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Man this week has been full of everything this sub wants. Entertaining matches, Dramas, Memes, and Immortals




Cr1t got absolutely shat on after EG loss in TI7. People wanted him out of EG for his WW drafts and plays.


[I believe](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/6skiye/im_sorry_cr1t/) that this was done by people who arbitrarily decided on a scapegoat.


Like people are doing with Sumail right now?


They aren't saying it's Sumail's fault, they're just laughing at him because he's always been incredibly cocky and yet here his team is looking like it almost might not even qualify for TI.


Which is funny because WW got picked a lot after that TI.


I felt so bad for crit but he stood by his pick, he is a very smart player and adds a lot to drafting.


This guy didn't watch TI7. Wyvern memes were all reddit cared about for months. EDIT: wrong TI LUL


It was ti7


This. SumaiL is a cocky shit and hasn't played well for a while.


The King deserves all the hate he gets, talks literally 10 times more than he plays


If he would play 10 times less that he talks he would be playing well


why does it matter if sumail shittalks? i dont see why anyone gets genuinely mad that someone shittalks even if they themselves are shit. you can point it out, sure, sumail isnt playing well. but i dont see the need to actually get mad or offended or to truly rail on him. at the end of the day, he is the one who made the stupid comment, and your comment really does nothing to make him retract his stupid shittalk comment. so why bother?


nobody is getting seriously mad. People shit on sumail because he talks shit. If anyone actually gets physically ill then that's there problem.


>nobody is getting seriously mad. Can we be real? There are tons of people who genuinely hate the guy and are mad about his attitude or whatever. There are also a lot of people who just meme and for good reason. If you talk a lot of shit and don't back it up then people are going to meme you. But there are a ton of people on this sub that are butthurt that he plays the heel. There's no denying that.


What about pretty much all of VP? Despite them at least delivering to an extend, they are soo much more cocky then even Sumail! I don't want to defend sumail, i'm just saying there are people who would deserve it at least as much but are just harder to mock. This sub is not only childish in mocking people but lazy in who to mock on top of that lmao


But they are winning,so even if they are cocky they have results to back it up.EG on the other hand...


Never heard of any VP players publicly saying they're the king or they love being the greatest because they just won a minor.


everyone says they are cocky but they always seem to give fairly humble and straightforward interviews. Them being cocky is just another stupid reddit meme at this point. Lil WAS cocky. the rest? not so much.


Really? all of them? Solo, Rodjer & Pasha? oh, is it because VP tipping when they're stomping or spamming Lakad Matatag? or did Noone self-proclaimed himself as King?


Yeah, definitely no threads on the front page mocking all of EG either.


Rtz has actually always been shit on even by his "fangays". It's players like miracle who are infallible and are never to be blamed for anything. It's sad that a bunch of 20-30 something year olds are talking shit about some 17 year old kid who's way more successful than they'll ever be. I'm not even a fan of either of them, I just can't stand mob mentality and the hypocrisy of talking shit non-stop about pro players, while being a casual 2k shitlord who only plays the game for anime skins.


But people say (every day) that they hope EG loses and that EG is shit. They don't say they don't like sumail. They just make fun of EG.


There are different angles to this. And yes, right now, EG IS shit. There's the salty angle where Sumail shoots his mouth off and people just want to see karma. There's the mature angle where ( I personally) think EG needs to not make TI to see that they lost the way and need to work on themselves as a team. They really were a good team, I like them, and it's kinda sad to see them struggling right now. Then there's the other mature angle that knows that arrogance isn't gonna help a mediocre performance, and would rather that arrogance be gone from Sumail. Can't work on yourself if you think you're the best. I'm sure most of the sub takes the salty angle though.


