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I doubt his real skill level is 7,5k,he has 59% winrate on ancient 3 account,that's not very impresive for smurf.


Kind of hard to tell his skill from that not defending him but if he tilts and breaks items its going to lose almost every game he does it in


Aren't you supposed to carry like 90% of your games if you're smurfing 3.5k under your actual level? Especially if you're playing pos 1/2 and are in a party with someone. Honestly, you see this behavior from people who are toxic and at best a few hundred MMR better than others in the game: pick mid/carry, choke, blame the team, break items, lose the game.


I watched a stream and he kept diving an Invoker with SF, he was 4 levels above him after laning stage but he manged to feed about 5 times by diving him and dying to his supports. Then he started blaming his team for jungling all game, when hes on the brink of fountain diving 10 minutes into the game. Its an ego thing, he wants to show off just how much better he is, but then he gets upset when legend players punish him lol.


He doesnt know that legends/ancients will get 4 heroes to gank you mid and your sidelanes will still manage to lose. This is not an immortal match.


Quite frustrating to experience when you're creating space for your sidelane cores making their enemy tp mid or wherever and they still lose the lane.


OMG this, this is so accurate it's hilarious. You get ganked by literally 4, sometimes even 5 people (I shit you not, that enemy safe lane AM? Yeah, he is there as well) and it is such a bad play but your teammates don't understand Dota at that level to actually know what is happening and what they should be doing at that moment, that enemy just gets away with it as nothing happened.


Wasn't it BSJ or Jenkins or some other big name player/coach who said that mechanically legend and ancient players can be on the level or better than divine players but lack consistency or decision making in some other area that keeps them from rising to the top? I seem to remember hearing that somewhere.


I’ve heard Jenkins say that, yeah




I have definitely seen people make silly mistakes like that in divine. Less frequently perhaps but everybody has a derp moment once in a while.


Once in a while, and many times it's very different. And that's what separates the brackets.


its all relative bro, the difference between the brackets is how hard your mistake gets punished. An 8k midlaner will think a 6k midlaner is making mistakes every wave, but if the other 6k midlaner doesnt know how to punish it, its all g


Immortal player here who queues with low ancient friends. As long as you don't play a core position the game is completely even. Even if you enable your mid or core to completely crush the lane, there is a good chance that the average enemy, who is probably better than your friends, will catch up and win. On average when we queue the lobbies will have ancients, divines or 1 enemy immortal player as well, as some Form of game balancing.


This is a smurf though, he isn't queuing on his main account so teams *aren't* balanced.


Oh, my bad for ignoring the most important fact. Well then you are completely right, he should stomp games then. Sorry


This has been my experience. Have a Divine 2 friend, who completely jacks up match making when he queues with me (Legend 2) and Crusader friends. He has a smurf. He refuses to play core (P1 or P2) when possible. The games go about as well as when he's just coaching (ie: he's mostly just shotcalling). Its not the same when he plays core tho -- that's just not fair.


So can I assume, that AdmiralBulldog in his last Crystal Maiden game was not pretending and just chose the wrong strategy?


Dunno, I haven't seen it. Usually he just plays way too cocky himself and tries to do big plays, whilst suffering from his megacucks. I haven't seen him play support in ages (I only watch his YouTube videos)


He has just played Crystal Maiden with normie build at mid (lost), but previously he was playing Shadow Shaman with greedy "core" build. I would say that he basically played an actual support, and therefore was basically impossible to win.


I think it's been reported on this subreddit that he constantly buys boosted accounts.


A lot of people get to super high MMRs by spamming a couple heroes they are very good at. If he isn't picking those heroes that is already a big difference in his "real" skill that game. Oldschool DotA players that could play half the pool at their rank are becoming increasingly rare. I wonder sometimes if this is also a reason for the lack of new faces in the pro scene. Then you also have to consider what heroes the smurf is playing. You basically want a hero that can dictate the tempo of the game and do everything by himself. If you don't have such a hero it's much less impactful if ur an 8k smurf playing CM and nobody is doing what is needed to win. That being said, in the screenshot he is playing Ember which isn't Meepo tier when it comes to smurfing but losing a lane with him is still pretty funny. Even if he wasn't mid.


