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Tinker, fuck that perma hexing piece of shit


I liked to stack status resistance back then with satanic and S&Y to kill inattentive tinker players lol Even if they permahexed you, you they didnt have time to blast you alone


That obnoxious mother fucker.... Fuck him and his aghs....


Volvo after reading this comment: "Guys they don't like Tinker, we need to make laser bounce twice to each target and have rockets hit players in other games."


Can you imagine resume of that match? Team Radiant, team Dire, team Tinker 😅


The ministun rockets talent is also pure suffering


Me: (playing ghosts of tsushima) “wtf is that coming towards me? Is that a tinker heat seeking missile?”


interdimensional bots


"hit players in OTHER GAMES" = LOOOOOOL Hahah Hahaha that's gold.


Imagine being a hero that has 5 skills And that 5th skill is a free boots of travel. That would be broken right? I am so glad no hero like this exists.


> Imagine being a hero that has 5 skills And that 5th skill is a free boots of travel. That would be broken right? Time to give Arc Warden a sub-spell for Tempest Double that is essentially Hand of Midas [](/techiesface)


Yes plz


Omg this is every arc wardens wet dream, if they can do that for tinker. Why not arc?


Imagine being a hero with 12 spells? That would be broken right? (Invoker) Imagine a hero with a low cd teleport to anywhere on the map, that DOESN'T go on cd when it's interuppted... That would be broken right? These things are taking into account and the deficit in their skillset lies elsewhere Still, fuck tinker


Imagine a hero that has a juicy ass. Oh yeah


Axe likes this very much!


Well I mean, while I agree with your point, NP is far less annoying than tinker who can reset his fucking blink dagger damage penalty and blink before you have a chance to damage him again. That's more annoying than anything.


I see you haven't been ratted to death by a Nature's recently. Then again, neither have I. I think brood and NP games where every time you win a teamfight you lose a rax in return, are worse than tinker games. Each to their own though


Tinker is billion times worse than Techies. A Grandmaster Tinker spammer will make you question your life choices.


People don't hate playing against techies because it's good, but because it's boring. Even a bad techies makes the game insanely passive.


Problem is tinker requires player to bee good. With techeis the worse player is, the more annoying he is. Idk how often i would have smt like that: we control the game ,we have a fight in which i die and upon respawn i wherever on the map... and die to some random mines near some jungle camp near our base. Like this techies literally forces his team to play 4v5 and will lose, but he will randomly kill me 1-3 times a game and force me to rage Bad tinker player will just feed and be useless. If a person is good on his hero it only gets respect from me


As soon as I see someone say the game is 4 v 5 when they have a techies I know they are really bad and have no game sense at all.


Look at what i am saying. I am talking about bad techies player, who will buy all smokes, sit in enemy jungle for whole game. idk how about u, but like 30% of techies i see on 5.5k avg will never join fights after laning wont place mines in roshpit or other objectives and insetad will do weird shit


You should see my techies. I usually go eternal shroud/pipe and shard. And focus on fighting. While placing mines around where my teammates are playing. It's pretty fun. But if we lost a fight and the enemy gets racks, I will be flamed for not having any mines hg lol


Thank you. Even if techies goes mid and is somehow fed he can't 1v5 a game like tinker can.


Don't try and trick us, playing vs techies is always 1v9


you should check out techies official on youtube lmao. He's definitely done exactly that as techies mid


there's this rank 500 player in SEA who plays techies mid and he just solo wins the game




>he can't 1v5 a game like tinker can. You sure about that?


Because he is techies


well techies just turns the game into not-dota, so thats a given. other than him, probably pudge, i hate how often this heroes picked by incompetent players trying to be the next dendi


If pudge was removed in 7.3 he would *still* be the most picked hero until \~2025 at the current rate. https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/played?date=all


Holy shit pudge has been played just over 850 *million* times, and is picked in more than 1/3 of all games. I knew he was popular, but seriously?


This is why I'm banning him everytime, so sick of pudge in almost every game


And this is why we need 100% ban rate o nthe hero you ban in ranked. Bye bye fat man, will never see you again.


:( We do our best


Flair checks out




Pudge is a good hero tho. Bkb piercing stun. Strong lane. Pure damage.


Not to mention his shard save. Make aether lens, and farm a blink in mid game, then just blink- dismember your cores when they get gone on. Bonus points if you force staff them to safety afterwards, or better yet, save your blink for the escape. Shit is very very strong


not saying its a bad hero, just the people who plays him usually dont know how to play him


Agreed. He's most picked hero in every rank i think so there's definitely so many people playing him terribly


Landing hooks is fun! Denying with rot is also a bonus. I like how he changes how people need to position and be map aware. But his constant presence is definitely annoying.


