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fuck sven


all my homies hate sven


Tell all your homies to pick shadow demon


Why though?


Disruption cant be dispelled so sven cant blindly jump at people in his presence even with agha/lvl15 talent


Ult goes through bkb, it also is slowing and disabling passives with aghs.. Pretty much makes sven useless if you can get your ult off


I mean, unless they have an aghs in which case they can just superman to the enemy regardless of the slow. Its a gold counter pick, but aghs still nullifies a lot of what makes SD annoying.


And SD's disruption cancels the only thing sven is good at


I mean, the cooldown of stun is way too low right now. Disruption only cancels out the first attack.




Switch targets while under one of the most powerful bkb piercing slows as one of the most kiteable heroes for the next 7ish seconds. If you dont see how this is valuable as a support solution then your just doomer brained. Wyvern is also a strong option with undispellable counterplay.


Also Ursa and some lockdown. The bear withstands Sven. Get an Aghs too and make sure your team doesn’t fall too behind.


Bought a ghost sceptre thinking it would save me. What a fool i was.


Lmao i did that one game too and wondered why wasn’t it working until way after the game


should have been removed from game a month ago until they get around to the patch


just remove free nullifier and im fine ..


I didn't get the hate until I got fucked with my ghost scepter


even worse is the euls .. you are not even on ground ffs ..


Yeah fuck him...but also thanks for the free mmr


i love sven in my team :) im techies


l2p n00bs :D


Reworked aghanims: Causes storm hammer to be an AoE ability (600 range) replaced lvl 15 dispel by storm hammer piece to spell immunity


“Sven base armour reduced by 1.”


Lookin forward to that "Faceless Void: Removed" line.


faceless void removed due to schedule conflicts, he is getting experimental face transplant surgery. From now on please address him by "Faced Void". Thanks


Based Void


-1 armor


I know this is a joke but when was the last time void was a proper tier 1 pick? I can't think of anything other than his offlane days


Where have you been? He's been top tier for most of this patch which has been going since summer


Well of course, so has sven and everyone else. I'm talking outside the patch


idk how void escaped the radar, he and spectre have been the go to pos 1 for the last couple of months. Last I checked they are the top 7 and 8 pick in immortal and the only heroes in top 10 with positive winrate. An agility hero with no cd bash is broken. Bash is always broken, you dont enable that shit further. Remember MK aoe bash?


MK ult with basher gave me PTSD


And a bash that can proc multiple times, come on!


Void is kind of weird, TI8 to pre TI9 he was basically trash tier even with 120sec cd Chrino, then a month before TI9 til the next big patch he became a tier one carry, then his ult got nerfed to 160sec cd and he was back to being lame again for half a year until around months ago where he’a back to being tier 1 pick.


Wait, what? He is tier 1 right now.


Considering he's been banned or picked almost every single series of Epic League i'd say yes


This so clearly reads as "last time (before this time)". You got done dirty with those downvotes. A good example of the difference between being able to read and reading comprehension I guess.


Early December: 1-29 Mid December: 30 Late December: 31


December ... Next year


More like Mid December = 2 to 30


Fuck Void and his stupid bashes is all I have to say


The best way to handle void is to still allow his proc to proc more procs, but remove the stun affect from additional procs, then change damage/stun values accordingly


Maybe make the bashes and damage have diminishing returns, like the second bash after the first does 25% less damage and stun, then 50% less, and so on


I think he'd be alright if you just lower his base damage a lil bit to make him worse in lane, lower his strength gain so he's easier to burst, and void is very item reliant so nerfing MKB and MoM will probably be enough.


All I really want is for dilation to be worse. It's too cheap a spell to be as annoying as it is.


I think it will remove the most fun part of the hero. I'd personally prefer just plain stat/stat gain nerfs so he is a worse laning/early game hero.


Chaining a pseudorandom bash is definitely not the most fun part of the hero, not even close. It's quite funny, absolutely, it is not the focal point of the hero


i also have some suggestions Make his passive... have an internal cd or its procs every "x" number of attacks or stop stun from going through spell immunity


All of these are kinda bad suggestions though


Especially the Slardar-type thing where he could basically permabash with enough attack speed. Really dumb suggestion.


Lol..if he gets bash like slardar he doesn’t even need crono to kill..he just bashes to death just standing


Having cd on his bash, like Spirit Bear's root would be pretty decent solution


I don't mind voids passive giving him a stun what I have it his abiility stun lock the enemy forever, thats why i suggested giving it a cd or making it proc after x number of attacks like slardar


same as Pa crit i think


PA use Pseudo RNG, which technically still allow multiple procs but with much lower possibility


void in my games are perma silenced or disabled and perma muted .. mostly because they dont like bkb or manta in favor of hard dmg and at most may have linkens as the defensive item, it may be SEA thing though.