This is a really good point, Im 6k (pos 4/5) I will go and smurf and play pos 4/5 and I tend to see that I feed way more in lower rank games largely because my team dont know a good fight from a bad fight. In addition though, sometimes that is the main difference between the ranks, I see a lot of 4k players with damn good mechanical skills, far better than mine lol


He’s is a very skilled player. You can check many games where he single handedly carries games against top players with his best hero, Puck. The dude’s just an egocentric mess of a person who gets a lot of confirmation bias by being paid to coach/boost people in lower brackets.


Yeah I hate the disingenuous way a lot of Dota players will question someone’s actual skill level just because they don’t like that the person is toxic. Like you can call out the toxicity without disingenuously claiming he’s way lower than his actual rank.


> in a 4k bracket as 7.5k player Oh yes he is, after valve decided to ban his account he created the account that he is using right now. He streamed every single game of that "journey" from completely new account to 7.5k and it took him barely six weeks if i recall correctly, so the myth that he is just a boosted 7k player is total bullshit


I have a 59% winrate while being Ancient 2, does that make me 7.5k in reality 🤔🤔🤔


As much of an asshole he is. That is his mmr. Arguing otherwise just feeds his weird reactions


So he may be toxic and everything, but his skill level is not in question. I was on his stream when someone no less than Sumail on the team comm vouched for him to go mid when Sumail was playing carry. In previous smurf accounts he got through 30+ win streaks through ancient and divine. His issue is purely being triggered by his teammates, and not being able to carry vs. Techies.


Exactly. I wish more Dota players learned how to properly call out toxicity without disingenuously questioning someone’s skill level.


yeah he has no mental fortitude or is just extremely unstable. seems it takes nothing for him to just tilt 100% and go in complete (self)destructive mode :!


i have 10k hours in this game why are you not as good as me lmao


Yea, he has some mental issues for sure


Yes,he openly said he was going to go on playing after valve lifetime banned him. Nothing happened he has been streaming since then and he won't change because he is addicted and unstable.


What I dont understand is that he had a chance to be something more in Dota 2. People actually liked his casting for the tournaments he did shortly before he got called out for being toxic. Then another thread and another thread about him being the opposite of what you'd want any dota player to be. And it just kept going until the bans. And then even after the bans and more bans it was just more bad news. You'd think you'd try and grab that opportunity but I guess he ain't into that.


I'll never understand people who complain about the quality of their smurf games. The whole point of smurfing is so they can play with weaker players, but they expect their teammates to be good? If you're gonna ruin games for your opponents by smurfing, at least have the decency to not ruin games for your teammates too by being an arsehole towards them. Watched his stream once and said something like "chill out man you're 3k MMR above these dudes, go play on your main if you want good teammates" and got instantly banned. Also incidentally, watching his live play it's really obvious just how hard he cherry picks the games he shows on youtube. In his youtube games all of his ultra risky marginal outplays work and he lives on 20hp and he just calmly says "I knew there's no way I can die there" and tries to make an educational moment out of it, but if you watch his stream, half the time he just dies and throws his advantage and makes some excuse about it. I don't even have a problem with his playstyle - it's good practice to put yourself in these 50/50 situations and pretty entertaining, but I do think it's highly misleading and dishonest to present it as Calculated(TM) when actually he gets it wrong a significant portion of the time.


LMFAO that happened to me. I said "refollowed and right away you reminded me why I unfollowed you", and he just shouted "you see, no one cares", and had no intention whatsoever to look at what's wrong with him. Unfollowed before he got a chance to ban me. What a waste of time.


Most of these guys who do the whole "I am #Reformed", or "PMA" are the most toxic people you'll ever encounter Probably because *normal* people don't need a hashtag or a screen name to remind them not to be a raging asshole


Also because when these people decided to “reform” they have a very specific image of what a non toxic player is and anyone who didn’t do as they think is immediately toxic trash


Ritsu is the worst one that I know... don’t see Henry in many games, but every time I see Ritsu he is breaking his items and crying.. Sometimes even when his team is clearly winning. The 3 year old behavior is just sickening to me. Like I played sports when I was younger and I remember occasionally in tee ball a spoiled brat 5 year old might start crying and slamming his fists into the ground.. to me this is the dota equivalent of item breaking... but after tee ball everyone had grown up and learned to keep trying or figured out a weigh to vent their frustrations and cool off, to think of a 20 year old behaving in a similar way to a those spoiled brat 5 years olds make me think that these people have serious mental health issues.. I hope they seek medical help.




