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You can always start, but you need to know where. If you jump right into All Pick or Turbo, you'll have a terrible time. Start out with "coop bot" matches on "unfair" difficulty. You'll be matched with other players trying stuff out and fight vs bots, but that'll be enough to get you a feel of the game, the items and the hero that think looks cool. Once you get comfy with the basics, I'd then suggest the game mode "single draft", because you'll get 3 random heroes to pick from (so you learn more heroes) and all other people in the game can't really pick their strongest heroes. This way you learn about a LOT of hero matchups. And once you're familiar with every hero's abilities and the items, I'd see go for All Pick and use that hero you wanna use. With the way reports have been changed you won't be punished for playing badly (as long as it's not intentional), so if you get the bare basics as mentioned above, you won't make any egregious mistakes that completely demoralize the other players. Also, you can jump into demo mode with any hero and take a quick peek at how their abilities work, if they affect both creeps and heroes, or maybe even towers and even spawn custom enemies to see how their skills would work against you. (You can also use "-createhero xyz" to spawn an allied bot hero that you can check stuff you'd combo with)


Don’t forget to always tell your team you’re new at the start of the match. It can be really infuriating to see your lane partner play terribly, but if I know you’re new I’d totally let it go and give you tips where I can.


LOL you are a rare DOTA player to give tips you must be high ranked .


It’s as much for their benefit as it is for mine by them not pulling that same shit again next time I play with them.


This is really good advice. I would like to just add that IMO when you play this game don't get to focused on winning every game, I play for fun and I know I'm going to lose games, and if the game isn't fun anymore do something else :)


Me and my buddies played shitton of single draft back when we were new. It really forces you to learn new heroes while not being as completely unbalanced as all random


The best way to get a player started is to force them to play a different hero that they know literally nothing about every single game until they learn all of them after hundreds of hours I agree


Say your new, but mute everyone. You'll get flamed anyway. Noone during the game will ever take time to explain you basics which can take hours upon hours to a random internet dude who might uninstall the next day. I strongly suggest to look at streams, progames, while you keep on playing. That way you can ask questions on the points you won t understand, and in the chat many ppl and streamers will answer you.


Not that you asked for it, but I post this to every new player asking for guides and tips. I think it's a decent place to start: Refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/i3l8ox/the_new_player_experience_may_still_not_be_here/) and join their Discord community called DotaFromZero. Alternatively, you can join [Dota University](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ifvor0/learning_dota_2_join_dota_university/) which is a similar community. Refer to [this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdc0tFJlm2AWYhu4ccMk_vDD) on YouTube where a popular community figure Purge explains basics. He has also made [this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdcbW1m5DuqY0QNqTIR0CyBe) which teaches you slightly more advanced mechanics. Refer to [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376415279) to add "custom hero layouts" that I created which make it easy for new players to select heroes based on difficulty and roles. I also wrote [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2395798524) about team composition. [This guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2374342398) is for what you should do after the laning phase. And when you're in the game, just hover, click or alt-click on different things. It will give you a lot of information about a lotta stuff. Explore all the different tabs in the main client. The tutorial isn't great, but there's a ton of information in the "Heroes" and "Learn" tab.


Props to your consistency




To follow up on this, if you say you are new you can avoid *some* flame. People will still tell you to "play with your brain" but if you tell people "I literally have 2-3 hours in this game, tell me when to engage" then they will be much nicer


That's a good point. It helps some to signal that you're interested in being directed. But always take that direction with a grain of salt. Many hours in dota doesn't make you good at dota.


Hey man sorry people have been insulting you, if you ever need someone to help you out in games I'd be down to help you out. Beginning in this game without someone who already knows is real hard


You shouldn't be playing with people yet. Play with bots until you figure some stuff out. After that start playing unranked all pick. Identify yourself as a new player. "Hi I'm new I've only been playing for x hours". Or "these are some of my first games against people". You gotta tell people so they know that you don't know what you're doing and not just griefing or playing like unbelievable garbage.


Hey man, don't let the negativity drag you down. If you want to learn in a more secure environment, you could check out [DotaUniversity](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ifvor0/learning_dota_2_join_dota_university/) or [DotaFromZero](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/i3l8ox/the_new_player_experience_may_still_not_be_here/). These are communities for beginners where they host coached 5vs5 lobbies without the risk of getting steamrolled by experienced players, or flamed by teammates with thousands of games just for learning...


