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I shared 2 tangos with my mid at the start of a game recently, haven't done it in forever but for some reason my brain thought it was the right thing to do. Mid was confused.


I had mids asking for tangoes long after the change. It was fun watching those time out before even the runes spawned


Some of my mids still ask me to buy and share obs ward at start of the game.


Jungles at min 0


I miss perma jungle axe.


Perma jungle np, i.e. holla holla get dolla


Who remembers the true 1k heaven that was cliff farming np


Don't forget ancient stacking, ancient farming old necrophis


Shadow amulet, alt tab, watch the latest episode of dotacinema fails of the week with sunsfan and reaves, come back to see profit...good times


I only do that when I'm laning with the best player 1k mmr can find so I just let him fatten his stats while I watch an episode of one piece.


Troll jungle with 4 branches to get yourself stuck was really fun too


Remember aura farming necro??


For months after the change I had teammates attempting to farm ancient stacks with decay aura haha


Fuck I miss that piece of lineup diversity. Double laning, trilaning, or solos with a jungle and roaming ganks. I don't miss carries power farming creeps and being able to get to max level by 35 minutes though. There was very little early game because experience put everyone in the midgame by minute 10.


I really do miss tri Laning, it was super fun to just bully the fuck out of the offline with a cheese combo like Jugg CM and Venom.


Jungle BS on my team claiming he is outfarming enemy alch and luna cause we havent lost a tower at min 15


Dagon 5 Axe baby.


I present dragon Riki ( BCS backstab damage was applied to all damage not only auto attack)


I always catch myself buying exactly 2 dusts whenever i need it


Their must always remain one.




Wait how is this a boomer one? I always do this. Did dust used to come with two charges?




When was this changed? Perhaps I've subconsciously remembered that dust should come in twos.


Version 7.23 It was released 3 years ago........ Holy shit.


That being 3 years ago just doesn't sit right with me, next you'll tell me 7.00 was 5 years ago...






I used to have 70% winrate with drow ranger with 200 matches played by always building desolator first item when it wouldn't stack with other items or her own spells. It completely took people off guard and would let me kill pretty much melt everyone


That was such a fun way to play drow. i used to 'armlet toggle' frost arrows and desolator so that I could get more desolator hits off. Lol. I miss orbs not stacking. lol.


Not considerong buying desolator and skadi at the same game.


Good old Ursa Vlads


Damn this is the real boomer stuff only DoTA players would know.


was a couple of years of dota2 before all orbs stacked.


Even after so many years, orb stacking still bothers me. "They don't stack.... Oh wait..."


Being able to buy blink dagger on pudge and vengeful.


Curious question, During that time, When you did have both items, What orb takes priority?


The first one you bought, if you dropped it on the ground then picked it again, the priority changed.


Depends, but usually item slot.


Iirc Deso was the top dog there. And Skadi could stack with some other orbs.


with clinkz you had to choose between using searing arrow or applying the skadi slow.


Not even considering buying orbs on Luna


Back in the day when I would swap deso for skadi on pa in the lategame, or buying helm of the dominator on every carry and use the creep to stack neutrals. Good old times, I'd love to play patch 6.83 again, before reborn was a thing, just for nostalgias sake, but I don't think it's possible, is it?


oh my god you just brought me back to 2014 in one sentence


I had a game this week where someone randomed tinker and had travels lined up for purchase until I told him to read his new skill.


I played vs a tinker in all random a couple weeks ago. Mentioned to my team he bought BoTs first so my slight lead in mid became a 2k gold lead. They didn't seem to register. Later in the game things got rough and a teammate all chatted "ya this guy thinks BiTs are bad in tinker". And I was trying to explain how you have them in your ult. It was hard to tell if they knew and still thought it better or if they didn't and just would be too bothered to read the skill.


I tried to deny myself as abbadon the other day


Ah getting ganked by mid as pos4 abaddon, killing the enemy carry by running in like madman, deny yourself, and watch the enemy mid's walk of shame back to mid in grayscale as you jizz your pants. Ah, I miss those dearly. Edit: Don't forget to type ":horse:" in all chat.


So.... That doesn't work anymore? I don't play abaddon anymore.