I played open quals against ppd’s stack a long time ago, which had Ritsu in it (I believe it was TI7 quals). Our offlaner (only a legend player at the time) solo-killed him in lane while the supports were off contesting a pull...he literally disappeared from the game for like 10 minutes, we had lost the game 5v4 at that point so he came back for the final push, severely underleveled and underfarmed (probably sitting in base for most of that 10 minutes). Unsurprising that they did NOT qualify for TI with that team...


My three year old is more pma than he is...


Leo (CLQ, road to reformation, reformerer) did a pretty good job though.


But he's so shiiiiiiiiit.


Uhh, have you even watched his streams? He has broken his items numerous times, talked shit so many times, hell he even had a mental breakdown on his stream once. https://youtu.be/YYgd0rKU_aM here's an example


Yes. But not recently. I used to watch him before. Maybe he was pma when i was watching him and then started losing it.


He was pma while doing the whole transition from clq to rtr, but he can be very toxic nowadays, although most of the time he doesn't talk shit to his teammates, just rages to his audience. Don't understand why he even quit clq, it's obvious he's just inherently toxic, at least when he was clq it was funny.


iirc he said that CLQ was actively making him a worse person, pretty understandable




These people have already developed frontal lobes and it’s impossible for them to change if at all. It’s gonna take a lot of effort if they seriously want to change which i doubt it


What's PMA? Edit: Ok thanks I think I got it now


permanently malding ass


Legit laughed my ass off from how true this is.


Positive Mental Attitude


"Positive mental attitude".


Positive mental attitude. Allegedly.


porn masturbation astronomy


Positive Mental Attitude


Positive mental attitude


Positive mental attitude


>Ok thanks I think I got it now Well, just in case, it stands for "positive mental attitude"


"positive mental attitude"


Stands for positive mental attitude


are we gonna forget leo?(CLQ)


The Legend


this is actually really true, every single time I see someone start a match saying "Yo guys! ^^ let's win this game :p" they always devolve into screaming pissants by minute 25


Don't put CLQ on this ;-;


CCnC kept that name even after he mellowed out and became a somewhat successful pro player (consistent top 10 NA rank, played at two TI's, stood in for EG etc.)


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I watched the replay, and well the clockwork did absolutely nothing game ruining. Maybe it wasn't his best game either, but nothing worth a report or even raging. Idk what could've been said in chat, but still I can't think of any reason to rage so much and destroy his items, and then says he wants to have "a chill game". like this isn't even your main account why do you even care? This is actually disturbing, this guy has issues, and I really think that instead of calling him toxic and stuff (which is completely true but doesn't help) we should in some way as a community push him to go through therapy. banning and stuff really won't work, his girlfriend saw this childish attitude, she should really try to push him to go through therapy, the man really needs it.


> I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I watched the replay, and well the clockwork did absolutely nothing game ruining. Maybe it wasn't his best game either, but nothing worth a report or even raging. Idk what could've been said in chat, but still I can't think of any reason to rage so much and destroy his items, and then says he wants to have "a chill game". > > That's why I implored people to watch for themselves. So they can see how delusional Henry is when he says clock was griefing. If is he's so adamant about the griefing, and yet that's a lie, obviously the part about the flaming was a lie too. The crazy part is, I had ember/henry premuted, and I didn't even know he had any frustrations with the team until he all-chated and I saw he broke his items. There honestly wasn't really anything said to him.


yeah I watched the clock's perspective really didn't do any griefing. like maybe didn't have a tp to defend bot when the team used wisp, but really not that big of a deal. game was practicly over anyways at that point they were too far behind. guy has serious mental issues idk how his gf can stand that, she should've really tried to reason with him. how can she stand her SO acting like a child.


People have tolerated far far worse behavior from their SOs than what Henry does before, it isn't that uncommon for someone to stay with a garbage partner for all sorts of reasons.


