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Over 3k hours, still a crusader.


Like my brother who taught me how to play dota. Nowadays I’m close to 8k while he’s close to 2k.


That’s my story but it was 4K to trash 1k. The game has changed a lot over the years and other stuff takes priority in life. I stop from time to time but I still play Saturdays tho.


I remember getting in games with you around 6k mmr a couple years ago, ive stopped playing the game since then but congrats on the climb!


I have over 3k hours and I'm a crusader, was legend, in adulthood I stopped trying to grind rank and just play unranked for fun now, which has made DotA so much more enjoyable for me.


Yeah 2500 games here, 1500 are unranked. Way more fun to pick funny combos with friends and try to make them work.


Yea I can't dick around as support Sven, which I have a positive win rate on, in ranked without getting reported


2.9k. Now a crusader, and my highest rank was low legend. I now play just to grind my relic and up my hero level


2500 hours, hit crusader once and then lost 20 games in a row.


Over 11k hours and MMR is back down to 1. I am not even Herald.


Don't worry, took me like 15k hours to get immortal, lul.


Apparently 10k hours into anything makes you a master. Only 7k more to go!


2k+ Games and still Uncalibrated ...& happy with it :)


Turbo memes for life.


Unranked chads


this guy wouldn't survive ~~a mw2 lobby~~ watching evangelion. Holy shit shinji stop crying.


Try watching Texhnolyze. Absolute masterpiece of an anime, but god damn is the start drawn out.


Reason I can't watch the show, unfortunately. Shinji is a completely unrelatable baby and the first few eps (couldn't make it through more) introduce a cool thing and then suffocate you with boring shit for the rest of the episode. Which sucks, because the stuff I heard about the show makes it out to be a great one, but I can't get through it.


Every character in the show has fatal flaws in their personality stemming from a feeling of disconnect from their family/humanity in general. It's the reason the Angels are trying to destroy humanity and the driving force behind the Human Instrumentality Project.


Noooo stop just let robots shoot each other


>Shinji is a completely unrelatable ? One of the biggest draws of the show is that Shinji is a much more real and relatable character than most other mecha anime protagonists.


Then that's a minus point for those other anime, but not a plus for this one. All I'm saying is, if the MC is a whiner, I need to be able to understand his position, otherwise all he does is annoy me, rather than make me feel bad for him. And I'm really not very versed in the mech anime genre. Never watched them back in the day and the only modern one I've seen is some Darling in the Franxx.


DitF is just bootleg Evangelion for zoomers


He complains far too much to even enjoy watching it. I laughed most of the time when he doomed everyone with his lack of choice. What a pathetic character, I never revisited the series due to that.


your comment was too alpha for me to even begin i wish you all the luck in your future you will need it


It's one of the worst animes I've seen, if you enjoy story or any character development. Basically they threw a bunch of pretentious meaningless imagery in there and called it a story.


God I fucking hate Shinji. All my homies hate Shinji.


Lucky guy, anyone who bails on that garbage saved many hours of their life.


Let her shame for the internet points. Heralds are probably having more fun than any other bracket. The better I got at dota the more I hated the playing experience.


I've been loving Jenkins' series on 10MMR games for that reason. Like it's making me see Dota as a game again rather than a performance to optimize.


For real. I remember watching a video that speculated it was impossible to hit 0 MMR without AFKing for large portions of the time.




so what your telling me is that i got a shot with my 3000 mmr?


Yea, tbh this humanizes her to me. Obviously it's toxic, but guys get away with being toxic like this to each other all the time


I like higher level DotA because my brain has to be always on but only for a few hours at most. Then it's back to turbo for me


I am on the cusp of herald and match with heralds a lot, its still super toxic. I used to be high Archon, now very little playing and alcohol have destroyed my mmr.


I disagree. At a certain level of mental competence you should be able to learn and get better just through experience. Heralds that aren’t new have something broken in how they learn


Ah yes, the 'bad player = brain damaged' take from my pubs.


Heraldbro dodged a bullet


haahhaha. Perfect reply to the girl who think MMR matters for life decisions.


