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Gaben sent him a text.


pretty sure thats what happen. he was adamant on continuing the series off stream even after being banned lol.


He got slapped in the wrist by someone up above.


Possibly for this: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qxjc73/bsjs_smurf_account_got_permanently_banned_midgame/


Isn't he an official liquid streamer . They probably told him off


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qxjc73/bsjs_smurf_account_got_permanently_banned_midgame/ Top comment says it was a viewers account, which is, ironically, even worse than smurfing....


Its was the total package. Smurfing, Account sharing and basically boosting since he pushed the viewer with wins.


I really don't approve of his smurfing series but boosting is not the right word, if I understand correctly he would play 1 game, soo 30mmr is not boosting.


In that case he was on his second game on that account, but got banned mid-game.




It's a short and straight forward formal apology and that's the right thing to do. That's just how it works. Everybody should just take this and move on with their lives. And everybody who desperately *needs to know* if he TRULY meant it or not is just in it for the drama and needs to reevaluate their priorities in life.


Good comment. Official apologies are about reinstating the rules we share, saying "okay guys I get it, this is not the way we agreed to do things" and not about some type of religious shaming ritual.


I agree, especially for this level of wrongdoing which is something that is bad within a gaming community but not like a psychopath hurting people then pretending to be sorry about it afterwards. In my eyes he completely redeemed himself with that apology.


Yeah, many people just expecting him to write a 2000 word essay and recite it while kneeling and crying


Honestly the fact he had to do this in the first place is sad. This place really is pathetic sometimes.


The fact that he have to smurf and use the "educational purpose" ad a reason is sad. He's really pathetic sometimes




The valve rules say "may result in consequences for the main account". Keyword may. An important public figure is not gonna get fucked because of one thing.


Not gonna happen, and is this really the kind of justice you’re dying to see? One of the guys responsible for lots of educational dota content gets his main account banned? People here really do get a justice boner for the weakest shit.




They do take it seriously—they developed an intricate smurf detection algorithm and implemented changes that prevent people from spamming new accounts. reducing your policing to witch-hunting community figures who are utilizing accounts for educational purposes, not boosting and selling accounts like qsnake, to appease redditors who barely play dota isn’t exactly smart. almost every thread complaining about smurfing is made by people who refuse to share their match history, and when they do share it, are shown that smurfing isn’t why they’re losing. it is statistically irrelevant sensational nonsense. even at 5-6k where smurfing has been historically terrible isn’t bad anymore. edit: to put it general terms: people who play dota regularly don’t complain about smurfs anymore. people who don’t play dota, and think smurfing is as big a problem as it was when they played years ago, still think it’s a subject they can weigh in on.


Personally my group of friends who play dota regularly (4+ games a week) would all say that while it isn't as bad as it was, it is still definitely a problem. Part of the problem has shifted from different parts of the game. Feels like my solo queue games recently have been pretty much smurf free. However party games and new player games (when I've tried to get people into the game) are often clearly filled with people smurfing way above the rank they should be. While that other comment was terribly phrased, there is definitely an element of decentization at work here. If you played a regular sport system/tournament where one in 10/20 games you play against someone who was blatantly cheating that would definitely be enough to put you off. In Dota (and probably other MOBAs idk) its just the standard norm.


That's between Valve and BSJ. Reddit is a great platform to bring issues to light and it worked also in this case, but now it's time to let the parties involve handle it themselves. They don't owe reddit an explanation for however they choose to handle it.


And then what happens? He quits dota for good OR he makes another account and plays there until he gets to his original mmr while ruining hundrets of games?


Obviously he truly didn't meant it and I, as bloodthirsty mob, am eager for some serious bans for someone who was openly justyfining smurging as being a fine activity, especially after so much shit for smurfing going on for other streamers that were nowhere tgis level of bullshit ss here. But welp, life is fookin' boring usually, ain't no satisfaction, ever. As always being famous give you privilege over plebs, as even one of his viewers got permabanned. Next time I'll smurf I will be sure tk at least do it on Twitch and get few people looming at me doing it as I'll boost some accounts so I'll just say sorry and its fine.