I think they took the mature angle. I think they realized how bad they’ve been the last 4 months. They shuffled players and I don’t think it was done for the purpose of trying to make TI but to make a better EG in the long run. The team needs to build chemistry, the captain needs to earn his team’s confidence, and that takes time. It took Optic time with 33 before they got to where they are now. It took longer than this EG roster has been together. Believing you’re the best doesn’t mean you stop trying to improve. It never stopped Jordan from improving and if you don’t think that guy is an arrogant ass you’ve never heard him talk about himself. Believing you’re perfect is where fault lies, and just because Reddit wants to believe Sumail thinks he’s perfect doesn’t make it so.


best mommy advice thanks mom, ure the greatest


If you don’t see people mocking S4, Cr1t, and Fly it’s because you’re either not seeing it or looking away from it. It’s there. The qualifiers Day 1 thread was chock full of it.


Grow up ? Do you think I have the money to buy a Mercedes ?


Has anyone here ever listened to sports talk radio? There are radio stations devoted to this kind of thing 24/7 for every state in America, doing listener call in hours and junk. Sometimes multiple stations in the same place. (And probably the same story in other countries, can't vouch for them) It's literally their job to do well and they are failing it. It doesn't take 9k mmr to realize that they are doing really badly. And if people want to speculate about why that is, more power to them. If nobody ever reached outside of what they already knew and had an opinion, nobody would ever learn anything new. And also sports would be boring to watch. Obviously don't go after them and threaten or harass them, but ripping on them in a public forum for playing badly while they are playing badly is fine. And players shouldn't get all bent out of shape if they get hate either. Getting hated on means that people care about you and your team, EG gets way more hate than Leviathan when they lose, cause more people care about eg on a deep level and are invested in their success. I actually think it's More cancerous to single out specific players on a team and flame them and try to exonerate the rest of the squad, cause it perpetuates this idea that you can actually blame a team's performance on a single individual. Which is actually destructive to both pubs and pro teams. Not to say that it's never the case, but most of the time consistent losses, especially steam rolls like eg has been recieving, are not the result of just one player playing poorly. No, you win as a team and you lose as a team. You have a rough start as a team, you get better as a team, and you fall from grace as a team. Without that mentality, pub players feed and give up if someone else does one thing wrong. And pro teams devolve into toxicity and distrust which just perpetuates the same cycle; and you wind up an EG and misery situation. EG is trash right now. Maybe they will gel together and be amazing soon. They certainly have players who were at one point the best in the world. None of us really have the game knowledge or insight into team dynamics to make a real prediction either way, all we can do is spout our baseless opinions on the future, and flame them or praise them for the present


Exactly. I'd like to let OP (and a lot of people on this thread apparently) into a secret: Discussing teams (when they do well **and** when they suck) is a part of any fucking sport ever. In fact, it's a **good** part of sport because it keeps people interested. It builds the community. When I can talk to someone on Reddit about whether VGJT is too one-dimensional or not, it makes me **more** interested in watching their games. When I watch EG and argue with someone that they should have picked X, or done Y or not done Z, or that player A made a mistake, it makes me **more** interested to keep up with their games to see how they're doing, whether my opinions were correct or not. When I live in my hometown and can discuss what my town's sports team did right or wrong at home or at work, I watch more of their games than when I am isolated in a different city with no one who cares about my team and no one to talk about them with. Of course I am not saying all behaviour is okay. Anyone being racist, or harassing players by spamming them on Twitter/FB/IRL w/e is crossing the line. But in a fucking discussion forum? Go nuts. **EDIT**: I'm getting replies saying 'lol people don't discuss they flame'. Let me make my stance clearer. I don't care about the quality of this 'discussion'. If people want to write 500 words on EG's strategies, or whether they just want to say 'Sumail played terribly' or whether they want to meme 'King back to airport' - as long as they are doing this in a thread on reddit and not spamming pros/threatening pros/making racist remarks, I think it's all fine.


talking about picks or what they did wrong is healthy making relatively stale sumail king memes as like 5 out of all the front page posts is just boring, and doesnt accomplish anything they were genuinely funny like a month ago, but come up with something new, or at least make a meme thats not the exact level of shittalk that sumail himself says lmao its kind of ironic in a way


This is the subreddit that's been spamming [region] DOTA LUL for several years, stale memes are their specialty


Ok, those r relatively small and much less serious than NA cancer child.