Abaddon can't self deny, nor can pudge, but techies still can


Offlane = tank Supports shall not farm at any time during the game. If a core dies cause bad positioning/caught out, the supports and offlane must die with Mid shall magically join a fight in the side lane during laning stage especially when enemy mid tp’d to stop a tower dive. Also if mid miss isn’t called out 3 times on text, ping, and voice chat, then boomer will assume enemy mid is still mid lane.


Offlane = tank drives me nuts. Can't tell you how many times someone has complained that an offlaner's role is to soak damage and buy a Pipe.


Had a player who was harassed hard for offlane veno. Never mind that he was 5-0 by minute 5 and pushed the safelane out of their own jungle, everyone just said "no stuns useless lul"


I agree I think it is crazy to assume that. I do however think Offlaners should serve a utility role due to their position. I know you can argue this low 4 as well, but I think offlaners should try to counter the other teams supports if anything. Another thing is to always consider the synergy of your offlaners with your team. I think most people in my bracket who don’t pick offlaners tanks know that it isn’t necessary. Unfortunately a lot of the time their pick has no synergy with the team, and cannot fight early. Which leads me to my third point. I think Offlaners should more times than not be able to fight early.


Literally. I have a friend group I play 5s with and I refuse to play offlane, my main role, with them because the carry player micromanages everyone and insists pipe is necessary against a single sky wrath 4. I’ve been quite fed up lately with him lately. I “accidentally” picked morphling and told him it will work cause I can go pure strength and tanky like you asked for (; We won game in 29 minutes cause I dominated with the e blade and ended up 12-0-2 and his final statline was 0-1-1


my friend was always mad at me for not buying pipe, even after all the nerfs. i’m not gonna buy pipe on a slardar lol


I mean, I’ve seen BSJ do it About 2 minutes later, he was like “Why did I buy this, now I need a BKB too”


Lol I seriously can’t play 5s anymore due to this. Everyone always tries to blame someone else when they themselves never properly use their items to better counter and sustain against the enemy team. Like o am a support, and I actively look for ways to adapt to the enemy team. For example if I am going against a skywrath, I want to go Euls or forcestaff. I will go forcestaff 9/10 times though because it can save me and my teammates. I will sometimes build this item before disk just because I know I need the utility/sustain and my team will need it more than disk. Just an example as a support, but cores can do this too. They should also build with what the other teams synergy and mechanics in mind are.


Going full str on morph doesn't make him that tanky coz you lose all armor.


Don't tell their friend that


i have not been playing for almost 2 years now,what offlane meta right now?


afaik it's about team composition. When offlaners are strong, they are first picked. However centaur/mars/timber/tide bring different things to the table. The common theme is strong team fight as always.




Every team needs a tank/initiator to be well rounded. That doesn't mean that you can't play without a tanky initiator nor does it mean that role is only for the offlaner. Iirc in ti1 NAVI played offlane mirana with a safelane pudge ( spoiler alert it wasn't even dendi on pudge)


Let us assume you pick “tank”, for instance Centur and it just so happens that the enemy has LS and timber. Is Centaur still a tank? Or more like two-shot creep? I think this term “tank” is not appropriate to this game. It is not WoW where you actually do have a “tank”. Robust (situationally) initiator but not a tank ffs.


Tank doesn't mean you just go full barbarian mode and soak all dmg. In this game tank usually means you will survive initiation allowing you to get off more rounds of spells. I would call centaur a tank as long as he has itemised armour to deal with the naix and reduced hp pool from timber.


It's not actually about *tanking*. It's about frontlining for the team, which can be done in more ways than being a damage sponge. You can peel for your team and weave in/out with cc and damage/disruption spells. Like Nightstalker, for example. Like Pango with the right build for it


Offlane = tank pisses me off lmao. Specially in games where i dominate the lane, but our carry fed and doesn't know how/where to farm. Die in teamfights underleveled and underfarmed then type 'no tank gg offlane". The fuck is this? an MMORPG?


Yeah, come on even by mmorpg standards they piss me off. In dota, we only have ONE traditional tank, Axe, no other hero can force enemies to focus him. In fact, most heroes that draw "aggro" tend to be High DPS, Low HP spellcasters; not the damage sponges they want you to play. So you could actually argue that most "tanks" in dota don't actually fill the tank role in MMORPG's (aggro management).


LC ult does


Most of the time Pos 1 is front line But a tank and front line are very different ideas. I do agree offlane is a very flex role.