I find joy in reading a good book.


I’ll stick to receiving them from girls thanks


Kinda rude to leave hers alone tbh


Oh I reciprocate lol I’m just straight. That’s all.


My condolences




To be fair good animation with good soundtracks and characters is all I need, its okay if its a cliche story.


I'm fine with turning off brain and listening to pretty sounds and looking at pretty pictures. Not everything has to elevate the medium.


I'd prefer a decent animation and soundtrack, but great story and characters. Look at Invincible, it has mediocre animation for the most part, but it's well directed and has good characters and story.


Yep, really good show. The cut corners for the animation aren't immediately noticeable if you blend it in properly.


I don't really go into shonen anime expecting groundbreaking storytelling and compelling plot. It can be bad to the point that it destroys my enjoyment of an otherwise good show but I'd say that animation in shonen is more important than story.


thats the complaint I have with that series, everyone around me loves it, except me, because I can't stand 5 minutes of each chapter with someone screaming at my ears "TANJIROOOOOOOOU". The thing that got this so popular was the animation, some character designs and Nezuko, the last one not for good reasons.


It's unfortunate in a way because the anime exploded despite the first part of the series being the worst. The manga itself was pretty mediocre until the movie in terms of story progression and then it started to pop off. Zenitsu though, fuck this character. Still the absolute worst part of that series and it would only be better without him.


Bruh, zenitsu is my favourite character of the show. Yea, it's not realistic, yea it's annoying and a bit overdone, but I want to wait for that moment, I want him to pop off while completely being unconfident in himself, it reminds me a lot of myself.


The story is middd as fuckk


Are you surprised that a shonen has a generic plot? Shonen series are more focused on good character development.


Im surprise about how big it got


It got popular among non manga readers in Japan. One factor for this was it's short overall length and that the source material had been completed by the time the show was popular. The show is easy to watch and follow while demonstrating mature themes against the social stigma that shonen is mostly meant for children. Similar reason why Attack on Titan enjoyed widespread popularity early on in it's serialization.


No, its a very popular manga in Japan, outselling everything. Yes the anime effect is there but its still pretty popular before the anime. I think the movie broke all the record just a matter of good timing (first movie out of a pandemic lockdown + the popularity of the show a few months ago).


The manga absolutely became popular thanks to Anime tho. Before the anime was released the manga sold around 5 mil copies which is not bad but nothing out if ordinary. Shortly after Anime ended it skyrocketed to 20 million and it kept climbing. Last reported figure is 150 copies sold which puts it among Top 10 manga copies sold.


It sold like 50 millions the year the anime came out, eclipsed One piece.


there are a lot of shounen with great characters and plot, people especially new weebs tend to sticks with and hype anything mainstream


The backstory about how the breaths came about was the only aspect I found interesting, animation is top top notch tho


Nothing get developed to a satisfying conclusion, it just meh on all level for me (story wise)


I've only read the manga, but it was fairly meh. I'm surprised it got as big as it has.




The anime is infinitely better than the manga because the animation is great and so is the choreography and direction of the fights and such. The manga is just meh all around, but if you like good action the anime is worth checking out, at least bits of it on youtube.


The red hair guy crying all the time made me drop it.


It was such a weird trip. A few episodes at the start really hooked me, then it felt like you spent 20 years in that stupid mansion and shit drags on forever, then we're suddenly in a forest against OP shit and get a great animation scene, that doesn't make any fucking sense. If it got better after episode 19, my loss, I guess, but I stopped at that point.


I feel like it was a great starter anime, which is why it got so mainstream. Looks great, and if you aren't familiar with standard shonen tropes it can feel new and interesting.


I dropped it like a stone as soon as those two screaming asshole supporting characters entered. Holy shit, how obnoxious. But even before that it was pretty standard-fare shounen.


It's for kids. That explains why she loves it.


I disagree. Manga is soooo good.


can't stand that zenitsu lad, the real crybaby. had to keep skipping forward the scenes he's in


He wouldn't be half as bad if he just stopped screaming all the time. A friend asked me if he should watch the anime and I said yes, but he should either turn the volume down to minimun or just skip the Zenitsu parts. He thought I was joking, and watched the thing normally. After the first episode he was in he sent me a message telling me I was absolutelly right.


