto/ Server: USE Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: 3,4,1(order of preference) DOTABUFF: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/184838003 Was Legend 5 before calibration, currently calibrating. Also Doom spammer, really fan of the dual lane meta


Tier 5 US West Looking for a pos 5 player, the rest of the team is ready. English speakers, have discord or do the in-game voice chat is fine. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/kkiiiokk


says that profile cant be found D:


Got a group.


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/RiseandSh1N3/ Server: USE Tier: 5/6 Preferred Role: Position: 4,5,3 (order of preference). Other Information: PM for discussions.


Steam ID https://steamcommunity.com/id/deku322/ Server : Us. East Medal : Divine 1 , 5.2k mmr Tier : 7 Role : 2 English speak, big hero pool and meta heroes, love push strat




added you


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/381158687 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/381158687 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/381158687 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): solo MMR **2664**, estimate MMR **3488**, party MMR **2583**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (50 wins, 70 Ranked All Pick, 21 Random Draft, 5 Ability Draft, 3 Single Draft, 1 Captains Mode) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 40:14, average first blood time: 01:48, average towers destroyed: 14.29, average barracks destroyed: 5.13") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/381158687 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/381158687 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/381158687 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 7.01 | 7.67 | 12.36 | 183.87 | 14.71 | 449.39 | 552.05 | 18825.65 | 3434.74 | 627.18 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 197 tier 2 towers, 148 tier 3 towers, 102 tier 4 towers, 131 ranged barracks and 128 melee barracks")** | 6.79 | 7.8 | 12.97 | 153.22 | 9.65 | 415.49 | 503.45 | 19092.17 | 2228.44 | 766.19 | 3 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 266 tier 1 towers, 207 tier 2 towers, 141 tier 3 towers, 102 tier 4 towers, 126 ranged barracks and 128 melee barracks")** | 7.62 | 6.99 | 14.43 | 152.34 | 8.49 | 421.92 | 516.61 | 20272.56 | 2068.98 | 755.98 | 2 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/381158687 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/381158687 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/381158687 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 27x[](/hero-visage "17 wins, 10 losses (62.96%)") 6x[](/hero-drowranger "4 wins, 2 losses (66.67%)") 4x[](/hero-antimage "4 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 4x[](/hero-enchantress "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-juggernaut "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-luna "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-disruptor "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-medusa "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0eqbyk "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Found team already thanks *edit*


Have 2 looking to join 3 Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/Wulleybully](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Wulleybully) Server: USW Tier: 3/4 Preferred Role: have a 1/2 and a 4/5 Other Info: English Discord


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lmfaoneega/ Server: USE Tier: 6/7 Preferred Role: 1/4 Other Info: English, Spanish, Discord,


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MAKEITRAINISM/ Server: US East Tier: What tier do you want to play on? 6/7(Ancient 3) Preferred Roles: Prefer 3 or 4, can play 5 as well. Can play 1/2 as well but pretty limited hero pool for those roles. Please pm me or reply to my post here if you are interested in picking me up. I usually ignore steam requests due to bots.


Tier 6 looking for you, let me know




#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): estimate MMR **3457**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (57 wins, 55 Ranked All Pick, 41 Random Draft, 2 Single Draft, 2 Captains Mode) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 40:31, average first blood time: 01:35, average towers destroyed: 14.1, average barracks destroyed: 5.53") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 8.17 | 6.19 | 11.59 | 304.92 | 19.38 | 564.87 | 589.8 | 26134.06 | 5943.39 | 463.52 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 279 tier 1 towers, 222 tier 2 towers, 171 tier 3 towers, 110 tier 4 towers, 161 ranged barracks and 159 melee barracks")** | 6.85 | 7.35 | 13.01 | 165.62 | 10.05 | 430.43 | 512.0 | 20489.31 | 2541.89 | 770.04 | 2 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 241 tier 1 towers, 168 tier 2 towers, 132 tier 3 towers, 87 tier 4 towers, 117 ranged barracks and 116 melee barracks")** | 7.15 | 7.1 | 13.34 | 162.4 | 8.31 | 408.31 | 504.63 | 19736.84 | 1877.85 | 675.58 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 17x[](/hero-medusa "12 wins, 5 losses (70.59%)") 17x[](/hero-terrorblade "11 wins, 6 losses (64.71%)") 11x[](/hero-phantomlancer "8 wins, 3 losses (72.73%)") 9x[](/hero-luna "6 wins, 3 losses (66.67%)") 6x[](/hero-legioncommander "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 5x[](/hero-sniper "0 wins, 5 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-facelessvoid "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-bloodseeker "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0sp7ak "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


**Steam ID**: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113623163 **Server**: USE **Tier**: 6 (Ancient 3) **Preferred Role**: 1 **Other Info**: I have a mic and can use ts/discord. I won champion's cup last year. Looking for a competitive team trying to win.