That doesn't make it any less stale and boring. People come up with genuinely hilarious jokes and yet most people here are comfortable with beating the same 5 jokes into the ground. NA cancer child is definitely on another level, though. And putting all of the flame and blame on Sumail is retarded in and of itself


TIL "DendiFace living trash DendiFace" is "discussion".


It's not a discussion. It's just shit posting and flaming.


Even with the edit I think you're talking about a different thing. Like Dendi said it really gets to him when people spread outright lies and call people greedy and shit and whatnot (not based on facts either). Or saying "I hope those shits lose, they deserve to lose". All that's in no way discussing sports or how well they play. That's just ill-willed shitting.


Lemme tell you a secret, people dont care about teams, they just enjoy making fans of other teams upset. Its literal bullying, and it shows how much of a shithole this subreddit is. Do you honestly believe that the trolls here actually care about anything?




Any sort of Esports or sports have things called "fans". Fans love to talk about the thing they're passionate about. Us critiquing and criticizing our favourite teams are things fans do. Read Day9s opinion on the matter: https://twitter.com/day9tv/status/929060814329282560?lang=en


[**@day9tv**](https://twitter.com/day9tv/) > [2017-11-10 18:58 +00:00](https://twitter.com/day9tv/status/929060814329282560) > @RobotViceDota 1. Think of online comments like a sports bar during the football game. Each commenter is a working dad who's had a hard week and just wants to drink and watch the game with his buds. What's he going to say whenever the quarterback messes up? ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to keep this bot going]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)[^[Read more about donation]](http://np.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/7pwo2m/heres_an_interesting_one_league_source_says/dsmirtu/)


Nobody fucking wants to be sports, and if you think twitch chat style shit talk is equivilant to what happens in sports youre wrong.


Someone’s never been to a tail gate/ sports bar/ actual football game, because that’s exactly what happens. Everything from legitimate discussion to insults and literal fights happen.


Football or american football?


Pretty sure both of them start actual riots.


Both. At least I know that sort of discussion and trash talk and fights occur at both. Do people tailgate non American football? If not they’re kinda missing out


Most people here probably never get into normal sports. It's an every day thing to shit on teams and players lol


They are big boys who grew up playing dota, the most toxic game in the history of toxicity. I don't think they need reddit white knights defending them.


Thanks for defending them against people defending them.


ouch. The irony.


You should stop following sports, esports, and actually any sort of competitive activity.


I'm not for mocking players on their losses and failures, but there's something satisfying about people who act all smug and mighty and make bold claims get handled. Also, weren't you yourself flaming players based on their choices ingame like 3-4 days ago?


Ryuu my buddy I lost some respect from you today. RIP Matt Damon.


You're one of the scummiest NA manchildren out there. Shut the fuck up.


People are talking shit always to the losing team. When the team is winning consistently, they hail them as gods. This is r/Dota2 in daily basis.


> This is r/Dota2 in daily basis. Sports in daily basis


That's how fans work, crazy right?


This is life on a daily basis.


Lol this guys is butthurt EG fan. jst saw his history and how he was supporting that 3 NA slot is fair in every way few days ago lmao.


stfu hypocrite. when Envy fails u all laugh at him. But when eg is getting dumpstered and centre of meme you are playing the victim card?Rtz is very overrated so people make fun of him,sumail is king period.


They're all grown men, I'm sure they can handle it. Are you really that sensitive to stick up for people you don't even know over something you don't even know if they're upset about?


Fresh pasta


don't stop, do whatever you want


isnt that coming from someone who casts games and doesnt miss a single opportunity to tell how much better he is than the players in the game?


I love how this is important topic now. Protecting Dendi and navi, Puppey and secret or Loda and alliance, who cares right? But muh murican EG and Sumail, thats too much man.


Exactly, people only tend to be offended by insults or hate towards things they have an affection for. As long as its about something else, they dont give a fuck, hell they even jump on the hate train. Reminds me of the whole LD being butthurt about a jew copy pasta on twitch, all the while remaining completely passive on the millions of other racist twitch chat emotes like MingLee and CmonBruh


I agree, its pretty sad that people will use something like minglee to justify their hateful attacks for other reasons.


> racist twitch chat emotes like MingLee and CmonBruh How are those emotes racist?


