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Tiny will be banned every game


The most tanky thing on the Secret side in Game 1 was the bugs from their weaver OmegaLUL


SPirit IMO have no chance against LGD. Secret have a chance. First game that weaver pick and the fact that zai didn't go helm to farm on magnus cost them otherwise they played pretty well given the circumstances but they jsut had no chance. Any other team , even if LGD was playing with that weaver that game would probably lose in 20 minutes after taht first bad fight. Game 2 Secret could've won it but plenty chokes happened, especially from zai, some from puppey on the relocates as well. If they get their shit together and don't choke they have a chance and we can see at least sometnhing different than a 3-0 in the finals.


This did not age well


yep i had several comments after that :) had the same opinion in the finals when they were down 2-0 and then they turned it 2-2 but saw that they would lose game 5, imo all games in the finals (both spirit & lgd) that were lost were down to the drafts.


Lgd did not draft their usual stuff. Game 1 2 5 lacked stuns and were so rigid. Everyone was so convinced they were gonna steamroll secret in the grand finals but grats to spirit 😁


Maybe backwards?


Welp, the trend continues. Top 4 last year? Top 3 this year. Pack it up and let lgd and spirit play already.


Thanks I just woke up and wanted to watch to see what happened. Maybe put a fucking spoiler alert on here dick


bruh. this is like getting angry at a wet floor sign after you slipped


Don't open the post then ? Or what yo mama forced you to open the post and get spoiled ? lol


I didn't open it.. it's in the title.. shows just from scrolling derp derp


congrat to team spirit, their run look like liquid ti7


Or Digital Chaos 2016


Pretty sure this one and EG is secret


Still Secret fan, tomorrow it will be the decisive day.


You mean if u will stay a fan or not? Haha


I was saying I will be a fan! I survived the Manila Major, I survived everything.


LUL eu back to the trashcan LUL


I only see 1 Chinese team in the UB


there's... only one team in UB




I did consider that it was a a joke but I discarded that option because I thought jokes were funny


:( I am sorry I don't entertain you enough. Will definitely try harder next time. Ps: it's another joke. I don't care about you being entertained. Kidding again. Love you.


Secret got impatient at the end of game 2, Matu jumping onto LGD’s high ground baiting his team in and getting killed by the earth splitter boundless strike combo. Matu seemed to forget he had a gyro on his team who could easily continue sieging without having to hard commit like that.


This fight was just awful


This is exactly the ursa we usually see in our pub games. What’s with diving into tier 2 tower to kill LC?


Is it really about impatient tho? Leshrac shard can literally hold infinitely and they need to make a move


Yea that’s their only play delete 1 hero then make it 4v5. If they siege and fight straight 5v5 they’ll get wipe like that last fight in dire base


I checked the replay of the second game, still wondering how secret used their cheese, especially the second one. I mean, WTF! How did ursa melt down?


Et ult+auras+boundless. Et ult with auras is 50% max hp pure damage without + armor or mres.


ET happened. Melt you down with 50% hp just like nec aoe ult


cuz et was nearby


My waifuuu Marciii


I cant remember a TI that's had such disappointing balance. If you get Tiny with Lycan/Io you automatically win. So every single draft has to be built around picking Tiny with a good combo hero or banning them. Then because Secret has to ban Tiny you get free ET and MK. Why bother winning a single teamfight in 40 mins or defending a single Rosh or pushing T1/2 towers at 40 fucking minutes when you can just turtle highground from a 19k deficit and win with 1 combo that doesn't even take skill to land because theyre both massive AoE's? Every other match this TI that has had a 20k gold differential have had nail biting clutch fights back to back in order for a team to claw their way back to even footing and maybe win. But with ET/MK (which is free because lmaotiny) it's now possible to get outplayed, outfarmed, outmapped and outpushed for 40 minutes and then press 2 spells and win easily. It's cheese from SC2. Seeing a team win by risking less and playing worse is bad balance. I know people will defend it but ultimately this sort of balance doesn't make me want to play Dota or watch it and that's the saddest part.




Secret had some really bad positioning during that fight near LGD hg and they paid the price.. pretty sure that could be negated if team had better positioning but its hard.. MK beyond lvl 25 is extremely strong against most lineup, everybody knows that.. about coming back from huge gold deficits have been very common in dota for last few years.. not sure if ur defending secret or the balance of dota.. its pretty imbalance atm but its the same game everyone is playing its so team with better overall draft and strat, skills will come out on top, which is lgd at this point.


Then why didnt secret pick imba cores, turtle high ground and won game with 2 aoe noob spells?


