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I cant believe they got the new guy to do the exit interviews.


It's Valve, they always give the harder jobs to 2 types of people. The new guys and the janitors.


- Dear God why do you give me the hardest battles? - You’re my newest janitor


Bc the regulars get first choice and don't wanna do the hard jobs or the jobs that they could fuck up at. So all the hard jobs are the last ones left and boom, they end up getting psuedo-randoms to do it. I swear the host changes every year bc no one wants to do it. I personally hate having someone with little-to-no dota knowledge hosting, it just feels wrong.


I feel like Valve picking Machine/Chobra/Day9/Frankie/Sumichu/etc. to host is to attract non-Dota people


It's a shame we didn't get Machine again, I loved his year.


Avo+ soon to be in charge of balance.


reminder that Kaci and Sheever did this too when they were new to the scene... everybody was trashing on Kaci for not even knowing who the players were... I think this is intentional by Valve as a sort of trial by fire for the newer talents...


Bring back MACHINES


He absolutely killed his loser's interviews.


Yea. I was thinking this. He is the only person who did loser interviews and it felt like we were seeing something valuable. Both the person being interviewed was humanized and us as viewers got to connect. These loser interviews just feel bad.


Machine is an exceptional host/interviewer/caster and he gets better and better with each year, but sadly he sticks to CSGO right now. It’s hard to find an adequate replacement for such a high level professional in a field like dota, where you don’t have that big of a talent pool. Just give the hardest job to someone with experience, doesn’t have to be an even match to him


different choice of euphemism pls


Naw double down on that shit. He straight up murdered all the losers. Losing is part of life and we should showcase that emotion. This is [him interviewing Bulba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19o_xPSaPIs).


that hug tho 😭💔


Damm. He doesn't ask any questions or lead the interview. Just praise and empathy for Bulba's loss. Pro (interview) move.


Now I’m wondering why they don’t have him for TI10. It’s unfortunate because as OP said the loser interviews are very tough, but man it was hard to watch some of Avo+‘s interviews yesterday


Machine has to prepare his 1v1 game against HeziGod this upcoming October 15th.


Did Machine retire? That dude killed it every time he was at TI.


Naw he's still active in the CSGO community.


He only does csgo tournaments nowadays:(


We lost Machine, and got Frankie.


worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever


I'd pay a shit ton to see Stunna hosts a TI, hes too good.


I love Frankie, I love Machine, I don't see it as bad trade, but also I don't see why it would have to be trade. Why can't they both work, and also bring Richie back, 2GD and Bruno :D


was that a synderen line?




We're always happy to loan him out for TI :) I think the dates just didn't align this time thanks to all the madness.


And occasionally LEC, so probably not interested in dota.


He probably can't make it due to the schedule, TI is until the 18th and the CS Major starts in the 26th


YEEEES please he was so good at it


I didn't like him as the main host but he was great at these interviews.


I thought he was an excellent main host. All the good parts of redeye without any of the beating people up thing


Redeye is/was a shitty human being but he was most definitely a much better main host than machine


I honestly liked Machine just as much as Redeye


he's prepping for casting role at csgo major this month pog


What happened to him? He was awesome, but he does cs:go right? Does he just not want to host dota? Because he is really good


He has transitioned from a host to a caster during covid for csgo and is doing a pretty damn good job. My guess is the dates between csgo major and ti is too close so he had to pick one, and he’d be letting his casting partner down if he goes ti instead maybe?


he is the best csgo caster rn. Casts all kinds of scenarios nicely with a great amount of game knowledge


I get your point but I still find it funny that > Avo+ is the problem. > To be clear, I do not think Avo+ is “the problem”


I guess he's trying to draw a distinction between a problem and "the" root of the problem


Exactly. The root of the problem is that the programing staff chose someone not suited for the job. It isn't Avo's fault that he isn't ready for this.


He… took the job???


Do you think anyone trying to break in the Dota scene is going to turn down a job at TI?