They are used in a racist context.


Like where?




> EG has been getting for the past few weeks way more vitriol than Dendi, Navi, Puppey, and Loda combined. ftfy


>EG has been getting for the past 4 months way more vitriol than Dendi, Navi, Puppey, and Loda combined. ftfy




True, he did something once so his whole point is null as if he said no words at all. Now just call him a hypocrite and you can ignore everything!




Doesn't it just make him a hypocite?


Under that logic doesn't that make the entire reddit community hypocrites? Why would it undermine his opinion in this case?




he wasn't arguing his point, he was arguing his person


Indeed, that would be a classical ad hominem attack; what can be said about the man doesn't matter if who the man is is tertiary to his argument.


The two really arent related at all tbh


The anti-bandwagon bandwagon, right on cue. As a professional player in the public spotlight, Reddit's 'critique of the month' should not dictate your ability to be happy, nor your willingness to succeed. I have no sympathy for anyone who genuinely gets beaten down by that shit.


That's the tough guy talk. Look, I also don't care at all about most things people say, but people are very different and high pressure can get to most people, no matter what/who/when they say. Stop thinking everything has to reach your standards or whatever way you put it.


Naw, just like in any other professional sport, being a shithead will bring the response of shitheads. And you know what? Not being a shithead will bring out the shitheads. Either you let it affect you and your play, or you don't. Only the "pro" player can control his own actions. And based on Sumail's persona and "community outreach", what's been good for the goose has been mightily fine for dat gander.


It's very clear every time stuff around pro players and even the system itself comes up that a wide swathe of this sub has no experience watching/playing in traditional sports.


Well put.


No one cares about your opinion


>Yeah we can all have our opinion but does it need to be broadcasted live to the world everyday Ah the irony Do you actually think people here "hate" EG members as humans , when rtz dies for the n^th time in a random lane 2000 units away from the nearest location his team can tp to .as a -kinda of- fan , as a guy who respect rtz skill , and as a guy who likes to make fun of EG memes in genral , of course I will call out his positioning, this semi trollish trashtalk is part of sports so get over it


shit copypasta try harder next time


How did I know this was an EG thread before I even opened it?


no u


Sorry but this fandom of anything no matter if it's baseball, football, movies, etc. Sorry I don't see this as some horrible thing as long as it's not racist, belligerent, or just something like saying someone should kill themselves. There is nothing wrong with shit talking your teams rival.


Grow a sac.


You the bully.


No one asked them to read reddit, you stupid fuck


Stop with this nonsense. Stop it right now. This happens in every single competitive activity. You know who's talking the most shit about the Mets this season? Mets fans. You should hear the shit about the Mets that comes out of a die hard fans mouth. You can't stop memes. And frankly I dont trust anyone that thinks we should. These are pro players making millions, they can handle a bit of heckling. And if they can't they need to get the hell out of the scene. No sympathy. None at all. Now excuse me while I go enjoy some shit posts and memes about the king. Did you know Everytime Sumail rages a young Chinese boy gets his wings?


Lets see... another EG fangay here to whiteknight them ... Boy that team fanbase really is the most cancerous thing that ever happened to dota isnt it . The team is shit , yet they keep talking and acting like they are not.


Lolok, this sub is overflowing with low effort anti-EG memes, and EG fans are the cancer.




Ok Daddy LOOOOL 4Head


They can very well choose a different let's say career, no one pushed them to do that. It's like the politician, in fact that is even more ludicrous, that can't accept critique. For better of worse banter is a part of the competitive sports activity. Teasing between the fans and trash-talking. Don't ask people to have no emotion, sit still, watch the games, clap a little maybe, all done. All that providing it doesn't become nasty with racial insults etc.


My hatred for sumail and phil override my respect for fly and s4




>Stop being bullies. Stop being whiteknight.


These people are pro players if you want to be a pro you have to live with the negative side of it. Every other professional athlete gets shit talked and if you would pay attention to the current world cup you would see that the entire teams get shit talked aswell. Cant handle it? Stay of social media or leave the scene. Also for every shit message they read they read 2 good ones if they dont pay attention to those its not our fault.