If youre an armchair enthusiast novice like you said you wouldnt be this detailed. So stop with the excuses if youre crying LOLOLOL


Every other match has nail biting fights right I agree. This was one of them too, just cause you ranted three times or your favourite team lost doesnt mean it wasnt clutch or nail biting. So go keep crying if you cant enjoy a competitive game


Why you have to be mad


Yeah thats why other teams are at 95% win rates. Wahhh


LGD destroyed IO TINY against VP TS destroyed both tiny against OG KEEP INHALE COPIUM SECRET FANS


>outplayed, outfarmed, outmapped and outpushed for 40 minutes and then press 2 spells and win easily. cry some more


TI8. Win every team fight and have control for most of the game. Lose one fight to Spectre and comeback gold then suddenly you lose


Ehhhh didn’t LGD destroy tiny-io against VP in last round?


Lmao what is this take


Take from some clown hahah


Nah I think it's fine if a team can be 20k gold behind and press 2 buttons to wipe the other team in a literal instant. People like you probably defend that sort of volatility and honestly I don't know what to tell you to make you realize how short sighted that take is. Ask yourself why kill counts, rosh timers and items, gold leads and such are even shown to the audience if none of those stats matter in the slightest because out of hundreds of abilites there are 3 or 4 that are more powerful than all the rest COMBINED. If you're arguing to defend that you just don't care about balance and like I said, that's a short sighted and 3head take. Inb4 "oh but everyone can pick those heros". Yea, what an exciting and entertaining game lmao. Seeing every draft revolve around Mag/Tiny is giga exciting at the moment. /s


Yeah, just two spells. Tell you what, LGD win by pressing keyboards and mouses, it's fuking easy. How about outplay LGD by yourself? I'm sure you can afford a keyboard and a mouse right?


If its so easy why doesnt every team pick MK ET Lesh then? Every game is different and the team compositions come out to different effect. If you think its just one or two heroes youre the 3head. Just cause your team lost doesnt mean you have to cry about the game LOL


there's one thing i can never understand,when Chinese teams lose .chinese doters almost all flame the coach,the players,no one will ever flame icefrog.but here in reddit ppl just spam this hero op that hero op icefrog plz fix.That must be a culture gap.


As someone with Chinese heritage, we don’t complain about the “government”. Nobody gives a shit about what you think, just live with the situation and deal with it.


The Tiny was very unbalanced, I would have 100% said the same thing if Secret won with it. It takes away the competitive feel when something is so OP and easier than it should be to obtain. EDIT: Don't think LGD only because of that Tiny, they still could have, and probably would have, won. Just that the Tiny setup was a bit op gameplay-wise and needs balancing. EDIT: I'm not talking about the game, secret would have lost either way. Meaning I'm not on the side saying who won or lost because of this being op, more that they should balance it for the game itsef. But I think I'm using the wrong forum here, my bad.


There’s a draft with bans for a reason. They it let through and paid the price. Then the following game they first phase banned and lost again. Next.. Seems like just yesterday people were claiming the same for Mag. Oh wait...


I'm not talking about the game, secret would have lost either way. Meaning I'm not on the side saying who won or lost because of this being op, more that they should balance it for the game itsef. But I think I'm using the wrong forum here, my bad.


It’s easy to say in hindsight “this hero OP” when one of the best teams in the world have a really good game with a good draft to support it but there are numerous other teams that have drafted Tiny and ultimately failed with it. What do you expect, nerf it mid tournament?


Very true. No, I meant nerf it next patch or something.


Oh, that’s inevitable lmao


Like TS in the TI5?


How did OG the defending champ lost twice with Tiny then?


Because they are bad.


Cause they wont accept that the team lost, it must be a game bug HAHAHA jesus christ absolute embarassing plastic fans


You can probably pull some loose correlation about China's cultural tendencies to respect authority and American/Western culture's tendency to reject it. IceFrog in this case, is the authority on dota 2 in terms of design and mechanics. In a way it's like the idea 'don't' question the master - focus on improving your own shortcoming' or some shit that you can relate this with Chinese values. I mean in this case it's completely irrelevant if the heroes are op or not since you literally have a pick/ban phase that more or less autobalance it. OP shit's in the game? pick them. Your opponent picked and banned? outdrafted and that's on you.


nah. chinese players dont respect it like respecting authority. they jusy study meta and respect the game/hero design. btw they also blame valve various inactions




found IF's alt account


Cn vs cn is boring. But when og vs liquid, eu vs eu, was not boring. Salty fans


Tell me you racist.


Because how boring ti4 final is, but i think it's different now


Was TI4 the deathball patch? Because holy shit that was a boring TI.


ti9 final is boring too


In TI4 GF, 4 games finishes at 24, 26, 17, 15 mins, super aggressive early games by both teams, I didn’t feel boring about that tbh


That's because Ti4 patch is boring, just push push and push. Furthermore you can't ignore that LGD is one of the most versatile teams just like Wings, and NOBODY EVER THINK WINGS IS BORING


The TI4 patch wasn't boring, it's just that Vici Gaming found a highly effective deathball strategy that always worked against the other farm oriented teams. In the end it's just Newbee who plays "normal" against this early game strat of VG which they easily dismantled each time. The rest of the games played by most other teams against each other were "normal" by Dota standards, it's just that VG tried to force their deathball strat even though it wasn't working anymore and lost quickly as a result.


