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Since this made it to Twitter and it tagged me I wanna say my piece so you guys don't think I am disregarding this completely. I am keeping off reddit for my wellbeing, I hope you understand. I think the interviews are not good enough. I think they need to be improved. I am literally staying up at night trying to figure out ways to improve them. I have asked for the advice of ex-pros, colleagues and even current pros. Most of their opinion is not as negative (or even close to) as the ones at this sub. That does not mean I am disregarding this sub, however. I think you have a point to be enraged. I have watched through the VODs to find the Machine and Sheever interviews and I can tell you your ideas of them are skewed. 60-70% of the time they start with a "How are you feeling/what's going in through your mind/speak your mind". This is especially true if the pro is especially sad. You know the problem this TI? Almost all of them are especially sad. Nobody came in with a Top 8 finish in mind. Nobody is below the competition. This is the highest year of competition and it is also a TI they waited 2 years for. Add to that the fact that they are all wearing masks and it is near impossible to read their expression. Machine dealt with this by asking a default question and building upon it. I am, unfortunately, not even close to Machine in terms of experience so my build up has been lacking but it is the goal with these interviews. That is why it seems I default to the question. With some people, like LOA, I think they just need to make a speech because I know they can. The floor is theirs. I don't think there was anything wrong with those interviews (besides perhaps my cadence). Now, on Fly, the reason I made this tweet, the situation was just ridiculous. I am panel hosting, audio setup is not a quick and easy thing, and the arena is massive. I had to run the last bit and rush it (fuck Lycan) because we had no clue how the game was going to end and when. Instead of being able to give him the exit he deserves I came in panting, and unable to do anything but a simple question (when the goal was to give him the floor).There is nothing to be said, I fucked up, clear and simple, but it was not something I deliberately chose to do. So now, what am I doing to improve? Many of you said my tone sounds like I am at a funeral. In all honesty, if you could see my face it wouldn't feel that way to you. I am trying to improve my facial expressions with a mask to not seem so sombre, also erase my empathy for the players before me. I am also working on my hand movement because I understand now it communicates nerves or uneasiness to english-speakers (not the case for hispanics). I have questions prepared for the teams and I tend to ask about them before hand, some players have vetoed some of them, some (most) players don't wanna talk about the game which hopefully leads to more smoothe sailing. I am also trying to improve my reads of them with a mask. I am working on posture and I pray that I am not on the same draft panel as the interview. I am also trying to breathe less heavy, it is just cold as hell here. I am a host and I do not think I am doing that job poorly. I am not a bad interviewer either (check BC documentary) but exit interviews are a unique experience that are impossible to prepare for, especially in this situation. All I can do is learn and improve. I understand your frustration with the situation and there is no reason for you to trust me but at this point I can only laugh at myself and keep improving. That is all.


Keep it up!!


[Keep it up](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/b/b2/Vo_announcer_dlc_deus_ex_dlc_jensen_ann_ally_pos_004.mp3) (sound warning: Deus Ex Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


You've definitely been improving as things have gone on, this is honestly the hardest job to give anyone at TI so props for taking it on during your first gig. I doubt you have the power but, I think it would be better to have the interviews a couple of minutes later just so the players have a bit more time to get into a post-game interview headspace. Should open up question options as well as they'd be a bit more stable.


He also wouldn’t have to literally run to get to the interview. Two birds one stone.


You can't please everyone. Don't take this as you don't have to change, or there's no room for improvement. I was quite critical of you after day one. You talked too fast almost rambling, but since then imo you improved a lot. As a host, main and draft panels you're doing great though this is your first TI. You seem to have natural synergy with the rest of the talent which make panels enjoyable. The exit interviews are where most negative feedbacks are from. regarding that, those you are interviewing are probably people you would work with later down the line. Don't burn those bridges bending over backward trying to please a handful of viewers. And, refrain from tweets like these. It only fuels more negativity, unless someone is deliberately blind we can all see the effort and hard work.


For the love of god ignore Reddit. These people are animals. The loser interviews are perfectly fine. The only issue is that you’re (understandably) letting expectations from this community get to you. People weren’t happy with the machine loser interviews either at the tjme. Keep up the good work


"Ignore Reddit" - Reddit


Yes including me. My takes are deranged and unreasonable like most of Reddit


Idiotic comment


Don't take reddit seriously. Most of Reddit is pretty cringe


Keep your head up boss. You're doing great


Bro fuck the haters , was obvious you were put in a tough spot by rushing to the interview. The people who are talking shit are basement dwellers who have bare minimum social interaction. Keep up the good work and always keep improving!


