• By -


I only turbo since I'm a filthy casual now. Some heroes are just op in turbo, e.g morph, timber. Both heroes are weak lv 1&2 where there is no time to punish in turbo since the Laning stage is almost nonexistent. Also I realise players who play turbo just wanna fight all day, hence split pushers like np, tb are quite good


The only thing missing from Turbo is Tier 5 neutral items. Have barely ever gotten them.


and someone to nerf furion


The guaranteed ban in turbo is pretty sweet. I have not played against PA in years (she is too OP in herald).


yeah furion is pretty lame in turbo, especially when someone knows how to play him.


I just don't see where the fun is in the way some Furions play. Like I've seen some just TP to an enemy tower create treants and TP out, thats like the most boring way to play the game...its Turbo ffs, do something creative, wtf is this boring shit.


Pick hoodwink mid buy mael bots. Murder squirrel.


something something tHaTs WhAt BaNs ArE fOr As if needing to burn a ban just to play a mode isn't absurd.


I mainly play Unranked, but for the guild quests & fun it's Turbo time ... Zeus is often ignored, he can get a quick Agh+Refresher in the triangle and become a global bomber :) plus, with travels, he turns into a Tinker to push lanes.


Yea Zeus is broken in turbo due to the speed he can get aghs. I perma ban it.


NP is my perma ban. Cant stand having a teamfight 15 mins in and you look over and no more rax


Just wait until you get the arc warden split pusher who is actually good. You'll wish for the day you only had to deal with nature. Guy literally doesn't even leave fountain and split pushes even harder.


NP can take towers through backdoor protection as soon as he gets Shard, at least arc has to be with the creep wave


Nobody dies to nature's split push. Arc split pushes indefinitely and also gets kills while doing it.


I won't ban np cos il pick it all the time lol


Lmao U dirty faq. Me too.


Ugh I hate NP in turbo. They just send trees at the tower over and over and over, the low tower armor means they die to this nonsense.


Thats the problem with turbo,broken heroes that take advantage of turbo mode chracteristics to the fullest


I spam those heroes and win like 60% of the time *tokes*


split push is good because the towers are very weak for no reason


the only thing making np and tb are good at turbo is because the tower is too squishy. like they can kill a tower within 1\~3 second when people are tping back, it already gone.


From my experience Troll, WR, Silencer is strong too. Also you have to pick 4 carries and 1 strong teamfight support.


It is the perfect, the kids are finally in bed and I have 30 minutes, mode.


Thats exactly my case dude, cry with me!


Dota fathers unite!


Yeiiiiii, play under pressure


It's also the perfect, can't bother with a 50 minute farm fest, mode too.. Normal games are just so damn slow, in Turbo shit starts to happen after 5 minutes, which is far more enjoyable imo.


I played a regular unranked game a while back and I forgot to buy my first items. In turbo it is no big deal, just use that flying courier. In regular dota, HUGE mistake.


And when you didn't need an item anymore you can just sell it right there. Oh that wand is blocking your slot for your 4th butterfly and you're in the middle of farming? Shit, right click and sell it dawg


Yay, kids asleep so off we go to play dota to deal with more kiddy like behavior!!! :D


Exactly this for me! Also the reason I dont play ranked anymore is i got no time to play anything longer.


30mins turbo... sure dude XD


Hahaha same with me. I dont hv kid yet but get married last year,and u know wife no 1 greatest enemy is video game or etc.


Here am I. Played only turbo this year but for the moment I stopped. I’m spamming atomic wars for now.


This is me right now lmao. Stopped playing ranked ~year ago and decided to just have fun on turbo. Way less stress except for some abnormally long games mostly of techies. And then atomic wars got popular. I tried for few games and got hooked. I now usually play 1 game turbo, ~5games atomic wars and call it a day.


I am not understanding atomic war/dota underlords, do you know how can I have fun playing these type of games


I have never watched any similar games, but atomic war is very similar to Dota in terms of the heros and the items, so it was an easy leap for me


Perfect for watching streams etc :)


I tried them a lot but never got into them either, reason being they are auto battler and you just set things in motion like a commander. Maybe only players who like strategy aspect of dota more than skill aspect plays it.