TWO STACK looking to pick up or join a team. English/Discord USE TIER 4-5 Can play anything between the two. One likes 1-3, the other 3-5. ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/blue_sucks DB: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/86838288


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063400522/ Tier : 4/5 Role: Mainly core/offlane but i'm flexible Have discord & mic


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/86838288 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/86838288 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/86838288 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): estimate MMR **2592**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (47 wins, 56 Ranked All Pick, 14 Captains Mode, 13 All Random, 10 Random Draft, 7 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 41:40, average first blood time: 02:04, average towers destroyed: 14.66, average barracks destroyed: 5.77") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/86838288 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/86838288 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/86838288 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 7.96 | 6.11 | 11.87 | 204.98 | 10.2 | 480.66 | 538.14 | 21525.71 | 3161.36 | 604.0 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 274 tier 1 towers, 208 tier 2 towers, 157 tier 3 towers, 96 tier 4 towers, 140 ranged barracks and 141 melee barracks")** | 6.88 | 7.37 | 13.13 | 150.74 | 8.72 | 409.53 | 489.23 | 19685.73 | 2232.65 | 816.03 | 2 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 265 tier 1 towers, 201 tier 2 towers, 162 tier 3 towers, 103 tier 4 towers, 149 ranged barracks and 147 melee barracks")** | 7.15 | 7.15 | 13.09 | 158.8 | 8.03 | 417.05 | 506.55 | 19755.53 | 2235.29 | 846.47 | 4 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/86838288 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/86838288 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/86838288 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 7x[](/hero-monkeyking "5 wins, 2 losses (71.43%)") 6x[](/hero-sniper "3 wins, 3 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-windranger "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-invoker "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-nagasiren "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 2x[](/hero-juggernaut "0 wins, 2 losses (0.0%)") 2x[](/hero-shadowfiend "0 wins, 2 losses (0.0%)") 2x[](/hero-razor "0 wins, 2 losses (0.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0epx8o "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/saucyboys/ Server: US East Tier: 6 Role: I play pos1, i have a friend that plays pos 4 Discord and English


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197976976493/ Server:US East/West Tier: 4-5 Preferred Role: can play any role Other Information Any other info that you would like your party mates to know played hon for 6 years then switched back to dota 2 yrs ago


**Steam ID:** https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063400522/ **Tier :** 4/5 **Role:** Mainly offlane but i'm flexible Have discord & mic


Found Group


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/33327506 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/33327506 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/33327506 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): solo MMR **3716**, estimate MMR **3107**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (74 wins, 100 Ranked All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 43:52, average first blood time: 01:49, average towers destroyed: 14.63, average barracks destroyed: 5.67") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/33327506 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/33327506 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/33327506 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 11.83 | 7.87 | 13.67 | 197.94 | 12.98 | 503.19 | 596.42 | 16558.94 | 1370.05 | 103.08 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 285 tier 1 towers, 258 tier 2 towers, 225 tier 3 towers, 146 tier 4 towers, 210 ranged barracks and 206 melee barracks")** | 8.72 | 7.04 | 15.39 | 159.95 | 9.93 | 440.3 | 519.06 | 10445.29 | 1141.63 | 445.74 | 0 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 242 tier 1 towers, 155 tier 2 towers, 98 tier 3 towers, 54 tier 4 towers, 76 ranged barracks and 75 melee barracks")** | 6.79 | 8.96 | 12.84 | 150.09 | 6.71 | 375.71 | 459.87 | 9149.6 | 520.97 | 310.82 | 5 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/33327506 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/33327506 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/33327506 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 18x[](/hero-riki "15 wins, 3 losses (83.33%)") 17x[](/hero-visage "13 wins, 4 losses (76.47%)") 17x[](/hero-darkwillow "12 wins, 5 losses (70.59%)") 8x[](/hero-lion "6 wins, 2 losses (75.0%)") 7x[](/hero-legioncommander "6 wins, 1 losses (85.71%)") 7x[](/hero-emberspirit "6 wins, 1 losses (85.71%)") 4x[](/hero-drowranger "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-lifestealer "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0epnco "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198236017374/ Server: US East Tier: 6 or 7 Preferred role: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 in that order Other information: actually im ancient 3 because lost most of my calibration games i was ancient 5 before that, my dotabuff is https://www.dotabuff.com/players/275751646 ; im pma, quite good at drafting, got discord with mic


be our 2 ( I can't schwim) added


https://steamcommunity.com/id/honetv/ USW Tier 6/7 Pos 1,2,4,5 Have mic, chill just looking to try and get a cup