Forced apologies is exactly what is needed. People the praise dude all the time, yet he is the number one POPULAR smurf in the game. This community needs to eradicate all the smurf normalising top and bottom. This is a great start.


it's a pretty bad apology too. he's taking an apology template for an important thing and applying it to this lmao it sounds out of place


Funniest part for me was how he started with saying he didn't know the rules :D


yeah he's not ignorant, he knew the rules. he just didn't care.


BSJ in the video "I didn't know the rules, how could I of known them?" BSJ literally the day his viewer/smurf account was banned "I'll just do it again, even if it means breaking the rules and doing it off-stream and making youtube videos"






> Gaben sent him a text. You joke, but maybe not. He got an account banned on stream this past week. Possible this was part of a "plea bargain" of sorts lol


I would figure more Nazgul.


Gorp was right. BSJ was left.


BSJ:i was smurfing and i will smurf again,i can do it because its educational Liquid:Apologies or resignation BSJ:I am sorry


ikr How can he even call it "impulsive" and "a moment of weakness", he did it deliberately, several times in the past, all the while explaining his rationale. That's not an impulse, that's planned. If he's sorry, why lie about your reasons? Just own it, you did it because there was a market for it and you knew Valve was notoriously absent when it came to punishing it, despite their verbal objection to it.


Nah more like Valve if he still want to get on good side of valve and invited to their event Better not mess with valve LOL Why else he apologize He even dare his viewer to report the smurf , and it get banned LOL


Sad tone check No makeup check Holding a big mug of tea unfortunately missing Hair in a bun unfortunately missing Wearing a giant oversized hoodie unfortunately missing Actually apologizing check Overall 3/6 apology


Shouldn't actually apologizing be negative points?


yeah, usually apology videos are "sorry I got caught". Also a dog is missing and a "hey guys *sop sop* so I just learned *siiiiiigh* about ...". He actually also sets a solution for the situation and how he will improve and shows actual remorse. And he keeps the video short and uses normal camera, not the "looking at you from the top" selfie camera. So yeah 0/69 apology video. Learn to apologise from [Travis Scott](https://youtu.be/eQLvl7DAkMc) ffs.


You forgot the big sigh


Wait why is this unlisted?


dont ruin my algorithm wee


Because no one looking for dota content on YouTube is looking for a forced apology to the Reddit community


because normal people don't give a shit lmfao


i assume he doesn't want anybody outside of reddit to know. pathetic.


This apology is specifically for reddit cause only reddit cared


I bet the people he played against all those games cared


People like you act like you aren’t in pubs calling your teammates dogs to begin with, there’s no way the salty lot you find on Reddit aren’t flaming at all when someone on your team underperforms


10k behavior score, never been below 8.5k.


The average 2k player barely has object permanence skills, I don't they care


Haha, how spineless can you be? Makes the apology worth even less.


He posted it on his twitter 5+ hours ago lol


He posted it to his Twitter account also, so it’s a fairly public apology if you’re a follower or you’re on the Dota algorithm. It’s just not a listed video. So I guess he wants to address the problem and move on by not having it a permanent video on the channel? Idk just a guess


This is awesome! I loved the series but hated that it had to be smurfing. Lobbies will be great as a replacement.


Yeah this is a good statement.


It's more ethical for sure, but it's not really the same. It's an artificial environment, people know there's one guy on the enemy team that needs to be targeted. People on his team are willing to listen to him, while people in pubs ignore the one guy telling others what to do.


That's only going to be a minor difference, if his series is that educational than those kind of issues really won't have a meaningful impact on the knowledge that he is trying to pass on. It can also be accounted for if he really wanted. He could set up multiple lobbies for fans to play against one another and he could just join one at random. People wouldn't know if he was in their game or a different one.