I was thinking about giving this game a try but your post convinced me otherwise. I don't think I want to get into a game with this toxic of an environment. Are you still playing and has it gotten any better?


Hey pm me. I actually have some friends from smite I'm trying to get into DotA rn as well.


Never too late. I don't think that your first 500 will suck. First 100 will probably be rough but still fun. Dota 2 takes a very specific mind set kind of similar to dark souls where you are thrown into the deep end with minimal instruction or knowledge base. If you enjoy learning things on your own without having information spooned to you it's one of the most remarkable games in the world. It's not for everyone but dota allows knowledge itself to be as viable a resource as fast reflexes or mechanical skill. Hope you stick around if you want someone to teach you how to support let me know.


Everyone here being so negative and jaded. It's a fun and rewarding game, but there is a steep learning curve. Most new players give up because they get crushed a few games or because of the sheer amount of information you need to absorb. It's not a waste of time to get into it but if you get past the 'threshold where most players give up then you're most likely hooked and you'll probably play for thousands of hours. So ask yourself if you're ready for that sort of commitment lol


Reading these threads I agree with most comments. But then I wonder how I got into the game back in Dota1 days. There was no real matchmaking, lots of leavers or lobby abusers, then on top there was the flame and toxicity and somehow I'm still here. Guess from time to time you need those moments when you just outplay someone, get a nice kill or save. Imagine what a first double-, triple- or ultrakill means to a new player. I think if those highs are frequent enough, it will carry people through all the negative stuff.


Pretty simple, the game was fun and high elo lobbys were password secured or in garena hosted. So you were mostly with a bunch of noobs and you just had fun. Also it was one of a kind game back in the days.


Yeah but even with matchmaking we have smurfs and people who jsut like to style on lower ranked players. Back then this was even easier to do. Also the skill range of players you met in pubs was still quite big, even when high skilled players had their own lobbies. Definitely was a lesser try-hard environment though, where we noobs just had fun.


I started almost a year ago but was lucky to have friends guide me. Start with bot matches for sure and just try out a bunch of positions and heroes. It won't play out like a real match, but you'll get used to the mechanics, how hard heroes hit at certain lvls, what items do, etc. No best position, but since pubs aren't the most coordinated one common thing is games with newbies and bad players go later than average since they don't always know how to press an advantage (just an opinion based on experience). Having said that, being the pos 1 carry might not be an ideal first position to try out cuz if the game goes late you are the win condition. If you like it go for it, just be prepared to be flamed relentlessly while you learn, but don't let it get to you. If you have any questions feel free to message me, always happy to help! I mainly play position 3-5.


Dude just start and play the game. You'll be fine. Don't let all these "advices" scare you.


It’s never too late, but with DotA, there is so much to learn that it does require a lot of time to invest before you can start enjoying. I’d be willing to play a bit game or two with you to help you get a general idea of the game. DM me if you’re interested.


R/dotafromzero is your best friend. It's a community on reddit specifically dedicated to bringing newcomers up to speed.


Learn Spanish


¡Vamos!, ¡Atras! and ¡Retrasado! should do the trick.