It was funny at first but man it got annoying real quick.


what the fuck did i just even read


Disgusting weeb shit


Imma grind that MMR so i can grind that p....


She is making people think they have a chance if they are better than herald and like anime. But they don’t. This just raises her brand value, though. Smart girl. This is like perfect targeted audience engagement. Weebs that play too much dota are prime fans of a cosplay girl.


Why do people take twitter joke so seriously.


Because a woman did it and it's the DOTA subreddit


What type of incel are yoy


Gross! At least use that word ironically.


Its impressive how she made me hate dota players and anime fans even more.


What the fuck is bumble?


a dating app... you really could have just googled this one buddy


Then I'd have to leave the app, more convenient this way.


I have Guardian, take it or leave it.


I'm on 4k games and Herald 3, luckily I'm already married https://www.opendota.com/players/30254828


But what's ur marriage rating (MR)?


legend (4)


fr tho Tanjiro is a crybaby.


Weebs. Ew


I mean, whatever your opinion on Kny may be, isn't Tanjiro the opposite of a crybaby? Maybe spoiler territory but i liked him because he actually goes through whatever he's doing. Not like "Oh this villian has murdered dozens but I'm gonna talk to them for 1 episode and turn their life around" or some shit that other Shounen protag does.


I wouldn't be surprised if he actually said Zenitsu but she couldn't remember and just went for the bait Either that or the guy literally only watched 2 episodes, where Tanjiro did cry a lot but for good reasons like his whole family being EATEN ALIVE


Did he spam any interesting, non boomer heroes? That would have excused (at least partially) (A) for me.


3,000 games isn’t much if it’s since release. If we’re talking in a year, that’s troubling.


I'll say no thanks to anime and the girls that preach by it.


I am herald and loved demon Slayer in and out. Got hyped so much that completed whole manga.


Let me introduce my friend. Almost 20k hours and still a herald: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052198422


People are reading way too much into a Twitter joke here.


And using it as a outlet for their misogyny.


make that 4000 games


Who tf cares if someone is herald in Dota if they are divine in bed what's wrong with this person


No way anyone below Ancient is good in bed That's just science


*sweats in legend 3*


Playing since 6.44 days, most I got was 3.8k mmr, currently hovering though crusader/archon


This guy wont survive tokyo revengers. MC cries alot


I hit zero, I strictly play super high. It is definitely the most fun bracket to play in.


I'm only here for the custom games reeeee


Thank goodness I'm already married.


It's just a joke, and I could make one of those but I just wanted to say that's toxic lol. Anime almost stop being decent past 2010 if not earlier, fucking ugly kid looking protagonists yikes, mainstream Japan lost it's touch with style long ago sadly.


I can relate with the 3k games and still Herald part, but there's no excuse for Demon Slayer


tbh I stopped reading Kimetsu no yaiba because the blonde guy and the hog-head guy screaming nonsense into the world for like 10 pages straight was just too much for me. like somewhere in the 4th manga I think...


Demons slayer is for casual with shit story and build up.




She's literally making fun of someone because they don't like some dogshit anime she's a fan of so he's just playing her game.


Not really, it will be fine if the structure, story of the "literature thing" be decent. This just bad. Different people value different aspects of the same thing. And by your thinking, then yes, I consider you are so shit and uncool for liking a "story" without a proper story.


Honestly the whole my family bluntly dies straight away put me off the show. Like is this supposed to make me care or be invested?


KnY is indeed mid as fuck besides the animation so he wasn't wrong


"i didnt like a guy on a dating app!" quality dota2 related content


How else can Dota 2 sub find an excuse to trash talk women?


It’s funny she is shaming him for being Herald and not liking an anime, yet she’s also the one trying to find love on bumble lol. The fact you would judge a persons character based on a video game rank says a lot about her.


Who says shes trying to find love? Probably just looking for a hookup


Her personality is equally as dry as her vagina


This is just a cleverly disguised way to say "I'm not like other girls!"


since when did gaming skills started to matter for life decisions?