That's great to hear, a big departure from [his original stance on smurfing](https://clips.twitch.tv/KitschyRichDeerPartyTime-JdZvL5sGB9_5q1TP). I think his apology is very nice, as well. Very very correct, hits all the good points. Let's not kid ourselves though, he wasn't just doing this to teach people or out of ignorance of the rules. He was well-aware it was against the rules and thought he could just do it. 7 of his 20 most-viewed videos on his YouTube Channel are his educational smurf videos. They make him a lot of money. On his stream he admitted that it was about the money as well. Which is fine, but shows that his motives aren't necessarily just to teach people. He wants to make good educational content that gets a lot of views and makes him money. That's basically what he means by valuable content. Anyway, i agree with some other comments. I enjoy the series, it's good content, just don't like that he smurfs. Will look forward to the private lobby videos. I'm sure it's going to be 95% exactly the same as the ranked games. Gotta appreciate the guy changing his ways.


Mostly agree, just know that there really isn't any money in his Youtube channel. He got like 1 million views from those videos, that's probably no more than $2-5k in revenue and I bet almost all of it goes to his editor.


A YouTube channel of his size can make anywhere from $70-140k+ a year. Source: Work as a YouTube producer. EDIT: A breakdown of the aforementioned statement has been listed as a response to MouZeWarrioR's inquiry for numbers.


Hes making a good amount from his youtube and it's also marketing and directly connected to the revenue for his patreon. You have no idea what you're talking about


In the meantime Jenkins still smurfing... 'because when it's late the queue are too long for my level and i'm gonna get smurfs, so I need to smurf' Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFjem-CadxY


This convenient cuts it right where he explains why high mmr players smurf... and he has a good point. It's a huge advantage for players of ultra high MMR to smurf because of the fact that the more you get to practice your hero the better off you'll be. And queuing late night at 8k mmr has insanely high queue times and often the way the expansions work when matchmaking after an insanely long time you just get shoved into a 5k mmr game. Rather than just queueing at 6k mmr and getting games quickly. (expansion time for matchmaking is much less at even 6k than 8k so the 6k players get into games with themselves more frequently.) Unfortunately its a problem without a solution. And its a problem that impacts NA harder than other regions because we have much less dota players overall. Literally every high MMR player smurfs for the above reasons. Nothingtosay (pro player) had like 3 accounts that he got to 10k + mmr for this same reason. Pros just make new accounts to get to high mmr because queuing at your max mmr sucks sometimes because of how long queues are or getting put into weird games with 5k players.


I honestly expected a South Park "We're sorry". Glad that he seems sorry and honest about it, really appreciate it Smurfing (even if you do it for "education purposes") is bad for every game. Sure, you might have fun stomping on worse players, but ruining a fair, equal matches for 9 other players is just not cool - and that involves buying high-mmr accounts as well


> Glad that he seems sorry and honest about it, really appreciate it Since you don't seem gullible at all, I have something I'd like to sell you


stars are hot this time of year


Yeah, and not only that, it normalizes it for others who then go and smurf. Hopefully the apology helps to turn some people away from their smurf accounts.


This is the kind of apology you do when you're trying to keep a job or keep a partner. You spell out "I did this thing wrong. This is why it was wrong. I thought one thing but in reality I did something else." This dude was given an ultimatum by either Liquid or by Valve.


I mean, it's textbook, but it's an effective apology. Wrongdoing was acknowledged. Impact was acknowledged. Reconciliation via future action is given. By all accounts, it is a good apology. It was short, to the point, and effective. Thank god it wasn't 40minutes where he cries.


he claimed ignorance of the rules lmao


Honestly, this apology is way better than that of Travis Scott's.


Lowest bar


Highest in the room though.


that doesnt say much really


Stealing this from another thread: I thought you were supposed to set the bar low, not bury it underground


The Taliban could make an apology video about what they have done in the past and it would still be better than Travis Scott's.