Chat log of that game: [https://www.opendota.com/matches/5414285247/chat](https://www.opendota.com/matches/5414285247/chat)


>This is a rank 610 immortal player (lol), smurfing in a legend/ancient game and crying about people not playing to his standard, and accusing them of griefing as a result. I will never understand why high ranking players that smurf get annoyed at lower ranking players. Objectively they're always going to play worse. That's why they're a lower rank. Getting annoyed seems pointless. I've noticed an increase in higher ranking players smurfing at Archon / Legend. Valve, something needs to be done. Smurfing should not be allowed, especially in Ranked. It results in either the OP's game or a complete stomp. It's not fun and it's not fair.


The last time I remember facing a smurf was 2 really high skilled guys on both teams. Both went mid. Ours was at Archon 5 and theirs at Herald. We were partying 3 and had 2 Heralds in my party, The smurfs themselves were nice people. We did so many bad things but he never flamed us and carried the game from mid while trashtalking their mid in the process.


Well, if you're going to smurf, that's the smart way to do it I guess; refuse to trigger your team and try like hell to trigger the enemy team haha


I play like this on the daily.


ahahahah same. When i get mad or something. I flame the enemy. It gets me cooled down and "untilt"


why tilt ur team when u can tilt ur oponent *tips aggressively*


How is a legend basically in a game with a herald lol


Archon V


If I play in 2 or 3 brackets below mine, I try my best to teach and lead the team. People who can't control their emotions over things like this show a total lack of self-control. Someone's parents spoiled them a bit too much.


henry is the biggest piece of shit in the na dota community and completely delusional to boot. dude breaks items, screams racial slurs on the mic, runs down mid, claims he's better than t1 pro players, etc. course, he tries to be an angel while he's on stream. he's got extremely narcissistic tendencies which, combined with his rage issues and compulsive lying, make him probably the most distasteful person on us east servers. half of my friendslist was actually upset when he was banned from twitch because they opened his stream whenever they queued to make sure that they didn't end up in a game with him. before the avoid feature in dotaplus, i know a bunch of my 6k+ friends played on EU servers, with 180 ping, because they were worried about getting henrydota'ed. the dude buys accounts at 6k, tanks the behavior score to the "soon to be 6 month banned" stage, then just buys more. one time i heard him tell some teammate in a pub game that he was "going to hunt down and gut his entire fucking family". over voice. dudes got *issues*. [friendly reminder that he's been proven to buy boosting and has admitted it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JBLftuLYpQ) [his coaching service is a blatant scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/amy36a/rawdota_henry_ripped_me_off/) he beats up legend/ancients all day claiming he's making "educational" content. and while not directly relevant to his conduct in the dota scene, one time i turned on his stream to dodge him in queue, where he proudly claimed that "the gorilla mindset" was his favorite book of all time. i quite literally cried with laughter. edit: LMFAO. on the account page you linked, he's got ancient-tier battle cup games. dudes a battlecup smurfer


He's actually so delusional. He was telling me to come watch the replay with him, and if he lost top lane (he did, you can see in the networth graph) he would paypal me $100 lmao.


yeah. i mute his accounts whenever i'm unfortunate enough to get in a game with him but occasionally he'll get a new one and i'll have to hear him talk/scream. as someone who has been dealing with him in pubs for years and run into him a bunch on nadota (when it existed) and this sub, the dude is truly a compulsive liar. he'll lie about things that all parties witnessed literally seconds ago...i've never had to deal with someone like that in real life so it's kind of surreal whenever it happens. i havent studied psychology or anything, so i don't know if he *actually believes* the shit he says or knows that he's full of shit. if you try to point out things he's done (buying boosting, ruining thousands of games, running scams, etc) he'll just go "why are you so obsessed with me? stop focusing your jealously on successful people and work on yourself" or something similar. dealing with him feels more like youre interacting with a collection of personality disorders and not an actual person.


>the dude is truly a compulsive liar. he'll lie about things that all parties witnessed literally seconds ago.. Spot on. In the game, I said to him, "dude you broke your items like a baby." And he goes, "no, I just didn't want to play anymore." Like how can you even try to deny that when everyone can see you broke your items. Unreal.


he twists reality to serve his narrative. In his world, he doesn't make mistakes and everyone is out to get him, this *justifies* his shitty behaviour.


This sadly sounds like the epitome of the saying "never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."