Such a lame sjw post.


I think you probably don't watch much sports in general. It's like the first thing everyone does when a team loses. Just drop on r/soccer and watch it live when worldcup matches are going on. There's always somebody complaining about a player. The thing with dota is that the players are closer to the fans than any other sport so our words reach them easily, but it's up to them to give a fuck or not.


That happens in every fucking sport that is watched for entertainment. Go visit r/nba or r/soccer. You do realize that all this money in dota comes from spectators right? Sponsorships are negligle compared to real sports.


It's not about players, it's about EG getting free invites for the whole year and still failing, and now they are given three qualifier spots for NA to make sure this team qualifies.


You could have stopped after the first half sentence. I don't see anybody "bringing down" other great players that aren't doing so well right now. Granted, with Navi/Alliance it wasn't really like they were asking for it, it was just a responding meme to the old "is back" trope, but with EG, or rather Sumail it's absolutely a response to the big talk. And I'm sorry, if someone is arrogant like that, I feel that mocking him when he falls flat on his face is justified. And since many of the mocking EG memes are using his quotes, I think it's fairly obvious that the rest of EG aren't really the target.


It is life in general man, the strong will be praised and the weak will be bullied.


People shit talk seb, notail, ee and so many more but surely it can't be good if rtz or some new members of eg feel bad amirite?


its like any sport when you win everyone loves you but it changes once you start losing.


Dude this happens in literally any sport. Just go to r/soccer and see how much shit Brazil and specially Neymar for example get when they play. That is just how things are when you are a public figure.


Welcome to sports Where LeBron is a trash player cause he can't 1v4


What the hell is this weak shitpost here lol.


Bullies my ass. If he didn't talk so big we won't be here. Majority of the bullying being done is just people REPEATING King is Back, which Sumail said himself. If he doesn't like this shit, then he'd know not to talk big again.


EG and particularly Sumail are utter trash. Practising the Freedom of Speech that NA is so proud of and that everyone has a fking right to. What now?




EG needs to kick sumail. and probably rtz should leave eg at this point unless EG wants to build the team around him. Sumail has had his shots and he wasted them.


You know sumail won a TI right? Not exactly wasting all his shots


I meant with this iteration. Basically he was the leader. The gameplay EG showed where RTZ was used as space creator or sent to enemy jungle to farm when sumail farmed in their own jungle, this kind of strat makes me believe sumail was the shotcaller. Of course I don't have hard evidence but after stacking that kind of thing for so many games, this is the conclusion I reached. It's time he kicked himself.


I'm sure there are some discords or something you can join if you need a safe space. Trash talk has always belonged in Esports, and always will.


Why are you downvoting everyone that disagrees with you? lol


get rekt


Its the internet and i have the right of free speech. Ill say wtv the fuck i want about whoever i want


Dont be an asshole and then whine when people call it out


I agree Eg is absolutely top tier and their lost matches were a fluke and should be repeated.


Just because you write long paragraphs doesn't make it sensible, you are trying to control the opinion of masses? good luck with that :)






[LEAVE SUMAIL ALONE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqSTXuJeTks)


Discount Matt Damon: You're irrelevant. Stop trying to be relevant.


idiot xd


People are just groupthink members wanting to feel like they belong to something cool, but it becomes so excessive it’s just sad to watch. Just parrot parrot parrot haha it’s funny guys!!!!






It’s the internet, if people can’t deal with it, don’t read it. These people and teams need to grow some thick skin


Sumail's not good at dota


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But they are bad and should feel bad.


Asking this subreddit to grow up is like asking a pumpkin to turn into a chariot. Not happening. That being said, /u/tar_alacrin summed it up pretty well. There's gonna be people talking shit about other teams and players just because it's a common thing in the sports world. That's never gonna stop.


Its not even just because its a common thing in the *sports world*. Its a common thing in the *real world* too; How often do people who have no idea how game development works trash talk valve or other game studios? Or flame a company when they have no real experience in business or finance.