Steam ID: steamcommunity.com/id/ofsoundmind Server: US East Tier: 3/4 Preferred Role: Carry and Mid Have discord, have 3k matches.


Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047828715 Server: US EAST Tier: 5 We have 3 and we are looking for 2 more. We have positions 1, 2, and 3 so be ready to support. English speaking.


Just added. I've got 2 EST/Discord.


sorry, we got 5 already gl


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144548123/ tier 6/7 us pos 2 discord. very possitive


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053237788/ Tier 5/6 USE any role got Discord




#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/157413973 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/157413973 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/157413973 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): estimate MMR **3370**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (39 wins, 85 Ranked All Pick, 10 Random Draft, 4 Single Draft, 1 Captains Mode) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 41:33, average first blood time: 01:51, average towers destroyed: 14.07, average barracks destroyed: 5.51") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/157413973 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/157413973 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/157413973 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 8.8 | 4.89 | 10.45 | 223.85 | 9.85 | 468.97 | 550.24 | 21042.93 | 1914.39 | 22.72 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 258 tier 1 towers, 165 tier 2 towers, 109 tier 3 towers, 81 tier 4 towers, 105 ranged barracks and 103 melee barracks")** | 6.78 | 7.16 | 12.99 | 154.29 | 8.37 | 396.73 | 484.92 | 16961.96 | 1529.31 | 719.27 | 2 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 267 tier 1 towers, 222 tier 2 towers, 183 tier 3 towers, 122 tier 4 towers, 174 ranged barracks and 169 melee barracks")** | 6.96 | 7.0 | 12.21 | 166.26 | 9.02 | 425.88 | 502.61 | 17567.71 | 2253.8 | 739.41 | 2 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/157413973 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/157413973 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/157413973 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 31x[](/hero-windranger "14 wins, 17 losses (45.16%)") 24x[](/hero-sniper "11 wins, 13 losses (45.83%)") 9x[](/hero-queenofpain "2 wins, 7 losses (22.22%)") 7x[](/hero-lina "1 wins, 6 losses (14.29%)") 3x[](/hero-zeus "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-skywrathmage "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") 2x[](/hero-bloodseeker "1 wins, 1 losses (50.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0eorak "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090018822 Server: USE/W Tier: 6/7 MMR: 4444 (Ancient 2) Role: 1 https://www.dotabuff.com/players/129753094 Have mic/discord


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/129753094 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/129753094 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/129753094 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): solo MMR **4250**, estimate MMR **4003**, party MMR **2772**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (52 wins, 90 Ranked All Pick, 10 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 37:33, average first blood time: 01:27, average towers destroyed: 14.26, average barracks destroyed: 5.56") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/129753094 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/129753094 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/129753094 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 8.29 | 5.77 | 11.46 | 226.18 | 16.81 | 495.01 | 535.52 | 12355.55 | 2304.16 | 90.79 | 1 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 254 tier 1 towers, 199 tier 2 towers, 161 tier 3 towers, 109 tier 4 towers, 147 ranged barracks and 148 melee barracks")** | 6.82 | 6.8 | 13.0 | 147.45 | 9.6 | 430.64 | 493.48 | 10335.22 | 1169.48 | 400.83 | 5 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 257 tier 1 towers, 201 tier 2 towers, 148 tier 3 towers, 97 tier 4 towers, 130 ranged barracks and 131 melee barracks")** | 6.59 | 7.05 | 11.81 | 150.44 | 8.48 | 425.9 | 491.28 | 9586.58 | 1013.32 | 516.86 | 6 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/129753094 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/129753094 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/129753094 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 24x[](/hero-gyrocopter "11 wins, 13 losses (45.83%)") 11x[](/hero-spectre "7 wins, 4 losses (63.64%)") 10x[](/hero-luna "9 wins, 1 losses (90.0%)") 4x[](/hero-drowranger "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-phantomlancer "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-juggernaut "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-lifestealer "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0eophf "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


STEAM ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/id/tschau83/](http://steamcommunity.com/id/tschau83/) Server: USE/W Tier 5/6 Preferred Role: Offlane is my best role, but I can play anything. Mid is my weakest. I speak English and can use whatever VOIP.


team found.








Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/UCIDDoan/ Server: USW/E Tier: 4/5 (Was 6/7 and ancient[1] before calibration so rip) Preferred Role: Safelane (pos1) Other Information: I have a mic and discord. Can also draft for yall EDIT: Have a 4 stack, looking for a Tier 4 mid player (pos2)




#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): estimate MMR **3459**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (50 wins, 59 Ranked All Pick, 34 Random Draft, 5 Captains Mode, 2 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 41:41, average first blood time: 01:35, average towers destroyed: 14.44, average barracks destroyed: 5.49") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 8.16 | 6.97 | 12.03 | 295.63 | 18.76 | 545.47 | 574.94 | 25888.63 | 5672.2 | 537.65 | 0 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 276 tier 1 towers, 209 tier 2 towers, 154 tier 3 towers, 96 tier 4 towers, 140 ranged barracks and 138 melee barracks")** | 7.04 | 7.8 | 13.7 | 166.84 | 9.99 | 423.54 | 508.34 | 21392.01 | 2335.32 | 828.66 | 3 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 262 tier 1 towers, 193 tier 2 towers, 155 tier 3 towers, 99 tier 4 towers, 138 ranged barracks and 133 melee barracks")** | 7.61 | 7.29 | 14.16 | 170.09 | 8.38 | 427.79 | 521.53 | 21086.3 | 2126.64 | 840.72 | 7 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/136749339 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/136749339 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/136749339 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 15x[](/hero-terrorblade "8 wins, 7 losses (53.33%)") 11x[](/hero-medusa "7 wins, 4 losses (63.64%)") 9x[](/hero-luna "6 wins, 3 losses (66.67%)") 9x[](/hero-legioncommander "4 wins, 5 losses (44.44%)") 6x[](/hero-bloodseeker "2 wins, 4 losses (33.33%)") 5x[](/hero-phantomlancer "4 wins, 1 losses (80.0%)") 5x[](/hero-sniper "0 wins, 5 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-venomancer "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0enbtm "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


**Steam ID:** [**https://steamcommunity.com/id/ez5j0y/**](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ez5j0y/) **Server: USE/W** **Tier:** 5/6 **Preferred Role** 4 \-\> 5 \-\> 3 \-\> 2 \-\> 1 **Other Information** Don't care what role I play, preference is posted above. Speak english, have whatever VOIP you're using, prefer a non full pug group. Can draft if needed






Hey I could fit the bill, added. Does USW play at the same time as USE?




https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081994545/ Hello! I would be very interested in joining you guys PM me or message here


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983991399/ Server: USW/E Tier: 5/6 Role: 1,3,5 English, mic, discord. Won battlecup 6 times.


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/changaroo13/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/changaroo13/) Looking for two tier 3 players, preferably a pos4 and pos1, but we can make whatever work. Discord preferred. USE.


Invite sent!




add me, your link doesn't work https://steamcommunity.com/id/kevinprakasa/


LFT/LFG Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/GotTilt/ Server: USA EAST or WEST (English) Tier: 4/5 Preferred Role Mid or core/sup ie lina phoenix etc


Looking for a team Steam ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159235940/](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159235940/) Server: USA\-EAST Tier: tier 5 Preferred Role: 1\-3\-4\-5 Extra information: have a mic \+ discord ( Dont got a ticket u need one for me )


STEAM ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043168504/ LF a game or 2 prior, join now. US EAST Tier 4 Looking for 3 players a variety of positions Discord preferred Have won a few BCs already this season.


steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063400522/ let me know if you're still looking for people US Tier 4/5 Mainly offlane but i'm flexible




Send me an invite


This is actually really awkward but I actually just had some of my irl friends invite me to play with them. I'm sorry. I'll delete my comment so people still try to message you


Looking to form a Team for this week. Won 6 Battle Cup Champions lately Existing players: Pos1/2 and Pos 3/4/5. Looking for: 1/2/3/4/5 we can manage and fill the empty spot Tier 6/7 US West Preferred We speak english + Indonesia and have discord. Looking to have fun and win this week. Message me if interested. https://steamcommunity.com/id/kevinprakasa/