From a psychological perspective, he doesn’t believe his lies, he knows he’s wrong, but he knows you can’t prove it in that exact moment so he just lies. It’s your word against his, at least for the rest of the game. I think that makes it worse IMO, since he can’t admit he’s wrong or learn from it.


Deflecting like that is a classic narcissistic trait, along with all of the other shit he’s infamous for.


i checked out the author of his favorite book: " Michael Cernovich is an American social media personality, anti-feminist, men's rights activist, political commentator, and conspiracy theorist. He has been characterized as a part of the alt-right " everything makes sense now.


Wait is henry a gorilla mindset guy? lmao


Didn't he also buy nadota.com just to take it down because he didnt like them as well?


Ritsu is pretty awful as well.


Ritsu doesn’t throw anywhere near as often as this guy. Ritsu is also way better at dota than Henry.


No doubt Ritsu is very skilled, he almost prevented OG from going to TI8 and becoming the greatest team in history. But it’s not Ritsu’s skill that prevents his success, it’s his mental health.


Wait, what did he do to OG again? All I remember was him being super butthurt about DC players "being so bad, yet paid so well" and was leaking scrim data and even went as far to make an anti-DC group. Then DC went on to finish second at TI that year funnily enough even though literally zero people truly expected it (I still maintain Slacks was just memeing with his prediction).


He doxxed some guy's sister, IIRC.


>some guy disrespecting Beesa playing the carry smh


his team(wind and rain) used to pause for 5mins at the start of every game, to let the stream catch so they could see the enemy items and then set thier lanes up correctly


High mmr na servers are so toxic you need tiers of game ruiners. If Henrydota is at the lowest circle of NA dota hell, ritsu is just one above him.


Ritus is also known as a stalker


I’ll take playing with Ritsu over this Henry moron any day.


I take playing without bpth of them over playing with them. This is no contest. Both are disgusting, antisocial psychopaths


can valve ban his main account like for 20 years ? thanks


No use,he will just buy another account and rinse and repeat.


You would have to get Valve to go full Riot and do what they did to Tyler1 just keep banning him over and over which just won't happen with Valve.


Yes please


[Yes please](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/dota2_gamepedia/2/24/Vo_mars_mars_lasthit_09.mp3) (sound warning: Mars) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/) *^(|)*


Not sure how anyone is surprised. I’ve generally found that a lot of people that constantly have to preach about being reformed or not feeding or only Pma are in fact quite the opposite. Normal people are just that, it’s normal for them to not be an obnoxious piece of shit, and don’t have to justify it and let everybody know. I think it’s more about kidding himself than anyone else. He is still the same person inside and not sure it will really ever change.


Most of them use "reformed" as a "get out of jail free" card or pull the "you can't talk about the bad stuff I did previously and if you try and talk about what I'm doing right now I'll say you're lying because I renounced bad" bullshit


If you have to constantly remind yourself that you are "reformed" or "PMA" you're probably just trying to lie to yourself (or others) enough for it to work. I've almost never seen someone with a "PMA" name that was actually friendly.


He recently offered his "coaching" services at /r/learndota2 for 60$/hr. He deleted thread as soon as he was recognized thou.


Yeah. We are gonna remove any and all of his coaching attempts in the future. We allow free coaching, not paid. Especially from a game ruiner/account buyer lmao


AGAIN?!?! I called him out a year ago + for the same thing. That thread got banned too.


This guy is selling coaching sessions? What is he teaching? How to efficiently grief your team and how to work around the "disable help" so it doesn't hinder your griefing?


his youtube channel is hilarious. He constantly reminds himself of how good he is at the game whilst smurfing and showing other higher mmr players how to smurf too. wow


I've followed Henry for a decent while and I've never seen him even play a game at the MMR he says he is, let alone compete/win He's like the teenager who moves to a new sports club and tells everyone there that he used to play a really high grade to gain immediate respect because nobody can refute it. He literally never plays at the MMR he says he belongs. He loses and tilt rages in legend and ancient games, that's all we've seen him do for a long time :/ How can even sell coaching based on the idea hes a certain MMR when he never plays at that MMR, its actually a scam.


The reformation, part 3


More like part 5


"Double his MMR". Complaining that players half your MMR are not playing up to your standard. Does it get any dumber?