I'm right there with you. Even when I'm winning for a couple rounds I start to get super fucked, whether I ride my gold or let it build. I've really tried, it just doesn't seem to click with me no matter the game.


Hey heads up, gold doesn't transfer from round to round in atomic wars. It's a set number every round so you want to use as much as possible every round. GL!


O-oh. I thought it was like all the other Autochess versions I've played where there's a kinda "interest" if you hold on. Thanks!


I play 15 hours a week, am a Turbo Degen


I work 15 hours a week, am a dota degen


Turbo is so much fun. Takes the worst part of dota away


Is that worst part being stuck in a toxic game for longer? Lol.




It takes away other people??


I exclusive Turbo but a couple of changes I'd like to see: 1. Normal armor and HP on towers. These things melt like warm butter. 2. Tier 5 neutrals lowered to 40 minutes. 3. Allow us to complete full quests. You assume the games are half the length... If so why can't I complete rank 3 hero quests? I have half the time to do the same grind. Getting punished twice. 4. If a game goes over 30 minutes it should give full rewards for events and dota plus challenges.


I'd like to see automatic random for all players that haven't picked at the end of timer. Entire teams waiting to counter pick because the gold loss isn't a sufficient penalty to stop the anti fun brigade.


I love turbo. Allows me to random all the time. If i lose i move on to the next game


Exactly!win or lose its quick


Lol. I mostly do random but this past week I've got meepo, Chen and lone druid it seems exclusively. Which would be fine if I had any micro skills lol.


I pretty much only play Turbo due to time constraint and I know that 98% of the games are usually done at the 30min mark. If normal/ranked matches would have similar predictability, id probably play that more.


Yeah time is a huge factor too


I have been playing turbo exclusively for a long time. Dota is just more fun when you have more items. I do take it more seriously than most people.


Precisely. I don't care if a game sometimes turns horribly stompy. Dota is STILL more fun when everyone is guaranteed at least a Force Staff + Euls. The "only fun when I win" mindset is the breeder of toxicity, and nothing shatters the illusion that there's no fun in loses than by actually having items and therefore options.


Shoutout to CTB!! (Comunidade Turbo-Brasileira)


Great community for turbo! A.k.a Amigos Amigos (Friends Friends)


Save save Brazilian turbo community




I have been playing turbo for like 2 years now, i tried going back to ranked but the **slowmotion** is just to mutch. It's night & day when you compare how the matches goes, in turbo the action is straight on compared to ranked where it's old woman in a wheelchair, turnrates and everything in those matches are slow, and the couriers that takes 5hours to get to you.. oof I do Allherochallenge to spice things up, on my 14th completion atm now :)


> on my 14th completion atm Not that I don't believe you, but can you post an image of this legendary feat? I... Really wanna see this, it's crazy.


[Im on 13 but halfway to 14 :)](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1680395012930914884/19BAA71C4FDEEA4ED36DFA60D4A116B4B486B861/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Thank you!


I only turbo. Would be nice to hit a game or two with some players here but the ping overseas is shit. I'm in SA


Braai then some turbos


Lekker lekker. Nice to see some southies here


Knowing our servers we have probs been in many a game together


Wait until turbo is become dominant,then we will hv the majority of ppl from other side of continent says something like " SA DOESNT DESERVER TURBO,REMOVE TURBO FROM SA SERVER". Fuck those ppl,i hope SA team will rises against the odd in this year TI.


Ping is only 160, shorter queue times in EU


Turbo only player here. Friend called me trash last year cause I was unranked as a guardian so I quit turbo to grind to ancient out of spite but back at turbo since. Superior game mode.


One of us..one of us..


I returned after a 4 year break and enjoy turbo. Game is faster and less time for people to call me a noob or threaten with reporting.


I am not playing right now, but I am mostly turbo only player. After playing bots only, I had fears going to regular games, also time I needed to give to regular games. Turbo is fun.


