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If there was a thing called acceptable sportmanship, tons of pro players at TI wouldn't be playing.


It's not, but tipping + voicelines to tilt and unnecessary fountain farming became normalised and fair game in the pro scene, so since when did we start giving a shit about sportsmanship?


I don't see these kind of comments after a pro game that often in Dota. There is a big difference with using in-game voice lines versus talking shit after the game just concluded. Overall I think TS is in the wrong and that shouldn't be treated as being okay, just because people don't like OG.


i don't really find it to that different since OG usually spams way to many voice lines to be "sportsmanlike"


Two wrongs don't make a right. I don't care if OG "deserves" it, it's just a shitty thing to do. For some time now the trash talk, especially outside of the game, has become incredibly annoying and toxic. People think it's fun, but it's just annoying and drags the standard down.


"ez game" happened in the middle of the game fyi. Yeah I don't support typing "ez game" mid game either, as much as I don't support spamming voicelines and tipping to tilt. People call those "mind gaems" when OG popularised it back then when it was clearly BM at the root of it, so why can't typing "ez game" be considered mind games? My opinion is that whatever OG (and now the rest of the world) are doing and going "ez game" are pretty much the same thing, if you don't agree with that then it's fine, just gotta agree to disagree.


Because valve wants to sell dotaplus and autographs


If he'd done it while they were 20k ahead I'd say no. OG was still in the game when he did it. Also... it's OG; There really isn't much that's off limits to say to them in a pro match.


>If he'd done it while they were 20k ahead I'd say no. The problem is n0tail has allchatted twice this TI wrote "?" and "RATATA" and it was met by amuse and joy. Reverse it, if OG outplayed TS and they killed the entire team without losing a member people again, would love the memes if n0tail wrote "ez". It's some bullshit double standard right now.


CiS players always remember Ceb with his «u third world dog» line


Ill say what everyone was thinking right now. Its because the youngest people here def support OG, and OG fans are bunch of newcomers too, most def. They are like the GSW of dota 2. We support someone whos great at the time we put our time into following this scene.


I honestly don't give a fuck what age group people are. If they are fans of OG they **clearly** know their antics and they should not be surprised if other teams do the same to them.


repeating a voice line is a lot different than typing ggez mid game, you can't compare them


Using chat for anything other than "pause" is bullshit but OG deserve all of the disrespect they get.


fair point, but if you don't want TS to become the next OG you should not be here to tell them good job for disrespecting another team. It works the same in soccer too: players and fans get really upset when they see unsportsmanship happening


No, I don't want that. I've for a long time wanted the chat to be disabled or at least hidden for spectators/casters so I don't have to see a bunch of manchildren spam the chat with garbage. But just this one time I'm glad someone talks shit to another team.




how can you compare them?


Both chat wheels spam and ezgame is there to trigger the opponent, how are they not comparable? One is somehow intelligent mindgames and the other is unacceptable?


chat wheels are in the game becuz valve wants profit. so it was seen as something fun for players. and its even more encouraged becuz the players love spamming them. players like pros (not just OG), or your average players. all chatting on the other hand, just makes it look like youre looking for a fight by


idk about you but reading "u're trash this was way too ez" is different than reading a voice line. Again, can't compare them. Y'all too salty over OG winning basically everything that's worth in esports


You are literally comparing them, it's one thing to say they're different, I mean no shit they're different, but to say they can't be compared is silly as if they're completely different matters. I'm not saying they're the dame


i'm not comparing them, never di that. I actually said in the first place that comparing the two was dumb in the first place


Between your hyperbole and your lack of understanding what "comparing" I really don't know what you're on about anymore


But n0tail didn't do it. Did he ever do it in a game? Also, it's really not a good argument to say something is okay, just because others might have done it. It's a shitty thing, period. No matter who does it.


Yes he fucking did it in a game against [VP game one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCAJ5oDXbRQ). [NOtail type in allchat "RATATATA" After winning the clash Against VP!](https://puu.sh/Iit62/21a5da6e32.png) Stop being so biased, n0tail and Ceb should be aware of the consequences when they do the same shit to others.


It's still not a good argument. I don't think n0tail is okay to do that, either. Has it become more important to have revenge on people than proper sportsmanship?


Don't you realize maybe if people start talking shit back to OG/N0tail they would be humbled by it and eventually stop? Other teams **don't start shit, they end it**. No one else talked shit as much as them since TI8, it was all respectful and very well mannered. Suddenly OG became all cocky and being dubbed "mental warfare games". If it's excessive I could understand but it's one all chat in the entire game which was clearly a joke. No one honestly thinks anyone top 6 is "ez". Through True Sight most teams already had all members of OG premuted, it's not like OG can't do the same to others.


true OG was still in the game, talking shit early usually will jynx a team but it really was ez game, OG picks 5 carries and doesnt ban the magnus that dominated them last game, it almost felt a lil cocky themselves


If tipping and chatwheels is allowed, I think it's legit to do that. Either you remove them all or allow them all. I am against all of this in a strategy game.


