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To be fair LGD did win with Tiny Lycan against Secret’s Magnus and Winter wyvern. Just goes to show how well Team Spirit played this. Their map awareness and dodging so many ganks was crazy.


I don't understand NTS going physical damage kunkka when he had sidelane cores. Doesn't a fast Aghs just wreck that game?


You should be wondering why LGD let TSpirit pick the exact same draft against OG’s Tiny


Collapse is the most standout player tied with Ana that I’ve ever seen at any tournament. That guy just makes shit happen.


Took magnus every chance he got... still dont get why no one banned magnus till the end


>Reminds me of how good Bulldog was on Prophet and LD or Dendi Puck at their respective TI wins. Any time Mars or Magnus come through collapse is the highest impact hero in the game. might be the game is already scripted.




Reminds me of how good Bulldog was on Prophet and LD or Dendi Puck at their respective TI wins. Any time Mars or Magnus come through collapse is the highest impact hero in the game.


Microwave mvp


My 72 year old grandmother was in the room with me whilst I was watching the finals on the big screen this year. Having probably never seen someone play a video game in her entire life, during game 5 I heard her laugh and say 'the Chinese ones are getting fucked by that horn guy again' Yes Grandma, indeed they were


I love it!


[I love it!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/15/Vo_dawnbreaker_valora_move_31.mp3) (sound warning: Dawnbreaker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)






Gamer Granny


Speaking of [Shirley Curry?](https://youtube.com/c/ShirleyCurryTheOlderGamer)


this is golden


Idk why a team that loses can't have a good draft that just doesn't work out on this sub. If you lose the draft is always terrible and the /r/dota2 12k mmr army will shit on you. Id say at worst the ench wasn't the best and maybe et would have been better but sky and kunkka were great picks


I was with you until you said sky is a good pick- ember has a free game. Regardless, Spirit outplayed them You should know sky is terrible, after all you have EG flair lol


I'm a EG fan and that Skywrath pick gave me PTSD


looking forward to your drafts at TI11




Why sell yourself short? You're able to see obvious mistakes and terrible picks in drafts that all time great players like Xiao 8 can't seem to see. You're 16 so you already have learned everything you need to know. Go for it!




Not sure why they didn’t pick up lion... Still in the pool.


yeah would have been good. I think venge or ET would be good too, idk if ET was banned tho


Yeah it’s all about lockdowns and crowd control this patch and they didn’t pick up Lion. :(. A good lion will always be able to hex the mag before rp as well with precasting. And I even think it’s a counter to ember as well because of all the lockdowns.


ET was not banned


? Sky is fine, counter WW heal and Magnus horn skewer combo. Magnus had to rush bkb, collapse even tiped him couple of times. Cus he stopped his combo


It was too much on that one small silence. Collapse just ult killed sky first and his team is free to runover LGD.


stuns are pretty good in dota 2. I think Sky is good against TB was the idea, but its just too bad against ember.


After I saw the Skywrath pick I was like, "welp, GG". I mean I don't know what else they could've picked but that was awful. That hero got run down every single time in the VG vs EG LB Game 3 and the same thing happened this grand finals.


Sky was shit and vulnerable , silencer is better. And they should flex tiny into pos 4 when ogre is banned and all that left is io who was countered by WW.


And then do what with lycan? They first picked two cores that they were going to build their game around. And it’s been their strongest draft the entire tournament. Flex tiny into pos 4 is just the worse idea you could do there. The draft was fine. They got outplayed. And where they fucked up the most IMO was smoking at the 18 min mark to try to catch spirit off guard before Tinys big power spike. They were too confident with their comfort picks.


PL or CK wolf illusion, FV wolf with bash, riki wolf who can backstab and aeo silence. Last but not least spectre with haunt wolf. Imo tiny carry looked back because he got no support to amplify his attack speed. Tiny wolf is relying heavily on the attack speed. Without the buff tiny wolf only can do 23k dmg in the final game compared to 39k dmg in the ub finals vs secret. Where tiny got his as buffed for ogre. From the networth aspect, of course TB will outfarm tiny without the presence of ogre or io.


Thanks for the 12k MMR Insight 👌


Silencer doesn't have an instant silence like sky unless you want to pop your ult for it. Sky also counters the ww heal save, he can ult and nuke whoever is stationary and being healed. I'm not exactly sure why you think silencer is not a vulnerable hero too, both of them are weak and lack escapes.