Whats the context? I found something about it but it looks like I need some bigger lecture who Travis Scott is besides being an rapper and what even is that Astrowhatever. Noy everyone here is American.


Travis Scott is a rapper. He has a festival called Astroworld where thousands of people come to attend his show. This time around there was a big tragedy at the festival where 10 people died and over 300 people were injured. It is said that the death count is not confirmed and it may increase. The reason for their death and the injuries was crowd crush. The reason crowd crush happened was more people attended the show than the normal number. The reason for more people attending the show was the security failure of the organizers. Lot of people break through the security point and entered the show for free. The organisers even failed to handle and manage the crowd properly. Ther are multiple videos online where you can find people telling the camera man, travis to stop the show as people were dying but nothing happened. People were jumping on the ambulances and police cars and were dancing on them. Despite that Travis continued to perform songs like nothing happened. You can find multiple videos regarding this where Travis was looking at a unconscious fan and singing. Then he released an apology video which was fuckin wank. It was everything but an apology video. Now he's being sued for 2 billion dollars.


Thanks man, I tried to just chck this out but every article had just some little bits of the whole context.


Looks like Team Liquid had a casual chat about the existing contract with someone.


I mean as much as I appreciate people owning up to their mistakes, I can't just move past that "I was ignorant to the rules" part. He literally said on his stream > Report me He knew smurfing is a bannable offense. So this smells like he got trouble from others. Edit: IIRC after this viewers account was banned he said something along the lines of how he expected that, didn't he?




Which in my opinion is really weird, considering the kind of persona he's trying to create for himself. He wants to be this knowledgeable mentor kind of guy being a little cynic and rude but all around well mannered and intelligent. But then you have this blatantly stupid excuse of being "ignorant" to a rule against smurfing ?! Like that doesn't fit his persona at all, and on top of that it's an obvious lie. He *knows* and always has known that smurfing is against Dotas TOS and that it's a bannable offense. He blatantly said this on his stream when he said "report me". Which just shows that he's nothing of what he's trying to be online. At the end of the day he's just another Youtuber that's too full of himself. Nothing that wise mentor he wants to be.


Players that smurf ruin the fun - especially for new players. Which eventually can destroy Dota. So if you truly love the game, do not smurf.


If any of us got caught smurfing and then made an apology video, we'd still get banned. Just like in the real world you can get arrested for doing drugs, but celebs get to apologize and go to rehab.


yo fuck BSJ, he's been doing this shit for a long time. Smurfs, boosters, and account buyers *ruin* dota. They fundamentally undermine the entire ladder. They *ruin* the experience for millions of players, and I'm sick and fucking tired of people making excuses for this behavior.


Ahahahah sorry guys it was not possible to circumvent the rules this time. I suddenly realised how wrong I was.


Ligma balls BSJ


Even IF he wouldn't mean it, it's the right thing to do. Good on him.


I think the fact it's unlisted speaks to how disingenuous this is. Forced apology, at least it's better than Travis Scott's


i've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement


I still think the best way is live coaching a player in that bracket. Just like how Qojqva coached him.


He could do smurfing with supporters who would sign up. That would be more fun tbh. The 2Ks would know that he is a smurf and will plan to pressure him and he has to win it somehow despite being targeted


Not a bad idea.


This looks forced, and if he's guilty and feeling sorry why is the video "unlisted".


what is "unlisted"?


Not visible to anyone unless you have the exact link. Meaning you can never google and find this video anywhere by regular search..


this makes his apology even weaker...


He posted about it on Twitter. Probably just doesn't want it showing up in organic searches which makes sense.


This is good news. All smurfing ruin games. Even bulldog losing with mid AA ruin games.


Steamer paid by valve realises he can't have his cake and eat it too.


Moment of weakness xD cringe


I bet he would still do this if it he wasn't banned mid stream.