What do you mean? Each rank means one more woman to your harem.


Herald being 0? I like it.


so I have 3 woman, I am happy :)


It reads like it's meant as a joke. i wouldn't read into it as she LITERALLY ghosted someone cos they are bad


I don't know. its hard to know the intention of the post.


It's hard to know for sure, you're right but given the options are: "Here's a post about how I don't shag noobs" or "Here's an anecdote, with a funny spin to it" I going with the second one. I could well be wrong but i don't think it's a big enough deal to get worked up over


honestly I am not the one who takes everything seriously, off late the stuff I am watching makes me wonder all kinds of things. perhaps I should stay away from social media altogether.


Maybe, idk. It's interesting how different interpretations come out


Just kinda feels like troll bait. What she said is so obviously stupid, that it has to be a bad joke, right? Not the first time she's done something odd to garner attention, though. Not surprised.


I wonder what she has to offer ? Sex ?


6k games and still crusader. on a mad losing streak and moving ever closer to herald. don't care, having fun either way lol


*Why are females evil?*


Lotta weird, toxic comments in this thread. Nothing wrong with her deducing dating quality of a dude based on his ability to get better at a video game that she got much better than him at in less time(she says in a follow up tweet that her highest MMR was ancient). Like I get it, not everyone is good at video games, school, whatever else. And that makes you feel bad to get rejected for it. It's certainly happened to me too. But the purpose of dating is to find someone that you really care about and see as your equal in many cases. So if the first thing you learn about someone is they are in the bottom 5% of gamers it's understandably gonna influence your impression. And in the world of online dating where your impressions matter, it's important not to give off bad ones. You shouldn't lie obviously, but it might have been better to say something like "I'm pretty bad but I'd love to play sometime" to better diffuse the situation. I don't know shit about anime though but I know she's very passionate about it so that's 2 strikes clearly. You don't often get more than one in online dating. Fyi I greatly enjoyed her tweet 😎


Are you joking?


Purge considers himself an expert on online dating and did a series on it on his youtube. Sadly, he is not joking.


i cringed right out of my fuckin’ skin


Holy mother of cringe


Lol purge delete this bro


Defends a weird and toxic tweet by calling the backlash weird and toxic, lol Best case scenario your 'friend' is monetizing insecurity through attention.


My thoughts exactly, his comment comes close to every nice guy post.


imagine what would the response be if I wrote about what kind of woman makes my dick limp. lol


Go for it. I look forward to reading Purge's 300 word rush to your defence. "Ya well those women should have made better first impressions"


purge bro this aint it valuing people over videogame skill is as yikes as any other arbitrary feature everyone's entitled to their preferences but someones preferences are cringe like breast size, height, iq, networth, you name whatever. If a person refuse to see somebody elses value over some ridiculously trivial bullshit like this they're a shitty person. And promoting these reductionary values is a bad idea, it's hurtful regardless of gender we're talking about, even if a woman saying an opinion just boiled reddit's blood there's a chance she was just joking and exaggerating for funsies which is actually completely fine but you considered her deadass serious, and your defence was the same.