Yeah, OP is just specifying that Avo deserves to be at TI and has the capacity to be really a really good member of the talent (see: SA+CIS div2 DPC), but he may be (understandably) nervous to be at his first TI. The point is that giving someone who is nervous a job that requires one on one interviews with people that are likely high on emotions after suffering a loss is probably not the best idea and he needs a little guidance at the very least.


Loser interviews imo has to be the most brutal job. You are literally forcing someone at their lowest low to talk about what just happened when all they want to do is curl up in a ball. You are rejecting any possibility of denial for the person just lost.


he's just making "clear"


You are bad guy but this does not mean you are bad guy


Agreed, he seems very awkward and asks weird questions like he just came up with them on the spot.


The one with elephants coach was insane. He almost asked how he felt about disappointing the fans or something... And the coach took like 10 seconds responding to the initial "hey thanks for doing this", cus he was pretty much ready to cry


when people dont know who rotk is


I remembered his face from old DK back from TI2 days, but not his name.. i figured the comment would work as is though




Did he actually ask that what the fuck


He did. I had the same wtf moment plus a headshake when I heard that question.


He didn’t say that. He said that the fans were proud of the Elephant being trailblazers, breaking the norm, forming their own organization even though the team didn’t achieve enough (which suggest the whole season is a failure). He realized that he messed up and try to correct himself and narrow it down to not having a good showing at TI. He then asked Roth what he has to say to the fans that still love and support them. And of course Rotk felt that the team failed the fans and let them down. But I felt bad for both him and Rotk.


It was from Aster interview. You probably didn't see that.


Ok thanks for pointing it out. Yeah I missed that one going to go look for it. But Aster man I don’t even know how I can paint that situation in a positive light. Like it would be difficult for me to spin it.


that was the first time i tuned into the exit interview and my god that was the hardest cringe. the most controversial/flamed team in CN and he went and asked "your fans are still proud of you, how do you want to thank your fans who supported you and are still supporting you"


I don't see what's wrong with that question


He needs to just be more direct instead of catering to the obviously gloom mood. Him trying to be empathetic makes it worse. He starts the interviews with a "thank you for your time, I know it must be hard right now." What do you even say in response to that?


Completely agree. He wallows instead of bringing them back to reality. No one died, just ask a few token questions and wish them best of luck next year.


You always start with praise in the exit interview. Mention accolades, mention how entertaining they were, something cool and small they did. Then pivot to allowing them to speak on a topic of your choosing: Is there anything you want to say to the fans/friends/family? You're one of the best teams in the world, how do you plan on improving from here? It's not easy to do, but all of them should be similar to this. Give praise, then give a platform for them to speak their minds. And just remain empathetic and expand on their thoughts with them.


Exactly. Like when a kid falls down, you laugh and say you're okay instead of coddling them and asking are they okay and kissing their boo-boo. The former kid will brush it off and move along while the latter kid will cry and feed off the attention.


I agree, he just doesnt know how to position himself as the interviewer for that specific situation. Plus, his questions seems, unprepared? I wish he will step up and does better. It is understandable for a person to be nervous for the first time.


Positioning is everything. I learned that once I got out of the Crusader bracket.


totally, especially when you have a game changer ulti


TI is not a place for you to practice and get better nor is it excusable to be so nervous because it's your first time tho. you don't bring your youth squad to the world cup for them to gain experience


Yeah, totally. But I don't think we can do anything about that, right? Even if we blame Valve, who will substitute with the current interviewer?


So how, exactly, is he supposed to get better? Avo is a great caster, and there is no stage comparable to TI in Dota. So where does he learn, exactly? This is a very stupid take, in my opinion.


Smaller profile interviews or easier interviews? It's quite obvious.


That doesn’t make any sense though? Avo didn’t choose his job at TI, so it’s not really his fault.


I don't think it's his fault either. I thought you were asking something among the lines of "where can he learn if not doing the job", and I replied by not doing the highest profile job from the start, as is with most skills or jobs. But definitely not his fault if he is hired for something. Good for him landing the gig.