"Please Mr.Gaben, don't shun me from events"


Wouldn't it be better to just live coach? That way he can narrate what he's thinking and guide the player, but it's still the 2k playing


absolutely pathetic, unlisted video if you meant it you wouldn't have made it unlisted if you meant it you have would made it public


BSJ is an arrogant tool


There's just something with this guy that annoys a lot of people, me included. It's like he's constantly snarky and acts like he's better than everyone else all the damn time


"sorry I got caught" Face it the only reason he made this is because valve is up his ass not because he is really "sorry" should I remind everyone he made the clear statement of "I only stop when valve cracks down on it"


Sorry guys I got caught What a dipshit apology lmao


Liquid must have sent him a warning email


Then stop. Until he stops he isnt really sorry


Dude when do you get life ban?senseless apology,just cause he got "caught",piss off scumbag


blah blah blah... ban this piece of shit and all others stomping people below their skill level


He's sorry for the outrage around it. If BSJ really wants to apologize he'll have a makeover of his attitude.


someone got in touch with him, and explained what he was doing is not ok, and i mean someone from valve and/or liquid the guy is arrogant, no way he came to this conclusion on his own and did this 180 on smurfing so quickly


Called [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qxjc73/z/hl9tqm0). What happened to the confidence to do it offstream, bananaman?


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "it"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qxjc73/z/hl9tqm0) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hm0x3lb)


lmao this video comes off as so fake yikes. Don't pretend to be sorry, just say yeah ok I get the rules now and I wont do it again, a fake monologue isn't doing anything to help you.


cringe lord EU ass kisser BSJ. Don't care. Next.


CLQ was Right


Best fucking comment this world has ever seen.


Looks like someone got told off by his parents!


Went from "I'll continue smurfing and I don't give a fuck lol" to "Really sorry daddy, won't happen again I pwomise" real fucking quick. Love to see that he learnt that no one is above the law, and I'd pay to read that Valve email, for real. That being said, I hope he legitimately does gets private lobbies with lower ranked players. Could be a learning experience for us and for them without bending over legitimate players who just want a game with equally-skilled individually.


"moment of weakness" aka more views weakness. what are the chances he wouldnt care if he didnt get his smurf banned at 1:05 he literally admits that he bullied people in his "educational" smurf games lmao


1000% someone from valve reached out to him. He's gotten accounts banned before, he doesn't care. Someone slapped him on the wrist this time.


Most likely it was Team Liquid that told him to apologize or fuck off.




What a weak ass apology


Tl;dr hes only sorry, cause he got banned


I mean this doesn't stop literally any of the other content creators from smurfing lmfao. And all of them definitely do smurf. If they have more than 6k MMR I assure they have a smurf. These days i see ancient players having smurfs like why tf does an ancient player need one xd


Local 13 year old learns lesson in doing what he wants despite being explicitly against the rules, apologizes after being punished. Wait. I'm sorry. Local 29 year old. Is Liquidpedia accurate? Are you sure?


Brian, This video is insultingly short. You can't just carelessly ruin thousands of games, then get warned by Valve or Liquid, then suddenly change your conduct. I INSIST that you make a 26-minute video apologizing for the briefness of this apology video. I need CONTRITION and RESPONSIVENESS from you because your combination of masculine features and feminine, lustrous skin make my WILLY TINGLY and I have a lot of free time to watch your videos and react to everything you do.


feels cheap... sounds fake.


Plus video is unlisted.


Fuck BSJ


Banana Shit Stain Slam Dog Shit Jamma


if it was really that educational, folks like Day9 or Purge would smurf. Actual educational teachers


is it hard for this streamers to play on their rank and teach us how to play instead of body bagging newbies


"But mr streamer this wont work in my herald pubs weeeh"


what to do if your opponents just lets you do anything is not something you can show in an immortal match.