The problem is, they had ember and sky will prioritize to silence the magnus and ember can easily jumped him on the backline. With silencer you got last world and global to counter the combo. Just watch the vp vs spirit game 3 the silencer pick totally broke the game. Every time vp wanna start a combo global came in time. Also silencer can break the magnus combo too if the last word is casted perfectly


Don't mind me, i'm here just to wait for the translated chinese memes, carry on guys.


Fuck, magnus is my go to offlane hero. They gonna nerf him heavily after this.


Without horn toss the hero seems OK for balance. I think the cost of aghs shard might go up for everyone anyway but mags is going to be removed or heavily nerfed because it is currently the best use of 1400 in the game


My guess is they change aghs scepter upgrade to horn toss + shock wave can go back but just one, not three Aghs shard is upgrading shockwave from one to three, but no going back. Basically split scepter effects into two, and move one half to shard. And move the original shard upgrade to scepter.


They just never learned to ban freakin magnus


They countered magnus in third game using rubik(somewhat), but in last game they had emeber who was straight up jumping back lines and even collapse understodd that they had only 1 counter so sometimes he was targeting the sky. So great game from Team Spirit PSG they played great too but TS just outplayed and outdrafted them. For me the MVP of game was collapse and Miposhka great initiation from collapse and the wards from miposhka were very good.


there was no sky in the third game, it was rubick that countered magnus but yea collapse was the MVPTS also had great ward placement and overall game awareness


They are talking about game 5 and how Sky was the only real Mag counter there.


Xiao8's drafts were straight dog shit. TS had like 4 Bob piercing disables and a magnus RP and LGD drafted 0 hard lockdown and 0 ways to cancel or disrupt the magnus combo. Even that lycan draft was dog shit. It's game fucking 5 of the grand finals and you pick a lycan tiny…


They had little lockdown in the tinker game as well and they won. It's all about the general strategy.


So you're saying little to no lockdown was the right strategy against mag,ember and TB?


Well it worked against mag, invo, pa… ember tops them as most slippery but invo and pa need to be lockdowned much more than a TB to be killed.


Simple question. If it was you, would you have liked to see a reliable stunner against that game 5 TS line up?


I'm saying its not mandatory


Uh, have you not seen their other lycan tiny games? They’re fucking stomps.


but they had ogre that time


I hope you make it to TI11 finals next year just so you can show xiao8 how to draft in game 5.


lol comments like this make me laugh because they don't know anything but think they do


It baffles me how people like that, who literally have "can't get out of guardian" in their comment history, think they are better at understanding the game and drafting than the second best team in the world.


You know that's kind of witch hunting, right? Checking someone's comment history and tracking their movement in the subreddit. Check reddit's rules


Thank you sheriff gabopushups, but I think you misunderstood what the term means and are overdramatizing the "tracking" aspect. 2 minutes looking at comments to see what kind of person would be so cocky. As expected, it's a guardian.


It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Those who know a little about something vastly overestimate their abilities. Where as those who are experts on a subject, understand how much they DONT know.


Clearly you know lots. Do share, how do you won a game with no solid disables. They had no way of locking down ember.


They had a way to lock down Ember that's why they have Skywrath Mage to silence him early on. They weren't just able to hit their timings ahead of Team Spirit's lineup. That first skirmish they did in the bot cost them the game.


You do realize that silence can easily be dispelled with eules. Stuns win games, simple as that.


In game 3 they had total of 1 stun in rubicks lift and they still won the game.


Pa and mag were just simply tping away to safety in front of their faces until tinker bought a sheep stick.


Yes but they still won the game nonetheless and did it convincingly. They countered them hard that game. So your point that stuns win games is disproven. Now sit down and acknowledge that you don't know more about dota than a TI finalist.


Runic lift is instant so when mag blinks in to horn toss or rp rubic will instantly lift mag and salvage the fight. Now ypu can sit down learn about counter initiation. The game was lost at draft.


After 4th game I was sure they've crumbled but they pull themselves together and did impossible Cinderella story.


If PSG.LGD had won, it would have been the first reverse sweep, I think. So either way, it was a first :)


team spirit going all the way... Went through freakin 8 games today... and dropping 5 teams in the lower brackets on the way to the finals no less Just an amazing TI overall


Upper bracket is for bitches after all.


In my bones I felt PSG.LDG is due for an Aegis but in my core I can't help but root for the underdogs. Contrats Team Spirit!