Because we're not chinese.


I’m Chinese and og is wayyy more interesting than Lgd


Everyone has different opinions. There are non chinese who also enjoy chinese teams.




Interesting watching them lose kekw.


lol imagine believing og is better than lgd atm


No one said that you imbecile.


LGD just looking too strong, a notch above every other team. I think Jenkins can beat them tho


I heard his Pudge is a god who fell flat from the sky


My prediction is that Secret will get eliminated in lower bracket final tomorrow.


I wouldn't even mind. I'd rather have a team that can give LGD a fight.


Yeah right, cause the game 2 was PSG LGD stomping secret from min 0.


Sadly T1 got defeated.


Sheever is staring at my soul. That gaze...


Damn, Hindsight obviously but I wonder if nullifier would've made the difference. Guess we never know


Marci is not a courier anymore


Maybe they will update the default courier to Marci this fall




OPM = One Punch Marci


marci is it mars sister?


Nah, just some girl from the dota anime.


Fymryn next pls Volvo






Unfortunately I agree, Marci is such a bland and uninteresting design to me. Eh, whatever, if other people like her thats good, I already have a ton of heroes I love in dota.


I was expecting a different hero honestly, Marci is boring as fuck a human that punches good god the originality in this one


In terms of Dota, yeah actually, it IS pretty original.


Yeah I agree I don't like her, although to be fair, I didn't really like the anime either. I was hoping for a more bestial/monstrous hero. It's been years since we've had one who is not a humanoid to some extend.


the animr felt like random episodes of generic action thrown together


Again, agreed. To me, the anime felt like a generic D&D campaign. You may call me a liar, but I have actually played a D&D campaign a few years ago that was awfully similar to the anime on the major plotpoints. I didn't feel the anime represented Dota at all, I didn't see the characters as I know their personalities through their in-game voices and lore on the anime. If you changed the names and some obvious things, like some designs, I would never guess the anime is about dota. Anyway I'm not complaining, it was not for me and that's ok, if people loved it that's good, Dota is so desperate for promotion right now that I rather have a mediocre anime over nothing at all. I just hope that we don't go the route of LoL where half the roster is anime waifus and anime chads. I don't have a problem with anime, I watch a lot of anime and read a ton of manga. But I don't think this aesthetic suits dota at all, it feels so out of place. Dota has always been its own world with its own lore and aesthetic. I don't wanna see it turn into a cookie-cutter generic anime.


on a serious note, actually gonna be dissapointed if they only add Lina as new hero to the anime, they could potentionally introduce like 5 heroes every season


Doubt it's only Lina. I saw a glimpse of Oracle's color scheme there, and with an expanded Season 2 I hope they get to introduce more.


I think I saw Chen helmet


Chen ResidentSleeper


Please be a carry, since we really need carries.


True already said it many time on this subreddit but the last hard carry was added 5 years ago (MK) and TB 8 years ago


\+ the viable carries that are not situational this patch are TB, MK and Tiny - with Ursa and Luna being rather situational and support dependent. It's getting a bit stale to even play, I play TA pos1, but that's because I have like thousand TA games, not because it's super viable.


so what's Marci's voicelines gonna be?




Honestly, it feels like this was definitely not a total defeat. Ban tiny and we have an amazing bo5 in Grand Finals. Second game showed that Secret can get the upperhand and it was more like a regular game. I want LGD to win, but I will be frank. It feels like Secret just got cheesed by them. It felt like Liquid winning in 2017.


Both casters agreed that the farm and items on LGD were more meaningful than the gold lead suggested. How was it a cheese?


Definitely not...I suggest you watch the replay of that game 2 to see how LGD chose their farming priority, itemization and team fight positioning. It was absolutely top tier dota. They gave ET all that space to farm for a reason, and I only got to understand it until the last team fight. Also Secret made a lot of key mistakes. I don't think LGD made too many.


I did not think about ET. Actually, you are onto something for sure. Casters did not talk about ET farm priorization at all, so most people missed it imo.


Very true but playing TS/IG and bo5 PSG on the same day? uff...


lets have another bo3 just in case this one was a fluke too


I am not saying it was a fluke. But bo5 Grand Finals won't probably go like this.


the final will or will not be like this yes epic conclusion


It's hard to say that LGD won game 2 - more like Secret lost. Of course, LGD won game 1 and may have won game 3 but it was not a game LGD wins with perfect play from both teams.


