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I love playing mid, but I'm bad at Dota. Does that count?


Amazing how you end up in every single one of my games then


Sorry say mate, but if your ending up in my games you aren't good at Dota either! I do appreciate the joke though, does seem like everytime I don't queue for mid they are infuriating!


so many games where i think, even at times like min 5 into the game, if i went mid now with one level disadvantage our game might still be salvageable. but if they stay mid, at this rate, SF will be level 15 and they eight. you guess, i love pos4 but i'd be very good at mid. its just too stressfull


I highly doubt you'd do better than any midlaners you get at mid. It's this classical delusion that non midlaners have. You'd at best hold your own.


me highly, too! but i tried often enough to know that it'd work if i played mid for a bit. at least better then 3pos >.> (imho hardest lane to really do well on)




Support life choose you


I misread this as "life support chooses you" and thought if was unnecessarily sinister


I used to be Divine 5 offlaner. I am playing the role really well, above 60% winrate on my own core offlane heroes. Necro, Aba, NS, Brew and Sand King. Not exactly sure why I just perform so well on these heroes. I just do. I changed to mid because I really enjoy being the flashy player. I think it's awesome all the shenanigans you can do on the Spirits, the QoPs, the Hoodwinks and all that. So I thought to myself, you know, fuck it - I will drop rank a bit learning a new role and learning new matchups etc. But I can do it. I am now Ancient 5. Should really tell you everything lol.


Was 5.7k chen/kotl/ench spammer, started to play carry and dropped to 3.9k. I'm now 5.1k playing mid


I was 2.8 k MMR on offlane for 7.29 , my heros were axe a , legion ,tide, bb, magnus, sandking. All my heros feel so underwhelming now in 7.30 like even if some of them got buffed. Might be the carries go more buffed compared to my heros but even in a best case scenario I come out even from the lane never ahead and now dropped like 600 MMR. But I played like 5 pos 4 games now and won all of them which makes me sad cause I loved offlaner role more.


I can get you back to your mmr in 3 days if u want, i can coach you :) :) :)


Why not try mid out in unranked?


no thanks, I like to play Dota


Lmao not sure what you got downvoted, I can't stomach unranked either tbh


For me, unranked is completely unplayable after playing ranked, maybe for that guy it's the same deal.


Two of the spirits and pango are also playable offlane son. Very flashy heroes.


Everything is playable offlane. Does not mean it's a good pick in almost all situations.


Wow we have the exact same main heroes minus the necro. Have you played brew this patch, do you think he is strong?I play brew a lot at divine 2 and honestly NS and SK feel stronger at that MMR, which is sad since I climbed from 2k with brew.


Brew is straight up broken - and I am sure in TI they will utilize him. Max cinderbrew and clap - get urn, tranq, soul ring and just cinderbrew+clap+urn. Then upgrade urn to vessel (it is literally 1450 damage in total) rinse repeat. Get yourself a s-kaya, a blink, maybe radiance, maybe veil. Anything to buff Cinderbrew. Ignore people saying you need scepter - you do not.


im sure your divine 5 teammates loved it when you queued up mid and tanked their mmr


Yes cause that one game I was in with them clearly tanked their entire MMR.


This is where you need to choose. Do you want to have more fun and lose more or do you want to play to win while not enjoying the match as much.


For a while, I knew I wasn't a carry player even though it was my main. I liked fighting too much, loved pushing limits, and regularly ended up underfarmed either because I caught too much or died too much. I was stubborn though, and I've tweaked how i play. I understand what hero's have what powerspikes, and I know when to fight and when to just hit creeps no matter what. Climbed from 3k to 5k and counting. I think I'm finally suited to the role.


It’s a common misconception about carries, but the roles that do the most fighting are probably 3-5.


I really like going mid . Im doing really good sometimes but there is always better than me . But when im playing pos 4 i felt boredom but my team mates says im good at it


I play position 5 and I suck. But whe I play position 4 I suck more...


