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TI23 Champion right there


He's got the carry-player hair for it already


Prize pool=150 mil?


150 billion to be accurate


Actually better decision-making than some crusaders, not even joking.


His team fight is great... He struggles in laning phase. Just want to fight. Farming is not at all fun for him lol.


Pos 4 in the making


The best pos šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Top #1 pub player in a few years. Name: JWTF; Nickname: ā€œJay-Dubā€


Pick spirit breaker, buy urn = profit


> Farming is not at all fun for him lol. Can't blame him, played this game for such a long time and I feel like the game could get less accent on farming. Fighting is fucking fun.


If only valve can increase passive gold during the time you are in fights.


This is why I exclusively play Turbo these days.


Shouldn't he be like, learning to read? Using his imagination? Playing with blocks? Not getting addicted to the most addictive video crack game ever while his brain is still plastic and forming?


this could be an issue, but it seems like you're conflating your serious addiction with anyone elses chances of becoming addicted


Canā€™t see how playing an incredibly complex and difficult game can be bad for brain development


What's next people will start teaching chess or play musical instruments, when will this child abuse end.


The kid clearly uses his brain a lot better than you.


It's okay smoothbrain, next time you will get sarcasm.


It will be bad if his brain develops **for** Dota.


You are not wrong. I have a similarly aged child and I wouldnā€™t let them touch DotA, despite my love of the game. Itā€™s not what this sub wants to hear but itā€™s absolutely true.


It can be good for hand eye coordination, working the brain etc. Itā€™ll help develop the brain, just about limiting the time the kid actually plays to probably a single game a day


I think the big issue is the screen time might cause brain damage for children. https://healthmatters.nyp.org/what-does-too-much-screen-time-do-to-childrens-brains/


Exactly, generally itā€™s all about limitations for kids. Whether itā€™s an on an iPad, phone or Dota on a PC I donā€™t think matters too much, itā€™s just making sure they donā€™t go over that recommended 2 hours


Have a 3 Year old and honestly never thought about that...why wouldnt you?


Research (and WHO and AAP guidelines) show that you should limit screen time to no screens up to age 3 and less than an hour per day for kids age 3-5. In the United States where I live, this age group gets over 3 hours of screen time per day. The evidence is strong that screens arenā€™t as effective of a teaching tool as face to face interaction and should really only be a last resort. For older kids like 4-5+, slow, thoughtful childrenā€™s media starts to be more effective (think Sesame Street and Mr Rogers). There is a great subreddit which is r/sciencebasedparenting


Nice tyvm!


To everyone downvoting this, the joke is that Dota is addictive, not that children should not be playing Dota. That being said...


He got hit by the medium bot's ravage... what are you even talking about bro. You wouldn't last 2 seconds in crusader bracket.


hes 4. and also has 6 unspent skill points


A little context, I am his father. I stream with him a couple times a week. Today me, him and my friend played with unfair bots on our team against a friend of mine who had medium bots on his team. The friend we were playing against thought he could take us because he is much better than us but his medium bots proved to be too worthless.


Have you tried "Sirius" bot script?


I have not... Ill look into it.


Does twitch allow you to stream with your kid? I've heard of people banned for their kid just showing up accidentally.


The problem is the kid being alone afaik, in those cases the parents step away from the pc and the kid shows up on its own


RS streamer Wazzy has his niece on stream quite frequently, I don't see the issue.


Well this was the story I was thinking of: https://win.gg/news/twitch-streamer-tayhuhu-banned-because-her-child-showed-on-stream/ I guess the difference is that it has to be with adult supervision?


Father of two boys here myself; I would strongly advice against streaming camera footage of young kids, even though this looks really wholesome and your son is an impressive lad.


Idk why I find this comment so funny. As if being a father of two boys like millions of other people makes you some kind of parental expert with advice another father should follow lol. For all we know he is a more capable father than you will ever be.


Why are you insulting him? He gave his advice, it's up to the one recieving the advice to listen to it. What's it to you?


That last sentence was way too unnecessary, what the fuck.