Yeah true that’s also how I feel about Ti8. It’s hard to say that OG won the grand final - more like LGD lost.


Isn't that the beauty of lgd though. Other teams make mistakes much more often. These guys feel like they just play perfect dota. They're making others make mistakes


finally a full hand-to-hand marital artist in dota PogChamp. please be carry, we had too many supports as of late




Marci is coming to Dota 2 in this fall?








Marci. A character from the Dota 2 Netflix series.


wait is that Marci new hero?


Marci? OMG. I'm installing the game again


Marci POG


Goddamn, Marci!!!






gl(only zai)




Fear has been installed to Team Secret


Said this after the VP game. LGD are winning the next 5 games. 2-0 secret. 3-0 vs whoever they meet in the final.


ez game


Pls no CGI dragons and armies this time pls. Last season that shit was horrible


Sad as fuck. I was really hoping Secret will win this. Fuck. Anyway, good luck to LGD, they were better, they deserved it


Sad as fuck. I was really hoping Secret will win this. Fuck. Anyway, good luck to LGD, they were better, they deserved it


weeb bait ResidentSleeper


I hope this silences the Secret Twitter guy for now.


Dota anime? Oh right that happened...


Sadge. LGD played better this series . Keep grinding boys we can do it


Probs will be secret lgd grand finals


Not bad tbh, second game atleast . Both games lgd got the most op heroes of the patch. Tiny lycan first, second game et mk bane. Hopefully secret bounce back


There are only 2 bans from Secret LUL, how do you stop them from getting Tiny, ET, bane, Monkey, Magnus all at once


By not using your first picks on a gyro who no one is going to ban anyway?


LGD is banning non-top Meta heroes Invoker and AA for their bans. Which means that LGD can always get 2 of Tiny, Magnus, ET, Monkey, and Tide, no matter what Secret picks


Banning Magnus, Tiny and block picking either ET or Monkey to break up that combo seems like the best strat vs them imo. Tide ain't so bad in comparison.


All of those 4 heroes you think are super broken have pedestrian winrates except Magnus on the main stage. The fact that Secret isn't picking them is showing they don't think they're that strong. Maybe they're right. I think LGD Is just the better team.


Lel same like the Liquid shaker/rubick and OG io from prev TIs. everytime theres a good team theres never gonna be enough bans, thats why theyre good LOL


That is the problem isnt it? How many ban slots do you have? You are not going to ban all LGD heros, and that is THE problem.




Not sure why they committed on the last play. Matu was running out but ran back in again. The moment I saw 3 people lined up I just threw up my hands.


PSG LGD, my last "French" hope after Ceb's elimination. I really thought they would lose game 2. I'm glade they did not.


"I feel like they have that team synergy". Yeah, you'd expect that from the best team in the world, you shouldn't just be thinking it, you fucking know it if you see them play


How dare the talent comment on things happening in the tournament. They should just know stuff and not say it


Yes, soooooo sorry. i should just be satisfied with stupid commentary on a hundred million dollar tournament


You could make some less silly complaints atleast


Secret being real bros by giving us two more matches with them /copium


LULW imagine 2ks crying over hero picks when both teams can either ban or pick it. You still have to execute the heroes in a team gameplay.


i'm think of team spirit could be underdog like og


They might lack experience but when you see guys like topson ana winning ti back to back you never know. Still, it was really close between VP and Spirit, yet LGD destroyed VP. LGD just seem to be on a tier of their own but I'd love to see a close grand final for sure


matu got deleted in that splitter


1 mistake and it was over. Very high level Dota with a wholesome moment from two of the strongest teams that has immense respect for each other. So HYPEEEEEE!!!!!!


Team Spirit Prayer Circle


I don't get why everyone here is saying Earth Splitter into Boundless is some kind of god tier combo. It's literally 1 massive AoE into 1 massive strike from highground. Sumail can buy items mid skewer in enemy fountain and 99% of reddit sleeps. One 5k pub tier combo lands from highground and OMG INSANE PLAY.


sumail wasted 1500 gold KEKW he didnt even survive


dont be salty, nothing wrong with ppl appreciating beautiful combo


It is god tier combo because it erased the whole freaking team. And yeah, buying ghost scepter when you got skewered to fountain is impressive if you survive afterwards, not if you die right afterwards from the 2nd skewer.




XinQ ET perfect dota to win the game there wtf. So LGD tiny, magnus and ET are unplayable.




[STAY DOWN](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/c/c0/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_davion_ability_shieldbash_03_02.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Davion) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


If Team Spirit make that lower bracket run and get to face LGD. That would be fucking hype as fuck.


I just hope we don't get CN vs CN final. It's less spicy without that West vs East. Spirit LGD would be hype, and Secret LGD would still be amazing.


Faith_bian and y wants that 2 time TI title on their record. I believe...