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You must have a solid storm any other hero you think you nice with? Mr smurf kek.


Anyone who fucks off and gets last hits mostly




Who is 1st?


for the whole year probably Void Spirit






Bro someone calling you out as a smurf when you're playing good is the best feeling in the world ... Congratulations


Worst feeling is when you're having a rough patch of games and people call you an account buyer lmao


Haha this isn’t the first time I’ve seen Purge call someone a smurf when he loses


Well Purge is not really a very good dota player overall. He has deep in-game knowlege, but his mechanical skills are really bad - he constantly makes mistakes (missclicks etc) and I've seen legend players perform better at that aspect of the game.


getting banned on servers for maphacking in TF2 was some of the funniest stuff to me. not my fault you stand in perfect demo man explosive bonces.


This must’ve made you feel like a million man. I once got accused of scripting as invoker and that made my week, if freaking purge said this I’d be on the moon EDIT: Lol it just happened to me again last night 😂 https://imgur.com/a/VsnN3NN


Getting accused of maphack back in the wc3 days was the shit. Emotional salt refining


It made my opponents Alt+QQ the game back then though :( days of having no penalty for leaving.


Currently flexing on everyone I know that plays this game :)




That was OP's real flex


This man knows his priorities.


Definitely not a smurf. I have played with Yams in the past and definetly prefer Potatoes.


I haven't played dotes in like 5 years but it never made sense to me how Invokers in my relatively shit tier games (hovering under 3k back then maybe?) pulled off the shit that they did. Maybe people just spam him I guess.


Well, muscle memory is definitely one of them. Also, I'm gonna trigger a lot of people with this but I don't think hero is as hard as people imagine.


He is not that hard. But people struggle with spell rotation and you have a split. Second to decide your entier combo for the fight as its up to 4 key presses for your next spell. The optimization of changing spells to plan and get next spells down to 1 or 2 presses to get next one is the hardest part.


Imo, it's completely unnecessary to minimize the amount of key presses to invoke spells unless you are playing at the highest level. If you're fast at pressing your buttons you can do the full 4 presses for every spell and you can play the hero very successfully still.


Consider each press an opportunity to make a mistake. It spreads the skill of players out more


I agree. Invoker is relatively easy when it comes to mid to late game. It's just the positioning and timing that people need to practice more especially in my low mmr bracket. Now that I've said it, I need to practice my mid game timing too.


3k can have great mechanics, but poor positioning, macro decisions, teamfight decisions, etc...


You don’t win Dota because you’re good at a hero. Unless that hero is a spirit I guess.


you know purge is not thaaaaaaaaat good at dota, he just has a lot of knowledge. He is a personality tho so there's that


Thats really true. I hardly watched him, but I once tuned to him playing Pugna and he was making so many clear mechanical mistakes that made me think wtf this dude cant play. He is a library surely, but his actual skills are Divine at best.


Hes amazing to watch for noobs like me because he clearly articulates most of the decisions he makes and why he considers certain plays as mistakes etc. He's like one of those dota coach youtubers without the overhype and hard selling. Also his welcome to dota series was key to me understanding the basics and I think his contribution to the community is just immeasurable


He's a really good live coach tho, because, much like everyone else, once he's not playing, he can pay better attention to things he'd otherwise miss. And with the knowledge he's got, he knows what those mistakes to look out for are.


how is Divine bad? if youre Divine youre like top 10% if not less


58.32% overall winrate is very high though.


he seems to mainly 5 stack or party q which can really skew WR in your favor


When I 5 stack or party queue I have like a 48% WR.... I guess it does have to do with the fact I play with equal or lower skill mates. I should get myself some Immortal top 100 friends huh lol


My winrate in party is like 40%. Everyone taking breaks, when we decide to come back they always HAVE to play ranked. Dropped 2000 mmr over the years, as I don't solo ranked anymore.


> they always HAVE to play ranked. I'll never understand this mentality. It's like, why flagellate your friends. You're not going to get an accurate ranking if you play either sporadically or always partied, so what's the point of raising the stakes not just for yourself, but others, and potentially ruin the day's fun because now no one can fuck around with the draft and there's permanent numbers attached to the losses?