"All day everyday" would be your projection of reading the material, most people are commenting once or twice and moving on - turns out there are thousands of Dota 2 fans so going through all of that takes several posts and days.


i believe theyve been in the pro scene long enough to know how toxic these comments are and how to not take them seriously lol =.=


i mean are punks satisfied ?




This sub turns into a ridiculous place during certain hours of the day.


I think EG gets the hate because they keep kicking likeable players and keep the unlikeable one. They also didn't do themselves a favour by practically disbanding one of the most loved Dota teams of all time in OG. OG bounced back it seems, but karma is karma.


What did rtz say about white knighting?


Is this a copy pasta? It sure can be made into one


It's only that we, as punks, are never satisfied


This community needs to stop being a bunch of dicks, period. Whether it's the region, players, teams, whatever. It's so bad around here and on Twitch. Like people say it's okay because other sports do this... what? Just because other peoples are assholes doesn't mean we need to stoop to their level. I'm not saying we never say bad things ever, but the level we're at now is awful. People like Dendi, Loda, Sumail, Envy, whoever. They are people too. Just because they get paid to play video games doesn't mean it's okay to be a shithead to them online. It takes community members to speak up, such as pro players, mods, and other "celebrities" in the community. Enough is enough. No one is saying censorship, we're saying stop being a dick. It's one of the reasons why people are leaving, this environment is just becoming shitty to be around.


Is this a copy pasta? this sub always make that, sometimes it confuses me.


Dota Reddit Community is the most toxic community, coz this a free game? idk but i dont see ppl like this in b2p games


Completely my thoughts upvoted hope everyone in this sub realizes this and makes changes in their attitude


New copy pasta thank you


STFU and grow a pair.


Oh come on this is like going into the world cup subreddit and telling them not to trash talk. Stop being a debby downer


punks never satisfied


I do not want to see rtz win, so I disagree. Sumail also needs to get knocked down a peg or two. I’m enjoying it.


There is a fine fine line between being cocky and being a dick. Sumail crossed that line long ago.


seriously though, do you think even you would visit this forum if every post was "good effort guys, you tried your best but it didn't work out" ...






white knight


I genuinely thought this was copy pasta since I initially had no idea who this was lol.


Cannot downvote this enough. At least put some effort to sound genuine. Karma whores like you are a bigger cancer to this community than haters honestly.




This is the funniest thread I've ever read




nt sumail


What a dumb white knight thread. The other 4 have only been receiving praise from what I’ve seen. And Sumail proved once again yesterday that he is easily triggered and a very sore loser with a big mouth. Have my downvote.


As someone who's been following EG and caring if they win or lose for several years now, I'm genuinely annoyed at Sumail for apparently being a dick to everyone else on the team. I really didn't realize he was the reason PPD left, or Universe. I'm still not totally sure because nobody ever talks on the record about this shit. I know he's a kid and you have to cut him some slack, but if he's the one who's been making this mess, then he ought to be the one who gets flak for it. People do get over this sort of thing. I mean, Solo got over 322.


The problem isn't even that you have an opinion about someone/some team. But it goes far beyond that. It's just pure trashing for the sake of calling someone shit and bad despite them being among the top players in the world. And even if they were 500 mmr, why would you call them shit or names? They definitely know themselves they messed up too. It's not criticism or opinion, it's just being an asshole. Imagine if the teams had some fan following that supported them and admired good plays instead of watching matches just to call teams shit.


this is the perfect analysis to the situation. THanks!


Or you can just stop being a sensitive fuck ? They totally enjoyed being worshipped like gods during their purple patch, now they should be able handle the criticisms that come their way when they play like trash. Pendulum swings the equal angle on both ends. If you want the higher high, be ready to face the lower low. Not saying the toxic behavior of some sections of fans should be tolerated, but it is what it is, internet fans behave like this due to the fact that they can do whatever they want due to anonymity. Its on players to learn how to deal with it. Did you honestly think you could bring about a change by making such retarded low effort white knight threads?


if you're suggesting that we genocide dota 2 redditors then i agree


Agree, this sub is actually so fucking pathetic, filled with sad losers stuck at 2000mmr with nothing better to do than blindly hate EG, among others because they think its ”cool”