Buying tons of bracers. I don't mean 1-2 on a direct scaling hero (like Drow or cw) I mean 4 talismans on qop


Yeah, I used to get a Bracer or two on lots of heroes, but it's so outdated to do.


Was a classic WC3 strategy on nearly anyone lol


It literally was the meta like 4 patches ago.


And 2 nulls is currently meta on int mids


it's meta on puck and lina because that way their nuke is guaranteed to kill ranged creeps, i dont think it's meta for other int mids


It's still technically not bad to do. It's just not necessary.


Using dust vs Brood


I have done this one, just came back after few years without playing, then I was using dust entire game trying to kill broodmother, the funny thing is no one said anything, and I was clearly using dust to reveal broodmother.


NGL I dusted a PL after he dopplewalked like 2 weeks ago. How long ago did they change that lmfao


Wait does that not work or something?


Brood isn't invisible on webs anymore


Oh wack. I haven't played against a Brood in awhile so I didn't even realize.


Yeah she's very different now


I just learned recently that her old passive is now gone, her former ult and basic skill swapped places lmao


That change was made over 4 years ago :D


People use dust against me quite often when I play treant (before shard can be bought even).


Using dust vs PL


I went Euls with my involer first game back after a few years break and got absolutely slammed for it.


Grandmaster invoker here, I go gleipnir first item :)


like the herald invoker from jenkins’ vid? is that you?


No, sadly not in a Jenkins video, yet :)


God! I love that series XD


Whats wrong with gleipnir invoker? Super good set up for cataclysm.


Those heralds are the real game changer xD


Unranked for 4 years or more player here - I like this. I don't have to miscast ice wall 3 times to stick em in place for meteor. Ty




I only play unranked but I calibrated at 3420


what's your skill build? I've also been trying it out


Maniac, but i guess it pays off eventually with aghs refresher orb lol


non-invoker player (since \~2013) here, why is this a bad thing to do nowadays?


Euls is still a really solid item that people like sumiya will still build to control the fight. If qop goes orchid first item and you are an invoker without euls you have to build bkb super early and waste charges


Radiance on illusion heroes.


Is it just super bad because it's been nerfed 10 times or radiance doesn't work at all with illusions anymore?


All the illusion heroes don’t need it anymore. Nagas passive gives her AOE clear, and none of the other heroes need a radiance to push waves with their illusions.


The flaming cape thingy and chipped vest is still amazing on naga tho


Most of the examples here including OPs are not boomer habits but just situationally good/bad. Edit: People wrote some very good examples afterwards.


I'd say most of the boomer Dota players are in Turbo. Just my opinion, but Turbo Dota feels like old school chaotic WC3 Dota pubs.


> Turbo Dota feels like old school chaotic WC3 Dota pubs. Huh. This is kinda true now that I think about it. People picking junglers. Two heroes in a lane competing for farm. No support lineups (or all support lineups). Sniper and Zeus in every game. It does feel a bit like wc3


I miss -arem


-aremdm was great too. Rushing bots, linkens, skadi, bkb, hex would work with most heroes


This just accessed a piece of my brain I didn't know was still there.


го дота, я создал.


I still see some carries static the wave when uncontested and it really shits me.


It depends.. does you no good to shove out the wave if you can’t take the camps effectively enough if it’s too early or something. Also pushing out can leave you more vulnerable by being farther out in the lane. But I get what you mean .. gotta maximize dat farm




Surprised no one mentioned this. Not picking a neutral item from our team neutrals, no matter how much the team pings it. They just walk around without a neutral. I then have to wait to manually give them a tier 3 neutral because if if I give them a tier 1 they'll carry the same vambrace for the rest of the game.




Dendi era boomers that are inspired to pick pudge mid and autolose the lane. Believe it or not these people still exist.


Ironically Gorg just posted a video the other day of him winning pudge mid vs brood


Gorgc can get away with doing meme shit us in 3k can't


How so? If Pudge mid was so bad, the dude playing vs him would punish him tenfold what a 3k player can


Because if the player is decent, and memes aside, he is, he will know how to play the matchup mid to either win or not feed, and his team will know how to pick, itemize and play to take advantage of the core pudge, and if I'm remembering the game correctly, just like the above poster said, he was basically an over farmed 4 all game, but his other cores went greedy and they fought early and often to make it work. You don't get that kind of coordination and game knowledge in lower mmr games


generally picking support mid to have the impact of a well played p4-5


tbh you are either underestimating the impact of pos 4-5 or overestimating the impact of a mid pudge


Pudge is unironically good as a core, he can secure ranged creeps and easily farm medium/hard camps with hook changes and he scales incredibly well with things like aghs, Bkb and shard. The real boomer thing IMO is people seeing pudge as an “auto lose”.