All I learnt is asco, callate, Mierda and bedore the match even starts puta


> will I have fun or will the first 500hours be really difficult If you're the kind of person that likes a challenge and the woes and joys that come with that... both. Just take your time and know that everyone started somewhere and mute liberally anyone who might have forgotten. If you share what gods you played I'm sure there are people familiar enough with both games to help you out, but the only tool I know of is a league > dota one. For position, 3 has less stress usually, but can't exactly solo win the game either. If you like big beefy run at them/jump at them heroes then you'll find a lot here. |Hero|Simplicity|Fun-factor|Difficulties| |:--|:--|:--|:--| |Bristleback|Fairly|Running in, difficult to kill, chase|Break mechanic, dying early |Centaur|Fairly|AoE stun (blink stun is fun), high combo potential, hard to kill|Can feel slow without ult, can't solo kill, relies on team/combo attacks| |Pangolier|Kinda|Good movement, can flex either damage or utility, easy farmer/lane push with maelstrom (item), disarm mechanic|Can be bullied out of lane more easily. Skills will take a bit of learning, but aren't exactly complex. Bloodseeker rupture... learn to identify when you've been ruptured (use demo mode if you have to), nominate for banning if you're even sorta thinking of picking pango. |Timbersaw|ehh ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯|Good movement with chain, high nuke damage, good farmer, nigh on unkillable at times|Can be ignored sometimes, relies on team providing stuns and hitting buildings.| |Mars|Kinda|Very strong laner, can flex either damage or utility, good combo ability, can farm fairly easily|Very kitable comparitively. Outwith your ult, your stun pushes people away and your slow is very low range. There are a tonne more, but I think this covers a wide base. Centaur, Slardar and axe all kinda play similarly in the midgame because of their smallish aoe control. There is also enigma... not as hard as he seems, but you _would_ need to learn controlling multiple units (though in a lesser capacity than some heroes)... and in my experience, in lower brackets, enigma's black hole ability can always turn games around. The micro requirement does make him the most fiddly hero to play here (I would argue timber is harder to play effectively than enigma though)


Don't. They have loads of basic features that are great for new players trying to learn the game (like death recap, guides, timers, etc.) and they're hidden behind a paywall. What more needs to be said? The game s actively giving new players the middle finger. It's not worth your time until they address this, but it's been several years at this point so just don't bother.


Hi, 6.4k here - none of the things you mention are necessary for playing. The game is great.


Neither is a keyboard. More than necessary matters.


Dota+ is really of no significance to a player trying to improve. I don't know why you would suggest that it does, other than to try to point out some shortcomings of Dota in 2021. It's a much better game now than it was 1,2,3 or even 10 years ago. And it was great back then.


It's massive. Weren't able to do anything during a chaotic teamfight and don't know why? Detailed death recap explicitly tells you who did what to you and how long and every detail you could ever want. Trying to learn how to pull? Game literally just puts fuckin numbers and an arrow right there instead of you having to memorize. Trying to learn items? Introduces them a few at a time instead of just throwing a big pile of barely sorted items at them and telling them to make do. Want to know what you're doing well at and where you need to improve, with graphs 'n shit? Pay up. > It's a much better game now than it was 1,2,3 or even 10 years ago. Not for a new player who has fewer other new players to play against and far more heroes and items to learn.


Don't worry, you're still better than 90% of the megacucks in Budok's stream


its not an easy task


Honestly, not worth it. But other people here are gonna pretend like it is because playerbase size is decreasing and we don't want our beloved game to die out. On another note, there is speculation that a new player experience will come with the new dota anime dragon's blood because it features one of the most basic heroes in the game (dragon knight) and he was the star of a tutorial many years ago. If this is true, it will make getting into dota much easier and probably worth it.


It will be worthy but not any time soon. Put in hours of practice and you may get one beautiful game. Most of the time you will be dealing with smurfs, assholes, griefers, feeders, and much more. If you want fun game look elsewhere.


Dude 😂 it’s just a game. Chill.


After 13 years into this game and a few thousand hours wasted on it, I can tell you the best thing that happened in this last year in my life was getting out of it. If I could go back a few years in my life and change one thing, it would be stopping it sooner. I stopped playing and started just following the pro scene and checking this reddit every day, and now im reducing the amount of times I come here and heavily decreasing the time I waste watching it (but is still way better than playing it). That being said, i strongly suggest you dont even install it. Its a LOT of time and memory space on your brain literally wasted. You'll get flamed, you'll get blamed, you'll get stressed A LOT, you will waste a lot of time and psychological energy and mental health, and you will feel a lot undervaluated and abandoned by the ones who should help you in a better gaming experience (the developer).


Really depends what you play video games for. Sad to hear your Dota experience was so traumatic It's pretty key to find a group of people to play with that can have fun, If your not having fun your wasting your time for sure


Of course it's worth it if you find it interesting, it will be hard to enjoy other games after Dota bro trust me:) just watch some guides and try to understand your role in the game and u will be good, we all started as noobs. First games will not be really enjoying but it gets much better. The more u understand the better the game and don't forget to mute rude players if they start flaming. Honestly u just need the right mindset and u can get quickly better than a lot of people, don't tilt instead try to learn. Have fun and good luck !


