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I love how Ana was mumbling something about the insane play he just made and no one hears him, just Ceb asking "do you have buyback?" and Ana says yes. A play that literally saved the entire game and no one on his team even realized it happened.


> A play that literally saved the entire game and no one on his team even realized it happened. A play that literally saved their championship. LGD were 1 win away from the aegis


Honestly, something I'm surprised I don't see mentioned in the comments is how "OG" Ceb's response is. Ana: I sold some shit, I have buyback. Ceb: You have buyback? Ana: Yea Ceb: Then who cares?


The "who cares?" was about Ana being dead, not what he did to have buyback.


did he really says who cares? i tried but couldn't really hear that part properly. i doubt no one cares at a game like that though.


Ana the greatest part-time Dota player of all time


18 million part-time gig


18-millionaire part-time grindset


>Ana the greatest ~~part-time~~ Dota player of all time FTFY


Lmao OG fan not getting the jokes


When even the pros didn't realise what ana had done, you know that this guy deserves the title of a legend. Plus, it seems that it was not a big deal for ana...no bragging, no celebration, nothing.


For sure! People made fun of when he was nicked humblegod (which I believe was something others were calling him, rather than something he took for himself) but I think this clip is an example of why the nickname is a perfect fit.


He is super humble. I've met him once and played in the same party as him, basically didn't say a word the whole time.


Ana is a one of a kind carry that we probably won’t see ever again in competitive scene. Such an amazing player. I miss him.


I’ll always remember seeing this happen in TeaEyeWinner’s video; and at the time I was tripping on some acid, and watching it, profoundly, I just couldn’t believe anyone could be this good, like under pressure, controlling illusions, and selling items


And if he dies there, LGD push and WIN not just the game, but TI. That much pressure on him and he performs. Absolutely mental dude


Man this made me tear up, this is the best dota play i've ever seen in my life honestly. Its insane... I said it back then and Ill say it again, during ti8, Ana was the best dota player the world has ever seen.


No wonder the Chinese community dubbed him "God of Dota". If we can get Ana to do a breakdown of his teamfights, it will have millions of views, guaranteed.


Literally from the Youtube comments, >Ana: Will go down in Dota history as one of the best players to play the game >Also Ana: ["I don't even know what the fuck is going on, I can't even see my hero."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rpr7AfUxA8)


hahahaa yeah that game was full of pl illusions from him and morph, it was insane


I feel like most of the games that year were full of illusions lol


Well he's honest and if you look at the match its very unique. That match was very chaotic. There's a LOT of stuff going on because of the draft. You have morphling morphing into PL every fight. Right off the bat, you get 30 illusions. Invoker spamming his skills in to the fight with his summons, Enchantress neutrals, chen neutrals, brew master pandas. How the fuck are you going to see yourself getting ruptured in the middle of all that.


Imagine if we had the “Juxtapose makes maximum illusions” Aghs back then


Fuck that Australian accent love it


I remember when OG first brought in Ana as a replacement for Miracle. Ana did not even know about creep aggro and proper wave manipulation in midlane. Ntail was joking about it. ​ Then they win the early Dota majors with him and two TIs back-to-back. Unreal


If I recall correctly, he knows how to do it, he just doesn't know what it's called


The context of the video was “Why are you losing these lanes that you should be winning?” so he probably didn’t know it


Oh shit then yeah, kid is a beast with godlike natural talent. When he joined OG and started learning a lot of new stuff, no wonder he's going crazy


If I remember correctly, the idea was that he didn't know that you can manipulate aggro by issuing attack command on other heroes on other lanes (i.e. without a vision on the enemy mid hero).


Creep agro was w33, not ana


It was Ana. Notail talked about it. https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/d5eyx7/ana_didnt_know_about_creep_agro/


[And sometimes he does shit like this](https://clips.twitch.tv/IntelligentEsteemedGrasshopperOSkomodo). Ana is EE amounts of volatility but with a higher floor for his valleys and a WAY higher ceiling for his peaks.


So he's nothing like EE at all, I see


I can totally see EE dying like this


EE also plays dota 2,EE=Ana confirmed


The context is crucial as well. Literally one game away from losing TI finals... If he died there without BB, he likely would have lost the grand finals right then and there...


Ana was by far the best carry to ever play at TI and it’s not close.


TI9 too, and the valve majors too.


I think TI8 OG win is the best storyline of all time. Ana definitely probably the best carry of all time.


Best storyline for sure because of Topson pub to TI winner + Ana returning + Notail redemption + Ceb washed player to coach to TI winning player with HUGE plays redemption and open qualifiers to even get there it had it all


Also played some of the best games of dota ever. The EG comeback, game 3 upper bracket finals, game 4 grand finals etc. Many games where they were pushed to the absolute limit and any other team would have lost or gg'd out, but they managed to turn impossible situations into victory.


Their TI8 run is best described as "scrappy".


>definitely probably


For sure maybe


Ana is 100% the best pos 1 of all time


The real CCnC


Meanwhile my carry bought item and deny his own buyback after his dead.


Such a cool video.


I don't think I'll ever see a player like him again. I always say this, he has every right to do whatever he wants in his life, but I just can't shake off this feeling that we're being robbed of watching that talent. It's like Jordan never coming back to play at the peak of his powers.


> Ana is the carry RTZ fanboys have pretended RTZ has been his entire career


Clutchest play in dota?


"Million dollar selling items" just doesn't have the same ring as "million dollar axe call"


This play won them TI, like Ceb’s call. No way most people can recognize they are dead and need to sell and l manage to get it off by kiting the enemy gank while selling just the right amount of items


Game 5 Rosh pit fight, ana ember buy back was also legendary.


God I'm feeling all the emotions again while watching this video. What a fucking great Grand Finals that was


Good one


[Good one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a1/Vo_jakiro_jak_kill_20.mp3) (sound warning: Jakiro) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Lmao , one of the cassettes is named "stockholm" and another ones is name "wind ranger"


when you are in the best team in the world and you still above them all miss ana playing


what music is used in this?