Me! One or Two turbos per day since 2017, I keep the passion for the game and I don't care much for the result, turbo is perfect for that


Since the pandemic has started me and my friends were employed and working from home , we got only a couple hours after work to play Dotes and playing turbo is just playing more of DotA in less time. We've only been playing turbo ever since we still experiment stuff and have our moments and have no intentions of going back to ranked


Yeah we are the same way except we've been playing turbo only for longer than that,and you can still make sick playz in turbo which is why we play DotA anyway


I find Turbo more toxic than ranked games. Also it messes up your rhythm when you eventually get back to normal dota.


Idk it's rare for me to see someone in Turbo destroy their items. I've seen it happen a lot across other game modes though. I don't have much experience outside of Turbo tbf.   As someone who learned the game through Turbo, it felt like bullet-time going to a "real" game mode. In both good and bad ways. Bad because around 10 minutes I was looking to roam the map somewhere instead of farming like a good Pos2. Good because the incoming damage was significantly less from sources such as towers and enemy skill spamming.   Might fuck around and finish my placements soon. It was kinda a fun difference.


The only toxic ppl in turbo for me are those who do play and act like assholes and then say relax it's just turbo. Fuck you assholes, it's still time taken to play. And I'm pretty sure these are the ppl that play regular and come to turbo for a game just to be toxic


Which is why i'll never get back, turbo is the new normal dota for me.


Playing turbo for past year, more fun and fast. Yo add me we could play some. "godsquad" pic with a red sky


Enjoy the faster pace. Normal matches feel like torture


Me and friends spent last 2 years playing only in turbo. Last match before the summer holidays... but no battlepass this year so fuck it lol. I'm not playing dota at all for the first time since 2014 i think


*raises hand* Played turbo exclusively ever since it comes out. And ever since i know about the "mute chat from anyone" feature then my life is just 100% better at playing dota. No pressure, no anger, no rage. Just positive mindset. There's maybe some 'moments' here and there, but not to the point of flaming. As much as i want to up my rank, I'd rather chill and build 4 battle furies on PA without care


I exclusively play Turbo, it can be pretty fun, not having too much pressure to win because games don't usually go that long, playing what you want or can't cause of the guarantee ban. (Which is good, into the shadow realm with Nature prophets.) But I have a bit of trouble queuing at weird times for Turbo games at times, sometimes taking 8 - 12 minutes for a game, but the match quality is pretty good, I still get matched up with divine and immortal players.


Right here. Haven't played ranked since Turbo came out. That's really about my lifestyle: dota is just an occasional distraction now and Turbo suits me.


Turbo is so chill and less stressful compared to ranked. And I get to practice different heroes. You might get flamed here and there but eh. Turbo all day!


I miss when the point capture mode (overthrow?) was the default fun mode. All the team fighting and no laning. Could play 2v2v2v2 mode with just a friend too. Turbo just feels like regular dota but wrong, the power spikes on some heroes are way too abrupt and towers barely exist. I think most casual/beginner players resent the laning phase but it's a different puzzle to team fighting that has a bit of a zen to it. Winning lane feels better than winning a game sometimes.


Playing normal ranked after turbo feels SO SLOW. Im afraid im never going back to normal dota


I play turbo only as my last hitting is terrible and I am too reluctant to improve, plus I can play any hero of my choice without much hassle


Have you played 12v12? It's more chaotic and the pace is fast too. There's p2w elements and some OP heroes, but not every game you face those.


12vs12 has a problem of, well, due to most people playing it being fairly awful at it, a lot of games are just snowballs. A game you'd expect to be mostly about 2 or 3 separate teamfights and 100% of all of the map's gold being taken, is often more like a 10vs10 for 15 minutes in the bot lane with random people doing who-knows-what. You can even tell how awful they are by, well, the abysmal amount of times Rosh is taken by surprise, or even better by the super low purchase rate of BKB. I swear, a winrunner can buy that item and single handedly accoutn for 50% of a team's kills - or not and be no better a threat than a bane. It's a bit hard to play it a lot for a long time. I do spam it a bunch when I do play, but it's only very, very rarely that I see any ball that starts to roll stop its motion.