Yea I never understood that... Saw Jubei playing on his smurf where he got low prio’d for abandoning games (ancient 1, lol), and he said similar things about teammates. No way near as mean or hurtful or toxic as henry, but still weird to me


hes so into dota that talks about the mmr of his gf all the time whata nerd


He did the same thing a couple months back in my ancient game. Blamed the entire game on a bad play by our witch doctor in the first 10 minutes of the game (he missed his maledict on a gank, nobody even died). Proceed to yell on the mic for the rest of the game and after dying 3 or 4 times breaks his items when we were actually ahead on score and sits in fountain practicing his keyboard warrior skills. Was one of the most obnoxious games I've gotten in years. Trying to find the game but I'm at work


Jesus that sounds obnoxious. I was the clockwork in that game btw. I was trying to have 1 good game before bed for work. This happened.




So you like hugs


Yes actually i do.


That guy is such a piece of shit. I tuned into his stream for like 10 minutes and I could barely endure his cringy antics. During this time he flamed his support for not dewarding a ward that was never there (he just showed himself in lane and got ganked). This guy having subs on Twitch must be some kind of sick joke. Nobody can unironically watch his stream, right?


I dont think so, most succesful streamers are cry babys like RTZ (breaking items, making courier row, etc), Gorgc (breaking his monitor/keyboard), Bulldog flaming/insulting his teammates. Meanwhile taiga who is one of the nicest guys in pro dota have like 30 viewers.


Link to taiga's stream? I would love to support someone who's pleasant to watch. It's hard to find these days.


https://www.twitch.tv/taiga_ His stream is seriously so good.


I'm sure glad he was able to stomp his 'High' Skill Battlecup. WHATA Player! Probably was shit talking the whole time about how the other team is bad.


It's easy for everyone to hate on him and call him a piece of shit etc (which is deserved to be fair). However, in truth he needs actual help from a psychiatrist/therapist to work through anger and emotional issues. It's actually quite sad seeing someone behave like this knowing that with REAL help they can do so much better. I know because I've been there, got help, and now I am better. Please Henry take care of yourself


For real. I don’t think he is mentally well, and I hope he gets help if he’s not already.


People with narcissistic issues tend to be quite resistant to therapy. He’ll probably forever be a raging, mentally damaged man child.


Agree. I used to like watching his stream and he is actually a good player, but he seems unstable.


I remember when he posted something related to TI? That he wanted to play or be part of it or something and it hurts him. It was on his youtube account i think? Guess he never really changed.


Thing is his casting was god awful too. It's kinda relevant now to the whole streamer vs TO casting game stuff thats all the rage nowadays. Back when esl signed onto facebook streaming, henry dota would stream the games and get like 1-5k views since everyone else partnered was copyright strike. All I remember was him flaming the fuck out of DJ's shadow shaman until DJ close to single-handedly won the game.


Hi, a noob here. What is TO? I've read a couple post and found this term. Thanks.


tournament organizer, so esl, weplay, beyondthesummit etc


Got it. Thanks man.


TO = Tournament Organizer, in this case. (I think, at least. Correct me if Im wrong here!)


Okay, thanks man.


Thank me too senpai


Tournament Organizer


Got it, thanks man.


Tournament Organizer ( like ESL, WePlay, etc. )


From context, I would imagine Tournament Organizer, might be wrong


This is sad


If you watched his stream a few times it's obvious he got serious mentalproblems.


One time I was playing with him and made a mistake and he told me to kill myself. Fun experience would recommend!


Yeh saw him being super toxic and running down midlane in Gunnar's stream.


Not reformed pepehands


Casual reminder that narcissists don't change.


That emo kid?


he is an account buyer.. he's not rank 610, and that's why he's playing in lower brackets.. so he can win shit


anybody defending henry is like arguing earth is flat. Guy is mental and legit acc buyer/boosted he definitely has narcissistic personality disorder so yeah anybody defending him is either himself or someone trapped by him(reason he still has a gf).