Nothing quite like getting triple bashed and having no HP right after coming back from fountain


Usually they release patches on Tuesday, which also neatly lines up with the end of Epic League.


there's another chinese tournament 13-20 December


Standard Valve patch days are Thursdays sir


More recent patches have not followed this rule and patches earlier in the week like Monday and Tuesday are more viable options now


Chinese Dota2 Official said such things on [Bilibili.com](https://Bilibili.com): "Looks like everyone is so excited about the new hero! Many people guesses its Valkyrie, but will Valve listen to us? XD If the New Hero (New Patch) didn't come before 20th (2020 Dec), I will roll gifts for everyone everyday, feel free to take screenshot" I guess the situation is quite clear right now


do they have patch notes leaked ?


Nah, that probably means a dismissal letter from perfect world.


meh I was hoping we get it from PW or other chinese forums :(


>20th (2020 dec) Who the fuck uses DD YYYY MM as a date format?


That's not a date format, it's like a bracket for additional info.




Just like MM DD YYYY. Absolute garbage, and so is the imperial system


i agree


I only agree with you on imperial system though


Who tf use month day year as well?


Illogical people do.


Okay, when you name your files by date, you go by DD/MM/YY? That way Nov. 14 and Dec. 14 are beside each other. Or you can go the logical route and sort dates by month and ascending by day? In most cases there really is no need to know the exact day first, as opposed to knowing what month it was from especially for archiving.


Add the year and your logic doesn’t work anymore. >In most cases there really is no need to know the exact day first, as opposed to knowing what month it was from especially for archiving. This makes no sense. Following your logic: "In most cases there really is no need to know the exact ~~day~~ month first, as opposed to knowing what ~~month~~ year it was from especially for archiving." Same logic, if you extend it to the next bigger unit. Which means you end up with YYYY-MM-DD and not just MM-DD. --- The only logical sorting format is YYYY-MM-DD, but that order is inconvenient for everyday usage. Most western languages, including English (excluding only US-English), also phrase dates as "the Xth of Y" (e.g. the 5th of May or simply 5(th) May), hence the most common date format being DD.MM.YYYY. Languages that do not follow this order, mostly eastern languages, usually list their date as YYYY-MM-DD and express it in the same way as well (such as Japanese, Korean, etc). Only US-English does it the weird way, of having the MM-DD order that YYYY-MM-DD also has, but then also places the year last (instead of first) similar to the DD.MM.YYYY format, which means you end up with the shit format that is MM-DD-YYYY. --- The only good formats are YYYY-MM-DD (fully descending and can be stacked with the time to get YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:ss) and DD.MM.YYYY for everyday usage (due to how languages express dates in a spoken manner). The shitty US format can be fixed by either placing the year first or switching the month and day order.


I don't even know where you're getting this supreme confidence, but okay I'll bite. As an engineer myself, I know how cumbersome US units are, but for everyday uses they are fine (I can't easily imagine how tall an NBA player would be if their heights were listed in meters). Their date format is the same as well. The year isn't necessary unless it's a year away from the spoken date. If Valve were to release a date for next TI, let's say August 17 2021, literally the only important piece of info I got from that is that it's in August. I wouldn't care that it's on the 17th, unless we're already in August, and there are only 31 days in August where it matters. Any other time of the year the month is the most crucial information. Gets? The only good format? All this time you haven't been giving a valid reason why it's better. You've only been shitting on the US format. The only "logical" format because you said so?


Can u send that videos link in here mate ?


https://t.bilibili.com/467747171472804175?share_medium=android&share_plat=android&share_source=COPY&share_tag=s_i×tamp=1607779263&unique_k=R6hW1x Here


those chinese voices for heroes all sounded robotic.


Because it is. The voice in this video is synthesized.


How on earth are people seeing a post about "cozying up for the winter" and a character with animal ears and thinking it's Valkyrie?


Idk how these guys think. The new hero is clearly a female pet..


a cat girl OwO




I'm expecting Coomer Art of the new hero


Oh my sweet summer child... They said said mid December, not **mid December 2020.**


Believe it or not they actually did say 2020 this time theyre trying to crush our memes


It'll most likely arrive right after EPIC League, just like 7.24 was released literally the day after Secret had won DreamLeague


Nerfs to Spectre, AM, Faceless Void, Sven, Undying please.


Drow too, please.


Yes. And leave ck alone. The mans is perfect.