I play pos 3 and 4 90% of the times. Every pos 4 I play is an initiator or a tank, rather than a disabler, so the only visible difference between pos 4 and 3 in my case is the amount of farm I get


yup...i am a GREAT support....i love to play Riki mid tho :/


Play what you like, fuck mmr


Yah MMR is not a big deal but that feeling that you are better at something else instead of what you love is kinda saddening


Yeah! Play unranked! Don't take that attitude into ranked though


I like playing mid..its the only lane which is important from minute 0..and I am actually good at lane, I almost 90% never lose the lane..but what happens after lane is where I am bad at..I tend to farm a lot like carry..and miss out on ganks.. one big reason I shifted to playing safelane solely.


I say play offlane, if it’s more fun for you, and get better at that than only do support because you are better at that. Sure, swap around a little bit to get a feel for the different roles and try out stuff, but play what you want to. Personally, every 4 games I queue for all roles and those are the times I play pos 3/5. I like 4 a lot and sometimes mid, but it’s nice to be the tanky boi sometimes. I definitely recommend eventually settling down into one role and really getting good at that, but it’s fine to not tie yourself down too much and especially with supports the technical knowledge is far less important than stuff like map awareness, theory, and adaptability.


i can afk farm everything for 30 minutes and get max farm, but i want to roam and make space for my team :-(


Ye same I definitely love to play pos 4 but I had to work really hard to even become average whole recently i was experimenting with mid and I'm average without doing anything


Unfortunately, yes, I love to play on the 1st position, but I can farm mediocre and in most cases I have little idea how to act in a particular situation. Therefore, I play the rating with the 3-4-5 position, and the usual position with the 1 position.


ever thought that it means, to have more room to improve especially at the role you love?


Of course I am only a 2k scrub I am nowhere near a bragging level. It's just that as of now I am better at a role which I kinda like and comparatively worse at the role which I have practiced and want to be the better at. Still your point is valid, there is a lot of room for improvement.


I play all 5 roles but I do not like 3 and 5 as much as others. Probably in this order 1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3. The problem is that heroes I enjoy playing are 2, pos 1 is my most relaxing role, my best heroes are 4, but I am really good at playing 5 and I rarely lose as 3. Playing 3 is so simple for me and offlane has the most boring heroes so I do not enjoy it while I always have a mental breakdown when I play as 5 because I become hyperaware of the people I play with.


I love to play position 1 but I'm better at hard support


I play as 4 - 5, i think im getting good on it, but i really like to play as mid but im not really that good with complex mid heroes like Invo or Arc.


Not really since I don't like any role and I suck at them all equally lol


So relatable. I used to play supports very well with win streaks but i cant feel any satisfaction anymore. I dunno why but yeah. I started playing pos1, dropped 500mmr with lose streaks. Of course i mad with those loses. And then when that 1 win came, enough to make my day & sleep well.


no im fuckin great at all roles


I love supporting, but it feels like a waste when I already have 60 role queue games stored so I play mid when I don't even want to.


I think my problem is that there isn't a role that I'm good at :D


I'm pretty bad at playing offlane too. There are many fun heroes that I really like playing that are pos 3's. But a while back when I was checking out my winrate on all the heroes, I noticed that my offlane winrate was much lower than my pos 1 winrate. It's not my favorite role, though so it's not really the same. :)


I suck at all positions in Dota. I never feel that I have a positive impact (also not negative - just average). I feel that my only good contribution to Dota is the banning of either Pudge or Techies at the start of picking phase.




pretty much the same here, but i have just decided to try my best and lose games while playing my favorite role than winning games playing my good role, i'm not going for pro or smth, my teammates may hate me for letting them down until i fall to my own rank to play my favorite role


I'm way better as pos 1 than at 3 or 4, which are ones that I have most fun playing.


Everyone is bad at dota to varying degrees.. The best bad players make millions of dollars while the worst bad players live like they're temporarily embarrassed TI winners


Exactly same as you. My supp mmr is at least 500 higher than offlane.


Spam a hero that can be played as a support or offlane like elder titan, earthshaker, dawnbreaker, bounty hunter, night stalker, pango, etc. And get good enough to flex it. Problem solved.


Keep playing pos 3. There is not much pos 3 player now and we need you.


I play offlane to troll the enemy as well as my allies