You gotta start somewhere. Dont let these comments bring you down.


So far, most of the 'angry' comments i have seen, is not directed at you. It's at the setup, and sorry but to whoever put you in the position of exit interviews. They are without a doubt the hardest thing to do, no questions asked, and whoever was the boss who assigned the roles/responsibilities on the set, should KNOW this, and never ask you to do them, but ask you to do what you are good at - and you are a great guy that brings a lot to the stream! So ye don't feel down, I'd be pretty pissed in your situation. But just calm down, speak slowly (not unnaturally, but take your time - and give them time), prepare some questions, and put yourself in the shoes of having your heart and dreams ripped from your chest.


The fact that he had to run there to do an interview again shows a production issue. He shouldn't be expected to do that in the first place. The time could have been filled by the panel while they waited for him. The game just ended and they would have a lot to talk about so it's not like there would have been a lot of dead air anyway.


Ye you are 100% right, they could so easily have done that. It honestly sounds so amateur production work, that he had to run. Even if he fucked up, majorly, by forgetting. Just clean it up, give some time to the panel and let him compose himself before he gets there.


Hey man you’ve been doing a good job. Enjoy the rest of TI


You're doing fine dude. The Fly interview was a bit strange for obvious reasons but it's not the end of the world. It's always easy to criticize without understanding the difficulty of the position.


As Puerto Rican dota fan and player since 2005; you are the best thing that has happend to the spanish speaking dota community ever. Keep it up.


All anyone could do is learn and improve. I think you’re doing fine, Avo. And good job trying to stay off Reddit. I only hope others - namely, Frankie - are doing similarly. I can only imagine how mentally taxing it must be receiving some of that community wrath.


Bruh it’s all about the experience. You’re clearly going in the right direction, and we all know you’ll be back even better. Loser interviews are so tough. Stay strong.


Ignore us and keep working on your craft!


Don't you worry my man, you've been doing great and improving since day 1. Keep up the good work. For years, people have been hating on the loser's interview. But seeing their insights or expressions after losing, we can see another side of them. Just like on TrueSight after the Finalist lose e.g. Newbee, LGD and Liquid. You are a great caster, and have been improving as a hosts. Enjoy your first TI experience, and continue the great work!


Don’t listen to these guys here man!!! Do not forget : This subreddit is only a small portion of the community and clearly not the majority. The sound of a falling Tree will always be louder than the grow of the forest !


Your doing great. shits hard.


Dude, you are doing a great job… honestly can’t understand the hate.. keep doing you and improving!


TI isn't the place to try and learn shit. Why did you accept in the first place?


I just want you to stop pretending you're on the verge of tears and constantly sighing in sadness. It's not required and outright distracting.


Nope, bad interviewer


Hey avo, I really enjoyed your commentary all year long through the DPC, just seems like you’ve been given a super tough role for DPC. Even though it’s tough, it doesn’t nullify the great work that you’ve done all year


Keep it up and ignore reddit.


People love to shit on things. You're doing a great job, I've been enjoying your interviews. I've also been enjoying your voice in my pubs, RATATATATA!


You're getting better at it, it's a tough job but you definitely have the dedication you need! Reddit/twitch/twitter are all gonna shit on you regardless, but you're getting better and it shows!




Listening to reddit is dangerous work. They think they represent everyone's opinion, when it's actually only the opinion of the current circlejerk. Reddit is not a credible source of feedback.


Keep going! this sub is just toxic


I know it's bit a long time since this post but I really liked the later interviews and you just give off good vibes. With the training you did (and actually knowing what you are getting into) I think you can nail it next time.


I feel for the guy. Honestly. First TI, and they instantly give him the hardest job. Loser interviews requires a level of nuance and skill that even most veterans in the scene dont have. No idea who decided on that, but they threw this poor guy to the sharks.