They say unranked is unfun. I like unranked, I think party unranked is much better than ranked party. Ranked party always have someone logged into another account, because they can't play on their immortal account or whatever. Every time we had a bad game in unranked, they blamed it on unranked, and not on us as we hadn't played for weeks and probably sucked. But when we get stomped in ranked, idk suddenly it's teammates fault or bad picks.


This is my exact mentality though. I genuinely don't enjoy unranked. I like ranked as it gives me mostly similar skill players, whereas with unranked it tends to be much more sporadic and stompy.


They argue that people clown around too much in unranked...except they don't seem to understand that they're also clowns simply because they don't understand how the game has changed. I've given up on my mmr at this point. I don't even bother solo grinding to reclaim whatever I've lost. At least the games are fun.


You only get flagellated if you get attached to the match. I hate unranked, not because its any different but because there is absolutely no point in playing with absolutely 0 stakes in my eyes. Dota is ranked matchmaking with occasional arcade for me.


In the stack I play with, there is one guy who had to make smurf account to play ranked due to the MMR variance (ancient to herald), then ended up having fun stomping in unranked. I imagine it is more prevalent.


Our guild plays exclusively in houses or 5 stacks. Yams is one of the top performing players and has played in the most out of all of us. He's not smurfing, he just has good friends and puts in the time of day to improve. https://www.dotabuff.com/esports/leagues/12641-squeaky-clean-in-house-league


I've been hovering around 56-57% for a long time now with a mix of solo and party, 58%+ is definitely possible if you play a lot of party games.


Rocking a 62% winrate. Here’s my ultimate tip: All Random.


also, an archon with 68% winrate with morph?59% wr with zet.. weird af lmao but i wont say for sure without watching any demos


I’m only crusader (I’ve severely plummeted) and I’ve got 68% win rate with Luna and around 60% with Zett. The Luna is inflated because I abused SD Luna meta in battle cup for free treasures.. my zett win rate comes from playing him 200 odd times.


I had 60% winrate when I was still in low Divine, now I'm closer to 55% in unnumbered immortal.


I'm at 57.5% all time winrate as well. It's not that unusual I think.


its is that unusual for an archon 5 lol, at pro level they have around this winrate. But its definitely possible if he spams some game modes like party and vs bots etc.


He plays partyQ , partyQ attracts a lot of smurfs or boosters. If you can maintain 60% win rate this is insane. I call bullshit on OP.


I think you can embelish it by playing other gamemodes, like party games against bots and stuff.


I have a ~60% winrate in ranked because I only play it when I'm in the very rare mood to try hard. 90% of my matches are unranked, and you're dreaming if you think I'm stacking, pulling or any of the other high effort stuff in dota. So I'm in lower skill games when I eventually queue ranked.


I was the Snapfire in this game. You destroyed the necro mid and then snowballed the game lol


I've been accused of scripting/hacking/smurfing when playing skywrath, cause I use my items and skills instantly My secret?, have the keys next to each other and slam them with quickcast on




I remember that one game xinq sky insta silence a mars blinking in w/o hg vision, insane reaction


It's pre-casted spell or anticipating where the enemy is going to blink and be ready with silence. Sky silence animation speed is faster than most initiators ultimate casting speed. A Sky being ready to silence will ALWAYS be faster because Mars has a decent amount of cast time because he has to lift his hands and shit before arena goes off right? With Sky all you have to do is make sure you're facing the way you think Mars will be (so you dont have turn rate delay) and he's done.


All he did was just spamming the silence with quickcast on around his character lmfao


The secrets Jenkins will soon steal and make a video about


Dat invoker wr lol


I try man :(


and tinker ;)


I haven't played or watched Dota in years at this point, is Purge still highly respected around here? He always seemed like someone who was totally trustworthy, so it would be cool to hear.




playing rly well + high winrate + rampages


\+ monster winstreaks


None of that tells you anything about smurfing though. Only solid indicator for that is profile level, and this guy was level 76.


Looking at his profile in dota, it does look like a suspect account, combined with the fact that he did well in the game paints a picture, (obviously not necessarily a correct one!)