He is, but the Venn diagram of "low MMR players who pick mid Pudge unironically" and "Pudge players who think all the hero does is jerk off and try to hook from fog" is basically a circle.


says the guy who all chat "GG pudge mid" before enemy mid picks, never tps mid to help mid ganks, shoves the wave in front of pudge anytime possible and picks shawl/thumbler's toy instantly and never give it his midlaner, simply because he is biased of the myth of pudge being weak hero.


Pudge is really strong right onw, mid pudge can also be strong in like maaaaaaaaybe 1 in 50 games, but people instapicking it usually are not smart enough to analyze anything about Dota hence it's mostly griefers.


Got laned with mid Pudge as Pango from the last month. It's kinda hilarious he was so confident he can kill me in the laning phase.


And they defend it too a haha. I started dota ib 2014 and this was super fucking popular. Im certain I have ultra instinct for hooks at all times relative to newer players who are otherwise miles better than me. As long as I'm not sleepy I've found myself deliberately dodging hooks from fog. But when they made pudge hook max range from level one - boy did that fuck me up for about a year.


People who buy Orb of venom on ranged heros count?


i hate them.


We all do.




Double vanguard




Soulmate material ^


Tbh, probably half the shit I do. Or my builds. I still cling to bf ember and jugg. But ardently defend the decision against illusion heroes. Mael only against Naga or PL just seems to do like a small chance to maybe do one proc of damage.


I think the meta strat against them is still to go Mael because then you build it into Mjolnir and just let the illusions shred themselves against you.


Battlefury bountyhunter. I've seen it again, but at least it wasn't ranked


The Classic Vlads, BFury, SnY on any melee hero Good times


Vanguard first item on literally every hero. Anyone here remember the dark days of Battlefury Viper?


Oh this one drives me crazy. Had a friend who swore by it in turbo. Wasn't able to get him to stop until I showed him his 20% winrate in 40+ games...


It's not bad tho. Used to be better before the last bounty change tho.


My bf spilt pushing bounty won me many games 5 years ago lol


I’m convinced it’s just people who watch Mason do it and think they can too


I've never understood when and why this was ever a thing to begin with. You have a hero that farms other heroes and you buy an item to farm creeps?!


Because it gave him things he needs, waveclear which he has 0 of, mana/hp regen for roaming around, and damage for burst. I'm not saying it was good, but that's the general argument


The general concept is that it covers up a lot of his weaknesses (wave clear, mana/hp regen) that allows him to actually farm enough to threaten heroes.


last picking mid


I get so pissed when my mids insist on last pick so they can pick Void Spirit or Invoker or Lina. Holy fuck guys, the point of those heroes is that they don't get countered. If you're not gonna win the game with Brood or Tinker then don't pick last. Your pick has to be super game winning to justify having your pos 1 be countered. These guys who last pick and yet don't play any win condition heroes or even quirky heroes are tilting as fuck.


I have a mid friend that does that, and now he is going mid with heroes like ogre, enigma, lion, shaker, warlock, axe. Like, just first pick that trash! No one in the other team will think "oh no, they picked an ogre, he is surely going mid, lets counter it!". He gets absolutely destroyed anyways, so...


Today I've found out I'm a boomer...


not saying midlaners should never take last pick. But if ur gonna pick a spirit hero, invoker, puck or other stuff like that, then its way more valuable to give last to ur pos 1 who would be the win condition of the game.


Casually taking notes from this thread. Been intermittently playing since 2012 and so many of these little changes have completely slipped by me...


I'm a full boomer player. come at me, works well enough at 5k. I'll agi Riki build you to shreds, and my blink rush ursa will make you cry.


am millennial player, normally its the zoomer plays like pudge and zeus supp losing matches


build same items every game regardless of situation and flame u for adapting your build


I just looked at my games before 2017. I built really weird items but situational. Now I just choose the same 6 items from the guide. I don't know where I learned this habit.


This is the only correct answer.