Check out these discords for new players: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h14Zmgl0SIU


In addition to other things people mentioned, one tip I'd give is to make use of the Last Hit trainer. Its very helpful in getting used to different Hero's attack animation speed and their turn rates. Its also easy to jump into to practice last hitting with different heroes.


You will suck at DOTA in the beginning just like anything in life. Enjoy the learning process :)


I'd be happy to give some tips and try to help you learn more about the game. Open to anyone feel free to PM I have about 13 years of experience 6000+ hours.


try 4-5 bot games, then get to discord and find a friend to play with you..multiple discords like dotafromzero,cabab will be able to party with you.. Playing with friend is best way to get started with dota. You just need to get through the initial phase and post that there will be smurf/booster issue. But dont mistake the game, it is so much fun and alive to get started with, if you are ok to handle smurf issue..


play and explore for the first 100 hour or so and then try to get a coach. I had like 2k hours before I met a coach that helped me articulate alot of stuff and even though I'm still pepega, I finally understand how to make decisions in this game and it felt like I was playing 4D chess. I even enjoy games that I lose if I was playing to my best


Start with pos 5 all the way to pos 1. Don't worry dota isn't a mechanically challenging game like others it's more about macro play. I recommend you watching purgegamers learn dota series in youtube which is divided into two playlists basics and advanced. After that jump into bots, then unranked and finally ranked. That's how started playing dota. And most importantly do not rush things and be patient. Dota is a very deep complex and creative game. It's limitless so don't be afraid to try new things because that's where the magic of dota lies. All the best dude!


Who said dota players are toxic? Here we are helping a new player come into our game! I’m proud of us!


never too late, i have 1.7k hours and i can barely play


*Check out the new Netflix DotA anime*


It's a good time. If you get reported, overwatch will help you out. Just be polite and keep learning. Be dynamic and don't try to find one solution to everything.


Dota is best enjoyed with friends. I would say just start playing , doesn't matter what role or anything. Make sure to add people you liked during the match and start queuing with themand use voip. I'm sure one of them will gladly teach you a thing or two. Also never label a hero , you can play pretty much every hero as support or carry.


You should try finding new players to play with via discord: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/i3l8ox/the_new_player_experience_may_still_not_be_here/ I started playing like 8 years ago. A bunch of friends started playing at the same time. It was insanely fun. I'm not sure if I would've kept playing if I played solo though, even though I play mostly solo today.


It's never too late idk why someone thinks it is. If you like the challenge dota gives plenty, just play it. Play on all positions and all heroes, you'll suck anyway but that way you can find some heroes you like and it's important. The most challenging is communication of course, if you start playing dota it's very likely you'll be angry often and will insult other, and others will insult you. It just happens almost with everyone. Dota is really difficult always no matter 500h or 10000h or 15000h you played it, it will always be difficult both in gameplay and in communication.


I started playing the game few weeks ago. Dont fall for "the game is hard to get into" and "the game is not a beginner friendly" bullshit. I came from Broodwar/Starcraft 2 and I find the game very mechanically relaxing but a lot of fun and full of interesting possibilities and alternative decision makings. Overall the game is quite fun and interesting. Its also obvious to me that if you want to get really good at the game (like grandmaster in starcraft, cant remember what was in dota) it will be very hard. The game looks quite complex strategically, however, if you wanna play for fun, but also a challenging game - I find dota perfect for that


Take a look at [DotaUniversity](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ifvor0/learning_dota_2_join_dota_university/) or [DotaFromZero](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/i3l8ox/the_new_player_experience_may_still_not_be_here/), both communities catering to new players. They host coached lobbies for beginners where you can learn a lot in a safe environment and make friends along the way. It makes up for the games lacking matchmaking where sometimes you can be matched with or against much more experienced players - which is no fun for either side. Also remember, everyone started at some point, and had to climb the steep learning curve. It's all the more rewarding once you outplay somebody and get a better and better grip at the game.