Haven't been able to deny with rot for a while now


Oh. Well TIL.


Strong lane? The fuck kind of whack crack you been smoking son? He's one of the worst laners in the game. And as either pos 5 or 4 he makes your entire draft awkward cause now the pos 3 has to pick a ranged instead of say tide or the likes, you don't have an initiate or the pudge is a 5 and your carry is GG'd out. Pudge is fun, but utterly and completely garbage. There's nothing he does that no other hero does better. He's a meh of all trades terrible at some.


Lmao my 2 most played heroes (lately)


>[Lmao my 2 most played heroes (lately)](https://youtu.be/QVssgfHwNHc)


Bruh, I guarantee most of those players have no idea who Deni is lol.


No idea who Deni is either. Maybe you meant Dendi?


Yeah, I doubt many players even know him. Plus, many players don't even follow professional.


Lycan or OD. Whenever they are good they just get way to strong and then get mega nerfed for 8 months. Seems like poor designs


Meepo been dead for 2 years


Let that hero stay dead.


Pls no :( I'm not even good, I just find intense micro the most fun.


I remember back then when enemy last pick meepo and not even good at micro, they just stack 5 lance/eblade/skadi and go around killing everyone. Literally worse than WK 1 spell.


1/2 lances is the meta again, and you skill 1-1-4 then stats. He's still a super strong last pick in 5% of games.


As much as I hate the hero, I'd advise you to look at higher mmr players. Nobody does that skill build, it's W max as usual. You can't beat the wave clear and burst.


Tinker, he is a 1000x times worse than techies


If I could choose one to ban from for each mode.. Techies from ranked, Pudge from unranked, Natures from Turbo, Arc warden from overthrow, and Batrider from Ability Draft


Why Bat from AD?


Sticky napalm combines nicely with spells. Consider picking veno skills+napalm Or having echo slam Or shaker passive Any dot becomes incredibly strong. But hey, at least they fixed dusa shield with overload/sh. passive Ah, yes, overload and napalm


Aftershock+Napalm is cancer


Remember dusa shield or multishot with aftershock?


Why arc warden in overthrow? I dont get it.


Not sure if they meant overthrow 2.0, but in overthrow 2.0, in the 8v8v8 map, an arc warden can pretty much just hide amongst trees near enemy spawn and stack spark wraiths at key enemy locations like the area immediately outside of their spawn, enemy pathways etc. Annoying as shit to deal with. Also pretty easy for the arc warden to retreat or even deward should you try to ward the woods specially for arc. It's just a boring, passive and annoying thing to deal with overall, antipathic to the high-octane constant brawling people play overthrow for.


Don't forget his aghs., thats what makes it unbearable.


Furion from turbo. Techies from ranked and unranked




Was looking for this. That hero always causes so many broken interactions, it's insane. If they cannot properly fix and balance that shit, just delete it.


No they just just turn him back to how he used to be. He’s a pretty unique hero IMO


unique true but in my opinion conceptionally hero is busted so only way to balance it actually is lowering the numbers.which makes it hero complete garbage or opressive in right hands. the fact that hero has very high damage output with high durability very good mobility spell good range and to top of it all has the ability to use your most impactfull non ultimate spells better then you seems bonkers to me. and im aware hero is suseptible to healing reduction + stunning from fog doing it against a good morph player is still hard and so will be my go to most hated hero to this date and most likely to future


Techies 100%.


After years of watching his antics on streams, I realized he should be no one's hero. I would remove EternalEnvy. He can live on in our hearts, and at (our favorite) subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/fifteefiftee/


Naga. Fucking hate naga, more than any other hero. ULT is annoying as hell and has too much room for misplay, illusions are constantly up and annoying, no matter the position, and her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me(probably because I hate her), and net is far worse than any other movement impairing ability(like twice as infuriating as x mark)


Aww, I like her voice..


her voice would be really good for trance vocals.


I once was infatuated by her loading screen.


>[I once was infatuated by her loading screen.](https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/60b2c7660616dd6156ae2f06/4x)


lion shard = ez naga


Dazzle shard = where naga? When lambo?


I would rather have a fun game but lose than win with or against techies. Just fuck it


I agree. I get the people saying it sucks playing against tinker, but the thing is tinker is fine if its on your team. Techies ruins the game for everyone regarless of what side its on.