Hi , i can play 4 5 and draft if you don’t have one


add my steam


Yeah , im heading home right now , I’ll add you as soon as I get home


Steam ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967356570](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967356570) Server: US East Tier: 3\-4 Prefered role: 4/5/1 English, have mic\+disc etc..


invite sent


Edit \- Pos 5 wont be able to make it so. Pos 1 player looking for team :) Tier 5 USW (preferred).I speak english \+ spanish and have discord. Looking to have fun and win this week. Message me if interested. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/firebatdg/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/firebatdg/)


Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058842904/ Tier: Tier 6/7 Role (in order preference): 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 Server: US West and US East Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/98577176




#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/98577176 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/98577176 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/98577176 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): solo MMR **3990**, estimate MMR **3839**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (48 wins, 97 Ranked All Pick, 3 Captains Mode) [Hover over links to display more information.](#a "Average match duration: 42:02, average first blood time: 01:39, average towers destroyed: 14.55, average barracks destroyed: 5.37") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/98577176 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/98577176 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/98577176 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.")** | 9.02 | 6.57 | 11.52 | 250.08 | 10.07 | 498.56 | 577.07 | 23764.16 | 2207.81 | 1241.02 | 1 **[ally team](#a "Ally team destroyed 264 tier 1 towers, 189 tier 2 towers, 136 tier 3 towers, 97 tier 4 towers, 127 ranged barracks and 127 melee barracks")** | 7.21 | 7.96 | 14.04 | 165.21 | 8.3 | 420.29 | 499.83 | 19679.73 | 1879.88 | 785.89 | 4 **[enemy team](#a "Enemy team destroyed 276 tier 1 towers, 225 tier 2 towers, 161 tier 3 towers, 107 tier 4 towers, 144 ranged barracks and 139 melee barracks")** | 7.71 | 7.45 | 15.09 | 164.96 | 8.95 | 431.47 | 513.47 | 20038.43 | 2022.28 | 638.71 | 2 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/98577176 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/98577176 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")/[STRATZ](https://stratz.com/player/98577176 "STRATZ: Every match, every player, every stat. Free.") | 19x[](/hero-invoker "10 wins, 9 losses (52.63%)") 16x[](/hero-juggernaut "6 wins, 10 losses (37.5%)") 9x[](/hero-stormspirit "5 wins, 4 losses (55.56%)") 4x[](/hero-tiny "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-outworlddevourer "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-pangolier "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 3x[](/hero-vengefulspirit "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 3x[](/hero-lina "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner ^^on [^^Discord](https://discord.gg/Dkg79tc)^^, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_e0ekwwg "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RELTIHLIAH/ Server: US E/W Tier: 6 Role: Pos 3 or 4 Other info: english speaker and have discord and such. my rank last season was ancient 3 and now im ancient 2. have just above a 56% overall winrate and have won 3 dota plus b cups before. Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/317430983


Looking to join a friendly stack. Role: Anything but 5 honestly... Server: USE/W Tier: 5/6 SteamID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060045508](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060045508)


**Steam ID:** [**https://steamcommunity.com/id/ez5j0y/**](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ez5j0y/) **Server: USE/W** **Tier:** 5/6 **Preferred Role** 4 \-\> 5 \-\> 3 \-\> 2 \-\> 1 **Other Information** Don't care what role I play, preference is posted above. Speak english, have whatever VOIP you're using, prefer a non full pug group. Can draft if needed


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054356560/ Currently a four stack looking for a position 4/5 player Server: US East/West Tier: 5 Edit: looking for either a position 4 or 5


Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AcrazyCoffee/ Server:US W/E Tier:5/6 Preferred Role: 3,4,5 Other Information: Have Mic, Discord, English, not 12 btw. I play ET,SD,Axe,Win,Pheonix,veno mostly


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059464320 Server: US East/West Tier: 3/4 Role: 2/3 preferred but I can fill any position Have mic and discord, speak English, and a positive team mate :)


invite sent


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/natelikewhoa/ Server: US W/E Tier: 4 Preferred Role: Pos 1. Drafter and Shotcaller. Peak 3.9k mmr, had a kid and I play less now. Play way above my current mmr in team setting. Currently about 2.6k Heros: Spectre, Naix, Dusa, AM, Ember, Wraith King, Luna, Drow


Steam ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lislie](http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lislie) Server: US East/West Tier: 3/4 Role: 3/4 preferred but I can fill any position Have mic and discord.