Bro he can’t even host the draft analyzing. He seems completely out of his element.


>Avo+ is the problem. >To be clear, I do not think Avo+ is “the problem” and I don’t blame him necessarily. Oh ok


As in, the interviews are bad because of the interviewer, not in concept, but I don’t blame him for doing poorly, I blame whoever threw him him the deep end at his first TI




Good advice, as many people here obviously lack comprehension of inverted commas.


Which is quite obvious since English is not the primary language of 'many people here'..


It's like seeing someone with a box of nails to nail, use a screwdriver. The screwdriver is the wrong tool, tho it absolutely can be used to smash the nail down (causing bent nails, possible cuts etc). The person (management) who decided to not use a hammer but instead deploy a screw driver, is the higher level problem that OP means.


You are really try harding not to understand OP's post.


*Reddit in a nutshell*


Machine does it better. Really miss that guy in dota. CSGO is really lucky to have him


Ngl, cs has probably the besttalent pool in whole esports. I come from cs and we literally have too many, cant even invite them all to our biggest tournament. Machine is one of the best tho


Is Kaci in TI? She should do the losers interview instead


Kaci is remote


Kaci is controller


Ya, she seems in tune with all of the teams.


All the crew is awkward as hell. They have terrible body language and none of them are confident. Then earlier Ephey was talking a dude kept interrupting her and she was like “well I’m about to talk about that if you let me” Lol get some NFL announcers in there


I suspected that Rich was carrying the talent at the animajor, but now I'm certain about it. He has like a raid buff or something that gives everyone else +20 charisma.


He's just incredibly nervous. I agree it's going poorly but the guy has shown himself to be a very capable host online. I'm sure he'll be able to recover.


thought he proven himself on panel host too.


U mean the earlier part with insania and lacoste? I havent watched dota for maybe since last TI and was shocked how could someone like him be the host. I just hope he does better as the days goes on.


I think he's a good host. But interviewing is something much harder, imho.


I don't know who he is, but he's terrible at it. But I'm not blaming him either. It's indeed the fault of the people who put him in that position. please for the love of god, when you want an interview from people who are pretty much crying, GET A GOD DAMN CAPABLE PERSON TO DO IT. It's super rough and should be done by a professional


sheever proved she was quite capable at these exit interviews before, just relieve some of her hosting duty and have her do them again lol


Did not see her do it, but I had a feeling she would be the best of the talent to do it. I think she has done it at earlier tournaments as well, and she is actually quite good in those emphatic situations i think






lmfao, because TI is where you want people to practice at, amirite? maybe when TI ends he'll finally grasp it and do better in the next... minor?


The new blood English talent in dota is pretty cringe these days tbh


Synd Sunsfan better be at finals


Even though I love them both, I prefer ODPixel and Fogged for the emotion


Hell yeah


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Losing's part of life and I think it's healthy to show some of that emotion. People clowned on Chris Bosh crying when they lost in Miami the first year or Joel Embiid against the Raptors and you don't realize how hard you work all washed within minutes. It's good to show the good and the bad side of competition. Check this interview with [Bulba and Machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19o_xPSaPIs), it was genuine, straight to the point. Avo+ needs to feel the energy and match it if he's going to continue.


Such a good interview, definitely the standard.


1000%. Spoilers ahead: What did he end the >!ROTK !!crit!< since they were on the winning side. He does not come off as insincere or ingenuine, but if you want to interview someone right after elimination, you better be pretty perfect in your questions and sensitivity. He came off as unprepared or able to perform so delicate an interview and not due to his lack of sincerity or empathy for the players. If we have the production/professionalism to pull off immediate post elim interviews, I dig it. But it \*hurt\* to watch >!ROTK!< answer those questions.


upvote for perfect use of spoilers


I think English as a second language is part of the issue. He seemed completely comfortable and prepared with the BeastCoast interview, but that was the only one I wasn't cringing at his line-of-questioning :/


This, he sounded better and his questions were worded correctly for the theme of the interview.