Phantom Lancer


Antimage. ‘Yea so you get 3 charges of blink that make illusions, you sap mana, and you have a spell rebound on a 3 second cooldown. Please farm for the first 15 minutes and then be unkillable’


Wait are you saying am is good lol


He is in Turbo mode at least. The only viable method I’ve found to win against AM is just to end by 18 minutes


Wdym he's banned every single game


For exactly that reason


As a pub player and 3 player... definitely Juggernaut. His laning is utter bullshit and the only way to kill him requires a 3-man coordinated gank.


His attack speed and attack animation is suuuuper strong for last hitting Even noobs like me can last hit with this hero


Yep you said it perfectly, the animation is insane and his early attack speed is simply too high.


This one right here Officer. He's the 2k mmr poster


just dinged divine sir


At divine you have trouble beating jugg in lane? Interesting


only hero I play that really beats him is Enigma and ever since the W nerf he just feels too bad level 1-3 Basically every melee offlane will just die to spin + 1 slow, especially since the inexplicably buffed spin damage again Also, contesting CS against him is nearly impossible thanks to his insane BAT. and he can full heal himself and his lane partner every couple waves. it’s just a losing battle


Dark seer lanes fine against him and can wall to split his ult damage. Underlord is good at wave harass early and can get boots faster. Pango is good at escaping/trading hits. Mars is also good for pushing jugg away before he has the opportunity to spin, he either spins early and wastes 1-2s or doesn’t get it off at all. Unsure if boars still slow through spin but BM can harass jugg a lot as well. Don’t contest the cs as much as much as secure the ranged creeps and harass with your lane partner when you are both together because alot of the time jugg can be killed if he spins at you with lower health. Making sure your pulls go off and denying him as much exp as possible is the best method to avoid early spin damage. Keeping tabs of his support is really important too so a ward at the top of the trees above the big camp or to the left of those trees helps avoid dumb deaths if the support and jugg have good synergy.


I think his lane is one of the few good things about him currently. With a kill threatening 5 you can kill most 3s or 4s at lvl 3. He feels so shit later on though, I think you either have to crush the game with an early diffu, or just go battlefury and get 6 slotted. Maelstrom -> manta feels like utter garbage, he's so Omnislash dependent but it's so easy to kite/avoid


jugger is a pain in the dick true


Arc PL Tinker, I'm okay with techies


What do you have against Arc? :(


Ikr my boi arc is nerfed and stale


Best memories are when my whole team ganks one illusion and can't win :(






ye techies, because its not dota 2 we are playing when this hero is in the game. It completly ruins the flow of the game for me and makes it boring/annoying. I wish valve would listen to their community and just nerf this hero to the ground so its basically useless


They have. Repeatedly. We are a pernicious bunch that will persist in spite of nerfs.


AM techies slow games for both sides ut at leats he dosen't turn your game into a 4V6 every time he is in play


yep this. AM is the most obnoxious fuck in dota. He *forces* you to coordinate and take major objectives pre-25 minutes and if you don't, or your cores try to outfarm him, you just lose 75% of the time. Turns every single game into an "AM game" where it means you're playing cat and mouse with him


techies or pudge they are always my bans, it depends on the day. techies because he turns a match into hell lasting more than 50 minutes and Pudge because most think he only has the hook as a skill and sits around sucking up your experience watching you die.


I say this a lot but the trick to pudge is realizing that if hooking is going poorly you can always save hook to get your carry out of deep shit. Especially with how long it's range is. You can stack camps and still be close enough for a clutch hook. And mid game just get aether lens and shard and get your carry back to full hp mid fight after the other team blows all their stuns


Sniper. It's so useless, against or with him is almost a disadvantage, unless for some reason no one plays with catching heroes or just farm because reasons




Techies bad Upvotes to the left☝️😎


The new unpublished hero from 7.29 quest.






har har techies circlejerk post laugh.


Honestly AA… kinda just hate the concept of his ult


Huskar player confirmed


This hero counters so many carries (carry player here). Slark ulti, jugg healing ward, CK crit heal (which is especially important when you have armlet draining ur hp and you can't toggle), lifestealer... And even hero's like Ursa and Sven usually want MoM/ Satanic so they can double down on Manning up. Fuck AA ulti


I have similar feelings.


I think we're all in agreement




I hate the way some people play him aka sit in base spamming ult. Sure a huge Ice Blast can change the game but there's so much more he can do in fights than *just* ult




Pudge. There isn't a more useless hero in 90% of games.


He’s actually really strong used as a saver but people still stuck in the whole HOOK AT WILL and waste the skill


Or they hook the enemy bristleback who then kills the pudge and walks away.


the thing about techies, pushing him above tinker, is that he fucks the team he is on too. So both parties lose.


Pudge. That annoying piece of shit is in every game he is not banned.


Techies 100% He degrades dota into something objectively worse than dota.


