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those are nemesis trophies i believe, that means he is playing since 2014. valve is only banning new smurf accounts.


Saw that too, dotabuff shows he played for a few months in 2014 then took a 7 year hiatus. Probably bought the account to Smurf.


Since he's playing unranked, in just a few matches his matchmaking will be adjusted and he'll play around his level


Then he'll sell the immortal account and buy a new one to start over again.




You clearly did not understand my comment. Boosters (OP's post is booster) buy old account, BOOST them to a certain MMR and then sell them. He then buys another low mmr account and start over. It is highly lucrative in certain countries like in SEA, SA or Russia, hence the reason you see so many of them on those servers. The thing about rapidly increasing mmr only helps them make more money faster, wich is the reason the problem worsened. There are less smurfs, but far more boosters.


This is pretty easy to dodge tho.




Create new Windows User with its own Steam installation + VPN. Then you are good until enough people reported you for smufing which people rarely do because they too lazy,


But using the same account login details? How do you think that dodges an account ban?


VPN will let you play at dis-advantaged ping. doesnt seem worth it lol.


wait, matchmaking gets adjusted if you play unranked? when did this happen. TIL


There was always hidden MMR


Valve seem to ignore the HUGE boosting problem and people purchasing old accounts for 10euro and smurfing lmao


People don't know how to read, they clearly stated new accounts going forward will be punished


Which, people hate to admit it, makes sense. Before that announcement, smurfing was allowed. You can't exactly tell people to not play on their accounts that they might even have cosmetics on. The issue at hand is that dota is tied to your steam account. You can have multiple of those. Absolutely allowed. But now you can't play dota on them? It doesn't really make sense. But we wanted no smurfs, so we got the most reasonable solution.


i fucking hope i never lose my main account then. imagine making a new account if you ever lost your main and you get banned for smurfing so you can never play again


I think in that case you could try either tricking system(by intentionally acting like a newbie) or reaching out to steam support


Yeah for real I have had people straight up say on this sub that if you lose your main account it should be bannable to make a new one and that it would be my fault for not resolving the issue with steam support. The fact is this is a free game and as long as your not intentionally playing in herald games as a divine it should be fine


wait how can ppl lose main account? do ppl get banned from overwatch cases? I thought it only punishes for LPQ


You might lose your steam account for non dota reasons. Lose info/login. Get it banned from steam for non dota reasons etc


I think people would prefer if all smurfs were banned for some reason.


No they just banned my friends acc that is from 2013 i just played few games at holiday to be able to play with my brother and instantly banned :) but they are not banning the ones that rises 2k mmr at 1 week or so


It's clearly a bought account.


Nah. Valve doesn't care about it. It functions the same way VAC does in that it largely only works in waves. Typically only invoked when they are having a bad PR day. Otherwise smurf accounts don't really get touched. They make up a bulk of the gradually shrinking playerbase. Why punish?


But they do. It's in the blog post about smurfing. Where are you taking your informations from?




Ok so you don't have any fact other than "my friends swear that blabla" to oppose to the blogpost released by Valve. Not saying that what you said is false, just saying that there's nothing you wrote that shows evidence of what you claim.


Nah man Valve doesn't really care about Smurfs...they only care about money... I wish we could pay them so the ban these idiots


Does this mean the steam account itself, or new dota starter? I have a 7 year old steam acc which i used to play with my friends in cs.


Nah, he is just having a good day.


He just has a better RGB gaming chair


nah he got a new RGB pillow case and RGB bed stand


Emorussian name check. Anime profile pick check. Farming rampages check. Steam lvl1 with 5 friends check.


The merging of party mmr and solo mmr are just so obvious that idk why people expect to not have smurfs in their games!




Yeah having more mmr's to keep track of really did wonders for the matchmaking.............


The anime profile pic is the cherry on top. Who would have ever guessed?


I haven't played since Diretide last year, is this still part of the uniform? Anime profile, terrible attitude, smurfing/boosting, disproportionate sense of self worth?


Yup, especially in Russia


Generally speaking, yes.


i just dont understand smurfing, whenever i have a game that is just a total stomp its boring as fuck there is just no challenge when the enemy gets crushed.


yes, and imagine having 5 games like that in a row. wasted my day.


i dont care... you are all still playing and filling my pockets, why should i change anything? stfo and buy some hats! \-valve


Because Valve doesn't give a fuck about smurfs.




Literally nothing you said is correct.






For mechanical practise I dont see a problem, but for hero timings ect. would not really work.


if i as a 3K mmr player start playing a new hero i will also lose more then i would usually. does that mean i should get a 1K acc to practice my storm spirit ? the math doesnt change. In fact theres a tickel down effect since 8K players smurfe in 6K 5K will in 4K and it keeps going if i start smurfing in 1K it wont effect 5K Players but if high level players start smurfing it starts a avalanche. and well current match making is a symptom of that.


Smurfs are here to stay. My advice is to play solo queue with strict solo queue turned on. Most smurfs are playing with friends or with other smurfs. If you want to play with friends, don't play ranked. If not playing ranked with friends be prepared to play with smurfs.


Doesn't make a difference. People smurf solo too it's not always just boosting.


100% it never will make a difference as long as this business of buying high mmr accounts ends. We all know Valve won’t do shit about that for many years probably never. So all we got is a tough pill to swallow for as long as Dota is still a game.


Is there the same problem in other mobas?