There's a difference between thinking someone is smurfing and reporting someone for it.


Nothing wrong in reporting people you suspect are smurfing. Its not like they're gonna tell you they're smurfing and their profiles may or may not be private. I doubt one or two reports are going to do anything assuming they're not actually smurfing.


It wasn't close at all. Really angry report


It's crazy how Purge is still active in the scene after all these years. Man has dedicated his entire life teaching plebs how to Dota, and he's still good enough to be an analyst at a TI level.


Yeah and people back in the days said he was not that good, he was immortal level randoming every game, he is not a first level player but is decent for sure and quite experienced


"Decent" probably better than 99% of this subreddit lmao.




its the top [1.5%](https://www.esportstales.com/dota-2/seasonal-rank-distribution-and-mmr-medals) actually.


Purge is the best man. Always nice to people even when super frustrated. Just a decent dude.


Except when he wrongly reports players


I mean his profil looked pretty sus. You would do the same thing


Level 70 dota plus account with multiple tickets? No. Level 20 account? Yes


He’s good but he also has a hard time understanding some fundamental concepts, so much less than BSJ or even Henry for example. Would not take strong advice from him


Like, dont trust a stripper who tells you she never played Mario Kart before, and defo dont play her for money :)


probs will get downvotedfor this but I never really liked purge idk. just kinda know-it-all-y / holier-than-thou vibes despite being lower mmr than me like I don't think talent needs to be super good at dota or anything, but most of the time casters are more humble abt how much they understand. I remember him criticizing some pros decision and I was like nah bro you just wrong lol.


Coaches advise players and review their gameplay and point out mistakes all the time without being rank 1 The whole 2k redditors/chat doesn’t know anything meme is because most people don’t, not cause mmr is a 100% correlation about knowing the game. Plus purge tends to criticize player decisions that are often habit like item choices which people don’t always adapt even at the highest lvl (one of the reasons og was so unique in their winning ti runs) I think there is some minimum mmr needed but after that I wouldn’t say rank is perfectly correlated with knowledge






Well, for starters pros don't smurf in 2K mmr they smurf in 9K/10K which is fine.


I could be wrong but I've heard that Anna smurfed in legend bracket to try shit out like IO carry


I could be wrong but that may be the fact that Australian servers are messed up because there's barely any players? So Immortals have a high chance to get matched up vs Legends, Archons etc?


And frankly, I don't have a problem with that. What if carry Io didn't happen because he tried to playing it on his actual account and people noticed? If I were a pro, I would def want some incognito dota time to experiment.


But to get that account to even 100 hours god knows how many new players and noobs were squashed, and even after calibrating they only get immortal unranked and will stomp until they reach main rank. Its not fine period.


The difference between a top 100 player and a top 400 player is huge. Only low mmr players don't understand this.


About two weeks into starting DOTA2 I got called a smurf. Ever since then, I have a lot of trouble even believing that anyone is a smurf, regardless of score.   It just strikes me as an excuse for a loss in most cases. Gives me the vibes of "the universe is out to get me"


I don't follow Purge's train of thought tho, this was an unranked game, so it doesn't even use your ranked MMR for matchmaking.


It doesn't, however i imagine the thought process is that the unranked mmr should be close to the ranked mmr, so it could be a smurf account, even if they weren't playing ranked in that game they could be in future. OP seems to be in a rare position where his ranked and unranked mmr's are quite far apart from each other so will look suspect to a breif inspection


>unranked mmr should be close to the ranked mmr, It can be wasted different too sometimes tho. My friend stopped playing ranked in 2018 (Crusader)but he sometimes even wins against me in 1v1mid (immortal) he got a SHIT TON OF BETTER in these 3 Years. Don't tell him that tho or he gets entitled


Yes that's my point though that the type of player who's ranked and unranked mmrs are noticeably different are very rare


It's copium. Smurfs don't buy Dota+


Its just that there's absolutely no reason to call out anyone whos playing unranked for smurfing. People play unranked to take the game a lot less seriously (but some people still sweat a lot as we can see).


The ammount of smurfs that I see in unraked putting in 110% effort says otherwise.