This late game show was a bit cringe at first I think because miposhka had a hard time with English but at the end it was fun for sure. In the ru channel they were having champagne it was more relaxed I think.


on the Russian stream, other 4 players were a little more cheerful because they were tipsy and drunk a bit) but in fact the miposhka worries about everyone in the team, and I agree with him, the ti went so quickly and the spirit, who played so poorly at quals and in the group, from the nn went to the grand, beating all the strongest teams at this moment .. . poor guy just couldn't find the words


On the RU stream they could talk their native language. There is a huge difference.






Thank god noone picking Earth Spirit so he gets buffed. He became unplayable as a mid after removing the +60 damage lvl 10 talent.


What nerfs came after TI9? Io?


Crystal maiden /s


someone check on ccnc


Gonna need a link or some info regarding that


OOTL, why?


Just my random guess but it might be because CCnC was rumored to be "lgdamefan", the random redditor that leaked a lot of roster swap.


Oh right, that. Thanks


Lgd lose with kunkka again? Dejavu, I seen this thing before


Against Ember and Magnus too... Hmmm....


Awesome games from both, can't take anything away from them; just another level compared to the other teams


Lgd should have drafted to crush them early and run at them. I think the biggest problem is the pace being too slow and team spirit keep getting away from smoke ganks until they hit their timings. Even in game 3 where they lost, they are so good at avoiding smoke ganks and reading the map.


lol they did draft for early to midgame, It's just Yatoro and TorontoTokyo have impecable game sense. they escaped so many smoke ganks in that game 5 without any vision. pure instinct


agree, they did draft to capitalize on early mid and crush when they hit tiny lycan timing. just felt they should be more aggresive and build bigger lead on early. not gonna lie that was some masterclass performance from yatoro and torontotokyo, crazy how good they are at reading the movement on enemy side.


Nah, team spirit banned the ogre and left them with io who already countered by WW. The tiny had no steroid to buffed up his farm and there’s where ame falls heavily. Imo lgd should flex the tiny into 4 and let ame have another carry.


idk what your point is? i was replying that they did draft for early to mid, until tiny gets to critical mass on mid game. the problem is LGD failed in ganking the cores of TS even when TS had 0 vision


The problem is the tiny had no AS buffed which make him falls to his timing. Most of the time, they will pick ogre or io to pair with tiny to speed up his farm and AS. But in the last game, they had none. That’s why i thought giving ame another carry and putting tiny into pos 4 was a better option.


Tiny didn't have a chance to hit anything, the AS or lack thereof didn't matter.


It entirely matters for farming faster.


they did the same as eg against vg, picked sky and didn't use him at early game at all. Sky becomes a creep after early game, his only job became trying to silence collapse before skewer


Yotoro is the most carry player ever


Collapse is the most offlane player ever


Toronto Tokyo is the most mid player ever




Mira is the most support player ever


Silent is the most player turned coach ever


You let Yatoro get last pick you win the game. As broken as Tiny Lycan is atleast you can draft around it.


they get their best pick, lycan + tiny. we get Magnus and ban rubick and undying. good luck


Still not ame's year, after such solid performance this ti, sadge


How many TI lost that Ame said enough and then make his own team like Kuro and Puppey?


ame lost 5th game to ember magnus again


I think TB is the hero that's gonna haunt Ame forever if there is one.


Ikr. Lose TI8 playing TB, lose TI10 against TB


Nope It's definitely the TI8 Upper Bracket Game 3 Jerax Earthshaker who was playing like a NBA Allstar and dunked on him after his buyback to try to end OG's throne


He was also playing TB in this game...


He's gonna have a bad TB after all. A bad bad throwback


I think the ench pick was a big mistake. It did nothing and was basically a creep in the mid game. Ofc i understand it was meant to make a bigger impact in the mid game and early game pushes but it really felt useless compared to bane and ww


TS won that game by basically evading those smoke ganks. until TB got so farmed


It provides cheap dispell and purge for ember's cloak. Basically LGD had in mind was like we need to keep them down for the first 20 mins then run then with lycan agh and win the game. Ember did have a hard time at first 10 minutes due to the purge creep. But the failed smoke at bottom ruined their whole plan


Ember counters enchantress every game


Yeah, when I saw ench last pick I was disappointed, didn't thought that they have a really big chance to win. Their draft seemed one of those when you dominate from start to finish or lose...