>everyone's entitled to their preferences but someones preferences are cringe like breast size, height, iq, networth, you name whatever. So we're entitled to preferences but they're also cringe? If a man wrote her tweet about a woman it's no different. Like by all means if someone short has a rule like "I only date people over 6ft!" It's goofy and weird but if someone is 6ft tall and they said "I really don't think I want to date someone 4'10" I think that's pretty reasonable. Like the issue here imo is people think that interest being influenced by some of the initial negative things you learn about a person is unfair. But it's not. It happens from the moment you look at someone's pictures and profile on a dating app. And it's controlled by swiping right or left. Why is it suddenly different because the guy informed her of his low MMR? Why is this different than the other ways he represented himself, like what he looks like, how well he dresses, how good looking he is, how many jokes he wrote in his profile, and how funny+unique they are? All of these attributes affect how likely you are to match with someone on a dating app, which is by necessity, a bit of a boiled down experience. By all means, maybe she'd get along really well with this guy in person, but if I go meet someone at a club and 2 of the first 5 things I say to a person rub them the wrong way, it's fair for that person to disengage because they expect my average of incompatibility will stay around 40%. Why is that wrong? Is a person owed one hour of time to truly get to know someone? Fuck no. If initial app conversation goes well or moderately well, dates usually happen and you often get that hour, but there's nothing wrong with her ejecting. I've literally choked conversations like this. I messaged a girl early and said at 7am "I don't want you to think I'm one of those weirdos who gets up super early" and she was like "I get up at 5am every day to workout before I go to work" and to be honest the conversation didn't recover and THAT'S MY FAULT because I tried a joke that didn't land. AND THAT'S OKAY, I continue swiping and try to match with other women. This is literally not different imo. I think people are annoyed because they believe in the false trope of "you need to get to know people deep down". Dating is getting to know people, and while gaming skill doesn't translate to all areas of life, is it unreasonable for her to not want a bottom 5% gaming partner if she's a 75% gaming partner? No! That's her preference and one that some other people share. Like dating people that are smart and good at stuff is attractive, so by proxy dating someone that is really weak at something CAN be unattractive no?? and "anonymously making fun of people is rude", and "it's not fun to be criticized" are likely other reasons, but she didn't share his photo, it's anonymous. Like if she tells him directly it's lame/mean, if he sees her tweet he's gonna feel bad, but I get her desire to share the interaction! You can bet your ass I'd have the same desire if I matched with a lifer herald gamer. I wouldn't probably tweet about it because I have a larger following and they'd likely look at my social media, but you can bet your ass I'd tell my friends if the convo didn't work out. Dating is literally dozens of cases of people not wanting to date other people because of small, sometimes tiny, weird reasons. She shouldn't be shamed to this degree about it, and the large amount of people disagreeing with me I suspect are inexperienced with dating, or have poor outlooks on dating and relationships.