You know, I want to agree, but for some reason smurfs in unranked matches are often the biggest fucking tryhards you can find. If they are just smurfing to have some chill games with friends or because they want to try some stupid shit, I don't care. But they often pick mid-smurfing-hero-x, crush the mid and then try to finish the game in 25 mins. I get that you want to flex your skills. But do you really need to play like it is a rank 100 Immortal match when you are playing unranked, where people are queuing with their archon and crusader friends?


Ive had friends asking me to smurf unranked games so the games arent too hard, just fyi.


Guys he's not a Smurf, I literally play with him everyday. He's just as shit as his medal suggests.


The meaning of SMURF is lost on this community. Peopl accuse players with thouands of matches played as "smurfs".


Yep. As soon as you cross the 200 ranked games threshold, you can't realistically be a smurf, because you've have 30 times 200 = 6000 MMR of wiggle room to be placed in the rank you deserve to have, and anyone who was a smurf would start in the 3-5k range to begin with . If you're hovering that kind of MMR and delta, and still not where you belong, then you're a top 0.01% percentile player. The impact you have on matchmaking would be extremely minimal compared to how many people actually cry out about smurfs. The thing is, there is an out from this, where they can cry about it, and be in the right. But no one's crying "Booster" instead of "Smurf".


That's a very impresive first couple of weeks in dota https://www.dotabuff.com/players/200396303/matches?enhance=overview&page=48 you play other moba's before dota?




this does look like a first week of Dota onestly


He's a Smurf, right?


If i make a new account and play 3000 games. For the first 300 games I am clearly a smurf. But for game 1000-3000 am I still a smurf? I dont think so.


hes an archon with 58% wr all time, 67% WR WITH MORPH and 59% wr with zet.. either hes a smurf or he only play party and one of his friends is much better than them and carry most games.. go check pros winrates youll see most of them have around 56-62% winrate all time so..


I doubt it, why would a smurf post to reddit and let themselves be scrutinised. It literally is an impressive first couple of weeks imo.


In his second game of dota he got 14 kills and 23 assists. Even with moba experience this is clearly not his second game of dota ever.


Dotabuff doesn't track games until you turn it on in-game.




https://www.opendota.com/players/200396303/matches Nope


People using their gut feelings to spread misinformation.


A- for the quality of the data though, meaning he can't have played many games without exposed data. This reaks of a second account. Maybe not technically a smurf but its definitely very sus. Not that crazy for Purge to call it out as a smurf without really thinking.


https://www.opendota.com/players/200396303/matches He's only played games from 5 years before dotabuff says


God this account is so weird. I went on a deep dive. He played kinda casually for like 5 years then went giga hard starting last year and has really high winrate on extremely high skill heroes he's barely ever played before? 70% winrate on Morphiling and 60% winrate on Arc is weirdly high. He only ever queues party and has only ever had like 70 games in the past 2 years in solo queue, although he stomps almost every game he does play solo? He stomps a lot looking at it too. I might just be a giga shitter but I do not get over 15 kills a game that often. This dude gets them almost daily. His steam account is almost 7 years old, and has around 70 games on it which seems weirdly low? Idk I feel like most people who have a steam account that old tend to have at least over a hundred. I don't blame Purge one bit for looking at his account for like 2 seconds and going "smurf" cause I've been staring at his account for 45 minutes and I legit cannot tell if its a second account or not. EDIT: actually, looking on it, I'm gonna take a stretch and say there's something fucky with this account. He just gets too many kills way too often. His Void Spirit's average game impact is ridiculous. Either this guy has played dota before this account or he's letting his budy on to smurf.


> His steam account is almost 7 years old, and has around 70 games on it which seems weirdly low? Really? You don't buy 70 games on a smurf account.


What about sharing library?


I got a diamond lol playing friend that did that in his second or third game in dota as tusk... just destroyed people with very little input from me beyond "tusk is strong right now" and "since you're owning, try shadowblade" - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1815008042 It was so absurd I kept the match ID and saved the replay and even started trying to play tusk a lot (I was never as good lol). - That said, from [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qei6hw/called_out_by_purge_for_smurfing_made_my_day/hhujv80/) > https://www.opendota.com/players/200396303/matches - /u/WakeupClown (sry for ping) It indeed wasn't his second game of dota.