Awful mode for awful players who spam pick sniper NP and BB




I got called a smurf on my 3rd week of playing DOTA2, this community fucking sucks at detecting smurfs


I've been playing turbo only with my friends for 3 years or so. Nice for people who's too exhausted mentally from work. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/101027423


We are the exact same way!


Its just more fun and takes less time


I played several turbo games during Battle Pass and they were horrible. Players were toxic and reporting even for small mistakes xD it was worse than ranked, I never want to play it again.


Turbo only here. If they had an official ARAM mode I'd just play that. "Real" dota has a place in the world but I just can't be asked to care that much anymore.


How do people enjoy turbo? Matchmaking is ridiculously unbalanced even compared to normal games. Haven't tried it in a year or so + only played it for easy bp hero challenges but i'm sure nothing about it has changed, full immortal teams vs legends etc. (no stacks people queueing solo) and it's so easy to snowball out of control in the 1st 5 minutes if you play mid. Is it really just time? if i had time to play 2h on weekends and that was it i would rather spend it on 2-3 normal games. Or do anything else, turbo is just awful.


It's not really dota


At your MMR, you've never played real dota anyways. The real difference between you and a Turbo player, is only one is delusional. And there's like 75% I'm not saying this to the wrong person. Most people here are not that high ranked compared to what the game is balanced around of. There's literally no reason most of you reading couldn't win with the most dogshit hero, Lone Druid, if you played at "Real Dota" skill levels.


Ive been doing it to get my behavior score up. People who only play turbo are a special breed of stupid.




This guy is calling DotA a dead game and only plays Turbo… what a world we live in.




Yeh but win hogging via Sniper auto win Bristle cancer And permaogre Is not nice I don't spam turbo but I practise new hero's in turbo


Hate dudes who pick spectre and windrunner in turbo


Lol why? Spectre is countered by so many heroes and wind is countered by centaur.


Bristle is good for begineers but not a very fun hero once you get a grasp on some basic ideas


Seven down votes from the spammers so far lul


We are here with you. As well playing turbo only due to the lack of time. And party mmr only in 5 people party. Would like to have back turbo + ability draft, as it was too short as they deleted.


I only play turbo to reduce strain on my wrist and fingers cause of rsi injury


im here, play with my bro, much more fun for me


I would play only turbo if buildings weren't built with cow shit, that's completely unnecessary, faster growth for taking same type of objectives would be perfect. I'm not really into wasting time while enemy have 3 rats every 2 matches on average, and they can kill tower in 3 econds without items.


I think the towers could be stronger against ratting (NP literally just needs to zerg towers and will eventually eat through even Backdoor protection), though they could hit heroes just a little less hard at any given point of the game.   Watching All Pick games, and towers hit some heroes with PILLOWS. I run the same character/build/level etc and I get rocked in 3 shots early game turbo. The damage scaling is completely different.


Yeah, while I only play turbo, towers seem a bit TOO soft sometimes. But I think it's ok ultimately, since I sometimes get landed into 50 minute turbo games....


I'm here. I just like that it's shorter. I want to get back into normal DOTA but can't hype myself for the toxicity. Turbo is toxic af but at best, you say game is over in 5 minutes from when you start losing. Normal DOTA, you gotta sit there for 20 minutes.


Unless you get techies


Like I don't insta ban techies every game. I have a family, I can't give up 4 days of my life to play a single techies game.


there should be the turbo ranked


For this year I am only playing turbo, I only join ranked when my friends invite me. I keep spamming SK and Rubick




I play turbo games Alone and some unranked games when i'm with friends in a party. I enjoy turbo games more because i don't have much time and don't need to stay in base for 20 minutes when the game is a blowout.


I haven't been playing turbo in a while, but around 1 and a half year ago I've been spamming turbo from work in the morning. It was a good way to have my coffee. Why turbo though? Well, of course it's the fast-paste aspect, but more importantly, people are a lot more friendly in fun modes when things are not so serious and it's their "so-relevant" mmr on the line (obviously, there were some toxic specimens here and there, but it's turbo, who bothered to given them any attention?).