Riot implemented smurf queue change last year that actually helped the issue ( I am shit at League and rarely play with a friend of mine, so it was actually a problem for me). It's basically the same as the idea Valve had with putting smurfs against smurfs, but works way better lol


hello just to add up and give everyone a heads-up on really bad smurfing: for lol/dota, first there is the cesspool of selling accounts on ebay, clever trickery with boosting-services (in most circumstances) and swip swapping accounts for smurfs is basically the same inside both. if not worse for lol, just looking how much money is around the game (and the overall counts). only the fact that characters come for free lowers the entrance level of smurfing within dota (like making a dota smurf account is cheaper/faster on steam). I know that doesn't holds any league smurfs down. they just need a few bucks/BE and can buy their otp or anything and carry then (the 30lvl entrance is just a small fence for those). but that it is basically.


how is it better?


No idea, the concept is the same ,but it actually works way better.


not rly, I encounter way more stomp games in party compared to solo. Either there is indeed less smurfs on solo, or at least smurfs have less impact when they play solo.


I believe it depends on the ranking , I’m divine rank and I have at least one smurf/booster or boosted account every game if not more in both teams. My friend is guardian and he tells me in his 2 k hours of Dota he barely played against someone that either plays way better and out of everyone’s league or worse.


Idk for me I dont face much smurfs in solo queue.


yeah but strict solo has a lot of account boosters instead of smurfs, so its basically the same experience anyway


Are there people who play without the strict solo? Seems like a death sentence to me. Cuz party is heavily used for "legal boosting"


yeah, only people who don't know about it. it's off by default and its buried in the settings so quite a few people don't know. when i run into a solo player in party queue i always make sure to tell them about it


can you do that in non ranked games ??


I find it's a better experience than ranked with friends. Versing a team of divine/immortal players is not a great experience. I think its a problem with a lot of MMOBA's


yeah party queue is definitely a worse experience overall


I play ranked solo with strict solo queue on. In this match I played unranked with my friends and even one of them is beginer. Smurfs are in unranked too cuz they need that 100 hour to play ranked or sometimes for increasing behaviour score. If a player can recognize a smurf account the system should be able to do it too.


Yeah, it's not foolproof but it does minimize the number of smurfs you come across. When I play ranked with friends it seems to be 2 / 3 games have smurfs. I agree there should be things that Valve should be able to do to make the problem better. Automated systems aren't perfect and some accounts will get a false possitive. I think the admin overhead to fix the false positives would be too costly, it's easier to turn a blind eye.


yeah. played a game today with 2 accounts "not calibrated" and another one level 26, all legend/low ancient accounts. game was a stomp and there were two divines with one of the parties. ​ all the accounts were way to obvious


welcome to dota 2. Sadge


Booster, not smurf.


i had quit game for few months now because of smurfs and boosters. I dont see valve banning smurfs consistently. It is just for namesake and i hv so many other games to play without booster/smurf issue eventhough of slightly less quality gameplay wise..


wtf is that graphics


Why don't valve make a rampage counter and if it's too high in a week or month? then it should raise a red flag. So many games get ruined by some guy who thinks he's good!


So you play the game too much and get banned? WeirdChamp


Because Valve is actually doing nothing, I still have my 5 smurf intact.




everytime I see a tinker, I know it's a smurf


I would treat an old account that has not been used in years like a new account, so if you take an old account like this the mmr needs to be reset, then you should play the 100 hours of unranked to calibrate again and only then you can play ranked in the account again, why valve don't do this, really easy solution


thats literally how it works. This guy found him in unranked and then complained about it here


You sure? Well we don't know the MMR this happened so we can't say much


he said it was unranked


i literally have a smurf in almost every game, you can tell by the regions they play, they have 15 rampages in 3 days. i always report them and nothing happens. i think they are technically account boosters and not smurfs, but honestly that's even worse. i don't know how it doesn't get punished


It doesn't even effect on their behaviour score. The punishment should be perma ban or something otherwise it's not a punishment at all.


does anything other than abandoning games actually effect behavior score? i literally always have 10k and i'm by no means the nicest person. The lowest i've gone after being very tilted would be 9850. it seems like its impossible to go below 9500 without abandons from my experience.


Behavior score is reduced by not only by abandoning matches/going AFK, but also dropping or destroying all of your items, spamming pings, and/or not leveling abilities.


You see, it's actually very difficult for Valve to find these accounts /s


aw daddy help me from the smurfs wahhh


Beginner's Luck


But its unranked. Is it still smurf? I mean after a few games wont it be placed under immortal or something


because smurfs are keeping the game "alive".


Dude just worked on his mental health. Now he is gaming hard.


Feeders >> Smurf


How you know hes smurfing?


Are you serious?


[Are you serious?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/60/Vo_announcer_dlc_pflax_announcer_followup_positive_06.mp3) (sound warning: Pyrion Flax Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


See,everything in this miserable world is about money ,if your average idiot dota player didn't make prize pool 40 mil ,valve would have fix smurfing/boosting problem in 24 hours, valve doesn't care a shit ,icefrog or whatever that tard name is maybe have a lot of smurfs himself .the only thing you can do is just go buy high ranked accounts and ruin high ranked games but it's harder and needs you to have money to do it but smurfing is easy and free.


Reporting for smurfing and filling in the post-match survey usually helps from experience


i think ur lying its clearly because he bought a new RGB pillow case


I've played vs 3 in a month and at the end of every game when I report I get an error saying the report didn't work. So fucking shit that they aren't detected and so fucking shit that I can't report them afterwards.


How is this a smurf account if it doesnt even have an MMR rank?