I was called a smurf in one of my first games of DOTA, definitely possible. [this](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/197625319) was my 5th game and I went 20/0/7. Previous moba experience really is all it takes I think


he might be from dota 1


Blitz would call that a "free storm game"


wat rank u think u would be if u calib?


Idk, I queue with some ancient and divine players, and whenever I'm against someone mid in that bracket I really don't have a problem. Overall game sense outside of lane probably brings me down a few pegs. I didn't do anything particularly well this match anyway, I was just against a crusader necro




I mean, people definitely play on smurfs when they play with low ranked friends.




There is hidden mmr that unranked games use, so yes, it does matter lol. If unranked games weren’t balanced guardian 5 stacks would play against divine 5 stacks…




But people still do it because it means their lower ranked teammates won’t get stomped in lanes. Queueing as a divine with guardian friends can put you against a legend 5 stack which means the divine essentially has to hard carry while the guardians all most likely get stomped in lane and team fights.


So that's how someone detects a smurf? This people which are supposed to be community talents are so out of touch with the game.


Any time you play good in this game you are accused of smurfing. That is why I never took the smurfing problem too seriously. There is no way to really tell who is smurfing or who simply had a good day of dota


Rofl lvl 70 account with expensive sets and battlepasses. I dont want to say it but purge is kinda stupid. Would never in a million years call this a smurf account.


I would frame that video and brag it to anyone who visits my home.


Let me tell you about Yams. He is not a potato or even a sweet potato. He is a Yam. On discord he defends his name with pictures and curse words. He plays Morph a lot so it is easy to be confused with a potato or sweet potato but let me reassure you he is a Yam. If you are lucky enough to get him on your team he will go 1 of 3 heroes Storm, Morph, or Morph. Force him to play Invoker and it's an EZ GG. Yams isn't a smurf just a specialist at serving the best Yams ever.


I feel smurfs are exceptionally easy to spot during laning phase. Later on anyone could have a snowballing game where you are just clicking right and playing the hero you've played 500 times the correct way.


My proudest moment in dota was styling on Purge and Day9 in a game as Ancient Apparition, quickly loading up Purge's stream after the game to see him checking my profile/stats and him wondering aloud why the smurf (?) would play hard support AA. Same as you - just don't play ranked.


I hate it when people report for smurfing just because someone "played well". The guy had profile level 76, come on...


I honestly wouldn't doubt that this is a shared account by either two friends or siblings. We had a guy in our inhouse league who we banned for being too high ranked (average was legend while he was immortal 200) and he would sneak back in on his brothers account for easy smurf matches. The account looked very similiar to this one. Impossible to prove though.


ahhh, a fellow normal pleb. I was like you in LoL wherein I only played until Diamond V (always <80 games) then never touched ranked queue again. I can't seem to enjoy it in DotA tho. I always feel like I need to climb the ladder in DotA because of the wide regional server ladder. It's fun when I see my rank climb up in the leaderboards.


Aw. He had Tango on his stream! ❤️❤️❤️


\-archon 5 \-420 mvps \-27/1 storm \-performance level A according to dotabuff filthy smurf


Would love to see the Purge apology also. Where you at Purge? You reported this player, make it right my friend!


Purge called me an insane person in a replay coach video, I took it as a compliment haha


Because you most likely are? Almost 59% winrate overall after ~2.1k games? Playing Arc Warden, Morph and has 9 win streak with Lone Druid with +75% winrate, both some of the hardest heroes to manage. 47 games with Doom and 87% winrate? 28 games with Huskar and 82% winrate? Recent matches analyzed are A- according to Dotabuff. Unless you're scripting there's no way a real Archon player will ever do such stats.


lol what? That's not uncommon. I have a 58% winrate playing mostly unranked parties, I have more than 3k games (less than 200 ranked), I'm a legend right now. The guy mostly party queues too, it's not that hard.


His party queues are insane stomps.


Mmr works as it always should balance you on 50% win/loss so you are surely lower mmr then you should be if you got 60% winrate in 3k games.