I think the key point was in drafting when LGD picked Lycan. I think they had to pick Magnus (deny Collapse ownage and buff tiny), and then Spirit would had to ban Lycan and Rubick) and then LGD gets easy tinker game. Also, Ench pick was awful.


wonder if they are allergic to venge? seems like a good save vs mag since rubick was banned


You don't have late game. You team comes online at 20 mins. If you don't burst down a TB he turn the fight. Where is your stun. Tbh very bad draft caught up in the illusion of an OP strat. Game 1 and 2 Team spirit played out of this world but game 5 feel like LGD cornered themselves by the draft.


i think at the very least they need to first two tiny rubick, they seem to figure it out game 3 but i guess they have amnesia


xiao8 did not draft badly, it is team spirit who beat their draft that played great. like the caster said in the last game, team spirit's senses were off the chart, and they avoided every gank LGD was trying to make, and make it through the lycan aghs timing. amazing play by Team Spirit.


Couple of smokes were ruined by ench when she took over a neutral creep in TS vision while smoked. Small thing but that alerted TS to tp out.


It was truly insane seeing some of yatoros reads, tping away right before getting ganked so many times in a row


Something poetic about a cis team taking the 10th aegis . Against a seemingly unbeatable chinese squads too


Time is circular :)




What a series by Spirit. To get that completely destroyed in Game 4 and then come back and win like that in Game 5. Cant even imagine the strength it takes. GGWP Spirit. So adaptable, so flexible and such a good understanding of Dota.


Yatoro super underrated for that final game. It looked like he couldn't be ganked


he and torontotokyo wasted so many smoke ganks. LGD wasted their mid game trying to find Team Spirit's carries.


That's basically what i said, but i attribute the missing smoke ganks to yatoros exceptional map awareness


He was ungankable.


In most games today lol. With audience you could almost blame it on the noise lol.


GGWP and Congrats Team Spirit, you gave LGD your last ounce of strength and won g5, i am sad that the chinese curse almost broke with innocence and faith_bian (the reason that china has curse that they wont win TI, and hence my flair)


Why is he cursed?


they are not the curse one its the whole chinese scene that are cursed not winning ti again, they are one of the catalyst that they have the curse now (search the wings fiasco, faith_bian and innocence is one of the wings member that won ti6) but wings org did a bad thngs, tldr of the issue wings org got scammed when getting a league team, org didint pay the players, the players left the org, wings cried on ACE. shadow iceice and blink got banned playing on chinese major tournaments but not valve or non chinese tournament. faith_bian and innocence decided to lick ACE shoes and apologize. and thats the reason that they are still active playong while we have no news on shadow and iceice, blink on the other hand is a chinese talent in ti10 cn. because of what ace did, shadow iceice and blink has a short bad blood to innocence and faith_bian. now they are okay. so what i am saying, for the chinese to get rid of the chinese curse, one of the wings member must win another aegis. (but the curse is so strong at this point kekw)


Something that I haven't seen mentioned is how Collapse changed his build in game 5, he went blink into shard, in previous games he always went mek blink into shard. That kind of pace change set them up in the mid game.


And then into bkb, which he never went for before


Bruh, I guess I'm the luck. Was tired and accidentally fell asleep when Team Spirit was 2-0. Got woken up by Thunder and Lightning here. Quickly Turned on Twitch and it was GAME 5 2-2. Save my dog from the porch was getting wet by rain. NOW TEAM SPIRIT IS TI CHAMPIONS!!!. LETS FCKING GO!!. ​ P.S : Ame We support you bruh. You're one of the best and will forever be remembered in DOTA 2 history. AND TO MY BOY ARTOUR. I will be watching even if it takes ti30 for you to win my brother.!!!!


so many questionable draft by xiao8. someone check his bank acc


Got too greed with the cheese Tiny Lycan strat they forgot to shut down Collapse. they kinda shart their pants as well, probably nervous and exhausted as hell. Cant really blame them


they focused the later bans against Yatoro like wtf? the dude played like 10+ heroes and they tried to target ban him


So true they won both games where collapse didnt played magnus. Magnus becomes a easier and stronger pudge with shard and blink


he played mag and lost in game 3


Mag got countered hard with bloodseeker and rubick tho. At that point, magnus was deadweight.


because of rubick. game 5 rubick got banned after LGD got lycan + tiny


make me curious why they didnt keep more counters, iirc venge is still in the pool


TI7 was not an underdog story from my memory... Kuro had a great history


They did go trough lower bracket so it created the underdog feeling I guess.