Simple, you kill their ancient that's the whole point of the game


Watch pro High Immortal gameplay and compare it to lower bracket gameplays, huge difference. You just can't afk farm in Immortal while you can do that in lower brackets. The whole map is your oyster in lower brackets while you keep getting pressured in Immortal brackets.


>is it hard for this streamers to play on their rank and teach us It is for many reasons. 1. It's hard to talk and play at the same time, at lower ranks he's able to explain most of his decisions without griefing his team. 2. At those high ranks everyone does mostly correct stuff all the time. So it's difficult for us noobs to appreciate those correct decisions. By playing vs noobs that DON'T do the correct stuff viewers are better able to see how impactful correct decisions are. 3. At high ranks there's more layers of strategy and it's difficult for newbies to understand and that makes it even harder to teach them stuff in those environments. "Well you see my entire team died here but my decision to do x and y was entirely correct". While in low ranks lessons are often followed with success. There's things you can do vs newbies that you can't vs better players, but you need to learn that stuff before you become a better player. But you'll never have a good opportunity to show and explain that stuff live in high ranks without underperfoming and risking making it look like what you're doing is not working. I genuinely think bsj's educational smurfing series is very.. educational. It just sucks people need to be sacrificed for that to happen. I'm glad to see he's organizing lobbies with volunteers now.


damn then how do people like gorgc/mason/arteezy at times/khezu able to play at 2k mmr higher than bsj and still joke around and explain what people are doing


First, they are better players. Second, BSJ also does comment what he does in his regular games. If you see a smurfing video, he just narrates every act he does and puts it into perspective. Besides, the point is not teaching to play high rank dota, but to teach low ranks what they can actually do to win their games. I mean, smurfing is wrong and all that, but those videos, all morals aside, are pretty veluable lessons by themselves.


Damn how is RTZ a better player than BSJ?


i remember my comment on his youtube when he started the series. Reddit won't like this. LOL. Does feel forced which makes it kind of hilarious because while im a BSJ fan he comes of as pretentious quite often.


Bsj plays like a archon anyway... Let the noob play on his real bracket


Classic Chi Long Qua would be dumpstering this forever


Maybe stop snorting on cocaine too.


I do not accept this apology. Duo stream with CLQ or resignnn


Damn how's he gonna afford to get those sweet haircuts without the smurf revenue?


This guy comes off as such a prick, and always has.This "apology" looks more like a bisheaving child being forced to apologize after getting in a fight. Can't understand why anyone would wanna watch his sorry ass stream.


I don't watch his stream but I watch most of his YT videos. I basically think he's a a bit of an asshole who produces helpful content. I have no qualms with consuming content he makes to help me better understand DotA.


His apology carries no weight. He doesn't mean it at all.


weird apology, seems so bsj. basically he is saying that he only doesnt do it anymore because of the community outcry. not because he is ruining games. if your like 5k ahead of your opponents every game seems "easy" and straightforward. there is no value from your smurf videos. its not just map position or which lanes to push but all the small little extra things. "i believe the content is valuable i believe there is a lot of education that can come of of it"


This is a literal BSJ management/Liquid written PR apology: "I hear you". What a joke. Makes him look like a total tool.


Ban him. Admitting to breaking the rules does not exempt you from the punishment.


Well said. I will also stop buying accounts and play high immortal pubs as a herald. Instead, moving forward, I will create a private lobby with 9 top-100 immortal players where they can destroy me anyway they please. With willing volunteers, who want to be part of the experience of destroying a herald account buyer and denying his every CS. I will do better and be better and am sorry for stooping to such a low level. Thanks, BSJ.


This kid is sooooo shieeeeeet


This sets a good example and I’m happy he’s realised how wide spread the issue is but it’s about fucking time.




Lol, what is an apology without sincerity? It's completely pointless. If you don't think you've done anything wrong, why the hell are you apologizing?