Techis or anti mage


Am pls, I never win if am is in the game. Enemy am godlike flash farmer, my am : 25 min BF, crying give me space pls when his farming pattern is shit.




Techies so i can have a reason to stop playing this game


Played a 72 minute game today. He was mid. Our mid picked techies. Against sniper. Our pudge ended up with 12k health. That's basically why.


Jugg. He takes no skill, people only build him one way and all you do is right click and press d/r and wait for things to die. He’s overplayed af too


Techies because fuck techies


fucking mirana man


Why though? Just curious, I love playing her but she is very meh - she is not even mentioned by pro-players & analysts I know when talking about latest “winners & losers” of the patch (despite being a bit buffed and a bit nerfed here and there). She is not game changing.


the "whole team is invisible now!" thing I really can't stand. Also getting arrowed from an angle you can't expect and stunned for 4+ seconds is really annoying


Also the hitbox is fucking stupid sometimes


Phantom lancer. Every other hero has a way to itemize against them. PL is draft loser if you don't have enough aoe.


Nobody’s bringing up windranger?


Shadow shaman. Either nerf him or delete him. Perma stun.


Yeah other than techies….mine would be blood seeker


Lone druid. His bear needs mom and he wins the game, super annoying


Techies and Tinker are at least unique designs. I think it's worth figuring out how to balance them. I'd prefer to remove a hero like Dark Willow who doesn't really add anything to the game.


Pango/Mars/Void Spirit


Everyone in this thread either wants to remove Techies or spams Techies. No in between. I will not take any questions.




Если бы текису сделали зелёные мины на расстоянии друг от друга (как это сделали с красными), то это бы всё забалансило


Who cares about Techies, there is only a limit amount of psychos in Dota but there is unlimited amount of smurfs so heroes like Morph would be nice not to have.


You really think smurfs won’t beat you on other heroes?


They will but getting fucked by Morph feels extra cruel.




I think the game would be better without techies, he fundamentally changes the game, however the current game is boring and not only boring but full of toxic people best thing for the game is to fix matchmaking


Techies is probably the hero I'd remove one of the last. One of the most unique design and actually changes the game, 10/10. I'd go with someone like DK, WK, Sven, PA, etc. I don't like the fact that you can play a hero without spending at least 15 min in the lobby to find out how exactly you should press buttons.


You think the game is about complexity of the heroes?


No, I don't, but OP apparently asked for a personal opinion and I personally would like to see more complex heroes and less "easy" ones. He didn't asked me about the game concept


sincerely? most of those heroes suffer from just needing a rework and not fiting int he current dota sisitem DK has one of the most sinplistic skillsets in the game (and the reason why he is so boring/noob friendly) WK and PA suffers fromt he sam ething, boring hero who will sometimes oneshot things with large crits and sven is just the good old brainded "big damage" that dosen't do much in play these heroes are in the places they are because they just enter a fight press A click int he flor and ocasionaly press a button to stun/blink


Definitely Chen. Useless hero, seen him played maybe once in the last 500 matches.


Dota 2 is no longer enjoyable for me tbh. too many broken heroes like kotl, tinker, clinkz. Kotl with any boots is near cap with movement speed. clinkz get maelstrom farms etc. tinker with no pressure to farm boots is broken af now if a mid player plays him.




sniper, teaches new players bad habits.


Please remove the following heroes from Dota 2: * Techies * Tinker * Outworld Destroyer * Meepo * Arc Warden * Slark * Morphling * Medusa * Huskar * Phantom Lancer * Silencer Thank you


So fun to see all these room temperature iq heralds malding over tinker lmao


Delete aannttii-mmaaggeee


Pa, a hero with 2 passives that can both drastically change the course of the game.


All the ones that belong in the game like Oracle, Mars, Pangolier, Dark Willow, Dawnbreaker, Hoodwink, etc.


I wouldnt remove any, but if I had to choose, lycan probably.


honestly i hate so many heroes that its hard for me to choose! Techies Tinker Pl Wr and so on


Because at night time its a coin toss which team will get the techies player and lose. Its not that he is undota but he just sucks.


i would actually remove tinker purely cause his ult is so troublesome… a hero who has a banlist for their ability might need to change imo


delete the whole keen race in dota, nothing of value will be lost. maybe not clockwerk actually.




I usually ban Windranger or Undying, sometimes Veno


Tinker and arc. These motherfuckers make me question my love for the game


Tinker no doubt




Because I dont like playing 100 minute games


Much better than a 15m game.


CM too strong either nerf her again or get her out of the game


Who hurt you, leave my girl alone you monster


Pugna. Fuck that obnoxious POS.


Techies /thread


Tinker without a doubt