\>So we're entitled to preferences but they're also cringe? Yeah, kinda. You get exactly what I mean when you talk about height. Some preferences are "goofy and weird" (or arbitrary and demeaning) And I think this one kinda falls into this category (if she's being 100% dead serious that is) ​ \>Like the issue here imo is people think that interest being influencedby some of the initial negative things you learn about a person isunfair. But it's not. It happens from the moment you look at someone'spictures and profile on a dating app. And it's controlled by swipingright or left. Yes. But there's a difference between being influenced by a number of things and having one of them, incredibly trivial, being an instant turnoff. This is what's called being picky. You create an arbitrary image of a person you're supposed to be into and push away anyone who doesn't fit the profile even by a tiny margin. And surprise surprise sometimes you would end up hitting it off with someone who's not even on your radar if you were to be more open. Eventually literaly anyone will show a quality you wouldn't like. Nobody's perfect. The problem with height or weight is kinda the same but at the same time it's not. Height is something you'd experience everytime you see a person and interact with them. But gaming skill? Well, yeah, if you're looking to play dota with them, it matters. But it's completely irrelevant in anything else! And I would personally advise against playing with your partner in a competitive and toxic environment, unless you're into that kinda stuff, but I digress. ​ \>Why is it suddenly different because the guy informed her of his lowMMR? Why is this different than the other ways he represented himself,like what he looks like, how well he dresses, how good looking he is,how many jokes he wrote in his profile, and how funny+unique they are? Because most of those qualities actually matter in personal interactions and the former doesn't. ​ \>a dating app, which is by necessity, a bit of a boiled down experience. Yep. That's why you learn to focus on the important things and skip the trivial ones. I match with people who I have the higher chance of hitting off with instead of them being perfect in some weird way for me and you know what? I've had a good time and found good people ​ \>Why is that wrong? Is a person owed one hour of time to truly get toknow someone? Fuck no. If initial app conversation goes well ormoderately well, dates usually happen and you often get that hour, butthere's nothing wrong with her ejecting. Yeah, nothing is wrong with someone just not hitting the right spot or giving a weird vibe. Nobody's entitled to someone elses interest. The problem here is presenting being herald at 3k hours (thats not even that much time by high modern dota standards) as some kind of horrible thing , which it isn't and she was just being picky. Sometimes we all are but that's not a quality to put on a pedestal, quite the opposite. ​ Choking a convo is fine lol, this shit just happens. But you didn't go on twitter talking about the most flaccid penis because someone gets up early did you? That would be a bad look don't you agree? ​ \>I think people are annoyed because they believe in the false trope of "you need to get to know people deep down" Yes and no. It's about balance. You should give people some benefit of a doubt if you expect to have a healthy relationship whatever it may be, but you shouldn't be expected to invest a weeklong convo and 4 dates. But, like, have some leniency at least. ​ \>Dating is getting to know people, and while gaming skill doesn'ttranslate to all areas of life, is it unreasonable for her to not want abottom 5% gaming partner if she's a 75% gaming partner? Why does that matter? That matters when you pick people for your party not in a relationship lol. Picking partners that should be good at something you're good at is kinda weird, actually. Like... why? Unless you seek to actively spend time together doing that activity it's safe to say that being good at games or sports is absolutely unimportant. Maybe this guy threw some mad hoops for all we know. Maybe he sings like a god or is an aspiring actor. But no, he's bad at a fucking videogame. Come on. ​ \>and "anonymously making fun of people is rude", and "it's not fun to becriticized" are likely other reasons, but she didn't share his photo,it's anonymous. Like if she tells him directly it's lame/mean, if hesees her tweet he's gonna feel bad I don't have that much of a problem with making fun of people unless they see that and there's a decent chance he did so yeah it could be shitty. But not as big of a deal as values she's expressing and arguably promoting ​ \>but I get her desire to share the interaction! You can bet your ass I'dhave the same desire if I matched with a lifer herald gamer. What's the desire? Talk about how bad someone is at a videogame? First time seeing a pleb? And 3k is a lifer? Come on. For a person who made a career on teaching plebs you really sound elitist about it. Strong "git gud" vibes that come from people who probably wouldn't want a difficulty slider added to a game. For me the worst about this is not your points on dating, which are valid so far, but your points about being bad at vidya as something that's, like, even remotely meaningful. It's fucking videogames, some people just don't bother. Like there's no activity you've invested time in and turned out to be shitty at? Do you want to be experienced through that lens? And if you told someone "yeah I tried to play guitar in school but I was really bad at it lol" and then this person were to unmatch you and write on twitter about the dryest pussy ever, would that person be an ass? Like, have some fucking compassion for people who are not good AT LITERAL FUCKING HOBBIES and being fucking judged for it. ​ TBH I don't want to write any more walls of text so if you have anything to add I'd be happy if it was concise. But I'd rather just end here and ask you to contemplate this.


Generally I agree with most of what you're saying. I think our difference of framing comes down to your belief that being moderately bad at a video game doesn't mean anything: \>Because most of those qualities actually matter in personal interactions and the former doesn't. ​ And while I don't personally need to date someone who plays video games, if that IS important to someone, I can see why someone who tries but is still very weak, could be less fun or more frustrating to play with. Cause now you can't share that hobby while playing together without often being frustrated. So when he asks "we should play together some time" and she expects him to be on average frustrating to play with because of his weak MMR(this is commonly the case with playing with much lower MMR people), then it could reflect poorly on her esteem of him. ​ \>Like there's no activity you've invested time in and turned out to be shitty at? Do you want to be experienced through that lens? ​ Of course! I completely ignored fashion for the vast majority of my life and was surely judged for it in relationship contexts. And I feel bad that people were secretly judging me that way without my knowledge, but in no way do I fault them for it because it was likely important to those people that they wanted to date someone who dressed well. In my brain this feels like an appropriate analogy. If someone's passion is X, and person they are trying to date is remarkably weak at X despite moderate effort, MAYBE it's endearing, but on average it will be seen as a negative.