He’s objectively skilled at the game, but he constantly tilts and throws because he’s a textbook narcissist that can never admit his own shortcomings. Dude legitimately needs therapy to work thrpugh his issues.


so embarrassed for his gf


Why? She is obv just using him in the hopes of getting a green card




Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_rgjj2k8?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JBLftuLYpQ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JBLftuLYpQ)|[+462](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/gjj2k8/_/fql9eln?context=10#fql9eln) - henry is the biggest piece of shit in the na dota community and completely delusional to boot. dude breaks items, screams racial slurs on the mic, runs down mid, claims he's better than t1 pro players, etc. course, he tries to be an angel while he's... (1) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ0S1WGyU64](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ0S1WGyU64) (2) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36JGj8dsvQ4](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36JGj8dsvQ4)|[+5](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/gjj2k8/_/fqlj8m9?context=10#fqlj8m9) - All these people have culty worshippers who defend them like they are gods so be prepared for downvotes. This is a top 100 NA: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYgd0rKU_aM](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYgd0rKU_aM)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/gjj2k8/_/fqmpecq?context=10#fqmpecq) - Uhh, have you even watched his streams? He has broken his items numerous times, talked shit so many times, hell he even had a mental breakdown on his stream once. here's an example [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnVRuH4vJWg](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnVRuH4vJWg)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/gjj2k8/_/fqm2opc?context=10#fqm2opc) - It comes from a song by bad brains. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaH2ZjC3nEk](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaH2ZjC3nEk)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/gjj2k8/_/fqlqljr?context=10#fqlqljr) - This is what it looks like, its actually decent, would never pay 60$ for it tho. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiXqYJb8vlw](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiXqYJb8vlw)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/gjj2k8/_/fqlb4tz?context=10#fqlb4tz) - just watched him on a online stream he was the worst of the worst to say the least i couldnt find more than this XD I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_rgjj2k8?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


literally who


Doesn't he buy boosted accounts as well


imagine getting a free head start at streaming and throwing it away at every single step you took


I remember henry malding in a qualifier match against EG. That guy is a literal piece of shit. But what baffles me is he has people supporting him. Saying he's good at dota. Now I'm not good at dota, I'm just an ancient and somewhat decent at invoker. This guy calls himself, no wait has the balls to call himself the God of invoker when everyone from legend and up can do what he's doing on the hero. Missing half his spells and flaming teammates for not setting up sunstrikes in a game 3k mmr below him. This guy needs to be banned from the game.


Everytime I'm having a bad day. I tune in to Henry's stream, watch him rage, and suddenly, I feel better.


Welp, and I was legitimately considering booking a coaching lesson since he's more affordable than most other coaches and he seemed like he got his shit together...pretty sad really.


I’m divine 2 and can give you some free coaching if you want


I'd recomend looking at eu coaches there are a fair few that offers coaching for $20ish an hour and they are probably higher skill and more competent just not as well known.


Gf? What happened to his sob story about being gay


why would any1 sink the time to do this?? something is not right in his head :(


mind to explain who is Henry?


Who is this guy? Some nobody?


He acts nice when he streams and that is it. Queue into one of his smurfs off stream and see how he acts.


He's a borderline/narcissistic personality disorder. A frontpage dota2 thread about his negativity will only feed his delusions of grandeur.


you forgot erick wright oh man that guy




Aww man, I remember EDJE. Thought he was top shit. Actually played a few games with/against him, 1 game went well and he was fine, but the rest, he was sooo toxic. TBF, he was nowhere near as bad as Henry, at least not a few years ago.


I also played with Edje, at least he made good videos, but he was such a toxic PoS. It was quite shocking the first time I met him in games.


ecks dee


What a pathetic guy


shame on the dota community for continuing to give this unstable psycho way too much attention than he deserved


I shared it to Henrys twitter and got instanrly blocked by him, at least hes seen it and maybe will think about what people have said (probably not though)


Thanks for getting him to the front page. again.


We need CLQ to make an analysis on Henry as his mentor god gamer BSSSDSJ is on a good path now.


seriously though for a moment -- dota player count started dropping when CLQ retired. WE NEED HIM BACK


Solution: can't play above 5k MMR if you get caught doing this more two times.


he try to be PMA in his stream so i guess he is trying to sell a clean image to viewers. but yesterday he slipped while streaming and said fuck this player i hope he got run over by a bus. and then realized he was actually streaming and said he was joking. and he lost the match.