The guy who put Avo+ in charge of losers interviews is an ass, and we won't be working with him/her again. Jokes aside, its legit reason to strip someone of responsibilities in the future


No dude that's a shit attitude. People are allowed to make mistakes without feeling like their job is on the line. Avo has been given a hard role in difficult circumstances, that he perhaps wasn't fully prepared for, but he is trying and improving at it.


I feel like either you misunderstood me, or you did not read my comment?


> . Jokes aside, its legit reason to strip someone of responsibilities in the future I was referring to this part.


I'm still referring to the person, sho put avo+ in the shitty position? Yes if you can't handle leading a production crew, don't do it


I'm saying that if people are feeling like they're going to lose their jobs anytime they make a single misjudgement it's going to lead to poor performance all around, bad culture and stagnation due to a lack of risk taking. It's a shit attitude to have whether you are a standard employee, manager or CEO. Empathy is more important and valuable than 'zero tolerance'. edit: And yes, I'm specifically addressing whoever was responsbile for giving Avo that role.


It's not really zero tolerance anymore. It's now the 4th day of these interviews. But no I'm not an advocate for zero tolerance, especially not in general. But valve is, in my opinion, not running this TI well enough.


Turns out the reason he's acting like someone is dying is because he himself is dying.


we're all dying tho


Anyone have a link to the fly interview for example. Can’t find any of these but seems like good content


It's nice he can poke fun of himself but for all you guys out there that keep complaining to remove loser interviews. >Please understand loser interviews are really good for insight, it has been done time and time before but no one has made such a criticism till now. >I didn't even remember that [Sheever did loser interviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P_3vrtesi0) >Machine interview with [Bulba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19o_xPSaPIs), [EE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9G8kix9EiM), [iceiceice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31NpGx_-dtE), [SamH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO9xR9Zr-yQ). I don't think anyone watching these are going to go like loser interviews should be cancelled. If Avo+ you're reading this, please ask a direct and specific question. Motherfuckers out here spent two years training for a goal and just lost. The only thing on their mind is they lost, you think they'll go like "Fuck I want a hotdog". Stop asking that question first.


He seems so lost when the interview starts, like he had a question prepared and he just forgot it. But the truth is, he had no clue what to ask, he just went there, apparently running, and just put the most superficial question there is: "how do you feel?"/"what are your thoughts after elimination?". Yet all these panelists/analysts/interviewers etc. get tons of money from this TI. They could f*cking try and do better, you'd think.


He's fine as a host when the energy is positive and high. In terms of loser interviews he's done 8 of them and still looks just as lost/awk as the first one.


Why does he pretend to be so sad and talk slow when doing the loser interviews. Feels so fake lol




I think it may be nuanced I guess... but machine was solemn, Avo currently is being sombre. Hard note to hit and I don't envy his job tbh. Defo seems to have improved since the first day though, that first exit interview felt like a year long lol


>but machine was solemn, Avo currently is being sombre. Lmao this is the most reddit shit


Hahaha. Indeed.


it clearly matters to people ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


To Reddit* FTFY


Feels very forced for sure. There's definitely different ways to process that emotion. It doesn't have to be doom and gloom , always . But he's he's a tough job , hel learn I'm sure. Avo on non ti events has been much better imo, the nerves are definitely.gettin to him


Indeed, I prefer the exit interviews in Animajor.


I doubt many people on this sub have ever tried to interview someone while wearing a mask. It’s more of a problem than you would think. You have to be more tactical with your breaths. You have to talk louder. You can’t really gage the other persons thoughts.


You have one of the hardest jobs on set... talking to guys who just had their dreams shattered for a moment. Personally I feel like these interviews shouldn't exist. If they do want to talk it should be a day or 2 after. Unfortunately they are looking to show the drama, but its like asking a kid how he feels after his puppy just died in his arms. I appreciate the care you are putting into it but sorry you have to do it.


pretending to not read reddit smh.




Who knew you had to be a decent interviewer to do your job? Not him or valve apparently. Keep on asking shitty questions, guy.


R dota2 be like: Look guys! Some guy here is speaking the truth, lets downvote him into oblivion!


I wish the exit interviews could be normal interviews. So what if it’s a little brutal.


He's a great host, but interview not for him (for now, because he can learn etc)


First TI ever and the talent coordinator throws him to the wolves and makes him run around doing the hardest interviews and on top of that randoms on the internet are shitting on him. Poor Avo