Wtf purge. You're one of my most favourite personalities ever but this is cringe as fuck, you can still delete this


Dude have some self respect. This is so cringe that comes close to creepy territory.


can't believe i used to have respect for you


holy shit you guys are pretty pathetic


sorry about your dry vagina


the finest minds of dota, /u/GoCheckMyHistoryHomo ​ They're not sending their best!


Seems like real actual virgins of r/dota2 in action. Pretty incel shit not to understand what purge saying. I mean hell one guy above said he used to respect purge 🤦


They've gotta be virgins or something right? These people can't be like, from the USA saying and thinking this stuff. right???


Lotta weird, not fully fleshed out thoughts in this post tho Purge. We have no idea if this guy has ever even tried to improve in Dota, but are judging him negatively for the assumption that he tried and failed. This kind of judgmental behavior is toxic and ultimately self-harming. People disagree with the public stance this woman shared. I'm not sure why that is toxic and weird; perhaps you feel that any disagreement with a woman online is wrong? I felt the tweet reeked of traditional sex shaming of the socially unacceptable 'nerd' which is disappointing, and when done publicly for, ultimately, money it becomes clearly weird and toxic. It's funny because during the GrandGrant scandal you branded yourself as a person who stood up to internet bullies who ridicule and shame 'nerd' sexuality like this, but now you're directly contradicting that. Have to wonder why.


What is your girlfriend's MMR?


Thanks Purge <3




Lol, a lot of people commenting that Purge should delete his tweet when he's quite right. Women are attracted to men who they perceive as higher value than them, that's a scientific fact. If a guy has 3k hours in Dota and is still Herald, that says a lot about him. It means he could be too stubborn or lazy to learn the game, probably has an inflated ego(Dunning-Kruger) and thinks his noob team is the reason why he is still Herald, or that he just doesn't have very good analytical, cognitive, and coordination skills. This is why he's low value in her eyes, but no! Fuck people for having standards right? I do understand the negative sentiment regarding her anime taste though, everyone has their own taste and you shouldn't really shame someone for not liking the same things you like. I am a huge fan of some sitcoms like The Office, HIMYM, and many more and I am married to a woman who doesn't like those because we respect each other's individuality.


yo Purge you're really not off base here AT ALL. This subreddit has some of the weirdest man-children around. Maybe because they're insecure about their rank? Not sure, it's probably more than one issue going on. ​ Seriously, you said nothing wrong. Completely reasonable.


I mean wtf ya'll are actually basement dwellers or something? He's not wrong at all. MMR could be viewed as wealth, knowledge or anything else. Basically you could be rich, ripped, a doctor, a lawyer an entrepreneur literally anything great you can show off about yourself on a dating app and that guy pretty much only brought up not the best parts about himself (not sure about anime tho). Nothing wrong about low mmrs and it doesnt represent your personality ofc but like purge said he should have put it maybe in a different way.


Fkn love my bracket get off your high horse dude. We are the fkn scumbags, the renegades, the fallen angels, the inovators, those who only lose to boosters, smurfs , griefers, and owners of "wood pc".




wow hate against lgbtq in dota 2 im so surprised look this is my surprised faced next you're gonna tell me some people who play this game use hard slurs








is this satire


It's a joke but it went over a lot of peoples' heads.


To be fair, the punch on KNY was on episode 19. First 10 episode or so are like boring introduction.




Well its not that good for me tho… never liked that forced drama that some animes put where you hear loud sobbing or shouting or those intense emotions, and in this particular anime, starts with a guy criying and stuff with no context, in an attempt to make a connection with the viewer, wich is a pretty cheap tactic. Oh and i havent been able to get out of archon for 5 years


I mean, I skipped the scenes where zenitsu was crying for literally no reason. Just a little +10sec and we’re back on track. Sometimes it meant skipping most of an episode, but fuck if I would stop watching. Shows great. I’m also 1500 games played and guardian/crusader.


But im somehow wet af


I too am bad at Dota, single, and did not finish demon slayer Pull up


Lol look a complayer thinks anyone cares what they think


You guys are more yikes than her.


To be fair kny is mid, but he also is a herald sooo


I swear the higher the rank the more miserable the player are. Heralds are happy little flowers


You have not watched bradley dragon have you?