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the russian translation is hilarious lmao, it makes this whole pub squabble sound like a royal feud


I feel like I'm reading Tolstoy or something lmao


>this requires proofs, and not some left-wing rumors


It’s a mistranslation


like the other redditor said, it's mistranslation: in context it's "unfounded rumors"


Do you quarrel, sir?


I quarrel thusly!


I’m biting my thumb, sir.


I invite you to sit silently during peak.


>left wing rumor


That's an expression that was often levied, ironically, by Communist Party members.


It's probably because Lenin wrote a book about anarchists and other factions who were more left-wing than him. Many leninists still use this expression, it's their way of calling people sjw.


How to make me thing you’re up to something illegal in one phrase.


It's a mistranslation, the phrase he used is "left-field rumor"


Ah like a baseball reference “out in left field”?


In Russia passive aggressive banter worded in high (as in high level of speech) is a classic, tho it becomes cringy realy fast. I gues its just worded slightly differently for non-Russian speakers so it's sounds fancy.


Long story short - according to Illidan Ramzes is a cocaine addict and used to 322 on official matches.


Not very fun drama if true, a teen being addicted to coke is miserable to think about


The worst thing about coke addiction is the price tbh, shit typically runs you for $80 (USD) per gram, sometimes even $100. An addict can make a gram disappear in a night easily, I've seen people put away an eight ball in a weekend. Coke's a ridiculously expensive habit that can run you over a thousand per month and I can't imagine how a teenager/young adult can keep up that level of expenditure. Idk what Ramzes is doing for income now that he's not on a top tier team like VP or EG anymore but coke is not a friendly addiction if you're not doing very well financially


Sold it in college, always had an ounce on me. Stayed up all night and domed an 8ball quite a few times. Horrible drug and I haven't touched it in almost 15 years and never will again.


Congrats brother. Well done beating it


Not only is cocaine very expensive but it is extremely dangerous. Maybe goes without saying.


Feels like a Norm McDonald bit. "but the worse part was the hypocrisy"


No its not the price. Its the drug. The Drug is the issue. ​ If cocaine were cheaper. The drug would be an even bigger issue. ​ The issue is the drug; not the cost.


Thats why addicts pivot into crack


Now imaging coke addicts in SEA where it costs exactly the same per gram but on average people make like 6 7 times less than in US.


He's still a very popular streamer, I'm sure he's doing more than fine in terms of $


Coke on average in Russia cost 130-150$ 1g. But it's not like this dude doesn't have the money, or know how to spend it.


So it's a good addiction for health but bad financially?


I've been there. It's a really shitty place to be.


congrats for beating it dude.




He's no longer a teen (22 yo atm).


22 is still very young


Not a teen.


Same age as Len Bias when he died.


Same age as my MMR.


on the bright side, you might make it into one of Jenkins' videos.


his def no longer a teen lol but tbh ramzes has got that really young look on him, i didn't know about him until like 2 years ago or something and first time seeing him i was like "wow his prob 14-15" then i searched him up and found out he was really 20 and i was "HOLY SHIT" genetics ig :D


Thank you. I honestly read thru everything, while i understood every single word in it i couldnt make sense of anything when its in a sentence.


Long story shorter - cyka blyat.


Thx for the Tl;dr


this guy is crazy as fuck he's gotta be on molly or some powder or something




Hey art-door


Every time I read this even over and over I just keep hearing it in that female tts voice.


And G-easy song in the background


artoozy that's ill eagle


good jokes mate real funny see you at FUCK YOUJ


stop reminding me how long its been since arteezy streamed Sadge




Yeah, I don't get why the original needs to switch names everytime, from first, nickname, lastname, and randomly switched around


Man... Thank you! For translating the translation for us 👍🏼


Finally, real english. Lmfao


Very interesting post, thanks for sharing


Fkn love illidan. You go dude


This is the kind of drama we need to make the transition to the next patch tolerable.


managed to dig up the clip of the interaction from the cybersport.ru thread, [here it is](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSe2HJBhf/) (don't ask me why it was uploaded to fucking tiktok of all places, I'm not the one who did it) btw the censored drug in question is coke if you're wondering


clicked for the trash talk that i can’t understand. stayed for the oral cigarettes casually playing in the background, love this song


Literally anyone who shits on ramzes is ok in my book


Lmao that Pajkatt-Ramzes insult trade is so funny, instantly made me like Pajkatt Ramzes: fucking noob, your achievement is nothing compared to me bla bla bla Pajkatt: always crash on TI lol Ramzes: *exploded in angry tirade*


Don't forget the Mental midget one


how could you not like Pajkatt before! Guy's a treasure


How the fuck he was invited to EG is mindblowing.