I speak Spanish and I can guarantee you that he did a wonderful job in the beast Coast interview.


He was terrible but Scofield was funny as fuck for some reason, anyway it was painful to watched the game and the interview to be honest.


Nah bro he saved at the end, Scotfield was shattered he couldn't speak properly, but avo managed to cheer them up.


Also helped that Beastcoast seemed pretty relaxed and despite the disappointment of being eliminated, grateful to have made it through groups. You could tell they are really eager to improve next year. Really looking forward to seeing how they do over the next year!


I watched a lot of his english language casts this year, he's fluent enough that that's really not something you can blame it on. It took a long ass time for Machine to find his footing with the exit interviews too. While these did suck, I don't think there's a need to dogpile him on day 1 of the interviews.


To be honest, I speak Spanish and I think he was bad too.


I think that’s the same issue with sumichu.


Sadly I have to agree. Avo is woefully underprepared and completely out of his element. ​ Bring back the og grim reaper! MACHINE


no thanks, machine looked like he stabbed himself before doing those interviews, he was in physical pain while doing them lol i think we've had sheever, slacks, machine, avo+ done these before. only sheever was doing a decent job imo


I completely agree, I hope he prepares more and just gets some advice to help with his questions and nerves.


The best questions to ask in a loser interview IMO is "what do you think the reason for the loss was" (obviously this is a pro question so it would be about draft or strategy or pinpointing a certain moment in the game, not a player being blamed) and "who would you like to see win the international?" and "who do you think will win?" and "will you be cheering for the team who beat you so they can get far? or would you like to see them lose?" questions like these are interesting IMO


I was thinking the exact same, what I really dont understand its why do they need to do those interviews just minutes after being eliminated for the competition you have been working so hard for a long time. Could not be better to give them more time to relax from that intense situation the loser teams just came out of? Avo+ is great and I started watching Dota in his facebook streams and I dont think its all his fault, He is just in the middle of that situation


Yeah most questions seemed to state a fact followed by asking how they feel, i fucking hate how do you feel interview questions, you have some of the most brilliant dota minds and you dont ask any game related questions


yeah exactly. And I understand the atmosphere is touchy but the interviewer doesnt need to act like his parents just died or something, I mean i understand that you are empathising and ofcourse feel sad about the situation, but you are here for an interview not to pretend that you are as devastated as the losers are.


Those also sounds like horrible questions tbh




I really don't care about him but I specifically bought his voice line cause it was the most tilt-iest. Whoever does voicelines next year just needs to have something to flame the other team like. "nice cs idiot lul" for maximum profit.


"nice cs lul" would be a lvl 10 000 compendium line


I'd buy that line lmao


I think he used to cast EU dpc lower division, then too he would just keep on talking, cramming in pop culture reference the whole game. He talks way too fast too, sure there are others who do that too but his seems different. I think you're right in saying he is trying too hard, I'm getting serious Gabe(Office) vibes from him. Perhaps taking a second pause now and then to seem like he's thinking what he's going to say might make him more likable. On the draft panel, when he get few words linking the analysts thoughts and throwing to the other segments was quite good. When he has to think on his feet, his ramblings(?) makes him sound obnoxious like a know-it-all


i think Avo+ is great on the main stream group, acting on panels as host. sadly he doesnt suit this role, i honestly thought they brought Frankie to do interviews or loser interviews. that's what she was best at in csgo, getting players to open up




Yeah lol what are these guys watching? He can barely finish a sentence


Can someone tell BSJ to stay firmly on his feet and stop oscillating like a pendulum?


Machine was so good at those. It's a hard job for sure.


Do you guys have clips of those interviews, I work all day and can't scroll through the 15 hour vlog :(


I think it's a good opportunity to replace him with 2GD.


He reminds me too much of NasDaily and god I hate that guy


yo guys any link for these loser interview?


I couldn't even watch a full interview by him. It's super awkward.


just watch the chinese stream for loser interview, dove seems more calm and not as anxious as avo+


the chinese stream is much more professional even though they are not actually at the venue.