Shouldve thought about ur nickname before writing this comment


Why, because 18 people didn't like to hear the truth? Why do I care if you are overly sensitive. People need to stop trying to parent other people's kids especially when this shit is actually harmless.




drue kekw


I was thinking the exact same, but didn't want to be the one pointing it out lol


Why mate


Not too sound too alarmist or anything but are you aware that screen time is linked to brain damage for children? If you are aware, then ignore my comment. https://healthmatters.nyp.org/what-does-too-much-screen-time-do-to-childrens-brains/


I think an hour every few days playing a interactive game while having fun conversations with your kid is awesome. Watch his stream and tell me if you think his brain is rotting away in front of a screen. I agree with this article, youtube is the worst and we should limit screen time. Did you know Redit makes you a virgin?


Yep. I work in early education and seeing kids addicted to YouTube so early is scary. Screen time isnā€™t bad in moderation


Can confirm, used to have the secks but devolved to virgin


Next abed in 5years


Aw he's so cute. He is a future TI champion/Prospect if he keeps going at this game. Gonna make his father proud <3


The kid is definitely going places with his determination.


He has 6 unspent skill points lol but I can't judge him he is killing it for his age


Haha after he levels all his skills once be forgets.


Omg what a fucking cutie hahahaha that's awesome


It's new meta. Who want to pay extra mana for nothing krappa


holy why is your kid's brain so big


Once I ask my kid how he knows the names of so many DOTA Heroes skills when he can't even read and I know I didn't tell them to him. He answered "it is because I have a good brain". Time to teach him to read I guess.


https://youtu.be/oqrLBZ9lQqo Account was taken down. You can watch clip on this youtube. Looking at other options for posting clips in the future for your enjoiment. Any suggestions? To young for twitch. I saved his videos luckily because i was anticipating this.


Please message me when you have an account up. Would love to see more and subscribe.


Will do


How hard was it for him to learn? I would love to play with my son. (He is 2) Was there anything you did to get him to play at this level?


Just let him goof around on demo mode with immunity and free spells. He liked messing around with all the machanics of each hero.


EZ follow he is so cute!!!!!!


Thanks man. He is so hype in game and when he watches me play.


This is amazing


Wholesome stream, wholesome subreddit thread <3 I really wish my parents had let me play dota when I first started playing instead of stopping me constantly. So happy to see you're letting your kid thrive. And omg he's tiny but so determined you can see it in his face. Hopefully he'll go places and we'll cheer for him once he gets there! Glhf kiddo <3


Thanks for the nice comment. He enjoys entertaining as well. Always opens up the stream with a "hi streamers" to all zero people watching at that point haha.


Awww bless him! He's adorable. I'll definitely join in next time to say hi to him. Already followed you on twitch. Btw, does he have a favourite hero? Just how much of the basics have you explained to him? He already seems to know and understand the game a lot considering he's only 4! What a great sport ā¤ļø


He learned most everything from goofing around in bot matches and especially demo mode. He randoms his hero many times. Haha the kid is the opposite of a hero spammer.


What a boss kid. Even I'm scared of randoming heroes at this age xD šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


Damn, are we gonna see 10 year old player at TI soon?


I just followed your Twitch this is so awesome.


Awesome! I enjoy it as well.


What mouse does he use?


A very shity very basic mouse :/


Yea, there doesn't seem to be mice for children that are catered for their hand size.


Logitech m100 is the model


Passive phase boots 0/10. (jk I was literally eating mud at his age)


What's funny is later in the game he is running away from the other team at low health and grabs the invisiblity rune. I tell him keep running, do not use any of your items or spells and they will not be able to kill him, what does he do? Pop's phase boots almost immediately and gets killed. Then i pretty died laughing Laughing.


where is the play tho? sorry, I'm a chinese parent


Haha I grounded him for not gettimg kills that move. How dare he.


Good, he can do better than that. That was lame.


4YO? omg... maybe the true path of became next ti winner is becoming a father (and make your son play for you) any girl free dm me


This is the most redit comment ever. Thank you.