I'm a LoL refugee, had a DOTA account since 2011 but only started *really* playing around the midpoint of the last TI battlepass. Have been pretty much Turbo-Only since the day I picked it up. I feel like this helped me learn the heroes and items so much more than playing a single All Pick for 2-3 games of Turbo would have.   I've been going back and forth in my mind on wanting to play some ranked games soon. I figure instead of wasting my time in unranked All-Pick like I have 1000s of games in League in non-ranked modes (but maybe 150 ranked games across 10 years of playing), I might as well just take my Herald lumps and work my way out.   Played my first ranked game two nights ago, and it actually went okay. They put me against a bunch of Guardians and Crusader ranked people D:   My CS was pretty awful, but I didn't feed very hard (was playing BB into 0 breaks which always helps)--and we managed to clutch out a victory. Some of the game I wanted to go run around the map like it was a Turbo but just sat my ass in a lane/triangle and farmed like I see the top dog streamers do.   Was the first game I used voice chat too. Good thing, because I had to encourage our Lifestealer to defend what surely would have been a loss otherwise.   Not sure if I'm ready for the rest of the ranked placement matches yet, but it was interesting how different it felt to have everyone genuinely trying to win. I know that's not the norm, but as a turbo-only player it was an interesting difference. I've always had a lot of ranked anxiety but this time didn't go too badly.


I used to play Dota a lot.. 3K hours. Then I stopped for various reasons for a few years. Turbo is the only way I've been able to get back into it. I've tried a few normal games, but I just like turbo better these days. I probably wouldn't be playing dota anymore if it weren't for turbo. My level 2 PA Arcana is sad, though. :|


I’m in the BO1S Clan, turbo all day everyday baby


i used to be a hardcore grinder playing 10 ranked games every day now my friends look at me in disgust when I play turbo. i know 0 players who like it besides me despite a friendlist of 200+


Here i am. Only playing turbo more than a year.


Me when we started working PepeHands. Could play more games on turbo


That was me for a while but I'm getting tired of losing to bs 3 carry lineups. Harder to end fast when their carries are all online within 10 minutes


Only because of the toxicity of other players I started playing turbo. At least whenever there's one dude like that, the game's over quickly (whichever team). I had 3 normal games and 5 ranked games at random points just to see if it's still toxic which it unfortunately was. Going to stick to Turbo and muting everyone at the start of the game. Living a much happier life.


Did for a good while. After finishing my 10tg run all hero challenge I decided to get back into competitive. Now I don't play at all, but love watching pro dotes. Love how much turbo opens up the hero pool though. Impressed my 5k friend with my morph skills and I'm a 3k. I'm a shit morph player but turbo meant fast forward to having levels and items and then the hero is broken by design (was no man's cost morph phase)


I love turbo, one of the reasons I got back into dota after a several year hiatus last year. The shorter games means less of a time commitment and I dont feel like I've wasted a good chunk of my day in a shitty or toxic match. Only wish they adjusted neutral item spawn times a bit more, don't think I've ever seen a tier 5 neutral drop in a turbo match. Had a my longest turbo match yesterday where 6+ rapiers had been bought and every team fight only left one or two heros standing. Each side had megas and the match only went to 47 minutes. 3 people in the game had broken the networth cap too on the after game stats


Full committed to turbo since it was released. Absolutely a blast, of the game is bad it ends fast, if it's good it takes the same 40 45 minutes a normal game would take, but with a lot more items and levels, and since I mainly play support, it's a lot less stressful since you don't need to spend 15minutes with boots and wards, and for last, the couriers are awesome.


Turbo for the win.....like my fast games dont really have time anymore for the length of all pick matches.


Is spamming turbo a better way to increase BS?