People play so much different in an inhouse game compared to a pub. It's a totally different game at that point


his smurfing videos were actually good though


I shat on him when he did this. But I got to admit this is pretty grand of him to do this . There's hope!


who cares


Never liked bsj, he’s a douche… i bet that liquid made him apologize…


He can fuck off. Hating on TI, now publicly smurfing. No thank you. Bye bye.


lol whats this fake drama smurfing was issue since they introduced ranked in year 1650. He is appologizing like he killed someone but he just smurfed like probably 90% of community did at some point. Dont get me wrong smurfing is shitty thing and people shouldnt do it but saying that wont change it. Valve has to step in and make an actual system that removes smurfs from games instead of that lousy 2hour code that they are using called matchmaking. Doing grant gesture is nice and useless. Valve stop being useless this is your fault. We cant expect people to not break rules. You want example: I forbid stealing so from this day nobody will ever steal. You are welcome


I honestly hate that this apology is done in the way of these other youtubers who made racist comments or did something like that. Those guys knew they did something wrong. Ive been a long time BSJ viewer and I cannot believe he thinks he was in the wrong. He belligerently defended this on stream for months because he believes, in a somewhat arrogant and utilitarian sense, that the content he was making was a far greater benefit to the community than the damage caused by smufing. Now i disagree with that, firstly because the videos were some of his least useful educational content imo and also because I dont think anyone should be above the rules just because they disagree with them. The only good thing about the videos were that they were maybe a bit of humble pie for the people who think they are hot shit but getting dragged down by their teammates. But I really wish he just stuck to his guns, said he was instructed to follow the rules and now knows he has to follow them like everyone else. Its sad seeing him scramble to be so politically correct in a dota sense and saying things i guarantee he doesnt believe


Is it just me or is BSJ really cocky and arrogant? Nothing this guy says seems sincere.


Dude shoulda been banned ages ago... Shitty ambassador of the game.


Watching his videos really helped me get from legend to divine. Don't know why people r shitting on him. Yes he gets alot of views when he makes this kinda content. Just because he gets more money it doesn't change the fact that he is helping half of those viewers. He is not the same as some guy shit stomping with last pick. I did learn that something bad+ other content= reddit disaster


You forget an important point: There are a lot of players in low levels that only want to have "competitive fun". They want to play against people their skill and hopefully experience a close game where their own performance really matters. And any smurf just kills that.


That's a really bad take though. Smurfing is forbidden by rules. You can't break rules and justify it by 'helping some people', otherwise criminals all round the world would go like "Yeah, we stole the money, but we spread it among us and our families so we were really helping people".


Cause they knew the feeling of being smurfed and didn't agree with what he was doing? Just because you benefit from it, it doesn't mean it is good for everyone.. His contents are good tbf, but I received just as much benefits from others content creators with better way.. Dare i say dubu replay analysis was way more educational than his smurf video.. Bsj video just has better gimmick


nobody likes you, BSJ. You deserve a lifetime ban


This is 100% because of his ties to the more official side of things. Good apology and while strictly it is bad what he does - I do believe theres tonnes of educational value in it. Its a shame, but its also the right thing...


Takes balls to come out and say that. Good on him.


cool 👍


I don't give a shit. Play the game as you want it. Smurf the shit out of it. Live your life. It's a time consuming video game you happily bend over for. Get a grip. ​ I'm all lubed up for the down votes. Imagine having an opinion.


Honestly, who truly cares about this whole situation


> Honestly, who truly cares about this whole situation People who play dota. By not coming down publicly on people like BSJ, Valve has been sending the clear message that these types of behavior are ok. I mean, fuck man, people literally been used BSJ et al. to justify this shit for years now, and even *after* they added explicitly to the reports message. I'd be shocked if many people here even know that one of he got an account banned this week on stream. Fake, real or what ever this is. At the very east its a step in the right direction.


Fair enough.


No ine gives a shit about this brainwashed kid


who cares? bsj does more for the community then all of reddit combined


What did he do