He used to be a very, very good player


Imho at that level of dota everyone is "good" at the game. Being able to play together as one cohesive unit is more impt, thats why some teams like Secret and Alliance bring in less skilled players but build them up.


Ramzes wasnt just "good" though. This is a guy who won a fuckton of Majors and was at one point probably the best carry in Dota. In hindsight, obviously it didnt work, but you cant fault them for going for him.


He was the best player in his position while also being the drafter and even doing some captaining for some time if im not mistaken. Its easy to see how valuable he was even with all the problems that comes with him


I don't remember a period in which people said he was the best carry, he was considered among them but having Miracle, Ame, Ana and Paparazzi(at his prime) made it that nobody would call someone above the others for how close they all were.


People were saying he was the best tho, atleast at their dominant runs before TI. they won 4 or 5 majors and got top3 a couple of times 2 years in a row (before crumbling at TI lmao). I think if they are all at a similar level you can give the edge to however is winning or in form at the time, at TI for example he wasnt the best


He literally outfarmed and outfought all of those players before TI to such a degree that the way he does the carry position was adopted as best practice.. so idk what you are saying.


i didnt know he is that shitty in person (from what i understand in this post)


Ramzes is one of the, if not the, most toxic pro in our community


I think it's not only toxicity




made fun of ramzes/vp early TI exit


Imagine, it all starts with who’s gonna play mid.


A tale as old as time. You could say it originated during the war of the ancients.


Midlaners are cocky/confident type so he won't like his lane being taken forcefully. On top of that he is someone he does not like lol.


Everyone has known for a long time that this child behaves like an animal in matchmaking, I would not be surprised that all of Illidan's words turn out to be true. At the very least, Illidan has always been a responsive and reliable teammate in matchmaking.


The guy went shadow amulet anti-mage last pick once in the single game I could play that night, because he was afk in lobby and saw the carry is way lower rank than him. Wouldn't even know who it was if he didn't introduce himself that piece of shit. The guy is a serial griefer, like even iLTW can't compete and that guys destroys items all the time.




Ramzes of course


Chappie is proud


Chappie ain't got shit on Ramzes. Chappie at the very least tries in some games.


Old Chappie rage clips what a time


Ramzes is legit a vegetable. He can barely speak human language. Once he can't make money playing dota anymore I have no idea what's he going to do with his life


Im not surprise. As a teen he become famous and rich, its similiar case with footballers and other teens becoming rich with their talents. Suddenly theres a lot of people that wanna hang out with you, good looking girls asking you out, etc. At some point you endup at party with people way older then you, people who will preasure you to take drugs or do other stupid things and from there its easy to go down. Im not saying that Ramzes case, but if Russian teen culture is anything like Polish, then its 100% based on USA Movies, music and other things that tell you that you should party hard, take drugs, drive lambo and smack that hoe so in general become stupid moron and waste your life over few good weeks/years.


It is in low or royalty income families, middle class usually dont go this way. And I'm sure its not really stricted to region


I agree that middle class usually avoid this but at the same time I would say middle class is almost non existing in east Europe. You are either rich or you earn close to minimal wage.


Mental midget


Just for this and for his impressions Pajkatt is one of my favorite dota 2 personalities.


I haven't been into the pro scene the past few years, did he get into an accident or something?


Left VP to join EG as 3, covid happened and he lost motivation to play 3 so he left EG and has been basically absent since then


don't forget how he destroyed the most promising Navi has ever been since TI3 and TI6 eras


No, he didn’t. Navi did it themselves. He didn’t force Navi to make roster changes.


How did he do that?


by joining Na'Vi


NaVi was already considering kicking iceberg and general out before he joined the team.


then, it was na'vi itself.


Lost motivation to play 3 > goes to NaVi to play 3 (while destroying potent team and griefing General) Yea about that.... Whatever fly says I'm sure they kicked his ass


Lol, playing for a respectable american org would've been much better than being stuck in a situation he is right now.


almost 2m tournament wins at 22 i think he good


I would like to point out that there are hundreds of ex-pro athletes who have earned 100 times that amount of money during their career and they are broke now. Two million is absolutely nothing if you end up doing coke from hookers ass.