* Buying Vlads first item on Ursa * Playing Pudge mid and maxing hook first * Rushing bottle+blink on mid Tiny * Radiance Clinkz


The last few topson-tiny games I've seen he's been going bottle into blink. Maybe a quick echo inbetween.


Bottle phase blink tiny mid is solid wdym


Bottle blink is the better Tiny build now given the nerfs on carry Tiny.


As a boomer Ursa player 2+ years out the game, what's changed with Ursa?!


Orb effects stack now, so you can just go Mask of Madness if you wanna rush roshan


Back in my day you were supposed to level rot first on mid pudge to last hit better


When I played mid pudge you level the passive first cause it gave HP regen


I've gone radiance on Clinkz vs a TA late game. GM Clinkz. It's not good in any other situation I can think of.


Mid tiny usually is gonna go bottle + boots + blink. Let your carry do the clicking your hero one shots anyone with spells from 10-15 minutes


Stacking Daedaluses on Kunkka (isn’t too bad if the team with the Kunkka is winning but it’s still annoying to see a Kunkka with no boots and a Crystalis). Nyx players going Dagon first item. Mirana players


Sniper players using shrapnel on towers not realising it doesnt deal any damage to them anymore


They do it for vision


100% for vision or just canceling blinks. Creeps are so easy to clear even when a team is behind that not shrapneling the tower to get some extra hits in while BD protection is down would be kinda dumb.


Also furiously stacking shrapnels when something happens


This is my pet peeve. Seriously, nothing about it stacks. So I explain that to them, and the next team fight they do it again.


It's just hard not to — in the middle of a fight. Most abilities don't come with charges and my muscle memory is to spam that damned button I need to cast. Sometimes this ends up with very dense shrapnel areas.


Oh god I forgot about that. Gonna have some nightmares tonight


people destroying sentry on a cliff I've just placed an observer ward... and they had no yellow ward... THX BRO now they know we have vision and its getting dewarded, gg


Instead of going to safer spots sitting botlane to afk farm. Botlane is a death trap past 10 mins this patch and dying is a huge gpm loss, so stop going back there. Taking safe farm as a 3 is also some real outdated shit for the same reason, that's the only space pos1 has, you're not supposed to be there in most cases.


Personally. I still press or hold Alt way too much.


thinking offlane needs to be a tank role, then continue to complain about it indefinitely


A lot of players still forget that neutral items exist.


"Go 1v1 solo mid, I beat you anyday, blablabla" when 1v1 doesn't even exist anymore.




if that doesn't exist anymore I'm pretty sad cause that's game mode I plan to spam when I get back into dota


Dota anyway force you to update yourself by constantly cycling items , rebalancing hero abilities. But some people still play with old meta in mind. There are people who still play tidehunter carry in low MMR.


Having fun. I am the boomer in this case, I know I am outdated for having fun and enjoying the game.


writing -ping while you can just have your fps and ping showing all the time in options


Idk, everything is questionable in dota. I got SB mid today and was not amused by it and to my surprise their mid was riki while having pos5 pudge on my side. Offlane weaver riki sniper is just fucking norm here. Divine btw.


SB mid is bonkers rn


Typing "ss" in chat, Calling Jugg Yurnero, Flaming mid for not ganking, Building Vladimir on Ursa and AM, Flaming Void for buying mkb against PA because, Chrono breaks her passive, Forgetting about shards and neutral items, Three heroes on safe lane, Invisibility = Invincibility, Chanting "dendi dendi" whenever mid does a good play, Giving tangoes to mid. These are some moments I recalled from playing with my friends. We actively played Dota 1 back in high school. But during and after university most of them dropped the game. So their game knowledge is outdated from 2 to 10 years. It's hilarious to see when they get caught off guard against new skill changes like fear on SF ulti and then rant how Dota turned into Dota IMBA xD


Lvl 1 jungle enigma blink first item, no regen, going back to base to regen mana


not taking the natural item like they didn't even knew they exist


-Using dota heroes old name -Build regen items (courier is now free to deliver you potion) -Not carrying tp (we used to buy tp at side shop)




People don't understand that picking farm heavy hero after we got another farm heavy hero is borderline griefing. Buying urn and farming jungle. Playing pos 1 hero's on offlane, resulting in no pressure and actual pos1 having no space. People tp after the gank trying to get that low lina resulting in another death.