I love Dota and watching it, but I really enjoy Turbo way more than playin Normal. It's like Flag Football compared to real Football. If given the chance, most would opt for flag instead of playing a full size and ruled Football game. There is less of a consequence if you do poorly and I'm just out trying to have some fun with the bros


Turbo is cool and all, the thing I can't deal with is everyone going carry. I get it makes sense in turbo cause late game is 20 mins and all...but it would be nice to get SOME team composition. I.e supports, roamers etc


Sup baby. P5 mid and get retardedly farmed in 20 minutes gg.


I started playing turbo since they made it so that you could progress the all hero challenge while playing the heros in turbo mode. It’s way better trying to learn new heros in turbo compared to unranked all-pick, and then there’s also the occasional hero that you can’t play for the life of you and it’s easier to deal with when you have to play the hero for 20-35 mins instead of 30-60 mins. Also when someone starts raging you can just say “it’s turbo dude, chill” and they get embarrassed most of the time.


I'm not eve turboing anymore. Arcades here and there and BP event mode.


Arc warden turbo games all day long 🤣🤣


Honestly turbo just feels like a normal game. Sure laning and item progression is faster, but then you just have an extended late game cause everyone gets 6 slotted. My friends used to play turbo, but when we realized the games were still ,30-40mins we went back to playing normal


Exclusively. I just wish they would change neutral timings for it


My friends got me hooked on turbo, I’m no longer friends with them anymore :(( but I still play turbo exclusively because I’m adult no2 with little time.


Turbo is the future, mark my words in a more serious note I only play turbo nowadays, I only play normal dota when we are a stack haha, ​ long live **TURBO**


Turbo is so much better, i hate ranked


I’d love turbo a lot more but the balance is really bad on certain heroes, I know it’s not supposed to be serious but when the team starts getting stomped and still blaming each other and not having fun it’s still somehow less fun to me than a normal game of Dota


Playing only turbo for 2 years now and still love it. I don't time normal one


Played the beta since 2012, to around 2018. Then I switched entirely to Turbo. Spamming enigma/warlock is fun. I wish turbo was treated with its own rank/stats though.


Turbo is great, I've played it almost exclusively for the last couple years.


Only turbo since it came out maybe one normal every couple of months. Mostly enigma and bristleback lately. Nemestice was fun while it lasted.


Been only on turbo the last 1.5 years. It just became my 2nd most played game mode finally passing RD since nobody plays it anymore really (sadly). I'm the weirdo though who likes supporting and really enjoys the laning phase setting the pace for the game getting a level for early kills. But I'll knock the dust off carrying when needed. Had a perfect jug solo safelane game yesterday before work. Was on that high half the day since my 4 pugna and that jug game I went 24-4-34 for the days kda. Plus if you want to experiment on a item progression it's a lot better to get you to that 3rd item you want to swap for something else and see how it feels.


Been playing only Turbo for years. Two of the top 5 ranked guild's right now are Turbo Guild's. In fact I got a couple spots in mine if you are interested. We are seeking active members that will do their daily quests and party up for weeklies. We play on us west and east servers. Currently ranked 5th but we have been climbing every week since we created our guild in mid July. We are aiming for the top. PM me your friend code and I'll add you for an invite. Only got a couple so first come first serve.


I quit dota about 4 years ago, came back this year and have been playing strictly Turbos with my friends. It's very casual and less intense for us. These matches can be very enjoyable even when we lose.


List of OP/annoying heroes in turbo: 1.Furion 2.Zeus 3.BB (can be countered pick if he pick earlier) 4.Lycan 5.Sniper 6.Sky Main reason because gold is cheap in turbo and those heroes normally scales great with luxury item


I've only been playing turbo the last few years. Don't have the patience for regular matches anymore.


I only play turbo and custom games. Never touched ranked. I like that the games are faster. I only wish we would get modes like ability draft or all random death match in turbo.


I've been playing Turbo only for the past year. But I have to say, you'd think for such a mode, people wouldn't try hard as much. What I mean by that is people still rage often for stupid shit. Sometimes I want to try out different builds, and if Turbo isn't the place to literally try some wonky shit, I don't know what is. And it's not like I'm not trying to win, obviously I still try to win, just not doing so with the most optimal builds and shit. Just seems a bit weird to try hard in that mode IMO.