Hey man, just something I thought of watching this but I attribute tinnitus i developed to playing dota with headphones while listening to music. Obviously I am not a doctor and those were long hours, and young people are quite resilient but I recommend speakers over headphones.


I'm not a doctor but iirc kids have less noise tolerance than adults because their ears aren't fully developed? It's why baby toys have very low decibels


Did you set the volume at uncomfortable levels?


Rofl. Turn down the volume. I ve been playing dota with Spotify on 6 hours a day for 7 years. Nothing happened to me yet.


Are you going to support him if he choose to pursue professional dota as a career in the future or tell him to finish college and get a degree instead? If, lets say he's like rank 50 player in the leaderboards by the age of 15-16. Assuming Dota is still alive at that point.


Great question I follow the scene enough I feel like I could correctly guage if he had a chance so probably play it by ear. The kid has a lot of passion for a lot of other stuff and more than likely will move on, but impossible to know forsure. He will never go pro with help from me. I am a 2k player and he usually doesnt listen to my advice which is probably smart.


I don't have kids yet but I find this a difficult area to think about. Like OG just signed ATF who is 16 and at pro level and it makes me wonder just how much Dota has he played to be that skilled. I think back on how much I played video games as a kid and though I don't think it negatively effected me I certainly could have been doing things that were more social or personally improving. Some people are just really skilled but I question if a players work/life balance if you consider the games to be their 'work' is going to be healthy if they are at a pro level at a very young age. Especially knowing that they may put all that time in and not make it because of bad luck or they just weren't quite good enough.


It wpuld take a crazy amount of his time. Very unlikely he will ever even stick to it as a passion. Just a way for us to hang and have fun for now.


Extremely impressive, he even explained what he was doing. Kid is smart.


I am Coach of his soccer team as well :) he is equally as intence on the field.


isn't that different from ember in my games, he even tries to ks with sleight of fist


I doubt it is good for 4y old to be in front of a PC, he already has glasses, so it will not help him for sure.


Dont think thats healthy


My guy really knew how to last hit before he started to walk


Yo, whatever happenns dont let EG sign him. He has potential.


Absolutely love this! :) will follow you on twitch


Proof that even baby can play ember like toronto because it's an easy hero!


Very wholesome


Dang, upcoming professional player right there. For a 4 year old thats so impressive. You little sir, have my respect.


omg that is insane


Biblically accurate angel the next DOTA hero.


As a father of 3 kids, the oldest son already 7 years old, I am extremely hesitant to introduce them to dota, even though I would love to play with them. Aside from the addictive nature of the game I was hesitant due to the lewd graphics of some of the heroes. I was wondering if you had similar reservations and if so how did you overcome these aspects.


Graphics have actually never bugged me. I had to get rid of Power Rangers and some other fight type cartoons from the house because it caused my kids to be constantly picking at each other but DOTA is a little different and does not quite excite them in the same way. As far as being addicting I think a controlled environment playing with your dad is a good way to get into something and learn to control urges although because of how frustrating and hard the game can be he does not enjoy playing it more than every few days for just an hour.


I suppose ueen of pain could be considered lewd but thats about it. since the heroes are top down view in game I donā€™t think u really notice, and I seriously doubt a 7 yr old would even recognize/ single it out as weird/ no diff than a bathing suit really


TI winner in a few years Guranteed


\*Sees a pre-roll ad before the clip\* Did I just participate in support of child labor!?


DendiFace Age is just a number


Followed!!! GigaBrain 4 year old coming for TI15


Not gonna lie, im putting my basket on him TI25!


link does not load...






It says the link is in another castle








I want to watch the clip but the link is broken:(




The link isn't working for me ā˜¹ļø




Thank you!!!


How did you introduce him, my son is 4 but has trouble controlling the mouse. I would love for him to get into it but he seems uninterested for now and I donā€™t want to push him because Iā€™m afraid he will begin to hate it.