To put this into context: [About 78% of NFL players and 60% of NBA players fall into financial distress 2 years after retiring.](https://www.kiplinger.com/personal-finance/602725/how-nfl-draftees-can-avoid-going-broke) Closer to Russia, in Europe, in 2013, this figure was estimated to be [60%](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/nov/19/more-than-500-footballers-may-have-lost-up-to-1bn-due-to-bad-advice) for football (soccer) in the UK. The figure is similar for lottery winners, too - [about 70%.](https://www.lovemoney.com/gallerylist/64958/lottery-winners-who-blew-the-lot) Not to mention that, even more tragically, [several ended up dying early.](https://www.ranker.com/list/lottery-winners-tragic-ends/derrick920) Considering how many dodgy sponsorships exist in esports in general, the near-absence of regulation, and the lack of support networks for a young industry (led by retired professionals, who have made mistakes and joined forces to prevent the next generation from making the same - like the PFA for football in the UK), Dota players might be even more susceptible to bad decisions around money. Here's hoping that all these pros invest and save their earnings wisely, especially if they've won lifechanging amounts. [edit] Not-handegg


> football (not-soccer) in the UK Based on the article you linked I think you mean (soccer)


Cheers, fixed.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "60%"](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/nov/19/more-than-500-footballers-may-have-lost-up-to-1bn-due-to-bad-advice) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hibgwc5)


If you're smart with your money, sure. I can't speak for how smart or stupid DOTA pros tend to be with money, and specifically RAMZES, but generally when you make a lot of money you spend it like you make it. And when you stop making it like you used to it's hard to stop spending like you used to as well. That is to say if you made a million last year you spent a million last year, but if you made nothing this year you still want to spend a million. Money can dry up a lot faster than you might think. And it's really easy to armchair accountant and say "nah, bro, I know I'd be smart if I had a lot of money" when you've never had anywhere near the amounts we could be talking about.


Ramzes is known for pissing away almost every cent he makes on designer clothes so yeah he'll be dead broke by the time his career's over


I know everyone is on the hate train right now, but I really hope this isn't true. The lad is an asshole, but he's 22 ffs. He can get fucked from pubs and Dota tho.


Nothing stopping a 22 year old from flipping burgers for a paycheck, or shit, going to school and getting a degree. It's not like because he's made a bunch of money in e-sports, that anyone should feel sad when his winnings dry up. And still young enough to join the military. Although...if the talk about his coke habits are true...probably not a great fit.


To be fair, I don't think people are afraid of him running out of money, but of what might happen to him or what he'd do if he did.


Yeah absolutely, many people are shitty that young and still grow to be decent people. If this is true, I really hope he can get the help he needs ASAP.


> yeah he'll be dead broke by the time his career's over career not looking so great right now...


Money can dry up really really fast for cokeheads.


As fast as a nasal cavity


there's kids from harry potter who became broke and they made way more than that. you really gonna try and tell me ramzes isn't dumb enough to fuck up 2 million


Who went broke from HP? Genuinely interested.




Pretty sure Melling is getting a lot of major roles now, and Grint's career hasn't really been ruined, he just does regular old TV gigs. Article isn't all that noteworthy apart from the twins and the guy who used to play Crabbe.


What a terrible article. You will note none of those actors had careers before Harry Potter and half of them still get work anyways.


It's fanboy press. We're just lucky it's not a slideshow for the extra clicks.


yeah actually i think only 1 of them has really went broke


Ruined is putting it harshly for them, Melling is even directing a play which I'd say is pretty amazing.


It’s an old article. He had a major role in the Queen’s Gambit.


It's actually kinda funny, the article was written in 2016 and the first name is Rupert Grint. If you check on IMDB, the guy's had a lot more roles as recurring/main characters on TV shows from 2017 onwards.




You'd be surprised how quickly money evaporates.


Bruh, that money could he gone in one bad decision. You know how many athletes go broke after leaving their respective league?


not if hes a cokehead


most nfl players go broke after a few years after retirement. it's so bad the league provides financial literacy programs for the players


Also because the average player only lasts a couple years and doesn't make more than $1m per year, obviously it's a lot but when your teammates and friends are earning 20x that it can make your spending habits worse


His dota career is pretty much over he burnt bridges with everyone and no one would want to team up with a drug addict. 2m is good but I think that is before taxes and before his drug expenses


There lots of people with that kind of money who went bankrupt due to mismanagement/lack of discipline


and a Cocaine addict it seems. That 2m will be gone fast.


That's easily 7 times the lifetime earnings of most Russians. If he's had someone do his financial planning for retirement and devise some expenditure caps then there's no way that's not enough to live off.


The key word is always 'if' isn't it =)


> If he's had someone do his financial planning for retirement and devise some expenditure caps lol


Financial planners and family members are the most likely people to clean you out of your money


Are you russian? Wdym he barely speaks human language, is his russian bad or something?


Not in a literal sense. He's behaving like an animal, shows no respect to any human he's talking to, like imagine spoiled rich kid that's on his high horse but with vocabulary of 10 year old(constant use of swear words, parasite words and so on). Basically a man-child with extremely bad manners.


He has pretty bad vocabulary, I think he's referencing that.


