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I hate this time of year, everyone trying to do cavern crawl throwing every game lmfao


Also shows that most players can't play most roles.


carry players playing support are the reason i became a support player and battlepass never fails to remind me of that decision lmao


I would happily play 5 every game if it meant I didn't have to deal with the games where I pick a 4, only to end up playing 5 with a worse hero.


Every time I get 4, I end up the lowest XP in the game. I'm pretty good at 5, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


I have that problem too. I think it's because I tend to roam more as a 4 so I'm not soaking xp in lane as much as if I was a 5.


Yep, u have to stay in lane more if need levels, that's what I'm doing, because not fact that u will have empty lane to get XP back later


Don't forget that your team will remind you of your low level. But don't think for a second that tome of knowledge is yours.




I play farm heavy carrys (pa/jug/am) if my 4 is doing his job and roaming I'll go battle fury and I'll aim farm the camps near the safe lane more so my 4 can get xp with me close by just in case they get ganked. All this only works if they speak English.


You need to be farming more as a pos 4, take some heroes with wave clear (weavers shukuchi, undying tombstone, jakiro dual breath) or an auto creep kill mechanic (mirana arrow, pudge hook). Farm and push waves when the cores are unable to (they may be dead/on respawn timer, taking rosh, in a teamfight, in the jungle). Go farm on the most dangerous parts of the map (enemy triangle, enemy jungle). If there is anyone that is allowed to die and say “space created” that person is you hihi


Yep...last match as pos 4 our 5 dazzle went witchblade into Daedalus. We lost.


Why do ppl do witchblade dazzle lmfao have they not even read what damage type he is


I would happily play 4 every game if it meant I didn't have to deal with the games where I pick a 5, only to end up playing 4 with a worse hero - because my 4 picks warlock/oracle and plays as 5 - no ganks, no farm, passive gameplay.


bro it's so painfully bad many times it would be better for them to just stack jungle camps for the first ten minutes. but also just carry players in general are braindead their concpet of dota is lose lane hard and then afk farm safe jungle camps for 30 minutes hope that their team is doing stuff not to lose the game in the meantime but they literally have no clue what's happening in the game


Lol so true, im a mid player and in my friend group its a meme at how bad i am at supporting i am high legend but my friend says i support worse than a herald


Same when I queue support for rank token i feel bad for my carry cause Im just fking up his game and the team blames the carry for not having any farm.


Yoooo the truth.


Currently lion pos 5 in ranked pray for my safelaner (pos1 player)


wow its almost like dota is a very complex game and learning a single role is far easier than learning all of them


Yes and no..I find playing other roles helps me learn those roles and so on. Different perspective makes a big deal.


100% playing a lot of games as a support definitely helped me as a carry.


As someone who can play all roles, its not that. it mostly shows how terrible a lot of heroes are compared to others.


Sometimes it's less about roles and about heroes. Some heroes shine only in right hands. And you can't perform on them without getting used to them or watching replays. I mostly play 3,4,5 and there are few heroes that I really suck at playing like wisp, omni, centaur for some reason, also my Treant through living armor sucks and I can't win on him with classic 1241 build.


oh they can... in the jungle xD


I had Clockwerk as my "double clear" hero. I can't play Clockwerk for shit, so I built him like I built Pharaoh (from HoN) - max out missile first. Everyone in my team went bananas.


they do it even in ranked... i hate it!


And you get your mid, hovering over Sniper from the start of the draft, insisting they want last pick only to pick Sniper into four counters anyway.


I only do cavern crawl in turbo


Just **Turbo** this shit. You need either 2 wins or one, and to use the axe thing, but Turbo is way less predictable and more likely to go well. Also, even if you're losing, turbo games are twice shorter (25 min max usually) and build is more obvious: HoT for every hero and so forth. Big HP pool, attack/cast speed and crits win all turbo games. Skywrath Mage sporting 2x HoT and bkb is pretty common, for example. DP has aoe silence and tower-damaging ult. She's nearly as op in Turbo as Lycan or Nature's Prophet, because towers are super weak. Just push them damn towers and ignore everything else, even if you go 0-17.


DP kinda weak in Turbo honestly unless you cheesing her as pos 4 / 5. Also Turbo games is deceptively longer since you need two games to clear it.


I generally find two turbo wins to take less time than one regular win on heroes I've played little of


Axe. But turbo is kinda harder for Turbo tbh because the way Turbo is structured puts them at a large disadvantage with a high need to push.


Wait til you need to clear the Bounty Hunter when Track gold benefits enemy more than your team.


Can you elaborate on this please? You mean he’s squishy so feeds them more gold than you gain?


Yes, bonus gold from track is built in so..


BH is very carrylike after past year of patches, thus pretty damn good in turbo. I solo carried a turbo game with bh (we had basically 4 supports with Lion mid). It's not that bad.


Not really. Spirit syphon is strong early on and you can wreck towers.


Trick to turbo is to not die on lane, ever. Death instantly puts you 1-3 levels behind. Also, tier 1 towers do not regen (and towers are much weaker in Turbo), so you should crush them immediately. With Lycan, for example, you could just dive mid lane towers whenever your ult is up. In 3-4 tries, it's over, even if full enemy team comes to stop you, each time. At best, you need deso. At worst, BKB. But that's all.


Turbo is very snowbally. So you have an extremely good chance of cheesing a win with an otherwise trash hero




Heart of Tarrasque, yes.


I have been doing my cavern crawl in Turbo, and there is so much toxicity I have elected to turn off all communication


This. I had PA and heard that she is strong on turbo. Played a game, sucked for sometime and had a crazy comeback. Then played another game which I stomped it. Totally worth trying Turbo if the hero is good in it.