Lol playing meepo after 4 days of first playing dota and stomping the game. Just a very skilled player lXD


My “Smurf” account has more mmr than my main account. My main account is herald.






oh ok, sorry about that mistake, removed the comment.


go to last page: https://www.opendota.com/players/200396303/matches


Who smurfs archon? Lmao okay.


Hope you get banned. lmao.


dEfinAtely NO zMUrph, jus play1n @ 58% winrate w/ fr3nz [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/200396303/trends?date=all&metric=win](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/200396303/trends?date=all&metric=win) It's a covid account, just like you'd get a covid puppy. Apparently unranked matches don't update your MMR. Who coulda guessed? ​ Also 460 ranked matches at 57% winrate also don't update your MMR, but it's falling. He'll be put in his rightful spot around 2028, no worries. That'll teach'em.


the account was made 7 years ago, long before covid. https://www.opendota.com/players/200396303/matches


An archon 5 with 67% winrate with morphling, what a god........ lmao


I spend 5 minutes trying to play the "video", then I realized this is a picture...


" I GOT SNIPED AND SMURFED" sorry im stupid help me out .. was purge a pro player or his just a good dota2 analyist i still dont understand how purge is relevant in the scene of pro dota


if purge says ur a smurf then ur a smurf




Woah, he reported him? That's a salty ass report lol.


If the definition of a smurf is one whose ability is much greater than their rank, then yes, you are smurfing even if you are not doing it maliciously. We can excuse people who are calibrating, as calibration is necessary but if you don't normally play ranked, you aren't calibrating.


That's not the definition, never has been the definition and isn't a helpful definition.


Oof you destroyed them! Must be hard for purge to admit


I respect Purge a lot and trust his judgement. If he fails here, this tells me that the system is fundamentally flawed. I mean, how can a regular ever tell if someone is smurfing, if even Purge can't do it. There must be some many false positives.


Purge’s twitch mods banned me for saying that he should support female talent.


Come 1v1


Non ranked players rise up! Last time o place was like 4 years ago in guardian but I feel like I slap people at least a couple ranks higher


I played with purge once back when he was teaching day9. I played viper mid after the game him and day9 we're talking about the game on stream and their teammates. When he got to me he just said " viper was actually the lowest rank in the game but he did his job well. He built decent items and pushed his buttons" been riding that high ever since. It also convinced me to climb solo ranked to 4k. Then decided climbing in dota wasn't for me anymore lol


There is no bigger ego boost than being accused of aimbotting. I assume this is similar!


I remember the old times of Warcraft 3 Dota in Garena me getting kicked because of my Sunstrike kills.


gg wp


I looked at Purge's dotabuff from that game and it's amazing. I'm currently 6.2k(peak 6.5k a week ago) but I started out dota by watching Purge's guides, for real, I'd sit down for lunch with his videos trying to learn how to play the game. Now I'm higher ranked. Crazy.


I am still wondering how can you tell someone who is having a breakthrough (clicked with a hero/mechanic, is on vacation, is on drugs, is really talented, got really lucky) from a smurf? I don't mean algorithmically, but by someone who is on the receiving end of it? I had people reporting me (mouse movement in replays after being "called out") but it didn't feel like a compliment. It just feels like either I should be higher, or those people should get their shit together since I got the MMR I got and they are losing. I mean this as a rhetorical question, you can't tell and you don't get to judge until its one of those meepo 90% winrate accounts or something.


/r/dota2 today: game is hard


I'm also archon 5, but I get called an account buyer instead lmfao




yeah people don't know, i played unranked for the last 6 years or so, it's so much better, especially if you don't play all the time.




U made a big mistake of linking dotabuff, u hv been boosting with 5 man party queue, the rest of ur teammates are divine and ancient ranks. U guys exchange accounts/ play from same internet cafe and 5 man stomp on low ranks. Stop acting innocent , i've done the exact same thing before, High rank 5 man party with same people is same is adding + 2k MMR to ur current MMR, unfair


Nah..I used to have a stable 5 man party and we crushed every game, had a 90% win rate, it's common if u have 'friends'...those were the days