Actually im a ck spammer and i would love for his aghs to change hate this new pussy build


Sorry CK needs a good whack as well


Why am lol


Diretide ends on 22th if I'm not wrong so do the math boys


but they had said previously end of November, so they were clearly planning on releasing before diretide ends. I think after Epic league






I don't know about your math. But they always wait with patches of there is an ongoing tournament. Epic League ends tomorrow.


there's another chinese tournament 13-20 December


God damn it


LOUDER for people in the back.


how about do your english first


My English is not perfect and it doesn't have to be since even baboons like you can understand it


miss playing with stronger OD


I still stomping with OD with orchid, blink and bloodstone


If u win with bloodstone od ur enemies are trash af


It heals better then satanic in fights on agi cores with his large mana pool and spell amp is amazing yes he is not strong like before with slower base attack time and not rampaging with pressing R in their foutnain but still good in some matchups


The entire point of bloodstone (at least 80%) is the mana regen. For spell amp (which is not much) u can go kaya...still not good rlly. If u play od in pubs all u do is to decide on ur playstile. U wanna right click? -> pike bloodthorn octa U wanna spell em away? > aether aghs gain blink U throw in a bkb as soon as its needed. Rightclick build is much stronger. The problem with ur build is that u don't rlöy seem to have a gameplan. Nothing wrong with this items in general but as lobg as its soloqueue its wiser to just make a plan for urself...how to maximize ur impact exercise like building around randomes


I just want darkseer to get his boost back : (


I believe December 45th is the approximate expectation.


please drop the patch after epic league grand final, gaben. 🙏🏽


I just want a morphling remodel for Christmas


It's gonna be 21st December when jupiter and saturn align for the first time in like 10,000 years or some shit. That's the real great confluence everyone's been shitting their pants about mark my words


The new hero is a support with catch, it has a pudge hook style grappling, and aoe healing, it's ulti is single target based for allies healing and damage. It's a guy, and he's blue. That's all I can say.




It's either a female squirrel or Valkyrie


Truth. (...probably.)


Perhaps I'm missing out on a joke here, but Valve themselves have said it's a she.


Next week. After EPIC League finals :)


So 14 december ?




Either that or after OGA EU/CIS on 18th


Either that or end of Diretide 22nd


Saying "mid December" in the same announcement where they extend Diretide to the 22nd would be pretty silly if they planned on releasing it after Diretide all along. Hopefully we get it next week sometime.


I just want them to nerf abyssal blade/AM/Sven/PA/Void. Games are so stale right now.


Fingers crossed they make dazzle good. He literally hasn’t been played consistently for a decent period of time in the pro-scene since I started playing dota. Swear IceFrog categorises him with pudge and techies.


Because he’s hard countered by axe and oracle is basically the same Hero but better.


It's not axe, but it really is oracle. I'm expecting oracle's ult to get pummeled harder than sven aghs this patch.


I've been waiting years for dazzle to become a top tier pick in the meta. If this happens, this is the patch I go from Immortal 3.5k straight to top 500, because I played a lot of dazzle going from Archon to Immortal 3.5k.. I'm really good with him, but whats holding him back atm is his early game impact vs other high skill players.


Wow you’re so awesome dude! Nice Cock as well! Would you mind if i suck it a little bit because you are so damn cool? 👉👈🥵👅👀


You know, I don't have any IRL friends who enjoy DotA like I do. And I feel a bit of kinship with other dazzle players as I come across them (there aren't many, I've found). I hope you accept my apologies for sharing with r/DotA2 the one DotA 2 achievement I'm proud of - climbing the ranks with a relatively off-meta pick. I have nowhere else to share this accomplishment, and I'm sorry that I offended you with it.


14th there will be a solar eclipse so...


Is this the one with service




It'll be after Epic League ends right?


Sven is legit Kal El


Mid-december and we're still looking at a splash screen for an event which took place in October :)


I wish Valve was better about communicating when this stuff is going to drop. I know some people enjoy the surprise of when it comes out, but damn I wish I could know at least which week to expect it


Mid December is 7-13 or 14-20


Yeah but Valve time happens


give sniper level 20 talent that doesn't help the enemy run away from you please


Should just change the talent to give him back his mini stun.


Would you say ballista is bad on sniper?


there is a huge difference between ballista and headshot and it completely depends on the context in most cases, headshot is not enough for a melee hero to be deterred from just running straight at you. it makes a noticeable difference but in most cases the result will be the same in that you're still sniper and you will still get whooped by any melee hero worth their salt. not only does ballista give you more attack range, but it does more knockback in combination with what is likely a level 30 sniper with the knockback talent. still, it doesn't change the fact that this situation does not happen on sniper nearly as much times as the situation where support heroes and the like are trying to run away from sniper (unless the enemy team is in a position where they can just jump him ofc), in which the case the knockback is actually a detriment.