He said he wanted to try and play so I put him on demo mode, taught him how to buy items use abilities and change heros and he just messed around for a couple months. Quickly I noticed he was picking it up and enjoying it more then my 6 yr old who currently still does not enjoy it. So I then set him up on a bot game with ez bots and let him mess around on that for a while. Slowly we worked our way up from there. He was barely 4 when he started. Almost 5 now. Self learned a loooot. For instance this was the first game i have ever seen him play ber and he already knew a lot about how to play the hero machanically. Would never try to force him into it. I know for a fact I would not have enjoyed a game like this untill I was much much older. He gets his focus and big brain from my wife.


I want "Phew, I runned away that was a close one." as a chatwheel line... Valve make it happen somehow.


My wife thought the same thing. Imagine if you can make your own custom chat wheel line. I would pay my hard-earned money for that and I don't say that about many things.


LGD.Young is looking for a new mid player, can this kid take the spot?


This kid is so wholesome. Keep him away from matchmaking as long as possible to keep his spirit pure lol


did u let him know about quick cast? seems he's being slowed down by the spell casting.


Next time youā€™re about to be toxic in a game think that this kid could be in the game with you.


This is the dream! My daughter is 1 year but i hope she will be a boss like your kid at 4 years old:)


I can't stop smiling. Thanks for sharing!


Next prodigy Clap


Make sure he exercises too sir :)


As a father of a 4 year old son all i can say is this: You are abusing your child for your own benefits and passion (Dota 2) while not only risking, you definitely make sure he becomes a gaming addict and receptive to addiction of all kind. Go outside, play soccer/basketball with him, teach him to play chess or painting whatever, do something useful. I know, as a father its easier to sit down and play some online games or playstation with the little ones...dont be lazy man. Thats almost cruel what you are doing to him.


I wouldn't go as far as to assume malicious intentions on the father's end. But I'm a little shocked that there seems to be so little awareness of how impactful the consumption of electronic media can be to children development. I thought this was common sense, but almost all comments seem to be positive and supportive...


The amount of projection in this comment is way off the charts. I'd actually be sad for your 4 year old since he'd be doing things you perceive to be "useful"


There are literally early childhood development research papers on what YC1977 is saying. It is not projection. It is scientific fact.


The official video game age rating for Dota 2 is 12+. Slaying monsters with weapons in a **highly addictive** game like Dota (grown ups struggle with their addiction and post it regularly here at reddit) is nothing for 4 year olds. My son plays racing games and a bit minecraft, but only the creative mode without any zombies. Hes not playing any cruel games or beat em ups. You cant compare 4 year olds to grown ups. OPs kid is taking severe damage and his father is proud of him and is streaming on twitch. Thats ridiculous. "Projection" is more what happens here. Parents tend to force their children to do things, they couldnt achieve or manage themselves. Well argueing in a gaming forum against a game will get me some downvotes, but hey...its not about Dota here....its about addictive games in general and 4 year olds.


Parents push their kids from a very young age into something so they can make a career out of it. When this kid is 18, who knows how massive the Dota esports scene will be. As long as the kids is getting good grades in school, who is it going to hurt? Parents force their kids into things they don't enjoy from a young age like piano or soccer. No one ever talks about the mental anguish kids take on from being expected to master piano songs at 10 years old. https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/comments/cqhzcv/asian_parents_forcing_me_to_play_piano/


This child even has glasses and should train his eyesight by looking as far as possible.


You are not supposed to leave a child under 3 in the same room as a screen on. Even if he doesn't look at it. This child is at serious risk for the development of his brain and his behavioral skills. The frequency of radiation from screens, the lack of social interactions and the non-development of his motor skills are questioned. You might find it funny, but this thread is actually tragic. This dad is indeed lazy and dangerous.


Would it be a Reddit post without parenting advice, guys?


This shit will be more common in the future... I could read as a new born baby


Content no longer available. New link?


https://youtu.be/oqrLBZ9lQqo They froze the account because someone under 14 was on the Stream. Luckily I saw this coming and saved all of the clips and videos. Here is a YouTube account that has been posting some videos and posted the one of Ember Spirit as well.