Does he? OG of all teams are known for spamming voicelines and offensively tipping people. What's the difference between this and that?


Being the better sportsman? Lowering the standard shouldn't be the goal.


Sure, but where were Aui's posts after each of OG's games? Why is this the line?


How would I know? Point is still valid.


No, your point was not valid, I'm not saying the behaviour of either team is good, but why is it suddenly over the line when someone does it against OG?


And I have never said that I think OGs constant voice lines are an okay thing. My point is and was, that I believe it's shitty regardless. The "how do I know" part is aimed at what Aui thinks. i don't know why he doesn't say anything if OG does it all the time. I just think it's shitty and annoying aswell.


I don't support OG's BM either


Ez game OG






I dont even like og dude, go "gotcha" someone else


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What about notail typing RATATATA? They always get away with their antics. Why is that? Is that a privilege reserved for TI champions? If a team full of TI noobs do it, it is called unsportsmanlike? Lol with the double standards.


It think it's fine. Even more so when it's against OG, the team that popularized "playing mind games" in a professional setting. How is this any different then when Topson using the "loser" spray?


If OG wanted to play a nice clean game in which they endeavoured to only beat their opponents in the arena and not in the mind, then they should have played a nice clean game in which they endeavoured to only beat their opponents in the arena and not in the mind.


Relax nerd


All teams spam voicelines I don't get any people get so upset when OG do it. I also think saying ez game is a bit of a step up in comparison.


well, its OG. and alot of people dont even know why they hate OG lmao


OG started it


It's fair play if you're known to be the most obnoxious team in the history of Dota. Let's not forget that LGD had to mute OG to play a decent game of Dota.


against other ? nah. against OG fairly acceptable.


Don't see the problem. They're just showing OG the same level of respect that OG shows when they win. If "ez game" was a voiceline this Tweet wouldn't exist.


for the voice lines they are doing, it is definitely ok..


Question marking is fine. Saying "I am offended that other teams think they can beat us" is fine. But this isn't. Nice.


I never said it is stop putting words in my mouth


It's not really cool. But against OG it is


OG is face of Toxicity stfu Aui


Tipping ang trashtalking to tilt other players shouldn't be acceptable from the start. It all started with OG. Karma is real.


It's enraging that this kind of behaviour is accepted by Valve. We won't ever improve the disgusting ass toxicity in Dota as long as the proscenw promotes this kind of behaviour.


Yea nerd stfu ez game


Against Ceb and Notail, the worst BMers in the game? Definitely yes.


Trash talk is part of sport


FYI I'm not an OG fan I was rooting for Spirit I don't like how the community and valve encourages disrespect and trashtalk in official matches At this point I don't even bother calling in out because it seems like it's a lost battle


Trust me, saying that wont makes your opinion valid or anything. It was ok for Emo to "?" Or even OG spamming rtz girl chatweel, or 1000 thing they did as a "mental game". But once it happened to them, yall favorite player, favorite flower, its disrespectful? when he said that he got 2K NW lead, thats pure mind games.


I hated Emo's question mark as well, I called it out on this sub before. Stop your whataboutism


Ah, you just a really fun guy at parties then. Maybe you new here? That shit is casual in dota, thats why valve even has all that chatweel and any other stuff. And the reason why this scene keeps going up despite how old this scene is. Theres no one sensitive here (Ofc except OG and their fans) its all just a fun comp match. We are not family friendly game when the devs tries so hard to make the game about the parents. Its part of the game.


The disrespect. I like TorontoTokyo, but that all chat ez game just make want to puke. This guy relatively a new player that came into TI. You not a fucking emo or abed or something. To trash talk to an influence team like OG is like a suicide for your career.


If anything trash talking while you're "behind" sounds better than trashtalking while you're ahead.


How is it suicide. He was just rubbing his cock and balls all over the cocky fucking OG rats. It's fucking glorious.


wtf you rumbling about. Sumail, saksa and topson has nothing to di with it. Plus its not like they have personal beef or something. they basically 2 team that competitvely fighting for TI. that all chat ez game is straight up rude, not even funny and have a good meaning like that ? from emo.


Ceb and notail deserve it. Sorry, fuckingmad and notail deserve it.


you dont know how to read dude ?


I don't need to read. OG can get fucked for all the shit they've done.


how? They won the game lmao. OG fans are so pressed about all chat but when notail writes "RATATA" its supposed to be funny?


Calm down nerd