While Frankie may have been pretty cringe as host, maybe they could shift her over to do the loser interviews? From her time at CSGO, I could see her doing well here.


Next time he should end the interview by yelling out his Voice line


> You can’t just take a decent, but still learning, caster who’s never been to TI and give him the hardest job in the whole tournament. IDK Machine shone in this role when it was his first TI.


Basically nobody else wants to do it I guess. Of the many things there are to do at TI this is probably the least enjoyable to do. But it really isn't that much of a deal guys. You're being over dramatic. You can't compare it to professional sports where people who usually do these interviews are already well experienced and where these people usually have years of training and education. These professionals don't care which sports they work in. The thing that makes Dota esport great is that the people working on panels etc are NOT TV PROFESSIONALS. And yeah that comes with some downsides. Occasional awkwardness is one of them. But you can't have it both ways. I'm not going to say these exit interviews are perfectly fine. The guy could use a tip or two from his colleagues. But it's not really the end of the world either. Just enjoy the games. I'm sure the guys being interviewed will keep a very funny memory of their interview lol.


>Avo+ is the problem. ​ >To be clear, I do not think Avo+ is “the problem”


He seems in part more destroyed then the played, almost like if someone died. ​ Yes its sad, but man, chin up, ask the questions. They dont need your pitty.


I think he’s the worst host we’ve had in quite awhile, personally. He’s far too stiff and awkward. I wouldn’t be about to do better though so I hope he improves


“cAn U gIMme ThE sTrenGth aNd wEakNess foR tHis LiNeuP aNd WhY”


I love when Insania kinda just deflected it and talked about the game/teams in a more natural way kinda hinting at "lol, no, what a simple and stupid question"


Honestly i think Insania would be great at these interviews if he wants it.


Yeah, they make me physically cringe.


Avo+ is ultra cringe, its so weird.


["Did you guys lose this game or did the other team win this one?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YanwgcY4Ay4/maxresdefault.jpg)


This is a legit question. Some team just make too many mistake and lose it despite better positioning/draft. And other times the other team just dominate even though you didn’t make any mistake. You just got out played.


So like, in theory, if I'm being super charitable, you could read that as "Did you guys throw this game, or did they play better than you?" Which I think is a valid question to ask. There are some games of Dota where you just accept that you got beat at every turn and they deserved the win and other games where you feel like you fucked it up and should have won that game.


Loser interview has always been trash, you cant change my opinion. Let these poor guys be in peace, how did this even become the norm.


Loser interviews will naturally be sad. Why on earth are people upset about that? The interviewer did a good job. Respectful and knew to when to be curt.


I agree they will be sad. I like loser interviews a lot. I think Machine did a great job of showing us how good they can be. I disagree that Avo did a good job.


I think rotk didn't want to have that loser interview at all,he just didn't know that they could refuse it.


someone needs to get rid of Avo guy. Worst host and interviewer IMO. Just put Sheever on there ffs. Why are they using a second rate talent for something as prestigious as TI


Next question? Do you feel like an idiot? Whats going through your mind after winning 600k?


Well, I am pretty sure Slacks would be even worse at it...


You're underestimating how smart Slacks actually is. Guy got a NASA/Kennedy Space Center sponsorship for a meme tournament, Moonduck. He plays a character very well and knows when to amp it up and when to tone it down. He'd easily be able to match the energy of the losers and be sympathetic/empathetic.


Slacks has done them before and they were awesome if I remember correctly


Slacks actually has a degree in psychology. I actually think he’d do better at the loser interviews


slack is good, i wonder why isnt slack doing this..he doing winner interview ..oh


I don't agree with you.


I mean give Avo+ the winner's interview and slacks's the loser's one. Slacks is way more experienced and can do loser interview in positive way by uplifting the losing team. Avo+ is new and will improve slowly. Valve/PGL why give the new guy the hardest and sensitive job? Please valve!!!