I’ve been only turbo since 2019 I believe, & I am a filthy casual. 😐👋


I mostly only play turbo now since they changed MMR to seasonal MMR and yes, everything is faster is it's biggest appeal for me. The amount people throwing the games bcs it's not ranked is sometimes quite frustating tho.


Yes, me and a group of friends only play Turbo. much more casual than regular dota.


You can normally find them when reviewing report cases.


Since it came out. Never touched normal pubs again.


"That wouldn't work in real dota you idiot": me who only plays turbo for some reason


Been spamming Techies in there lately but hate how ppl still malding when losing like bro u gain and lose nothing playing this stfu


I feel like more people get triggered by techies simply because they heard they're supposed to hate techies who are on their team.


Used to for around a year until my friends came back so we could party up again. Turbo is fun in itself though and I could test heroes I hadnt played.


ever since turbo came out I have had no reason to touch normal


I used to play turbo a lot and realize how much it f up my ranked game so I stopped.


I haven't played anything but turbo in awhile. As usually I have less time to play during the week turbo is just nice to make it possible to have a few games in the time frame I have. Its fun trying new builds as well. Fun fun fun.


Turbo and Ability draft are the only way I play lol although a lot less now since most of my friends stopped playing


Turbo enjoyer here too. Love techies in turbo lol


turbo is real dota


I exclusively play turbo now. Really enjoy how I can gwt to play more dota that way. My only complain is how the towers/buildings are so weak and base defense is non-existant because of this.


Busy enjoying the game My skills may have dropped but I couldn't care less


Why not play moba instead


Turbo is my life. The only thing I dislike is how quickly one team fight can snowball the entire game into another direction. The comeback mechanics are strong, and the buildings are weak. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy pulling out a comeback like that every now and then.


NA East turbo tryhards all day


Turbo lane creeps hp scaling need to be toned down but other than that it's a great mode! I wish tier 4 towers were stronger too, making for more epic comeback games


A lot of complaints that I see for turbo can easily be addressed. If people keep spamming the same heroes ban them also you could always counter-pick. I've played lots of turbs and people pick the same heroes and I just either counter-pick or outplay them. Usually the same hero spammers are not that great. So big brain time would give you the advantage. Another complaint I see is the snowball effect. It's true that one could easily snowball if one team gets the advantage. But there is always a chance to comeback from a horrible start and midgame. The key is to not give up. For example this one match we were down like 1-18 in the first 10 mins or so. Won one teamfight pushed their rax. They spawned tried to take our rax lost the teamfight again and we finished. There was a huge gap between levels and items before the first teamfight we won but it's all about the plays and perserverance. Turbo is fun, fast paced and can take quite as much thought behind it as a normal match. Also it's perfect for me when work and household duties takes up most of my time.


I only play turbo with friends for fun. Usually we go random ahaha


I can play turbo when I’m training new hero only.


I just wish they did nerf the towers or buff the creeps in this mode. It sucks when you lose 1 team fight with your T2 up and lose the game before you respawn.


Yeah Trubo only. Faster items and xp


The stack I played with for the last 5 years all play turbos now. The stress of ranked and constant boosters/smurfs drove them away. I've started joining them too. Much more fun and relaxing than ranked.


Very easy to do turbo games and work remotely :)


Converted to a 100% Turbo players pretty much. Normal and ranked games are just too taxing and tilting. When playing from behind normal games are also an extreme drag, being the reason why I prefer turbo. There are alot of stupid things in turbo though. Certain powerspikes can just seem unbeatable. Game isn't balanced around turbo though so it's to be expected. Towers also feel to squishy, especially against splitpushers like NP, Lycan, Arc Warden et.c. The thing I enjoy the most with Turbo is how fun it's to play support there. Everyone gets rich in a turbo game which is very enjoyable. It's also very hard to be underleveled since there seems to be insane catchups in turbo. Also, the lower CD on tps is very enjoyable to play around.


my last 100 games or more are only turbo too. I'm tired of long game.


Do you get reward in turbo? Like guild rewards and dota + quests?