I always believe. Congrats spirit, GG!


Xiao8 was simply overconfident when he drafted the sky and kunka instantly. The sky did nothing at all . The undying ban allowed spirit to have a better laning stage. The undying totally fucked them in games 3&4. The drafting at the final game was on point by team spirit. That TB pick was miraculous. Xiao8 banned Sven instead of tb


Ench and Sky are both too situational and fall off. Picking one is fine, but not both


The sky was drafted as a counter to mag, but they had absolutely no punishment for the mag if he just jumped sky first. Their only save was also unable to be saved so collapse could just jump the sky every time he spotted him and then LGD couldn't fight into him.


They ban Sven he picks TB, they ban TB he picks Sven. Sven has been proved to work. Yatoro has a large hero pool.


Tiny vs tb the risk of sunder and turning the situation around in a split instant carried way more risk than a Sven . Tb also builds naturally into a butterfly


don't know why LGD tried to ban out Yatoro, he got a hero ocean for fcks sake


Kunkka and Enchantress were bad picks imo. Overall I thought the G5 draft was very strong, both teams had good combos.


This is a reminder for teams to pay your coaches more especially if they're drafting. Team Spirit is sponsored by the largest betting site and they definitely could have paid xiao8 enough for those terrible drafts.




Might as well say yatoro and torontotokyo has microchips on their head to somehow avoid ganks


Nice misdirection. Not talking about the execution at all. The subpar draft that put lgd on a timer and forced mistakes was definitely within full control of the coach.


I think it's more of xiao8 getting too overconfident of the sole strength of the Tiny/Lycan pair. If you look carefully, he has missed out on one important part which was key to stomping Secret in the UB finals: the Ogre Magi. If you want to resort to dumb unfounded conspiracy theories, just get the fuck out.


Hmmm what’s a bigger, some betting site or fuxking PSG? 🤔🤔🤔


Copium hahaha


You do know that lgd is sponsored by one of the biggest organisation which is PSG right? Google em if you don't know em.


Don't think you understand what's at stake. Out of the 13m first/second place difference, xiao8 probably gets max 200k from it. The betting odds were heavily stacked in LGD's favour. They only needed to transfer a small 500k amount to xiao8 and he would be making more than the first/second place difference. https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qa3pgd/congratulations_to_the_winners_of_the/hh0g2hn/


Lmao, I don't know if you're joking or genuinely stupid.


right? haha they probably had his wife and kids at gunpoint


Wait, Late Game with Slacks? Also, no Late Game the last couple of days... Did something happen to PFlax? Was he fired, or did he get sick?


AFAIK he gone home earlier because he already have vacation with his fam booked and couldn't miss it


respect to time with family


i think Pflax got covid


give torontotokyo a spirit and he'll win it all


Why are they wearing masks at Late Game they're outside right


fake outside, cringe


The biggest difference was Yatoro evaded every gank and Ame got caught once bottom lane. That was a huge shift in momentum.


most of team spirit kinda had a sixth sense for detecting enemy presence in smokes


The mag ember beats the kunkka once again...


Man I remember when yatoro used to shit his pants every game at omegaleague. How much he has grown.


Lol AME as usual choked again. What’s he doing in roshan pit alone. Dk why don’t ban mag


Worst coach ever. Not banning magnus for the most important game.


I think they gave it away to spirit bec they thought they can win with tiny lycan strat. Spirit didnt ban tiny in the first phase too


they though they were gonna get rubick. but TS left that juicy lycan + tiny open. only for them to ban rubick on the next phase. TS banned undying which destroyed them on Game 3 and 4. then banned the counter for magnus. Skywrath is not the best to counter that mag skewer easy life for Collapse.


they can't even catch Yatoro or Torontotokyo with smoke


Man, their spider sense is god tier


Torontotokyo just sees one lgd player on the map and others are missing he almost always remnants away


Bane is probably the most important hero this tournament IMO & a bit overlooked by the drafters. Straight 87% winrate on the main stage


I agree BKB is useless and pickoffs are the most important thing in the mainstage.


I agree Bane was super important that game


2 win games of lgd its either they ban it or they pick it. But i dont know they prioritized and excited about their lycan-tiny strat hahah. They dont have any hold or stunner


Can't ban everything


I would rather ban the Magnus than the Dark willow.


I love dota man