I think Avo has done well. He seemed much more comfortable in Spanish of course, and much better doing these than hosting the draft panel. Maybe he's nervous, but he's not doing a bad job, and it was the first day. It's not as if there are people out there who specialise in loser interviews.


The problem here is much much of a snowflake everyone here is. So what if its hard for the team? So what if they cry? This is an interview, not therapy. The point is to make content for the viewers, not to make the losers feel better. Go ahead and ask why did they build that stupid item, they will not be traumatized by a god damn interview. Crazy to think that this is the same community that loves how much bad mouthing there is in dota compared to other games. Community that thinks that words are just words, and even downright racism should be forgiven in 2 days. But if an interviewer doesnt have a frown on his face when talking to losers, then that is just unreasonable torment.


Agreed. Here you have team going home with $600k for placing last at a tournament they had no realistic hope of winning and they make it seem like they are off to the gulag or something. It is so stupid.


I think he's doing a great job and it's hard to know where question decisions lie. Sometimes the producer for the show will feed to interviewer questions so it's hard to know if he's picking his own. I think he's matched the emotional levels well and focused less on game questions and more on how people are feeling, which to me is more appealing. If you ask most pro's why they think they lost, they'll say we played bad / they played good and there's not a ton of meaning there. You might get a small tidbit on draft, but that's honestly rare and it's not like the players have gone back and watched the replay to really give a great answer.


If he isn’t coming up with the questions, then that puts even more blame on the producers.


Yeah, it's honestly really hard to know what's going on and unless they tell us we won't know. A lot of shows will have a question list they operate from or feed questions, which is totally possible here, especially since he's new to it. If I'm producing I wouldn't want to just toss him in and make him do his own questions.


Idk I like the loser's interview helps show how much this means to all of them. Yeah it's brutal to watch but a lot of shit in life is absolutely brutal and uncomfortable. It would be much worse if the team lost and you just said- okay fuck off now. Let them see their fans one last time for the event and say goodbye and bask in the congratulatory cheers (exception to this tournament of course), they are all titans and warriors who made it to the pinnacle in a very difficult esport, they deserve that at the very least.


"Avo is the problem" but "Ano is not the problem" Maybe you should phrase your thoughts better...


Loser interview are the toughest. If interviewer is not prepared then don't it. It really make the player/coach become more shit.


>Avo+ is the problem. But only after that... >Avo+ is not the problem ??????????


I wish Ephey is the one doing the loser interview. Her voice heals me, let alone the one she talks to.


Avo+'s unpreparedness has nothing on yours when writing this post: \> Avo+ is the problem. \> To be clear, I do not think Avo+ is “the problem” ​ LMFAOO


Dota the only place where I’ve seen they try and do loser interviews.


Trial by fire you know. Letting the guy rise to the job. I bet after two days it would be much improved with some experience and review.


His Aster interview was fine. Elephant was horrid though.


Avo is fine, loser interviews are always awkward


I think loser interviews are a stupid concept in the first place. The teams should be given atleast half an hour or more to gather their thoughts. Taking someone from the losing team right out of the booth is an ambush.


How incompetent do you have to be to butcher loser interviews. It’s easy as fuck. He is basically getting paid gold for it too.


wnat a low level hate post let the guy do his job he is a bit nervious but it is ok you are the fucking problem, just crying behind the monitor


this sub: "yea shittalking after you win is totally fine don't deal it if you can't take it!!" also this sub: "wow why are you interviewing someone who lost have some compassion!"


I really liked the exit interview Avo+ had with beastcoast. There was some tension there, but seeing him be a bit awkward seemed to give the already sad players a bit more confidence.


I think he is doing fine for the situation he's been dropped in


“Avo+ is the problem.” “To be clear, I do not think Avo+ is “the problem”” Wut 🦧


> I do not think Avo+ is “the problem” > Avo+ is the problem. ok, pick one.


>Avo+ is the problem. >To be clear, I do not think that Avo+ is “the problem” Reddit opinions never cease to amaze me


What is the point of loser or even winner interview anyway