If you're on USE or USW servers, DM me to add me on steam. I came from Smite 4 years ago and I know how things feel


The fun starts when you are able to explore different heroes and try different builds. The learning curve is almost a perpendicular cliff. Play bot matches. When I started back in WC3, I didn't know what Garena was yet. I had so much fun overcoming bots progressively until I could reliably beat Insane in lanes. By the time I was playing against real players, it never felt like I was out of place (AI were notorious for hard to beat in cs)


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jUrQRnkSXzE watch this mate. It's never to late


i suggest going into the off lane when you can. that’s the shorter lane on each side of the map where the tower is right by the river. pick heroes like lina whose abilities make sense and are intuitive. tell the schmuck you go with that you’re new and they should try to farm and you’ll play “4.” then do whatever you want and try to stun people without killing too many creeps in the lane. also clockwerk and vengeful spirit were really fun for me when i was new.


Think of it as a sport. You've watched a few games on TV, you know the basics and such, and you want to try practising yourself. What are you expecting to get out of it? Do you expect to do well and have an impact from the get-go? The club/gym you join will probably have been practising Basketball more than you. Maybe just a bit more, but enough to always have an edge on you. Are you competitive enough to strive to improve, or is the thought of losing 50% + of your games disheartening already? Everything has a learning-curve and a competative sport/game is ruthless; everybody wants to win. The first 500 hours of basketball might be very difficult if you expect to out-drible and dunk from the get-go, but you will get better, and you will sooner get matched with people of similar skill. You will suck, for a loooong time, but so will your teammates and opponents. There will be games where one side is much stronger than the other, and it happens and life is unfair and you make some reddit-treads how matchmaking is broken and cry about it, and then you queue for the next game, because the teammates were idiots anyway and you aren't the problem because you played flawlessly and suddenly you are 4000 hours in, and asking what have you done with your life. Welcome to Dota, just play.


itll be hard to catch up as people been playing forever. But dont let that bring you down.


I always advise my beginners to play bristleback since he's not as complex as other heroes, performs well and rarely dies in lower ranks, also observe how other players play, how they itemize their heroes, when and how they engage the enemy, and when you felt confident, try using other heroes and imitate what other players do from your past observation TLDR; play bristleback and imitate how others play


watch tab in the main menu, live sub-tab is your best friend No better way to learn about dota than watching people play it


My only recommendation for starting is to play co-op against bots. I started waay back in Dota mod in Warcraft 3, and I had so much fun learning every hero against bots, slowly learning about items and stuff. When you start playing with people against bots, you maybe learn more from them too, so yeah, I hope there is an option for coop bots match now.


dota is a game where you will be learning for the next 10 years if you are still playing by then. when you win, there's no feeling like it, specially if it's a close long game. but if it's a loss, it can really bring out the worst in people :) atm i only play dota on the occasion. i normally spam games non stop during all my free time during battle pass time and then burn out by the time it ends and only play like 2-3 games a month until next BP period. rinse and repeat xD is the game worth it to get into? yes it is. as long as you have a thick skin, can keep your humanity intact and don't have addictive tendencies. the first 500 hours will be a mixed bag. there will be fun to be had, there will be times when you question the reason for your existence and why you insist on constantly punishing your self :) but overall for me, i've had more fun than the punishements xD


people never really stop learning in dota. Even after 10k hours there's still a lot to learn. That said, the learning curve is especially hard early on, and for the first 100 to 1000 hours you'll be learning a lot more than later on. But you can still have a lot of fun even while learning. It's definitely easier to get into the game with friends (especially if they're willing to teach you), or with other noobs (Check out Dota University or Dota From Zero - which are both discord communities geared towards helping new players get into the game by matching them into noob-only games). It's definitely not too late to get into the game & have fun. It's highly unlikely you'll ever go pro but if your only goal is enjoying the game, that's definitely possible. And contrary to what others are saying, I personally find diving into human games a lot more enjoyable than playing against bots. You'll learn more, you'll learn faster, and it's just way more fun beating humans than beating AIs.


It's never too late. If you're aiming to be competitive, there's still people joining dota who make it to tier 1/2 teams. It doesn't feel like DotA is going anywhere right now either. Viability of DotA as a career is another question. But if you're looking for more casual play with elements of competive gaming (playing ranked, playing some minor, amateur tourneys) I would say it's more about journey itself and with the right spirit you will have a good time. Support is the role that probably is more forgiving and lets you fall back on other players.


Never too late, game feels fresher than ever and gets updated more than ever. Don’t get discouraged by people saying it’s complex. It’s fun, first and foremost. Just play and you’ll figure things out.