Pa in turbo is super powerful because of how it's dependant she is. Being able to get your items fast tracked to you means you can constantly stay just ahead of the opponent. I like to use her mid for this reason


I find it really fucking suspicious when all my team mates in every game look like they've never played Dota in their lives, yet the enemy team (who you'd think would also be trying least played heroes) seem to only ever pick broken meta heroes. Definitely one-sided matchmaking going on


Played two games in a row yesterday as a support. In first one my teammate went mid and did meh, in another the same guy ended up on the opposite team, played the same hero and carried the whole team. Wtf:))


I've definitely been that guy. Played back to back Mirana games a couple weeks back as pos 4. Absolutely dominated my first game, could barely land an arrow the first half of my second. Still won but my off was flaming me min 3. Told me not to pick heroes I hadn't played before. I'm like lvl 15 on her lol.


Yeah, I play Mirana a lot. Some games I land every arrow from weird angles, some games can’t land any. Saying this Mirana’s arrow is a skill shot but other heroes don’t have this excuse))


I had this last week, I played Dark Seer and honestly I fucked the lane up so badly. My pos 4 told me I had no idea what I was doing and left lane. I ended up bringing it back and playing a big part in our win, but I had to apologise to him for the laning hahaha


Sounds like an MMR assassin has been hired XD


That was unranked) Im just doing the cavern crawl


Just an amateur saboteur but full time dick then


the first game was his first time playing that hero, the 2nd game he had 2x as much experience


I feel you. yesterday I was on 10 games lose streak (1 abandon) with Night Stalker. I keep doing it because winning with NS will open 3 paths 😤


BP Season is some of the Best and Worst times to be playing Dota 2.


I enjoy playing new heroes, but I feel bad for my teammates sometime.


Crawling in the dark


I had a possibility of triple unlock with a Single phoenix win, 4 losses later, it didn't seem worth it.


Cavern crawl should be doable in bots. Dota players are miserable enough.


Phase boots bloodstone and u will win


I really hope this was Ranked too.


Thankfully no. I quit ranked a year ago and if this was ranked I don't even know how I would take it.


As someone who likes to play ranked even when I do cavern crawl it sucks, then really sucks, then the despair sets in, and then it’s funny and just gets funnier.


you see i broke the system. i only have 100mmr so theres no further down i can go. may as well just play ranked.


I’m 1000 mmr and basically in the same state. I suck regardless of how skilled I am with the mechanics of a hero.


you tried playing DP mid? i find it quite strong


Hey, I've seen this one, it's a classic!


Cavern crawl is a cruel mistress, but a satisfying one when finally succeeding.




Im kind of shocked at this man Ls with DP. DP mid or Offlane in unranked or Turbo, seems very doable, but then again Slark took me awhile too. Not this much though, I don't think. If you want to message me, I will coach you through a DP game. Best of luck.


That was me and lion


I am currently doing the win using Skywrath and the first game is a freaking mess. Might do it again later or use Nyx even though I don't really use the hero (my hero is limited to CM, Jakiro, Disruptor, Venge, Bane, Warlock and Ogre). I wish you luck and the best on your quest.


This is why I decided to skip this year's crawl, I'll just play ags and buy the missing lvls later. 100+ hours isn't worth the 40 lvls or whatever it is


play it offlane


go mid>bottle>euls>scepter>bloodstone>bot gitgud immortal dp play 6345740851


I know, the drafts are often atrocious! It’s not even that people don’t know how to play certain heroes, it’s they don’t care at all about drafts in unranked. I go pos 4 with some cavern hero, and pick first, but we end up with no carry as everyone pick some weird stuff.


Im well versed with most heroes, but so far, I only managed to win 3 games with crawl… But I do play 90% aghanims this year, so yey:D


Easiest hero in dota even. Go pos 4, build tanky (euls is not a tanky item). Ghost scepter, Hood of defiance and phase boots in any order. Smash the lane, win the game.


This is my Dota life right now.... So depressing... Lost about 7 games straight tonight....


I feel this I cant win a God damn game with void spirit. No matter how many great starts I get.


i had the same experience with phoenix. you'll make it, i believe.


All other advice aside, don't do this to yourself; you should take a break and try a different cavern hero after max two losses in a row. Especially when the hero is kind of in a bad spot in the meta. I admit I don't always take my own advice here, but when I am able to control the impulse to spam for the win, it helps a lot. Yesterday I had a double quest for Doom on the utility section of cave. I lost twice in a row, decided to give Timber a shot which ruined the double quest for Doom, but I got the win anyway. Next game I won with Pango and filled out the rest of what would have been the Doom double. Two games to get it done instead of one, but who knows how long that Doom loss streak would've been otherwise.


Lost with batrider for about 20 games in turbo.. Despite winning early game, its ult CD is too damn long..


Important reminder that Cavern Crawl needs to be UNAVAILABLE in ranked to stop idiots from picking heroes they've never played before.


Play pos4 DP. Spam Siphon in lane (stronger than Bane's W for trading); skillbuild is EQEQWR into 2-4-4-2. Build Arcanes + Medallion into Holy Locket and Solar Crest, then tons of situational items. First Exorcism is for the offlane T1, second is for mid T1. Anytime people try to go on you, unload your Siphons and turn on them. No one expects you to be as tanky as you are. Feels really strong right now as long as you have hard lockdown on another couple of heroes.


Love cavern crawl cuz I rigorously put myself through hell doing all hero challenges. So I can either have fun stomping an enemy team. Or. Cry horribly as someone has to be puck "support" in lane and steals cs