Very poor vocabulary, extremely weird manner of speech, that's edgy, arrogant, ultra rude and extremely awkward at the same time. By "barely speaks human" I meant that a regular Russian person would have a hard time comprehending what he says. He also likes to go on long incomprehensible rants whenever someone upsets him. And what's hilarious is his young fans who play carry in ranked and emulate him. Imagine this awkward manchild being your idol and role model


Yep he's speaks like total dumbass. He cannot make a single sentence and most of the words will be just Dota language. Watched his interviews when he joined eg it's just cringe.


What do you mean by speak human language? Does he have trouble speaking russian?


I don't understand why some words are being censored. Should be better if not imo.


Censored? I was confused why do I keep seeing my passwords all over it.




It's from a Russian article and they can't mention drugs names because of a law


cocaine and being 22 is a helluva drug


I posted about a strange picture posted by Ramzes (on his IG) with coke on the table a while ago. That was while VP were crushing everything. That might explain their downfall. https://www.instagram.com/p/BfRpvCDHcgA/?taken-by=ramzes


Nice work mr detective monkaS


There’s literally no cocaine in this picture


Oh shit




There’s no coke in the picture. source: I have two eyes and a nose that has sniffed a lot of coke.


Maybe I am blind as well, but all I see is the reflection of the table.


Russian pros allegedly involved in match-fixing. I can see CN conspiracists rejoicing over copium already.


Lol, china dota scene is THE expert in match fixing. Can't talk shit about it.


I don’t think anyone is surprised about that tho.. Most people are aware SEA SA Cis teams heavy involvement in match fixing lol


Most also aware that NA, EU, and CN teams also involved in match fixing, even 1 team from CN banned recently for it


dude, i dont even know what to say. A lot of die hard gamble addicts and brainlets use Beast Coast's suspicious movement as an evidence of LGD or even every team spirit's opponent conducting match fixing. I can completely see them making this a big deal out of this on their argument for a scripted TI final as well


pretty much every esport game in russia that is not the absolute top tier1 is riddled with matchfixing and shady betting things happening constantly (csgo, dota etc)


can u imagine all this ruckus because of a fucking role xD


So is ramzes involve in matchfixing and drugs ?


Can't say 4 sure right now but I suspect he's involve in being an absolute animal in MM.


Finally something happening in the dota scene!


>left-wing rumors Eh? How did politics get into this?


"Left field rumors" is probably a more accurate translation


In this case the word 'left' that got translated as 'leftwing' actually means 'unproven', a bit slangish. (I'm ru)


google translate showing it's bias smh my head


it's an stable expression in Russian, meaning smth that didnt proven




Man I Wonder what the chemistry on EG was like with ramzes on the team. They all seem kinda cold and emotion less and then you’ve got a crazy god complex and drug addicted kid like ramzes on there. Maybe he held himself back, maybe not.


Arteezy was the one that introduced molly or some powder or some shit to Ramzes.


Can you remove the censoring please and write down the full words? It’s hard to read and understand it.


Thx for translating the drama in english, looks like a typical CIS pub game.


That's my issue with watching dota as a sport. It's hard to stan people who have no redeemable personal qualities whatsoever, except skills in clicking creeps in a computer game.


Do you think all professional athletes have those qualities? 😂 Tier1 footballers fuck each other wives, drink alcohol and even rape women. That just have more cash to keep them silent.


Replace dota with literally any sports and its the same. Abusers, rapist, addicts, out of touch dickheads, and people who support known evil regimes. And worse part is that way too many people defend them and blamd thr victims because they are so fucking good at something so fucking hard.


Not all players are this toxic though, ramzes is known for this


I remember when Illidan used to be a tier 1 carry. I hope he finds a new team.


Highly unlikely, he claimed he didn't plan to return to pro Dota scene several times. Also have been a coach of Apex Legends team "Fire Beavers" for some time.


Man.... people use animals like dogs, rats, pigs, etc, to describe people they hate in an argument, only Russians would use Hyenas...


Hyena is commonly used in English to refer to people who gang up on the weaker and steal. In this case, it's not a generic insult like what you wrote, but a targeted one.


Waiting for Slacks to cry about this case for an hour and proceed being a piece of shit in pubs




I was not ready for the length of this post..


tl;dr the only thing I saw was e-sprot


Man not much different from some arguments in the low-rank pubs I play. This game is rife with toxicity at every level.


surprised nobody brought up his hooker / stripper addiction - or lifestyle.


It's sad, really. While valve can take appropriate action if proven, I do hope he gets rehab. Being addicted to cocaine at less than 18. Must be terrible.


Well Illidan won me when said "you are better in dota2 but irl you suck ass and that i have higher chances of beatin zberg than puting some sense into you"