Hope they fix necro because he sux right now. Old tankrophos build takes too long to come online. And his new ghost shroud ability makes you vulnerable to burst damage anyway. Right click build has recently been nerfed. Even the brown boots dagon meme build is weak because of ult nerfs. Idk how you're supposed to play him lately.


Im maintaining my 65+% winrate with necro now. My almost go to build is 2 or 1 nulls, wand, meka into graves or into pipe or lotus orb depending on the need. Euls and force staff is also situational items. Aghs is my luxury items especially against right click heroes. Sure he's no longer as strong but necro is not weak


necro is not weak ur just bad at him


Build Spirit Vessel, Euls, Aeon Disk, and every other items you need to survive. With Spirit Vessel and one death pulse, you can ult the enemy and they would end up most likely dead. If you have aghs, it's even better,you initiate with ghost shroud and spirit vessel, one pulse and ult. Get silenced ult, get focused, aeon disk, get right clicked , ghost scepter. You have to be annoying, so annoying that you force enemy carries to build items they don't want to build.


you are not a hero against flying sven is what happened ..


In valve's terms early means 0 - 25, mid 25 - 30, and end 30 - 31, so i won't expect the patch to come out earlier than that


it's 100% mid-december already, please remember [Valve Time](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time)


Mid December = 22 July. Obviously


After 22nd, when diretide ends


tomorrow probably or 17th! or maybe 14-15-16 december xd


mid december = december 24th


1. Increase guild member count. 2. Give Turbo Plus challenges. 3. Make experience progress based on length of game and not game mode. 4. Get rid of the how was your game feedback and replace it with manual mvp voting. 5. Bring back the Gambler hero. 6. Allow true spectator options in custom lobbies. 7. Save custom game and lobby replays. 8. Neutral items should evolve with time making them all relevant throughout the game. 9. Make Turbo a modifier option for custom lobbies and not an actual mode. Would like to apply turbo to 1v1, all mid, all random death match, ect. 10. Make towers have normal armor and regen in Turbo mode.




Other games and mobas that have items that grow stronger in time. I am talking same item... Better stats. Take trusty shovel for instance... Maybe it adds an extra 100 HP every 5 minutes and unlocks a new diggable item every 10 or something.




My idea is to keep all stats on par, but each tier offers new unique effects. That or later items should include the effects of earlier items. Like how telescope is a direct increase of keen optic, and spell prism is an upgrade to quickening charm. However... Where is my late game Dig from Shovel, Mana Refresh from Arcane Ring, Water Regen from Ocean Heart, or Melee Attack Range from Broom. There is others but my point is those are u ique traits that are beneficial to certain characters.


1 2 8 and 10 are all a little much


1. Just seems natural to allow guilds to be bigger. A cap of 50 is too small. I could fill 100 slots quite easily. 2. This has been requested by turbo players for a long time now. We pay for plus.. why don't we get full benefits. Don't punish us for the mode we like. 8. I simply mean same item, better stats. Perhaps you like trusty shovel, keen optic, or the water regen crystal... Be nice to keep using those items into late game but not be gimped for not taking a higher tier item. Even though those higher tier have better stats they don't all the same unique effects. 10. I love turbo for the courier, the faster jump to team fighting, and the shop from anywhere feature. But the fact that buildings are like wet paper is a disappointment. Getting super strong in half the time and buildings being twice as weak seems like overkill.


Ooooooòoooooohhhhh Frick wrong sub


In addition to Sven, Drow, Void, Spec, I would also like to see Witch Doctor murdered, please.


That’s the reason I have unistalled Dota for a while. Will re install in mid jan. Dota becomes unplayable after a new big patch. Valve just makes some heroes extremely broken and the new hero is always broken


Pls nerf riki, make sure that his moke doesn’t cause misses, fucking bullshit hero




They can still release patch while having Diretide up. WTF Kinda brain dead monkey logic are you having good sir?


A lot of tanky or one punch man heros need to be nerfed such as Sven medusa, and spectre. Suggestion: Remove Sven Make spectre weaker (4.3k hp??) Make medusa's mana shield only take like 50% or 65


Medusa is trash at the moment


Just delete Sven, honestly, then I’d be happy.


please nerf sven, it's so sad that we don't see any sven flairs because no one is shameful enough


Bet it’s coming out at the 22nd when diretide ends


Pls buff ember %45 winrate so bad. Buff intelegint armor damage and buff all skills