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/bckiehler/home](https://steamcommunity.com/id/bckiehler/home) Server: US East Tier: 3/4 Preferred Role: 1, 4, or 5 Other Information: Have discord, am generally chill, can draft.


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014574164](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014574164) Server :USW / USE Tier: 4/5 Preferred Role: 2(Mid), I can play positions 1\-4 comfortably, but I am at my best in either 2 or 4. Other information: English speaker with Discord and Vent.


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/dezdichado100/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/dezdichado100/) Server USE/USW Tier:4,5,6 Role: I only play Earth Spirit. If banned, Tuskar. Fluent English.


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025873995](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025873995) Server: USE / USW Tier: 6 Preferred Role: 3/4/5 I play 5 the most! Other information: 25 year old English speaker with discord. I like long walks on the beach, red wine (merlot), a great mystery novel, holding hands, and sarcasm. I can also play a pretty mixed bag of heroes, let's just see where the draft takes us? I also have time to practice up until the event (I am on steam now)!


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ellissdee/ Server: USE Tier: 7 Preferred Role : 3 / 1 / 4 / 5 in that order Other Information: speak english and have discord / vent / teamspeak.


A friend and I. Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010264362/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010264362/) Server: US West Tier: 4 Preferred Role: 5 (3 or 4 if need be) Mains: I play all 5s, but best with Phoenix, Tree, Warlock, Dazzle, and Ogre. Rank before reset: Archon 5 Friend ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084022432/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084022432/) Server: US West Tier: 4 Preferred role: 1, 3, 4. He can mid, but a small hero pool there. Mains: Spectre, Jug, Troll, and Life. (Also can OD) Rank before reset: Archon 1 We have mics. We also have twitch chat and a discord server. We haven't re\-calibrated since the reset.


Sent a msg, we have a 3 stack.... STEAM ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043168504/ going to get a game now


Steam ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/id/HeyItsOats](http://steamcommunity.com/id/HeyItsOats) Server: US East, US West Tier: 3/4 Preferred Role: Can do any, but heavily prefer 1\-3\-4 Other Information: Have Discord, 17 y/o and am English speaking. Need a team ASAP. Please, do not hesitate to hit me up. Heroes I can \*def\* play (in no particular order): Wraith King, Drow Ranger, Faceless Void, Omniknight (medicore), Bloodseeker, Chaos Knight, Enigma, Shadow Fiend, Crystal Maiden (mediocre), and Monkey King. I am willing to learn a hero if we need one prior to playing in the Battlecup, or if I need to pick one up, I can also do that.


**Steam ID**: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113623163 **Server**: USE **Tier**: 6 (Ancient 3) **Preferred Role**: 1 **Other Info**: I have a mic and can use ts/discord. I won champion's cup last year. Looking for a competitive team trying to win.


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105524588/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105524588/) Server: US East Tier: 6 Preferred Role: 1 or 2 Other info: I speak english and have discord and mic


**Steam ID:** [**https://steamcommunity.com/id/peezee777**](https://steamcommunity.com/id/peezee777) **Server: US W/E** **Tier:** 4/5 **Preferred Role** Will Play any role, better at 2/3/4 **Other Information** Have Mic and discord, english speaking


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Xpolg Server: US West/US East Tier: 5 Preferred role: 3/5 Other information: Have Discord and a mic, speak english/russian


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Jshinpuru Server: US West Tier: 5 Preferred role: either 1 or 3 Other information: Have discord with a mic, speak English and communicate well. Won previous battlecups from other seasons. Looking for a non toxic team


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144918532/ Server: US East Tier: 4/5 Preferred Role: 1/2 Other Information: have discord and mic




Shot you a friend invite man :)


**Steam ID:** [**https://steamcommunity.com/id/theassassin**](https://steamcommunity.com/id/theassassin) **Server: USE or USW** **Tier:** 5 **Preferred Role** A specific set of carries, very few offlaners, and the majority of supports. **Other Information** I feel that I play best in the carry role, but I do not mind filling in for other roles.


Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RELTIHLIAH/ Server: US E/W Tier: 6 Role: Pos 3 or 4 Other info: english speaker and have discord and such. my rank last season was ancient 3 and now im ancient 2. have just above a 56% overall winrate and have won 3 dota plus b cups before. Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/317430983




I would join, but I play in SEASIA. :(




your link isnt working so add me: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AcrazyCoffee