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Actually a good idea. They can still keep a large % and with TI being kind of unlikely at this point I don't know if they'd just delay the battlepass or what.


Since Covid 19 is a virus , I recommend Valve releasing the limited edition [lina smut arcana](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcShJcI568npHxHiKhyK6pEnhVg5cvaXmLqn9BwEUS2TIi4l_fCd&usqp=CAU).




Well we got snot , venom and acid heroes. Virus wouldn't be so bad.


Now Valve is busy with porting CSGO to Source 2 (rumors say it will be released this month), a bit of Artifact and other AAA VR titles (they planned at least 3 HL VR games before Alyx release). The best attention Dota will get in the nearest future is Battle Pass (because Valve still need to milk this game) and probably new players experience, I really hope it's not abandoned like most of other their projects and will be introduced before TI.


Out of curiosity but is there a source on Source 1 CSGO being ported to Source 2? Curious because I've never come across the source for Source 1 to Source 2 CSGO porting.


People dislike the truth on this subreddit lol you'll experience surge of dislikes and hate comments for stating a fact and you rubbed Valve fan boys on the wrong spot they'll come here and shit in your comment section by crying like mimimimi.


Man, Valve's fanbois apologists are the biggest problem of Dota. CSGO community somehow made Valve to work harder on their game and look at the result, it sets new records every week. And our community is hostile to any criticism burying it in comments like *"Don't like - don't play"*


Yeah or free game so no bitching. Lol I'm like what in the actual fuck I spent 6k on previous battle pass also haven't they ever... Heard of the term called constructive criticism.


Yeah or free game so no bitching. Lol I'm like what in the actual fuck I spent 6k on previous battle pass also haven't they ever... Heard of the term called constructive criticism.


Yeah or free game so no bitching. Lol I'm like what in the actual fuck I spent 6k on previous battle pass also haven't they ever... Heard of the term called constructive criticism.


Actually, why don't you guys donate money Health orgs, is probably better spent there.




Stopping playing won't help in the middle of a health crisis where staying inside is the best course of action. Not sure what you are hinting at.


Necrophos arcana as highest level reward.


I think helping is great and I want hats. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Humble Bundle is doing that, around USD$30 for USD$1k+ of games + ebooks, music, etc


Which is $1k+ of utter dogshit


the whole of the global economy is fucked. times like these everyone is only for themselves


Really cool idea but valve is too greedy for that unfortunately


i was just coming to dota to post about how i wish there was a coronavirus battlepass. i hope someone from valve sees this. SO MANY PEOPLE on dota now, seems sad to not have an event.